Federal Government

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D)be approved by the Senate but are not responsible to the Senate or to Congress at large.

Cabinet members must A)not be approved by the Senate and are not responsible to the Senate or to Congress at large. B)not be approved by the Senate but are responsible to the Senate and to Congress at large. C)be approved by the Senate and are responsible to the Senate and to Congress at large. D)be approved by the Senate but are not responsible to the Senate or to Congress at large.

B)bicameral; 535

Congress is a ________ legislature with ________ total members. A)unicameral; 342 B)bicameral; 535 C)bicameral; 100 D)bicameral; 275

A)the greater scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken.

Congress's tendency in recent years to give executive agencies fewer clear guidelines for implementing laws is the result of A)the greater scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken. B)the reduced scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken. C)frequent requests made by state governments to transfer more power to the executive branch. D)numerous initiatives passed by voters that require less legislative specificity.


Congressional leaders form ________ committees when they want to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction of existing committees, to highlight an issue, or to investigate a particular problem. A)conference B)joint C)select D)standing

B)bill's sponsor and its leading opponent.

In the House of Representatives, virtually all the time allotted by the Rules Committee for debate on a given bill is controlled by the A)majority leader and the minority leader. B)bill's sponsor and its leading opponent. C)whip. D)Rules Committee chairperson.

A)The majority leader is subordinate to the Speaker of the House.

In the House of Representatives, what is the relationship between the majority leader and the Speaker of the House? A)The majority leader is subordinate to the Speaker of the House. B)They are the same office. C)The majority leader is superior in formal powers to the Speaker of the House. D)The majority leader has the same powers as the Speaker of the House but is a different office.

C)become routine instruments of presidential governance rather than emergency wartime measures.

In the last few decades, executive orders have A)become increasingly rare due to the limitations Congress has imposed on unilateral presidential action. B)become focused almost exclusively on emergency wartime measures rather than on domestic policy matters. C)become routine instruments of presidential governance rather than emergency wartime measures. D)ended entirely due to a series of Supreme Court decisions outlawing most forms of unilateral presidential action.

D)permanent but do not

Joint committees are ________ have the power to present legislation. A)temporary but B)permanent and C)temporary and do not D)permanent but do not

C)organizations that members of Congress use to raise funds that they then distribute to other members of their party running for election.

Leadership PACs are A)members of Congress who have previously served on the Parent's Advisory Council. B)interest groups that lobby Congress to provide more funding for "performing arts centers." C)organizations that members of Congress use to raise funds that they then distribute to other members of their party running for election. D)federally funded training academies that educate newly elected members of Congress on the norms of the House and Senate.


Medical malpractice suits are good examples of ________ cases. A)tort B)amicus curiae C)habeas corpus D)stare decisis

B)recess appointment.

If President Trump were to appoint an individual to fill a vacant position in the Department of Health and Human Services when the Senate was adjourned, it would be an example of a(n) A)executive order. B)recess appointment. C)writ of mandamus. D)writ of habeas corpus.

original jurisdiction

One example of ________ is the fact that a lawsuit filed by California against Nevada over river pollution goes directly before the Supreme Court. A)stare decisis B)granting a writ of certiorari C)original jurisdiction D)appellate jurisdiction

C)increase turnover and get new faces into Congress.

One reason some people support the establishment of term limits in the House and Senate is that it will A)decrease the power and influence of interest groups. B)decrease turnover in Congress and lead to more experienced legislators. C)increase turnover and get new faces into Congress. D)limit the power and influence of the judiciary.

B)three judges

Normally, ________ hear(s) a specific case on a federal circuit court of appeals. A)one judge B)three judges C)15 judges D)all of the judges

are not protected by the Constitution from salary reduction.

Unlike judges of Article III courts, the judges of courts created under Congress's Article I power A)are appointed to serve lifetime terms. B)are not protected by the Constitution from salary reduction. C)are not appointed by the president. D)must be confirmed by the Senate.

C)representatives remain in constant touch with constituents and that constituents follow each policy issue very closely.

The delegate model of representation requires that A)representatives follow their conscious in voting regardless of how strong their constituents' opinions are on an issue. B)voters are allowed to vote directly on all government policies without having to channel their preferences through an elected representative. C)representatives remain in constant touch with constituents and that constituents follow each policy issue very closely. D)interest groups are prohibited from lobbying elected representatives.


How many presidents have been impeached throughout American history? A)zero B)one C)two D)three

B)Senators draw extensively on excerpts from a judicial nominee's speeches and writings in order to paint the nominee as an extremist who is unqualified to serve in the federal judiciary.

"Borking" occurs when A)Senators filibuster a nominee to the Supreme Court. B)Senators draw extensively on excerpts from a judicial nominee's speeches and writings in order to paint the nominee as an extremist who is unqualified to serve in the federal judiciary. C)a president chooses to rescind an existing nomination for the Supreme Court and nominates a new candidate. D)the Senate ends a filibuster of a federal court nominee through a cloture vote.


Congress has successfully overridden a presidential veto ________ times in American history. A)2 B)23 C)111 D)563


A U.S. senator has a ________-year term. A)two B)four C)six D)eight

B)public bill; private

A ________ specifies general rules and categories of behavior, people, and institutions, while a ________ bill grants a relief, special privilege, or exemption to a particular individual. A)private bill; public B)public bill; private C)continuing resolution; pork barrel D)consent decree; pork barrel


A ________ veto occurs when Congress adjourns during a 10-day period after presenting the president with a bill and he or she takes no action. A)procrastination B)pocket C)silent D)line-item

B)private bill.

A bill proposed in Congress that grants citizenship to a specifically named individual from a foreign country would be an example of a(n) A)public bill. B)private bill. C)executive order. D)executive agreement.

B)a closed rule; open rule

A bill's supporters in the House of Representatives generally prefer ________, while opponents generally prefer a(n) ________. A)an open rule; closed rule B)a closed rule; open rule C)cloture; filibuster D)a committee markup; closed rule

D)floor debate on a bill.

A closed or an open rule refers to congressional provisions regarding A)whether deliberations are closed or open to the general public. B)assignment to powerful committees. C)whether lobbyists are allowed inside Congress. D)floor debate on a bill.

B)unofficial group of representatives or senators sharing similar interests or opinions.

A congressional caucus is a(n) A)formal substructure of congressional parties oriented toward fund-raising. B)unofficial group of representatives or senators sharing similar interests or opinions. C)formal committee that has the power to propose and write legislation. D)vote by members of the House to determine who the Speaker of the House will be.

C)prevent a vote on a bill by speaking continuously on the floor.

A filibuster allows members of the Senate to A)refer a bill to multiple committees. B)avoid a conference committee. C)prevent a vote on a bill by speaking continuously on the floor. D)add amendments to any bill at any time.

B)stalling tactic used in the U.S. Senate to delay debate on a bill.

A legislative "hold" is a A)stalling tactic used in the U.S.House of Representatives to delay debate on a bill. B)stalling tactic used in the U.S.Senate to delay debate on a bill. C)way for bills to pass without approval by the House of Representatives. D)way for bills to pass without approval by the Senate.


A major risk of the delegate model of representation is that A)no new laws will be passed because all representatives must agree before a bill can be enacted. B)elected officials will spend too much time attempting to raise money for their next campaign because they must seek re-election so frequently. C)elected officials will completely ignore their constituents' preferences because they are following their own beliefs about which policies are best. D)the voices of only a few active and informed constituents will be heard because most people do not pay close attention to every issue.


A member of Congress who feels only loosely constrained by the policy preferences of his or her constituents and empowered to make the decisions he or she thinks best is acting as a A)trustee. B)delegate. C)lobbyist. D)policy entrepreneur.


A member of Congress who votes for a bill with which he or she disagrees because a majority of his or her constituents favor it is acting as a A)trustee. B)delegate. C)lobbyist. D)policy entrepreneur.


A member of the House of Representatives who helps a constituent apply for Social Security benefits is engaging in A)casework. B)corruption. C)earmarking. D)logrolling.

B)taking redistricting power away from their state legislature and giving it to independent commissions.

