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Gas EMITS light when it is energized by electricity (Thomson's experiment). The light occurs because an electron...

"jumps" from a higher energy level down to a lower energy level from a higher energy level.

What percentage of parent atoms is still left in the granite intrusion?


What percentage of the parent atoms are still left in the basalt dike?


If you apply 10 N of force to a square meter surface that is pushing against a bounded fluid, what would be the total force on an opposite surface that is 10 square meters?

100 N

How deep was the deepest hole ever drilled?

12 km

A hot air balloon rising straight up at a constant speed.

1st law

A submarine falling straight towards the ocean bottom at a constant speed.

1st law

Describing the motion of a bench in the park.

1st law

Which of the following chemical equations is balanced?

2 C + O2 → 2 CO

What is the velocity of two balls after they collide and combine if the first ball has a mass of 2 and a velocity of 5 while the second ball has a mass of 3 and 0 velocity at the time that they collide?

2.0 (with margin: 0.0)

What is the age of the granite intrusion?

2.925 billion years ago

A marathon runner speeding up just before crossing the finish line.

2nd law

An airplane circling the airport at a constant speed while waiting to land.

2nd law

Speed of light in a vacuum.

300,000,000 km/s

What is the age of the basaltic dike?

390 million years

Which of the following orbitals will have the highest energy electrons?


Which of the following orbitals will have the highest energy electrons?


Comparing all forces that arise when a book sits on a table.

3rd law

Comparing the forces responsible for accelerating a bullet and the recoil of a gun.

3rd law

Describing the forces created when two boxers' gloves come in contact.

3rd law

What orbital has the highest electron level in sodium (Na)?


When did the Earth form?

4.5 billion years ago

Based on PHYSICAL properties, how many layers does the Earth have?


Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. If a mineral has 200 uranium atoms when it first forms, then how many of these atoms would be left after 9 billion years? Correct!


One ocean wave has a height of 2 m. A second ocean wave has a height of 4 m. If the two waves meet and cross each other, what will be the height of the wave that they form at the point where they cross?

6 m

Rivers are partly responsible for the formation of...

Clastic sedimentary rocks

The thicker and less dense part of the Earth's crust and the bulk of Earth's land masses is:

Continental crust

Period of the basaltic dike


What is illustrated here?


Which of the following is not a physical property of matter?

Doppler Effect

What does this figure represent?

Doppler effect

Match the phases of Earth's formation with the order of when they occurred

Early solar system consists mostly of dust, ice, and gas. -----FIRST Under gravity, small pieces of rock coalesced into larger masses. -----SECOND Large quantities of rock formed a planitesmal (young planet). ------THIRD Another planet called Theia collided with the Earth, forming the moon. -------FOURTH

What is the cause of this light pattern? (choose all that apply)

GOT A 2/4 Frequency Diffraction Interference

Which of the following illustrates the radiation type of heat transfer process? (Choose all that apply)

Getting a sunburn. Microwaving a burrito

Who proposed the idea of "seafloor spreading?"

Harry Hess

Angular momentum depends on which of the following? (choose all that apply)

How fast it's moving. The mass of the object. How far it is from the center of its orbit.

angular momentum depends on which of the following? (choose all that apply)

How fast it's moving. The mass of the object. How far it is from the center of its orbit.

Which of the following is most likely to have a crystalline structure?


What is the geometric shape of a silicate molecule?


Where is the magnetic field of the Earth produced?

The Earth's core

What layer of the Earth is made up of "plates."

The Lithosphere

When an astronaut travels to the moon, which characteristic remains the same? (choose all that apply)

The astronaut's mass.

If a large bucket of water and a small bucket of water have the same temperature,

The average energy is the same in both buckets.

At which point along its path is this cannonball experiencing acceleration?

The ball is accelerating the whole time.

If two objects of the same volume are completely submerged into a fluid.

The buoyant force is the same for each object.

What causes gas pressure?

