biology lecture assignments

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The geologist who suggested that natural processes are slow and steady and that the Earth is much older than 6,000 years was

Charles Lyell

Which of the following is not a characteristic for an organism with an opportunistic life history?

Each offspring receives extensive parental care

Which ecosystem would have the highest net primary production?

(tropical; rain) forest

Immunological memory results from the production of

B memory cells only

A skeleton has a foramen magnum tucked beneath the skull; this indicates that the skeletal remains are of a


The two groups of angiosperms are

monocots and eudicots

The observable properties of genes is an organism's


In areas of the world where malaria is endemic, people have a relatively high incidence of the allele for

sickle cell

Microscopic reproductive cells produced by most fungi are


Which protists produce much of the Earth's oxygen?


If you gave N2 to a culture of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, you would expect to detect

ammonium ions

A molecule that stimulates an immune-system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)


All protists

are eukaryotes

Cycads are

trees that produce large cones.

T/F: When a baby receives antibodies in breast milk, this is an example of passive immunity.


Which level includes all the other levels?


T/F: The type of T cell that is primarily responsible for the production of antibodies is the plasma cell


Each year there are an estimated 250,000 people who could benefit from a bone marrow transplant. What would happen to a patient who no longer had active bone marrow?

They would be immunocompromised.

T/F: Streams lead to rivers that carry water and sediment toward the ocean or an interior basin.


Hydra, a type of cnidarian, have equal survival rates through life because they are equally fit at all stages. Hydra are an example of an organism with a type ______ survivorship curve.

Type 2

Oysters and many other mollusks produce many offspring of which only a few survive to adulthood and then have little risk of predation with their strong adult shells. Oysters are an example of an organism with a type ______ survivorship curve.

Type 3

Which is an example of passive immunity?

a fetus acquiring antibodies through the placenta, or a person receiving an injection of antibodies

A prokaryote that occupies a habitat consisting of a low pH is a(n)


An organism that can use solar energy and inorganic substances to produce all the organic material it requires is a(n)

an autotroph and a primary producer

Which is an example of humoral immunity?

antibodies produced that destroy an invading pathogen

According to the hypothesis in the "Investigating Life" section, compared to a person in a developed country, a person in a developing country is less likely to have


Mosses are an example of which of the following?


"Net primary productivity" is the amount of energy

available for consumers

The three most common shapes of bacteria are

bacillus, spirillum, and coccus

The first life on Earth was probably most similar to modern-day


Every year the flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. Why do scientists typically have to make a new vaccine every year?

because the viruses can mutate into new strains

If you were looking at a model of a sphere of animal cells with a hollow, fluid-filled center, you would identify it as a


The fruits of plants function in

both protecting and dispersing seeds

How do scientists believe that an asteroid impact in the Yucatán peninsula of Central America caused a worldwide mass extinction?

by blocking the sun and inhibiting photosynthesis

Coral obtains energy

by capturing and digesting small animals and through symbiosis with photosynthetic algae.

What part of plant cells contains chlorophyll a and carries out photosynthesis?


Which item helps compose a living thing rather then being a major component of soil?


In a process called _____, an army of plasma cells and memory cells are produced from stimulated B cells.

clonal selection

A type of symbiosis in which one member of the relationship benefits with no effect on the other is


All of the organisms in a given location or area are termed a


Many parasites are too large to be engulfed by phagocytosis. Which would be effective in killing parasites?

complement protein

Trees that lose only a few leaves at a time are

coniferous trees

The taiga

consists mostly of coniferous trees

In the ecosystems of the world, fungi act primarily as


Predation of deer by wolves is an example of a

density-dependent limit.

Darwin referred to a gradual change from an ancestral type as

descent with modification

Silica walls are a characteristic of


The diversity in a kelp forest community can be measured by the number of

different species of living organisms in the community

The fusion of two haploid hyphae whereby the nuclei remain separate in the cell creates a(n) ______ cell.