A number of states have responded to concerns about partisan gerrymandering by A)banning redistricting. B)taking redistricting power away from their state legislature and giving it to independent commissions. C)taking redistricting power away from independent commissions and giving it to their state legislature. D)taking redistricting power away from independent commissions and giving it to their state governor.

B)presidential veto that is automatically triggered if the president does not act on a given piece of legislation passed during the final 10 days of a legislative session.

A pocket veto is a A)presidential veto that is automatically triggered if the president does not act on a given piece of legislation passed during the final 30 days of a legislative session. B)presidential veto that is automatically triggered if the president does not act on a given piece of legislation passed during the final 10 days of a legislative session. C)veto issued by the Senate against a bill passed in the House of Representatives. D)veto issued by the states against a law passed by Congress.

B)for only one year unless it is renewed by the president.

A presidential emergency declaration remains in force A)for only one month unless it is renewed by the president. B)for only one year unless it is renewed by the president. C)until the Senate votes to rescind it. D)until the president chooses to rescind it.


A senator or representative running for re-election is called the A)constituent. B)incumbent. C)trustee. D)delegate.


A senator who agrees to vote for a tax-cut bill with which he or she disagrees in order to receive another senator's vote on a climate change bill that he or she has proposed is engaged in A)filibustering. B)logrolling. C)cloturing. D)insider trading.

A)the president makes about his or her interpretation of a congressional enactment he or she is signing into law.

A signing statement is an announcement A)the president makes about his or her interpretation of a congressional enactment he or she is signing into law. B)made by a presidential candidate when formally accepting his or her party's nomination. C)made by the president and the leader of a foreign country immediately following an executive agreement. D)the president is required to make any time he or she issues an executive order.

D)simple understanding between the president and a foreign state that is not submitted to Congress for approval.

A sole executive agreement is a A)formal contract negotiated by a state governor and the president that requires the Senate's approval. B)treaty negotiated by the Senate and a foreign state that requires the president's approval. C)formal contract between the United States and a foreign state that is approved by a vote in the House of Representatives. D)simple understanding between the president and a foreign state that is not submitted to Congress for approval.

the government must show a legal cause for holding someone in detention.

A writ of habeas corpus declares that A)the government must show a legal cause for holding someone in detention. B)the government cannot send a defendant to stand trial in a geographically distant jurisdiction. C)a defendant in a felony trial must receive assistance from legal counsel. D)capital punishment can be neither cruel nor unusual.


About ________ percent of all lower court cases are reviewed by federal appeals courts. A)1 B)10 C)20 D)48

A)Obama; JFK

After more than four decades, President ________ restored the American diplomatic ties with Cuba that were severed by President ________. A)Obama; Kennedy B)George W.Bush; Kennedy C)Obama; Eisenhower D)George W.Bush; Eisenhower

B)During the nineteenth century, it was perceived to be undignified for a president to campaign on his own behalf.

After the Civil War, why was it considered inappropriate for President Andrew Johnson to make a series of speeches seeking public support for his policies? A)President Johnson traveled with his own press secretary, the first time a president had used public relations officials. B)During the nineteenth century, it was perceived to be undignified for a president to campaign on his own behalf. C)President Johnson did not speak to the general public but instead spoke only to handpicked audiences where he knew he would be favorably received. D)President Johnson's speeches were delivered only in the former Confederate states and ignored the North, where he most needed support.

A)Speaker of the House

After the president and vice president, which office is next in the line of succession? A)Speaker of the House B)Senate majority leader C)secretary of state D)attorney general

B)do not have to be approved by the Senate.

All executive agreements differ from formal treaties in that they A)must be approved by the U.S.Supreme Court but not by Congress. B)do not have to be approved by the Senate. C)do not have to be approved by the House. D)are generally formulated at meetings of the United Nations.

A)embargo trade, seize foreign assets, and prohibit transactions with whatever foreign nations are involved.

An emergency declaration relating to foreign threats allows the president to A)embargo trade, seize foreign assets, and prohibit transactions with whatever foreign nations are involved. B)hold elections for an entirely new Congress regardless of whether congressional elections are scheduled. C)issue a formal declaration of war without congressional approval. D)add amendments to the Constitution without congressional or state government approval.

C)simple majority vote in both houses.

An executive-congressional agreement is a contract between two countries that can be approved with a A)statement by the Speaker of the House. B)statement by the Senate majority leader. C)simple majority vote in both houses. D)simple majority vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


How many vice presidents have had to replace presidents who died in office over the course of American history? A)0 B)3 C)8 D)12

do not hear witnesses or examine additional evidence before reaching their decisions.

Appeals courts A)are the first courts to hear cases involving a violation of federal law. B)are the first courts to hear cases involving a violation of state law. C)hear new witnesses and examine additional evidence before reaching their decisions. D)do not hear witnesses or examine additional evidence before reaching their decisions.

C)1,500 to 2,000

Approximately ________ people work for the various agencies within the Executive Office of the President. A)25 to 50 B)500 to 750 C)1,500 to 2,000 D)5,000 to 7,500


Approximately ________ percent of members of Congress have university degrees. A)33 B)50 C)75 D)90

D)85; 10,000

Approximately ________ percent of the ________ bills introduced in a typical congressional session die in committee. A)50; 1,000 B)85; 1,000 C)50; 10,000 D)85; 10,000

D)increased by a factor of 10.

Between 1995 and 2006, the number of congressional earmarks A)remained the same. B)dropped to nearly zero. C)nearly doubled. D)increased by a factor of 10.

C)where more than $1 million is at stake

Cases ________ are NOT part of the original jurisdiction of the U.S.Supreme Court. A)between the United States and one of the 50 states B)involving foreign ambassadors C)where more than $1 million is at stake D)brought by one state against citizens of another state or against a foreign country

always heard in a federal court.

Cases in which the U.S.government is a party are A)always heard in a state court. B)heard in a state court only if a state government is the other party. C)heard in a state court if the other party files a special request to have the case heard in a state court. D)always heard in a federal court.

may be heard in either the federal or the state courts, usually depending on the preference of the plaintiff.

Civil cases involving the citizens of more than one state and in which more than $75,000 is at stake A)must always be heard in federal district court. B)must always be heard in a state court. C)must always be heard in the U.S.Supreme Court. D)may be heard in either the federal or the state courts, usually depending on the preference of the plaintiff.

C)more; less

Compared to the rest of American history, recent congresses have been ________ polarized and ________ productive in terms of passing laws. A)less; equally B)less; less C)more; less D)more; more

C)are only likely to include members from both political parties when control of Congress is divided.

Conference committees A)must always include members from both political parties. B)must always include members from all three branches of government. C)are only likely to include members from both political parties when control of Congress is divided. D)are only likely to include members from all three branches of government when control of Congress is divided.

D)temporary, involve members from both houses of Congress, and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate.

Conference committees are A)permanent and involve members from both the House and the Senate. B)temporary and are created to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction of existing committees, to highlight an issue, or to investigate a particular problem. C)permanent and have the power to write and propose legislation. D)temporary, involve members from both houses of Congress, and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate.

A)can terminate a state of emergency declared by the president only with a joint resolution of the two houses.

Congress A)can terminate a state of emergency declared by the president only with a joint resolution of the two houses. B)can terminate a state of emergency only by impeaching the president. C)can terminate a state of emergency only by convening an "emergency committee" composed of the Speaker of the House, the majority leader of the Senate, and the chief justice of the Supreme Court, as described in Article I of the Constitution. D)cannot terminate a state of emergency declared by the president.

A power that must be deemed to exist in order for a particular responsability to carried out.

Describe and discuss the different powers of the president.Specifically, define the differences between the president's expressed, implied, delegated, and inherent powers and provide an example of each.What are some of the checks placed on these powers by the other branches of government?

A)relied heavily on executive orders to mobilize troops, purchase warships, and obtain funds from the U.S.Treasury.

During the Civil War, President Lincoln A)relied heavily on executive orders to mobilize troops, purchase warships, and obtain funds from the U.S.Treasury. B)attempted to issue executive orders to mobilize troops, purchase warships, and obtain funds from the U.S.Treasury but was blocked by the federal judiciary. C)attempted to issue executive orders to mobilize troops, purchase warships, and obtain funds from the U.S.Treasury but was blocked by Congress. D)did not use executive orders and relied, instead, on laws passed by Congress to mobilize troops, purchase warships, and obtain funds from the U.S.Treasury.

