Middle East 1 Midterm

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"People of tradition and community consensus" Highest value = maintenance of the of the unity of the umma the caliph only needed to be good enough politically to do the job and maintain unity of the entire community.


"The succeeders" purist in their ideas of criteria for leadership- did not care about lineage or ability to hold Umma together politically. they cared about moral purity During Ummayan they were repuled by the riches of the leadership, however, they fizzled out because they were too idealistic and people wanted to have a steak in the economic wealth


"sword arm" Mahmud of the Ghaznavids gave himself this title He saw the arab kalipha as the spiritual father of the community but he was the important military leader. The enforcer. from this day there was always at least one sultan in the muslim world.


"the helpers" "Yathribi muslims" Muslims from Medina -- helped the new Muslims in Media. They mentored and helped each family Mecca who came to Medina


"the ones who departed" splinter group reformulated the ideals of Ali's followers into a revolutionary new doctrine: blood and genealogy = nothing the only qualification was character. whoever exhibited the greatest devotion to Muslim values was the Khalifa-- no elections needed. He was accountable to the leader and if even a hair fell out of place he was put out of power. So they thought that Ali has squandered his entitlement and should step down. Then Ali was assassinated.

Rashidun caliphs

"the rightly guided ones" Abu Bakr Omar Othman Ali this was a time of religious drama. They were all honestly striving to make the revelations work. Each of them had a handle on some essential aspect of the project but no one was big enough to grasp all of it. Their struggles were theological but after them the Khalifate was an empire.

Ibn Ishaq

- historian who recorded the stories of Muhammad's life several decades after it happened. The most contemporary account of Muhammad's life passed down orally until Ibn Ishaq put it into writing. Also what we know about the life and times of the Rashidun caliphs are derived from the history found in his writings. He came from a line of traditionalists the archivists of oral culture but the first to write the whole story down. Most of this has disappeared . But before that happened many writers quoted/ referred to it. Tabari was a historian who used ishaq in his History of the Prophets and Kings


3rd Kalipha M's 5th cousin 12 year term dad= richest men in Mecca and multiplied that wealth modest and chaste. Good looking converted when looking at the stars and heard a voice. Was part of aristovcratic Ummayads who were the most anit- M faction in the Quraysh Married M's daughter Um Kulthum Helped to finance move to Abysinia. Golden touch for $$ and spent for the public good. Worried he was not good enough due to battle (badr and Uhud) so he would fast and pray when he took control the community was a government with vast territory they now needed to collect taxes, run courts, bridges One project: prep a definitive edition of the Koran-- resolving descrepencies and redundencies. Treasury swelled into a regular organ of governments. He also increased the flow of tax rev from far provinces. Loved economic freedom and let Muslim buy conquered lands (Ummayads ended up doing this the best) dole out grants to favorites and spent lavishly on public works. 5000 new mosques Demonstated buisness genious with canals, highways, irrigation systems. Asceticism --- pious but saw no ethical problems with making money at end of reign there was grumbling. In egypt is foster bro was really squeezing people for money. This turned into riots where people wanted him to step down and they beat him to death


4th Kaliphate (656-661) after riots with Othman due to Egyptian unrest. He knew he needed a stern hand to put Umma back together. Ummayads fled to Damascus and wanted the assasin of Othman gone. But who to blame in the crowd?? The mob roamed the streets and ali did not have the power to do what My'awaya wanted. Needed to choose between oppressor or murders Decided to root out coruption but there was a new class of rich from the conquests who did not care about purity or reform. Ayesha turned against ali and helped to addemed an army. Ali called for Jihad but both side were calling for Jihad. they then made up and Ayesha admitted they were creating chaos. however, there were members of the mob on both sides and they did not want to be blamed when the leaders came to peace.. Battle of Camel. Ali went to Kufa -- these people had supported him and try to peice kaliphate together but Muwaiya was planning Battle of siffin: Mu'awiya tried to block ali from water -- Mu'awiya walked away with Syria and Egypt and Ali everything else. This backfired because of this negotation0-- while he was out of power he gaver sermons about Allah and established himself as the keeper of the inner flame. so now is negotating with Mu'awiya -- the embodiment of materialism


622 emmigration from mecca to medina Year 1 because = turning point Beginning of the Umma After he was the leader of a community that looked to him for legislation, political direction and social guidance "severance of ties" -- people who joined renounced tribal bonds and accepted this group their affiliation. This community was about building an alt. Mecca it was a social devotional project. Thus, from the beginning islam is a political entity not just a way to be good. Islam= plan to build a community.. idvs earn their place in heaven by participating as members of a community.-- so orphans wont feel abandeoned and widows will not be homeless