Ancestors of giraffes with shorter necks could not reach branches high up in trees for food. This led to _____ for giraffes with longer necks.

directional selection

The mode of natural selection in which one extreme phenotype is fittest and the environment selects against the others is

directional selection

The three types of natural selection are

directional selection, disruptive selection, stabilizing selection

Ancestors of the Galápagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small and required small beaks to handle. Other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to _____ among the Galápagos finches.

disruptive selection

The study of the relationships among organisms and the environment is


The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the skin and nervous system is the


The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the digestive tract and organs derived from the digestive tract is the


Which theory explains the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

endosymbiont theory

A phagocyte is a cell that

engulfs other cells and debris.

Changes in heritable traits in a population through multiple generations is called


If an environment changes rapidly, organisms with ____ will be more likely to survive and reproduce.

existing beneficial mutations

T/F: All angiosperms have their pollen and seeds moved by animals.


T/F: Conditions whose growth-limiting effects increase as a population grows are density-independent factors.


T/F: Energy can be depleted within an ecosystem.


T/F: Examples of terrestrial biomes are grasslands, forests, lakes, and deserts.


T/F: Flatworms have complete digestive tracts.


T/F: If a scientist sees 20 finches in 3 trees where they nest at 5 p.m., the population density is 4.


T/F: Scientists have fossils of the first life on Earth


T/F: Segmentation is easy to observe in the cuticle of a nematode.


T/F: Since the conditions needed for the Hardy-Weinberg principle do not occur in real populations, this principle has no importance in population studies.


T/F: The overall human population growth rate is steadily increasing each year.


T/F: The purpose of fruit is to provide nourishment for the growing plant after the seed germinates.


T/F: The type of cell that is primarily responsible for initiating and coordinating the adaptive immune response is the B cell.


T/F: Water accounts for about half of the ecological footprint.


Which is not a member of the gymnosperms?


Which is an example of an aquatic ecosystem?

fishes, snails, crabs, water, and salinity

Which of the following does not have a true coelom?


Platyhelminthes include which of the following organisms?


The entire collection of genes and alleles is a population's

gene pool

Chlamydomonas is unicellular and photosynthetic. Chlamydomonas is which of the following?

green alga

Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the Indian population to

grow because a large proportion of the population will be entering the reproductive years.

Bryophytes lack vascular tissue and lignin and therefore cannot

grow tall

After a haploid spore germinates, it then completes mitosis, forming hyphae. The resulting hyphae are


In alternation of generations, a diploid sporophyte goes through meiosis to form _____ spores.


You have discovered a new worm-like animal. You are convinced it is not a nematode because it

has a coelom

Ferns have advantage over bryophytes in that ferns

have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller.

In regards to a species' life history, equilibrium species

have only a few offspring.

What are the three major body regions of many arthropods?

head, thorax, abdomen

Individuals, who have one normal allele and one sickle cell allele, are able to resist malaria. This gives them a better chance of reaching reproductive age. This is known as

heterozygote advantage

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1, 2pq represents the frequency of

heterozygous individuals

If, for a study, you wanted to cause blood vessel dilation and swelling to mimic effects of innate immunity, you would want to inject


If you were taken to the beach and asked to stand near a sample of the largest kind of algae, you would search for a piece of


You are hiking in the Colorado Rockies in the summer. You start hiking at 6,000 feet in a warm grassland full of elk. As you climb the mountain, you pass through forests from 8,000-10,000 feet with lots of deer. Above 10,000 feet, you are in an alpine tundra with furry marmots. What types of plants would you expect to find in an alpine tundra?

lichens and mosses

Which of the following is a lobe-finned fish?


Which group of plants have phloem and xylem, seeds, flowers, and fruit and in many cases require animals for reproduction?

monocots and eudicots

In flowering plants, the gametophyte is ______ the sporophyte.

much smaller than

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the roots of soybeans help provide a source of nitrogen to the plants, and in exchange, the bacteria obtain food from the plants. Which type of interaction is this?


