Customer Service MKT 223

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Successful companies don't use technology to

replace human relationships, but only to enhance them.

One way to exceed customer expectations is to

· promise good but deliver great! Always strive to go above and beyond what is expected.


The external environmental analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for increased sales and growth or occasions to make improvements in products or processes.

What is the difference between internal and external customers?

The main difference between an internal customer and external customers are that internal customers are typically those who buy or use product from the company while being part of the company (i.e vendors, consultants, or a department within the company) versus an external company who buys product from the company but is not part of the company in any way.

Customers with high expectations—some-times referred to as tough, demanding customers—make a business better.

The secret is to use the situation as an opportunity to maximize customer retention and improve customer services.

List the 10 listening techniques.

1) Be ready to listen. 2) Be ready to take notes. 3) Demonstrate that you are listening. 4) Ask questions. 5) Restate the customer's points. 6) Realize that listening is hard work. 7) Make good use of the thought-speech ratio. 8) Seek to listen in more than one way. 9) Don't begin speaking the moment the person stops talking. 10) Develop an open posture that encourages the other person to talk.

What is an FCR?

A call to a service rep that is completely re-solved on the first call

What is a contact point?

A contact point is the method that a customer uses to communicate with a company. Customer contact can occur in person, on the phone, through written communications, and online.

What is a CSR?

A customer service representatives

What is a data warehouse?

A data warehouse provides a com-mon location for all crucial business data regardless of the data's source.

What is the importance of teamwork?

A good team approach shows buyers that the company is organized and that everyone is moving toward a com-mon goal of satisfying the customer. It also means that because of shared ownership, no team member will allow the failure of one member because the entire team will fail. When team members are account-able to each other, customers know that the final objective of the team is their satisfaction.

1. Describe the 3 levels of listening.

A level 3 listener may be daydreaming, forming a premature reply, or faking attention while thinking about unrelated matters. In general, this type of listener is more interested in talking than in listening. Level 2 listeners focus on words, but many times they miss the intent—what is being expressed non-verbally through tone of voice, body posture, gestures, facial expression, and eye movement. As a result, level 2 listeners hear what the speaker says, but they make little effort to understand the speaker's intent Level 1 listeners view listening as an opportunity to gather new and useful information. They suspend judgment, are empathetic to the other person's feelings, and can see issues from the other person's point of view. These listeners take extra time to mentally summarize the stated message, question or evaluate what was said, and consciously notice nonverbal cues.

Customer Service Goals

A. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. B. Each business will have its own particular set of goals based on its customers' needs and wants. C. The customer always comes first. D. Customers should always have up to date information about your company and services. E. The employee should know how to help the customer with any problem or who to ask next in order to provide the best customer service. Some Mission Statements that can be used for goal examples: "Good Service is Good Business." "Our Customers are #1" "We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen."

Customer Service Challenges

A. Internet, Mobile wireless technologies, and social networks. (Social Media as a whole) B. Diverse customers C. Attracting and retaining customers D. Personal reviews E. Facing Irate Customers F. Time and staff constraints (i.e. Serving multiple customers at one time) G. No solutions to customers problem

What are the characteristics of a social customer

A. Turns to friends and online networks for advice and recommendations B. Is open and vocal about online and face-to-face buying experiences C. Is savvy, confident, and fast when using the Internet to research products to purchase D. Expects organizations to have an online presence, and wants to contact brands through online channels such as email, chats, or an easy-to-complete contact form E. Wants confirmation that a complaint or comment was heard, acknowledged, and taken into consideration F. Connects good and bad customer service directly to future purchasing decisions

1. List and describe each communication style.

Aggressive Communication style is closed-minded, listens poorly, has difficulty seeing another person's point of view, interrupts other people while they are talking, and tends to monopolize the conversation. Typically, an aggressive communicator feels he or she must win arguments at any cost. Passive communication style tend to be indirect and hesitant to say what is really on their minds. By avoiding or ignoring problems, passive communicators are likely to agree externally, while disagreeing internally. They often feel powerless in confrontational situations because they don't like to make waves or upset anyone. Assertive communication style tends to be an effective, active listener who states limits and expectations and does not label or judge people or events. By confronting problems at the time they happen, assertive communicators leave themselves open to negotiating, bargaining, and compromising in such a way that everyone involved wins.

four basic customer personalities

Analytical Expressive Amiable Driver

What is anger management?

