Consumer Behavior Final

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List and describe the four steps of market segmentation

1. Identify product related need sets: identifying the various need sets that the firms current or potential product might satisfy, what the company is capable, or might be capable of meeting 2. Grouping customer with similar needs: grouping consumers into one segment as far as product features and even product image are concerned despite different demographics; insight provides additional clustering of these consumers 3. Describing each group: describing consumers in terms of their demographics, lifestyles and media usage 4. Selecting an attractive segment(s) to serve: the segment of the larger market on which we will focus our marketing effort

The capacity of the STM is thought to be in the range of______ bits of information.

5 to 9

What is a dissociative reference group? In what ways can they affect consumer behavior?

A group that serves as a negative unattractive reference point. The degree of desirability of group membership is negative. They influence behavior by the negative association they give the products and activities they embrace. That is, one tends to avoid products and activities used by dissociative reference groups.

Bob is a consumer who strives for a clear social position and is strongly influenced by the actions approval and opinions of others. He drives an expensive automobile, and only buys brands of clothing that are considered "status symbols." Which primary motivation is driving Bob's behavior? Achievement motivation ideals motivation focused motivation self expression motivation realist motivation

Achievement motivation

A local car dealership advertises quite frequently on local broadcast and cable television, and it seems as though the man in the ad is always yelling for consumers to "come on down, you'll be glad you did!" This car dealership uses the same type of ad over and over even though the specific information changes, and consumers tend to shut out the message, evaluate it negatively, or disregard it. John is so sick of these ads that he instantly changes the channel When one comes on. This is an example of what?

Advertising wearout

Kimberly Clark is interested in mothers emotional reactions to their Huggies brand of disposable diapers, which usually have popular characters or cute designs printed on them. Which component of attitude is Kimberly Clark interested in? Affective behavioral knowledge cognitive orientation


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is based on which premise A) All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment in social interaction B) The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are activated C) As the basic motives become satisfied, more advanced motives come into play D) Some motives are more basic or critical than others E) All of these choices are correct

All of these are correct

Coca-Cola is highly successful in marketing its beverages outside of the United States. Which factors do they use to adapt within and across countries where they do business? ethical implications All of these choices are correct. affordability infrastructure cultural homogeneity

All of these choices are correct

Darren is conducting a market analysis for his business, and he has asked your advice on what he should be analyzing. Which of the following should he consider at this step of marketing strategy development? All of these choices are correct. conditions in the market consumers' needs the company's own ability to meet customer needs competitors' capabilities and strategies

All of these choices are correct.

Which subculture has the highest education levels and median household incomes

Asian Americans

Amanda is in junior high and begged her mother to buy her a certain brand of athletic shoe that all the "cool" kids in school were wearing. She thought that if she had those shoes, she would be accepted as one of them. To Amanda, these other students in school that she wants to be associated with represent a(n) _____.

Aspiration reference group

Yoga instructors in elite athletes are recruited by Lululemon to teach classes in exchange for free Lululemon clothing. These _______ Promote the Lululemon brand and encourage others to purchase Lululemon merchandise

Brand ambassadors

Christina lives in Hong Kong with her husband and young children. She has a nice career with a high tech company and commutes daily from her private estate outside the city center. She and her family love electron it gadgets and are often the first to adopt any new consumer technology that comes into the market. To which global lifestyle segment identified by Experian's Mosaic global system does Christina belong? Bourgeois prosperity career and family Metropolitan strugglers post industrial survivors routine service workers

Career and family

Carissa is highly involved in a purchase decision for a new car. She is search the Internet, visited car dealerships, talk to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

Central route

For years, American automobiles did not have the level of quality that foreign, particularly Japanese, automobiles had. However, that has changed, and most automobiles built in the United States have comparable or superior quality than imports. Consumers' attitudes are slow to change, however, and marketers must use which strategy to change the cognitive component of consumers' attitudes?

Change beliefs

Using the toll-free number 1-800-FLOWERS to help consumers remember the phone number is an example of _____.


Coca-Cola does not advertise during the evening news because the marketer does not want the often negative information reported on the news to create a negative feeling toward the brand. which type of learning creates an association between the brand and some response? Iconic learning vicarious learning reinforced learning classical conditioning operant conditioning

Classical conditioning

An advertisement for AT&T long-distance telephone service split the screen into and showed a person on each screen talking on the telephone. Below each person, there was a running total of the cost of the car. At the end of the commercial, the total cost on the AT&T side was lower than that for the sprint side. This is an example of what kind of ad?