A persian family acted as the Khalifa's advisor, clerks and helpers taking control of the bureaucracy. They passed the office of the vizier down from father to son They also began (like the abbassins) imported children of the turkish barbairans to baghdad as salves They became a new dynasty -- kepted kalipha in place but issued order in his name came to rule Bahgdad. lots of break away persian kingdoms


Belong to the faction of Muhammas's cousin and son-in-law (ali ibn Talib). Believe that Muhammad designated Ali as his successor so they they disagreed with the appointment of Abu Bakr. two doctrines: 1) caliph should be in a lineal descendant of Muhammad (line of Ali and Muhammad's daughter Fatima) 2) not only the political leader but also an infallible religious leader. So they tend to refer to this the role of the caliph as Imam more frequently.


By 632 Muhammad had become the ruler of here. The holy land of Islam, is a geographical region that comprises most of the western part of modern-day Saudi Arabia and is centered on the two holiest Muslim cities—Mecca (also Makka, Makkah) and Madina (Medina, al-Madinah)


C ollowed Sunni paradigm for the caliphate. By the early 900 they only ruled central and southern Iraq because so many petty states had established themselves and some had even declared full autonomy. In 945 Bahgdad was sacked and the Abbassids remained subordinate to a series of muslim warlords regimes until 1258 during the mongol invasion totally brining the Abbassid caliphate to an end.

Abu Muslim

Came to Merve (1500 miles from Damascus) and began to agitate against the Umayyads He was actually a professional revolutionary dispatched by the Hashimites-- cross between a cult and political party. Core membership probs never exceeded 30 . its name refers to the prophets clan-- the Banu Hashim and their purpose was to put a member of the profits clan at the head of the Muslim world. They did not have a member to promote but they did have Abu-al-Abbas who was a decedent of M's uncle He quickly emerged as the leader of the Abbasid revolution in Khorasan. Moved west through persian territory gaining recruits in 750 the armies fought on the banks of the Zab river. ... abbsadids won. Never wanted power but returned to Khorasan but was eventally killed my Mansur-- never let an abassid take you to dinner


Death of Muhammad


Devotional paths and ways Second period of sufism where devotion was less to and idv but a rule. During this second phase al-Ghazali composed his magnum opus: The revivification of the religious sciences


Founded by Nizam al Mulk's opponent Hassan Sabbah. branch that split from Shi'ism itself (one imam-- hereditary decent) They came from the a split from the Isma'ilis spurred on by anger at wealth of the Fatimids. The leaders of the rev sent their opperative Hassan Sabbah to persia to recruit. But in persia he developed his own power base and organized the Assasins. Used murder for propaganda-- proto terrorist. Thought that revelations were corrupted and needed to go back. He thought that the joran had esoteric meaning and provided a secret code. Ultimate secret society. to reach the inner circile of Sabbah you needed to keep understanding deeper meaning of the koran and reach the foundation from which it was built. Plotted in secret killed in public. Agents who did murdering were the Fadeyeed "sacrificers" Killed two of the caliphates 1092 they murdered Nizam al-Mulk and then Alp Arslan -- and shattered the two people who were attempting to preserve unity. -- set off power struggle umung the seljuks and every city was left in the hands of a diff prince who only nomially feared bahgadad Sultan.


Giant - said to stand out like a man on a horseback, huge temper, strong as bull at first he hated Islam and was known for drinking an brawls Was going to kill M but ran into sister reading the Quran and he was transformed-- ran throw street yelling I believe you/ One of M closest companions but still had a temper Ali endorsed him. As leader he knew he needed to be softer. Led umma for 10 years. helped shaped Islam as a political ideology -- built an empire Saw Islam as a just and egalitarian community-- keep the Umma united. Made sure his salary was proportional as he "went full time" -- but still patched his own clothes, personally would deliver food to families in need "you can carry my burden for me here on earth, but who will acrry it for me on the day of judement" adopted title Commander of the faithful. Seized Damascus -- had the Byzantines on the run 636= Yarmuk they destroyed the main Byzantine army. Called on muslims to topple the Sassanid empire... Called these war's on conquest Jihad Took Sassinid capital and then the whole empire until there was no more sassinids Went to Jerusalem and servant was riding horse--- surrender of Jerusalem. "muslims willl be living amung you"-- no compulsion in religion This set pattern for relations between muslims and people they conquered When omar died Islamic rule covered more than 2 millino square miles Omar the conquerer who was expanding was also directing the consolidation of doctrine. Declared new calendar --"The world is corrupt but you can change it" During Abu Bakr's reign suggested the quran be compiled. He began the sorting process and each written verse was checked against verbal. 3 Funded a body of scholars to spend their time steeping themselves in the rel elevations/ stories of Mohammed's life.. this became to Ulama or scholars/ -=--got people to compile everything they remebered about what the profit did or said (Hadiths) banned drinking stoning for adultary (not in quran) slavery-- muslims can not be slaves, could not break up a family killed by Persian slave