Anger management is a process of learning to recognize signs that you are becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger management doesn't try to keep you from feeling angry or holding it in. Anger is a healthy, normal emotion when you know how to express it appropriately.

1. Define "business etiquette".

Business etiquette dictates the rules of acceptable behavior that identify the application of correct or polite manners in a typical business situation.

What is the main goal of business writing?

Business writing experts say that the most important strategy behind good written communication is to be clear. After clarity, the next most important writing strategy is the skillful and professional presentation of the written communication.


Changes in the external environment may present challenges to the business that hurt its ability to profitably serve customers.


Characteristics or deficiencies that place the organization at a disadvantage relative to others are termed weaknesses.

List and briefly describe each type of web-driven service technologies

Chats - program permits interaction with a service representative in a moment's time and has the potential for increased sales due to immediate response. Online Forums - allow users to share information and post responses to one another in online discussion groups. These discussions are not in real time the way chats and instant messages are. Instead, they are referred to as threaded discussions and may span a few days, as the need exists. Blogs - electronic communications method that consists of millions of on-line journals linked together in a vast network. Cloud Apps - software application that is accessed via the Internet and is not physically installed on a personal or business computer system.

1. What is a service infrastructure?

Clear service standards and a strategic plan to help achieve the required decision makers to take the next step to evaluate and develop a framework. Part of this is for companies to spend the time and effort needed to assess and provide the best facilities, tools, CSRs, and needed ongoing training that meets strategic customer service goals.

1. What is data mining?

Data mining is done on all the data in a data warehouse and extracts patterns from it.

1. Explain the relationship between customer expectations and customer perception.

Customer expectations are the beliefs about a service a customer has before a transaction. Customer perception are when the opinion of the customer has been created about the service during and after a transaction.

1. What is a CRM?

Customer relationship management is a business strategy that integrates the functions of sales, marketing, and customer service, using technology and massive databases of information.

1. What is the importance of customer loyalty?

Customers tend to stay with organizations that enable them to feel valued and appreciated, even if an organization cannot always respond to all of their needs and problems. Customer retention is the importance of customer loyalty.

What is the difference between mediation and arbitration?

Mediation is not legally binding, but arbitration is legally arbitration.

Discuss the essential service skills needed when communicating over the phone

Effective communication Skills Effective Listening Skills Stay close to the phone. Be courteous and polite with each caller Use a computer or have paper and pencil handy to take notes. Bring closure to the call. State what you can do, not what you cannot do. Avoid using the word "transfer." When transferring a call to someone else, pass along the customer's name and any facts you have obtained so far. Stay on the line. Do not transfer the customer, if that is his or her preference. Tell the caller why you would like to put him or her on hold, and ask for permission to do so. Keep callers on hold no longer than 30 seconds. Thank the customer for holding Check back frequently. Offer to call the customer back instead of putting him or her on hold.

1. Discuss the types of feedback survey instruments. How can they be used to achieve customer satisfaction?

Employees- They hear complaints directly from the customers. Social Media Feedback- Easy platforms for customers to provide feedback. Comment Cards - Used to simply ask customers questions about their service. Competition - Ask what the other service is offering that yours doesn't. Documentation and records - Check Inventory and sales receipts to see what is working and what's not. Mail Surveys - Use feedback surveys to get more specific answers and offer coupons. Surveys A post-episodic - survey gathers information from customers after they have completed a business transaction, such as opening a new account or getting a car serviced at a dealership. Telephone survey - Call customers on phone to conduct survey. Electronic surveys, in-store shop-per surveys, post CSR call questionnaires, and on-site interviews can also be effective

List and explain each element of the communications process.

