Exam 3 Respiratory,Digestive, Nutrition,Metabolism, and Energy Balance

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transport of carbon dioxide

1. ~7-10% dissolved in plasma 2. Carbaminohemoglobin ~20%: CO2 does not bind iron, dependent upon Pressure CO2 3. Bicarbonate ion formation ~70%

Residual Volume (RV)

1200mL Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced exhalation/ strenous expiration

atmospheric pressure

760 mm Hg/ 1 atm at sea level the pressure exerted by atoms and molecules in the atmosphere surrounding Earth, resulting from collisions of these particles with objects

respiratory acidosis

A drop in blood pH due to hypoventilation (too little breathing) and a resulting accumulation of Co2.


A likeness, a natural relationship, a kinship


Air Only uvula closes off during swallowing

Tidal volume TV

Quiet breathing= 500 mL amount of air inhaled or exhaled with each breath under resting conditions

The lower the pH, the higher the hydrogen ion concentration.


chemoreceptors location

brain stem, aortic arch, and carotid arteries

partial pressure gradient

determines the direction of respiratory gas movement

transport of oxygen

dissolved in plasma (1.5%) Bound to hemoglobin (98.5%): oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), 4 iron molecules, affinity changes

hydrogen ions H+

electrically charged hydrogen atoms; can be produced when acids are dissolved in solution

carbonic anhydrase

enzyme that catalyzes the reaction between carbon dioxide and water to form carbonic acid an enzyme in RBC that can increase/decrease the amount of bicarbonate ion in plasma

What structure prevents food and liquids from entering the trachea?


External respiration

exchange of gases between lungs and blood


fOod and air tonsils segment ends at epiglottis

Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)

max inspiration 3000mL Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled after a normal tidal volume inhalation

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

maximum expiration 1200 mL Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal tidal volume exhalation

respiratory zone location

respiratory bronchioles and alveoli

The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II alveolar cells. The function of type II alveolar cells is to ________.

secrete surfactant


serous membranes that form an envelope between the lungs and the chest wall

type 1 alveolar cells

squamous; diffusion


two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage, responsible for respiration


warm incoming air

paranasal sinuses

warm/moisten air lighten skull

Nose/nasal cavity

warms, moistens, & filters air as it is inhaled



intrapleural pressure

~4 mm Hg Lung elasticity Surface tension from alveolar fluid pull of lungs from chest wall

pulmonary ventilation

(breathing) movement of air into and out of lungs

factors affecting pulmonary ventilation

Airway resistance: friction in respiratory passges , becomes a factor in abnormal states F=Pressure/resistance Surface tension: Alveolar fluid, surfactant prevents collapse Lungs compliance:Stretchiness change in lung volume

Surface tension

Alveolar fluid, surfactant prevents collapse A measure of how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a liquid

respiratory alkalosis

Arise in blood pH due to hyperventilation (excessive breathing) and a resulting decrease in CO2.


Branch into bronchial tree Branching results in: thinning mucosal epithelium, loss of cilia, smooth muscle increases

Which of the following maintains the patency (openness) of the trachea?

C-shaped cartilage rings

VRG (ventral respiratory group)

Generates breating rhythm Stimulates ventilation muscles part of medulla active mainly for forced expiration (and some inspiration)

carbonic acid formula


bicarbonate formula


Hb oxygen saturation

Inc temperature or Pressure CO2 and a dec in pH causes a dec in Hb affinity for O2 AKA Bohr effect

Lungs structure

Composed of air space and elastic connective tissue


Depends on lung elasticity Decrease thoracic and alveolar volume Increase Intrapulmonary/pleural pressure Air exits lungs

air flow, pressure gradient,and resistance

During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts to increase lung volume, decreasing alveolar pressure and establishing a pressure gradient, which causes air to flow into the lungs.

trachea structure

Epithelium is ciliated and produces mucus C-shaped cartilage rings Posterior branching into two main bronchi

internal respiration

Exchange of gases between cells of the body and the blood

Henry's Law

Gases dissolve into liquids as a result of partial pressure the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas on the surface of the liquid


Increase volume of thoracic cage Decrease Intrapulmonary/pleural pressure Air rushes in from the atmosphere

where in the body is CO2 and temperature increased?

Increases of CO2 and temperature at our tissues generating ATP from cellular respiration O2 needs to be dropped off too

DRG (dorsal respiratory group)

Integration of incoming signals VRG communication A portion of the medulla oblongata where the primary respiratory pacemaker is found.

