Exam 2

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usually prepared by the _____ department, the revenue budget is a projection of the income likely to be received by the institution during the budget year


the stark law also prohibits an entity form billing deferral healthcare programs for items or services ordered by a physician who has a _____

financial relationship with that entity

accountants and others speak of the "monthly closing," the act of determining the ________ of operations for a given month

financial results

the principal effects on the supervisor's role are caused by the likes of ______

financially driven layoffs, reengineering, organizational mergers, organizational flattening

the pattern of cash-in versus cash-out examined in the cash budget is extremely important to eh institution because of the need to remain ________ in the short run

financially solvent

performance orientation: the supervisor functioning in the _______ is describable as the "best" of the four quadrants


try to avoid making judgements on an applicant's _______ rather reserve judgement until you have been able to explore the person's ________

first impression, skills and abilities

today more than ever before, continuing control of costs is an essential part of the ________ role

first-line supervisor's

the _____ is simply your institution's 12-month accounting year

fiscal year

in team building, maturity is not a ______

fixed destination

a ______ budget recognizes that certain costs can vary as the level of operations varies and attempts to account for this variation in the budget


for a one-shot meeting and/or if waiting on a supervisor or boss, your start should be (precisely on time/flexible)


the vertical axis of personal orientation is _______, ranging from totally internal at the bottom of the graph to totally external at the top


________ is usually the weakest part of the decision-making process

follow up

Invariably the weakest and ordinarily the most neglected part of the decision-making process is ___________.


even in instances when you do not wish to extend a job offer you should _______ and complete the interview cycle


In the ________ stage of team building, individual commitment is tentative and a number of people are likely to adopt a "wait-and-see" attitude.


what are the separately identifiable stages of team building?

formation, disequilibrium, role definition, maturity, maintenance

the areas of concern that the office inspector general of the department of health and human services (DHHS) has identified as receiving insufficient care and attention are areas that are susceptible to ______

fraud and abuse as well as error

certain legitimate or potential deductions from revenue need to be considered as well and include ________-

free care, outright charity care, discounts to employee, and bad debts

for someone who works the day shift, the best time to return calls is usually _____

from early or midafternoon until the end of the workday

without a positive attitude concerning what can be accomplished there will be little chance of building a ______

fully functioning, productive team

the effective supervisory tends more toward _______ in emphasis and more toward _______ in posture

functional, assertive

the more ______ a need, the more likely the supervisor is to see a preponderance of internal candidates such as ____

generalized, secretary/building service worker/transport aide

Randy Pausch: researchers have determined that the average interruption lasts approximately six to nine minutes but that it also then takes you an extra four to five minutes to ______

get back into what you were doing

when reading emails always assume your reader will not __________

give you the benefit of the doubt

the administrator or CEO must ensure that the budget being submitted to the board is consistent with the ________ and is realistic and workable in the light of current knowledge of expected revenues and expenses

goals of the organization

Randy Pausch: plan each day, each week, and each semester. You can always change your plan but only once you ______

have one

approximately 2 our of every five new nurses are opting for positions with ______ because they are less physically demanding than hospital positions

health maintenance organizations or pharmaceutical companies

from the 1970s to the present, total union membership dropped while union membership in ______ continued to increase


the effects of ________ emerged as the number one Human Resources concern that hospitals faced in 1987

healthcare organization restructuring

much supervisory stress does from negative practices of ______________

higher management

An effective way for the supervisor to stimulate upward communication from his or her employees is:

honestly and openly communicate downward with the employees in regular fashion

in 1975, the NLRA was amended to include _____

hospitals and other healthcare organizations

whether written or unwritten, every organization has a system or code of morals based on _____

how its leaders want to relate to customers and others and thus directing how the organization's employees should behave as well

you ability to exercise initiative in self-improvement will depend largely on attitude-related factors that often suggest one critical question: ________

how well do you like your job?

the relative effectiveness of many supervisors in the work force can be directly related to _________

how well, personally and temperamentally, they may be suited to the role of supervisor

questions concerning a potential conflict of interest can usually be addressed with the organization's _________

human resource department

what is the first step in preparing a meeting?

identifying the meeting's intended focus

what are the six elements of the basic decision-making process?

identifying the problem, gathering information, analyzing information and arranging it into alternatives, choosing an alternative, implementing the chosen alternative, following up on implementation

There is a constant risk that a given employee could be adjudged an _________ under the national labor relations act (NLRA). the three suggestions advanced previously could all readily lead to groups that could be considered as infringing on the rights of collective bargaining organizations

illegal labor organization

at the end of the day you should prepare for the next day by listing the five or six most critical tasks that have to be done, number them in order of ________, and, upon beginning work the next morning, go immediately to priority number one and stay with it until it is ______

importance, complete

Randy Pausch: in covey's four quadrant to do, what should be done first?

important due soon

Randy Pausch: in covey's four quadrant to do, what should be done second?

important not due soon

go through the clutter and throw out everything you have not referred to __________

in the past two years and are not likely to use in the foreseeable future

beware of "letter fungus" when writing. What does this mean?

include necessary words, minimize optional words

properly controlled, continuing education provides the ability to do what?

increase knowledge, improve skills, and change attitudes as job performance needs change

even in a team, motivation always remains _____


if the union organizer is the first to impress upon employees their right to be treated as ______, then the grounds for union credibility may exist


Interpersonal relationships and people's regard for one another describe the _______________ organization.


In a decision situation of considerable importance you will never truly have enough ____________.


what type of meeting can a staff meeting be?

information, discussion, or both

what are the types of continuing education?

informational programs, skill programs, concept programs

what are the personal resources?

initiative, organization, time

employees should be aware that signing a card is not an automatic "yes" vote for union representation but rather simply an expression of ______. The employee free choice act tried to change this but it did not become law

interest in having an election

Considering the nature of the supervisory role and the difficulties that arise in managing people, it is easy to recognize the ___________ focused supervisor as a likely candidate for early burnout.


how does becoming more time conscious create better interpersonal relations?

it increases your output and encourages a more organized and less stressful approach to the job and the resulting atmosphere and control makes for cooler heads and calmer tempers

which category of incoming material is often the largest?

items you can safely discard

Medical and technical professionals are among the worst offenders when it comes to sprinkling their correspondence with __________.


there is nothing wrong with having the _______ in front of you for occasional reference during the interview, but you should be prepared to speak knowledgeably about the position without frequent reference to the paper

job description

in the 1990s union emphasis on ________ began to increase noticeably

job security and quality of work life

since risk and uncertainty are always present, there is always the need for ________ in decision-making


the kinds of payments prohibited by the federal anti-kickback statute include ______

kickbacks, bribes, and rebates

the budget coordination meeting is generally seen as a _____ for the year's activity in putting together the budget


you cannot possibly cover all anticipated information need with your own resources. your best bet lies, rather, in ___________

knowing where to go for information when a specific need arises

in amending the NLRA, the ________ (taft-hartley) made it possible for employees to get out from under a union that no longer seemed to serve their purposes or be acting in their best interests.

labor management reporting act

the fixed component of a staffing standard covers _________ that do not change with normal activity fluctuations

labor requirements

the cash budget is prepared by the finance department and is usually done _____ in the budget process


every organization of any considerable size should have a written policy for determine how employees are identified for ______ when a reduction in force is necessary


the department manager's _____ is the greatest single determinant of successful team building

leadership style

__________ can be a particular hazard when you are talking with someone who is shaping up favorably in your eyes

leading questions

what are the steps in preparing for an interview?

lear job description, review employment application, prepare sample questions, prepare a private space, be aware of your psychological advantage compared to the applicant, look at the interview situation from the applicants POV, be familiar with the Equal Employment and other legal considerations

it is not your objective to try to completely eliminate judgement from decision-making; it is to refine that judgement by ______

learning as much as it is practical to learn about the alternatives

It is ____________ to ask whether an applicant has any commitments or responsibilities that may interfere with meeting work attendance requirements


an organization's assets are intended for use for business purposes only during _______

legitimate employment

aside from out-and-out nonproductive activity, however, a great deal of time is wasted in the ways we approach supposedly ________

legitimate tasks

One of the biggest headaches encountered in budgeting involves differences in the ______ of the periods for which some data are accumulated


according to cyber bee, what are the main and important parts of a business letter?

letterhead or typed heading, date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, signature, typed name

The presence of fewer organizational ____________ reduces the opportunity for miscommunication and also reduces resistance to the upward movement of information.


a budget should be a _____, working plan


The _____________ a sentence, the more opportunities there are for misunderstanding.


to many people in business, time well spent is the difference between ______

loss and profit

it is considered the responsibility of all employees to protect the assets of the organization against _____

loss, theft, and misuse

the majority of today's ethics problems are not those presented by the high-profile cases. the prominent cases simply feed attitudes that prevail at _____

lower-management and rank-and-file levels

Randy Pausch: he recommends calling people right before __________ to decrease call time because people have a reason to get off the phone quickly

lunch or the end of the day

to become a writer of effective business communications what must you do?

make conscious effort to improve, seek help where you can find it, practice

needless to say, you should never interrupt a meeting with another person to __________ simply because you happened to remember the need just then

make or return a call

if medical and technical professionals are the worst when it comes to using jargon, then administrators, administrative staffers, consultants, and other managerial professionals are the worst when it comes to what?

making up words

An employee team might be seen as an illegal labor organization if its suggestions or recommendations result in _______________ decisions.