Comparative ad

Color in the nature of the programming surrounding the brands advertisements are examples of _______ Present in the situation that can play a role in consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus. Stimulus cues Situational organization Contextual cues Stimulus traits Stimulus characteristics

Contextual cues

What does size, structure, and distribution of a country represent? psychographics geography economics demographics lifestyles


Bob is somewhat of a loner in high school. He really despises the school "jocks" that seem to be involved in every sport. He doesn't want anything to do with them or be like them in anyway. To Bob, the group of students who represent the school athletes is a(n)

Dissociative reference group

Carl is doing his homework and has the television on in the background. While it is on, several commercials aired. What stage of information processing model does this represent Exposure Action Memory Interpretation Attention


Carla and her family lost everything in their home to a fire. People would consult her by saying at least her family was not harmed and that everything else can be replaced. She would reply "I know it was just stuff but it was our stuff and was special to us."this is reflecting Carla's what?

Extended self

What is the extended self

Extended self consists of the self plus possessions. That is, we tend to define ourselves in part by our possessions. Thus, some possessions are not just a manifestation of our self-concept, they are an integral part of our self identity. we are, to some extent, what we possess. If we lost key possessions, we would be somewhat different individuals.

A long running TV commercial for Dial soap which show an individual in vicarious situations with other people. This individual would join the others and look around appearing to be in discomfort. Then a voiceover would say "aren't you glad you use dial... don't you wish everyone did?" Which type of appeal does this illustrate? Fear appeal Two sided message Third party endorsement Comparative ad One sided message

Fear appeal

Name five possible characteristics of an appeal that would influence or change attitudes

Fear appeals humorous appeals comparative adds emotional appeals in value expressive/utilitarian appeals all affect attitudes.

List and describe the outcomes of marketing strategy for the firm, consumers, and society

Firm: expect to establish an image or position in the marketplace among target customers, generate sales, and ultimately create satisfied customers who are key to longterm profits Consumers: results in some level of need satisfaction, financial expenditure, attitude creation or change, and/or behavioral changes Society: the cumulative effect of the markteting process affects economic growth, pollution and social welfare, the latter of which creates many ethical implications

Tara is a marketing professor and is a member of the American Marketing Association. The members of this organization are associated with the discipline of marketing, either as academicians or as practitioners. The purpose of this organization is to disseminate research about marketing, to share best practices, and to foster the professional development of marketers. The American Marketing Associate is an example of a _____. Primary group Cohort Consumer group Generation Group


Compare and contrast the Census' Bureaus definition of a household, a family household, and a nonfamily household

Household: all the people who occupy a housing unit (house, apt, group of rooms, etc) Family household: one having at least two members related by birth, marriage, or adoption, one of whom is the householder (owns or rents home) Nonfamily household: householder living alone or exclusively with others whom he or she is not related

Carlos is attempting to segment the market for his company's products. Where should he begin?

Identify product-related need sets

A market research or ask Carl about his recollection of a specific exposure of that such as seeing an advertisement or experience such as driving or riding in an Acura I don't know Bill, which was the brand the researcher was interested in. While Carroll could not recall A specific ad and has never traveled in an Acura, he seemed to know quite a bit about his brand. Coral described the brand as reliable high-performance luxury inexpensive which type of memory does this represent? Implicit memory scripted memory explicit memory subliminal memory suppressed memory

Implicit memory

Donald has just learned that he has Type II diabetes, so he wants to learn as much as he can to manage his health. He reads health magazines, visits health-related Web sites, and reads product nutrition and ingredient information on packages. Donald's strength of learning is most likely to be strong due to which factor that affects the strength of learning? Importance Repetition dual coding punishment mood


Name and describe the six roles frequently occur in family decision making

Initiator: member who recognizes need and starts purchase process Information gatherer: member who has expertise and interest in a purchase, can be different people Influencer: person who influences the alternatives evaluated, the criteria considered and the final choice Decision Maker: member who makes the final decision, joint decisons likely to occur Purchaser: member who actually purchases the product, typically an adult or teenager User: member who uses the product, many products have multiple users

Bob and his friends go out every weekend and drink until they get drunk. Then they drive home in that condition. Which type of consumption does this represent?

Injurious Consumption

Barbara derives the meaning of herself from her relationship with her family. She has never sought a career of her own, and she is most happy when she is taking care of someone. If her grandchildren do not like what is prepared for dinner she will make them something else. Which type of self-concept does Barbara have? Independent self-concept role-based self-concept individual self-concept interdependent self-concept connected self-concept

Interdependent self-concept

What is a self-concept? What are the four types of self-concept?

It is the totality of one's thoughts and feelings towards one's self. The attitude toward one's self. A private self refers to how I do or would like to see myself. The social self refers to how I am or would like to be seen. The actual self refers to how I think I am now in the ideal self is how I would like to be.