The collision of gas molecules against the sides of the surface of an object in contact with the gas.

What is electricity?

The flow of electrons.

Why doesn't the moon fall out of the sky and crash into Earth?

The moon is falling, but it is moving too fast to hit the Earth.

If an object is moving in constant, unchanging, motion, which of the following must be true?

The net force on the object is zero.

What is an electron orbital?

The statistical region where an electron is most likely to be found.

When an object is acted upon by a single, constant unbalanced force (or pair of forces) then...

The total force on the object is zero.

In convection currents, warmer air rises and cooler air descends. Which of the following is correct?

The warmer air has a lower density than the cooler air which it displaces.

Why are the leaves of palm trees green?

They absorb all wavelengths of light except green.

A baseball player throws a baseball horizontally at 100 mph. You drop a penny at the exact same height immediately after the ball leaves the baseball player's hand. Assuming air friction is negligible (i.e. there is no air resistance), which of the following is true?

They both hit the ground at the same time.

In this figure, what do electrons do if they move from the n=4 levels to the n=3 levels?

They release one photon

Who proposed the Plum Pudding Model of the atom?


A chemical reaction usually goes faster at higher temperatures.


Continuous spectra have no breaks in their color spectra.


Electric currents exert forces on permanent magnets (such as compass needles).


Electrons in the orbitals in the higher-numbered shells have more energy than electrons in the lower-numbered shells.


Energy is the capacity to exert force upon a mass.


Friction comes from electromagnetic forces


If you apply a force over a larger area, the pressure decreases.


Inertia is the tendency of mass to resist changes in motion.


Meteorites help us to understand the inside of the Earth.


Molecules and atoms, even in solids, are in constant motion.


Pressure in a hot tire is greater than the pressure when the tire is cold.


Sound waves can be used to study the inside of the Earth.


The Mesosphere is thicker than the Asthenosphere


The color of a hot object is related to its temperature.


The deeper into Earth's center one goes, the more dense rock becomes.


The force of gravity decreases between objects as they get farther away from each other.


Transverse waves have a side to side or up and down motion.


Your acceleration around the sun is much higher than the Earth's acceleration around the sun.


Which of the following most likely contributed to the formation of the Earth's oceans? (choose all that apply)

Volcanoes Comets

What part of the Pacific Ocean is the oldest?

Western Pacific near Asia

A rock is thrown from a very high cliff. When is the force of gravity WEAKEST on a rock?

When it is at the top of the cliff.

Which of the following can form a diffraction pattern in a double-slit experiment? (choose all that apply)

X-rays Infrared light Electrons Visible light

Is this ball accelerating?


Which of the following processes does not produce a change in state or phase?

a falling object

Work is always done on an object when...

a force moves the object through a distance in the direction of the force

Work is always done on an object when...

a force moves the object through a distance in the direction of the force.

If an electron moves from the 3p to the 2s level in an atom, then...

a photon will be emitted

The quantum model depicts the electron around the nucleus as...

a standing wave.

Match the letters in the figure with the correct label.

a- amplitude b- wavelength

When an electron gains energy from a photon and moves to a higher energy level.


When you are riding a merry-go-round at an constant speed, you are experiencing...

accelerated motion.

Rate of change of velocity per unit time.


The energy needed to break atomic bonds so that the atoms form new molecules.

activation energy

An electrical conductor is a material that...

allows electrons to move freely

Emission occurs when...

an electron gives off a photon of light.

A = Mvr

angular momentum

A spinning ice skater is applying conservation of...

angular momentum

Solid and Plastic


The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.

atomic mass


atomic nucleic that are so energetic they have lost their electrons


atoms moving but staying in the same place relative to each other


atoms that flow easily but are still attracted to each other by weak bonds

If an object has kinetic energy, then it must...

be moving.

f an object has kinetic energy, then it must...

be moving.