_______ cannot be involved in initiating a move toward decertification


as your employees see you (the supervisory), so too are they likely to see all of ________

management and the organization itself

downward communication is facilitated by what?

management control of its own actions and means of communication

If there is no _________ for your employees' continuing education, you may be on your own to do what you can without an education budget.


much of the supervisor's most important work takes place within the context of the ____________, and developing that relationship with each employee is recognized as one of the supervisor's most important tasks

one-to-one relationship with each employee

the development and maintenance of a mature, functioning team requires an _________ approach to management

open, participative, people-centered

the interview questions you are permitted to ask are broad and in many ways ________


put the applicant at ease with an _______ such as the weather, the ease with which the person may have found your office, or an invitation to enjoy a cup of coffee


the supervisor who would endeavor to build and maintain an effective team must first and foremost hold an _______ of employees overall

optimistic view

what needs all have bearing on the decisions you make?

organization's, department's, patients', your needs

as it relates to the basic management functions, staffing is largely a part of _______


what are the types of programs for management education following reduction in force?

orientation for new supervisors to provide a refresher of the basics, management development programs addressing a number of "how to" subjects

it is much easier to blame interrupters for blaming our time but the real problem lies in _________

our allowing these interruptions

Your objective in selecting people to attend a meeting should be to secure the broadest possible coverage of the problem without ___________ the meeting.


the stark law sought to eradicate the practice of some physicians of referring or sending patients to other provider organizations of which they were _________

owners in whole or part

approaches suggested for the supervisor to apply in combating stress include:

p 133

a supervisor functioning in the first quadrant has tendencies toward functional emphasis and assertive posture

p 138

a supervisor functioning in the second quadrant has tendencies toward personal emphasis and assertive posture

p 138

a supervisor functioning in the third quadrant has tendencies toward personal emphasis and reactive posture

p 138

a supervisor functioning in the third quadrant has tendencies toward funcitonal emphasis and reactive posture

p 139

among the areas of concern identified by the DHHS are the following:

p 312

guidelines or principles that apply to all employees at all levels regarding conflict of interest include:

p 313

concerning information, an organization's ethical standards of conduct may set forth the following principles:

p 314

the stark law sought to eradicate the practice of some physicians of referring or sending patients to other provider organizations of which they were owners in whole or part. the foregoing may be incorporated in an organization's ethical standards of conduct in the following manner:

p 315 referral practices

admission and care of patients: a health facility's ethical code of conduct will customarily require the organization and its employees to do the following

p 316

the following is a suggested model for the section of an organization;s ethical standards of conduct hat addressed relationships with employees:

p 317

carl mason and Robert green

p 318

consider just a few of the numerous ethical decisions many people face from day to day:

p 320

the advantages to the participative approach to budgeting

p 379-380

capital budget requests usually receive close scrutiny, and the request for a substantial capital expenditure must usually be accompanied by the following

p 383

illustration: the diagnostic imaging department expense budget

p 384 - 388

a summary of the total budget will be presented to the boar of directors for discussion and approval and generally includes :

p 392

a sample budget report

p 393 - 396

the most common causes of overtime are :

p 399

to have an effect on workers' compensation costs the supervisory must :

p 400

to help moderate unemployment cost over the long term, consider:

p 401

some guidelines for the supervisor to consider in controlling supply costs

p 402

the true causes of an unfavorable budget variance in the department's consumption of supplies could include any of the following:

p 402 - 403

in these days of increasing employee participation and involvement, department managers are increasingly likely to hear suggestions similar to the three that follow: p 425. conventional management wisdom found in these suggestions: p426

p 425-426

NLRB guidelines

p 427

5 potential obstacles to avoid when forming and working with employee teams

p 429 - 430

beyond one-time or limited, informal gatherings and in the realm of actual teams or committees it is important to keep the following seven points in mind (for effective employee teams)

p 430 - 431

Among the actions the manager can take to improve the motivational climate in the department are the following:

p 433 - 434

differences between the old-fashioned authoritarian and modern participative manager

p 437 - 438

to enhance the likelihood of building and maintaining an exceptionally effective team, the department manager must do the following:

p 438 - 439

the three basic errors commonly committed by management in assessing the potential for success of union organizing efforts:

p 548

an organization can push its employees closer to a union by the following actions:

p 549

what the supervisor can do when a union beckons

p 553

what the supervisor cannot do when a union beckons

p 554

the employee sympathetic to the union's cause may:

p 554 - 555

shortcoming of teams or committees

p428 - 429

in hospitals and other healthcare organizations in which the budget is prepared "upstairs' and handed down leaves a great deal to be desired because it requires the supervisor to implement a plan without having _______ in the plan's development


the recent popularity of total quality management (TQM) programs spurred even greater emphasis on ______, and it Is tending to bring more employees further into self-determination on the job

participative management

the difference between success and failure at team building is as fundamental as the difference between _______

participative management (genuine leading) and authoritarian management ("bossing")

another occasionally encountered barrier to personal supervisory effectiveness is the search for __________.


a budget can also be a basis for _____________, since performance against a budget provides an indication of how well you utilize the resources under your control

performance evaluation

the organization's property may neither be used for _______, nor may it be loaned, sold, given away, or disposed of in any manner without appropriate authorization

personal benefit

the ________ has done more to alter work methods and procedures than any other innovation of the past several decades

personal computer

the ______ is often not a particularly reliable means of finding good employees

personal interview

conscientious self-improvement in the use of your __________ will improve the effectiveness with which you manage yourself and will enable you to manage the efforts of other more effectively

personal resources

Some of the stress an individual experiences often has at least part of its origins in that person's ___________.


cost-saving opportunities for the first-line supervisor include _______

personnel staffing and scheduling, control of overtime, and workers' compensation and unemployment

should a decertification effort reach the ____ stage, the employer can do little more than respond to employee questions about the process


what are the main organizational concerns regarding communication?

physical location, number of organizational levels, problem complexity

there is within the broader context of patient self-determination the issue of _______

physician-assisted suicide for the hopelessly ill

The time the supervisor appropriately devotes to _________ will ordinarily pay itself back in improved efficiency several times over.


as it relates to the basic management functions, scheduling is a refined component of ______


the time you devote to _______ will ordinarily pay itself back in improved efficiency several times over


the process of _________ is a major force in the productive use of time

planning and setting priorities along with the practice of proper delegation

Randy Pausch: failing to plan is ______

planning to fail

fortunately for for the healthcare department manager, the known and anticipated medical ethics issues will, in many instances, be addressed by ______

policies established by the institution's board of directors

because of what happened with electromation, there may be a tendency for some organizations to shy away all together from teams or committees that include ________

rank-and-file employees

in order to prevent accumulation, you should set aside a time every day to ________

read emails

the cash budget consists of the institution's cash needs as compared with projections of cash _______ over the term covered by the budget


the cash budget holds clear implications for everyone concerned with the management of _______

receivables and payables

the laws governing medicare, medicaid, and other federally sponsored programs prohibit the payment of any form of remuneration in return for the ______. it is also illegal to induce the purchase of goods or services by medicare or medicaid for such referrals

referral of patients

the departmental team is simply the group of employees and the ______

single supervisor or manager to whom they report

recognize also that teams or committees become unwieldy as they grow in size; ______ groups are generally better


unemployment compensation insurance originated with the ________ which made the individual states responsible for their own programs

social security act of 1935

you may not ask if an applicant is receiving _______ because past employers have shown favoritism (toward/against) to those applicants receiving them

social security benefits, toward

the "wheelbarrow personality" is useless unless _______

someone else does the loading, point, and pushing

Randy Pausch: ________ can increase productivity because you can do things while on hold


the more ______ a need, the more likely the supervisor is to see a preponderance of external candidates such as ____

specialized, benefits specialist/electrician, pharmacist/radiology tech

Randy Pausch: be _____ as much as possible, especially with deadlines


One important goal of written communication is to make whatever you write understandable for who?

specific audience

material that is declared surplus, obsolete, or scrap must ordinarily be disposed of according to ________

specific organizational policies

the project/employee team is assembled for a _______

specific purpose

Randy Pausch: reduce interruptions by giving the interruptor a ________

specific time frame such as five minutes

The ___________ meeting form is sometimes used to solve problems, sell ideas, and explore issues.


the determination of the number of FTEs required to ______ a given function at a certain level of activity requires a staffing standard


____ is determining how many people of what skills are needed and making them available.


_____ is determining how many people of what specific skills are needed and making them available


a staffing ______ is a number that reasonably relates requires staff to the department's basic unit of output


Randy Pausch: he recommends to ______ during calls to decrease call time


what are the steps in leading a meeting?

start on time, state the purpose of the meeting, make assignments, encourage discussion, exercise control, summarize periodically, end with a specific plan, follow up

the _____ budget is the organization's best estimate of work activity for the coming 12-month period


the operating budget usually consists of three parts: _____

statistical budget, expense budget, and revenue budget

worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, and short-term disability generally fall under the heading of _____, meaning they are benefits extended to all employees because they are mandated by law

statutory benefits

upward communication remains dependent on what?

stim, encouragement, and climate conducive to communication

______ is largely the way we respond to change, not through our conscious actions but involuntarily, both physically and emotionally


the idea of fixed versos flexible budgeting refers to the _______ of the budget relative to activity throughout the year

structural character

when sending emails always use a clear ________

subject line

why does email inevitably slow down the communication process?

subsequent messages are necessary for clarification

Randy Pausch: being successful does not Make you good at time management, but managing your time well will make you _____


The _____________ is in a key position when it comes to dealing with the threat of unionization.


