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"I laugh when they weep, I weep when they laugh" expresses

the dynamic between the audience and characters of Bertolt Brecht's epic theater.

Which Minimalist related Eadweard Muybridge's photographic studies to his own work?

Sol LeWitt

The theory of eugenics advocates

selective breeding to improve human stock.

In order to create longer works without using tonality, the composer Arnold Schoenberg increasingly resorted to

serial composition.

Elie Wiesel writes in his memoir Night, "Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live." Interpreted in the context of his experience at Auschwitz, "nocturnal silence" refers to

the absence of God.

Atonal musical composition is characterized by

the absence of a home key

The abstraction in Composition VII demonstrates a clear affinity with the music of

Arnold Schoenberg only.

Jean Renoir's description of The Rules of the Game as a "war film...with no reference to the war" suggests an analogy to

Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 in relation to Stalinist gulags.

When Le Corbusier used the phrase "machines for living in," he was referring to

his own designs for affordable yet essentially superior housing for everyone.

In Sigmund Freud's concept of human personality, conscience is equated with


In this painting Pablo Picasso expresses an affinity with


The spirit of which earlier art movement is suggested by Pop artist Claes Oldenburg's declaration: "I am for an art that is political-erotica-mystical, that does something other than sit on its ass in a museum"?


The psychic "secrets" depicted in Pollock's painting reflect an underlying influence of


In the film Un Chien andalou (An Andalusian Dog), the close-up of a girl's eye being sliced by a razor is best understood as a metaphor of the

Surrealist way of seeing.

Which literary image among the following relates directly to the repudiated concept of war as a field of heroic virtue, the ancient Greek arête?

"Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, / Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge" (Owen)

The influence of haiku is clearly present in which early twentieth-century poem?

"In a Station of the Metro" by Pound

The art group label Die Brücke translates to

"The Bridge."

A spirit of Romanticism can be sensed in the subject of

"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" by Yeats.

Which details set up a visual and verbal pun in Hausmann's image?

"Venus" printed on the pencil and the photo of a woman (a modern Venus)

The term Sprechstimme translates to


The trombone theme that opens this movement is repeated in a variation in the next eight measures, a structure that reflects the influence of

Baroque form.

Playwright Carl Zuckmeyer's remark, "Some saw her as hefty, full-breasted, in lace underwear, others as a mere wisp of a thing, with boyish legs in black silk stockings" referred to


In subject and style, The Blue Angel seems most directly influenced by

Bertolt Brecht's The Threepenny Opera.

Paul Gauguin's career is particularly associated with scenes of


What does E.E. Cummings's poem "she being Brand," have in common with Charles Sheeler's painting?

a thematic interest in the machine age

The paintings of the Fauves are known for

bold application of arbitrary color.

Changes made by American distributors of the Japanese film Gojira in 1956 emphasized

an American's role in witnessing and interpreting a monster's destruction of Tokyo.

Post-war Europeans viewed exhibitions of Abstract Expressionism by American artists as demonstrating

anti-communism and the success of American culture.

The German word angst means


Ogden Rood's influence on Georges Seurat can be seen in Seurat's

application of small dots of unmixed color.

Diego Rivera's Sugar Cane demonstrated his

appreciation of peasant laborers.

Carl Jung developed the theory of


Which element of The Wizard of Oz represents an innovation in filmmaking?

mixing documentary black-and-white with Technicolor production

Edvard Munch's artwork is known for its

powerful sense of isolation and despair.

When James Joyce's Ulysses was banned in Britain and the United States for obscenity, Paris bookseller Sylvia Beach

published the book herself.

The title of Marcel Duchamp's work L.H.O.O.Q. refers to a


In 1921 Kazimir Malevich and El Lissitzky wanted Suprematism to become more Constructivist in order to

put design in the service of social change.

Nazi propaganda spread quickly through the new medium of


The production of Minimalist artwork typically included

ready-made materials and modular composition.