Encoding Process - A message arrives from a sender, and the senses pick up the message and relay it to the receiver. Decoding Process - Receiver filters the message and gives it a unique meaning. The meaning triggers a response, and the receiver returns (by voice, writing, or gestures) the shared understanding of the message to the sender. Feedback - A message transmitted back to the original sender. Sender- The sender has an idea to share with another person. That idea is in the sender's mind and the goal is to get it into the receiver's mind. 2.Receiver - The receiver is the person or persons with whom the sender is trying to communicate. After the receiver hears the message, feedback is sent to the sender. 3.Message - The message contains more than words. It also encompasses a combination of feelings, attitudes, facial and body gestures, and other unique personality traits. 4.Channel - This refers to the medium through which a message is transmitted to its intended audience. Broadly speaking, for customer service, two effective channels include print media (letters, e-mails, web pages) and broadcast media (phone, personal conversations, chats, meetings). 5.Shared understanding - The degree to which a receiver understands what a sender is trying to communicate depends on human and personality factors involving similarities and differences between the communicators and any previous perceptions each may have relative the topic of discussion. 6.Feedback- As previously mentioned, feedback is the receiver's reaction sent back to the sender. Each of us has experienced from time to time the feeling, "He doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. "In most cases, we reach this conclusion by interpreting the verbal or nonverbal feedback the receiver is generating.

Discuss the elements and interpretations of body language

Eye Contact - Avoiding eye contact or eyerolling can signal discomfort or annoyance. Shifty eyes or lots of blinking can give away deception. In some cultures, eye contact can also be disrespectful. Voice - Tone of voice cold be angry or happy. Smiling - Smiling can show anger or cheer given the circumstances. Posture - Slouching and leaning postures send the message, "I'm tired, bored, or uninterested in your concerns." remember also not to crowd a customer and to provide enough personal space between the two of you. Personal space refers to the distance between people as they interact and communicate. Gestures - Gesturing, especially during tense conversations, can mean the difference between sending a message of trust and cooperation and one of suspicion.

List the 3 basic complaints and their causes

I. Product Service •Poor product quality •Maintenance difficulties •Inadequate or poor repair work •Goods/services delivery delays •Failure to fulfill product or service warranties •Incompetent or discourteous employees II. Accounting •Billing errors •Failure to provide timely refunds and adjustments, as promised III. Sales Practice •Deceptive or inaccurate advertising •Advertising products that are unavailable or in limited supply •Misleading or false representations by sales staff

List and briefly describe the basic steps to processing customer complaints.

I. Screen and log in information: Screen call and electronically enter date of complaint and all information. II. Listen: Listen quietly and carefully to customer complaint. Repeat and paraphrase information given. Thank customer. III. Empathize: Make sure customer understand that you know their upset and want to help and have been through this before. IV. Solicit Feedback: Ask how o problem occurred and if that have any suggestions for future references and improvement. V. Apologize: Apologize sincerely for the problem. VI. Deliver Bad News Positively: Politely, quickly, and fairly inform customer of bad news. VII. Take Ownership and Formulate a Solution: Apologize and see if there is anything else you can do for them. VIII. Follow up: Apology letter, phone call to get feedback

Middle Management

I.E. department heads, branch managers, and deans fit in this category of managers. They implement the strategies that have been deter-mined by top management with intermediate-range tactical decisions.

Top Management

I.E. president, vice president, and superintendent of schools. These managers focus on long-range strategic decision-making that sets the tone and vision for the future in terms of new products, new markets, new facilities, etc.

Lower Management

I.E. supervisors, department chairs, and call center managers. They make daily decisions that ensure specific jobs are performed that meet the organization's objectives

List and briefly explain the 5 conflict management styles.

Identify the problem. Analyze the problem. Identify decision criteria. Develop multiple solutions. Choose the optimal solution.

List the 5 steps involved in problem solving

Identify the problem. Analyze the problem. Identify decision criteria. Develop multiple solutions. Choose the optimal solution.

What is the difference between inbound and outbound telemarketing?

Inbound telemarketing programs are used mainly by companies to take orders, generate leads, and provide service to customers with questions or concerns. In contrast, outbound telemarketing involves the telemarketer cold calling prospects who are not expecting a call.

List the 6 roadblocks to listening.

Judging or criticizing. Naming or labeling. Commanding or ordering. Moralizing. Diverting. Advising.

Why are "listening tools" important for providing excellent customer service?

Listening tools are important because customers take to these platforms to reviews or discuss a company, service, or product.

List the 9 steps used in resolving conflicts.

Make an effort to determine whether there is, in fact, a problem. 2. If there is a problem, set up a private face-to-face meeting to discuss it with the other person. 3. In a "nonconfrontational manner," explain what you think the problem is. 4. Ask for feedback while you are speaking. 5. Listen to the other person with an open mind. 6. Respect others' opinions. 7. Attempt to determine the root cause of the problem. 8. Aim to work out a compromise that pleases both of you. 9. Find a way that both of you can walk away feeling like winners.

