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Alfred Kinsey

- Alfred Kinsey studied sexual behavior and interviewed thousands of people about their sex life - By middle age 50% of males and 20% of females have some overt same-sex sexual experience - 37% of males and 13% of females have had at least one homosexual experience to the point of orgasm between adolescence and old age - 10% of males are exclusively homosexual for at least three years of life - The Kinsey Scale heterosexual and homosexual behavior 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 4% of females are exclusively homosexual over their lifetime

Sigmund Freud

- Freud was an essentialist who believed that sexuality is innate - Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of psychoanalysis - Psychoanalytic Theory - Personality development - Oral (0-1), Anal (1-3), Phallic (3-5/6), Latent (5/6-puberty), & Genital (puberty- adulthood) Gender identity forms at age 5 to 6 - Male: Oedipus complex - Female: Electra complex

Rev. Faldwell

- His critique of the TV show, Teletubbies and particularly Tinky Winky - He believed Tinky Winky promoted a gay lifestyle and feared that the show Teletubbies would make American kids gay. -Obviously he was confused over gender role and sexual orientation!

Tuskegee Project

- In 1932, the Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began a study to record the natural history of syphilis in hopes of justifying treatment programs for blacks. - The study initially involved 600 black men - 399 with syphilis, 201 who did not have the disease. -The study wasconducted without the benefit of patients' informedconsent. Researchers told the men they were beingtreated for "bad blood," a local term used to describe several ailments, including syphilis, anemia, and fatigue. - In truth, they did not receive the proper treatment needed to cure their illness. In exchange for taking part in the study, the men received free medical exams, free meals, and burial insurance. Although originally projected to last 6 months, the study actually went on for 40 years.

Albert Bandura

- Social learning theory - Young children and their understanding of gender -Psychologist and Professor Emeritus of Social Science in Psychology at Stanford University Social Learning Theory -Children are treated different based on their biological sex and their genitalia -Close contacto Imitation of superiors -Observing - Reinforcement -Positive & Negative Reinforcement -Children are often punished for gender "inappropriate" behaviors and rewarded for gender "appropriate" behaviors

Sandra Bem

- Studied gender and how we become "gendered" in society - Gender Schema Theory - American psychologist known for her works in androgyny and gender studies - Gender Schema Theory (1981) - Cognitive theory to explain how individuals become gendered in society, and how sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of a culture - Set of items that people associate with being male or female. - Includes behaviors, personality, appearance, etc. - Predisposed people to process information on the basis of these beliefs.

Jack Morin

- The 4 Corners of Eroticism - Sexual scripts being to form in childhood


- This is a physiological response involving the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. - It results in vasodilation and accompanying erection and vaginal lubrication and then increase in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and increased muscle tension. -This corresponds to Masters' and Johnson's excitement and plateau phases.

Jocelyn Elders

- U.S. Surgeon General under the Clinton administration - Her perspective on masturbation

William Masters and Virginia Johnson

- used direct observation and experimentation to study sexual response cycle (4 stages): 1.Excitement (initial arousal) 2.Plateau (at full arousal, but not yet at orgasm) 3. Orgasm 4. Resolution (after orgasm) - Studied sexual response starting with what happens during arousal through orgasm

Roe v. Wade

-(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy -The Supreme Court ruled that a right to privacy under the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests for regulating abortions. 1. Protecting prenatal life2. Protecting the woman's health a. 1st trimester—decision is between a woman and her physician b. 2nd trimester—states may regulate abortion to protect the life of the mother e.g. where abortion may be performed c. 3rd trimester—states may regulate abortion to protect the life of the fetus except in extreme circumstances e.g. when the life of the mother is threatened

Roe v. Wade

-1st trimester—decision is between a woman and her physician -2nd trimester—states may regulate abortion to protect the life of the mother e.g. where abortion may be performed -3rd trimester—states may regulate abortion to protect the life of the fetus except in extreme circumstances e.g. when the life of the mother is threatened

President Reagan & AIDS

-During the first seven years of the AIDS epidemic, the president -Reagan and the White House did nothing. -Reagan would ultimately address the issue of AIDS while president. His remarks came May 31, 1987 (near the end of his second term), at the Third International on AIDS in Washington. -When he spoke, 36,058 Americans had been diagnosed with AIDS and 20,849 had died. The disease had spread to 113 countries, with more than 50,000 cases. President Reagan -Rev. Falwell said, "AIDS is the wrath of God upon homosexuals." -Reagan's communications director Pat Buchanan argued that AIDS was, "Nature's revenge on gay men."


-From the outset, AIDS was associated with a high level of stigma and discrimination. -This prejudice arose in part because AIDS was linked to groups, such as gay men and intravenous drug users, that were already highly stigmatized, but also because evidence-based information about what was causing AIDS, and how it might be passed on, was in short supply. -For a while the American government completely ignored the emerging AIDS epidemic. In a press briefing at the White House in 1982, a journalist asked a spokesperson for President Reagan: "...does the President have any reaction to the announcement - the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, that AIDS is now an epidemic and have over 600 cases?" The spokesperson responded - "What's AIDS?" -To a question about whether the President, or anybody in the White House knew about the epidemic, the spokesperson replied, "I don't think so". -In 1986, the Surgeon General's Dr. Everett Koop's report on AIDS was published. -This report was the government's first major statement on what the nation should do to prevent the spread of AIDS. The "unusually explicit" report urged parents and schools to start "frank, open discussions" about AIDS.

HIV/AIDS Epidemic: The Beginning

-In the early 1980s, doctors in Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco began seeing young men with unusual disease for their age group. -June 1981 -5 cases of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, (PCP), a rare form of fungal pneumonia infecting the lungs. -July 1981 -26 cases of Kaposi's Sarcoma, a cancer usually associated with elderly men of Mediterranean ethnicity.

Untreated course of infection

-On average it takes about 8-12 years to be diagnosed with AIDS for a person who lives with HIV and does not receive any form of treatment. -Some progress to AIDS within 1 year of having been infected. -Some have not progressed to AIDS despite living with HIV disease for decades.

AIDS Diagnosis

-People are diagnosed with AIDS when they have certain signs or symptoms defined the CDC. -The CDC's definition of AIDS includes: 1. Less than 200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter of blood. The CD4 count of someone without HIV ranges from 500 cells/mm3 to 1,200 cells/mm3. 2. Opportunistic infection (OI) - Tuberculosis -Cancer - Pneumonia


-Saliva -Coughing -Sneezing - Utensils -Insect bites -Touching -Sharing objects (unless infectious fluids are present)


-The release from maximum levels of physiological and psychological sexual tension. -It is primarily a sympathetic nervous system response.

David Reimer

-Was an identical twin who got circumcised due to phimosis - John Money, social psychologist - Milton Diamond, biologist


-Within the medical community, it quickly became apparent that the disease was not specific to men who have sex with men. -People who became infected via: -Blood transfusion -Intravenous drug users -Heterosexual and bisexual women -Newborn babies -In 1982 CDC renamed the syndrome AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

Embryonic development is associated with what weeks of pregnancy?

0-8 weeks

The ________ are the site of sperm and hormone production. The __________ are the site of sperm maturation and storage. During sexual arousal the _________ and the _______ will engorge with blood making the penis erect. The ______ contracts to stop the flow of urine or the expulsion of semen. Urine and semen are both transported by the _____ , but usually not at the same time. The _________ produce a viscous fluid rich in fructose and other substances that makes up about 70% of semen. About 25-30% of semen is coming from the ________, and less than 1% is coming from the ______.

1 ; 2 ; 8 ; 10 ; 7 ; 9 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6

Of the people who are HIV positive in the U.S., how many are aware of their infection?

1 in 7

During what weeks of pregnancy are the vast amount of abortions performed in the US?

1-12 weeks

Approximately how many people live with HIV disease in the US?

1.1 million

About how many people identify as trans in the U.S.?

1.4 million

During what week of pregnancy does the external genitalia begin to develop?


Young boys often being puberty sometime between the ages of:


About how long does the average orgasm last?

10-20 seconds

The ___________ of the penis contains numerous nerve endings and may bring sexual pleasure during stimulation. Semen and urine are expelled from the __________ , but usually not at the same time. Semen is made up of sperm and fluid from the ________, _________ and __________. Gametes (sperm) are produced in the __________.

