History Test 1

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The sailing of ships around Africa to the Indies, China, and Japan.

New ships, called Caravels, crewed by skilled Portuguese sailors began exploring the west coast of Africa. This led to the development of...

The ability of sailors to more accurately know their location by using the sun and stars as a reference.

New technologies such as compasses, maps, and astrolabes led to the development of...

Sought to maintain the status quo in order to enrich themselves through both growing tobacco on the best land and continuing the deer pelt trade.

Rich planters and royal Governor William Berkeley

Religious Conflict in Europe: Which of the following were teachings of Luther.

Salvation comes as a result of belief, not of works or purchases. Christians ought to be able to read the Bible for themselves and did not need priestly intercession.

New Spain at its Height: The Spanish colony of New Spain was one represented by intense efforts to create a new Europe in the Americas where the Native Americans learned European agriculture, politics, and religion in order to become self-sustaining kingdoms of their own.


Pages 353-362: Because some early European accounts of the North American coast describe a forested wilderness teaming with wild animals (such as carrier Pigeons, buffalo, and deer), we know that Native Americans did not manage the landscape and simply lived in this wilderness.


A Clash of Cultures: The single European technology of guns caused so much fear that the Native Americans ran or cast down their weapons.



A Protestant territory which revolted against Catholic Spain and fought a long war for independence. They also attacked Spanish treasure ships and traded illegally with Spanish colonies.

King Philip's War: Which of the following is the best description of King Philip's war?

A conflict between longtime allies, the Wampanoags and the English colonists, which cost the lives of huge percentages of the population of both sides and resulted in a defeat of the Wampanoags.


A country which supported a revolt against Spain and encouraged privateers to attack Spanish ships and colonies.

These agricultural people built large burial mounds shaped like animals. Further, they developed job specialization, which allowed for the development of trade across the center of North American continent.


This patriarchal group excelled fishing, hunting, agriculture, or all of the above. They lived in Wigwams and burned forests to create environments for agriculture and hunting deer.

Algonquin speaking

AM Pages 26-27: Unfortunately, all aspects of the Columbian Exchanged were negative and destroyed the lives of both Europeans and Native Americans.


This group lived in cliff-side villages; irrigated canals for their crops (primarily corn); constructed temple mounds; and lived in modern day Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada. In some of the societies, the class structure was not rigid and war was avoided.

Anasazi, Hopi, Zunis, Hohokam, etc.

Living in the Great Plains, these peoples lived nomadic lives while following herds of buffalo on foot and collecting plants.

Arapaho, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Apache, Sioux, etc.

The transfer of organisms across two previously unconnected hemispheres. This process meant that the hemispheres became more and more alike as plants and animals transferred.

Columbian Exchange

Cortes's Conquest: Which of the following was key to the conquest of the Mexica [sometimes called Aztec]?

Cortes's recruitment of Native American allies [the Totomacs] against the Mexica.

New engagement with science, philosophy, and art which allowed for new ideas--even ones that challenged traditional authorities.

Discovery and analysis of Roman and Greek texts led to the development of...

The Spanish Empire Introduction: Although Europeans who reached the Americas during the early period of colonization often died from disease and malnutrition, they were able to overcome Native Americans because of which of the following?

Disease, as well as intertribal warfare and disunity, led to the well-armed European's success against the Native Americans.

Pages 119-124: Which of the following best represents the main point of this section.

Diseases, even long after contact, had disastrous effects on Native American groups and left swathes of the continent almost empty of humans.

The relationship between the Spanish and Pueblo in New Mexico can best be described as which of the following?


This occurs when "an organism escapes its home and parachutes into an ecosystem that has never encountered it before. This occurred in the Americas when rats, endives, clover, bluegrass, and kudzu were introduced.

Ecological Release

Attempted to create colonies which took Indian lands for their own use, whether as agriculturalists, hunters, or fisherman.


Select all three of the groups which America: The Essential Learning Edition noted as involved in the "intermingling of people, cultures, and ecosystems" that occurred in American history.

European, African, and Native American

Developed a fur trading relationship with Native Americans that both enriched and destroyed the indigenous communities.

France and the Netherlands (Dutch)

This kingdom sent multiple voyages of exploration to the Americas, notably those of Giovanni da Verrazano (from Maine to the Caribbean) and Jacques Cartier (the St. Lawrence River); supported privateers to attack Spanish treasure ships, and established a colony in modern day Canada.


Pages 112-118: Native Americans were especially susceptible to European diseases for which of the following two reasons?

Genetic homogeneity means that Native Americans tend to have less diversity in the types of antigens that recognize pathogens. Thus, certain diseases are unrecognized by most Native American immune systems. Their lack of previous exposure to pathogens made them susceptible to diseases.

An organism that "affects the survival of and abundance of many other species." They have a disproportionate effect on their ecosystems and their removal significantly shifts the system.