When Andy Warhol first exhibited paintings of Campbell's soup cans, he intended to

reject self-conscious subjectivity.

Although Minimalist Art and Pop Art differ in many ways, they both

reject the energetic brushwork of action painting.

In order to describe the subjectivity of life, the American psychologist William James emphasized the term

stream of consciousness.

D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation demonstrated the viability of

the feature film.

By asking patients to free associate, Sigmund Freud observed that patients tended to relate their neuroses to childhood experiences, which led him to

theorize about the unconscious.

Listen to the excerpt: John Cage's recording of his 89-minute composition, Indeterminacy, is an example of

chance operations.

Despite initial perceptions of Duchamp's painting by American viewers, the image can be easily interpreted through an association with


The term for the technique of "pasting and gluing" material onto a surface is


When Wassily Kandinsky wrote, "Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings," he meant that

color directly influences the soul.

Among the most notable works at the opening of the Galerie Dada in 1917 were Hans Arp's relief wall pieces that were

constructed according to the laws of chance.

In her classic feminist text The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir argues that women

have passively allowed men to define them rather than creating themselves.

In Franz Kafka's novella The Metamorphosis, the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, wakes one morning to discover that

he has been transformed into an insect.

Albert Camus' claims that the protagonist in The Stranger is convicted despite the absurd irrelevance of the case against him because

he refuses to "play the game."

Both Alberto Giacometti's Suspended Ball and Meret Oppenheim's Object reflect Surrealist sensibilities in their

indefinable sexual suggestiveness.

In Night and Fog filmmaker Alain Resnais asserts that the Holocaust is symptomatic of the

indifference of humanity and could be repeated in time.

When John Steinbeck writes, "In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy," he means to decry

injustices encountered by American migrant workers during the Great Depression.

The printed text added to silent films between scenes was called


Robert Rauschenberg's Bed is an example of what he called a combine painting because

it was produced from a variety of everyday materials mixed with paint.

Which element of New York City's Seagram Building reveals the influence of Bauhaus design?

its glass curtain walls set within a gridded steel frame

Which feature of "Mack the Knife" signaled a surprising change in theater tradition when first performed?

its jazz inspired score

The opening scene of Chaplin's Gold Rush establishes

its realistic style.

What aspect of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater represents a departure from his Prairie Houses?

its relative verticality

When D.W. Griffith's epic film The Birth of a Nation was released, riots broke out because

its story line included blatant racism

The musical genre of the blues consists primarily of

lamentations of love, poverty, and injustice.

The furor of European audiences over Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House was incited by the decision of the central character, Nora, to

leave her children behind

A shot produced by a camera moving across a scene from side to side is called

a pan

The Red Terror was unleashed by

Vladimir Lenin.

When W.E.B. Du Bois wrote, "It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness," he was speaking of the

African-American experience.

Since the late nineteenth century, a distinctive design tradition developed in the African-American community of isolated Gees Bend in


The term mobile is associated with works by

Alexander Calder.

The German soldier Erich Maria Remarque detailed the horror of trench warfare in

All Quiet on the Western Front.

Who is known for creating multimedia events called Happenings?

Allan Kaprow

Which Beat-era work was first met with charges of obscenity in America?

Allen Ginsberg's Howl

The Factory is associated with which artist?

Andy Warhol

Its highly stylized forms and exotic materials distinguish the Chrysler Building as an example of a style known at the time as

Art Moderne.

When Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said, "From each according to his ability: to each according to his needs," he was expressing the goals of the


What did the Mexican Revolution have in common with the Russian Revolution and its consequences for the Soviet Union?

Both were reactions against authoritarian rulers, one a czar and the other a dictator.

For poet Hart Crane, the symbol of machine aesthetic was the

Brooklyn Bridge.

Which artist made his sculptures in large sizes motivated, in part, by the sight of cars filling auto showrooms?

Claes Oldenburg

The objects featured in the Museum of Modern Art's exhibition of "Machine Art" expressed a new aesthetic inspired by


Which of the following statements accurately summarizes a position espoused by Charles Darwin in The Descent of Man?

