Liberty University BIBL 105 quiz 9

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The names of Daniels companions are Shadrach, Meshach, and


Jeremiah began his prophetic ministry in 626 BC


The visions of the ____________ and the boiling pot from the north symbolized Jeremiah's message of judgment against Judah

Almond branch

Daniel was a young man when he was thrown into the lion's den


In Ezekiel 16, the Lord describes Israel as the faithful bride


In Isaiah, Israel fulfilled their commission of reflecting the Lord's greatness to the nations


In response to Daniel's prayer, the angel Michael came to him to reveal the prophecy of the 70 sevens


Nebuchadnezzar through an extravagant and excessive banquet and temple vessels from Jerusalem were desecrated


The Lord made the prophet eat bread from an odd assortment of grains cooked over dung and to drink small portions of water in order to illustrate the future ______________


The overall theme of Daniel is...

God's sovereignty

Which kingdom was represented by the belly of brass in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream?


Which book in the major prophets is the most cited in the New Testament?


The message of Isaiah has significantly impacted the New Testament presentation of the person and work of...

Jesus Christ

Which kingdom was represented by the arms of silver in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream?


According to the textbook, which vision in Ezekiel is the climax of the book?

Not temple resurrection

Which beast in Daniel's vision was a well-known symbol of ancient Greece

Not the winged lion

Daniel was a contemporary (lived during the time of) Jeremiah and Ezekiel.


Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were the Hebrew names of the four Hebrew hostages written about in Daniel


In Ezekiel's vision, the four living creatures that helped to propel the chariot with their wings are identified as " cherubim"


Isaiah is set during the time of Assyrian and Babylonian threat to Judah's future and the survival of the Davidic line


Jeremiah and his scribe Baruch are largely responsible for the contents of the book


Jesus is the personal fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecies of hope


Judah would receive comfort in knowing that the Lord would ultimately punish the nations that mistreated them


The dates of Daniel indicate that he lived an entire 70 years in Babylonian captivity


The promise of salvation at the conclusion to this section is extended to two lone individuals, the Cushite Ebed-melech and Jeremiah's scribe Baruch


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