The continuous motion of microscopic particles, such as dust.

brownian motion

Equals the weight of the displaced fluid.

buoyant force

Which series below, made by taking pictures of a moving car at one-second intervals, shows a car experiencing an acceleration? (choose all that apply)

car D & C

A ________ lowers the activation energy and speeds up the reaction but is not itself consumed in the reaction.


A _________________ lowers the activation energy and speeds up the reaction but is not itself consumed in the reaction.


The reason that when you push on a wall, the wall pushes back is because...

charged particles in your hand push against similar charged particles in the wall.

How often atoms collide.

collision rate

Energy is passed from particle to particle.


Energy transfer due to collision of particles.


Material that allows electrons to flow through it


In any process or reaction, the total mass is always conserved.

conservation of mass

Iron, Nickel, Sulfur


From the center to surface, the compositional (chemically distinct) layers of Earth are

core, mantle, crust

The strongest chemical bond.

covalent bond

Which type of bonding involves the sharing of electrons?

covalent bonding

Atoms organized into a distinct structure.


Mass divided by volume


Which of the following is most likely to explain locations in an auditorium where sound becomes quieter, even though it has a normal volume in other parts of the auditorium.

destructive interference

What do we call the bending of a wave as it passes through a narrow opening?


Pattern produced with light passes through two slits.

diffraction pattern

Range of colored light with breaks in it.

discontinuous spectra

What is the final spin direction of the last electron in Argon (Ar)?


Energy due to the attraction or repulsion of charged particles.

electrical energy

A negatively-charged particle


Negatively-charged particles.


When a glass rod is rubbed with rubber, the rod becomes positively charged. This is because...

electrons are transferred from glass to rubber.

A wave that moves with a rolling motion.


An object's capacity to change.


A measure of disorder.


The lowest energy state of a system.


A magnetometer is used to measure the gravitational strength of the whole Earth.


A waterfall has higher entropy than water in a bath tub.


Bonds that involve two atoms with different charges that are attracted to each other are called covalent bonds.


Electrons travel as particles.


In the image above the canyon (G) was cut by the river before the limestone (D) was deposited.


In the image above the granite intrusion (A) is older than the conglomerate (C).


Metals that are attracted to a magnet.


What is the name of metals that are attracted by magnets?


Anything that flows.


A push or pull.


The number of wave peaks that pass a point in space per second.


What part of a wave decreases if you increase wavelength of a wave?


The higher the density of reactants the _____________ the rate of formation of products.


A ball is thrown upward. While it is moving upward after it is released, the ball's acceleration is...(choose all that apply)

in the downward direction & Negative

A chemical reaction that occurs spontaneously ____________ the disorder in the Universe.


An object's resistance to change.




What do we call the process when waves add or subtract from each other?


Match the following with the description that best fits it.

ion- an atom that has lost or gained ands electron Proton- atomic number of an atom based on the number of these Electron-this is not found in the nucleus of an atom


iron, magnesium, silica

Two atoms held together by attraction of opposite charges.

ironic bond

Processes that move spontaneously only in one direction.


A fault that cuts through a group of sedimentary rock layers...

is younger than the layers.

What happens to the kinetic energy of the air inside a tire when you pump it up?

it increases

When an astronaut is in the space station, the astronaut's weight is...

less than his weight on Earth.

Mass multiplied by velocity

linear momentum

Atoms are weakly attracted to each other, but can still move freely.


Outer Core


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mineral? (Choose all that apply)

liquid Organic Man-made

Put the following states or phases in order from highest energy (1) to lowest energy (4). Correct!

liquid- 3 solid-4 plasma-1 gas-2

What type of wave is illustrated here by the back and forth movement of the particles?


The amplitude of a sound wave is a physical quantity that determines the...


A moving charge produces a...

magnetic field

Rubbing a balloon on your head is an example of conservation of...(choose all that apply)

mass charge

Era of the granitic intrusion


Random arrangement of atoms.


Two atoms bonded together.


