Health Chapter 2: Drugs and Alcohol

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Alcohol is a...



Ecstasy (most well known club drug), Acid (LSD), PCP, heightened senses, teeth grinding, dehydration, hallucinations altered perception of time and distance.

Cancer associated with alcohol abuse in the...

Esophagus, stomach, mouth, tongue, liver

CNS Depression can Cause...

Function Depression and even death

Carbon Monoxide

Gas found in in cigarette smoke that binds at oxygen receptor sites in the blood. It reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, which causes oxygen deprivation in many body tissues.

Cigarettes are...

Most common form of tobacco today

How does smoking increase the risk of having a stroke?

Since smoking increases heart rate, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate, the chances of having a stroke are 2 to 4 times more likely than a nonsmoker.


Liquid Ecstasy, xanax, roofies, Alcohol can be a depressant if drank too much, slurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior, impaired memory, interacts with alcohol (barbiturates, benzodiazepines)

Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is divided into 2 categories...

Mainstream and Sidestream

Explain why ETS is a health hazard?

Mainstream and side stream are both very hazardous. Mainstream the smoke is being inhaled through the inhaled tobacco and all the effects of tobacco are effecting the body. But, side stream is just as bad because the secondhand smoke is known as a carcinogen, which is a cancer causing chemical. People who breathe in second hand smoke still have increased risks of lower respiratory tract infections and other illnesses such as asthma, chest colds, decrease in academic performance, decrease in pulmonary performance, and cognitive ability.

Cardiovascular effects

Moderate alcohol use (no more than two drinks a day) is associated with a reduced risk of coronary artery disease. With moderate alcohol use, there is an increase in HDL.


a white leathery patch inside the mouth, is a precursor to oral cancer.

Lung Cancer

a. Lung cancer takes from 10 to 30 years to develop, has a 5-year survival rate of 17 percent, and risk depends on the following: i. Number of cigarettes smoked per day ii. When you started smoking iii. How deeply you inhale

Addicting Drugs can...

activate the brain's pleasure circuit

Long Term effects of Tobacco...

addiction/nicotine craving, stained fingers/wrinkling, increased risk of gum disease, oral cancer, cavity, throat, and larynx, stained teeth, increased risk of colds, flu, asthma, lung cancer, emphysema, lung disease, increased risks of strokes and heart disease, atherosclerosis, increased risk of impotence, infertility, miscarriage, still birth, and low birth weights.


administration of drugs through the respiratory tract, via sniffing, smoking, inhaling, this is the fastest route

What ages have the highest percent of smokers?

ages 25-44 with 24% smokers

Involuntary Smokers

aka Passive smokers, breathe less smoke than smokers but are still exposed to dangerous chemicals.

Chewing Tobacco

contains tobacco leaves treated with molasses and other flavorings and comes in forms of loose leaf, plug, or in a pouch.

Smoking less than a pack a week shows...

damage to blood vessels and increased risk of heart disease and cancer.

Filtered Cigarettes

designed to reduce levels of gases consumed, but they may deliver more hazardous gases than nonfiltered brands.

Chronic Bronchitis

develops when smoking causes inflammation in the lungs, producing excess mucus, which causes a chronic, hacking cough.

Prescription Drugs

drugs that can be obtained only by a person with a written prescription by a licensed physician

Over the Counter Drugs (OTC)

drugs that can be purchased without a prescription, can be misused (sleep pills, diet pills, cold medicines, caffeine/energy drinks)


drugs that increase activity of the central nervous system (cocaine, amphetamine, bath salts, caffeine) , decrease blood sugar level/appetite

Drug Abuse

excessive use of any drug

Fatty Liver

first stage of liver damage from heavy drinking

Recreational Drugs

generally includes alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine

Illicit or Illegal Drugs

harmful, psychoactive, and have laws governing them

Narcotics (opioids)

heroin, morphine, codeine, state of euphoria drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea

Herbal Preparations

includes teas and preparations of botanical origin believed to have medicinal properties

Social Smoking can...

increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other tobacco-related health dangers.


induces a chemical into the body through the skin (ex. nicotine patches)

Other Effects

inflammation of the Pancreas, decreased enzyme production, block the absorption of nutrients


introduced into the body through the anus or vagina


involves use of hypodermic needle to introduce a drug into the muscles, bloodstream, or under the skin


laughing gas, paint, hairspray, lighter fluid, hypotension, flushing of face, headache, impaired memory, slurred speech, drunk behavior, organ damage

Short Term effects of Tobacco...

lightheadedness, aroused mental state, dulls sense of smell/taste, increased respiratory rate, increased pulse and blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, increased adrenaline, suppresses appetite, includes fatigue muscles.