A)each branch of the new government would interpret the Constitution as it applied to its own actions rather than having the Supreme Court be the sole interpreter of the Constitution.

During the Constitutional Convention, a "departmentalist" was someone who believed that A)each branch of the new government would interpret the Constitution as it applied to its own actions rather than having the Supreme Court be the sole interpreter of the Constitution. B)the Supreme Court should be the sole interpreter of the Constitution and that each branch of the new government would have its actions subjected to strict judicial scrutiny. C)the new government should have only two branches-the executive and the legislative-and no judiciary. D)the judiciary should appoint its own justices and the president should not be empowered to nominate Supreme Court justices.


During the nineteenth century, ________ was America's dominant institution of government. A)the presidency B)the Supreme Court C)Congress D)the executive bureaucracy

D)South; West

During the past several decades, the ________ and the ________ have benefited most from apportionment. A)Northeast; Midwest B)Northeast; South C)South; Midwest D)South; West

B)presidential emergency power

Dwight Eisenhower used ________ in 1957 to send troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to help desegregate Central High School. A)the national guard B)presidential emergency power C)the War Powers Act D)the elastic clause

9,000; 80

Each year, the Supreme Court receives about ________ appeals and hears about ________ of them in full court. A)1,000; 500 B)200; 10 C)9,000; 80 D)12,000; 300

show that they have exhausted all available state remedies and must raise issues not previously raised in their state appeals.

Generally speaking, state defendants seeking a federal writ of habeas corpus must A)show that they have exhausted all available state remedies and must raise issues not previously raised in their state appeals. B)demonstrate that they are not guilty of the accused crimes beyond a "reasonable doubt." C)hire the solicitor general to represent them. D)receive amicus briefs from at least three civil liberties organizations.

A)manipulation of electoral districts to serve the interests of a particular group.

Gerrymandering refers to the A)manipulation of electoral districts to serve the interests of a particular group. B)practice whereby legislators trade their support or opposition on one bill to get the support of another legislator on a different bill. C)investigations of the executive branch by members of Congress. D)tactic used by members of the Senate to prevent action on legislation they oppose by continuously holding the floor and speaking until the majority backs down.

B)A president's veto can be overridden with a two-thirds vote in both chambers.

How can Congress override a president's veto? A)A president's veto can be overridden with a two-thirds vote in either chamber. B)A president's veto can be overridden with a two-thirds vote in both chambers. C)A president's veto can be overridden with a simple majority vote in both chambers. D)A president's veto cannot be overridden, according to the U.S.Constitution.

C)The elected leader of the majority party in the House is the Speaker.

How is the Speaker of the House determined? A)The vice president of the United States is also Speaker of the House. B)The representative with the longest tenure in the House is the Speaker of the House. C)The elected leader of the majority party in the House is the Speaker. D)The president selects the Speaker of the House from the majority party in the House.


How many justices currently serve on the Supreme Court? A)7 B)9 C)11 D)15

D)President Trump could nominate a replacement, but that replacement would have to be confirmed by a majority vote of both houses of Congress before taking office.

If Vice President Pence were to resign from office A)President Trump could select any replacement he desired and that person would immediately take office. B)a new, national election would be held in which both the Democratic and Republican parties could select a single candidate to run. C)the Senate would select a replacement. D)President Trump could nominate a replacement, but that replacement would have to be confirmed by a majority vote of both houses of Congress before taking office.

plea bargain.

If a defendant is charged with burglary but admits to a lesser charge of trespassing in exchange for the prosecution dismissing the burglary charge and forgoing the criminal trial, it Is an example of a(n) A)plea bargain. B)quid pro quo. C)pro bono settlement. D)amicus curiae.

not entitled to appeal the verdict

If a defendant is found not guilty in a criminal case, the government is A)not entitled to appeal the verdict. B)entitled to appeal the verdict only if it files a writ of habeas corpus. C)entitled to appeal the verdict only if it files an amicus curiae brief. D)entitled to appeal the verdict only if the case raises an important constitutional question.


If a legislative body was composed of 15 percent Latinos and 70 percent males in a state whose residents were 35 percent Latino and 50 percent male, the legislative body could be Said to lack ________ representation. A)agency B)sociological C)delegate D)trustee

the due process of law.

If a man is arrested because his home was searched by police without a legal warrant, he could argue in court that he had been denied A)a writ of habeas corpus. B)his Miranda rights. C)judicial review. D)the due process of law.

C)"sophomore surge."

If a member of the House of Representatives won his or her first election with 52 percent of the vote and won his or her second election with 75 percent, it would be an example of the A)"second-election surprise." B)"rich get richer" effect. C)"sophomore surge." D)"incumbency increase."


If a president claimed that he or she possessed the authority to execute acts of Congress according to his or her own understanding of the law and the nation's interests, he or she Would be operating under the theory of A)pluralism. B)the unitary executive. C)elite pluralism. D)absolutism.

D)is not constitutionally obligated to deploy national troops.

If a state government makes a formal request that the president deploy federal troops, the president A)is constitutionally required to send exactly as many federal troops as the state government has requested. B)is constitutionally required to send some federal troops, but he or she can choose exactly how many will be sent. C)can only refuse to send federal troops if a majority of Congress votes to reject the state government's request. D)is not constitutionally obligated to deploy national troops.

A)House and tried in the Senate, with the chief justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction.

Impeachment offenses are charged by the A)House and tried in the Senate, with the chief justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction. B)Senate and tried in the House, with the chief justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction. C)Senate and tried in the House, with the chief justice presiding and a 50 percent plus one vote needed for conviction. D)House and tried in the Senate, with the chief justice presiding and a 50 percent plus one vote needed for conviction.

B)20; 50

In 1972, approximately ________ percent of House members' personal staffs were located in district offices; by 2010, the number had grown to nearly ________ percent. A)0; 100 B)20; 50 C)33; 75 D)45; 67

D)the House and the Senate agreed to a two-year moratorium on earmarks in spending bills.

In 2011 A)the House of Representatives dramatically increased the number of earmarks in its spending bills, while the Senate dramatically decreased the number of earmarks in its spending bills. B)the Senate dramatically increased the number of earmarks in its spending bills, while the House of Representatives dramatically decreased the number of earmarks in its spending bills. C)both the House of Representatives and the Senate dramatically increased the number of earmarks in their spending bills. D)the House and the Senate agreed to a two-year moratorium on earmarks in spending bills.


In United States v.Nixon (1974), the Supreme Court justices A)impeached Nixon. B)allowed Nixon to withhold secret tapes from Congress. C)required Nixon to turn over secret tapes to Congress. D)ruled that Nixon must resign from office in order to avoid criminal charges.

civil law

In ________ cases, the losers cannot be fined or incarcerated by the state. A)appellate B)criminal law C)civil law D)common law

one individual charges that he or she has been injured by another's negligence or malfeasance.

In a typical tort case A)the defendant is not allowed to appeal the verdict if he or she loses. B)the plaintiff is not allowed to appeal the verdict if he or she loses. C)the government immediately appeals the verdict if it loses. D)one individual charges that he or she has been injured by another's negligence or malfeasance.

B)the natural geographic clustering of people who share a political ideology.

In addition to gerrymandering, a major reason why so many members of Congress are elected from "safe" districts is A)that local newspapers and television stations typically provide very favorable coverage to the incumbent party's candidates. B)the natural geographic clustering of people who share a political ideology. C)that once people move into a district that is very liberal or very conservative, they tend to switch their ideology to match that of their new districts. D)that candidates for Congress usually change their partisan affiliation to match that of their districts.


In each House district, there are approximately ________ people. A)250,000 B)700,000 C)1.3 million D)2.5 million

A)must state the constitutional or statutory basis for their use of executive orders.

In general, presidents A)must state the constitutional or statutory basis for their use of executive orders. B)are not required to explain the constitutional or statutory basis for their use of executive orders. C)must secure preclearance from the federal judiciary for their use of executive orders. D)must obtain a so-called consent decree from the Senate before they use executive orders.