Communal altruistic behavior supports survival over individualistic interests.

Hartley's depiction of the New Mexican landscape reflects the stylistic and thematic influence of


Gilbert's description of this building with "the ultimate note of the mass gradually gaining in spirituality the higher it mounts" explains its

Gothic styling.

Which theme connects the architectural style of the 1942 World Exhibition in Rome and Leni Riefenstahl's 1936 documentary film of the 1936 Olympics?

Great achievements of the present are rooted in the glories of ancient empire.

The Mexican Revolution followed the assassination of

Francisco Madero.

The use of a shaped canvas is associated with which Minimalist?

Frank Stella

The term Übermensch is associated with

Friedrich Nietzsche.

Dada performance at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich was inspired by the


What does F. Scott Fitzgerald mean when he writes, in The Great Gatsby, "Gatsby believed in the green light"?

Gatsby was reaching out for the elusive American dream.

The 1913 book Les peintres cubistes (The Cubist Painters), which introduced Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque to the general audience, was written by

Guillaume Apollinaire.

The leading painter of the Vienna Secession, a movement dedicated to liberating art from the confines of convention, was

Gustav Klimt.

The tumult of scribbling gestures throughout the body of the figure in Jean Dubuffet's Corps de Dame most closely and directly reflect the artist's interest in

Georges Bataille's ideas about formlessness.

The technique of pointillism characterizes the style of which Post-Impressionist?

Georges Seurat

Roy Lichtenstein's use of Ben-Day dots was a conscious parody of

Georges Seurat's pointillism.

The visual style of Metropolis can be traced to

German Expressionism.

In World War II the Axis powers included

Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Whose early portrait by Pablo Picasso reveals the beginnings of his path towards Cubism?

Gertrude Stein's

The first true "blockbuster" movie was

Gone with the Wind.

In a 1925 issue of Survey Graphic, Alain Leroy Locke argued that

Harlem was the center of a new era dawning for black Americans.

The term action painting is most closely associated with

Jackson Pollock.

The technique of pouring diluted acrylic paint directly onto canvas, resulting in thin, stained layers of color resembling landscape, was developed by

Helen Frankenthaler.

Civilian populations were intended targets of airstrike campaigns during

Hitler's "total war" strategy in the Spanish Civil War.

Dada's reaction against the language of nationalism was celebrated in

Hugo Ball's "Gadji beri bimba."

Atheistic existentialism is associated with the philosophy articulated by

Jean-Paul Sartre.

Which statement accurately describes Smith's innovative sculpture?

It incorporates chance through the movement of the viewer around its space and in relation to its diverse elements.

What was true of the Wandervogel movement after World War I?

It represented a romantic longing for a rural German past.

Although this movement of Debussy's La Mer can be described as creating an "impression" of light playing across the surface of the sea, in what way is this work considered closer to goals of the Symbolist writers?

It suggests the composer's feelings about that experience.

The early Cubo-Futurist movement was headed by

Kazimir Malevich.

The first continuous-film motion-picture viewing machine was the


Vienna is associated with


Who first imagined the novel as a mental space?

Marcel Proust

Which tragic public figure became an iconic subject of Pop Art?

Marilyn Monroe

The English translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf is

My Struggle.

For much of her long career Georgia O'Keeffe's landscape paintings explored the distinctive sense of place in

New Mexico.

The 291 gallery in New York City was the first in the United States to show art by

Pablo Picasso.

The classic "absurdist" play Waiting For Godot was written by

Samuel Beckett.

In an influential 1929 essay, Virginia Woolf argued that in order to realize her potential, a woman needed

a room of her own.

Which statement is true regarding Georg Grosz's representation of The Pillars of Society?

Segments of the middle class form viewpoints from different perspectives, but are equally disruptive and culpable for the chaotic state of society.

Van Gogh's synthesized technique reflects the influence of

Seurat's approach to contrasting colors.