"Bossism" management that pushes rather than leads, and management that is authoritarian, unreasonably demanding, or fault finding all create ___________

supervisory stress

what is sought in a properly functioning team is a ______ which is literally the team effect in which the whole is decidedly greater than the sum of the individual parts

synergistic effect

make sure you are focusing your time and attention on the most important _______

task at hand

a manager's personal planning is best focused on ____________

task identification, scheduled meetings, and commitments and deadlines

in disequilibrium people still see themselves and work as individuals rather than as a part of a ____


when we speak of team building, we are speaking primarily about building and maintaining an effective, productive departmental team, a working group dedicated as a body to continuing superior performance through _______


routine call-backs are most appropriately handled if you pick one particular time of day to do most of your ___________ and go through all possible calls at a single sitting


in the formation stage, individual commitment is _____


even if you obtain a signed release, reference checking should be left to ______

the Human Resources department

when reading emails, always give the sender _________ and remain _______

the benefit of the doubt, calm

get the confrontation of a union meeting out of a crowded space into some private space so that ____

the conversation happens on your terms and the delay gives time for the surprise effect to wear off

what is the goal of any sound regulatory complicate program?

the elimination and continuing prevention of fraud, abuse, and waste in all aspects of healthcare billing and accounting

according to the immigration reform and control act of 1986 (IRCA), it is permissible to ask if the applicant is ______, why?

a US citizen or legally eligible for employment because the law requires the hire of only US citizens or lawfully authorized alien workers and provides penalties and sanctions for employers who knowingly hire or continue to employ illegal aliens or persons who fail to verify legal eligibility for employment

A supervisory development program focusing on addressing employee disciplinary actions is:

a concept program

A supervisory development program focusing on addressing employee disciplinary actions is: a) A concept program. b) A skill program. c) An informational program. d) None of the foregoing.

a concept program

perhaps one of the most useful ways to describe stress is as ______

a feeling of loss of control

what's in it for the individual when becoming more time conscious?

a greater level of job satisfaction, increased productivity, better interpersonal relations, improved future possibilities, less job-related stress, enhanced health

you may not ask if an applicant owns ______ because why?

a house or car because it may be interpreted as seeking to test affluence

what is the TIPS Rule?

a manager cannot threaten, interrogate, promise, or spy on a union

be mindful of whether you are dealing with a true problem or simply ________

a symptom of a hidden problem

often the dilemma is a rules-based perspective dictated in laws and policies versus ___

a values-based perspective, that is, one's personal beliefs and individual sense of right or wrong

A budget serves several purposes for the institution and the individual supervisor, including: a) Being a quantitative expression of the institution's operating intentions. b) Providing a means of scheduling employees. c) Identifying positions that could be eliminated. d) Relieving the supervisor of concern for ongoing expenditures.

a) Being a quantitative expression of the institution's operating intentions

There is often a direct relationship between a department's level of _____ and the amount of overtime worked.


a ________ constraint clearly defines a limit beyond which you cannot go


Randy Pausch: dreams give us a way to take the first step toward ______


reporting the results of operations is generally a responsibility of the ______ department


when getting ready to prepare the budget for the institution, the _______ department will generally compile and summarize the most recent historical data and projections available and supply the information to the other department which will each need to refine the figures


it is common practice to keep payroll and certain other expenses on a basis of one, two, or four weeks and to accumulate this information on the basis of the 4-week _________

accounting period

within the accounting year there are a number of _______

accounting periods

there are certain budget-related activities (such as the __________) in which some of your employees could participate

accumulation of operating statistics

when a variable figure is used alone as a staffing standard, the so-called fixed elements of input are spread over all of the activity, rendering single-part standards somewhat less _____


________ in tasks seems to decrease with increases in group size

active participation

the highest legal risk involved in establishing groups is probably encountered while _________. the least risk occurs when there is neither organizing nor an active union presence

active union organizing is occurring

it is doubtful that a nonunion employer would likely be subject to NLRB charges concerning employer-dominated labor organizations unless __________

active union organizing was occurring

focus represents the extent to which one is affected by or actively, emotionally involved in ___________

activities or events to which one is exposed or is a party

scope simply refers to the kind or amount or variety of _______

activity that an individual can best handle according to temperament or individual ability

the variable component of a staffing standard fluctuates with ________

activity volume

what are the important functions of written communication?

advise/inform, explain, request, convince, keep records

probably the worst-case consequences of sanctioning a committee that is actually an illegal labor organization occur when the committee itself votes to _________

affiliate with an outside union

in developing a budget, and especially in examining the results of operations ___________, it is frequently necessary to manipulate some of the figures by "adding in" or "backing out" certain numbers at either the end of a given period so you have complete information for the period you are interested in

after the fact

in the application process, you may not ask any questions that requires the applicant to reveal their ________

age, DOB, race, religion, or national origin

in managing a department or group, the supervisor should strive to model ethical behavior in ______

all aspects of job performance

medical ethics do not impact ______

all employees

business ethics are of concern to _____

all employees at all organizational levels

In practice, continuing education in the work organization sometimes:

all of the above -does not occur because of perceived time constraints -produces little or no behavioral change -is ineffective due to lack of management support

Organizational flattening, the removal of a middle-management level, often results in:

all of the above -larger departments or groups for first-line supervisors -some responsibilities being pushed upward in the chain of command -some responsibilities being pushed downward to the first-line supervisors

the telephone can be of considerable value when effectively controlled, but often the tendency is to _______

allow it to control us

a popular cartoon touches on the biggest problem in the business of personal organization: ______

although it is frequently thought about, it is usually put off until some more convenient time

in order to check an applicant's employment references you must get _______

an applicant's signed authorization to do so

conflicts of interest exist when employee loyalty is divided between _____

an individual's organizational responsibilities and any outside interest

according to IRCA, HR must require an applicant to produce certain proofs of identity and employment eligibility within 3 working days AFTER ______

an offer of employment is made

during which stage of decision making does the process begin to break down for some people?

analyzing information and arranging it into alternatives

gathering information and _________ constitute a cyclic process

analyzing information and arranging it into alternatives

in many cases the ______ produced by widespread lack of knowledge about what is truly happening provides a boost to the union cause


in many instances, unions won because of _______

apparent management indifference to complaints, no response to employees' problems, and lack fo credibility with employees in regards to costs and true operating circumstances

all employees are responsible for understanding and complying with all laws and regulations _______ and the manager is responsible for ensuring that the employees have all the information they need to enable them to do so

applicable to their jobs

Knowledge that lies unused or infrequently used can get rusty from lack of ___________.


The ethical and moral issues involved in the ________of services have long been with the industry


when all of the individual departments' draft budgets are submitted, the finance division will prepare the total budget for _________

approval of the estimates

you cannot ask if an employee has ever been _______ been they are not a ____

arrested, conviction

urgent calls, of course, should be returned _____

at once

you may not ask if the applicant's wages were ever ____________ or if the individual has any outstanding loans for other financial obligations

attached or garnished

______, whether positive or negative, is invariably contagious


what are the main organizational concerns regarding communication on the manager side?

attitude, resistance to involvement, time available, shifting spans of control, past failure to respond

Randy Pausch: when delegating don't dump; instead grant _______

authority with responsibility

what are potential reasons behind the tendency to over-plan and over-organize?

avoidance of unpleasant tasks, a sense of insecurity, uncertainty concerning how superiors will deal with the mistakes, and a fear of failure

what should email NOT be used for?

avoiding personal conflict

preparing a budget and working with it throughout the year heightens your _____ of how the department's resources are used to fulfill the department's responsibilities


Randy Pausch: good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from _________

bad judgement

The best way to ensure getting your message across in written form is to do what?

be direct

It only makes sense to try to account for employees' needs and desires in determining the shape of a _____________ program.


Randy Pausch: it's not about efficiency, it is about effectiveness and ________

best overall outcome

the more often we make decisions, the _____________ we will be at it


regulatory compliance program emphasis usually concerns compliance in _____

billing and reimbursement from medicare, medicaid, other government programs, and private insurers

according to the Purdue online writing lab (OWL), what are the types of business letter formats?

block, modified block, semi-block

the _______ is ultimately responsible for everything in the budget and thus retains the authority for final approval fo the budget

board of directors

you can only have an educational requirement for a job when it is a ________

bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

when determine which alternative to decide upon you need to scan the field of available choices using some ______ and concentrate on developing ______ of the more appealing choices as specific alternatives

brand criteria, 3 to 4

the chances of long-run success in the supervisory role are enhanced if one is possessed of a ________ and is generally able to constantly reorder priorities and cope with a continuous series of unanticipated demands

broad scope

Randy Pausch: the items on your to do list should be _______

broken up into small steps

many institutions use a ________, a book of informational and instructional documents assembled under the guidance of the budget committee for the current year's budget preparation activity

budget manual

convened and conducted by the members of the budget committee, the budget coordination meeting should include all managers who have an active role in ______

budget preparation

The audience you intend for any given communication should be:

c) The person who needs to understand and act on what you are communicating.

the governments of several states have encouraged health care institutions to use the _______ as their fiscal year

calendar year

The organization's ________ position at any given time is critical.


the finance director has an active role in preparing the ________ budgets and assembling all pieces of the operating budget into a total budget for the institution

cash and revenue

a petition for decertification cannot be filed within a unions first year, known as its ______

certification year

Continuing education affords a significant means of bringing _____________ under control.


It is necessary for your human resources department to make a good-faith effort to ________________.

check references

a true decision is both __________________

choice and action

ideally, the supervisors in an institution undergoing organizing pressure should receive _______ training in these guidelines from a labor attorney or a labor relations expert


according to the Purdue online writing lab (OWL), what type of punctuation should you use after the salutation?


what are the key points to remember in presenting for continuing education?

combine instructional methods, use multiple modes of presentation, always be aware that your Lerners are workers not students, accept the likelihood that you will rarely reach everyone in every way, remember that for the instructor the process of teaching is itself a valuable form of learning

according to the Purdue online writing lab (OWL), what type of punctuation should you use after the closing?


what is the purpose of a staff meeting?

communication among the members of a group

the total number of jobs available in the manufacturing sector of the US economy has been steadily declining for a number of years as ___________ relocate an increasing number of jobs to foreign countries

competition and the "globalization" of business

all supposed changes affecting the supervisory role have their basis in the major changes affecting health care itself such as _______

competition, innovation, and especially financial pressure

what type of education does most management education fall under?

concept programs

in most instances, people admitted to membership in a profession agree to ascribe to these ethical standards as a ______

condition of entry

_______ is an area of ethical concern likely to emerge most frequently in the healthcare manager's management of a department or group

conflict of interest

in many organization's all department managers are asked to sign a ________ either indicating the presence of potential conflicts or the absence of such. This statement is usually renewed annually

conflict-of-interest statement

In decision-making, _______ are those limiting conditions that rule out certain alternatives as possible or desirable choices.


once identified, ________ let you know how far you may go in considering certain alternatives; they tell you what is ______ and what is not

constraints, practical

An extremely important part of an individual supervisor's personal planning is the recognition of the need to allow for ______________.


probably most important in the individual manager's personal planning is the recognition that there must be time for _____, time to deal with ________

contingencies, the unexpected

Randy Pausch: reinforces behavior will ______. be careful what you reinforce and how


the mature team will exhibit high levels of _____

cooperation, mutual trust and support, and productivity

reports of actual results versus budget projections provide all-important information which to base _______ when needed

corrective action

used as a control mechanism, a budget can be a _________ tool that helps keep costs in line with available resources


In addition to a brief task list revised and updated each day, it also is helpful for the supervisor to:

create and maintain a simple planning calendar for known commitments

the point at which a committee's work on quality, productivity, and efficiency ________ and concerns or impacts 'conditions of work' is defined by the NLRB, making this defense (that these are 'quality comittees') risky

crosses the line

You should not use first-person terms such as "I," "me," and "mine" when:

d) None of the above. NOT -writing a memo to your immediate superior -writing a letter to a supplier -writing to an agency of the state or federal government

The expense budget ordinarily includes: a) Every department's allocated share of overhead costs. b) A reckoning of estimated cash in versus estimated cash out. c) The supervisors' proposed equipment purchases. d) Projections of personnel costs and all other costs.

d) Projections of personnel costs and all other costs

the budget calendar displays _____ for all steps in the budget preparation process

deadline dates

management may not interfere with the right of employees to choose between ______. neither promises nor threats that could upset the conditions under which employees are to choose may be made

decertification or not

if "perfect information" existed then there would be no ______ at all because it would have been made self evident


what should your specific end plan of a meeting include?

decision(s), who does what and when, summary

Whether the no-decision option is exercised by choice, through procrastination, or by _________, it is nevertheless still a decision.