Bicarbonate ion formation ~70%

Located in tissues: Rapid in RBC- carbonic anhydrase Enhances O2 release Bohr effect bicarbonate shifts to plasma but chloride enters RBC chloride shift Once in lungs everything happens in reverse

Boyles law

Measurement of volume changes in lungs pressure and volume of a gas P1V1=P2V2

Monitor of Pressure CO2

Most closely monitored in the brain Brain O2 increases, and pH decreases acidic Increase the depth and rate of ventilation to increase pH

conducting zone location

Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, most bronchioles

Blood air barrier of alveoli

O.5 μm thick (alveolar-capillary barrier or membrane) exists in the gas exchanging region of the lungs. It exists to prevent air bubbles from forming in the blood, and from blood entering the alveoli.

partial pressure in the lungs

O2 is higher than CO2 in the lungs O2 160 mm Hg, 104 mm Hg CO2 0.3 mm Hg, 40 mm Hg

partial pressure in the arterial

O2 is lower than CO2 in the arterials O2 100 mm Hg CO 40 mm Hg

partial pressure in the tissues

O2 is lower than CO2 in tissues O2 less than 40 mm Hg CO2 greater than 45 mm Hg

partial pressure in the venous

O2 is lower than CO2 in venous O2 40 mm Hg CO2 45 mm Hg

respiratory zone

Site of gas exchange in lungs

pontine respiratory center (group)

Talks to medulla about incoming information fine tunes breathing rhythms located in the pons of the brainstem

gas solubility

The ability of a gas to dissolve into another substance.

bohr effect

The tendency of certain factors to stablize the hemoglobin in the tense conformation, thus reducing its affinity for oxygen and enhancing the release of oxygen to the tissues. The factors include increased PCO2, increase temperature,and decreased pH. Note that the Bohr effect shifts the oxy-hemolobin saturation curve to the right.

Medulla respiratory center

VRG and DRG adjusts the basic rhythm of breathing

hemoglobin dissociation curve

a plot of the percent of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen (y axis) vs. oxygen partial pressure (x axis)

carbonic acid

a very weak acid formed in solution when carbon dioxide dissolves in water.

internal respiration (vs. cellular respiration)

absorption of O2 and release of CO2 by cells

anatomical dead space

air that fills the conudcting zone 150 mL the conducting zone; airways that fill with air but cannot perform gas exchange

The main site of gas exchange is the ________.


Terminal bronchioles

alveoli respiratory zone structures air sacs

alveolar ventilation rate AVR

amount of usuable air moved during one minute 4.2L/min AVR = BR * (Tidal Volume- dead space) the volume of air per minute that actually reaches the respiratory zone

conformational change

an alteration of the structure of the protein that impacts that protein's function

H+ decreases

carbonic acid dissociates

H+ increases

carbonic acid is formed

pulmonary arteries

carry deoxygenated blood out of the right ventricle and into the lungs

gas exchange temperature

changes the solubility/nature of the gas

carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system

chemical system that helps maintain pH homeostasis of the blood

respiratory mucosa

ciliated epithelium creates watery mucus trap foreign particles--->digestion

Which of the following plays a role in removing particles such as dust from inspired air?

ciliated mucous lining in the nose


clinical way to measure pulmonary function a measurement of breathing (or lung volumes)

Dalton's law or partial pressures

concentration of gases in the air and blood Pressure is a sum of individual gas pressures in the mixture the total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases

conducting zone

conduits for air cleanse, humidify, and warm incoming air

type 2 alveolar cells

cubodial; produce surfactant capillary walls fused basement membranes

Airway resistance

friction in respiratory passges , becomes a factor in abnormal states F=Pressure/resistance the increase in pressure that occurs as the diameter of the airways decreases from mouth/nose to alveoli.

nasal conchae function

increases mucosal surface area

visceral pleura

inner layer of pleura lying closer to the lung tissue


lower part of the pharynx, just below the oropharyngeal opening into the larynx and esophagus

chloride shift

maintains the ionic balance between the red blood cells and the plasma.

pulmonary (lung) compliance

measure of the lung's ability to stretch and expand is a measure of the lung's ability to stretch and expand (distensibility of elastic tissue). In clinical practice it is separated into two different measurements, static compliance and dynamic compliance. Stretchiness change in lung volume

parietal pleura

outer layer of pleura lying closer to the ribs and chest wall

Gas exhange occurs based on

partial pressure gradient gas solubility temperature

Which of the following cavities surround(s) the lungs alone?

pleural cavities

Intrapulmonary pressure

pressure within the lungs/alveoli

larynx function

provide open airway via cartilage direct incoming traffic via epiglottis voice production via vocal cords and glottis

bronchial arteries

provide oxygenated blood to lung tissue

carbaminohemoglobin (HbCO2)

the compound formed by the union of carbon dioxide with hemoglobin

Bicarbonate ion HCO3-

the most important buffer in human blood. It is responsible for keeping the pH of blood at 7.4

gas exhange

the process of bringing in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide

respiratory membrane

the single layer of cells that makes up the wall of the alveoli

transport of respiratory gases

the transport of respiratory gases between the lungs and tissue cells of the body using blood as the transport vehicle

Lungs location

thoracic cavity


throat the membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus.

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