13; 9; 4, 5, 6; 1

Perpetrators of sexual violence most often abuse people in the ages of?


In what year were the first cases of AIDS reported?


What year did the Supreme Court rule that same-sex marriage be legalized?


How many chromosomes are in the egg?


How many chromosomes are in the sperm?



2nd highest concentration

The __________ transports egg(s) and fertilization takes place here. A fertilized egg(s) will implant in the __________. The organs responsible for producing hormones and ova (eggs) are called ___________. The _______ also known as the birth canal contains numerous folds known as rugae. The __________, are also known as the outer lips of the vulva.

3 ; 13 ; 7 ; 11 ; 8

How long is the NuvaRing left in place?

3 weeks

Globally, how many people live with HIV/AIDS?

37.9 million

vaginal fluids

3rd highest concentration

Most often a human being will have _____ autosomes and ______ sex chromosomes.


rectal mucosa

4th highest concentration

We learned that certain hormones and enzymes are needed to be present for the development of external genitalia. The presence of the enzyme {5 ARD} is required in order for testosterone to be converted to {DHT}. This hormone is essential for the development of the {XY} external genitalia. Individuals who lack this enzyme are often born with external genitalia that resembles that of {XX} external genitals. This intersex condition is known as {5 ARD}.

5 RD, DHT, XY, XX, 5 ARD

Someone with a chromosomal make-up of XY but who lacks the enzyme 5-α reductase and can therefore not convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), describes an intersex condition known as:

5-alpha reductase deficiency (5ARD)

What enzyme is needed to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone?


breast milk

5th highest concentration

The ______ is the most sexually sensitive part of the female genitalia. Implantation of a fertilized egg occurs in the _______. Urine is expelled from the ______ , and menstrual flow will exit the body through the ______. Gametes (ova) are produced in the _______.

6 ; 13 ; 9 ; 11 ; 7

The ______ is the most sexually sensitive part of the female genitalia. Implantation of a fertilized egg occurs in the _______. Urine is expelled from the ______ , and menstrual flow will exit the body through the ______. Gametes (ova) are produced in the _______.

6 ; 13 ; 9 ; 14 ; 7

During what week of pregnancy do the gonads transform into either testes or ovaries?

6th Week for testes and 12th-16th Week for ovaries

How long does it take to produce a human sperm?

74 days

During what week of pregnancy does the internal genitalia begin to develop?


Young girls often being puberty sometime between the ages of:


What is a hypospadias?

A birth defect of the urethra where the urinary opening is not at the usual location on the head of the penis.

A genderqueer individual is typically defined as:

A gender-nonconforming person who identifies outside a gender binary.

orgasmic phase

A highly pleasurable response involving the feeling of physiological and psychological release from maximum levels of sexual excitement. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is most dominant in this phase.

obsteric fistula

A hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder that is caused by prolonged obstructed labor.


A painful, persistent, non-erotic erection that is not relieved by ejaculation.

corpora cavernosa

A pair of sponge-like tissue that contain most of the blood in the penis during erection.

Gender identity

A person's individual internal sense and subjective experience of their own gender.

pelvic inflammatory disease

A serious infection that develops in the pelvic region when certain STDs or other infections aren't treated.


A set of attributes and gender performativity that are socially constructed and culturally bound, made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors associated with a combination of masculine and feminine characteristics.


A set of attributes and gender performativity that are socially constructed and culturally bound, made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors associated with boys and men.


A set of attributes and gender performativity that are socially constructed and culturally bound, made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors associated with girls and women.

Gender role

A set of social and behavioral norms that dictate how we should think, speak, dress, and interact within the context of society.

What was the Tuskegee Study about?

A study conducted by the US Public Health Service that explored the progression of untreated syphilis in African American men who thought they were receiving free treatment for "bad blood".

tubal ligation

A surgical procedure in which both fallopian tubes are blocked, tied, or cut. Though the ovaries will continue to produce and release mature eggs, tubal ligation will prevent egg and sperm from getting together, thus resulting in sterilization.


A surgical procedure where the vas deferens from each testicle is clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed. This prevents sperm from mixing with the rest of the semen that is ejaculated from the penis, thus resulting in sterilization.

What is compulsory heterosexuality?

A term popularized by poet Adrienne Rich, that explains a cultural phenomena related to heteronormativity. It describes the domination of culture by those in heterosexual relationships and the social expectations tied to the belief that heterosexuality is the norm and all other sexual orientations are deviant.


A tube located at the back of each testicle that stores and carries sperm.

What is cystitis?

A urinary tract infection, also known as UTI

Which of the following is a significant social issue that out gender variant people and intersex people face in their daily lives?

A. Access to safe and appropriate restrooms. B. The severing of many pre-existing ties upon coming out. C. Unemployment.

If a menstrual cycle is ______ days long, ovulation will take place on the ______ day of the cycle.

A.35 ; 21st B.21 ; 7th C.28 ; 14th

Which of the following are reasons that the media is influential through advertising?

A.Advertisements are based on vulnerability and acceptance. B.Advertisements have subliminal messages. C.Advertisements are customized and lack interactivity.

What are some reasons as to why sexual violence and abuse is so grossly underreported?

A.An unawareness of what the process of reporting sexual violence and abuse entails. If I say anything about what has happened to my teacher, school counselor, or even a friend, then they might report and it will become a police investigation. B.Feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame, and a worry about what will happen to abuser if a report is made, are often reasons as to why reports of sexual violence and abuse are not made. C.Since 4 out 5 people who have experienced some form of sexual violence knows the person who abused them, it is often challenging to report someone you have some sort of relationship to.

When are people diagnosed with intersex conditions?

A.At birth. B.During puberty. C.During adulthood. D.Sometimes never.

What are some of the benefits of breastfeeding an infant?

A.Breast milk supports infants' immune system and may protect them later in life from chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes. B.Breast milk contains antibodies that help infants fight off viruses and bacteria. C.From a global perspective, and infant that is not exclusively breastfed could be at a substantially greater risk of death from diarrhea or pneumonia than one who is.

What does discourse mean?

A.Certain ways of thinking. B.The use of specific language. C.Ways of constituting knowledge. D.Describes relations between different forms of power.

The vulva is the external genital organs of the female and consists of...

A.Clitoris B.Mons pubis C.Labia majora D.Labia minora

If you think you might have an STD..

A.Communicate with your partner(s) as soon as possible; while this is not always easy, it is a responsibility that comes with the decision to have sex. B.It's advisable that you get tested at your doctor's office, or at sexual and reproductive health care clinic such as, Planned Parenthood. D.Refrain from sexual activity or take extra percussion until the test results are known.

Reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies will help to prevent abortions. According to your course reader some ways to achieve this include:

A.Comprehensive pregnancy prevention education. B.Increase acceptance and access to contraception. D.Use of contraception needs to be a formal/informal value.

What are some important aspects of being a supportive LGBTQI ally?

A.Confront Your Prejudice. It may be uncomfortable, but it's important to examine yourself and the assumptions you make. Think about the jokes you tell and the pronouns you use. Examine your behavior and focus on how to be a better ally. B.Respect the Pronouns. When someone tells you what pronoun they prefer, use it. Always. If you're unsure of what to use, try "them" or "they." C.Be Open. LGBTQ people often face a lot of judgment and discrimination. You can create a safe place by simply being willing to talk and not passing judgment. Start by listening and asking open-ended questions. D.Challenge Your Assumptions. Think about what being a "man" or "woman" means to you. How do those ideas affect your ability to be a strong ally? Do they influence your judgments, words or actions? Try to be open to other definitions and see where it takes you. E.Check Your Resources. Do some research and read up on how you can be supportive of our LGBTQI community. Place this responsibility on yourself instead of expecting your LGBTQI friends to educate you.

What is consent?

A.Consent to some form of sexual activity, does not necessarily imply consent to other forms of sexual activity. B.All people involved must be fully conscious and actively communicate their consent. C.Give permission and agree to by free will based on choice.

Emotional violence are common in relationships. What are some warning signs of emotional abuse by your partner?

A.Constantly checks up on you, and monitors where you go, who you call and who you spend time with. B.When you argue, they humiliate or yell, call you names, and intentionally insults you to put you down. C.Accuses you of cheating and is often jealous of your outside relationships. D.Refuses to trust you and acts jealous or possessive. E.Damages your property when they're angry (throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors, etc.)

