EFB 217

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The Black Death originated in


_____ was once known as East Pakistan.


Leprosy is still a public health concern in


Which early warning system for epidemics has the shortest response time?

Case surveillance

Bubonic plague entered the U.S. directly from


Two of the three plague pandemics originated in


Which of the following is a part of dengue surveillance in Machala?

Cluster investigation of households. Ministry of Health sentinel clinics Clinical surveys of patients

Rice blight is caused by which of the following fungi?

Cochliobolus miyabeanus

Which of the following reasons does NOT explain why great gobs of money was spent on

Coffee rust had just arrived in Latin America.


Confucianism gains popularity Civil Service exam Silk road Tributary system

What activity presents the greatest risk for infection by schistosomes?

Contact with waters containing infectious stages (i.e., cercaria)


Contained most of modern china Origins of China Legalism Centralization

SARS is caused by a virus in which family?


The 1878 yellow fever epidemic that struck New Orleans, Memphis and other cities in the American south was believed to have originated in


The British instituted which of the following emergency policies to prepare for a Japanese invasion of Bengal in 1942-1943:

Destroyed 100s buildings of the INC and arrested 1000s of their supporters. Instituted a "scorched earth" policy in eastern Bengal. Initiated the "boat denial scheme". Implemented the "rice denial scheme".

Disease control options involve which of the following?

Disease resistant cultivars and hybrids of Coffea. Prevention of heavy berry set to avoid weakening the tree. Properly timed fungicide sprays. All of the above.

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS

HIV is the pathogen: AIDS is the disease

During the resurgence of syphilis in China, which other disease increased similarly?

HIV/AIDS Gonorrhea Herpes all of the above none of the above

A virgin-soil epidemic is an infectious disease that:

Has no known biotic reservoirs other than man. Has been introduced into a population for the first time. Causes high levels of morbidity and mortality.

Venereal syphilis is transmitted in which stage?

First Second

Xia Dynasty

First Dynasty Lasted 500 years Agrarian People with bronze tools

Which of the following is/are NOT symptoms of scurvy?



High point of the chinese civilization

India is virtually impossible to govern or to conquer for which of the following reasons?

Hinduism and the caste system are preeminent in the lives of the people.

Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora cv Robusta) is resistant to the rust disease, but it was not planted extensively at first for which of the following reasons.

It has a flat taste compared to that of Arabica coffee

Vaccine development for HIV/AIDS has been slow in coming because

It has very high genetic variability

Which of the following is NOT true with regard to the life cycle of Hemileia vastatrix?

It is a basidiomycete rust fungus with 5 spore stages and two alternating hosts.

Which of the following statements about the leprosy pandemic beginning in the mid-19th century is true?

It was a shameful symbol of a weakened China

Why was Kinshasa important important in the early history of HIV/AIDS?

It was a transportation hub bushmeat its sex trade

Which of the following countries does not have a border with China?


The impact of Henry Wickham's actions was the establishment of a cultivated rubber industry in:

Java, Sumatra, Ceylon, India, and Malaya

What is the primary challenge for controlling this disease in Sudan?

Lack of recognition by local authorities

Which of the following explains why it was so difficult to cultivate rubber in Brazil?

Latex gatherers did not support cultivation for economic/political reasons. Natives didn't want to work in plantations. Border areas needed to remain populated. It isn't easy to plant Hevea. SALB.

HIV originated when

SIV jumped from chimpanzees to humans

What is the etiological agent (cause) of Schistosomiasis

Schistosoma spp. (S. haematobium, S. japonicum, S. mansoni, S. mekongi and S. intercalatum)

Most the people with SARS live in

Southeast Asia/China

Kong Fuzi lived during the

Spring and Autumn Period

The yellow fever epidemics of the New World were caused in part by

Stagnant population growth in Europe in the 17th century European demand for sugar resistance among Africans to yellow fever

In the western U.S., ground squirrels serve as a reservoir for Yersinis pestis and are associated with

Sylvatic plague

Smallpox is called smallpox because:

Syphilis was known already as the great pox.

During the first outbreak of syphilis in Europe, how did the severity of symptoms compare to those of present-day syphilis?

They were worse.

Natural rubber is a solid product made by coagulating the latex produced by certain plants, particularly the Brazilian rubber tree, which yields the purest and most elastic rubber known as para rubber.


Night soil" is human fecal waste


One of the most important changes in the shift from coffee to 'whatever came next' plantations in Ceylon was the rise in number of Tamil women and children from southern India.


One of the most important contributions of cholera to human civilization was the development of modern water and sewage sanitation laws, infrastructure, and practices.


POROTIC HYPEROSTOSIS__ is the skeletal manifestation of prolonged childhood anemia into adulthood.


Population density has been estimated by dating and counting house mounds


SARS was the first pandemic of the 21st century


Smallpox has been used as a biological weapon.


Smallpox virus has no known animal reservoirs.


