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While no one owns the Internet, some businesses have had commercial success controlling parts of the Internet experience. Which of the following endeavors has/have been commercially successful?

1. Providing physical access to the Internet through phone, cable, and satellite links 2. Selling advertising space on the Internet 3. Designing and providing programs that allow users to network with others over the Internet 4. Designing and running directories and search engines (all options are correct)

25. Differences in, and competition over, technical standards ______.

1. resulted in a "war" between the Beta and VHS formats of home videocassette recorders 2. meant that it took over a decade before all three of the major networks started broadcasting in color in the mid-1960s 3. caused the FCC to temporarily ban any new TV licenses in the late 1940s and early 1950s 4. resulted in a "war" between Blu-ray and HD DVD formats for high-definition movie recordings (all options are correct)

What is the difference between a common carrier and an electronic publisher?

A common carrier must offer at least part of its services on a first-come, first-served basis; an electronic publisher can pick and choose its channels.

Which of the following best describes an "opt-in" Internet policy?

A policy whereby consumers have to give their consent before a Web site can collect any browsing history data

By 2014, what percentage of American households had broadband Internet connections?

About 70 percent

Which of the following is not true about the aftermath of the Telecommunications Act of 1996?

Competition from allowing regional and long-distance phone companies as well as cable companies into each other's markets has kept cable rates low.

Which one of the following statements about media convergence is not true?

Convergence took off at the same time as the rise of the personal computer industry in the 1970s.

Which statement about the business model of Google is true?

Google makes the majority of its money from pay-per-click advertisements.

Which of the following statements about targeted advertising is not true?

It is a passing fad because it is unpopular with advertisers and generates very little revenue.

Which of the following statements about the Internet is not true?

It is a passing fad because it is unpopular with advertisers and generates very little revenue.

What was the original motivation for developing the Internet?

Military-government project

Who transmitted the first electronic TV picture?

Philo Farnsworth

Which of the following statements about reality television is false?

Reality TV is much more expensive to make than typical comedies or dramas.

According to the textbook, which of the following statements about television news is true?

Since the 1960s, national polls have shown local television news is typically thought of as more trustworthy than newspapers.

What does the term digital divide refer to?

The ability of the rich to have access to the latest information technology while the poor do not.

Which of the following statements about Wiki Web sites is true?

The most notable example of a Wiki Web site is Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that is mostly written by users.

Which one of the following is an example of media convergence?

The use of tablets to access different forms of traditional media, like books and movies

According to the American Library Association, what are the limitations of trying to protect children from inappropriate material on the Internet?

There is no way to filter out all illegal content but still allow access to constitutionally protected materials.

The law that grants sweeping powers to law-enforcement agencies to intercept individuals' online communications, including e-mail messages and browsing records, is the _______.

USA Patriot Act

Which invention brought the Internet to mass audiences?

Web browsers

According to the textbook, which of the following is not a big question about the future of the Internet?

Will there be more video games online?

In 1972, the FCC required cable systems to provide and fund a tier of ______ dedicated to local education, government, and the public. t/f

access channels

The Huffington Post is a leading _______.


______ are one of the longest-running serial programs in the history of television.

daytime soap operas

According to the textbook, what is the most popular social networking site?


ARPAnet is a browser. t/f


Audience measurement isn't particularly useful to advertisers because it only tells them how many people are watching a particular program, not what kind of people. t/f


In the first years of television, cities that had operating television stations saw an increase in people going to movie theaters, more people going to nightclubs, and more people checking out library books. t/f


Most Web sites follow an "opt-in" data policy when collecting information from online consumers. t/f


Netscape overtook Internet Explorer as the most popular Web browser in the late 1990s. t/f


Rating refers to the percentage of households watching a given show out of all households watching television at a given moment in time. t/f


Reality TV shows cost more for networks and cable to make than sitcoms or dramas. t/f


The 1996 Telecommunications Act allows cable companies to offer telephone service, but the phone companies are not permitted to enter the cable TV business. t/f


The Internet is a hierarchically structured and centralized network.


The Internet is owned and operated by the federal government, which has the power to shut it down when necessary. t/f


The Internet was originally created to transport messages more rapidly for an increasingly sedentary and isolated population. t/f


The ability to stream TV shows on fourth screens such as smartphones and the iPad hasn't changed consumers' viewing habits much. t/f


The federal government funds 90 percent of public television's annual budget. t/f


The quiz-show scandals of the late 1950s resulted from quiz shows' frequently accepting incorrect answers from contestants and then covering up the mistakes. t/f


Time shifting refers to the delay of broadcast programs because of different time zones across the United States. t/f


Today, with the advent of DVR, viewers are moving away from the trend of time shifting that affected advertisers in previous decades. t/f


With the establishment of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 1967, nonprofit radio and television stations no longer had to ask their audiences for financial support. t/f


Smartphones, iPads, and other mobile devices used to watch videos are sometimes referred to as ______.

fourth screens

What service was launched in 2011 to compete against Facebook?

google +

The data-linking feature that allows Internet users to skip directly from a highlighted word to a related file in another computer system is called _______.