Randy Pausch: find your creative time and ________

defend it ruthlessly

what are the steps in preparing a meeting?

define the problem, confirm the need for a meeting, decide what should be accomplished, select the meeting type, select the participants, distribute advance information, notify and remind patricians, arrange for the proper facilities, prepare an agenda

Failure to _________ thoroughly and effectively is one of the greatest time wasters to which a supervisor can fall victim.


failure to _______ is one of the greatest time wasters to which a supervisor can fall victim

delegate thoroughly and effectively

in a true participative budgeting process, the ______________ budget is the primary area of supervisory involvement in the budgeting process

departmental expense

a collection of individuals working as individuals cannot achieve the level of performance possible from a well functioning _________ even if they are each doing their jobs well

departmental team

to get control of your time, you must first _________

determine what must be done ad in what order things should be accomplished

for written communication, how do you identify your audience?

determine who must understand and act upon your message

Indicate which of the following you may not legally ask of an applicant in an employment interview:

did you receive an honorable discharge from the military?

________, particularly nurses, are especially susceptible to organizing pressures

direct caregivers

A __________ meeting may be appropriate when a conclusion, solution, or decision is evident.

directed discussion

according to the ADA you may not inquire about _____ in an interview


it is (encouraged/discouraged) to request qualification tests because why?

discouraged, they are under fire for discrimination and after better left to the professionals

You must be constantly aware of asking questions or making comments that could be taken as _________


unemployment compensation insurance granted by the social security act of 1935 is in effect in all states plus the ________

district of Columbia and Puerto rico

Randy Pausch: find your dead time and use it for mundane tasks when you ________

don't have to be at your best

what are the primary don'ts of controlling meeting for the participants?

dont allow lengthy unrelated tangents, dont allow monopolizers/ego trippers to take over

what are the primary don'ts of controlling meeting for the leader?

dont let your ego interfere, dont lecture, dont direct by telling others what they should do/say/conclude, dont argue, dont attempt to be funny

Tradition, authority, and prestige are all on the side of the management hierarchy in the way they favor __________ communication.


you can ask if an applicant has a driver's license IF what?

driving is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

another form of face-to-face contact that frequently wastes time consists of the unannounced _________

drop-in visits of salespersons or others from outside the institution

Randy Pausch: what are the criteria of Covey's four quadrant to do?

due soon, not due soon, important, no important

a budget committee may be established _____ to facilitate the preparation of the budget

each year

Management is permitted to inform employees that the institution may legally hire a new employee to replace any employee who strikes for ___________ reasons.


most past organizing campaigns focused on _____ issues, at least into the 1990s


One can ____________ many memos in the time it takes to solve a couple of knotty problems arising from missed communication.


true antimanagement sentiment is determined only through ________

effective listening

reports of alleged or potentially violations of the organization's ethical standards should be immediate, thorough, and directed to _____

either the individual's immediate supervisor or the chief human resource officer

It is likely that ______________ is today's most frequently used replacement for hard-copy letters and memos.


a supervisor should advise all employees the proper use of ______


no modern business technology is more misused and abused than what?


the vertical axis of performance orientation presents ______ on a continuum from totally personal at the bottom to totally functional at the bottom of the graph


most elements of personnel cost will be budgeted in he department, although in many organizations it is accepted practice to budget ______ as a percentage of payroll for the organization as a whole

employee benefits

during implementation be open to ________

employee suggestions

when electromation's five employee committees were challenged, the NLRB agreed with the challenge; five employee representation committees were essentially _______ that discussed wages and other terms of employment (p 426-427)

employer-dominated labor organizations

make a point to know specifically how much of the _______ is yours and how much is done by HR

employment process

the whole topic of _______ represents a quagmire of potential legal traps for both the supervisor and the Human Resources department

employment references

what are the main things you should try to do for your trainees in the process of imparting a skill or knowledge

encourage them, tell and demonstrate, check for their understanding, let them try it

the biggest waste of time in face-to-face contact id round in the tendency to ________

engage in excessive small talk and social conversation when we should be dealing with business

why is cross-training of employees of value to the employees?

enjoy learning new tasks and skills and a break from monotony

the purpose of a regulatory compliance program is to _____

ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations

a capital budget is prepared to account for potential expenditures for major fixed and movable ______


The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has identified areas of health care delivery that are susceptible to fraud and abuse as well as ________.


it is considered a violation of the ______ to revel patient information to anyone outside of the organization without the express written authorization of the patient (or patient's guardian, administrator, or executor), or a court order or other appropriate legal instrument

ethical code of conduct

it falls to the individual supervisor to ensure that all employees receive, review, and understand the organization's _______

ethical standards of conduct

To address medical ethics issues that may not be clearly covered by policy, some larger healthcare organizations have ________________.

ethics committee

a fixed budget assumes a stable level of operations throughout the year and spreads all budgeted costs _____ across the 12 months


Whatever the reasons behind the problem, a supervisor's personal planning and organizing become time wasters when they are pursued to _______.


in a manager's personal planning what is decidedly not needed is _______

excessive detail

the ________- budget anticipates costs of operations for each department individually and for the organization as a whole


what are the main problems with videoconferencing?

expense, inability to tell whether there is eye contact or not, self consciousness related to being on camera

the most desirable focus orientation for the supervisor lies above the graph, a tendency toward an ________ and thus toward the ability to deal with the various events that come with the supervisory task and to cope with the many problems and other unpleasant situations that are part of the job

external focus

the person who is well suited to the supervisory role will tend toward being _____ focused, with the ability to deal with most matters at a reasonable emotional distance, and will be of ____ scope, with the ability to take what comes as it comes

externally, broad

_________ represent the essence of a supervisor's job

face-to-face contacts

what are the time wasters?

failure to delegate, failure to plan and establish priorities, over-planning and over-organizing, face-to-face contacts, the telephone, the computer, meetings, paperwork, personal habits

According to the article "Seven Steps to Running the Most Effective Meeting Possible", If you notice one person monopolizing the conversation, do not call them out. Let them continue talking.


In the Randy Pausch video on time management, Dr. Pausch discussed how to handle email correspondence. He suggested that your email inbox should be used as a to-do list.


Proper spelling and grammar are NOT important in email communication.


True or False? All of the significant causes of overtime are essentially well beyond the control of the individual department supervisor.


True or False? At the level of the first-line supervisor, time spent planning is largely time wasted because no work is getting done during this time.


True or False? It is recommended that the supervisor who is overloaded should move frequently between unfinished tasks in order to stay current with as much work as possible.


True or False? One way of improving one's effective use of time is to schedule each day's activity in advance to the fullest possible measure.


True or False? The first step in preparing for a meeting is to identify and invite the necessary participants.


True or False? There is nothing you can do about it if your primary source of job stress is your immediate superior.


True or False? When interviewing, you may ask anything you wish to ask as long as nothing inappropriate is written down.


True or False? When you encounter a unique situation not previously encountered and not covered by existing policies and procedures, you first need to write a new procedure.


True or False? While the supervisor can readily communicate outward to others, he or she has no control over communication from others.


True or False? With the advent of email and other electronic advances, writing has greatly diminished in importance as a management skill.


what are the main barriers to effectiveness?

fear of failure, the search for perfection, temper

go through your desk drawers and file cabinets and clean ouse thoroughly. keep as _________ files as necessary, and consider arranging these according to their ________

few, importance

at least once a week review the few things that have accumulated on surfaces in your office and either _______

file them in appropriate places or get rid of them

an area of constant emphasis in supervisory and management training running through most of the programs presented for tase people should be what?

the importance of the individual supervisory being visible and available to staff and constantly reinforcing the supervisor's key role in each employee's relationship with the organization

a recommended objective for continuing education in any employee group is the achievement of what?

the maximum possible amount of cross-training among employees at comparable skill levels

least important in your personal filing system are those things you believe you may find useful or helpful someday. these are items you refer to seldom if ever, and they are the things that create ___________

the most office clutter

what are the two general types of teams?

the project/employee team, the departmental team

the self-referral law (the stark law) prohibits a physician with a financial relationship to any entity providing any designated health service from referring medicare and medicaid patients to that entity unless ____-

the service or relationship falls within the stark law's statutory exemption

whether a group is to move beyond disequilibrium is dependent on ____

the skill, determination, and desire of its leadership

a somewhat broader definition is that of ethics as a field of study in its own right:

the study of standards of conduct and moral judgement; moral philosophy

the primary definition of ethics for the purpose of this chapter is:

the system or code of morals of a particular group, profession, religion, etc

in asking about the applicant's military service, you may inquire ONLY into _________ and NOT about discharge or separation

the training and experience involved

all supervisors and department heads, under a participative budgeting approach, are responsible for assembling the expense and capital budgets for ________

their own departments

to succeed on the job in the long run supervisors must gain as much control over both ________ as possible

themselves and the work environment

building an effective team needs a _________ approach to the management of the people as opposed to a theory x philosophy

theory Y

despite of its shortcomings and weaknesses, we must usually rely on the face-to-face employee selection interview for locating new employees simply because ________

there is no other practical means available for approaching the task

what is the problems with most concept programs, and thus with most management, supervisory, or leadership programs?