C)executive agreements

In order to get around the need for Senate approval of treaties, many contemporary presidents have made use of ________ in foreign affairs. A)diplomacy B)international protocols C)executive agreements D)executive immunity

been characterized by intense partisan and ideological efforts to support or defeat the candidate.

In recent years, federal court appointments have A)been characterized by strict neutrality on the part of Congress. B)attracted very little attention from the media and special interest groups. C)been characterized by intense partisan and ideological efforts to support or defeat the candidate. D)been unaffected by ideological concerns.

D)rate how members of Congress vote on issues of importance to that group.

Many interest groups produce "scorecards" that A)add up the number of positive and negative news stories about issues of importance to that group. B)measure the length of time it takes for a bill to become a law. C)track which policies are most popular with members of the public. D)rate how members of Congress vote on issues of importance to that group.


Marbury v.Madison was decided in A)1789. B)1803. C)1911. D)2016.


More than ________ percent of all cases in the United States are heard in state courts. A)33 B)50 C)68 D)97

B)possesses the power of recognition.

Most members of the House attempt to stay on good terms with the Speaker of the House because the Speaker A)has the authority to call all party unity votes. B)possesses the power of recognition. C)approves all requests for logrolling. D)makes all decisions regarding how leadership PACs will distribute their funds.

A)fragmented power by reducing the power of committee chairs.

Organizational reforms instituted by Congress in the 1970s A)fragmented power by reducing the power of committee chairs. B)centralized power into the hands of party leaders. C)sped up legislation by reducing the number of committees to which a bill was referred. D)reduced the scrutiny of the media by closing hearings to the public.

A)taxes, trade, and entitlement programs

Over what does the House Ways and Means Committee have jurisdiction? A)taxes, trade, and entitlement programs B)foreign relations and national security C)rules governing debate on the floor and committee assignments D)highways and waterways

A)efforts of Congress to supervise the manner in which its laws are implemented by the executive branch.

Oversight can best be described as the A)efforts of Congress to supervise the manner in which its laws are implemented by the executive branch. B)organizational control exercised by party whips over members of Congress. C)authority of committee chairs over the hearings and investigations conducted by the subcommittees. D)approval that the Senate must give to all presidential appointments to the federal judiciary.

C)the "vesting clause" of Article II, Section 1

President Abraham Lincoln justified his 1861 decision to suspend the writ of habeas corpus by pointing to which constitutional provision? A)the "take care clause" of Article II, Section 3 B)the oath of office at the end of Article II, Section 1 C)the "vesting clause" of Article II, Section 1 D)the Tenth Amendment

B)more popular than when he entered.

President Clinton was unusual among modern presidents because he left the White House A)less popular than when he entered. B)more popular than when he entered. C)without issuing a single signing statement. D)without issuing a single executive order.

B)White House staff.

President Trump's daughter, Ivanka, is part of the A)National Security Council. B)White House staff. C)Cabinet. D)Office of Management and Budget.

B)head of state.

Presidential spouses are an important resource for the president in order to carry out the duty of A)head of government. B)head of state. C)commander in chief. D)chief diplomat.

B)required by law to inform Congress of any executive agreement within 60 days of its having been reached.

Presidents are A)required by law to inform Congress of any potential executive agreement at least 60 days before it is officially signed. B)required by law to inform Congress of any executive agreement within 60 days of its having been reached. C)only required by law to inform Congress of an executive agreement reached with another country if the executive agreement involves the transfer of military technology. D)not required to inform Congress about executive agreements they reach with other countries.


Prior cases whose principles are used by judges to decide current cases are called A)public law. B)en banc decisions. C)precedents. D)ex post facto cases.

D)the 1982 amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Race became a major factor in drawing congressional district lines as a result of A)Title IX of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. B)Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. C)the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby County v.Holder. D)the 1982 amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

A)sent to jail in 2005 for accepting bribes by companies hoping to receive earmarks in return.

Republican House member Randy "Duke" Cunningham was A)sent to jail in 2005 for accepting bribes by companies hoping to receive earmarks in return. B)the primary supporter of a bill that would have prohibited the use of earmarks in Congress. C)the initiator of a lawsuit heard by the Supreme Court about the constitutionality of earmarks. D)the first member of Congress to propose that representatives publish a list of all earmark requests on a single website.

C)executive privilege

Richard Nixon claimed ________ when he refused to turn over secret White House tapes to congressional investigators. A)presidential immunity B)expressed powers C)executive privilege D)the Fifth Amendment

B)likely to consider new ideas and better able to act as the agents for groups and interests organized on a statewide or national basis.

Senators' longer terms of office, and larger, more heterogeneous constituencies makes them more A)attuned to the needs of groups and interests organized on a city- or countywide basis. B)likely to consider new ideas and better able to act as the agents for groups and interests organized on a statewide or national basis. C)likely to serve existing interests than to bring together new coalitions of interests. D)likely to spend their time thinking about and running for re-election.

C)can only be used against federal district court appointments.

Since 2017, the Senate filibuster A)can only be used against executive branch appointments. B)can only be used against Supreme Court appointments. C)can only be used against federal district court appointments. D)cannot be used against any presidential appointments.

D)change to the filibuster rules enacted in 2013 that prevents the filibustering of nominees for positions in the executive branch and the federal courts.

The "nuclear option" refers to a A)proposal to extend the use of the filibuster to the House of Representatives. B)constitutional amendment to eliminate senatorial approval of nominees for positions in the executive branch and the federal courts. C)policy of restructuring Congress in a way that would eliminate the committee system. D)change to the filibuster rules enacted in 2013 that prevents the filibustering of nominees for positions in the executive branch and the federal courts.

D)tendency for candidates to win a higher percentage of the vote when seeking future terms in office.

The "sophomore surge" refers to the A)fact that many members of Congress lose their re-election campaigns after their second terms in office. B)tendency for college students to intern with their local members of Congress during the summer between their sophomore and junior years in college. C)fact that most members of Congress leave office after serving only two years. D)tendency for candidates to win a higher percentage of the vote when seeking future terms in office.


The 2014 Select Committee on Benghazi is an example of Congress's ________ powers. A)advice and consent B)oversight C)impeachment D)executive agreement


The 2015 House of Representatives committee that held hearings to investigate Hillary Clinton's use of private email services during her tenure as secretary of state is an example of A ________ committee. A)standing B)select C)joint D)conference

governs agency rule making

The Administrative Procedure Act is important in civil law because it A)governs agency rule making. B)defines the jurisdiction of the various state court systems. C)sets the procedures for filing appellate cases in the federal court system. D)sets the procedures for filing appellate cases in the various state court systems.

B)headed by the president.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are A)independent agencies that answer to neither the president nor Congress. B)headed by the president. C)headed by the Senate Intelligence Committee. D)headed by the House Intelligence Committee.

A)staff agencies.

The Congressional Research Service and the Government Accountability Office are examples of A)staff agencies. B)caucuses. C)select committees. D)conference committees.

A)stating that a state government must request federal troops before the president can deploy them within that state to provide public order.

The Constitution attempts to restrain the president's use of domestic force by A)stating that a state government must request federal troops before the president can deploy them within that state to provide public order. B)strictly prohibiting presidents from ever deploying federal troops within the United States. C)requiring two-thirds of both the House and the Senate to vote in favor of any presidential order to deploy federal troops within the United States. D)requiring a majority of both the House and the Senate to vote in favor of any presidential order to deploy federal troops within the United States.

D)analyzes the economy and economic trends in order to help the president anticipate economic events.

The Council of Economic Advisers A)negotiates foreign trade treaties on behalf of the federal government. B)regulates all stock market transactions and enforces federal antitrust laws. C)sets interest rates for the federal government. D)analyzes the economy and economic trends in order to help the president anticipate economic events.

B)executive orders from the president.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) were established by A)laws passed in Congress. B)executive orders from the president. C)Supreme Court decisions. D)federal ballot initiatives.

C)informal Republican Party rule that the Speaker of the House will not allow any bill to reach the floor unless it has the support of a majority of Republican members of the House.