Which of the following are found in the nucleus of an atom (check all that apply)?

neutron proton

Energy stored in the nuclei of atoms.

nuclear energy

A substance produced by a living process.


Which part of the Earth's core is liquid?

outer core

The model of light supported by the photoelectric effect (photons of light ejecting electrons from a metal) supports which of the following models?

particle model

What is it called when electrons are ejected from a metal that light is shining on?

photoelectric effect

Particle of light.


Stored energy.

potential energy

A measurement of the collision of air molecules in your bicycle tire.


The force on an object divided by the area over which the force is applied.


Match the following with their proper charge.

proton- postive neutron- neutral electron-negative

Positively-charged particles.


The amount of energy used to determine the distance an electron orbits a nucleus.


Energy travels across a distance, on its own.


Which of the following has the lowest energy?

radio waves

Which of the following waves reaches the highest the amplitude?


When a wave changes direction as it moves from one density to another density.


Creates rainbows.

refraction of light

In physical science, a conserved quantity...

remains constant through time.

Overall disorder remains unchanged in a/an...

reversible processes.


rocks formed by crystallization from hot melted rock


rocks formed by transformation from other rocks due to heat and pressure but without melting


rocks formed by weathering and erosion or precipitation from water

A small boat floats higher in salt water than fresh water because

salt water is denser than fresh water.

Electron energy levels.


Which of the following are best used for fossil correlation?


The most common group of minerals in the Earth's crust.


What is the main source of energy that drives the water cycle?

solar heating

Inner core





solid and brittle

For nearly all substances, the motion of atoms INCREASES in which order?

solid, liquid, gas

Physical states of matter.

solid, liquid, gas, plasma

Objects that have been agreed upon for everyone to use the same values or measurements.


A wave with a crests and troughs that stay in the same location.

standing wave

Which of the following are ways that nebulae form? (choose all that apply)

supernova of stars

If you are analyzing a refrigerator in relationship to its surroundings, what would the fridge be considered?


When the air resistance of a falling object equals the force of the pull of gravity.

terminal velocity

The wavelength of red light (700 nanometers) is longer than the wavelength of violet light (400 nanometers). Which of the following statements is true? (choose all that apply)

the red light and the violet light travel at the same speed. The violet light has the highest frequency.

When an astronaut is in the space station, the astronaut's mass is..

the same as his mass on Earth.

When an astronaut is in the space station, the astronaut's mass is...

the same as his mass on Earth.

While riding your bicycle you collide head-on with a moving car. The force you feel from the car is...

the same that you apply to the car

Buoyant force does NOT depend on...

the shape of the object.

If a block of wood floats with half its volume submerged,

the weight of the block is the same as that of the displaced water.

Which of the following is a type of internal, kinetic energy?


Of the quantities listed, the one associated with the most disorder is...

thermal energy.

If a feather and a brick are dropped at the same height in a vacuum, then

they hit at the same time

As you dribble a basketball, which of the following quantities is/are conserved?

total energy

The lowest point of a wave.


A reaction usually goes faster at higher temperatures.


Both electrons and photons have wave-particle duality.


Brownian motion is caused by atoms and molecules colliding with larger particles such as dust or smoke.


Earthquake waves are used, much like an ultrasound, to see the inside of the Earth.


In contrast to metallic bonding, the electrons in ionic bonding stay attached to each ion.


In metallic bonding electrons can move freely between any atom in the metal.


In the image above the basaltic dike (B) is younger than the granite intrusion (A).


In the image above the sandstone (F) is older than the conglomerate (C).


Most tectonic plates consist of both oceanic and continental material.


Niels Bohr though that electrons orbited in 3-dimensional, circular orbits around a central nucleus.


Oil and gas companies use sound waves to look for oil and gas inside of the Earth.


Rocks are often composed of minerals.


Surface waves are surface expressions of only longitudinal waves.


The total entropy of the universe is always increasing.


How fast or slow an object moves.


Resistance to flow.


Interference patterns created by the double-slit experiment show that light has...

wave properties

The force of gravity on a object.