List and describe the 6 types of questions. Why are the bombardment and multiple-questions approaches unacceptable in most customer service situations?

Open questions request information in a way that requires a more complete answer than a simple "yes" or "no." Probing questions use information already established to clarify points and ask for more details. Often, these questions promptly follow-up a previous question and response. Closed questions usually elicit a yes or no answer. Closed questions can be useful in the concluding minutes of a customer conversation to confirm small details and to make sure that you have covered all the topics concerning the customer's query. Alternative choice questions provide alternatives for the customer to choose from. These questions can be particularly useful when dealing with difficult customers. The approach is to ask customers what they would like you to-do for them, but then limit their responses by providing them with two or three alternatives that also suit you. Leading questions help speed up interactions with people who find it difficult to make a final decision. They also help the customer confirm information in an easy way. Direct questions can be open or closed. However, all direct questions have two characteristics in common: the name of the other person is always used, and the question is posed as an instruction. Bombardment approach asks too many questions in a short period of time and puts customers on the defensive Multiple-question approach asks many questions wrapped up as one. When a question actually contains several questions, clients may get confused about which one to answer.

1. Describe the activities involved in proactive problem solving and customer self-service for extreme customers.

Proactive problem solving is where CSRs are on the lookout for customers who may be dissatisfied. This requires teamwork with and communication among departments and intentionally building a sensitivity to and awareness of both quiet customers and angry customers and how best to serve them. Customer self-service (CSS)is a popular pro-active approach in customer service that empowers customers to go to a company's website and initiate most of the queries and functions normally handled by a call center, issues that might include reviewing account transactions, making payments, and investigating various company policies. It is also important to have a well-established Knowledge base. The knowledge base is a database created and used by CSRs that contains information on how to resolve common service issues. It can include things, such as FAQ's, contact information, feedback forms, and live chat.

1. Discuss the differences between a quiet customer and a vocal customer.

Quiet customers are the ones who don't communicate problems they let their complaints buildup to the point that they think it's easier to simply leave rather than attempt to address the issue. A Vocal Customer are those who are especially vocal or angry and do not respond to reason or goodwill and might become abusive, personal, even threatening.

What is the difference between selective listening and active listening? Which one is best for providing excellent customer service?

Selective listening is hearing only what you want to hear—sorting out what's not important or of no interest to you. Active listening is listening with your whole mind and body—not just your ears. It requires putting your own feelings aside while trying to understand what the other person is saying. Active listening is best for providing excellent customer service because you need to be able to unbiasedly interpreted what they're saying, respond, and make them feel understood.

List and describe the 4 customer retention strategies

Sell and then sell again: Always promote and sell your company even after acquiring the customer Bring back the "lost sheep": Reach out to customers who seem to stop doing business with you and see if you can offer them something to come back as customer. Frequent Communications Calendar: Use a programmed sequence of communication, such as letters, events, phone calls, thank-you notes, special offers, and cards or notes with a personal touch. Product or service integrity: Customers will be attracted to you if you are open and honest with them, care for them, take a genuine interest in them, don't let them down, and practice what you preach.

What are "soft skills"?

Soft Skills - Punctuality, positive attitude, and cooperation.

Discuss stress management. Include the effects of stress, stress management tips, and positive vs. negative stress in your discussion.

Stress management is very important and without doing it you would likely experience burn out pretty fast. Some of the effects of stress are burnout, negative Office Chatter, fatigue, reduced productivity and feelings of being overworked, hopelessness, failure underappreciated, confused, concerned, and resentful. Some ways to reduce or manage stress are: Pay attention to yourself, don't try to control everything, alter your lifestyle, change your thinking, and create an outlet. Positives tress is a force that motivates and energizes you rather than makes you anxious and frustrated; there-fore, you can channel its energy into productive results. In contrast, negative stress decreases productivity and comes from worrying about things you have no power to change.

Discuss the training of CSRs. What is the difference between role-playing and coaching?

The training should develop phone and interpersonal communication skills that respond effectively to customers and foster a teambuilding environment within the workplace. It should also focus on live interactive chats, intelligent e-mail response systems, telephone services, and robust self-service search engines. The most important training is teaching them about the company's products and services. Coaching is where you learn by doing, and in role-playing you participate in simulated realistic customer scenarios.