Art Nouveau style in France was introduced and promoted by

Siegfried Bing.

The WPA was created by

The WPA was created by

The artist who overlapped Art Nouveau, Symbolism, and Post-Impressionism was


In order to resist the power of the studio system, what did Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, and D.W. Griffith do?

They formed their own finance and distribution company.

How do visitors to this installation actively engage with Andre's work?

They view as well as walk across its squares.

In The Scream, Edvard Munch appears to demonstrate his awareness of Friedrich Nietzsche by extending the influence of

Vincent van Gogh, with a decidedly "Dionysian" treatment of anxiety reflected in vibrant bands of color and disorienting perspective.

The most popular star of 1920s Western films, characterized by his white hat and "wonder" horse, was

Tom Mix.

In "A Pact" Ezra Pound declares, "We have one sap and one root," addressing

Walt Whitman and American culture.

The "tools that money couldn't buy" was the description used by

Walter Chrysler in reference to his handmade tempered steel tools.

In their 1915 Petrograd exhibition Constructivist artists were trying to answer which question?

What are the minimal requirements of painting?

The transition from Realist to Symbolist treatments of subjects is represented by which literary work of Henrik Ibsen?

When We Dead Awaken

The term Fauves means

Wild Beasts.

The death of which writer just before the armistice of World War I added to the literary sensation when his work was first published?

Wilfred Owen

Which artist explained "What Abstract Art Means to Me" by declaring, "Everything that passes me I can see only a little of, but I'm always looking. And I see an awful lot sometimes"?

Willem de Kooning

The concept of "stream-of-consciousness" was initially defined by

William James.

Which statement is true regarding the Spanish Civil War?

With support from Germany and Italy, Francisco Franco prevailed over Republican fighters, securing his dictatorship and a fascist Spain for decades to come.

An Afrikaner is

a Dutch emigrant to South Africa.

Guillaume Apollinaire invented a type of visual poem called

a calligramme.

The Imagists were

a group of English and American poets.

Which two camera techniques are evident this scene?

a long shot and an iris shot

The label Dada equates to

a meaningless signifier.

In Lawrence's illustration, the increasing height of the girls and the numbers they write represent

a musical crescendo.

Klezmer music is characterized by

a notable bass line and shrill sounds of a clarinet.

After the Russian Revolution, filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein worked on railway trains that

distributed agitational propaganda materials to peasants.

The original meaning of the slang term beat is

down and out, poor and exhausted.

In searching for material to create a new type of modern music, composer Aaron Copland began to

draw from American folk music and dance.

By the 1940s, Hollywood discovered a formula for studio success based upon

economical production of star-driven films with recyclable story lines.

Georges Braque's Houses at l'Estaque is an early work of Cubism, which is evident in the

geometric simplification of the observed world, demonstrating the influence of Paul Cézanne.

Eugene O'Neill's plays are noted for their

emphasis on the alienation and isolation of modern life.

James Joyce devotes the entire book of Ulysses to

events that take place in a single day in Dublin.

Typical of the Art Nouveau style, Victor Horta used

floral patterns resembling tendrils and young plants

In this example of his work, Kazimir Malevich attempts to

free art from objectivity.

Ezra Pound was inspired by the example of Walt Whitman to

freely invent and write the long poem.

In Igor Stravinsky's "Sacrificial Dance of the Chosen One" in Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), the frequent changes in tempo create a feeling of

frenzied tension.

Nationalist sentiment following the Revolution inspired

mural art.

Unlike the architects of the International Style, Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by


By incorporating military marches, gunfire, and the sound of rolling tanks into his film score for The Plow That Broke the Plains, Virgil Thomson was

noting the contribution of agriculture to the war effort.

Although he identified himself and was recognized as a Surrealist in the first decade of his career, Salvador Dalí was eventually "expelled" from that movement because

of political and commercial interests.

Exemplifying the Beat approach, Jack Kerouac wrote the novel On the Road

on a single long scroll of paper.