When is the force of gravity GREATEST on the rock?

when it is resting on the ground after its fall.


whole atoms that move completely freely

Moving an object some distance.


In comparing the absolute ages of the granitic intrusion and the basaltic dike, do they make sense compared to the relative ages of the granitic intrusion and the basaltic dike?


If you're skateboarding downhill, which of the following must be true? (choose all that apply)

your potential energy decreases. your kinetic energy increases.

Why is grass green?

It absorbs all colors except green.

Two objects with opposite charges are brought closer together. What happens to the electrical potential energy between them?

It decreases.

Why does the moon not fall out of the sky?

It is falling, but falling too fast to hit the Earth.

What happens to the sound emitted from a radio as it moves TOWARDS you? (choose all that apply)

Its frequence would increase. Its wavelength would decrease. Its amplitude would increase.

What happens to the sound emitted from a radio as it moves TOWARDS you?

Its wavelength decreases.

What happens to the sound emitted from a radio as it MOVES AWAY from you? (choose all that apply)

Its wavelength would increase. Its frequency would decrease. Its amplitude would decrease.

How large was the planet that collided with the Earth to form the moon thought to be?


Which of the following illustrates the radiation type of heat transfer process? (Choose all that apply)

Melting cheese in a microwave. Heat from the sun warming the beach.

What is the name of the fossil reptile, whose fossils have been found in both Africa and South America?


During which era did the dinosaurs rule the Earth?


What does malleability mean?

Metals can be easily reshaped.

Which of the following chemical equations is balanced?

Mg + F2 → MgF2

Which of the following equations is balanced?

Mg + F2 → MgF2

Why do individual electron orbitals look the way that they do?

NOT We don't know.

What is true about this wave? (choose all that apply)

NOT THESE The wavelength changes The amplitude varies

As you drive down the highway, a bug collides with your windshield. What type of acceleration does your car experience?

Negative acceleration.


Newton's Second Law

Which law states that for every force there is an equal and opposite force?

Newton's Third Law

An object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest.

Newtons 1st law

This figure represents a microscopic view of a metal. Is this metal magnetized or non-magnetized?


What happens if you bring a magnet near a balloon that was rubbed on someone's hair?

Nothing will happen.

Which of the following is NOT a compound?

Oxygen -- O_2

If you drop a basketball, which of the following quantities is/are conserved. (Choose all that apply)


Era of the basaltic dike


When pressure is applied to a bounded fluid, that pressure is applied equally throughout the whole fluid. This is called...

Pascal's Principle

In which of the following will sound or earthquake waves travel fastest?


Which of the following is used in absolute dating? (choose all that apply)

Radiometric Dating Dendrochronology

Which of the following represents a plasma?

Bottom right image

Electric force becomes stronger if the charged objects are moved farther apart.


For a given material, the solid state has a higher, internal, kinetic energy than the gaseous state.


Friction is not a result of repelling forces between the electrons of atoms.


Inertia is a force.


Soft, diffuse, shadows prove that light does not diffract and is therefore a particle.


The nucleus of an atom occupies more than half of the atom's volume.


How is the electromagnetic force similar to the force of gravity?

For both, the size of the force increases as objects are moved closer together.

What causes the S-wave shadow zone?

Shear waves cannot pass through the liquid outer core.

Which of the following is used in relative dating? (check all that apply)

Superposition Cross-cutting Relationships

Much of the water that makes up the Earth's oceans was released from the interior of the Earth during its formation by volcanoes.


Refraction makes a rainbow.


Which of the following has the highest viscosity?


Which of the following is NOT a mineral? (choose all that apply)

Teeth Liquid water

Using the image above, put all of the rock formations in order from oldest (1) to youngest (7). The geologic units and features identified above are: A - Granite Intrusion; B - Basaltic Dike; C - Conglomerate; D - Limestone; E - Shale; F - Sandstone; G - The Canyon.