Charles was the last person on his block to purchase a color television set, and that was in the 1980s. He just couldn't see the reason to purchase a new color television if his old one was working just fine. He finally purchased one because his old TV stopped working. In terms of adopter categories, Charles would be classified as a


Describe green-marketing and what greenwashing is

Marketers response to Americans' increasing concern for the environment; involves developing products whose production, use, or disposal is less harmful to the environment, developing products that have a positive impact on traditional versions of the product, and tying the purchase of a product to an environmental organization or event. Green Washing is when a firm promotes environmental benefits that are unsubstantiated and on which they don't deliver

List and describe applications of consumer behavior

Marketing Strategy- product, price, promotion, distribution, and service Regulatory Policy- regulatory bodies exist to develop, interpret, and or implement policies to protect and Social Marketing- application of marketing strategies and tactics to alter and create behaviors that have positive effects on the targeted individuals or society as a whole Informed Individuals- It is important that consumers accurately understand the strategies and tactics being used so they can be more effective consumers; understanding of consumer behavior can establish a foundation for reasoned business ethics

James is interested in just about any type of electronica equipment, such as digital video recorder's, computers, smart TVs, and digital cameras. He subscribes to several magazines devoted to these types of products, and he visits several different websites to learn more about these products. Which individual factor affecting attention is influencing James to attend information about these products?


Stephanie is a working mother of two children with a stressful job so she makes a point of walking 2 miles on her treadmill each day to help her unwind. By doing this, Stephanie is satisfying her? Need for reinforcement need for tension reduction need for autonomy need for attribution need for modeling

Need for tension reduction

Adam was working on a term paper and was exposed to so much information that he devised a classification system to organize the different sources of information he was using. This reflects which cognitive preservation motive? Need for autonomy need to categorize need for consistency need for attribution need for objectification

Need to categorizw

Kellogg recently dropped Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps as a celebrity endorser Kelloggs decision was based on what

Negative behavior involving the celebrity

What is an aspiration reference group and how can aspiration reference groups influence behavior?

Non-membership groups with a positive attraction. They exert a strong influence on product aspirations because ownership of products used by the aspiration reference group makes one more like that group and may even be a prerequisite for membership

Amie usually wears a uniform to her Catholic school, but on the first Friday of every month, students can wear other clothes as long as they bring in something for the church's food bank. Amie loves to shop and has plenty of fashionable clothes, but on these free dress days, she usually wears blue jeans, a T-shirt, and athletic shoes. Her mother asked her why she doesn't wear her nice clothes, and Amie told her that she would be made fun of at school. Which type of influence do the other students have on Amie?


________ Involves incorporating brands into movies, television programs, and other entertainment venues in exchange for payment or promotional or other consideration with the goal being to add realism to the scene, gifts are all exposure to the brand, and influence consumers in and unobtrusive manner. Product placement Product synergy Brand integration Product integration Ad integration

Product placement

Barbara is an individual who usually feels restful serene comfortable and soothed. Which emotion is Barbara experiencing?


Whole foods supermarkets have been described as down to earth, honest, wholesome, and cheerful. Which dimension of brand personality does this represent? Competence excitement sincerity ruggedness Sophistication


Cameron was searching the Internet for information on digital cameras. He went to a search engine and search the keywords digital camera. Unbeknownst to him, several banner ads for brands and retailers of digital cameras appeared on the results page that were activated based on the terms he used in his search. these banner ads are known as what

Smart banners

Banana republic is promoting high-end accessories and it's "the company we keep" Collection. This may help consumers recognize banana republic's personality dimension as_______. Cognitive excitement pleasure safety sophistication


The Martins' household income is $123,000 per year. However, this family estimates that they have $45,000 available to spend on nonessentials such as vacations and entertainment. The $45,000 represents the Martins' objective discretionary income (ODI). adjusted discretionary income (ADI). adjusted gross income (AGI). subjective discretionary income (SDI). subjective gross income (SG

Subjective discretionary income

David is a retired attorney who is satisfied and comfortable with his life. He keeps informed about the world by reading three newspapers a day and attend lectures at the senior activity center near his home. He is very content with his life, and he tends to center his leisure activities around his home. He plans his purchases carefully and looks for functionality, value and durability in the products he buys. Which VALS segment best describes David? Experiencers thinkers innovators achievers markers


An advertisement for Honda civic hybrid featured gas mileage in the subheading. The copy also noted that the owners of this automobile may be eligible for a clean fuel tax deduction. At the time this ad appeared, gas was over three dollars per gallon, which made the information important to consumers. This is an example of which type of appeal

Utilitarian appeal

Barry decides he needs a new car, so he started looking at commercials on TV and ads in magazines As well as visiting several websites. What type of exposure does this represent Nonvoluntary Voluntary Considered Involuntary Selective


Clara had an unpleasant experience at a local restaurant at lunch one day. She went back to work and told all her coworkers about this experience, and many of them said they would never go back to the restaurant. Which type of communication is this an example of?


Buzz is a self-employed construction worker. He is proud of his ability to do "real work" and sees himself as the often-unappreciated backbone of America. He dislikes the upper-middle class and prefers products and stores positioned toward his social-class level. Which term best describes Buzz?