In fungi, a mass of aggregated hyphae is called a(n)


Associations of fungi and plant roots are called


Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the American population to

no answer is correct

Tropical rain forest soils are usually

nutrient-poor and low in organic matter.

What is NOT an ecological role of plants?

occupy top level of food webs

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p + q = 1, p and q represent the frequency of alleles in a population of diploid organisms if

only two alleles exist for that gene

A circulatory system in which the heart pumps blood to tissues throughout the body cavity is a(n)

open circulatory system

Evolution occurs:

over generations

Species that are the first to colonize an area are termed _____ species.


Special cells produced by the immune system that are progeny of stimulated B cells and are antibody-producing factories are

plasma cells

What reproductive adaptation did plants evolve on dry land?


Gymnosperms and angiosperms evolved ______ allowing them to live and reproduce in drier habitats than bryophytes and seedless vascular plants.

pollen grains and seeds

Cnidarian bodies are one of two forms. A(n) ______ consists of a sessile stalk with tentacles on one end. A(n) ______ is a free-swimming, bell-shaped, "tentacles-down" body form with a single opening forming the mouth.

polyp and medusa

A group of organisms of one species occupying a geographical location at the same time is a


Which of the following is not a type of symbiosis?


If you were going to apply the principles of Darwin to business, you would allow employees to submit a wide range of ideas and then test many, keeping the winners because in evolution, natural selection

preserves favorable variations and rejects harmful variations in a population.

Seedless vascular plants can ______ without water, but cannot ______ without water.

reproduce asexually; reproduce sexually

Sharp slivers, called _____, are made of silica or calcium carbonate and provide sponges with support.


The mode of natural selection in which extreme phenotypes are less fit than the optimal intermediate phenotype is

stabilizing selection

A population age structure diagram depicting an equal number of individuals in each age group suggests that the population is


The parts of the plant that allow for gas exchange are the


What evolved in terrestrial plants to allow the exchange of gases with air?


In 2010, India had a population of 1,170,000,000, a birth rate of 0.027, and a death rate of 0.013. What was the growth rate of India's population?


Use the Hardy-Weinberg equations: p + q = 1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous dominant?


In many autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, antibody complexes form in the blood. Kidney failure is a common consequence of these diseases for which reason?

the antibody complexes become trapped in the kidney

The first multicellular organisms probably arose about

1.2 billion years ago

Based on the 10% rule, if there are 10,000 calories of net primary productivity in an ecosystem, how much energy will be generally available to a secondary consumer?

100 calories

The Mesozoic era lasted from

250 million years ago to 65 million years ago

Fever is considered a defense mechanism because it

All of the answers are correct

Antibiotic resistance is becoming more common in disease-causing bacteria because

All of the answers are correct.

Evidence that green algae are the closest relatives to plants is that they both

All of the answers are correct.

How have plants transformed the world?

All of the answers are correct.

Plants are

All of the answers are correct.

What would occur if the lymphatic system was absent?

All of the answers are correct.

Though animals are very diverse, some features are only found in nonanimals. Which of the following is not a feature of animals?

Animals are unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes.

Which of the following is not a major terrestrial biome of Earth?


Photosynthesis probably originated during the _____ eon and most likely used _____ as an electron donor.

Archean; hydrogen sulfide

The most successful phylum with regards to diversity and numbers is


In plants,

the diploid zygote develops into the sporophyte

In a survivorship curve, a type I species, like a human or elephant, is a species that has

the highest probability of dying as it reaches its maximum life span

In a survivorship curve, a type III species, like most insects and plants, is a species that has

the highest probability of dying at a very young age

In 1749, __________, a French naturalist, became one of the first scientists to suggest that closely related species arose from a common ancestor.

Georges Buffon

The "master cells" of the immune system that initiate and coordinate the adaptive immune response are

Helper T cells

Why do lymph nodes often become swollen during an infection?