1 - Oldest sandstone 2 -conglomerate 3 -granite intrusion 4 -basaltic dike 5 -shale 6 limestone 7 - Youngest - erosion of canyon

A moon rock contains an equal amount of uranium-238 and its daughter isotope (lead-206). How may half-lives have gone by since the rock solidified?

1 half life

What is the Half-live Multiplication Factor of the basaltic dike (B)


What is the Half-life Multiplication Factor of the Granite Instrusion (A)


How many orbitals does helium (He) have?


If sound waves behaved like particle waves and 20 people were listening to a speech, then how many of them would be able to hear the speech?


Use the image below to answer this question: If an electron at n=3 emits two photons, then what will be its energy/quantum level?


Which Newton's law of motion is most apparent in this scenario:

A boat gliding through the water on a lake at constant speed in a straight line.

Which is an example of conservation of momentum?

A cue ball colliding with another billiard ball

Which is an example of conservation of momentum?

A cue ball colliding with another billiard ball.

electrons passing one at a time through a two-slit apparatus strike a screen. The resulting pattern on the screen after many electrons have struck the screen is

A pattern of bands where electrons hit separated by areas where no electrons hit.e

Which of the following is a closest to an ideal reversible process?

A pendulum swinging in a frictionless environment.

The shape of a s-orbital most closely resembles that of...

A sphere

Match the figures with whether or not their is high or low potential energy.

A-Low potential energy B- High Potential energy C- High Potential Energy D-Low potential energy

Who first proposed the Theory of Continental Drift?

Alfred Wegener

What is a tree mostly made up of?

Carbon Dioxide

Which of the following is NOT a way to change the gravitational kinetic energy of a falling object in a vacuum?

Change its volume.

Which type of bonding involves the sharing of electrons?

Covalent bonding

What is the name of the organism that changed the atmosphere of the Earth from carbon dioxide-rich to oxygen-rich?


Which of the following is a property that results from metallic bonding?

Electrically conductive

Use the image below to answer this question: If an electron moves from n=4 to n=2, does the atom emit a photon or absorb a photon?


About how often does the Earth's magnetic field switch from north to south?

Every 400,000 years

Which of the following is an example of refraction?

Eyeglasses correcting a person's vision.

Basalt and Granite rocks are...

Igneous rocks

What do we call the process when waves add or subtract from each other?


One night Mia looks at a street light through the screen of her window. She sees light streaks extending outward from the central, bright spot of the light. These streaks consist of a series of light and dark spaces. When the same light is viewed without looking through a screen no streaks are seen. The presence and pattern of the streaks are due to...(choose all that apply)

Interference Diffraction

Which experiment shows light to be a wave?

Interference pattern created by the double-slit experiment.

What is the core of the Earth mostly made of?

Iron and Nickel

Which of the following is NOT part of the Earth's core?


What do we call it when waves change direction as they pass from one density into another, such as from air into water?


What makes a ferromaterial magnetic?

Regions of magnetism within a material allign in a single direction.

What do we call the branch of science that helps us to understand the inside of the Earth?


In what model would electrons be able to orbit at ANY distance from the nucleus?

Rutherford or "solar system" model

Neither sugar nor salt conduct electricity when they are in the solid state. Salt, however, does conduct electricity as a liquid while sugar does not. In classifying these materials we say that... (choose all that apply)

Salt is an ionic material. Sugar is a non-ionic material.

What do we call a wave whose crests and troughs do not move, but stay in the same place?

Standing wave

What are these structures called?


As David swings his sling through the air and before he releases it, what is the direction of acceleration on the stone in the sling?

Toward David's hand (the center of the spinning).

The black circle represents the motion path of an object. There are vectors representing velocity (red) and acceleration (blue). What must be the direction of the force on this object?

Towards the center of the circle

The black circle represents the motion path of an object. There are vectors representing velocity (red) and acceleration (blue). What must be the direction of the force on this object?

Towards the center of the circle.

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