Keystone Species

Located in South America, this group created stone buildings, irrigation, and a huge road network. They completed all this in the difficult terrain of the Andes Mountains.

Incan Empire

A matriarchal society, these groups saw men and women operating in separate aspects of life. The farmed corn and squash and lived in "long houses."

Iroquoian speaking (Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Cherokee, and Tuscarora)

A group which developed a written language, mathematics, and astronomy, they developed a civilization which dominated Central America.


This group controlled central Mexico. They developed a huge capitol at Tenochtitlan built with temples, markets, and avenues. They viewed war as sacred and often sacrificed human captives


This group of mound builders grew maize, squash, and beans with significant towns which included temples and plazas. Their production of agriculture led to both highly populated areas and the extension of trade across much of the North American continent. They built Cahokia, the largest city north of Mexico.


Living near the Gulf coast, these matrilineal people lived in towns with central plazas.

Muskogean speaking (Creeks, Chickasaws, and Choctaws)

Which of the following is the most correct statement regarding the nature of food production or collection by Native Americans from at least 9500 BC to 5000 BC?

Native Americans engaged in a variety of methods of food production and collection including hunting both large and small game, fishing, collecting wild plants, and farming.

Keep the Virginia colony from growing into their lands and protect the lives of their people.

Native Americans who lived near the colony of Virginia

New lands opened up in the Western portion of the colonies and the entire removal of one of the other groups from the colony.

Poor freed servants, small farmers, and some slaves

The Voyages of Columbus: The Treaty of Tordesillas, which divided the non-Christian world into two respective halves with Spain receiving most of the "New World" and Portugal getting Africa and Brazil, led Spain to develop its empire in the Western Hemisphere while Portugal did which of the following?

Portugal provided Spain's empire with slaves from Africa.

Purchased land from the nearby Native Americans rather than stealing it and maintained good relations with them, even through learning their language.

Puritans (New England

Pages 362-366: Mann argues in this section that which of the following is true?

Since all environments are man-made, we should focus on creating an environment that can provide for us in the future.

English Exploration of America: Which of the following describe early English attempts at exploring or colonizing the Americas?

Sir Humphrey Gilbert set out to establish a colony in Narragansett Bay, but the approach of winter led them to turn back. During the return journey, they disappeared. Sir Walter Raleigh, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth, organized an expedition which established a colony at Roanoke. The colony failed and the colonists disappeared when it was not resupplied.

Spanish Invaders: Place the following events in the conquest of the Mexica by Cortes in order. Cortes captured Tenochtitlan and slaughtered thousands. He established Spanish leaders over the conquered territory, now called "New Spain." Cortes captured the Mexica king and took Mexica gold and silver, as well as making the Mexica mine more. The Mexica rebelled against their emperor, killed him and attacked the Spaniards, forcing them out of Tenochtitlan. Other Spanish, such as Francisco Pizzarro, modeled their conquests after that of Cortes. Reinforced and with the support of their Native American allies, Cortes besieged Tenochtitlan for three months. Montezuma II allowed Cortes and his allies to enter Tenochtitlan peacefully.

Spanish Invaders: Place the following events in the conquest of the Mexica by Cortes in order. 5 Cortes captured Tenochtitlan and slaughtered thousands. He established Spanish leaders over the conquered territory, now called "New Spain." 2 Cortes captured the Mexica king and took Mexica gold and silver, as well as making the Mexica mine more. 3 The Mexica rebelled against their emperor, killed him and attacked the Spaniards, forcing them out of Tenochtitlan. 6 Other Spanish, such as Francisco Pizzarro, modeled their conquests after that of Cortes. 4 Reinforced and with the support of their Native American allies, Cortes besieged Tenochtitlan for three months. 1 Montezuma II allowed Cortes and his allies to enter Tenochtitlan peacefully.

The Defeat of the Armada: The defeat of the Spanish Armada signified the end of ________________________ dominance of exploration and colonization and also opened a path for _____________________ colonization of the Americas.

Spanish, English

Which of the following best represents the theme and goal of "A Guided Tour," pp 22-30 of 1491?

The Americas prior to Columbus setting sail had numerous diverse people's living many different styles of life, some technologically advanced and others not, across the continents and in almost every type of environment.

Spanish Exploration in North America: Select all of the following which were aspects of Spanish exploration.

The Spanish established outposts in North America, such as St. Augustine, in order to act as a buffer to protect their colonies in modern day Mexico and South America. Hernando de Soto led a group of conquistadores throughout the Southeastern United States attacking and looting. Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida as early as 1513. In 1540, Francisco Coronado explored the modern day Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

Select all of the following which represent a Neolithic Revolution in the Americas.

The cultivation of Maize in Mesoamerica, The cultivation of squash in the Andes Foothills

Both the "Noble Savage" myth and the "backward Indian" myth derive from the idea that Native Americans have no history and did not alter their environment.