Which of the following contraceptions does only contain progesterone?

A.DepoProvera B.Implanon C.The mini-pill

Bob and Jenny are considering becoming sexually active. They are about to have a conversation about contraception. What are some of the conditions for contraceptive use they should consider?

A.Do they have all the information needed to make an informed decision? B.Does their personality fit with using the method chosen? C.Is the method they chose consistent with their values?D.Can they obtain the device they decide to use?

Common misconceptions of feminists include...

A.Feminists are angry, white women who like to whine. B.Feminists hate men because they want the power and dominance to rule over men. C.Feminists reject the notion of motherhood and the concept of family. D.All feminists are either out or secretly identify as lesbians, much do to their hatred of men.

Which of these is a possible side effect of hormonal birth control pills?

A.Frequent headaches B.Nausea C.Irregular bleeding

According to lecture and your course reader, primary erogenous zones include?

A.Genitals B.Anus C.Mouth

Though the definition of voyeurism is the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching (in real time, or "live") others getting naked or engaging in sexual activity, which one of the following could also be explained as a form of voyeuristic behavior?

A.Going to a strip club to watch naked people for sexual excitement. B.Watching pornography with the intent of becoming sexually aroused.

Where are steroid hormones synthesized?

A.Gonads B.Adrenal glands C.Placenta D.Brain cells E.Fat cells (cholesterol)

What is the purpose of the scrotum?

A.In warm temperatures it lowers the testes away from the body. B.To acts as a "climate control system" for the testes. C.In cold temperatures it pulls the testes closer to the body.

Individuals who have experienced sexual violence/abuse are most likely to talk to a friend about their experience. As a friend it is important that you...

A.Inform your friend of options and resources of further assistance B.Believe your friend C.Affirm that the abusive situation was not his or her fault D.Express concern for your friend's safety when appropriate E.Respect the rights of your friend to do what he/she thinks is best for them

Breasts consists of:

A.Lobules B.Milk ducts C.Pectoralis muscles D.Fat tissue

Research has shown that sexual violence and abuse are more common in societies were there is a power unbalance between genders in a society, and particularly when there is a strong patriarchal structure in place. What are some characteristics of a patriarchal society?

A.Male authority supersede that of any other gender. B.On average, in the US a woman earns 79 cents for every dollar a man earns. C.Men hold primary power in political leadership. D.Men dominate in ownership of land and property.

During the 16-20th week of development, an ultrasound can be performed to check the health of the fetus and the quality of the fetal environment. What are some things that can be reveled by this specific ultrasounds at this point in the pregnancy?

A.Measure the size of the fetus' head, stomach, and heart. B.Check that important organs such as, the head, neck, chest, heart, spine, stomach, kidneys, bladder, arms, legs, and umbilical cord are all developing properly. C.Assess the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. D.Check the location of the placenta.

Ways of artificial insemination include the use of:

A.Needless syringe B.Turkey baster

What does obscenity mean?

A.Offensive to morality or decency B.Abominable C.Disgusting D.Repulsive

The pituitary gland secretes...

A.Oxytocin B.Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) C.Luteinizing hormone (LH) D.Prolactin

What are common side-effects of having received medical treatment for an intersex condition under usual protocols?

A.Pain and/or reduced or eliminated sexual sensation in the genital region. B.A need for further surgeries to address the complications of an earlier surgery. C.Shame at apparently having been so unacceptable that one needed multiple and secretive treatments in order to be "normal".

Possible symptoms of STDs include:

A.Pain or burning with urination B.No symptoms (asymptomatic) C.Abnormal vaginal or penile discharge D.Abdominal or back pain

Problems surrounding adult-child sexual interactions include..

A.Parents may be reluctant to expose the child to the stress of legal proceedings and may therefore refrain from reporting and prosecuting the perpetrator. B.Parents may not always believe the child, especially if the abuser is a family member or close family friend. C.A child may be afraid or embarrassed to report sexual abuse.

If you have internal genitalia that opens in to the abdominal cavity, which of the following is a health problem that can be caused by an untreated STD such as chlamydia?

A.Pelvic inflammatory disease B.Ectopic pregnancy C.Sterility

Defining who is male and who is female may be a complex process, since gender can be viewed from multiple perspectives including...

A.Physiology B.Genetic makeup C.Chromosomal makeup D.Internal feelings of being male, female or androgynous E.Anatomy

What is sexism?

A.Prejudice or discrimination based on sex. B.Behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex.

What do condoms offer that other forms of birth control do not?

A.Protection against STD transmission C.Easy access as no prescription is needed

In the context of the US, what factors are the main drives behind public sex education?

A.STD prevention B.Teen pregnancy prevention C.Abstinence education

What does the term objectification mean?

A.Seeing and/or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. B.The treatment of a person as a tool for the objectifier's purposes C.The treatment of a person as lacking in agency, and perhaps also in activity D.The treatment of a person primarily in terms of how they look, or how they appear to the senses

The Wolffian ducts develop into what?

A.Seminal vesicles C.Vas deferens D.Epididymis

What are some common reasons why the condom does not work effectively?

A.Slipping of during penetration or when pulling out. B.Too much air in the tip. C.Insufficient lubrication. D.Breakage when opening the package. E.It is not fitting properly. F.Not checking the expiration date.

What is the relation between having what is designated an intersex condition and having a gender variant identity of one sort or another?

A.Some intersex people have a gender-variant identity, but others do not.

The likelihood of transmitting or contracting an STD depends on numerous factors, including?

A.Stress and/or being overly tired B.The level of immune system functioning C.Presence of existing infection and/or disease D.Exposure to high viral or bacterial loads E.The use of protection such as condoms, dental dams or latex gloves

From the two films about human sexual response, we learned that:

A.The release of oxytocin during the orgasmic phase can cause mild to moderate mydriasis, which is the dilation of the pupils. B.Penile ejaculation occurs in several spurts, the first or second spurt is typically the largest and can contain 40 percent or more of the total ejaculate volume. C.A sex flush may appear during the excitement phase, usually on the cheeks of the face or the chest.

What happens during the tenting effect?

A.The uterus pulls up B.The vagina lengthens c. vagina widens

Hormonal birth control pills, like the combination pill and the mini pill works by three main ways, what are they?

A.Thickens the cervical mucus to plug the cervix. C.Makes the endometrium less blood-rich and therefore inhospitable to implantation. D.Acts as negative feedback on GnRH, FSH, and LH so no ovulation will occur.

The combination pill or other methods of administering estrogen/progesterone combinations may be risky for people who experience what kind of conditions?

A.Those over the age of 35 especially if they smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day. B.Those with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. C.Those with breast tumors.

Check the following terms that are often offensive to the LGBTQI community?

A.Transvestite B.Homosexual C.Trannie D.Hermaphrodite

The Mullarian ducts develop into what?

A.Two inner thirds of the vagina C.Uterus D.Fallopian tubes

Symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea may include?

A.Unusual discharge from the vagina or penis. B.No symptoms at all. C.Abdominal pain caused by PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) D.Painful urination.

There has been recent research about sexuality education both in schools and in the home. What does some of this research suggest are the outcomes if schools and parents have sound conversations about sex and sexuality with their kids?

A.When exploring their sexuality they tend to feel more empowered; they tend to be better prepared of saying both yes and no to behaviors they would like to or would not like to engage in. B.When engaging in sexual behaviors they are more likely to use some type of STD and/or pregnancy prevention. C.As youngsters they tend to initiate sexual behavior at a later age.

Miller v. California is landmark decision by the US Supreme Court wherein the court redefined its definition about what constitutes as obscenity. This definition has been translated into what is referred to as the Miller Test, a test for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled obscene, in which case the material is not protected by the First Amendment and therefore becomes illegal. The Miller test was developed in the 1973 and has three parts, what are they?

A.Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest. B.Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law. C.Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

According to the diagram, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

A.Z are the Mullerian ducts, which differentiate into the fallopian tubes, uterus and upper vagina. B.Z develop in the absence of MIH and testosterone. C.W are determined by the absence of a Y chromosome. D.X are determined by the presence of a Y chromosome.

Based on the lecture about paraphilias we learned that...