they are treated as informational programs by students and teachers resulting in absorption rather than application

all scheduling techniques are subject to two severe shortcomings:

they cannot create personal if such do not exist or are not available; and they cannot make people willingly work schedules that are undesirable or acceptable to them

Over-planning and over-organizing present hazards for some supervisors because:

they reduce efficiency by consuming time that should be applied to getting work done

performance orientation: the supervisor functioning in the _______ is describable as the "worst" of the four quadrants


the bulk of healthcare institution revenue comes from _______-

third-party payers

when it comes to self-improvement the only constraints on our initiative are ________

those we place there ourselves

Randy Pausch: experience comes with ______


True two-way communication in a meeting, including discussion and feedback, requires more _________ than one-way communication.


what are the principal avenues of commitment for continuing education?

time and effort

Randy Pausch: filings systems, calendars, and multiple monitors increase ________

time management

what are the constraints commonly encountered in supervisory deacon-making?

time, money, quality, personalities, politics

much of the trauma that can be encountered in the annual budgeting exercise is due to matters of ______


what is your long-range goal in approaching continuing education with your employees?

to create a learning attitude among your employees

what is the basic purpose of a discussion meeting?

to gain agreement on something through the exchange of information, ideas, and opinions

what is the purpose of an exploratory discussion?

to gain information on which you or others may eventually base a decision; to generate ideas and information for someone to use to make a decision

when is a directed discussion appropriate?

to gain staff acceptance of an evident/predetermined conclusion or solution

what is the intent behind concept programs?

to impart concepts and concept-based patterns of behavior that, when translated into action and refined through application in specific situations, result in the development of "skills" of a sort

what is your immediate goal in approaching continuing education with your employees?

to impart knowledge or a skill

what is the intent behind skill programs?

to impart specific skills

what is the intent behind informational programs?

to implant specific information for later recall and application

what is the basic purpose of interviewing?

to learn as much as possible about the applicant

Randy Pausch: why does he recommend thank you notes?

to show gratitude, positive reinforcement, people will remember you

the active use of employee participation and input via teams or committees lies at or near the heart of every _______

total quality initiative

what is the basic purpose of an information meeting?

transfer f information

The basic purpose of any information meeting is to:,

transfer information to the attendees

True or False? A full-time equivalent (FTE) refers to the amount of labor input that adds up to the time worked by one full-time employee.


True or False? At the start of a meeting always advise those attending why they are there, what they are expected to accomplish, and approximately how long it should take.


True or False? Decision-making pressure is often felt as a limitation of the time available in which to investigate properly and render a decision.


True or False? Each unneeded word in a document presents an additional opportunity for leading the reader in the direction of misunderstanding


True or False? Electronic mail has generally reduced the use of telephone and voice mail especially for brief messages.


True or False? Even when an applicant willingly reveals marriage on a résumé or in the interview, you are not permitted to ask what the spouse does for a living.


True or False? How much the supervisor may pick up from the grapevine is frequently dependent on how well the supervisor relates with peers and direct reporting employees.


True or False? It is reasonable to use every performance appraisal conference and every employee counseling session as an opportunity to reinforce employees' knowledge and skills.


True or False? Many supervisor's unconsciously approach their job activities in the same manner they approach tasks and activities in personal life.


True or False? Meetings sometimes represent the best available technique for arriving at joint conclusions and determining joint actions.


True or False? One major function of continuing education is to increase individual capabilities and thus improve the potential effectiveness of all members of a work group.


True or False? Significant time is wasted in face-to-face contact in which there is excessive small talk and social conversation before or instead of dealing with business.


True or False? The chances of long-run success as a supervisor are enhanced if one possesses a broad scope and is generally able to cope with a continuous series of unanticipated demands.


True or False? The communications path over which the individual supervisor has the least control is that from immediate superior to supervisor.


True or False? The first step in preparing to write a letter, memo, or report is to get a clear image of your intended audience.


True or False? The grapevine, described as the communications network of the informal organization, can be monitored but it cannot be eliminated.


True or False? The involvement of individual supervisors in the budgeting process encourages their commitment; when committed, they are more likely to strive to make it work.


True or False? The typical staff meeting may be an information meeting, a discussion meeting, or both.


generally, as temper increases, __________ decreases, and personal effectiveness suffers

true communication

mutual ______ are fundamental to the creation of a fully effective team

trust and respect

Randy Pausch: if someone will tell you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong _______ then that is worth more than anything


Failure to reach everyone is not necessarily an indication of a teacher's shortcomings, but failure to _________ is such an indication.


In dealing with communication transmitted by way of the grapevine, the first-line supervisor should:

tune in and listen to what the grapevine is carrying and learn from it

the mature team will experience normal or below-normal ______ which, when it does occur, will be driven by positive forces rather than dissatisfaction


what are significant events that can disrupt the balance and composition of a team to an extent that the resulting configuration is essentially a new team?

turnover in team leadership and departmental configuration such as that resulting, for example, from an interorganizational merger that throws two or more groups together under common leadership that is new to many of them

Randy Pausch: do the _______ thing on your to do list first


Randy Pausch: when delegating tasks always do the ______ job yourself


continuing education affords a significant means of bringing change _______ of making change work for you instead of against you

under control

when interviewing, always assume a reasonable degree of intelligence--you wish to avoid talking down to the person-- but do not dazzle or confuse the applicant with ___________

unfamiliar terminology

under the NLRA, unions and employers do not have equal clout in the organizing process; the _____ enjoys the upper hand


you may not ask if an applicant is a member of a ______


"leafleting" is NOT the first stage or sign of _______. except in the case of the "pass-through"

union organization

Hazy and indistinct lines of authority are contrary to the basic principle of ______________ and are in fact never legitimate.

unity of command

what is the true cost of a meeting?

unrecoverable time

do your best to avoid becoming a generator of the worst kind of clutter: ______

unsorted and undated notes

____ is a practice that some follow to provide a higher rate of reimbursement than the called for by the code that reflects the actual service


even if an applicant voluntarily discloses personal information you remain legally prohibited from ________

using such personal information in making an employment decision

further, a budget can be a means for directing efforts toward productivity improvement, since performance against a budget, in revealing how well resources are utilized, can give you a basis from which to work for better ________


what steps can you take without any financial resources to devote to education?

utilize cross-training, concentrate a portion of your own efforts on instructing and re-instructing employees individually or in small groups, use every performance appraisal conference and every employee counseling session to reinforce knowledge, locate and distribute literature, use a portion of every staff meeting

staffing standards are sometimes expressed in terms of a fixed component and a variable component, and sometimes in terms of a simple ______ element alone


In complete participative budgeting the supervisor is provided with guidelines for analyzing the budget report and answering for _________.


ideally, an organization should publish its ethical standards of conduct and disseminate them to all employees. these standards should also be distributed externally to all appropriate ____

vendors, contractors, third-party agents, and others as necessary to advise these entities of what to expect in business dealings with the organization

whiners there is a report of a injury occurring on the job the supervisor must reasonably investigate to ______ the incident and provide information for the appropriate reports


why is cross-training of employees of value to the supervisor?

versatility of coverage

the terms traffic-cop management and firefight management describe a common approach to supervision: ______________

very little looking ahead and not much consideration given to deciding which of a number of tasks is important

what are the main organizational concerns regarding communication on the employee side?

view of downward communication, perceived lack of control, negative view of management

credit information may only be _______ not asked about

volunteered by the applicant

the majority of workers will put forth a sustained effort to do a good job when and only when they ________

want to do a good job

one of the greatest difficulties in learning to manage our time is recognizing that we are usually the biggest culprits when it comes to _________

wasting our time

much of what is wrong with our writing is wrong simply because ______

we dont put enough time into it

simply identifying one's own _______ is a large part of the struggle for improved personal effectiveness


Considering all six of the supervisor's communication channels, the individual supervisor can control or influence: a) Well over 50 percent of total communication going out and coming in b) Just 50 percent of total communication, one's outgoing channels only. c) One's outgoing channels plus the channel coming in from the employees. d) All channels except that coming from one's organizational superior

well over 50% of total communication going out and coming in

Randy Pausch: he suggests keeping a time journal for 3 days or up to 2 weeks and then ask yourself the following of the data:

what am I doing that doesn't need to be done what can someone else do what can I do more efficiently how am I wasting other people's time

any objective, whether organizational, departmental, or personal, should consist of _______

what is to be done, how much is to be accomplished, and when it should be completed

conclude the interview with a reasonable statement of _________

what the applicant may expect to happen next

if the applicant willingly disposes marital or spousal information you may NOT ask ______

what the spouse does for a living, a woman's maiden name

when is a problem-solving discussion appropriate?

when a solution or decision must be decided by group such as when multiple parties are concerned with the outcome

as far as note writing is concerned, there is one small rule you can follow to vastly improve the usefulness of your informal documentation:

whenever you put pen or pencil to paper, first put the date on the page

what is the ONLY exception for age related questions?

whether an apparently young person is of legal age to enter full-time employment under the circumstances required of the job in question (usually age 18)

Randy Pausch: anytime anything crosses your life ask:

why am I doing this what is the goal why will I succeed what happens if I choose not to do it

what are "zero words" ?

words that add nothing to your message

what are "optional words" ?

words that support the necessary words

we can describe team building as an organized, systemic process of unifying a group of employees with common objectives int an effective and efficiently functioning ______

work unit

Randy Pausch: he says that you want to work for efficiently so that you can go home and maintain a ________

work-life balance

few of us, no matter how organized and efficient we may be, could not improve our use of some of the _______ available to us

working time

what are the major guidelines for writing better letters and memos?

write for specific audience, avoid unneeded words, use simple words, edit/rewrite

make sure that your tasks, priorities, objectives, and deadlines exist in ______ in a place where you will see them frequently


Randy Pausch: have clear communication with _______ and be sure to communicate the relative importance of each task

written records such as email

you cannot always tell if a symptom is a symptom until _______

you deal with it once and it returns

time wasting pressures are likely to come from a number of sources such as:

your boss, the system, your employees, yourself

what will most influence how you and your employees develop educationally?

your personal commitment to continuing education

stress emanates from three general sources:

your personal life, the total job environment, and yourself-your personality, inherent capabilities, and approach to daily living whether at work or away from work

for a solid foundation on which to base your development as a supervisor, begin with ______


what questions can you ask yourself to determine how well you fit int the supervisory role?

