Applied Psychology
Leaderless group discussion
A group of canidates are confronted by clerks who repeativly bring in problems that the canidates must solve.
Demographic information
Age,sex,race,occupation,education,politcal affirmation, religion, and socialeconomic status.
Theory X
Also known as scientific management, uses time & motion studies, task analysis, job specialization, assembly lines, amd paybschedules to increase productivity.
Territirial Behavior
Any behavior that tends to define a space as ones own or thst protects it from intruders.
Task Analysis
Breaking sports skills into subparts so the key elements can be identified and taught.
In Basket Test
Canidates are given a basket full of memos, they must decide which memos are most important.
Environmental Psychology
Concerned with the relationship between environments and human behavior.
Direction Instruction
Factual information presented by lecture, demonstration, and rote practice.
Garners Theory of Multiple Intillogences
Helped develop new learning styles.
Mental Practice
Imagining a skilled performance to help learning
Assesment Center
In depth job evaluation of canidates
Includes tests, interviews, and work situation evaluation.
Horrible Mousery
John Calhouns expiriment where he places an excess if mice in a small space causing overcrowding and aggression between the mice.
Halo Effect
Jurers often find the attractive defendents not guilty regardless of evidence.
Territorial Markers
Objects and ither signals that indicate ownership or control of a particular area.
Peak Performance
Physical, emotional, and mental states are harmonous and optimal.
Aspects of Enivironmental Psychology
Physical- natural/contructed, Social- defined by groups of people, Behavioral Settings- environment w/ a well defined pirpose.
Teaching Stradegy
Planned method of intruction
Frederick Taylor
Proposed theory x "scientific managment"
Situational Judgement Tests
Roleplay situations where the canidate must make descisions.
Educational Psychology
Seeks to understand how people learn.
Motor skills
Series of actions molded into a smooth and efficient performance.
Mock Juries
Simulated juries; jurers watch fake trials or read fake scenarios in order to determine hiw they will behave in a real case.
Scientific Jury Selection
Social science principles are applied to the process of choosing a jury.
Attentional Overload
Stressful condition that occurs when sensory stimulation, information, and social contact make excessive demands.
Noise Pollution
Stressful, annoying, and intrusive noise. Usually genertaed by machinery.
Industrial/Organizational Psychologist
Study behvior of people at work and in organizations. Usually work in gov., Industry, business. Guide who to hire or how to improve worker performance.
Sports Psychology
Study if behavioral dimensions of sports performance.
Psychology of Law
Study of behavioral demensions of the legal system.
Architectural Psychology
Study of the effects buildings have on behavior.
Subjective feelings or being overstimulated by social inputs or loss of privacy.
Discovery Learning
Teachers encourage students to construct knowledge for themselves.