The civil war that erupted in 1983 in an effort to create an independent Tamil State in Sri Lanka was crushed in 2009, and is now over.


The following is a good working hypothesis that best explains the Great Mayan Collapse: The Maya approached the limits of the rainforest resource at a time when the effects of malnutrition/ disease made the maintenance of their agrotechnology impossible.


The measles epidemics of the late 19th and early 20th centuries lowered the birth rate of the native Fijian population for several decades.


The smallpox virus is not highly communicable.


Yaws is caused by a bacterium closely related to the causal agent of syphilis.


Vaccine development for Ebola is which of the following:

Two vaccines are under development

The prognosis for a person with HIV/AIDS is

dependent on where you live and your access to medical care

Syphilis, as we know it today most likely

evolved in 16th century Europe from an imported New World progenitor.

Ebola virus is caused by an abrovirus


the SARS pathogen is a RNA virus?


HIV/AIDS wasn't recognized until the early 1980s after it arrived in the U.S. This was due, in part, to epidemiologists who identified four populations of people among whom the disease mostly occurred. The four h's were

homosexual men, Haitians, hemophiliacs, heroin users

Since the late 1980s, dengue fever in Ecuador and throughout Latin America has


Most Chinese dynasties ended due t

internal conflict

In the mid-nineteenth century in Brazil the racist policy policy known as whitening had which of the following consequences

it contributed to a yellow fever epidemic

Leonine facies is a characteristic symptom of

lepromatous leprosy

Leprosy occurs more often in


Leprosy has been conclusively proven to be transmitted by

mosquitoes sexual contact sneezing none of the above None of the above

Leprosy primarily affects the

skin and peripheral nerves

Swidden agriculture is equivalent to which of the following:

slash and burn.

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of infection with Ebola virus

sore feet

Which of the following organisms causes venereal syphilis?

T. pallidum pallidum

Which of the following best describes the "white mans' burden"?

Taking care of all these "bloody Hindoos". Bringing the benefits of western culture to all the colored natives of the world. Making certain there are markets for all the industrialized goodies produced in England.

_____and_____replaced coffee in much of the coffee-growing regions of southern Asia and the western Pacific.

Tea and Coffee

Why did the Americans and not the french complete the Panama Canal

The Americans worked on the canal after the vector of yellow fever was discovered

During the Boxer Rebellion, the Qing government fought with

The British The French The Russians

Why did European attempts to subdue the rebellion in Haiti fail

The British and French troops suffered staggering losses from yellow fever

The Maya were iron deficient because:

The Mayans didn't eat much meat, and meat is a rich source of iron, so they were iron deficient. Non-heme iron was present in their plant-based diet, but it was not readily bioavailable because various phytic acids prevented uptake Vitamin C stimulates absorption of non-heme iron, and the Mayans were Vit C deficient

The Qing imperial government was immediately succeeded by the

The Nationalist government

During the Taiping Rebellion, the British and French sided with

The Qing government

The highest rates of syphilis in the U.S. occur in

The south

The impact of climate change on human health depends on

The vulnerability of the population

What are 4 strategies for the prevention and control of schistosomiasis?

Therapeutic treatment (praziquantel, phytomedicines) Prophylactic treatment (artemisinin shows some protective effects) Improved Sanitation Improved access to treatment Snail Control (molluscicides)

The first publication claiming mosquitos were the vectors of yellow fever was

1881 by Finlay

Worldwide, the following number of people are affected by measles each year?

20 million

The first recorded case of plague took place in the

third century BCE

In most countries today, the principal way that dengue is controlled is by

vector control

Dengue, zika and chikungunya are

vector-borne diseases

In about 500 BCE, leprosy

came from india to china

The Mayan collapse was differential in that it only occurred in which Mayan region(s):

central and southern lowlands

Confucius had profound effects on Chinese culture that lasted for some 15 centuries. Which of the following is most central to his philosophy?


The decline of the Yuan dynasty was hastened by which effect of the plague?

reduced tax revenues disruption of commerce among the Mongol hordes reduced manufacturing capacity

The critical community size (CCS) for measles to persist in an urban population is:


Which of the following contributed to the second epidemic of syphilis in China?

A large susceptible population Greater sexual freedoms A male-biased population

China's Great Leap Forward was

An epic calamity

What treatment for schistosomiasis was used by the ancient Egyptians and is still used some places today?


AIDS can be halted and even reversed with

Antiretroviral treatment

PEPFAR stands for

President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

One important impact of the measles epidemics of the early 20th century was an increase in the population of _______ in Fiji.


Vulcanization is the process invented by Charles Goodyear that:

Involved treating Hevea latex with sulfur and heat. Stabilized the elastic properties of Hevea latex. Made Mr. Goodyear a millionaire. Helped to fuel the Industrial Revolution.