1. how well do I fit the supervisory role 2. what can I work on to improve the way I fit this role

what questions should you answer before deciding to hold a meeting?

1. is the intended flow of information one-way, with people to be advised or informed but no immediate feedback necessary? If so, then consider other means such as a bulletin or memo 2. Is there a single, clearly defined topic and a limited number of people involved (3-4)? if so , consider personally contacting those people 3. is the topic worth a meeting of its own? If not, then consider bundling it with topics at another meeting

what kind of personnel assignments should you make during a meeting and what do they do?

1. recorder: keeps record of what goes on 2. scribe: capturing points/ideas on chalkboard or flip chart 3. timekeeper: keep time

when faced with 1 or 2 days' accumulation of incoming material, first sort all the paper into there categories: ___________

1. those few items that genuinely deserve your immediate attention and those that, although not urgent, you can dispose of by noting a quick word or sentence in response 2. those items that will take you some time to resolve because they require research or extended effort and noncritical items that you can afford to resolve at your leisure 3. items you can safely discard

what are some permissible interview questions?

1. what are your career goals? what would you like to be doing 5 or 10 years from now? how would you like to spend the rest of your career? 2. who have been your prior employers, and why did you leave your previous positions? 3. what did you like or dislike about the work in your previous positions? 4. who recommended you to our institution? how did you hear about this job opening? 5. what is your educational background? what lines of study did you pursue? (Be careful, however, of attempting to delve into specifics) 6. what do you believe are your strong points? what do you see as your weaknesses? 7. have you granted permission for us to check references with former employers?

by going through your office twice each year to purge material and condense files you will gain two distinct advantages: _________

1. you will limit the amount of material you keep 2. in the process, you will be updating your memory about what you are retaining and where it is kept

Randy Pausch: one good thief is worth _____

10 good scholars

according to the Purdue online writing lab (OWL), what is the generally accepted font and one acceptable alternative to it?

12pt times new roman or Ariel as alternative

there are ____ such accounting periods in the year


the NLRA became law in ____ and was brought into sharp focus by the electromation decision of December 1992


Randy Pausch: if your salary is x then your value to a company is ____


supervisory practices for controlling overtimes


the department of health and human services predicts a shortage of __________ by the year 2020

400,000 nurses

Randy Pausch: follow up on an email if you do not receive a response within _______

48 hours

the service sector of the economy now employs more than ______ percent of the workforce


An organizational commitment to integrity is often expressed in the form of: a) A pronouncement from the chief executive officer. b) A set of guidelines provided by Medicare. c) A response to a mandate from the state's Department of Health. d) A regulatory compliance program.

A regulatory compliance program.

In many cases employee____________ produced by widespread lack of knowledge about what is truly happening provides a boost to the union cause.


In working to impart skill or knowledge to nonsupervisory employees, the supervisor should be: a) Drawing on the services of other supervisors to serve as the primary instructors. b) Appointing capable senior employees to do the teaching. c) Sending the employees to outside programs. d) Attempting to reach employees with reasons why they should want to learn.

Attempting to reach employees with reasons why they should want to learn

In utilizing employee teams, it is necessary for those assembling and guiding a team to: a) Establish some means by which the team can communicate its recommendations on pay and benefits to management. b) Avoid allowing the team to deal with terms and conditions of employment. c) Maintain an open channel for receiving and addressing legitimate complaints that come up during team activity. d) Make certain that no employees known to be union advocates are invited onto the team.

Avoid allowing the team to deal with terms and conditions of employment.

With much of health care in turmoil or at least in a chronic state of ______________, employees are feeling more and more uncertain about the future.


Job-related stress will usually arise from all of the following except: a) Work piles up and the backlog seems to get larger all the time. b) Demanding superiors exert pressure with more assignments, changing priorities, and tighter deadlines. c) Delegation has distributed some of the supervisor's authority to employees. d) A growing feeling of working in the midst of disorganization and confusion.

Delegation has distributed some of the supervisor's authority to employees.

In exercising control of a meeting which you are leading: a) Spend most of your available time describing what is to be accomplished and advancing your opinions. b) When an appealing but tangential argument arises, pursue it to its conclusion. c) Do not allow any one individual to monopolize the proceedings. d) Direct the discussion along specific lines if you believe you already know that should be decided.

Do not allow any one individual to monopolize the proceedings

One distinct "advantage" that some users seem to gain from the use of electronic mail is: a) They are guaranteed to get their message across quickly and clearly. b) Email does not permit immediate feedback. c) They find the email mode as the easiest in which to edit a message. d) Email can be completely anonymous.

Email does not permit immediate feedback

Before tackling any problem requiring a decision, it is necessary to first:

Ensure that you are dealing with a problem and not just a symptom of the problem.

True or False? "Personalities" and "politics" do not constitute legitimate constraints on the decision-making process.


True or False? A budget committee is a standing committee of the organization that sees its most activity at budget preparation time.


True or False? A program of cross-training is an approach to employee education that can be of value to every department in the organization.


True or False? A significant shortcoming found within the health care professions is the absence of published ethical standards proscribing the conduct of their members.


True or False? A union must receive a two-thirds majority of the bargaining election vote to become certified as the legal bargaining agent for all persons who work in the unit.


True or False? A union's initial activity in preparing to organize is always the distribution of union literature to employees at walkways and parking lot entrances.


True or False? All of the significant causes of overtime are essentially well beyond the control of the individual department supervisor.


True or False? All paper in its various forms that enters the supervisor's office should filed away in consistent order within a day of its arrival.


True or False? All supervisory development activities fall under the general heading of skill programs.


True or False? At the level of the first-line supervisor, time spent planning is largely time wasted because no work is getting done during this time.


True or False? Budgets are best assembled in their entirety by the finance department, the people best acquainted with matters of cost.


True or False? Continuing education is needed because the rate of technological change equally impacts all skills and all professions.


True or False? Decreasing regulatory requirements of various governmental bodies are providing some relief from excess mandated continuing education.


True or False? Depending on the issues addressed, there are potential legal problems with teams that consist entirely of managers.


True or False? Drop-in (unscheduled) visitors are most efficiently handled by seeing each one immediately but keeping the meeting brief.


True or False? Employees who also hold public office do so primarily as representatives of the organization.


True or False? Every meeting that is held should start at precisely the pre-announced starting time.


True or False? Excess delegation is often revealed to be a significant time waster.


True or False? For improved efficiency in telephone use, make it a rule to return every missed call within 15 minutes of receiving the message.


True or False? Given the choice, it is best for the individual supervisor to "face upward" and in general be visible and available to higher management.


True or False? High-profile ethical problems involving highly-placed individuals have generally had the effect of encouraging ethical behavior at lower organizational levels.


True or False? If you are sending another document or item along with a letter or memo, it is best to start your correspondence with "Enclosed please find...."


True or False? In an interview, it is usually possible to separate true ability in a job candidate from the ability to simply "talk a good job."


True or False? In an interview, it makes sense to ask the applicant how long he or she plans to stay with the job before leaving or retiring.


True or False? In making a decision you need to gather enough information to give you assurance that you have eliminated all risk.


True or False? In most organizations it is expected that information generally flows both upward and downward with equal ease.


True or False? It is improper to use contractions or first-person references in serious business correspondence.


True or False? It is recommended that you begin an interview with a broad, all-encompassing request such as "Tell me all about yourself."


True or False? It is the managers of the organization, not the employees, who are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.


True or False? It is usually recommended that the supervisor who is overloaded should move frequently between unfinished tasks so as to stay current with as much work as possible.


True or False? It is your superior's personal commitment to continuing education that will most influence how you and your employees develop educationally.


True or False? Meetings are often a worthy and effective substitute for individual decision-making.


True or False? One clear advantage of email is that its use does not require close attention to the rules of grammar.


True or False? One important goal of written communication is to make whatever you write understandable to anyone who might read it.


True or False? Preparation of the statistical or activity budget is the sole province of the finance department.


True or False? Productivity standards are economically established through the use of stopwatch time studies and predetermined motion times.


True or False? Questions concerning a potential conflict of interest must always be addressed by either risk management or administration.


True or False? Solid direction from higher management is essential if the individual supervisor is to move in a productive direction.


True or False? Some unions are becoming desperate because, as present circumstances suggest, healthcare organizations are steadily becoming less appealing organizing targets.


True or False? Team maturity is the ultimate goal of the team-building process.


True or False? The basic purpose of an information meeting is to involve the group in determining some course of action.


True or False? The best decisions are always made under a certain amount of pressure.


True or False? The best way to ensure getting your message across in written form is to state it several times in slightly different ways.


True or False? The first step in preparing for a meeting is to identify and invite the necessary participants.


True or False? The first-line supervisor must depend on a capable finance section to control all of the department's costs.


True or False? The popularity of total quality management programs spurred increased emphasis on consultative management approaches.


True or False? The situation in which the supervisor reports to more than one manager is greatly advantageous to the supervisor but not so to the multiple superiors.


True or False? The supervisor who clearly identifies with higher management conveys a sense of strength that is conducive to the success of employee teams.


True or False? The supervisor's immediate superior usually experiences little or not job stress because most stress-inducing activities are delegated downward.


True or False? The terms staffing and scheduling are essentially contradictory terms that; care must be taken in keeping them differentiated.


True or False? The underlying issues driving most union organizing campaigns are economic in nature.


True or False? There is no logical relationship between increased productivity and greater job satisfaction.


True or False? There is nothing you can do about it if your primary source of job stress is your immediate superior.


True or False? When interviewing, you should have the job description for the position in question before you so as to read through it point-by-point during the interview.


True or False? It is necessary for every decision-maker to always be seeking a state of perfect information.


As concerns the published starting time for a regularly scheduled staff meeting: a) Begin on time and leave it to the stragglers to catch up on their own. b) Start on time but shortly into the meeting fall back and recap for the late arrivals. c) Have handouts notes ready for distribution to the inevitable late arrivals. d) Always begin 5 to 10 minutes late to allow for late arrivals.

Begin on time and leave it to the stragglers to catch up on their own

A budget serves several purposes for the institution and the individual supervisor, including:

Being a quantitative expression of the institution's operating intentions.