Working-class aristocrat

Carl is middle-aged and single. He has a high school education and works at a hotel as a desk clerk. He lives in a tiny apartment. Even though he doesn't have a high income, he tries to live in active life attending sporting events, and sometimes he brings a date with him. To which PRIZM group does Carl belong? Young and rustic big fish small pond young digerati Bohemian mix Minimalists

Young and rustic

Carla watches television shows whenever she has time because she uses a digital video recorder to record the shows. When she watches them, she fast forward through the commercials, which is known as what?


What is zipping, zapping, and muting? Why are they concerned to marketers?

Zipping occurs when a viewer fast forwards through a commercial on a pre-recorded program. Zapping involves switching channels when a commercial appears. Muting is turning the sound off during a commercial. All three are extensive and greatly reduce the viewing and thus the impact of commercials.

Robert and his wife, Jan, were both born in the 1950s. The last of their three children will graduate from college soon, which is leaving them with increased discretionary income and time. To which generation do Robert and Jan belong?

baby boom generation

Bob is in the 6th grade. His family does not own a computer, and he really needs one to do his homework. He also wants one so he can play some of the games he hears his friends talking about. His parents realize that he needs a computer, but they really have no need for one and probably will never use it. Since they don't know much about computers, they are letting Bob do all the research and asked him to find the options that will meet his needs. However, his parents are the ones who will make the final decision on how much to spend and which computer to purchase. In terms of the family purchase roles, which role do Bob's parents play? decision maker information gatherer initiator influencer user

decision maker

Budweiser is a popular brand of beer. Part of this company's market research of U.S. consumers looked at education levels of beer consumers. What education level is the likely consumer of beer (that with highest propensity to buy and consumer beer) to have attained?did not graduate high school attended college graduated high school None of these choices are correct. graduated college

did not graduate high school

_____ are(is) the use of previously stored experiences, values, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings to interpret and evaluate information in working memory as well as to add relevant previously stored information.

elaborative activities

Ray is retired, and he and his wife are both in their late 60s. They are healthy, active, and financially well-off. They purchased an RV and plan to travel to all of the continental United States. Which stage of the household life cycle describes them? jobless childless empty nest II retired empty nest I

empty nest II

Health Valley is a brand of food, such as breakfast cereals, that uses all natural and organic ingredients. Moreover, they only purchase grain from organic farms. They state on their packages that "organic farming helps keep our food pure and protects our land and water from harmful substances. By supporting dozens of small organic farms, Health Valley helps protect a way of life for these family farmers, and helps ensure a safer and healthier Earth for you and your children." This is an example of green marketing. activist marketing. clean marketing. cause-related marketing. environmental marketing.

green marketing

Eric and Elizabeth live together in the same apartment but are not married. According to the Census Bureau, which type of household do they represent?

nonfamily household

Karen's father is an executive for a major international corporation and has been transferred to various countries over the years. With each move, Karen is enrolled in a new school. Even though English is spoken in the schools she attends, there are students from all over the world whose parents have jobs similar to Karen's father. With each new school, Karen spends the first few weeks merely observing the other students to learn which behaviors are appropriate in specific situations because she's learned that at each school the kids behave differently. Karen is attempting to learn that student body's specific __________ regarding behavior. rules precepts prescriptions norms guidelines


Carlos was born in the United States to immigrant parents. He has a higher income and education than his father, is more likely to identify himself as an American, speaks Spanish and English fluently, and is less likely to ascribe to traditional values than his parents. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, to which generation of Hispanic adults does Carlos belong?

second-generation adults

A family purchase decision differs from an organizational decision in the involvement of multiple people in the decision. All of these choices are correct. the absence of time pressure. the fact that different people play different roles in the purchase. the level of emotion involved.

the level of emotion involved

Maria's grandparents immigrated from Mexico, but her parents were both born in the United States. She has an MBA and earns the highest income in her family, she identifies herself as an American, speaks English as her primary language, and does not ascribe to the traditional values of her grandparents. In terms of the Pew Hispanic Center's generations of Hispanic adults, to which generation does Maria belong?

third generation adults

Catherine is married and a mother of two children. She has decided to forego her own career to stay home with her children until they are grown and on their own. Both she and her husband have decided that it is best for their family for him to assume the responsibility for providing financial security for them while she takes care of the home and family. Catherine would be classified as which type of woman? gender appropriate old-fashioned gender consistent traditional modern


Erica and her family decided that it was just too much strain on them for Erica to work outside the home. Even though she was a successful attorney and they enjoyed the good things in life, her family made a conscious decision to reduce their reliance on consumption and material possessions. This behavior has been termed demarketing. voluntary simplicity. downsizing. dematerialization. voluntary withdrawal.

voluntary simplicity

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