While leading the anticolonial movement against the British in India, Mohandas Gandhi advocated a campaign of nonviolence by using the concept of

passive resistance.

A musical passage in which two or more keys are sounded at the same time by different instruments is termed


The subject of James Agee and Walker Evans's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men is

poor sharecroppers in central Alabama during the Depression.

The poetry of Wilfred Owen, killed in combat at the age of 25,

ridicules the idea that it is glorious to die for one's country.

Sigmund Freud called the redirection of the id's impulses into constructive social behavior


The poem's directive to "listen to it rain while regret and disdain weep an old fashioned music" refers to

traditional verse poetry.

Alfred Stieglitz proposed that modern photography and art should be concerned with revealing the

underlying geometries of the world.

Like James Joyce's Ulysses and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury

uses a stream-of-consciousness technique.

The artists of Die Brücke believed that they could free the imagination from the chains that enslaved it by

using a deliberately crude technique.

The term "dubbing" refers to

vocal doubling on a film soundtrack.

Stéphane Mallarmé's work is typical of Symbolist poetry in that

what is said is less important than the feelings a poem evokes.

In color theory, mixing light is called an additive process because

when all the primary colors of light are mixed, they create white.

The early nickelodeon theater primarily catered to

working-class women and children.

Artists in Austria called their version of the Art Nouveau movement

the Secession

Sol LeWitt and Andy Warhol shared

the sense that art does not reveal a greater truth.

Jean-Paul Sartre saw the existential position echoed in the artwork of

Alberto Giacometti.

The sociological term "double-consciousness" was created by

W.E.B. Du Bois.

What sets "Un bel dì" from Madama Butterfly apart from the work of Arnold Schoenberg?

a realist libretto

What do James Joyce's Ulysses and Marcel Proust's À la recherché du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) have in common?

a subjective, stream-of-consciousness narrative

In musical composition, the use of chromatic scales, which move in half-steps across a keyboard, creates a sense of

aimless wandering.

Although drugs and alcohol became prominent features of Beat culture, the underlying cultural theme or value embraced by its artists was


The photographer Eadweard Muybridge was able to demonstrate that all four feet leave the ground when a horse gallops

by using a series of cameras triggered by tripwires.

Along with Futurist performance, the ballets of Vaslav Nijinsky set to the music of Igor Stravinsky contributed to the characterization of modern art as

an affront to public taste.

The "Second Coming" predicted in Yeats's poem is linked to

an ancient beast of the desert.

According to Sigmund Freud, the subconscious can be revealed through

an exploration of dreams

Marcel Duchamp wrote that his Fountain was an artwork because it was

an object that he chose.

When Minimalist Sol LeWitt declared, "The idea becomes the machine that makes the art," he meant that

artworks are generated by concepts.

The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard claimed that Christians must live in a state of "fear and trembling" because

belief requires a leap of faith.

The term apartheid refers to the separation between

black Africans and white residents of South Africa.

When movie theaters resisted booking the entire yearly output of the film studios, the studios sought to gain control of the process by

buying the theaters.

In his rallying cry to "make it new," Ezra Pound was invoking the necessity of

continual cultural renewal.

The representation of Rosenquist's subject as a commercial commodity is emphasized here through

conventions related to graphics and advertising billboards.

When Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Existence precedes essence," he meant that

humans must define who they are through what they do.

The scramble for control of Africa began with the

opening of the Suez Canal.

Disney Studios advanced a process of adding sound separately to a film image, an innovation termed


When pianist David Tudor premiered John Cage's composition 4' 33" (4 minutes 33 seconds), he

sat at the piano and played nothing.

Having earned a degree in philosophy and the classics, T.S. Eliot sought in his poetry to

save and rehabilitate tradition.

The effect of Mark Rothko's paintings becoming "stage sets for the human drama that transpires before them" is related to color and


The belief that Europeans were the "fitter" race and destined to dominate the world is an example of the ideology known as

social Darwinism.