The supervisor who strives to build and maintain an effective team must first and foremost: a) Lean toward a Theory X approach to management until a cohesive group has been established. b) Recruit and select employees who are well experienced specialists at what they do. c) Generally hold an optimistic view of employees overall and exhibit a Theory Y approach to management. d) None of the above

Generally hold an optimistic view of employees overall and exhibit a Theory Y approach to management.

Of the following, the most valuable result of continuing education for the employee is: a) It ensures compliance with certain state and accreditation mandates. b) It serves as preparation for those who wish to work for advancement. c) It makes the department look good in the eyes of management. d) It enhances individual performance appraisal scores.

It serves as preparation for those who wish to work for advancement.

The faithful establishment of priorities is important in the supervisor's ongoing activity because: a) It usually makes the most sense to be concentrating on the most important task at hand at any given time. b) The supervisor's superior usually insists on this. c) The department's employees need to know what the supervisor is working on at any given time. d) Established priorities are unvarying guideposts for supervisory action.

It usually makes the most sense to be concentrating on the most important task at hand at any given time.

When employees feel their concerns are not being adequately addressed by management, these employees will turn to someone else who will seem to ___________.


In making a highly subjective decision such as many personnel-related decisions: a) It is essential to seek some objective data upon which to hinge a decision. b) It is best to leave the situation alone to resolve itself. c) Seek the opinions of other supervisors before deciding. d) Make a choices based on a basic sense of what is right or wrong, or fair or unfair.

Make a choices based on a basic sense of what is right or wrong, or fair or unfair

In many instances unions have won the right to represent employees because of: a) A pro-union stance by the National Labor Relations Board. b) Management indifference to complaints and a general lack of credibility with employees. c) Employees' detailed knowledge of the organization's relative financial health. d) None of the foregoing.

Management indifference to complaints and a general lack of credibility with employees.

In the disequilibrium phase of team building: a) Assigned and invited participants readily come to regard themselves as team members. b) The team and its members exhibit the maximum synergistic effect. c) The group begins to function as a productive team. d) Most people in the group are having their effects as individuals according to their own needs and desires.

Most people in the group are having their effects as individuals according to their own needs and desires.

the lists of what the supervisor can and cannot do in the presence of union organizing are based on interpretations of _______ by the NLRB


in an interview can you ask if the applicant has a recommendation from a past or previous employer?


You should not use first-person terms such as "I," "me," and "mine" when: a) Writing a memo to your immediate superior b) Writing to an agency of the state or federal government. c) Writing a letter to a supplier. d) None of the above.

None of the above

The statistical budget is a part of the: a) Capital budget. b) Revenue budget. c) Operating budget. d) None of the above.


At the very end of a scheduled problem-solving meeting:

Offer a final summary stating what has been decided and who is going to do what and by when.

medical ethics: some of the issues (p 309)

-genetic testing and its uses -genetic manipulation -cloning -reproductive freedom -patient self-determination -disclosures of positive status for HIV

most of the larger healthcare organizations operating today have formal ethics committees that might include the organization's ____

-patient care services executive -human resources executive -finance executive -medical director -corporate compliance officer -managers from specific functional areas as needed

as functions of personality, capabilities, and approach, the stress producers that can be at work from within ourselves include:

-self-doubts; a lack of confidence in our own abilities -lack of personal organization -inability to plan out our work and to establish priorities and address them appropriately -perfectionism; excessive and unrealistic demands on ourselves -the inability to say no to any request or demand -the tendency to take all problems as indications of our own shortcomings; the tendency to take all criticism personally

team building requires the following:

-shared power and authority -increased employee participation

you should have sufficient knowledge and be in a position to discuss what about the requirements of the position when interviewing a job applicant?

-specific knowledge/skills required -background/experience required -formal education required -necessary familiarity with specific equipment/processes -job duties including quality/output expectations -responsibility for supervision of others -responsibility for safety of others -potential loss due to error -confidentiality requirements -contacts and relationships with others -physical demands -visual/auditory/other sensory requirements -potential stressors -closeness of supervision or relative independence of the position -working conditions -compensation/benefits -future potential

what are the reasons why follow-up is usually the weakest part of the decision making process?

-the decision maker is lax and does not follow up in a timely fashion -conditions surrounding the decision have changed -employee resistance to change

running a healthcare entity of any size as a business has raised a number of ethical issues, such as follows:

-who gets service and who does not -how much compensation is legitimate -advertisement

you may not ask the marital status of the applicant at the time of the interview because research has suggested that employers have preceded on the following assumptions:

-young women recently engaged often quit shortly after they get married -young, recently married, women may leave after a year or two to begin families -unmarried women with small children tend on the average to have poorer attendance records than other workers

The principal difference between a scheduled task and an unscheduled task is: a) The unscheduled task is one the supervisor neglected to anticipate. b) An unscheduled task is the same as an emergency task. c) There is no appreciable difference. d) The nature of both tasks is known; however, but does not know when the unscheduled task will occur.

The nature of both tasks is known; however, but does not know when the unscheduled task will occur.

It is highly likely that the strongest deterrent to the average supervisor's increased efficiency and productivity is: a) An over-abundance of employee problems in the department. b) The supervisor's ingrained habits. c) Lack of understanding by the supervisor's immediate superior. d) Interference with departmental operations by demands external to the department.

The supervisor's ingrained habits.

In improving communication with one's organizational superior, the supervisor should consider: a) Making certain that the boss learns of everything transpiring at the department level whether large or small. b) Regularly supplying the boss with a written list of questions the supervisor would like to have answered. c) On a regular basis, becoming as visible to the boss as possible. Correct Answer d) Structuring communications to make it as easy as possible for the boss to respond.

Structuring communications to make it as easy as possible for the boss to respond.

True or False? A department's education budget is completely manageable by the supervisor.


True or False? A few supervisors who are determined not to give in to the time-wasting pressure of the system can have positive effects that are felt beyond their own departments.


True or False? A full-time equivalent (FTE) refers to the amount of labor input that adds up to the time worked by one full-time employee.


True or False? A union may perhaps engage in some questionable practices while organizing, but for all practical purposes there is no such thing as an unfair labor practice committed by a union.


True or False? As manufacturing jobs have been lost, the unions have shifted much of their focus to organizations within the service industries.


True or False? As well as disseminating ethical standards of conduct to its employees, it should also distribute these standards to vendors, contractors, and others as necessary.


True or False? Cost control consists primarily of working to bring actual expenditures into line with anticipated costs as reflected in the department's budget.


True or False? Even when an applicant willingly reveals marriage on a résumé or in the interview, you are not permitted to ask what the spouse does for a living.


True or False? Formal continuing education programs for the supervisor often deal with matters of supervisory skill or management practice, usually all concept programs.


True or False? Generally it is the potential consequences that govern the amount of effort going into the making of any particular decision.


True or False? Human resources must require applicants to produce certain proofs of identity and employment eligibility within 3 working days after an offer of employment is made.


True or False? In total quality management, the teams were formerly referred to as "quality circles".


True or False? It can be helpful in improving personal effectiveness for the individual supervisor to work against deadlines self-imposed deadlines.


True or False? It is generally a matter of individual opinion as to whether "quality" committees or committees established to serve as communications channels to improve quality are labor organizations under the law.


True or False? It is illegal for a physician who has a part ownership in an outside clinical service such as a laboratory to refer his or her patients to that service.


True or False? Most of the important elements of decision making are present every decision-making situation even though they might not be openly noticeable.


True or False? Motivation always remains individual, so individual identity and individual motivation must be perpetuated as the heart of an effective work team.


True or False? Not all first-line supervisors are automatically on the side of management during organizing.


True or False? One of the greatest inhibitors of upward communication can be found in management's failure to respond to some earlier communication.


True or False? Pay and benefits are always prominent in the presence of labor unrest, but the turmoil in the healthcare industry includes many other issues


True or False? Simple awareness of the cost of supplies and common sense monitoring of usage should be enough for the control of supply costs in most departments.


True or False? The communications path over which the individual supervisor has the least control is that from immediate superior to supervisor.


True or False? The extent of a supervisor's span of control can have an effect on the relative efficiency of upward communication.


True or False? The first step in preparing to write a letter, memo, or report is to get a clear image of your intended audience.


True or False? The maintenance of a dedicated and motivated workforce begins with the ethics and character of its leaders.


True or False? The pre-interview review of a job description presents a good opportunity to review it for necessary changes and updates.


True or False? The same factor—for example, money—can be both an absolute constraint and a practical constraint in decision situation.


True or False? The standards of conduct of most individuals must for the most part be inferred from their behavior.


True or False? The supervisor should work closely with human resources to challenge all unemployment claims that appear inappropriate.


True or False? The written word as a means of communication is often hampered by the absence of immediate feedback.


True or False? There is a direct relationship between employee commitment and an employee's sense of being included as part of a team.


True or False? Under a union contract some parts of the supervisor's job may actually be easier because rules for situations that were previously subject to interpretation and judgment.


True or False? When some outside influence disturbs one's equilibrium, one may react involuntarily in ways that suggest a feeling of loss of control.


True or False? When the prospect of a meeting looms, the proper first steps to consider possible alternate means of accomplishing what the meeting would supposedly accomplish.


related to the when portion of any objective, even if there are no outside time limits, be sure to ______

set a deadline for yourself

why should you keep writing to a minimum during an interview?

- it can be disconcerting to the individual, creating the impression that exerting that is said is being taken down in wiring - it is a distraction for you

when choosing an alternative, what questions should you ask of the chosen solution?

-Does this answer deal with the cause (the problem) rather than simply an effect (a symptom)? -Does this answer have the effect of creating policy or establishing precedent, and as such should it be formally expressed as a guide for future decision? -Will the implementation of this solution have adverse effects on any other aspects of operations?

It is to be expected of a discussion meeting that agreement usually: a) Is reached in a single, progressive series of exchanges. b) Accrues as arguments and positions and discussion points are sifted, sorted, and merged. c) Is reached during the early minutes of the meeting, if it is to be reached at all. d) Is hardest to reach when large numbers of participants are involved.

