Cranial Meninges
arachnoid mater
(covers brain and serves as a) ROOF OVER CRANIAL BLOOD VESSELS IN SUBARACHNOID SPACE (above where) CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (circulates so the blood vessels are bathed in CSF)
cranial meninges
(dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater) (scalp, epicranial aponeurosis, loose connective tissue and periosteum of cranium,) DURA MATER (cranial dura mater has two layers - periosteal and meningeal), ARACHNOID MATER, (SUBARACHNOID SPACE,) AND (cerebral cortex covered by) PIA MATER
arachnoid granulations/villi
(finger-like projections of arachnoid) (penetrate the dura mater and this is) WHERE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID CAN ENTER DURAL SINUSES AND BE ELIMINATED INTO VENOUS BLOOD
(in some areas of the cranial dura mater, there is a) SPACE BETWEEN PERIOSTEAL AND MENINGEAL LAYERS OF DURA MATER (that contain large veins known as __________) (all interconnect and drain into) INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN
pia mater
(layer tightly attached to brain surface) ANCHORED BY ASTROCYTES FLOOR FOR CRANIAL BLOOD VESSELS IN SUBARACHNOID SPACE (blood vessels penetrate the brain within channels lined by pia mater)
diaphragm sellae
MENINGEAL LAYER OF DURA MATER EXTENDS INTO CRANIAL CAVITY (which provides additional support and stability - if brain weren't attached, it would just float and move around) LINES SELLA TURCICA AND ENCLOSES PITUITARY GLAND
falx cerebri
MENINGEAL LAYER OF DURA MATER EXTENDS INTO CRANIAL CAVITY (which provides additional support and stability - if brain weren't attached, it would just float and move around) SEPARATES (the two) CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES
falx cerebelli
MENINGEAL LAYER OF DURA MATER EXTENDS INTO CRANIAL CAVITY (which provides additional support and stability - if brain weren't attached, it would just float and move around) SEPARATES CEREBELLAR HEMISPHERES
tentorium cerebelli
MENINGEAL LAYER OF DURA MATER EXTENDS INTO CRANIAL CAVITY (which provides additional support and stability - if brain weren't attached, it would just float and move around) SEPARATES CEREBRUM FROM CEREBELLIUM