A.a fetish is the need of inanimate object to reach sexual gratification. B.paraphilia refers to a lust or love towards a inhuman object or non-consenting person(s). D.when engaging in BDSM you always have a safe word that is used to stop a behavior.

Though symptoms of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is rare some may be:

A.a high fever B.diarrhea C.vomiting D.fainting


A.are airborne chemicals. B.are species-specific. C.causes synchronization of menstrual cycles.

Outercourse (as opposed to intercourse) behaviors often referred to as foreplay...

A.are helpful in reducing STD transmission. the context of straight sex, eliminates the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. C.may results in orgasms. D.allow for increased exploration of sexual pleasuring.


A.are necessary for sperm production. B.affects the vocal cords causing the voice to deepen. C.are responsible for the development of pubic and axillary hair. D.are involved in growth of the penis at puberty.

Possible erogenous zones include (but are not limited to)?

A.breasts B.mouth C.inner thighs D.ears E.feet F.anus G.genitals

Possible positive outcomes of masturbation include:

A.enhanced awareness about body function. B.physical release of stress. C.feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

The body's Warm Moist Transitional Zones includes...

A.eyes, mouth and throat. C.vagina and glans (head) of the penis .D.anus and the urethra.

Positive aspects of masturbation include...

A.increased awareness of the body, its function and sexual response. B.increase in awareness about what areas and types of stimulation may result in orgasm. C.enhanced immune system functioning due to the relaxation following an orgasm.

Orgasm... not always essential for a pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience. often accompanied by penile ejaculation which occurs in two stages; emission and expulsion. C.involves rhythmic muscular contractions that includes the myometrium of the uterus.

Some of the recommendations for improving sexual health include...

A.knowing your body, recognizing what it looks and feels like when it is healthy .B.being committed to STD testing and gynecological exams when needed. C.performing regular self-exams to check for possible testicular and/or breast cancer.

The experience of an orgasm can be triggered by stimulation of the:

A.penile glans B.clitoris C.Intimate kissing and touching D.vagina E.anus

When a society exerts homophobic oppression and compulsory heterosexuality...

A.people who step out of the stereotypical expressions of male and female may experience social ostracization and forms of discrimination. B.people tend to fear expressions of same sex desires and behaviors, resulting in a conformity of behaviors that reflect heteronormativity. C.same-sex desires and lives are not treated with the same acceptance and guaranteed rights and representations as heterosexual desires and lives.

Your sister tells you that she is having pain in the lower abdomen. After taking WS/BIOL 350 you might suspect a number of things related to the reproductive tract...

A.she could experience endometriosis, which is commonly associated with pelvic pain and the pain is often worse during and after intercourse. B.she might have pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) due to an infection with gonorrhea or chlamydia. C.she may be experiencing mittelschmerz pain due to ovulation. E.if she is pregnant, the pain might be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Research has shown that students who receive sound comprehensive information about sex and sexuality...

A.tend to have more skill and ability to say no to unwanted sexual behaviors as well as yes to wanted sexual behaviors. C.are more likely to use contraception. D.Tend to initiate sexual behavior at about the same age when compared to students who receive abstinence only education.

According to Masters and Johnson, during the excitement phase of the sexual response cycle...

A.vaginal lubrication occurs due to vasocongestion. B.the clitoris engorges with blood and becomes erect; most tumescence in females occurs internally. D.the penis becomes erect due to vasocongestion.


An erotic attraction to corpses that may also involve sexual penetration of the corpse.

Sexual orientation

An individual's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender.

What is the difference in definition between a transgender person and an intersex person?

An intersex person has XY and XX biological characteristics, and a trans person has a felt sense of identity that is incongruous with the identity attributed to them based on their sex assignment.


An often painful disorder in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus.


An organism's reproductive cells.

Oral stimulation of the anus is called:


Someone with a chromosomal make-up of XY where the cells have a partial or complete inability to respond to androgens describes an intersex condition known as:

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)

When you suspect someone might be transgender/genderqueer identified, how do you know which pronoun to use?

Ask the person what pronoun(s) they prefer.

What are secondary sexual characteristics?

B.Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples C.Growth of body hair, axillary and pubic hair D.Deepening of voice E.Increased muscle mass and strength

Getting access to abortion can be challenging and since federal monies are not allowed to be spent on abortion services this effects which of the following groups?

B.People who rely on Medicaid or other types federally funded health care. C.People serving in the US military.

What are some ways HIV can transmit?

B.Via vaginal delivery as the baby passes through the vaginal canal. D.Via contaminated needles through intravenous drug use (IDU). E.Via unprotected sex.

What type of lubricant should be used with condoms?

B.Water-based lube E.Silicone-based lube

Ejaculation from the Skene's Gland: expelled through the urethra. not urine. thought to be associated with G-spot stimulation.

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring hormone testosterone. Taking AAS will elevate testosterone levels yet decrease sperm production, why is this?

Because AAS negatively affects LH

Where is the cervix found?

Between the body of the uterus and the vagina. Between the vagina and the anus.

The term intersex refers to what type of variation?


During the Nature v. Nurture debate that was particularly prominent in the 1960s and 1970s, what researcher challenged the supposed impact of nurture by suggesting that nature (referring to our human biology) was a crucial part of our sexual identity?

Biologist, Dr. Milton Diamond

Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to sexual assault?

Bystander intervention

What type of contraception would you recommend to someone who is forgetful and have trouble forming daily habits?

C.DepoProvera, the shot D.Condom E.The NuvaRing

Semen is made up of fluids from which of the following structures?

C.Prostate gland D.Seminal vesicles

What are some functions of the placenta?

C.Takes care of waste products from the fetus to the mother. D.Provides glucose and oxygen from the mother to the fetus. E.Produces a number of important hormones to help sustain pregnancy.

What constitutes an AIDS diagnosis?

C.When someone living with HIV contracts an opportunistic infection (OI) such as cancer or severe pneumonia. D.When someone living with HIV has a CD4+ T cell count below 200 per mm3 (cubic milliliter) of blood.

According to Freud, women experienced two types of orgasms:

C.mature vaginal orgasms, and immature clitoral orgasms.

The immune system response is orchestrated by which of the following cells?


The immune system response is orchestrated by, which of the following cells?


Which is the most common STD caused by bacteria?


What causes miscarriage?

Chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo.

External genitalia form from homologous tissues. What does the raphe form into?

Clitoral hood and foreskin

Which of the following organs have the most nerve endings?


External genitalia form from homologous tissues. What does the Genital Tubercle form into?

Clitoris and penile glans

Someone with an overproduction of androgens in the adrenal glands that can affect both chromosomal make-ups of, XX and XY, describe an intersex condition known as:

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

The CERTS model describes five components important to healthy sexual relationships, what are they?

Consent, Equality, Respect, Trust, Safety

ischiocavernosus muscle

Contracts to flex the anus and helps to stabilize the penis during erection.

bulbocavernosus muscle

Contracts to stop the flow of urine, and helps with erection and the expulsion of semen.

What hormone is responsible for the development of biological male external genitalia?


Search for power

Desiring a sexual space in which you will be dominated by your partner. Sexual arousal becomes intensified with the submission by being spanked and told what to do.

resolution phase

Detumescence occurs, pulse, heart and respiratory rates drop and muscles to relax. A deep sense of bodily satisfaction occurs. The parasympathetic part of the nervous system is most dominant in this phase.


Develops when the foreskin can no longer be pulled forward over the penile glans.

_________ are substances produced by a living organism that acts as catalysts to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.


What hormone is largely responsible for breast development?


Biological Female Sexual Response Cycle Excitement Phase:

Excitement phase: Parasympathetic dominant (sympathetic & somatic also function) 1. Vaginal lubrication (transudation) within 10-30 seconds 2. Tenting effect begins 3. Walls of vagina become engorged with blood (vasodilation), color deepens 4. Shaft of clitoris enlarges in diameter 5. Labia minora engorges with blood (sex skin) 6. Labia flatten out and retract from midline 7. Nipple erection and increase in breast size 8. Sex flush (looks like a rash) 9. Increase in muscle tension (myotonia)

Biological Male Sexual Response Cycle Excitement Phase:

Excitement phase: Parasympathetic dominant (sympathetic & somatic function also) 1. Penile erection begins (vasodilation leads to tumescence) 2. Urethral opening widens 3. Elevation of testes by cremaster muscle 4. Possible erection of nipples 5. Sex flush 6. Myotonia (increased muscle tone) 7. Increased heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate


Extravagant behavior that is intended to attract attention to oneself by exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger.

