Geo 135 - Test 2!

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Roles of boundaries in nations

common identity w/in nation

Fair-Trade & Coffee video What does fair trade do for companies?

cuts off middleman, direct business w/ producer & buyer, more money for producer

Ecotourism in Native Amazonia

ecotourism: tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife


group of people w/ common cultural background & history, that also share political "togetherness"

Russia is a unique country in that it

has a geographic footprint that spreads over two continents


A complete blending w/ the host society, melting pot


A group changes enough to function w/in a host society


A group w/ a common origin, cultural tradition & cultural hearth/homeland


Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope

Melting Pot

All ingredients melt into one, All cultures become reflected in one common culture, however this is generally the culture of the dominant group - I thought this was mixed vegetable soup but I can only taste tomato

Which of the following are common and effective agricultural practices in Australia? A. Wool production B. Cattle and sheep grazing C. Grapes, fruit, and wine production D. All of the above E. None of the above

All of the above

Cold war was about which of the following? A. World power B. Resources C. Territory and allies D. Control of Labor E. all of the above are correct

All of the above are correct

Ways European colonization affected Latin America (both Middle and South America). A. Ended Empires B. Brought urbanization to coastal areas C. Established current borders D. Gave way to a diverse ethnic and racial composition E. All of the above are correct F. Only a., c., and d. are correct

All of the above are correct

Which of the following characterizes the Amazon Basin's issues and concerns today? A. Deforestation B. Mining and mining waste affecting local populations C. Flooding of forests for dams and hydroelectric power D. Loss of Amerindian lands and identity at the hands of national and international development E. All of the above are correct

All of the above are correct


All the ingredients are mixed in where the pieces of different kinds of meat still keep their solid structure

In Latin America, agricultural types, land use types, other resources, and therefore the location of the cultures that inhabit these areas are associated with elevation. We call this concept __________________.

Altitudinal zonation


An artificial classification based on minor biological/genetical differences


An identity w/in a group of people who share legal attachment and/or personal allegiance to a particular country

________ is Australia's largest trading partner and a large source of tourism visitation to the country.


Which of the following terms/places DO NOT go together? A. Northern Ireland and peaceful history B. France and Western Europe C. Yugoslavia and Shatterbelt D. Europe and devolution E. Supranational Organization and the EU

Northern Ireland and peaceful history


using economic, political, & cultural controls to influence another country (often a former colony and often by corporation or other organization)

According to your book, the Russian Empire

was the largest empire in history in terms of territory


when nation & state boundaries coincide

Centrifugal Forces

- An attribute, object, or influence that tends to disrupt or tear apart a group of people, nation, or state - ex: wars, ideologies, religion, natural disasters, ethnicities, different political views, religion

How did the former Yugoslavia remain intact until the 1980s when it was full of many diverse groups, languages, and peoples?

A strong leader/dictator who used threat of force to maintain order

Fair-Trade & Coffee video Thoughts on fair trade as a development strategy?

Both US & Guatemalans benefit

In Northern Ireland, the violence and cultural problems faced there were a result of both religious and political differences between populations. This is an example of a ______________.

Centrifugal Force

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the USSR system of political division?

Every republic continued to operate under Russian rule after the dissolving of the USSR.

Maori and other Polynesian immigrant groups to New Zealand have been pushed off their native lands and marginalized in the broader population. But, as your book suggests, one of the main struggles for these cultural groups is

How to live in a modern world, with its pulls to globalization and popular culture, while still maintaining a desire to keep a traditional lifestyle tied to heritage and roots.

Which of the following is NOT a reason your book gave for colonialist forces in the past and neocolonialist forces today to exploit workers and resources in Latin America? A. Conversion of the "heathens" to Catholicism B. Space for plantations to grow cash crops for a growing market in Europe C. High levels of profit at home by leveraging lower labor costs abroad D. Improvement of the well-being of the indigenous people of the region E. Gold and Riches

Improvement of the well-being of the indigenous people of the region

Which of the following is NOT a reason that maquiladoras have become popular in Mexico? A. NAFTA B. Investment in Mexico from other Central American nations in production of goods with a market in the United States C. Looser pollution controls in Mexico vs. the US D. More relaxed labor rules for workers, leading to longer hours with lower pay for Mexican workers as compared with US workers E. Lower labor costs in Mexico vs. the US

Investment in Mexico from other Central American nations in production of goods with a market in the United States


Mixture of native and new languages

This set of countries is most likely to be most affected by rising global temperatures and sea level rise.

The Pacific Islands


The doctrine that many different cultures can co-exist peacefully and equitably in the same place

Russia is the largest country in the world in land area.



Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


a philosophy or study that revolves around understanding the impacts of colonization

Besides how goods were produced, _____________ was another major, nearly immediate impact of the Industrial Revolution.

a rural-to-urban shift in the population


legalized territory w/ an effective independent (sovereign) system of governance

Centripetal Forces

- An attribute, object, or influence that unifies a group of people, nation, or state - forces you to be a part of environment - ex: empires, religions, sports teams, war, same political parties, food

4 Evolutionary Boundary Types

- Antecedent - Subsequent - Superimposed - Relic

Examples of Colonization

- British colonization over US: To improve Britain's economy by growing & retrieving cash crops in US - British colonization over Hong Kong: British saw country ass massive unused market, set conquest for tea, opium, & south East Asian cuisines

Examples of Imperialism

- British establishing colonies in North America - France and Germany fighting over Morocco

Fair-Trade & Coffee video Elements of colonialism:

- Buyers make large profit - Credibility for selling company b/c native workers - Americans go buy coffee - Guatemalans' main source of income is US money, sent to Guatemala

Latin America religion

- Catholic most predominant (80%) - Some Protestantism & indigenous faith

Colonization & Imperialism

- Colonization ≠ Imperialism - Colonization can be imperialistic - Colonization: idea - Imperialism: practice - Latin Ame. colonization: Columbus 1492 - Does colonization ever end?

Stages of boundary creation

- Description (definition) - Delimitation (official mapping) - Demarcation (physical implementation) - Administration (maintenance)

Subsequent Boundary

- Evolutionary boundary type - after human settlement, working it out together - ex: post-war Europe

Superimposed Boundary

- Evolutionary boundary type - boundary imposed into land w/o regard to cultural landscape - ex: Africa, mostly geometric

Antecedent Boundary

- Evolutionary boundary type - set boundary before human settlement - ex: US & CA


- Expansion of a country's territory over another - Often on unequal relationships centered on dominance - Latin roots: to command - Gaining of power through the expansion of borders into foreign lands - When a country controls another country politically and/or economically, often against the will of the people of the country

Problems with the word ethnicity

- Gets confused w/ nationality & race - African-American, Hispanic, Mexican-American, Anglo-American

Latin America land use

- Haciendas: divisions of land for ranching/agriculture for a profit - Plantations: divided land for profit through cash crops (cotton)

3 Morphological Boundary Types

- Mathematical/ Geometric - Physiographic/Natural - Ethnographic/ Anthropogenic

Ethnographic/Anthropogenic Boundaries

- Morphological Boundary Type - Cultural/religious/language boundaries - most successful type, - ex: old racial Europe map

Physiographic/Natural Boundaries

- Morphological Boundary Type - boundaries by physical landscape like mountains, rivers, etc., - ex: Europe, Mt. Rushmore, east US

Mathematical/ Geometric Boundaries

- Morphological Boundary Type - clean, lines - usually straight - disregard of cultural/physical landscape - ex: US & MX, west US

Post-colonial Europe

- Muslims in Europe, several from og. colonies - Marseille Mosques - Swiss Mosques (later banned)

Characteristics of ethnicity

- Often minority in a host culture - Strong feeling of identity w/in a group - Born into ethnicities - Often mappable

Tossed Salad

- People of different cultures living in harmony, like the lettuce, tomatoes & carrots in a salad - Ingredients/cultures do not mix together, - Cultural groups should exist separately & maintain their practices and institutions

Why are boundaries important?

- Play a role in identity - Demarcated boundary that establishes property to settle disputes - What people are under what government - Keep people in/out - Tariffs on imports & exports

Latin America population distribution

- Pop. density in MXC - South Ame: mostly located in edges - Urban SA: slums, barrios, favelas, build houses wherever they like

How is colonialism still alive in Latin Ame?

- Puerto Rico - Food & Regime (Dole bananas) - Missionary work - Panama Canal: longest public works project & didn't take place in US - Monroe Doctrine/Roosevelt Corollary - Cuba, USA heavily involved w/ president

Latin America language

- Very diverse region - Most common languages: Spanish & Portuguese

Raison D'etre

- an idea, ideology, common purpose that binds people together - "reason for being" - ex: Israel- religion, Europe- nationalism, built through struggle US- individualism & freedom

Relic Boundary

- boundary no longer observed but still affects present-day area - Great Wall of China - Berlin Wall

Declining importance of boundaries

- depends on situation - globalization has made it so that boundaries don't exist as much

Roles of boundaries in states

- separate, combine nations - US, Russia, China: multinational state


- symbols that represent or unify states - ex: US: flag France: Eiffel Tower

Supranational Organization

- unification of several states/nations into a group that carries out government & economic roles for that group of states/nations - ex: NAFTA, NATO, Euro Union, African Union, Arab League, United Nations, Al Queda, ISIS

Place the letter of the group most associated with the accompanying description or place. Letters may only be used once. A. British B. Dutch and Portuguese C. Aboriginal/Aborigines D. Maori 1. Successful Colonizer of Australia and New Zeal 2. New Zealand 3. First European sighters/founders of Australia 4. Australia

1. Successful Colonizer of Australia and New Zealand- A:British 2. New Zealand- D:Maori 3. First European sighters/founders of Australia- B: Dutch and Portuguese 4. Australia- C: Aboriginal/Aborigines

Australia is most connected biogeographically, culturally, and economically to which region?