The Hastert rule is a(n) A)informal Democratic Party rule that all congressional committees include an equal number of men and women. B)formal policy in Congress that prevents representatives and senators from serving more than 12 years on the same committee. C)informal Republican Party rule that the Speaker of the House will not allow any bill to reach the floor unless it has the support of a majority of Republican members of the House. D)formal Senate policy that prevents the filibustering of nominees for positions in the executive branch and the federal courts.

B)decides the order in which bills come up for a vote on the House floor and determines the specific rules that govern the length of debate and opportunity for amendments.

The House Rules Committee is important because it A)is placed in charge of selecting the Speaker of the House. B)decides the order in which bills come up for a vote on the House floor and determines the specific rules that govern the length of debate and opportunity for amendments. C)reviews all applications regarding the formation of select committees. D)determines the jurisdiction of every congressional standing committee.


The House of Representatives and the Senate come closest to providing sociological representation on which of the following characteristics? A)gender B)education C)race D)religion

C)Executive Office of the President.

The Office of Management and Budget and the Council of Economic Advisers are both parts of the A)Cabinet. B)White House staff. C)Executive Office of the President. D)Department of the Interior.

D)its personnel are an integral part of virtually every conceivable presidential responsibility, such as overseeing regulatory proposals, reporting on agency activities, and preparing the national budget.

The Office of Management and Budget is important because A)it has the power to veto any legislation passed by Congress that negatively impacts the federal budget. B)the Constitution requires that the president receive its approval for every administrative rule change and tax increase that he or she proposes. C)it is granted the authority under the Constitution to pass the federal budget. D)its personnel are an integral part of virtually every conceivable presidential responsibility, such as overseeing regulatory proposals, reporting on agency activities, and preparing the national budget.

C)decide how much funding various programs will receive and how the money will be spent.

The Senate and House Appropriations committees are important because they A)determine the number of seats on each congressional committee. B)are placed in charge of redistricting after every census. C)decide how much funding various programs will receive and how the money will be spent. D)determine what conduct is ethically appropriate for elected representatives and what the penalties associated with inappropriate conduct will be.

A)make treaties with foreign nations.

The Senate's constitutional power of advice and consent extends to the president's power to A)make treaties with foreign nations. B)make executive agreements. C)issue executive orders. D)issue pardons.

D)mandated by the Constitution.

The State of the Union address is A)required by a law passed by Congress in 1803 and renewed ever since. B)requested by the president, and comity demands that his or her request is always accepted. C)based on tradition but was discontinued during the Great Depression and World War II. D)mandated by the Constitution.

D)state governments can use independent commissions rather than state legislatures to draw congressional district lines.

The Supreme Court has ruled that A)reapportionment can only take place in a state once every 20 years. B)reapportionment can only take place in a state once every 40 years. C)state governments must give voters final approval over any congressional district lines that are drawn by a state legislature. D)state governments can use independent commissions rather than state legislatures to draw congressional district lines.


The U.S.Court of Federal Claims was created by Congress to rule on A)damage suits brought against the U.S.government. B)cases brought by one state against citizens of another state or against a foreign country. C)cases between the U.S.government and one of the 50 states. D)cases involving foreign ambassadors or other ministers.

A)executive-congressional agreement.

The United States' 2015 accord with Iran is a recent example of a(n) A)executive-congressional agreement. B)sole executive agreement. C)executive order. D)treaty.

A)War Powers Resolution of 1973

The ________ asserted that the president could send American troops into action abroad only in the event of a declaration of war or other statutory authorization by Congress, or if American troops were attacked or directly endangered. A)War Powers Resolution of 1973 B)National Security Act of 1947 C)Boland Amendment of 1982 D)USA PATRIOT Act of 2001


The ________ is the informal designation for the heads of the major federal government departments. A)White House staff B)Presidential Advisory Committee C)Cabinet D)Executive Office of the President

B)party whips

The ________ is/are responsible for communicating the leader's wishes to members in Congress. A)Speaker of the House and the Senate president pro tempore B)party whips C)party caucuses D)Ways and Means Committee

president s over the court's public sessions and private conference

The chief justice of the Supreme Court A)decides what cases will be heard by the full Court each term. B)always writes the Court's majority opinions. C)presides over the Court's public sessions and private conferences. D)is also the constitutional adviser to the president.

C)there is a divided Congress and the House and Senate exchange amendments in order to reach agreement on the final version of a bill.

The congressional practice of "ping pong" occurs when A)Congress passes a new version of a law that was previously struck down as unconstitutional by the federal judiciary. B)Congress passes a new version of a law that was previously vetoed by the president. C)there is a divided Congress and the House and Senate exchange amendments in order to reach agreement on the final version of a bill. D)a bill is passed in one house of Congress but not passed in the other.

stare decisis

The doctrine of ________ requires courts to follow authoritative prior decisions when ruling on a case. A)stare decisis B)habeas corpus C)ex post facto D)a priori

ensuring that "the state" and its officials are judged by the same laws as the citizenry.

The essence of the rule of law is A)having a supreme court. B)having a government composed of a legislative, a judicial, and an executive branch. C)ensuring that "the state" and its officials are judged by a different set of laws than the citizenry. D)ensuring that "the state" and its officials are judged by the same laws as the citizenry.

Have given presidents substantial capacity to achieve significant policy results despite congressional opposition to their legislative agendas.

The expansion of the Executive Office of the President, the development of regulatory review, and the use of executive orders have been important because they A)are deeply unpopular with the public and have led to the declining trust in American government. B)make it very difficult for challengers to defeat incumbent presidents in elections. C)have given presidents substantial capacity to achieve significant policy results despite congressional opposition to their legislative agendas. D)have dramatically limited the power of the president and made it easier for Congress to dominate the American political system.

B)was rarely used throughout most of American history but has become a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate during the last 20 years.

The filibuster A)has never been a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate. B)was rarely used throughout most of American history but has become a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate during the last 20 years. C)was a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate throughout most of American history but has almost never been used during the last 20 years. D)has always been a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate.


The first court to hear a criminal case involving a violation of state law is called a(n) ________ court. A)supreme B)trial C)advisory D)appellate

A)Nancy Pelosi.

The first female Speaker of the House was A)Nancy Pelosi. B)Hillary Clinton. C)Jeanette Rankin. D)Sarah Palin.

C)Jeanette Rankin.

The first woman to serve in Congress was A)Susan B.Anthony. B)Eleanor Roosevelt. C)Jeanette Rankin. D)Nancy Pelosi.


The first woman was elected to Congress in A)1790. B)1865. C)1892. D)1917.

A)economic, taxation, library, and printing.

The four joint committees in Congress are A)economic, taxation, library, and printing. B)foreign affairs, welfare, currency, and trade. C)globalization, human rights, employment, and citizenship. D)justice, agriculture, education, and technology.

B)the chamber closest to the people should exercise greater authority over taxing and spending.

The framers gave the power to introduce "money bills" to the House of Representatives but not the Senate because they believed that A)the Senate was too small in size to make good decisions about taxing and spending. B)the chamber closest to the people should exercise greater authority over taxing and spending. C)every state should not have equal influence over taxing and spending decisions. D)taxing and spending were not important issues and the Senate should focus its attention on the country's most pressing problems.

D)more responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent.

The frequency with which they must seek re-election makes members of the U.S.House of Representatives A)more responsive to the needs of the elites in the states they represent. B)less responsive to the needs of the elites in the states they represent. C)less responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent. D)more responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent.

C)limit the power of the president to commit American troops to military action without authorization from Congress.

The goal of the War Powers Resolution was to A)compel a congressional declaration of war for every large-scale military operation. B)limit the ability of Congress to cut off funding for troops when the president sends them overseas without congressional approval. C)limit the power of the president to commit American troops to military action without authorization from Congress. D)end the Vietnam War.


The government is always the plaintiff in ________ law. A)public B)criminal C)common D)tort


The idea that all executive power inheres in the president except as explicitly limited by the Constitution is called the ________ executive theory. A)unlimited B)totalitarian C)unitary D)dual

C)a partisan exercise.

The impeachment process is A)a nonpartisan exercise. B)one where all legislators have a common understanding of the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors." C)a partisan exercise. D)carried out entirely by the Senate, and the House has no role to play.