According to the film Intersextion, over 50 different intersex condition has been noted.


Peyronie's disease

Fibrous tissue develops in the V-groove between the corpora cavernosa.

Which of the following are functions of luteinizing hormone (LH)?

Formation and maintenance of the corpus luteum

Spermatogenesis results in:

Four mature sperm of which two are androsperm (Y-bearing) and two are gynosperm (X-bearing).

What is one of the most common reasons given in support of intersex surgeries on ambiguous genitalia?

Fueled by heteronormativity, it is thought that if you can create genitals that look more typical male or female, you are improving the development of a "normal" gender identity and sexual orientation (i.e., cisgender and heterosexuality).


Gametes produced by XX individuals.


Gametes produced by XY individuals.

Symptoms generally begins 2-14 days after initial infection, and include flu-like symptoms such as pain in the buttocks, swollen glands and maybe a fever. Fluid-filled blisters form that will eventually dry up and heal. The first outbreak tends to be the most severe, sub-sequent outbreaks tend to produce less symptoms and tends to be shorter in length. Most people never develop visible blisters, hence one of the reasons it continues to transmit.

Genital Herpes

What is the best way to know your STD status?

Get yourself tested regularly for STDs so that you know your current status

What part of the penis has the most nerve endings?


The sequential development of the genital system can best be described as:

Gonadal differentiation and hormone secretion determining internal then external tract development.

Which of the following is the most recent STD?


What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV is a virus and AIDS is a diagnosis.

Human immunodeficiency virus ({HIV}) manifests in the body by binding to the {CD4+ T cells}. HIV is transmitted through various bodily fluids, and the highest concentration of HIV is found in {blood}. The second highest concentration of HIV is found in {semen}, followed by {vaginal fluids}, and {rectal mucosa}. The lowest concentration of HIV is found in {breastmilk}. Though HIV exists in {saliva} this fluid does not carry high enough concentrations for HIV to be transmissible. The most common route of HIV transmission from a global perspective is via unprotected {penile/vaginal} sex. However, in the context of the US, the most common route of HIV transmission is via unprotected {penile/anal} sex.

HIV, CD4+ T cells, blood, semen, vaginal fluids, rectal mucosa, breastmilk, saliva, penile/vaginal, penile/anal.

The most common STD with about 79 million Americans currently infected and about 14 million new infections per year. This STD is so common that it is estimated that most sexually active people will contract this at some point in their lives. This infection is relatively harmless, sometimes warts develops known as condyloma. There are, however, six strains that have been associated with the development of cancer. Therefore it is recommend to get regular pap smear tests of the cervix and/or anus and to get vaccinated, Gardasil is one example of such a vaccine.


What's the most common STD?


Which of these are risk factors for developing cervical cancer?

HPV, smoking cigarettes, living with untreated HIV

What is internalized homophobia?

Happens when LGBQ individuals are subjected to society's negative perceptions, intolerance and stigmas towards LGBQ people, and as a result, turn those ideas inward believing they are true.

if you or someone you know suffers from bad PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms), which of the following options might help ease the PMS?

Hormonal contraceptives

______ are chemical messengers that are produced in one body region but affect a different body region.



In the biological female, {GnRH} from the hypothalamus acts on the {pituitary} , to release {FSH & LH}. {FSH} hormones will initiate the development of about 20 ovarian follicles. Follicle maturation is accompanied by the secretion of the hormone {Estrogen}, which leads to the proliferation of the endometrial lining preparing for a potential pregnancy. Once estrogen levels peak it triggers a surge in {LH} and ovulation takes place. After ovulation, the remaining follicle cells in the ovary form a body known as {corpus luteum}. This yellow body secretes large amounts of {progesterone}, a hormone essential for maintaining pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the yellow body degenerates and the endometrial lining sloughs off in menstruation.

Which of the following is NOT a common challenge faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and questioning youth?

Increased risk of committing crimes.

HIV transmission

Infectious Fluids: 1. Blood 2. Semen (and pre-cum) 3. Vaginal fluids 4. Rectal mucosa 5. Breast milk

gender role

Is a set of social and behavioral norms that dictate how we should think, speak,dress, and interact within the context of society.

sexual orientation

Is the preferred term used when referring to an individual's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender.

What happens when the cremasteric reflex is triggered?

It causes the cremaster muscle to contract and elevate the testis.

What is heterosexism?

It is the presumption that everyone is heterosexual and that opposite sex attractions are the norm.

A picture of a person's chromosomes is called a(n):


Someone with an extra X chromosome added to the XY combination, resulting in a chromosomal make-up of a total of 47 chromosomes (sex chromosomes are XXY), describes an intersex condition known as:

Klinefelter syndrome

What is the most effective way of preventing STD transmission?

Know STD status, and use appropriate protection when needed.

What hormone in urine will an ovulation predictor kit search for?


External genitalia form from homologous tissues. What does the Labioscrotal Swelling form into?

Labia majora and scrotum

External genitalia form from homologous tissues. What does the Urogenital Areas form into?

Labia minor and penile shaft

What does LGBTQ stand for?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer

Making a commitment to not engage in any sexual relationships until you have found Mr. or Mrs. Right. The wait and anticipation intensifies the sexual arousal.

Longing and Yearning

Which of the following cancers is most deadly?

Lung and bronchial cancer

Longing and yearning

Making a commitment to not engage in any sexual relationships until you have found Mr. or Mrs. Right. The wait and anticipation intensifies the sexual arousal.

corpus spongiosum

Mass of spongy erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra in the penis.


Nicknamed the "silent" disease since most people infected are asymptomatic. This is one of the most common STDs with nearly 3 million new infections yearly. When symptoms do occur they may involve pain and burning with urination, abnormal discharge from the penis, vagina or anus. If left untreated can lead to sterility, PID and in case of pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy.

Is transgender same as intersex?

No, intersex refers to biological variation in terms of sex, whereas transgender refers to gender identity irrespective of biological sex.


Occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast. The infection is most common in the vaginal tract, but can also take form in the back of the mouth, then referred to as thrush. Penile candidiasis may also occur but is rare. Symptoms include abnormal vaginal discharge that has a consistency similar to cottage cheese, white slightly raised areas in the mouth, and whitish substance on the head of the penis and foreskin.

Ambivalence about intimacy

Once the time comes to define a relationship as serious, you end it. You don't want to really let someone in, but rather enjoy the flirtatious beginning stages of a new relation.

Biological Male Sexual Response Cycle Resolution Phase:

Parasympathetic dominant (sympathetic & somatic also function) • Return to unaroused state. May take up to four hours. Refractory Period Likely (flashbulb effect; sensory overload, a male phenomenon). The inability to have physiological sexual arousal over a period of time (age dependent).

Menstrual cycle

Part of the menstrual cycle is also the ovarian and uterine cycles. Prior to ovulation, the first phase of the ovarian cycle is called {follicular phase} and refers to the egg when it is still in the ovary. In the uterus prior to ovulation, the first phase of the uterine cycle is called {proliferative phase} and refers to the build up of blood in the endometrial lining. Once ovulation has taken place about 14 days before the onset of menstruation, the second phase of the ovarian cycle called {luteal phase} takes place. This corresponds to the corpus lutem that is forming in the ovary after ovulation. The corpus luteum produces high levels of {progesterone}. In the uterus, after ovulation the second phase of the uterine cycle begins and is called {secretory phase}. In this second phase, the progesterone from the corpus luteum acts on the endometrial lining to become secretory in preparation for a possible implantation of a fertilized egg. If no implantation takes place, the endometrial lining sloughs off in menstruation and the cycle begins anew.

Biological Female Sexual Response Cycle Plateau Phase:

Plateau phase: Sympathetic dominates (parasympathetic and somatic also function) 1. Orgasmic platform develops 2. Clitoris retracts under hood 3. Increased tenting effect 4. Sex flush spreads 5. Nipples further engorge 6. Increased heart rate, respiratory rate & blood pressure 7. Increased myotonia

What is the definition of pornography?

Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Which hormone is the corpus luteum responsible for producing?


What is the sole purpose of the clitoris?