How long after 1494 did it take for syphilis to reach China

10 years

Smallpox has a non-infectious incubation period that lasts:

10-12 days

Around the year 1500, the population of China was approximately

100 Million

Smallpox was so devastating in the New World because:

.the "founder effect". Fewer types of human leukocyte antigens than in European pops. it was a virgin-soil epidemic.

The Great Austronesian Expansion began when and was completed when?

3500 BCE to1300 CE

The infamous measles epidemic in Fiji in 1875 burned itself out in how many months?


At the height of the rubber boom in Brazil, rubber provided what percentage of Brazil's


The case fatality rate for Ebola ranges from:


In 1953, the population of China was

583 million

In China, Iron first came into use during the

Eastern Zhou subperiod

Civets are the reservoir host of the SARS virus?


Current research efforts on SALB in Brazil are now focused on studying the molecular details of several promising resistance factors to the insect vector.


Humans are the only known natural host of the measles bacterium?


Latex production from Hevea brasiliensis can begin when trees reach maturity in 25 years


Leprosy is caused by a pathogenic fungus.


MMR vacine causes Autism


Measles is highly contagious. 50% of persons without immunity who share a house hold with an infected person will catch it?


SARS stands for Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome?


Smallpox influenced the outcome of the American civil war.


Smallpox virus originated in the New World.


The cholera pathogen is an obligate parasite that requires no insect vector or animal reservoir for its survival.


The disease first appeared in the coffee plantations of Brazil in the mid 1860s.


The rubber euphoria in Brazil lasted from 1870 to ~ 1910, and then ended because synthetic rubber was invented.


The last imperial dynasty of China was that of the


Every effort to cultivate Hevea brasiliensis in the Americas has failed because of which of the following:

Microcyclus ulei

____________was the last Viceroy of India


Silk production in China began in the


Although most cultivated rubber genotypes are highly susceptible to the pathogen that causes South American Leaf Blight, the disease has not spread to these other continents because:

No direct flights from Brazil to other humid, tropical countries. Quarantine of all freight shipments from South America and other tropical countries. All plant products from Brazil are fumigated just prior to shipment.

Zou Dynasty

Origins of modern Chinese Longest lasting dynasty Mandate of heaven Confucianism is found

Initially, the Spanish paid the Portuguese to import Africa slaves to Hispaniola to

Pan for gold

Bengal was a hotbed of the independence movement in India.


"China" comes from


The Great Wall of China was built in the

Qin dynasty Western Han dynasty Siu dynasty Jin Ming dynasty

HIV contains


Hinduism does not recognize all men as created equal.


Most Tamils are Hindu, while most Sinhalese are Buddhist.


Prior to this dynasty, historical information is archaeological, not written

Shang dynasty

Schistosoma spp. are parasites that have an obligate 2 host life cycle involving a vertebrate host (e.g., humans) and an invertebrate host, specifically


Syphilis was known in China as

The plum tree poison

The most severe form of smallpox is caused by which of the following viruses:

Variola major

The 2014 outbreak in E.Coli

Was the worst in human history largest in western africa

Shang Dynasty

Written history begins Turtle shells with writing on it One of the longest lasting dynasties

The transition from the Neolithic Period to the Dynastic or Imperial Era began with the

Xia dynasty

Which of the following figured prominently in France's decision to sell the Lousisiana Territory to the US?

Yellow Fever the haitian revolution War with England

The classic first-stage symptom of syphilis is

a chancre

Just as the fourteenth century plague pandemic brought massive upheaval to China, one of the effects in Europe was

a shift in power from the East to the West

In the dengue transmission cycle, the intrinsic incubation period is

after a person becomes infected but before they become ill

The most severe form of leprosy is

alepromatous leprosy

The prognosis for a person with SARS is

an acute respiratory disease with a fatality rate of about 10%

M. leprae occurs in both humans and


In 1775 the most lucrative colonial possession in the world

on the island of St.Domingue

'Traditional' plant based therapeutics are also known as:


Dr. Stewart's research program has been successful in large part due to

strong institutional partners and an international team of collaborators

Most people with HIV/AIDS live in

sub-Saharan Africa

Hernan de Cortes conquered which of the following people:

the Aztec people led by the Emperor Monteczuma

The yellow fever epidemic of 1793 in philadelphia was an indirect result of

the Haitian Revolution

The pandemic that shifted the center of European civilization from the Mediterranean to the north was

the Justinian plague

China's first war with the West was

the Opium War

A key route of spreading plague in the fourteenth century was

the Silk Road the Crimea and Caucasus Italy

Central to Taoism is

the Way of the universe

The rapid rise and fall of the Mayan civilization was different from the rise and fall of other ancient civilizations (e.g. Aztecs, Incas, Mesopotamia for which of the following reasons:

the inherent limitations of a rainforest habitat.

Transmission of dengue in Ecuador peaks in

the rainy season

The demise of the last imperial dynasty was due in part to

the tributary system

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