Place the following problems faced by the Cahokians, responses taken by them, and the consequences of those responses into order. The elites of Cahokia redoubled building projects such as the palisade and mounds, which did nothing to alter devastating nature of the floods. The cleared land produced faster water during floods which then went into a more significant river near Cahokia. This destroyed the maize fields. The acceptance of corn as a crop in addition to the preexisting "Eastern Agricultural Complex" which led to an increase in Cahokia's population. The population lacked a sufficient water supply and needed an efficient way to transport building supplies. Continual and increasingly distant clearing of trees and vegetation to gather fuel and materials for the growing city. The decreasing number of bison and local dear led to a food shortage. The people of Cahokia diverted some of the waters of Cahokia Creek into Canteen Creek, which is located close to the city.

The elites of Cahokia redoubled building projects such as the palisade and mounds, which did nothing to alter devastating nature of the floods. The cleared land produced faster water during floods which then went into a more significant river near Cahokia. This destroyed the maize fields. The acceptance of corn as a crop in addition to the preexisting "Eastern Agricultural Complex" which led to an increase in Cahokia's population. The population lacked a sufficient water supply and needed an efficient way to transport building supplies. Continual and increasingly distant clearing of trees and vegetation to gather fuel and materials for the growing city. The decreasing number of bison and local dear led to a food shortage. The people of Cahokia diverted some of the waters of Cahokia Creek into Canteen Creek, which is located close to the city.

Pages 107-112: A number of scholars claim extremely high numbers of Native Americans prior to contact and also that European diseases killed off up to 96% of these Native Americans before most of the Americas had been explored by Europeans. However other scholars disagree that such large numbers of Native Americans even existed prior to contact with Europeans. Which of the following is the primary argument of each ("high counters"/Opponents).

The first reports of Europeans described a densely populated landscape and later reports noted emptiness/There has been no archeological evidence of such high populations or of pandemics.

The Voyages of Columbus: Select all of the following which the behavior of Christopher Columbus upon reaching islands in the Western hemisphere suggests.

The gaining of riches. His own glorification.

A commercial economy rooted in a new "middle class" which took part in financial industries such as banking and investment.

The population losses that accompanied wars, famines, and diseases allowed peasants to leave their land in response to labor shortages. This led to the development of...

Food and Land: Select the answer which best describes the relationship of the Native Americans of the Chesapeake region (the Powhatan Confederacy) with the English colonists at Jamestown.

The two groups alternated between trade and warfare.

Select all of the following ways in which Native American groups used fire.

To encourage plant life that herbivores ate in order to increase the number of elk, deer, bear, etc. that they could hunt. To create paths for Bison to follow into areas outside its normal range, such as the Eastern portion of North America. To hunt animals by creating rings of fire that forced animals to a center where they were killed by hunters. To create a grassland "pasture" for the hunting of game.

New commercial nations with central bureaucracies.

Towns and cities, with their developed merchant classes, allowed monarchs to rely on new sources of revenue rather than on the nobility. This led to the development of...

According to Mann, the Mayan statelets consisted of cities which warred with one another over the course of over 150 years before the civilization disappeared mysteriously.


Horses and the Great Plains: Horses, introduced to the Great Plains after the Pueblo Revolt gave Native Americans access to them, radically altered life on those plains by providing strong beasts of burden and animals from which to better hunt bison.


Pages 147-148: Early reports of the Native Americans usually describe high populations and most recent scholars now accept higher numbers of Native Americans than the 10 million often attributed during the mid-20th century.


Religious Conflict in Europe: John Calvin's focus on morality and hard work, as well as his belief in freedom of believers and the sinfulness even of rulers, helped develop ideas of representative democracy and the separation of Church and State.


The Iroquois League: The Iroquois Nations, because they had earlier bound themselves together into a powerfully organized group, with its own constitution, were able to force European colonists to engage with them with some degree of parity. Even when they lost significant numbers of men in wars, they continued to use diplomacy to maintain their power base between the French and English.


The Pequot War: The Pequot War resulted in the slaughter of numerous Pequot by the English and Narragansetts, the dissolution of the Pequot as a people, and signifies the continued desire of the English to gain more land at the expense of the Native Americans.


The mounds built by the earliest builders (such as the Ouachita and Poverty Point groups), the Adena, and the Hopewell suggest a high level of social organization, population size, and governmental organization in all of those societies.


Which of the following statements best describes the consequences of the Columbian Exchange?

While the exchange of plant life during the Columbian Exchange were generally beneficial across the globe, microbes transmitted diseases that were devastating, especially to Native American populations.

The Spanish established a system by which officers became landowners who controlled the Native Americans on their land. Called the


According to Mann, Holmberg's mistake about the Sorionó was in arguing that prior to 1492, the people and land of the Beni had no ___________________.


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