Provide sexual pleasure

cremaster muscle

Pulls the testes closer to the body during sexual arousal in preparation for ejaculation.

gender identity

Refers to a person's individual and internal sense and subjective experienceof their own gender irrespective of sex assigned at birth.

tunica dartos muscle

Regulates the temperature of the testicles by either lowering or pulling the scrotum to the body.

Biological Female Sexual Response Cycle Resolution Phase:

Resolution phase: Parasympathetic dominant (sympathetic & somatic also function) 1. Return to unaroused state, some as quickly as 10 seconds, other 10 minutes 2. Usually no refractory period seen

Desiring a sexual space in which you will be dominated by your partner. Sexual arousal becomes intensified with the submission by being spanked and told what to do.

Search of Power


Sexual penetration conducted on another without their consent.

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud - Was an essentialist - Clitoral v. vaginal orgasms - Perspective on the development of gender

How long has cancer been around?

Since prehistoric times.

Violation of prohibition

Sneaking in to a fitting room at Target to have sex with your partner. You know you that this is not allowed, but the fear of getting caught, doing something "naughty" intensifies the arousal.

Perpetrators of sexual assault are most often:

Someone who is known by the victim.

Alfred Kinsey

Studied sexual behaviors - Believed that society determines what is sexually appropriate and what is sexually inappropriate. - Developed the Kinsey Scale

Helen Singer Kaplan

Studied sexual response in the brain - 3-phasic model of sexual response (desire, orgasm, resolution) - Sexual "brain appetite" and the desire phase

What is an example of homophobic expression?

Suggesting that you are accepting of lesbians and gays, but you don't think that they should be allowed to get married or have children.

Biological Female Sexual Response Cycle Orgasm Phase:

Sympathetic dominant (parasympathetic and somatic also function) Orgasm: A highly pleasurable response involving the feeling of physiological and psychological release from maximum levels of sexual excitement (tension). 1. Strong contractions of the orgasmic platform (2 to 4 seconds in length, later 3-15 seconds) at 0.8 second intervals 2. Inner 2/3 vagina expands more 3. Rhythmic contractions of the uterus (because of oxytocin) 4. Peak of sex flush 5. Respiratory rate, heart rate & blood pressure at maximum. Heart rate may be at 180 beats per minute. 6. Strong muscular contractions often occur in other parts of the body (carpo-pedal spasms, facial grimacing) 7. More capable of multiple orgasm than males

Biological Male Sexual Response Cycle Orgasmic Phase:

Sympathetic dominant (parasympathetic and somatic also function) Orgasm—a highly pleasurable response involving the feeling of physiological and psychological release from maximum levels of sexual excitement (tension). 1. Ejaculation: occurs in two phases A. Emission: contraction of smooth muscle of the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, prostate, Cowper's glands, urethra. The bladder sphincter contracts (both influenced by oxytocin and prostaglandins). B. Expulsion stage: rhythmic contractions of the bulbocavernosus muscle forces semen from the urethra (at 0.8 second intervals). 2. Testes at maximum elevation 3. Sex flush at peak 4. Respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure at maximum. Heart rate may be 180 beats per minute (bpm). 5. Multiple orgasms uncommon

Biological Male Sexual Response Cycle Plateau Phase:

Sympathetic dominates (parasympathetic and somatic also function). 1. Increase in size of glans of penis 2. Cowper's gland secretion 3. Urethral bulb enlarges 4. Increased elevation of testes (up against the body) 5. Increased heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure

genital herpes

Symptoms generally begins 2-14 days after initial infection, and include flu-like symptoms such as pain in the buttocks, swollen glands and maybe a fever. Fluid-filled blisters form that will eventually dry up and heal. The first outbreak tends to be the most severe, sub-sequent outbreaks tend to produce less symptoms and tends to be shorter in length. Most people never develop visible blisters, hence one of the reasons it continues to transmit.

If doctors are not able to assign sex at birth, surgeries are sometimes performed within 72 hours after birth to "normalize" the genitals, by helping the body properly "finish" the right sexual designation.

TRUE. One or two out of every 1,000 newborns with intersex conditions are "assigned" a gender by doctors and parents, and these children receive surgery to "normalize" the appearance of the genitals. These cosmetic surgeries are highly controversial since they are rarely medically necessary.

In someone with a genetic make-up of XY, the neurons of the hypothalamus of the brain are exposed to high levels of___________, which is converted into ___________ in the presence of the enzyme___________. The biological male pattern of hormone release is ___________, where as the hormone release in someone with a genetic make-up of XX is ____________.

Testosterone; Estrogen (estradiol); Aromatase; Relatively constant (acyclic); Cyclic

In the context of HIV, what does it mean to be virally suppressed?

That viral loads are so low that they are undetectable by an HIV test.

What is heteronormativity?

The assumption that heterosexuality is the "standard" sexual orientation and that all other orientations deviate from this norm, normalizes behaviors, values, and cultural aspects that relate to and reinforce presumed heterosexuality.

In terms of research, what was a key contributor that made the Reimer case so interesting?

The fact that there were identical twin boys involved.

Oogenesis results in:

The formation of a single mature egg cell. The formation of three polar bodies.


The inability to retract the foreskin; the foreskin is too tight to be retracted.


The most common STD with about 79 million Americans currently infected and about 14 million new infections per year. This STD is so common that it is estimated that most sexually active people will contract this at some point in their lives. This infection is relatively harmless, sometimes warts develops known as condyloma. There are, however, six strains that have been associated with the development of cancer. Therefore it is recommend to get regular pap smear tests of the cervix and/or anus and to get vaccinated, Gardasil is one example of such a vaccine.

What is tumescence?

The normal engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the erectile tissues, marking sexual excitation and possible readiness for sexual activity.


The practice of achieving sexual stimulation and/or orgasm by touching and rubbing against a non-consenting person, usually in a public place.


The practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others (who may be unaware of being observed) when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.

What is an amniocentesis?

The sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus.

What does sadism mean?

The tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

What does masochism mean?

The tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from one's own pain or humiliation.


The term used to describe the production of sperm.


The term used to describe the production of the ovum.


The {hypothalamus} releases GnRH. In response, the {pituitary} releases FSH & LH. Testosterone is vital for sperm production. When {LH} reaches the testes, the {Leydig cells} begin to produce testosterone. Sperm production is initiated by {FSH} and takes place in the seminiferous tubules. Once sperm production peak the {Sertoli cells} will release {inhibin} which travels to the hypothalamus signaling to shut down the production of {GnRH} in order to temporarily stop the acyclic production of sperm.

plateau phase

There is an increase in pulse, respiratory and hear rates, and the testes elevates closer to the body and there is an increased tenting effect. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is most dominant in this phase.

How did HIV enter the human population?

Through the slaughtering of monkeys

seminiferous tubules

Tightly coiled tubules in which sperm production takes place.

After ovulation, under the influence of LH, a new gland is formed from the follicle cells left behind in the ovary. This gland is called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum (yellow body) secretes progesterone and estrogen, preparing the endometrium for a potential pregnancy.


An intact hymen is not a very good "proof" of virginity. Most girls will begin to menstruate around the age of 10-15, but the average age of brides in the US is in the late twenties. If the idea is that a woman is to have an intact hymen that is taught to break on the wedding night as a sign of her virginity, then how is she menstruating as a youngster? There needs to be a sufficient opening to the vagina once menstruation begins so that the menstrual blood can leave the body. Pooling of blood inside of the vagina due to an intact hymen can lead to a dilation of the vagina and uterus, which can cause retrograde bleeding leading to endometriosis and peritonitis.


If you are to develop along biological male lines, you need to add some ingredients to each step of the development. To make the gonad transform onto testes you need the SRY gene on the Y chromosome. To form the internal genitalia you need testosterone and Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone (MIH), and to form the external genitalia, you need to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) via the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5ARD).


The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, and there are approximately 100 billion (100,000,000,000) neurons in the human brain.


When levels of testosterone in the biological male have fallen below the normal physiological range, the "gonadostat" turns on the production of GnRH, which is being released from the hypothalamus. This is called a negative feedback response since it works on the same premise as a thermostat.


excitement phase

Tumescence begins causing the penis to become erect and the vagina begins to widen and lengthen. The parasympathetic part of the nervous system tends to be most dominant, particularly in the early stages of this phase.

What is meant by 69?