B)is defined by the subject matter of legislation, which often parallels the major cabinet departments or agencies.

The jurisdiction of standing committees A)is related to a specific geographic region. B)is defined by the subject matter of legislation, which often parallels the major cabinet departments or agencies. C)is determined by the different political parties. D)often overlaps with the jurisdiction of select committees.


The jurisdiction of the federal courts is determined A)for the most part by geography. B)entirely by the Constitution. C)for the most part by congressional statutes. D)from a combination of the Constitution and congressional statutes.


The kind of representation that takes place when constituents have the power to hire and fire their representatives is called ________ representation. A)agency B)sociological C)delegate D)trustee

C)implied powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution, while inherent powers derive from national sovereignty.

The main difference between inherent and implied powers is that A)inherent powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution, while implied powers derive from congressional laws and Supreme Court decisions. B)implied powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution, while inherent powers derive from congressional laws and Supreme Court decisions. C)implied powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution, while inherent powers derive from national sovereignty. D)inherent powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution, while implied powers derive from national sovereignty.

A)bring the president votes in the election from a group or region that would not otherwise be a likely source of support.

The main political value of the vice president is to A)bring the president votes in the election from a group or region that would not otherwise be a likely source of support. B)draw negative attention away from the president during times of crisis. C)give the president an institutional link to Congress. D)promote bipartisanship with members of the opposing political party.

D)435; 1959

The number of seats in the House of Representatives has been fixed at ________ since ________. A)100; 1790 B)100; 1929 C)435; 1929 D)435; 1959

C)is typically higher when Congress is controlled by the opposite party.

The number of vetoes issued by a president each year A)has been relatively constant throughout American history. B)has never exceeded two. C)is typically higher when Congress is controlled by the opposite party. D)is typically lower when Congress is controlled by the opposite party.


The office of the presidency was established by Article ________ of the Constitution. A)I B)II C)III D)V

B)the supremacy clause of Article VI.

The power of the Supreme Court to review state actions and legislation is implied by A)the judicial review clause of Article III. B)the supremacy clause of Article VI. C)Marbury v.Madison. D)the Seventh Amendment.

A)an expressed power.

The power to receive ambassadors is an example of A)an expressed power. B)a delegated power. C)executive privilege. D)an executive order.

national defense and the federal budget.

The powers of Congress have declined dramatically in which of the following areas during the last 50 years? A)national defense and the federal budget B)health care and education C)law enforcement and oversight D)national defense and environmental protection

C)15 years.

The president appoints judges of courts created under Congress's Article I power for A)life. B)six years. C)15 years. D)30 years.

C)cabinet secretaries

The president has the power to appoint which of the following positions? A)state governors who resign before their terms have expired B)all state Supreme Court justices C)cabinet secretaries D)members of the House of Representatives who resign before their terms have expired

D)the majority party member with the greatest seniority.

The president pro tempore of the Senate is usually A)the minority party leader with the greatest seniority. B)the minority party leader with the least seniority. C)selected directly by the president. D)the majority party member with the greatest seniority.


The president's delegated powers come from A)the Constitution. B)Congress. C)the president's party. D)the Supreme Court.

B)White House staff.

The president's group of advisers and analysts is collectively called the A)Cabinet. B)White House staff. C)Executive Council of Advisers. D)Department of State.

Dealing with Congress on legislative matters.

The president's partisan ties are MOST important in A)winning support from public opinion. B)raising campaign funds. C)dealing with Congress on legislative matters. D)making executive appointments.

B)expressed; implied

The president's power to "grant Reprieves and Pardons" is an example of a(n) ________ power, while the president's power to remove executive branch appointees is an example Of a(n) ________ power. A)expressed; inherent B)expressed; implied C)inherent; expressed D)inherent; implied

B)cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate.

The primary constitutional task of the vice president, besides succeeding the president in case of death, resignation, or incapacitation, is to A)serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives. B)cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate. C)represent the president overseas. D)run the day-to-day operations of the Executive Office of the President.


The process of allocating congressional seats among the 50 states is called A)redistricting. B)gerrymandering. C)redlining. D)apportionment.

C)the Congressional Budget Office

Which congressional staff agency assesses the economic implications and likely costs of proposed federal programs? A)the Government Accountability Office B)the Congressional Research Service C)the Congressional Budget Office D)the Office of Management and Budget

B)grand jury.

The role that the U.S.House of Representatives plays in impeachments can best be compared with that of a A)judge. B)grand jury. C)prosecuting attorney. D)defense attorney.

B)grand jury.

The role that the U.S.Senate plays in impeachments can best be compared with that of a A)trial jury. B)grand jury. C)prosecuting attorney. D)defense attorney.

D)committee markup.

The session in which a congressional committee rewrites legislation to incorporate changes discussed during hearings on a bill is called the A)logrolling stage. B)oversight phase. C)roll-call vote. D)committee markup.

C)wasteful congressional spending through earmarks.

The so-called bridge to nowhere was important because it became a symbol of A)the problems with Congress's lack of racial diversity. B)the Supreme Court's increasing willingness to overturn acts of Congress. C)wasteful congressional spending through earmarks. D)the federal government's ability to effectively respond to infrastructure problems.

D)appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but are created so that local representatives can win re-election in their home districts.

The term pork barrel refers to A)any piece of legislation that changes the number of agricultural subsidies provided to farmers by the federal government. B)the collective set of laws that regulate America's meat exports. C)bills that grant a special privilege to a person named in the bill. D)appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but are created so that local representatives can win re-election in their home districts.

D)a party member in the House or Senate responsible for coordinating the party's legislative strategy, building support for key issues, and counting votes.

The term whip in discussions of Congress refers to A)a punishment party leaders give when a member of Congress does not vote with the rest of his or her party. B)a Senate rule that allows 60 senators to immediately end another senator's filibuster. C)the majority party leader's chief of staff. D)a party member in the House or Senate responsible for coordinating the party's legislative strategy, building support for key issues, and counting votes.

A)can be stopped only by unanimous consent.

Under the rules of the U.S.Senate, the introduction of new amendments A)can be stopped only by unanimous consent. B)can be stopped only by a vote of 60 senators. C)is only allowed during the committee markup stage. D)is controlled by the Rules Committee.

B)Executive Office of the President; bureaucracy; executive orders

The three components of presidents' "administrative strategy" have been enhancing the power of the ________, increasing White House control over the federal ________, and Expanding the role of ________ and other instruments of direct presidential governance. A)Government Accountability Office; bureaucracy; earmarks B)Executive Office of the President; bureaucracy; executive orders C)Executive Office of the President; judiciary; executive orders D)Government Accountability Office; judiciary; earmarks

A)executive order.

The wartime internment of Japanese Americans was the result of a(n) A)executive order. B)signing statement. C)negotiated treaty. D)presidential pardon.


There are ________ U.S.district courts. A)50 B)94 C)200 D)434


There are ________ circuits in the U.S.Court of Appeals. A)4 B)8 C)12 D)20

C)15; secretary

There are ________ federal government departments and each is led by a ________ who is a member of the president's cabinet. A)5; secretary B)15; senator C)15; secretary D)50; senator


There are ________ states that have taken redistricting power away from state legislatures and given it to independent commissions. A)0 B)6 C)21 D)33

D)judicial review

Through the exercise of ________, the Supreme Court has held actions or laws of the executive and legislative branches unconstitutional. A)stare decisis B)writs of certiorari C)clemency D)judicial review

district courts

Trial courts in the federal judicial system are called A)grand juries. B)district courts. C)appellate courts. D)civil courts.

C)became responsible for developing and implementing a coordinated communications strategy on behalf of the president's agenda.

Under President Bill Clinton, the White House Communications Office A)was renamed the Executive Office of the President. B)was placed under the direct control of the vice president. C)became responsible for developing and implementing a coordinated communications strategy on behalf of the president's agenda. D)became responsible for managing all negotiations between the executive and legislative branches of government.


Under President Obama, online petitions submitted to the White House had to receive ________ signatures to be reviewed and commented on by the administration. A)1,000 B)10,000 C)100,000 D)1 million

B)were appointed by state legislatures.

