Library Research
+ list of information sources about a certain subject + end of encyclopedias, journal articles, and books
What is an example of an "all purpose database?"
Academic Search Comple, ProQuest Research Library, Expanded Academic Index, or Gale Reference Center Gold
"and," "or," and "not"
Boolean operators
What is an example of a "pros or cons" database?
Issues and Controversies, Points of View Reference Center, Opposing Views in Context
The most important words and phrases that describe the significant concepts and ideas of your topic.
Magazines or journals that are published regularly (weekly, monthly, quarterly). May be popular or scholarly.
What are the characteristics of a "good" topic?
Meets the requirement of the assignment; Is interesting to you; Is neither too big or too small (the right size)
What is a database?
Online collection of materials (periodical articles, newspaper articles, book chapters) that can be searched by subject, author, or keyword.
What is truncation?
Searching for the "root" of a word using an "*"--example "teen*" to search for teens, teen, teenager, teenagers.
What is phrase searching?
Searching for the words next to each other within quotation marks--example "New Mexico"
What criteria are used to evaluate sources?
Timeliness, Relevancy, Authority, and Purpose
A concept map is used to brainstorm about your topic.
Library Catalog
Usually online database used to determine what books, and other materials a library owns.
What are the "w" questions?
Who, what, where, why, when, and how
a journal, magazine, or any other publication produced at regularly recurring intervals
a list of information sources about a certain subject
call number
a number used by libraries to show both the subject of the book and its location on the shelf
a preference for or against something or someone
alphabetical list of topics that can be found at the end of a book or as an independent source. Online may also be called a database.
reference materials
books that provide general information and include dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes, directories, handbooks, atlases, guides, and yearbooks
Beginning the research process starts with what?
choosing your topic
What is the primary purpose of LIBROS
to locate a book materials owned by the UNM-Valenica Campus Library