Accrues as arguments and positions and discussion points are sifted, sorted, and merged

the age discrimination in employment act of 1967 (ADEA) has been supported by ______

Age discrimination in employment amendments act of 1986

The management of an organization can push its employees closer to a union by: a) Interpreting the silence of the work force as indicating the absence of problems. b) Automatically assuming that all supervisors are on the side of management. c) Believing that most worker dissatisfaction is due to wages, benefits, and other economic concerns. d) All of the foregoing.

All of the foregoing.

Issues involving medical ethics are ordinarily addressed by: a) Applying policies established by the organization's board of directors. b) Referring them immediately to the organization's legal counsel. c) The highest level of management in the chain of command in which an issue arises. d) Comparing potential solutions with what other organizations have done.

Applying policies established by the organization's board of directors.

staffing calculations ordinarily begin with a determination of how many ______ are required to cover a particular activity. later, scheduling will determine how many people working how many hours are needed to provide this ________

FTEs, coverage

Although they may function individually, all teams are actually ____________ with other organizational elements.


An extremely important use of reports of actual results versus budget projections is:

Identifying potentially troublesome areas so that corrective action can be taken.

During a union organizing campaign management is legally allowed to: a) Send loyal employees to union meetings to report on organizing activities. b) Visit employees at home to urge them to oppose the union. c) Inform employees of the disadvantages of belonging to a union. d) Isolate pro-union employees by changing work assignments.

Inform employees of the disadvantages of belonging to a union.

in the majority of union victories, anti management sentiment initially arises from working conditions that include ______

Poor organizational communication or arbitrary or seemingly uncaring management

what are the suggestions in getting started on continuing education?

obtain a comprehensive book and scan it, look around your institution for advice and assistance from other managers, make a learning-needs analysis

Before tackling any problem requiring a decision, it is necessary to consider whether you are dealing with the ____________

Real problem

In making today's decisions and looking ahead to the need to make decisions in the future, the manager should:

Recognize that it is not possible to anticipate all contingencies and pre-make all decisions.

In addressing the subject of reference checking when a viable candidate is under consideration: a) The hiring supervisor should personally check with the applicant's last known supervisor. b) No reference check should be considered necessary if the applicant already appears to represent exactly what is needed. c) The hiring supervisor should insist on bringing the new person on board at once and accomplishing reference checks after hire. d) Reference checking should be left to the human resources department.

Reference checking should be left to the human resources department.

the patient self-determination act (PSDA) was passed as a part of the ______

omnibus budget reconciliation act (OBRA) in 1990

As concerns a supervisor's approach to the job, stress arising in the supervisor's life outside of work: a) Always contributes to the growth of work backlogs. b) Is guaranteed to affect job performance. c) Is readily addressed by refusing to allow external problems to intrude. d) Will reveal that some supervisor's are unable to leave their personal problems at home.

Will reveal that some supervisor's are unable to leave their personal problems at home.

The number of candidates that the human resources department provides to the supervisor for interview:

Will vary according to the complexities of the job and the availability of qualified candidates in the labor market.

The number of candidates that the human resources department provides to the supervisor for interview: a) Will be as many as are needed until the supervisor has found the ideal candidate. b) Should be limited to no more than five. c) Will vary according to the complexities of the job and the availability of qualified candidates in the labor market. d) Should be provided in groups of four or five until the supervisor selects someone.

Will vary according to the complexities of the job and the availability of qualified candidates in the labor market.

The most serious drawback of written communication is: a) The majority of managers do not write well. b) Writing is essentially one way, with no opportunity for immediate feedback. c) Many managers would rather communicate by means that take less time. d) Most managers do not have enough time for careful reading.

Writing is essentially one way w/ no opportunity for immediate feedback

do not allow material to file up __________

on your desk, table, or any other surface in your office

avoid questions that can be answered in ________

one or two words

Every added word in a written communication presents one more unwanted opportunity for _____________.


the fewer words used to convey the message the less likely what will happen?


one of the briefest but most useful descriptions of ethics is _____

moral code

in essentially all instances of elections lost to unions, it is possible to identify serious and usually long-standing _______ among employees

morale problems

the supervisor who conscientiously tries to keep the in-basket current usually discovers this cuts into time needed for ________

more important tasks

despite the benefits of continuing education, what is the one compelling reason driving a great deal of it in the hospital setting?

much of it is required, or at least strongly encouraged, by accreditation and regulatory bodies

Randy Pausch: reduce interruptions by waiting to go to someone until you have ______ for them

multiple things

you are forbidden to ask a married female applicant for maiden name because this question can be interpreted as probing for clues to ____________.

national origin

internal to the organization, patient information is to be retained in confidence. it is to be reveled on a ________ basis only


team building is a long-term strategy, an activity that is ______

never complete

in an interview can you ask the identity of the applicant's nearest relative or "next of kin" ? why?

no because it can be taken as probing into the existence of spouse or family which you cannot do

What is open punctuation?

no punctuation after salutation or closing

the _______ is the worst time to return telephone calls because half of the working world is usually out to lung

noon hour

Randy Pausch: in covey's four quadrant to do, what should be done third?

not important due soon

Randy Pausch: in covey's four quadrant to do, what should be done last?

not important not due soon

we need to recognize that it is _______ to separate the person on the job completely from the person off the job

not possible

it is clear that the strongest examples of unethical behavior are those visible breaches that occur at high organizational levels. The problem is in the lack of ________ and especially in the absence of modeling behavior

observance of the code

the moment you obtain specific information and commit it to paper it starts to become ______


even if a single unit of employees us lost to a union, then new steps aimed at creating ___________ can still pay off. a new atmosphere can make contact bargaining easier, smooth out day-to-day labor relations matters, and help keep other bargaining units out of the institution

positive communicating relationships

is posture or emphasis more deeply rooted in personality?


generally it is the ________ that govern the amount of effort going into the making of any particular decision

potential consequences

effective people management is of course important to the success of any form of team; however, fully as important is sensitivity to ______

potential legal pitfalls of team operation

for regularly scheduled meetings, your start should be (precisely on time/flexible)

precisely on time

Avoid questions that seem to be leading an applicant toward some _______________ response.


the departmental team is-or should be-a constant _______


further, to the healthcare professional, time is often a critical factor in the fulfillment of the institutions's objectives to _________

preserve life and improve health

the belief in _______ has best become permanently implanted in every supervisor's mind; it is becoming continually more important to approach tasks with a strong sense of priority governing many day-to-day choices


although personnel files will ordinarily remain the property of the employer, the organization having a ________ in place will strictly limit access to personnel files to those having a legitimate need fo the information

privacy policy

One of the legitimate functions of a supervisor is to be a __________ for one's immediate superior.

problem filter

Employee participation may well be the key to continuing increases in quality, efficiency, and __________.


The true cost of most unnecessary or questionable meetings must be reckoned in terms of lost __________ .


true team building can foster _____ while maintaining or improving quality and improve work climate, enhance work relationships, and increase employee satisfaction


what major changes does the Age discrimination in employment amendments act of 1986 make?

prohibits mandatory retirement for most employee and removes the age 70 limit on ADEA protection

the statistical budget is made up of _______ of activity for the coming budget year


continuing education becomes an ongoing job made necessary by what?

promotions, transfers, and replacements OR illness, vacation, and other time off

It is (proper/improper) to use contractions or first-person references in serious business correspondence.


In addition to providing a means of keeping up with new developments, continuing education also:

provides reinforcement through refresher education

what are the 3 major functions of continuing education?

providing a means for keeping up with new developments, provision of reinforcement through refresher education, increase individual capabilities thus to improve the potential effectiveness of all members of a work group

the horizontal axis of performance orientation represents _______ along a continuum ranging from completely reactive to fully assertive


to a potential employee you are an employer; you enter the interview situation at a definite ________ advantage


in capital budgeting, requests for ______ often outrun the money available


In many organizations it is policy to have outside sales people contact _________ so the department managers can avoid interruptions.


in many places it is policy to have all outside sales people contact the _________ while the department managers deal with purchasing for their needs

purchasing department

what are tips for during the interview?

put the applicant at ease, avoid short-answer questions, avoid leading or "loaded" questions, ask one question at a time, keep your writing to a minimum, use appropriate language, do more listening than talking, indicate some type of follow-up, follow-up

_____________ is always a primary consideration in the operation of a healthcare organization

quality of care and service

for consideration questions: lawful vs unlawful

questions: p 146; lawful or not: p 154

create and maintain a simple planning calendar to note ______

regularly scheduled meetings, other known commitments, and deadlines for the completion of various tasks

what are supervisory practices for controlling overtimes?

regulate demand, analyze and improve staffing practices, analyze and improve work methods, control absenteeism, supervise responsibly

an organizational commitment to integrity is often expressed in the form of a _______

regulatory compliance program

it is common to find in an organization's code of conduct an expectation that employees who participate in government through political activity will ensure that they are not seen as _______. Specifics in the code of conduct may include the following: p 315 political activity

representing the organization in doing so

ultimately, a labor union has little t offer if employees already feel the the organization is ______

responding to their needs

Whether you do all or none of the teaching, your department's continuing education program will remain your total _________.


performance expected of managers is far more _______ and less methods-oriented than what is expected of nonsupervisory personnel


Randy Pausch: 80:20 rule teaches you to value the _____

right things

Randy Pausch:focus on doing the ______ rather than doing things right

right things

the patient self-determination act (PSDA) included the requirement for provers to furnish information to patients on admission concerning their _______

rights under law to make healthcare decisions

one of the major objectives of the decision-making process is to minimize ____________ by learning as much as practical about each decision-making situation

risk and uncertainty

team identity emerges during _____ when individuals understand their place in the larger picture, and they have essentially taken on the objective of the group as their own

role definition

a directed discussion may also be known as what?

sales pitch

when sifting through emails, _________ and delete all ________

scan, nonessentials

_____ is determine who, by name and skill, will do what work and when (specific time period)


the horizontal axis of personal orientation is _____


When it comes to __________________ the only constraints on our initiative are those we place there ourselves.

self improvement

Patient ________addresses the right of an individual to designate the extent to which he or she will be cared for under certain extreme circumstances.


the key to emphasis is ______


We need to recognize that it is not possible to completely ___________ the person on the job from the person off the job.


emphasis and posture cannot be considered _____ from each other


manufacturing was long the source of most union membership, but as manufacturing jobs have been lost, the unions have shifted much of their focus to the _______

service industry

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