Under the original Constitution, senators A)served four-year terms. B)were appointed by state legislatures. C)were selected by the federal judiciary. D)could serve only two terms.

B)Congress tends to draft legislation that offers few clear guidelines for implementation, so administrative agencies now have wide discretion to make rules that impact American citizens.

What did professor Jerry L.Nashaw mean when he said, "Most public law is legislative in origin but administrative in content"? A)Congress tends to draft legislation that provides specific guidelines for implementation, so administrative agencies now have very little discretion to make rules that impact American citizens. B)Congress tends to draft legislation that offers few clear guidelines for implementation, so administrative agencies now have wide discretion to make rules that impact American citizens. C)The Executive Office of the President now authors most federal laws, and Congress simply votes "yes" or "no" without any significant debate or amendments. D)State governments now author most federal laws, and Congress simply votes "yes" or "no" without any significant debate or amendments.

B)The racial composition of a district could not be the predominant factor when redistricting.

What did the Supreme Court justices declare in Miller v.Johnson (1995)? A)Districts could not be drawn to favor the incumbent candidate. B)The racial composition of a district could not be the predominant factor when redistricting. C)It was not unconstitutional for states to use an unelected, nonpartisan committee to redistrict. D)The use of computer technologies to draw districts that will favor one party over another is unconstitutional.

the Supreme Court

What did the framers call the "LEAST dangerous branch" of American government? A)Congress B)the Supreme Court C)the president D)the bureaucracy

B)the process by which three-fifths of the Senate can end a filibuster

What is cloture? A)the ability of a senator to speak for as long as he or she wishes to prevent action from being taken on legislation that he or she opposes B)the process by which three-fifths of the Senate can end a filibuster C)the rule that allows one house of Congress to circumvent the other during the legislative process D)a lawsuit filed by a member of the Senate against a member of the House or vice versa

law made by judges through their decisions, not through specific statutes

What is common law? A)another name for federal law B)law made by judges through their decisions, not through specific statutes C)law made by an administrative body D)law passed by the U.S.Congress

B)two-thirds of both houses of Congress

What is required for Congress to override a presidential veto? A)a majority of both houses of Congress B)two-thirds of both houses of Congress C)three-fourths of both houses of Congress D)a unanimous vote of both houses of Congress


What is the MOST common occupation among members of Congress before coming to Congress? A)business executive B)lobbyist C)college professor D)lawyer

Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years.

What is the general tendency of a president's popularity? A)Presidents usually begin with moderate ratings that move drastically up or down, depending on their successes. B)Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years. C)Presidents usually maintain the public approval ratings they had when entering office, unless there is an economic recession or international crisis. D)Presidents usually begin very unpopular and increase their popularity significantly as their terms in office continue.

A)president may make unilateral use of the emergency powers to protect states against domestic disorder.

When Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957, it demonstrated that the A)president may make unilateral use of the emergency powers to protect states against domestic disorder. B)president requires the federal court's approval before using troops in domestic disturbances. C)use of the president's emergency powers against domestic disorder necessitates a request by the governor of the state in question. D)president needs congressional authorization to use troops in both domestic and international situations.

was the state of California

When O.J.Simpson faced a criminal trial in Los Angeles for two counts of murder, the plaintiff(s) A)were the victims of the crime, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. B)was the state of California. C)was the Los Angeles Police Department. D)was Los Angeles County.

now seek control over state government agencies as well as federal government agencies.

When President Clinton ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to develop rules designed to restrict the marketing of tobacco products to children, it was an example of how Presidents A)now attempt to exert influence over independent agencies within the federal government by "going public." B)now seek control over state government agencies as well as federal government agencies. C)now use the rule-making process as a quasi-legislative mechanism through which they can engage in lawmaking without the interference of the legislature. D)have recently used the so-called takings clause of the Fifth Amendment to achieve their policy goals without judicial approval.

C)executive order.

When President Obama prohibited federal agencies and contractors from discriminating against transgender employees, it was an example of a(n) A)exercise of executive privilege. B)signing statement. C)executive order. D)executive agreement.


When President Truman seized the nation's steel mills during the Korean War, it would most likely have been on the basis of the president's ________ powers. A)implied B)expressed C)delegated D)inherent

D)acknowledges the legitimacy of that country's government and territorial claims.

When a president "recognizes" a country it means that the United States A)formally rejects the legitimacy of that country's government and territorial claims. B)will deploy military personnel within that country. C)will impose economic sanctions on that country. D)acknowledges the legitimacy of that country's government and territorial claims.


When a private individual brings a suit against a company for breaking a contract, this is an example of ________ law. A)criminal B)civil C)constitutional D)common

D)substantially enhances the importance of the presidency.

When members of Congress delegate power to the executive branch, it A)substantially reduces the power of the federal government compared to state governments. B)violates the Constitution by violating the separation of powers. C)substantially reduces the importance of the presidency. D)substantially enhances the importance of the presidency.

B)going public.

When presidents use popular appeals in an attempt to create a mass base of support that will allow them to accomplish their goals, it is referred to as A)going rogue. B)going public. C)selling out. D)propagandizing the public.

Clarence Thomas

Which Supreme Court nominee was accused of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearing? A)Samuel Alito B)Antonin Scalia C)Clarence Thomas D)Anthony Kennedy


Which agencies in Congress are designed to oversee administrative agencies and evaluate presidential proposals? A)committee B)oversight C)staff D)review

A)an attempt to place former Republican staffers in key lobbying positions to help ensure a large flow of corporate donations to the Republican Party

Which is the best description of the K Street Project? A)an attempt to place former Republican staffers in key lobbying positions to help ensure a large flow of corporate donations to the Republican Party B)an attempt by Democrats to place party loyalists in key positions in the administrative agencies that line K Street in Washington, D.C. C)orchestrated by the Federalist Society, with the goal of placing conservatives on the federal courts D)a bipartisan movement to get the offices of congressional staffers expanded beyond Capitol Hill to K Street

B)filibustering, adding amendments to a bill, and placing a hold on a bill

Which of the following are methods U.S.senators can use to block or delay debate on a bill? A)filibustering, calling for a cloture vote, and logrolling B)filibustering, adding amendments to a bill, and placing a hold on a bill C)calling for a cloture vote, calling for a party unity vote, and logrolling D)calling for a cloture vote, adding amendments to a bill, and logrolling

A)The House is more centralized and organized than the Senate.

Which of the following best describes a way in which the House differs from the Senate? A)The House is more centralized and organized than the Senate. B)The House is a looser and more deliberative body than the Senate. C)The members of the House are much less specialized than the members of the Senate. D)The House has a much greater level of turnover in its membership than the Senate.

a case involving the state of New York suing the state of New Hampshire over state highway maintenance.

Which of the following cases would always be heard in federal court? A)a case related to a drunk-driving accident B)a case involving the citizens of more than one state and in which $150,000 is at stake C)a case related to an accusation of sexual harassment in the workplace D)a case involving the state of New York suing the state of New Hampshire over state highway maintenance

A)The Cabinet has no legal status under the Constitution.

Which of the following is true? A)The Cabinet has no legal status under the Constitution. B)The Cabinet does not meet as a group, except during the State of the Union address. C)Cabinet secretaries do not have to be confirmed by the U.S.Senate. D)The Cabinet has no responsibility to Congress.

D)Starting around the time of the New Deal, Congress has tended to give executive agencies broad mandates and to draft legislation that offers few clear guidelines for implementation by the executive.

Which of the following statements about Congress and the executive branch is MOST accurate? A)The Constitution explicitly prohibits Congress from providing specific guidelines to executive agencies for implementing laws. B)Starting around the time of the New Deal, Congress has tended to draft legislation that offers very specific guidelines for implementation by the executive. C)Congress has never given executive agencies broad mandates and has always drafted legislation that offers very specific guidelines for implementation by the executive. D)Starting around the time of the New Deal, Congress has tended to give executive agencies broad mandates and to draft legislation that offers few clear guidelines for implementation by the executive.

D)Although the federal courts hear only a small fraction of all of the civil and criminal cases decided each year in the United States, their decisions are extremely important because they interpret the Constitution and the federal laws that govern all Americans.