Dehydration can occur due to...

loss of water from cerebrospinal fluid

Immune System can be effected by alcohol by...

lowering your white blood cell count

Central Nervous System

most Immediate and Dramatic effects of Alcohol consumption occur within

Reasons People smoke...

most common is addiction, as a result of targeted advertising, limited education, behavioral dependence, weight control, genetics, parental role models, mental disorders, and stress.


most common liver disease related to alcohol abuse, which is among the top 10 causes of death in the US

Oral Ingestion

most common route, affects may not be felt until 30 minutes after ingestion, one of the slower routes of absorption


most powerful naturally occurring stimulant (opioid)

Prescription drugs most commonly abused are...

opioids/narcotics, depressants, stimulants

Other cancers from tobacco include...

pancreatic cancer, cancers of the lip, tongue, salivary glands, and esophagus; and cancer of the kidney, bladder, and larynx.

Sleep with alcohol effects

people have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, people with insomnia are more likely to become alcohol abusers

Commercial Preparations

perfumes, cosmetics, household cleaners, paints, glues, least commonly recognized chemical substances


testosterone, anadrol, aggressive behavior, acne, edema


the major psychoactive substance in tobacco that is highly addictive, it is a powerful central nervous system stimulant, which produces many physiological effects. Produces an aroused alert mental state in the cerebral cortex. increases adrenaline. Increases heart and respiratory rate. Increases blood pressure.

Platelet Adhesiveness

the stickiness of red blood cells, which increases the risk of blood clots.

Drug Misuse

the use of a drug for a purpose for which it was not intended


think brownish sludge produced from particular matter in smoked tobacco


a large and varied group of synthetic agents that stimulate the central nervous system

A Standard Drink

0.6 fluid ounces

Respiratory Effects

1/3 more likely to miss work due to respiratory issues, 25 times more likely to die of lung conditions than nonsmokers.

Cardiovascular Disease associated with tobacco...

1/3 of tobacco deaths occur from a heart disease. Smoking ages the arteries and increases the development of atherosclerosis by 50 percent compared to nonsmokers.

Cigs contribute to...

1200 deaths from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders.

Men and Women percentages of Tobacco use...

18.8% men, 14.8% women

Smokers are how many more times likely to have a stroke?

2 to 4 times more likely than nonsmokers

Oral Cancer

48,000 cases of oral cancer in 2016

How many Americans use Prescription drugs incorrectly?

6.5 Million Americans 12 and older have used prescription drugs non medically in the past month

How many Americans use tobacco products...

70 million ages 12 and up have used in the past month

Smoking delivers...

7000 chemical substances into the lungs, including 69 carcinogens (cancer causing agents)

Indigestion and Heart Burn can occur if...

Alcohol is consumed on an empty stomach


Cigars have higher levels of carcinogens, more tar per gram of tobacco smoked, and higher levels of toxins than do cigarettes.

Pipe and Hookah

Pipe smoking carries with it similar risks to cigar smoking. Hookahs also pose harmful risks when used for smoking, as well as hygiene and sanitation concerns.

Six types of Drugs...

Prescription, over the counter, recreational drugs, herbal preparations, illicit or illegal drugs, and commercial preparations

Physiological Reasons Smoking may lead to weight loss or weight control?

Smoking suppresses appetite so it makes you feel like you are not hungry, therefore eating less so you are losing weight.

Prescription drug use is common in...

Teens and young adults

Cancer from cigs...

The American Cancer Society estimates that smoking causes 90 percent of lung cancers in men and 78 percent in women.


a chronic condition where alveoli are destroyed, impairing the lungs' ability to take in and distribute oxygen. Because of the difficulty in obtaining oxygen, a person with this will expend 80 percent of their energy just breathing


a finely ground form of tobacco, can be inhaled, chewed, or placed inside the gums.

Psychoactive Drugs...

alter the way pleasure center works by affecting chemical neurotransmission, either enhancing it, suppressing it, or interfering with it, alter mood and behavior from affecting brain chemistry.

Clove Cigarettes

are about 60 percent tobacco and are higher in tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes. They also contain eugenol, which allows deeper inhalation and thereby increasing risk. The same effect is true of menthol cigarettes.


battery-operated devises designed to deliver nicotine with flavorings and other chemicals to users as vapor instead of smoke.


refers to smoke inhaled from a burning cigarette—also called secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke has been designated as a known carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). have a greater risk of lower respiratory tract infections and other illnesses, such as asthma, chest colds, and decrease in pulmonary performance. affects not only children's physical health but also their cognitive abilities and academic success.


refers to the smoke drawn through tobacco while inhaling.

Alcoholic Hepatitis

serious condition prolonged from alcohol abuse, can lead to cirrhosis or fatal itself

Routes of Administration

several ways drugs can be taken into the body, oral ingestion, inhalation, injection, transdermal, suppositories, snorting

Long term Effects of Alcohol include...

shrinkage in brain size and weight loss of some degree of intellectual ability

Cannabis (marijuana)

state of euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, disorientation (THC)

Nicotine Poisoning

symptoms often experienced by new smokers that includes dizziness, diarrhea, lightheadedness, rapid and erratic pulse, clammy skin, nausea and vomiting.

Club Drugs

synthetic analogs of existing illicit drugs popular at night clubs and night parties


when liver cells are replaced by scar tissue, is a further stage of deterioration


where the tobacco is placed between the lower lip and teeth to stimulate the flow of saliva and release the nicotine.

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