Two partners simultaneously performing oral sex on each other.

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

Typically, no symptoms

sexual assault

Unwanted, non-consensual touching of a sexual and physical nature.

Sexual Harassment

Unwanted, verbal/physical behaviors that interfere with one's academic performance or living, working environment.

How can you tell if someone has HIV or AIDS?

Via a blood test

What is an epidural?

When a form of anesthesia is injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord.

Dating/Domestic Violence

When one partner in an intimate relationship uses abusive tactics to control the other.

Who are more genetically identical, XX or XY monozygotic twins?

XX monozygotic twins

Testicular cancer is most common in what age group?

Younger men in the ages of 15-34.

What can protect you from HIV infection?

abstinence, condom

Puberty is triggered by the development of:

adrenal gland

Which racial/ethnic group carries the heaviest burden of HIV in the U.S.?

african american

Which of the following researchers developed a scale that measured sexual behavior?

alfred kinsey

When a foreign organism enters your body, your immune system recognizes this by detecting the organism's foreign:


What enzyme is needed to convert testosterone to estrogen?


What type of abortion is most commonly performed in the US?

aspiration abortion

Births around the world most commonly take place where?

at home



There are five different organisms that are responsible for causing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). One of these organisms, {bacteria} is unicellular and has the capability of cloning itself in a process called binary fission. Another infectious agent responsible for several STDs is the {virus}, which is a sub-microscopic organism that replicates only inside living cells. The term {ectoparasite} refers to an organism that is dependent on a blood meal from a human host for their survival, such as lice and mites that attach or burrow into the skin. Candida albicans is a type of {fungi} that most commonly infect the oral cavity and the genitals. Lastly, {parasitic protozoa} is a type of single-cell eukaryotic organism that lives in humans for example, trichomonas vaginalis.

bacteria, virus, ectoparasite, fungi, parasitic protozoa.

Human gonads are {bipotential}, which means that the gonads have the capability to become either testes or ovaries. If {XY}chromosomes are present, sometime during the late 5th week or early 6th week of pregnancy, the {medulla}of the gonads develop into {testes}. These begin to produce testosterone from the {Leydig} cells, and mullerian inhibiting hormone from the {Sertoli} cells. This triggers the formation of {internal} genitalia. The formation of {external} genitalia is dependent on the production of {dihydrotestosterone}. This steroid hormone is converted from testosterone via the enzyme {5-alpha reductase}. In the absence of a {Y} chromosome, sometime between the {12th-16th} week of pregnancy, the {cortex} of the gonads develop into {ovaries}. In the absence of {testosterone} and {mullerian inhibiting hormone}, internal genitalia begins to form sometime during the {8th} week of {embryonic} development. And, in the absence of dihydrotestosterone, external genitalia begins to form sometime during the {10th} week of {fetal} development.

bipotential, XY, medulla, testes, Leydig, sertollli, internal, external, dihydrotestosterone, 5-alpha reductase, Y, 12th-16th, cortex, ovaries, testosterone, mullerian inhibiting hormone, 8th, embryonic, 10th, fetal.

The medication Viagra, is one of the most widely-known prescription drug names on the U.S. market, and is often referred to as "the little blue pill". It is a tremendously popular drug used to help treat erectile dysfunction, and as a result Pfizer, the medical company that sells Viagra earns about $2 billion annual in profit. The effective ingredient in Viagra is called, sildenafil citrate, what does this ingredient do?

blocks PDE5

In the US, what type of cancer is most common among women?

breast cancer

What is a medical term used for surgical removal of a viable fetus?

caesarean section

Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been associated with which of the following cancers?

cervical, penile, anal cancer

What has to dilate before a vaginal birth is possible?


Someone who identifies with the sex they were assigned at birth may be referred to as ____________. Someone who does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth may be referred to as __________. Someone who does not identify with a specific gender at all regardless their sex of assignment may be referred to as __________.

cisgender; transgender; agender

Which of the following organs have the sole purpose of producing pleasure?


Which methods of birth control needs a prescription?

combination pill, mini pill, nuvaring

Which of the following STD's are caused by viruses?

condyloma, genital herpes, HIV disease

Which type of intrauterine device (IUD) is available?

copper and hormonal

The _______ refers to the rim of the penile glans.


The urethra runs through which of the following structures?

corpus spongiosum

If the genetic make-up is XX, what part of the gonad then develop?


Oral stimulation of the vulva, clitoris and vagina is called:


Helen Singer Kaplan criticized Masters and Johnson's four stage model of sexual response and stated that humans have what she refers to as a "brain appetite" for sex. To illustrate this, she developed a tri-phasic model of sexual response that included a phase this brain appetite, what is the name of this phase?


What do you call a pregnancy that implants in the fallopian tube?


What is the inner lining of the uterus called?


Due to lowers levels of __________ that are common after menopause or for some people on hormonal contraception, the vaginal walls tend to get dry and sometimes itchy.


stage 1, 2, 3, 4 of human sexual response

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Fertilization most commonly occur where?

fallopian tube

A large percentage of sexual assaults are falsely reported.


If someone does not physically resist, then it is not sexual assault.


Infertility means that you cannot get pregnant.


Penile circumcision is often done for cultural reasons, whereas circumcision of the vuvla is strictly performed for religious purposes.


The US has the largest incarcerated population in the world, with 2.2 million people in prison or other closed settings. HIV prevalence is estimated to be 1.5% among prisoners, compared to 0.5% among the general population. Most prisoners are infected with HIV before they are incarcerated, and to reduce transmission, all prisoners in the US are tested for HIV as they enter prison. People who test positive are detained in separate facilities. Since sex is common in prison, condoms are offered to inmates to reduce possible HIV transmission.


The perpetrators of child sexual abuse are typically strangers of the family.


The term intersex refers to variation in the experience of gender identity.


Being straight is a lifestyle some people choose.

false. We do not choose our sexual orientation! Rather, our sexual attraction is a natural reflection of how we feel.

Oral stimulation of the penis is called:


Candida albicans


Rev. Jerry Falwell expressed concern over the British TV show Teletubbies. He claimed that Tinky Winky embraced and promoted a "gay lifestyle". However, after learning about sexual identity, it is clear that Rev. Falwell made assumptions about Tinky Winky's presumed sexual orientation based on stereotypical beliefs about his:

gender role

Antibiotic resistance (AR) is the ability of bacteria to resist the effects of the drugs used to treat them. This means the germs are not killed and they will continue to reproduce. The bacteria that cause the STD known as, ___________, has developed resistance to nearly all of the antibiotics used for treatment. One of the most problematic strains that has developed resistancy is called H041.


Which of the follow STDs are caused by bacteria?

gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis

______________, is a term used to describe a condition of someone who is born with both ovarian and testicular tissue. This term is a stigmatizing and misleading word. There is growing momentum to eliminate the word from medical literature and to use the word "intersex" in its place. While some intersex people do reclaim the word with pride to reference themselves (like words such as "dyke" and "queer" have been reclaimed by LGBT people), it should be generally avoided except under specific circumstances.


Which of the following STDs does not currently have a cure?



highest concentration

Masters & Johnson published their findings in a book that was released in 1966, what was their book about?

human sexual response

Where is gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) produced?


The secretion of antibodies by lymphocyte B cells provides:


Which of the following terms are generally considered to be appropriate to use?


Once the testes have formed they begin to produce testosterone, what cell is responsible for testosterone production?

leydig cells

If the genetic make-up is XY, what part of the gonad then develop?


Most often, what is the first sign of pregnancy?

missed period

Which of the following is the most commonly performed method of neonatal male circumcision the US?

mogen clamp method

What type of pregnancy is most common?


Is there a vaccine that prevents HIV infection or AIDS?


How many barr bodies do you have if you have a genetic karyotype of 46 XY?


You can become infected with HIV from...

none of the above

Most people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) will grow cysts that are formed on the:


What hormone triggers the expulsion of milk?



painful menstruation

Which of these tests effectively screens for cervical cancer?

pap smear test




parasitic protozoa

The cell that engulfs bacteria and foreign debris by a cell is called:


What condition did the Remier twins have that required them to have surgery?


Penile circumcision became a routine medical practice in the US during the Victorian Era in the mid 19th-20th century. What was the main drive behind this new medical practice?

prevent masturbation

Which hormone increases to sustain the pregnancy?