One potential drawback for consumers who use a DVR (digital video recorder) is that ______.

marketers and advertisers might be able to "see" what they watch

Which development was a consequence of the quiz-show scandal?

none of the above answers are correct

A form of Internet identity theft involving phony e-mail messages asking customers to update their credit card numbers, account passwords, and other personal information is called _______.


In 1965, the FCC established must-carry rules, which ______.

required cable operators to carry local TV broadcasts

The World Wide Web was developed in _______.

the late 1980s

The practice of recording shows and watching them later when it is more convenient is called ______.

time shifting

A communication satellite that is in geosynchronous orbit circles the earth at the same speed at which the earth revolves on its axis. t/f


A program's share is the percentage of TV sets tuned to the program in comparison to the overall number of TV sets in use at the time. t/f


Amazon is the world's largest e-commerce store. t/f


An FCC study found that local cable TV companies that face competition have lower monthly rates than cable companies in noncompetitive markets. t/f


As a result of the number and diversity of cable offerings, the major networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have lost a significant portion of the viewer base they had prior to 1980. t/f


At the network era's peak, a prime-time series with a rating of 17 or 18 and a share of between 28 and 30 was generally a success. t/f


Cable News Network (CNN) premiered in 1980. t/f


Cable systems in the United States are increasingly owned by fewer and fewer companies, called multiple-system operators. t/f


Comcast is the nation's largest cable TV system operator. t/f


Computer engineer Ray Tomlinson established the "login name@host computer" convention for e-mail addresses. t/f


Cookies are files that allow a Web site owner to chart the computer user's movements within the Web site and collect other information about the user. t/f


E-mail was one of the earliest services of the Internet. t/f


Facebook is the most popular social media site on the Internet. t/f


Facebook uses profile information to deliver targeted and personalized ads to its users. t/f


Few children's programs are aired on network television because most advertisers are less interested in reaching that audience. t/f


Google+ is a social networking site that is designed to compete with Facebook. t/f


HTML stands for "hypertext markup language." t/f


Idahoan Philo Farnsworth is credited with transmitting the first TV picture electronically when he was only twenty-one years old. t/f


In the 1990s, AOL was the top Internet service provider in the United States. t/f


In the landmark Midwest Video case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the cable industry was a form of electronic publishing with the same First Amendment rights as print magazines. t/f


Linux is an example of open-source software. t/f


Many of the program conventions in television actually came from radio. t/f


Must-carry rules require cable operators to assign channels to and carry all local TV broadcasts on their systems. t/f


Premium cable channels lure customers with the promise of no advertising. t/f


The BlackBerry was the first popular Internet-capable smartphone in the United States. t/f


The Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 requires schools and libraries that receive federal funds for Internet access to filter out obscene, pornographic, or harmful content Web sites. t/f


The Internet originated as a military and government project. t/f


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that efforts to ban indecent and obscene material on the Web through the Communications Decency Act of 1996 were unconstitutional. t/f


The introduction of microprocessors, miniature circuits made of silicon, made personal computers possible. t/f


The sale of spot ads within such shows as Today and TV specials like Peter Pan helped to end sponsor control of TV content. t/f


Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, cable operators are allowed to offer telephone services. t/f


By 2014, about how many apps were available for Apple devices?


What is the difference between the Internet and the Web?

1. Both are competing computer programs; the Web is the more popular one. 2. The Internet is international; the Web is local. 3. The Internet is a system of linked computers; the Web is a system of linked satellites. 4. The Internet is the older version of the Web (none of the above are correct)

Which of the following statements about Linux software is true?

1. It is most often found on operating servers rather than PC desktops. 2. Linus Torvalds established it in 1991. 3. Many people have contributed to its development. 4. It's free. (all the above are correct)

Which of the following statements about public broadcasting is true?

1. It would have lost all funding from the government if the Senate hadn't killed a 2011 effort by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. 2. Public broadcasting hopes to increase corporate contributions with on-air promotional messages. 3. The bulk of the funding for public broadcasting comes from viewers, listeners, and corporations. 4. One of its main missions continues to be providing educational children's programming. (all options are correct)

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