Why is Transcaucasia referred to in this way?

Because it lies in a region dominated by the Caucasus Mountains

Why is Latin America called "Latin America?"

Because of the influence of colonizers who spoke languages with their roots in Latin.

According to your book, the post-communist period in Russia led to A. Increased equality among the country's citizens in a new capitalist economy B. Increased disparity between the rich and the poor in a new capitalist economy C. Increased death rates due to increased alcoholism, disease, and abortion D. Both a. and b. are correct E. Both b. and c. are correct

Both b. and c. are correct

Why is Latin America all of these things?

Colonization, region most affected by colonization in the world

Multiculturalism in US

Conflicts between native born and immigrants, Separation of those who are different

According to your book, European colonization has ended, and along with it the impacts of that era of colonization.


According to your book, the United States has had very little involvement in Latin America, since the U.S., like Latin American countries, was also once a European colony.


Europe, because of its deep historical roots, longstanding civilizations, and its role as a dominate colonizer, is a region that has seen very little impact by immigrant groups coming to its countries.


Once Soviet Republics declared independence, the Iron Curtain still took many years to fall.


Spain and Portugal were the only imperial powers to colonize South America.


Unlike the US and Canada, Middle and South America are relatively homogeneous and less diverse in ethnic and racial population groups.


Racism in US

Feeling of superiority or inferiority based on those race differences - Holocaust - Jim Crow South - Slavery - Still exists today

The area of Chechnya has had long standing trouble as it has sought to become independent from Russian overlords. But, many empires have laid claim in this area over history. Which of the following is not one of those?


Which of the following relationships is true? A. In South America, most of the urban population is indigenous Amerindian while the mountainous and Amazonian population is largely of European dissent B. In South America, most of the urban population is of European dissent while the mountainous and Amazonian population is largely indigenous Amerindian C. In South America, US involvement in politics and security is absent while it is present in Central America in places such as Maquiladoras D. In South America, slavery is no longer legal in Brazil, but it is widely accepted in the Guianas

In South America, most of the urban population is of European dissent while the mountainous and Amazonian population is largely indigenous Amerindian

One of the important physical geography characteristics of Europe's human settlement that lead to the industrial revolution and its ability to support economies and population is its access to ocean shipping through protected harbors and good rivers. Which of the following is another important physical attribute of Europe?

It has a moderate climate with reasonably predictable precipitation that has allowed settlements to flourish for centuries.

Policies & Funding to promote development

Policies - self- sufficiency - global trade - fair trade Funding - Loans (IMF, World Bank) - Micro-loans (small loans to individual people to create personal economy- Bangladesh $20 sewing machines)

Fair-Trade & Coffee video What does fair trade seek to do for workers?

Provide a higher wage for the people, able to survive & live better life

Functions of ethnic groups

Provide people benefits - keep tradition - maintain political power base - ethnicities often stay together (Chicago neighborhoods) - friendships, marriage partners - "Hispanic" supermarkets geared towards Hispanics so many stay w/in ethnicity (double duty dollars)

Multiculturalism in Canada

Quebec issue (Quebec wanting to separate from CA b/c wanted to keep French culture), French are separated but are accepting of immigrants

Latin America subregions

Subregions based off altitude (altitudinal zonation) - Tierra Helada 12k' - Tierra Fria 6k' - Tierra Templada 3k' - Tierra Caliente Sea level


a thin vertical plane w/ no width that separates 2 territories

Beyond fishing and small-scale agriculture, the islands of Oceania have had other economic opportunities including A. Mining B. Industrial production C. Tourism D. a. and b. E. a. and c.

a. and c.

Which of the following region was deeply affected by European border drawing? A. Latin America B. Asia C. Africa D. a. and b. E. a. and c. F. b. and c.

a. and c.

Which of the following is NOT a reason the European Union was created? A. To pool natural, human, and financial resources to make a more economically powerful entity than any one country could be on its own. B. To foster a level of friendly relationships with neighboring countries to prevent another World War on European soil. C. To create a model like the USSR, where each member country would be overseen by an EU governing body in its headquarters in Brussels. D. To introduce a common currency in order to lower transaction costs, and create more consistent pricing between member nations.

To create a model like the USSR, where each member country would be overseen by an EU governing body in its headquarters in Brussels.

Which of the following is not one of the changes during the Industrial Revolution that affected how humans produced things? A. A shift to coal for energy B. The smelting of iron C. Waterwheels powered by steep-flowing rivers D. The use of the steam engine for agriculture and other motors to generate power E. Mass production

Waterwheels powered by steep-flowing rivers

Doctrine of First Effective Settlement

the first culture to effectively dominate an area will have longest lasting effects on it


the pattern of one country asserting its power in establishing a reliance abroad to increase economic power and wealth back home


the process of improving the conditions of people, usually economically, through the diffusion of knowledge, technology, & finance

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