The dominant literary and visual style informing American works produced during the Great Depression was

social realism.

The Italian artists of the Futurist movement thought that the defining characteristic of modern urban life was


The emphatic black outlining of shapes in this image reveals the influence of

stained-glass leading.

In addition to its distinctive styling, the Chrysler Building's exterior was notable for its innovative use of

stainless steel.

This example of the artist's work reflects his characteristic approach to

surface flatness versus spatial perspective.

Big bands using a rhythm that depends on the avoidance of downbeats are characteristic of

swing music.

The Oedipus complex differs from the Electra complex in that it

takes place in the psyche of boys.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson's often recited "Charge of the Light Brigade" was written about

the Crimean War.

The Weimar Republic is the name of

the German government after World War I.

A central theme of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte is reinforced in this second painting by Seurat through

the actions of the three models in relation to the work's title.

Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness concerns

the dehumanizing effects of colonialism and social Darwinism.

Rodin's representation of novelist Balzac was rejected by the literary organization that commissioned the work due to

the exaggerated physical features.

This visual "demonstration" of sound references that subject by

the form of a phonograph record.

Many people involved in the early film industry came from careers in

the garment industry.

What element does Gustav Mahler use to incorporate Eastern European Jewish music into Symphony No. 1, III?

the high-pitched clarinets

What do Aaron Copland's variations on "Simple Gifts" from Appalachian Spring and Dimitri Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5, IV have in common?

the intentional connection they draw between a cultural or political context and the musical composition

Which feature connects this work to characteristics of Russian social realism

the montage effect of photography mixed with graphics

in The Broken Column, Frida Kahlo depicts her intense preoccupation with

the physical traumas she experienced in her youth.

Paul Gauguin's work reflects the primitif, which refers to

the primal, essential forces of nature.

Käthe Kollwitz's production of prints and posters rather than paintings after World War I reflected her desire to connect to

the proletariat.

Listen to the excerpt: Shostakovich described this section of Symphony No. 5 as "if someone were beating you with a stick and saying 'Your business is rejoicing, your business is rejoicing,' and you rise, shaky, and go marching off, muttering, 'Our business is rejoicing, our business is rejoicing.'" Which element of the music reflects this intention?

the rhythm emphasized by drums and tympani

In the call-and-response section of "Hotter Than That," which two are in dialogue?

the scat voice and the guitar

An underlying theme of Pop Art is

the shaping influence of the marketplace upon consumer culture.

Which feature of Johns's Three Flags transforms this work into abstraction?

the surface material and its textural quality

In Marcel Proust's monumental seven-volume novel À la recherché du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time), the narrator's free association is initiated by

the taste of a madeleine cookie.

Which element of Tomatsu's presentation moves this image from documentation into interpretation of its subject?

the technique of chiaroscuro

The title change of Diego Rivera's mural from Man at the Crossroads Looking with Hope and High Vision to a New and Better Future to Man, Controller of the Universe for the replicated version emphasized

the theme of "control" with its positive and negative connotations, particularly in light of Rockefeller's actions.

The influence of waka is most specifically evident in which aspect of Ezra Pound's "In a Station of the Metro"?

the theme of the changing seasons

The term mise-en-scène refers to

the totality of a film's visual style.

The Jazz Singer is recognized as the first feature-length talkie, but which element of the film elevated its critical reception?

the typically American context of its romantic story line

The poetry of Langston Hughes is especially informed by

the vernacular expression, in music and speech, of African Americans.

In Ernest Hemingway's "Big Two-Hearted River," Nick Adams experiences the healing power of place in

the woods and rivers of northern Michigan

A chief characteristic of Claude Monet's last cycle of panoramic Water Lilies is

their lack of a single focal point resulting in perceptions of movement.

Out of his experience making propaganda films, Lev Kuleshov, a founder of the Film School in Moscow, theorized that cinematic shots acquire meaning by

their relation to other shots.

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