Constituion Test-Study Guide:

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House of Representatives: What are the qualifications?

(1) be at least twenty-five years old; (2) have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years; and (3) be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state they represent.

The first amendment gives US citizens what freedoms (list all five)?

-Freedom of Speech -Freedom of Religion -Freedom of Press -Freedom of Assembly -Freedom of Petition

What are the written qualifications for President?

-Have to be a natural born citizen of the United States. -Been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years. -Have to be at least the age of thirty five.

What are the only two roles spelled out for the Vice President in the Constitution? (one is found in Article I and the other in Article II)?

-Preside over the senate and votes in case of a tie. -Help further decide whether the president is disabled and acts as president if that was to happen.

How many amendments have been repealed, or gotten rid of?

1 amendment prohibition- the 18th

How many senators from each state?


How of Representatives-what is the length of term

2 years

How many ways are there to formally amend the constitution?


What is the number of reps from each state? What is the minimum number per state?

435 and One per state no matter how small the population

What is an electoral college?

A body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president.

Someone may not be convicted of treason without what?

A total of at least two witnesses.

The president can make treaties with whose and how much consent (approval)?

According to Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution the president has the power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties provided two thirds of the senators present, and shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States.

Article 5:

Amending the Consitution

To go along with the above mentioned power, Congress also has the power to raise and support what?

Armies and Navys

The president is considered to be the commander in chief of what?

Army and Navy of the United States

In which article is this supremacy established?

Article 6

What is the length of term for a member of the Supreme Court?

As long as they want until retire, get impeached, or pass away

The second amendment gives US citizens what freedom?

Bear arms

First ten amendments to the constitution known as?

Bill of Rights

Who sets up the lower (inferior) courts?

Both Federal and State court systems.

What are the Senate and House of Representatives known as collectively (together)?

Congress or legislature

What is a copyright? What is a patent? Who or what has the power to issue them?

Copyright is on written materials, and a patent is a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period. Congress has power

States may not use what type (two things) of punishment?

Cruel and Unusual

What is double jeopardy? May someone be subjected to it?

Double Jeopardy: The prosecution of a person twice for the same given offense. -Someone can subject to it when there are clear instances, such as when a jury has acquitted a defendant and the state brings the same charges a second time.

Explain the significance of Article I, Section 8, Clause 18.

Elastic Clause-granting Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the enumerated list of powers. The Congress shall have power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by Constitution in the Government of the United States.

What are the denied power listed in Article I - (What is an ex post facto law, and who cannot make them?) (Who cannot tax exports from where?)(State cannot enter into what?)

Ex Post Facto Law: A law which punishes people for a crime that was not a crime when it was committed. Congress cannot pass these laws. -Congress cannot make or even pass these laws, according to clause 3 of Article I Section 9 of the United States Constitution. -Congress cannot charge taxes for shipping, or importing goods from one state to another, and cannot favor one states ports over another through preferential regulations or taxes. -State be obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another.

Which branch is responsible for carrying out the laws?

Executive Branch

Article 2:

Executive Branch-To enforce laws

What is the length of term for the president? To how many terms is the president limited?

Four year term, with a term limit of two terms totalling eight years.

When is Presidential election day?

Held every four years, "the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November" or "the first Tuesday after November 1"

What are the reasons for impeachment?

If the president does a spectacularly bad job that congress finds him guilty of treason, bribery, or even other high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Judicial power of the United States is vested (held) where?

In one Supreme Court.

What is the Preamble?

Introduces the constitution

Which branch is responsible for interpreting the laws, also known as judicial review?

Judicial Branch


Judicial Branch-To interpret laws

Who presides over an impeachment trial?

Judicial(Supreme) Powers presides in the supreme court

Article 1:

Legaslative Branch-To make laws

Which branch is responsible for making the laws?

Legislative Branch

Congress has the power to coin what?


In a case between national or state law, which would be supreme?

National law will always be more supreme

Is the president's cabinet mentioned anywhere in the Constitution?

No, not mentioned in the constitution

Article I, Section 8 talks about what?

Powers of the Congress (Elastic Clause)

There are two leadership positions in the Senate. Name both of them.

President of the senate(Vice President), president pro tempore

Article 7:


What is the name of the position that is considered the leader of the House of Representatives?

Speaker of the House

If someone is on trial, they are guaranteed the right to a __________ and __________ trial. Fill in the blanks.

Speedy, and Double

To whom and to what does the 10th amendment give power?

States and People

Article 6 :

Supremacy Clause- a rule that states that religion cannot be a qualification for election

Congress has the power to lay and collect what?


The Constitution created only one court. Which one?

The Supreme Court

What is the only condition specified by the Constitution concerning the nature of state governments? (in other words, how will they be set up - they must be what?) Have to be republican(have to have a republican form of government)

They must be republican forms of government.

Article 4:

This describes how states are to relate to one another and rules to be admitted into the Union.

Congress has the power to create what?

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers Create or establish post offices, and post roads(This is the anwser)

What is the number of terms a Senator or Representative may serve?

Unlimited Terms

Who holds the trial if someone is impeached?

Usually the upper house conducts the impeachment trial.

Congress has the power to declare what, according to Article I, Section 8?


Where is someone Impeached?

When impeached, someone is sent to something similar as to a court proceeding, or trial by other house.

What does Article VI say about administering religious tests to candidates for public office?

You cannot administer an religion test


a change to the US Constitution

The fact that all citizens should be treated fairly by the law, in terms of arrest, sentencing, etc. is known as...

due process

Supreme Law of Land

is also known as the Constitution

Senate Qualifications:

sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: -age (at least thirty years of age); -U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); -and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.

Senate -- what is the length of term?

six years and approximately one-third of the total membership of the Senate is elected every two years.

How many Articles? Amendments?

there are 7 Articles, and 27 Amendments

Treason, the only crime defined in the Constitution consists of what?

¨Shall consist only in levying war against the, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them both aid and comfort¨.

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