Which of the following statements about federal courts is MOST accurate? A)Federal courts hear only a small fraction of all of the civil and criminal cases decided each year in the United States, and their decisions are rarely important because they are not allowed to interpret the Constitution or the federal laws that govern all Americans. B)Although federal courts hear the vast majority of all civil and criminal cases decided each year in the United States, their decisions are rarely important because they are not allowed to interpret the Constitution or the federal laws that govern all Americans. C)Federal courts hear the vast majority of all civil and criminal cases decided each year in the United States, and their decisions are extremely important because they interpret the Constitution and the federal laws that govern all Americans. D)Although the federal courts hear only a small fraction of all of the civil and criminal cases decided each year in the United States, their decisions are extremely important because they interpret the Constitution and the federal laws that govern all Americans.

B)Only a tiny percentage of presidential orders have ever been rescinded by congressional legislation.

Which of the following statements about presidential orders is MOST accurate? A)Congress cannot rescind a presidential order. B)Only a tiny percentage of presidential orders have ever been rescinded by congressional legislation. C)About half of all presidential orders end up being rescinded by congressional legislation. D)Nearly 90 percent of all presidential orders end up being rescinded by congressional legislation.

C)Hillary Clinton

________ was the first first lady to seek public office on her own. A)Dolley Madison B)Eleanor Roosevelt C)Hillary Clinton D)Laura Bush

A)Congressional tax legislation is specific and detailed, leaving little to the discretion of IRS administrators.

Which of the following statements about the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is MOST accurate? A)Congressional tax legislation is specific and detailed, leaving little to the discretion of IRS administrators. B)Congressional tax legislation is vague and empowers the IRS to employ a great deal of "prosecutorial discretion." C)Congressional tax legislation is vague and the IRS receives all of its guidance from the president. D)The IRS is an independent government agency and is not influenced by congressional tax legislation.

C)Use of the veto varies considerably across presidential administrations, and vetoes are seldom overridden.

Which of the following statements about the presidential veto is MOST accurate? A)Presidents have used the veto only twice in American history. B)Use of the veto has remained constant across presidential administrations, and vetoes are frequently overridden. C)Use of the veto varies considerably across presidential administrations, and vetoes are seldom overridden. D)Use of the veto has remained constant across presidential administrations, and vetoes are seldom overridden.

C)A hearing is held in order to analyze a specific bill that has already been proposed, while an investigation examines a broad problem and concludes with recommendations for a proposed bill.

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between a congressional hearing and a congressional investigation? A)There are no important differences between a congressional hearing and a congressional investigation. B)Members of both the House and the Senate hold hearings, while members of a single chamber exclusively conduct an investigation. C)A hearing is held in order to analyze a specific bill that has already been proposed, while an investigation examines a broad problem and concludes with recommendations for a proposed bill. D)An investigation is held in order to analyze a specific bill that has already been proposed, while a hearing examines a broad problem and concludes with recommendations for a proposed bill.

There are no formal requirements to serve as a federal court judge

Which of the following statements best describes the formal requirements of serving as a federal court judge? A)Federal court judges must be members of the American Bar Association. B)Federal court judges must have a degree from an accredited law school. C)Federal court judges must be at least 35 years of age. D)There are no formal requirements to serve as a federal court judge.

B)Representation of women and minorities has increased during the past two decades but is not comparable to their proportions in the general population.

Which of the following statements best describes the representation of women and minorities in the U.S.Congress? A)Representation of women and minorities has decreased by one-third since the 1970s. B)Representation of women and minorities has increased during the past two decades but is not comparable to their proportions in the general population. C)Women are underrepresented in Congress, but there is a disproportionate representation of minorities in Congress. D)Since the mid-1990s, the number of women and minorities in Congress roughly reflects their proportions in the general population.

C)Andrew Johnson

Which president granted full amnesty in 1868 to all southerners who had participated in the "Late Rebellion"? A)Abraham Lincoln B)Andrew Jackson C)Andrew Johnson D)Rutherford B.Hayes

B)Richard Nixon

Which president was pardoned "for all offenses against the United States which he ...has committed or may have committed"? A)Gerald Ford B)Richard Nixon C)Bill Clinton D)Andrew Johnson


Which sort of representation is based on the principle that if two individuals are similar in background, character, interests, and perspectives, then one could correctly represent the Other's views? A)agency B)sociological C)trustee D)delegate

B)who decides to run for office, incumbency, and the drawing of district lines

Which three factors related to the American electoral system affect who is elected to office in this country and what they do once they get there? A)party affiliation, family connections, and the substance of issues raised during a campaign B)who decides to run for office, incumbency, and the drawing of district lines C)incumbency, franking, and party affiliation D)military service, professional connections, and religious beliefs

D)Myers v.United States and Bowsher v.Synar.

Which two Supreme Court cases have affirmed the president's power to remove executive branch appointees? A)Brown v.Board of Education and Plessy v.Ferguson B)Clinton v.New York and Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission C)United States v.Nixon and Clinton v.Jones D)Myers v.United States and Bowsher v.Synar.

A)the Speaker of the House

Who decides which committee assignments members of the House of Representatives receive? A)the Speaker of the House B)each party's own steering and policy committee C)the president for members of his or her own party, and either the House majority or minority leader for opposition members D)each party's whip

B)the majority and minority leaders

Who has the MOST real power in the Senate? A)the president of the Senate B)the majority and minority leaders C)the Senate president pro tempore D)the chair of the Rules Committee

C)Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

Who were the only two presidents to be impeached by the U.S.House of Representatives? A)Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon B)Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover C)Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton D)Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford

Individual members of Congress are more concerned with the substantive impact of presidential action on their constituents than with the general implications of presidential powers.

Why does Congress suffer from a collective action problem in the face of presidential power? A)Individual members of Congress are more concerned with the substantive impact of presidential action on their constituents than with the general implications of presidential powers. B)The House and the Senate must work in tandem, but they constantly find any unity impossible. C)The Constitution gives the president the ability to resist any congressional oversight not supported by two-thirds of its members. D)Members of Congress are often uninformed about the actions of the president.

B)House leaders have more organizational control over the actions of representatives than Senate leaders.

Why does the House typically have greater party unity than the Senate? A)Representatives have more partisan constituents than senators. B)House leaders have more organizational control over the actions of representatives than Senate leaders. C)There is, in fact, no real difference in levels of party unity between the House and the Senate. D)Interest groups are less influential in the House than in the Senate.

D)The federal courts play an increasingly important role in shaping American law and politics.

Why has partisan conflict surrounded federal judicial appointments in recent years? A)Members of Congress do not want the president to have so much power that he or she can place anyone he or she wants on the federal bench. B)Public opinion has not been favorable toward most of the recent presidents' nominees. C)There have not been enough minority nominees, including women. D)The federal courts play an increasingly important role in shaping American law and politics.

Contracts; torts

________ and ________ are the two MOST common types of civil law cases. A)Contracts; habeas corpus B)Contracts; torts C)Stare decisis; habeas corpus D)Torts; habeas corpus


________ bills are one of Congress's favorite vehicles for pork-barrel spending. A)Education B)Veteran's affairs C)Health care D)Highway

C)Executive agreements

________ have the same status as treaties but do not require U.S.Senate approval. A)International accords B)Multilateral initiatives C)Executive agreements D)Executive orders

A plea bargain

________ occurs when a criminal case is resolved through a negotiated agreement before a full trial is completed. A)A misdemeanor B)A plea bargain C)A writ of certiorari D)Mediation

A)Regulatory review

________ occurs when the president directs administrative agencies to promulgate specific rules and regulations. A)Regulatory review B)Administrative oversight C)Delegation D)An executive agreement


________ powers are specifically established by the language of the Constitution. A)Expressed B)Delegated C)Implied D)Inherent

Article III of the U.S.Constitution

________ protects federal judges from political pressure by granting them life tenure. A)The Judiciary Act of 1789 B)Article III of the U.S.Constitution C)The First Amendment D)The Judicial Tenure Act of 1891

B)The Twenty-Fifth Amendment

________ states that the vice president assumes the presidency in the event of the chief executive's death or incapacity. A)Article I of the Constitution B)The Twenty-Fifth Amendment C)The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 D)United States v.Nixon

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