These are characteristics of the business that give it an advantage over others in the industry

Describe the working environment and basic duties for most CSR positions.

They work 35 - 40 hours a week with overtime, nightshift, and weekend hours. CSR's can deal with customers face-to-face or by phone. They can deal with customers over the phone in call centers where they work in cubbies with headsets, telephones, and computers. They spend a long time sitting, typing, and looking at computer screens. They need to be able to sit, use their arms, hands and fingers for long periods of time. They also need to speak, hear, and see well to communication information correctly.

What is time management? List the 5 time management tips

Time management is identifying activities that must be completed, and then prioritizing those activities so that the most important ones are accomplished first. i. Plan and prioritize tasks ii. Say "no" to nonessential tasks iii. Take care of yourself iv. Limit distractions v. Take the time you need

Make your voice friendly and approachable when speaking to a customer on the telephone.

To improve phone communication, speak as if you were in a face-to-face dialogue even smiling and gesturing, if those actions make you sound more natural.

three customer turnoffs

Value turnoffs System turnoffs People turnoffs

1. What is the importance of setting customer service performance standards?

When organizations have a baseline of service performance standards, they deliver, regardless of who the customer is or how much he or she spends. Standards also need to be the basis for selecting, training, evaluating, rewarding, and retaining CSRs, the key personnel who will reach out to and, hopefully, retain that customer base. Effective customer service standards reflect an understanding of what customers need, want, and are willing to pay for, as well as what the competition is offering.

Why are dress codes important in the workplace?

Your image is your reputation and a reflection of how others perceive you, both through your conversation and appearance. A work dress code is a set of standards that companies develop to help provide their employees with guidance about what is appropriate to wear to work."

Define culture

a system of shared values, beliefs, and rituals that are learned and passed on through generations of families and social groups.

By examining customer service through the perspectives of the different generations,

you can apply specific customer service techniques that will be successful in each generation's context."

List the needs of customers.

· The need to feel welcome · The need to be understood · The need for fair treatment · The need for control and options

Undeliverable promises

can do more harm than saying "no" to a customer. Always honor the commitments you make to customers.

In delivering great customer service

create a customer experience in a way that is unique to that person and isn't the same as the next customer's

Home shoring

hiring workers to do jobs from their homes

1. What are the 4 forms of procrastination?

i. Not wanting to do the task ii. Interrupting yourself iii. Making the project too big iv. Convincing yourself of defeat

List the 5 activities used by organized people

i. Prepare a monthly schedule. ii. Prepare a file folder for each item on your schedule. iii. Rely on technology iv. Organize your work area v. Manage your communications.

Don't pass blame. When a customer calls with a problem you personally did not create, don't rush to point out that, "I didn't do it, "or "It's not my fault. "Instead of dodging the issue or blaming someone else,

immediately apologize for the customer's inconvenience and take speedy action to resolve it.

Generation Y

is confident, ambitious, and very technologically sound.

Baby Boomer

is idealistic, competitive, questions authority, desires to put their own stamp on things, and challenges institutions. These customers are independent with a "can-do" attitude. They like to dig in and overcome obstacles all on their own.

Generation Z

is more self-directed and processes information at lightning speed.

Mature Generation

is patriotic, loyal, fiscally conservative, and has faith in institutions. These customers tend to struggle with technology and typically need more attention than others.

Generation X

is resourceful, self-reliant, distrusts institutions, and is highly adaptive to both change and technology.

Analytical personality types

known for being systematic, well organized, and deliberate.

SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats


the employee's ability to make administrative decisions based on corporate guidelines.

A base line standard

the minimum level of service it takes to satisfy customers under ordinary circumstances.


the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. has affected customer service because of the differences in culture and government regulations.

Customer Service

the process of satisfying the customer, relative to a product or service, in whatever way the customer defines his or her need, and having that service delivered with efficiency, compassion, and sensitivity

Always strive to improve your overall service by focusing on

the small details of each transaction. It will mean a lotto the customer and make a difference in total customer satisfaction.

Expressive personality types

value appreciation and a pat on the back, love social situations, like to inspire others, and are extroverted, readily showing emotion to others.

Amiable personality types

want to build relationships, loves to give others support and attention, values suggestions from others, and fears disagreement.

Driver personality types

want to save time, value results, love being in control, and doing things their way.

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