What hormone initiates milk production?


In the US, what type of cancer is most common among men?

prostate cancer

The Skene's glands are homologous to what tissue?

prostate gland

Queen Victoria who ruled the United Kingdom during the 1800s. Her reign of 63 years and seven months is known as the Victorian era, and during this time sexuality was very...


The __________, is a legislative provision excluding the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortions.

roe v wade

The ______________, was a landmark controversial decision by the US Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. The Court decided that a right to privacy under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests for regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting the mother's health.

roe v wade

What Supreme Court case made abortion legal in the U.S.?

roe v wade

Which of the following fluids is not capable of transmitting HIV?


Sarah has been in a relationship with her boyfriend Matt for about three months. A few weeks ago they decided to skip using condoms since Sarah is now on the pill (hormonal contraception). Nor Sarah neither Matt knows that Matt is infected with chlamydia. This last week they had penile/vaginal intercourse five times without a condom. Sarah's friend Michelle is newly single, and over the last two months she has had penile/vaginal sex with five different guys without using a condom. One of the guys Michelle had unprotected penile/vaginal intercourse with had an unknown infection with chlamydia. Who do you think is more likely to contract chlamydia, Sarah or Michelle?


Your friend knows that you are taking this class about sex and sexuality, and they ask you about some recent symptoms they have experienced that includes, severe itching and a red rash that has developed on their genitals. Based on what you have learned in class you might suggest that they may have contracted_______ but should seek medical attention to get an actual diagnosis and possible treatment.


Once the testes have formed they begin to produce Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone (MIH), what cell is responsible for MIH production?

sertolli cells

The specific period during the 1960s and '70s in which attitudes towards sexual behavior became more tolerant and liberal in the United States was called the:

sexual revolution

What are the two largest sex organs in the body?

skin and brain

From the film, Intersexion we learned about David Reimer. Dr John Money was a key figure in Reimer's early life and he believed that the most important aspect of someone's gender had to do with:


Which one determines genetic sex?


The infant begins to suck the breast. The {sucking} stimulates the {hypothalamus} to begin to release {GnRH}. In response, the {pituitary} releases, {prolactin} to initiate milk production, and {oxytocin} to trigger the expulsion of milk from the breast. Since oxytocin is also released during {arousal} it is not uncommon to experience feelings that remind of sexual pleasure when nursing.

sucking, hypothalamus, GnRH, pituitary, prolactin, oxytocin, arousal.

Who's is most likely to have an STD?

teens and young adults

Vaginal penetration may be uncomfortable or painful if the ________ has not yet occurred as this allows the vagina to widen and lengthen.

tenting effect

A sex positive approach to dealing with childhood masturbation is to let the child know that the adult knows that masturbation feels good, and that it is generally seen as a private behavior.


Abuse is a learned behavior. Domestic violence and abuse stem from a desire to gain and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abusive people believe they have the right to control and restrict their partners, and they may enjoy the feeling that exerting power gives them. They often believe that their own feelings and needs should be the priority in their relationships, so they use abusive tactics to dismantle equality and make their partners feel less valuable and deserving of respect in the relationship.


According to RAINN, every 92 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child.


According to the Intersex Society of North American, the total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births.


According to the nonprofit InterACT, about 1.7 percent of the population is intersex, making the condition as common as natural-born redheads.


Anyone can be affected by domestic violence and abuse, but people with disabilities are more likely to experience abuse than people without disabilities. Because abuse is about power and control, people with disabilities may face unique challenges and barriers to accessing support.


Beneath heteronormativity lies homophobia and transphobia. Homophobia and transphobia are multi-layered, and each can include conscious or subconscious beliefs that someone else or a group of people is "bad," "wrong" or "less than."


Failing to clean sex toys can lead to the spread of STDs. Re-infection with a sexually transmitted infection via a sex toy is possible, though the risk of this decreases over time since the lifespan of most organisms that cause STDs are relatively short outside of the body. Transmission can occur from person to person when sex toys are shared, or a person could re-infect themselves if the toys are not cleaned properly. To prevent transmission of and STD via sex toys, be sure to clean them after every use, and always use a condom on things used for penetration, such as dildos and vibrators.


If you are intoxicated with alcohol, you are not able to give legal consent to engaging in sexual activity.


In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), leading to changes in the broader cultural beliefs about homosexuality and culminating in the contemporary civil rights quest for marriage equality.


Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. For example, a person might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male-typical anatomy on the inside. Or a person may be born with genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types—for example, a girl may be born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy may be born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia.


Our culture values visual messages compared to oral messages.


Pornography is legal in the US, protected under the First Amendment though obscenity is illegal.


Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a month-long course of drugs to help prevent HIV infection that is taken after a possible exposure to HIV. The word "prophylaxis" means to prevent or control the spread of an infection or disease. PEP means taking HIV medicines within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV to prevent becoming infected with HIV.


Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention strategy where HIV-negative individuals take anti-HIV medications before coming into contact with HIV to reduce their risk of becoming infected. The medications work to prevent HIV from establishing infection inside the body.


Recent research by Feagin and Bennefiled (2014) shows that institutionalized White socioeconomic resources, discrimination, and racialized framing from centuries of slavery, segregation, and contemporary white oppression severely limit and restrict access of many people of color (POC) to adequate socioeconomic resources-and to adequate health care and health outcomes. It is well-established that Blacks and other POC in the U.S. experience more illness, worse outcomes, and premature death compared with whites. This health discrepancy is painfully evident in Recent data from the National Institute of Health (NIH) shows that Black infants in America are now more than twice as likely to die as white infants — 11.3 per 1,000 black babies, compared with 4.9 per 1,000 white babies. Black women are also more likely to experience pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, placental abruption, preterm birth, small birth size for gestational age, and fetal death/stillbirth. Many of these pregnancy complications could be preventative if they were addressed appropriately and in time.


Research has shown, that during penetration additional clitoral stimulation is more than often (more than 70% of the cases) needed for orgasm to occur.


Sexual differentiation depends upon the sex chromosomes, X and Y. Sexual determination involves the specification of the gonads to become either testes or ovaries. If the embryo has a chromosomal make-up of XY, the presence of the SRY gene will direct the gonads to develop as testes. In the absence of a Y chromosome and the SRY gene, the gonads develop to become ovaries, XX.


Sexual identity is complex and is influenced by both nature and nurture.


Sexual violence and abuse are common occurrences on American college campuses.


The hypothalamus serves as the connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system and is an area of the brain that is involved in many functions including sexual response.


The number of annual HIV infections in the U.S. began to level off in 2013. However, there are still about 39,000 new infections per year.


The refractory period is the recovery phase that is often associated with penile ejaculation. During this time it is physiologically impossible for penile erection and ejaculation to occur. The length of the refractory period will increase with age.


The structure of a pyramid can function as a visual representation of how sexism operates within our society. The strong foundation of the pyramid makes the structure last through time, which mirrors our understanding of the progression of sexism.


The two largest sex organs in the body are, the skin and the brain.


There is now evidence-based confirmation that the risk of HIV transmission from a person living with HIV (PLHIV), who is on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and has achieved an undetectable viral load in their blood for at least 6 months is negligible to non-existent. In other words, it is essentially impossible to transmit HIV if you are on treatment and have achieved viral suppression.


Third trimester abortions are very rare, and in some states are not legal. These abortions are very restricted and states that do allow them only do so under certain medial circumstances. As a result, there are only a few doctors in the US that perform abortions in the third trimester.


When engaging in penetrative behaviors, it is important to remember that it often takes longer for the vagina and/or anus to reach the state where penetration is comfortable and pleasurable in comparison to the relatively short time it takes for the penis to become erect and ready for penetration. Communication is essential in this process making sure that sufficient levels of arousal and excitement have been reached before penetration begins to ensure that both the receiver and the inserter derives pleasure from the penetration.


Someone with a genetic variation resulting in having only one X chromosome describes an intersex condition known as:

turner syndrome

Penile ejaculation occurs in how many stages?


There are a lot of nerve endings found in the:

two inner thirds of the vagina.

Sex offenders against children tend to be:

under the age of 30



The ____________, was a US Supreme Court decision in 1989 upholding a Missouri law that imposed restrictions on the use of state funds, facilities and employees in performing, assisting with, or counseling on abortions.

webster v reproductive health services

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