Macrophages move to lymph nodes after engulfing pathogens.

Darwin obtained which of the following in the Essay on the Principle of Population by Malthus?

More individuals of a population are born than survive to reproduce.

The Russian chemist Oparin suggested that for organic molecules to form on Earth, the atmosphere was probably rich in all of these except


The role of B cells in adaptive immunity is _____, while the role of T cells in adaptive immunity is _____.

to secrete antibodies in humoral immunity; to attack marked cells in cell-mediated immunity

T/F: A flowering plant and a bird which occasionally perches on its branches are not likely to coevolve.


T/F: A mushroom is a dikaryotic structure of Basidiomycota.


T/F: A very rapid response to a pathogen, involving antibodies, is a secondary immune reaction.


T/F: Arthropoda means "jointed foot."


T/F: At the beach, you find an animal with a two-part shell, a muscular foot, and a radula. You conclude that you have found a mollusk.


T/F: If a species of fruit fly needs a minimum amount of leaf surface area for mating, once there are enough fruit flies to occupy all mating spaces, the population is at carrying capacity.


T/F: If asked to put an arrow in a diagram showing energy flow through an ecosystem, you would use a single-headed arrow.


T/F: If you had found a flattened worm with bilateral symmmetry, you would know that you had found a flatworm.


T/F: If you see B cells, you know that a humoral response is underway.


T/F: If you were eating sea urchin and starfish soup, you would be eating echinoderms.


T/F: In an evolutionary sense, "fitness" refers to an organism's contribution to the next generation's gene pool.


T/F: Nematodes are protected from environmental hazards in part by their cuticle.


T/F: Raw sewage affects nutrient flow through an ecosystem more than energy flow.


T/F: Some sponges have spicules made of calcium carbonate.


T/F: Species evenness is an important measure of diversity in an ecosystem.


T/F: The chance that a mutation will occur is independent of whether a new phenotype will benefit a population.


T/F: The maximum number of individuals of a population that a habitat can support indefinitely is its carrying capacity.


T/F: The term abiotic means nonliving.


T/F: When exponential growth is plotted over time a J-shaped curve emerges.


T:/F: The frequency of the sickle cell allele is kept up by the heterozygote advantage under natural selection


What evolved in terrestrial plants to provide support and transport for water and minerals?

vascular tissues

First life on earth was


DNA sequence evidence suggests that plants, fungi, and animals arose from different lineages of unicellular protists. This suggests which of the following?

Protists evolved before the other three kingdoms.

Every year the common flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. How is your body able to raise antibodies against so many new forms of the flu virus?

Recombination of the gene used to make antibodies leads to variability.

Segmentation occurs in annelids, arthropods, and chordates. What can therefore be concluded about segmentation?

Segmentation evolved multiple times.

The Irish potato famine in the mid-1840s was caused by which heterotrophic protist decomposer that secreted digestive enzymes onto potatoes?

water mold

Based on the information provided, which of these would not be considered a species with an equilibrium life history?

Spiders lay egg sacks and do not return to care for their young.

A male peacock has enormous tail feathers that it uses in mating displays to attract females. While the tail feathers are an advantage in mating, what is the potential disadvantage of these feathers to the male?

The feathers require a lot of energy to produce.

In the section "Investigating Life: Genetic Messages from Ancient Ecosystems," what was the advantage of looking for DNA samples in permafrost?

The freezing temperatures preserve the DNA.

Researchers studying guppies in Trinidad found that guppies in streams with high predation reproduced earlier and more frequently. Which of the following is most important in driving the guppies to change their life history in face of predation?

The guppies are an opportunistic species.

A patient can have antibodies against many strains of HIV. Which is the main reason that an effective vaccine has not been produced for the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

The virus mutates rapidly, changing its outer coat.

Why are lichens a good indicator of environmental quality?

They cannot excrete absorbed toxins.

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