Chapter 45: Management of Patients With Oral and Esophageal Disorders

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Brush and floss daily.

A client has been receiving radiation therapy to the lungs and now has erythema, edema, and pain of the mouth. What instruction will the nurse give to the client?

"I drink a can of carbonated soda at lunch every day."

An adolescent client with multiple dental caries is discussing diet with the nurse. What client statement identifies a risk factor for dental caries?

Esophageal tumor

An elderly client seeks medical attention for a vague complaint of difficulty swallowing. Which of the following assessment findings is most significant as related to this symptom?

Place the client in the Fowler's position.

The client has returned to the floor following a radical neck dissection. Anesthesia has worn off. What is the nurse's priority action?


The most common symptom of esophageal disease is


The nurse is providing discharge instructions for a slightly overweight client seen in the Emergency Department with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The nurse notes in the client's record that the client is taking carbidopa/levodopa. Which order for the client by the health care provider should the nurse question?

Notify the physician

The nurse working in the recovery room is caring for a client who had a radical neck dissection. The nurse notices that the client makes a coarse, high-pitched sound upon inspiration. Which intervention by the nurse is appropriate?


The term for a reddened circumscribed lesion that ulcerates and becomes crusted and is a primary lesion of syphilis is a(n)

Weakness, diaphoresis, diarrhea 90 minutes after eating

Which of the following assessment findings would be most important for indicating dumping syndrome in a postgastrectomy client?


Which term is used to describe stone formation in a salivary gland, usually the submandibular gland?

Approximately 80 to 120 mL

While caring for a patient who has had radical neck surgery, the nurse notices an abnormal amount of serosanguineous secretions in the wound suction unit during the first postoperative day. What does the nurse know is an expected amount of drainage in the wound unit?

Assess the graft for color and temperature.

A client is postoperative following a graft reconstruction of the neck. What intervention is the mostimportant for the nurse to complete with the client?

"Eliminating bothersome foods will help."

A client who has occasional gastric symptoms is receiving teaching on how to prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Which statement indicates the client understands the teaching?

Maintaining a patent airway

A client who reports increasing difficulty swallowing, weight loss, and fatigue is diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Because this client has difficulty swallowing, what should the nurse assign highest priority to?

Assess lung sounds bilaterally.

A client in the emergency department reports that a piece of meat became stuck in the throat while eating. The nurse notes the client is anxious with respirations at 30 breaths/min, frequent swallowing, and little saliva in the mouth. An esophagogastroscopy with removal of foreign body is scheduled for today. What would be the first activity performed by the nurse?

Make a notation on the call light system that the client cannot speak.

A client with cancer has a neck dissection and laryngectomy. An intervention that the nurse will do is:

Approximately 80 to 120 mL

A nurse caring for a client who has had radical neck surgery notices an abnormal amount of serosanguineous secretions in the wound suction unit during the first postoperative day. What is an expected, normal amount of drainage?


A client has been taking a 10-day course of antibiotics for pneumonia. The client has been having white patches that look like milk curds in the mouth. What treatment will the nurse educate the client about?

Protrusion of the upper stomach into the lower portion of the thorax.

A patient has been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. The nurse explains the diagnosis to the patient and his family by telling them that a hernia is a (an):

Exhibiting hemoglobin A1C 8.2

An elderly client states, "I don't understand why I have so many caries in my teeth." What assessment made by the nurse places the client at risk for dental caries?

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