Toghril Beg

Grandson of Seljuk left his yonger brother to administer the family lands to go westward. in 1055 he overthrew the Shia Buyids in Baghdad thus he got the title of sultan for the Abbasid Caliph


Islamic mystics. Habit of wearing wool (suf). Developed/ rooted in the search for the proper understanding of religion. They defined Islam as a religion of the heart based on an idv's encounter with and knowledge of god. -- their religion is based on their personal experience not what they know about him (through prophets) There are 3 broad periods according to Trimngham: 1) golden age- intellectual/ aristocratic movement. -- guided by a personal quest to experience god directly. Would travel and move around quite a bit, however, by the 10th century covenants were set up so they could pursue a mystical union with God. 2) Tariqa: Their rituals began to be characterized and defined paths and ways. Emphasis on a surrender to a specific rule.


Judges on matter pertaining to sharia law


Make pilgrimage to Mecca at least once.

Abu Sufyan

Meccan tribal aristocrat who led the attack on Islam in two of the three battles between Mecca and Medina. son was Mu'awiya. Wife was Hind who was crazy and ate the liver of M;s uncle Hamaz


Omar started the collection of this but the Hadith proliferated faster than any small group of scholars Translates to "sayings" but this can be misleading. Authenticity = crucial. only good as the person who transmitted it. so need to look at line of transmission and the context. 7/ 8 decades after M death scholars across the muslim world began compiling sifted hadith grouped under specific topics. The enterprise began in the Ummamad area but matured in the abbassid. While more more kept emergin 6 collection achieved canonical status. complement koran, 2nd level of authority, disputed decisions went to the scholars based on quiya (anayltical reasoning) if there was disputes over that then the matter was settled by a jima (consusus of the community) -- that was really just the consensus of the scholarly community. "my community will never agree on an error"

Imam (in Shii doctrine)

Originally a term used for a person who led communal prayer but when Shii use this term they mean something different. There is never more than 1. When the Ali died his braka was passed to son Hassan and then to Hussien. When Hussien was killed at Karbala the idea of imama flowered into a rich theological concept. the shia thought they could make themselves worthy of heaven through their own efforts and that direct instruction was still coming to the world through a chosen person-- this is the imam. For those who embroace Hussein and beleive in him will go to heaven no matter what their transgressions are.-- this may not get you gold but it will get you heaven During Ummayan period they began to distance idea of Imam from Kalipha


Plural for Ilm one who knows about god based on the study of revelation and religious texts


Ridda Wars: the wars of the apostasy. Led by Abu Bakr. Stop rebellion in Arabia and from succeeding from the new political and religious community.

Alp Arslan

Seljuk Prince who was sent to govern Khorasan. He took Nizam al Mulk (persian sectretary) tall with long long mustache Heroic lion extended seljuk power to the caucauses and kept moving west leading armies into asia minor 1071 on the outskirts of Mazikert he met the Byzantine emperor Diogenes in a battle and smashed them. But he sent him home with gift and sked him to never make trouble again.


Slaves they were like elite soldiers Abassid were plagued by nomatics on its borders Often turks purchased in slave markets on the frontier. They did not trust the Arabs and the persians whom they ruled wanted guards with no links to anyone they bought them as children and raised them in muslim schools where they were tuaght marital skills the Kaipha now rarely even saw the people-- alienating him from his people and more unpopular and more unsafe. Built city of Samarra to house them and he moved tehir to live with them, Grew too strong to repress(inside and out) and killed masters forming their own dynasties.


Sufi Icon Originally from Tus in Iran and moved to Basra where he made his mark as a popular preacher and ascetic. Declared a burning love and passion of and a mystical union with god Claimed one of God's titles so he was arrested and remained in baghdad prison for 9 years then was executed-- views were a lil fuzzy for some. Life and teachings inspired sufis for generations


Struggle (not fight) = necessary for community. to keep the Umma alive-- rooted in the life and practices of M and early community in Medina expand relm of peace

Abu Bakr

Successor to Muhammad- Close friend, Early convert and father-in-law. Enjoyed all of Muhammad's authority except prophethood During his reign (632-634) his objective was to subdue a rebellion in Arabia among tribes who believed that their agreements with Muhammad died when he died. Suggested that Omar lead but then he was chosen because of his compassion and wisdom. Told people to advise him. Apostate wars = re-united arabia At home he was modest, affectionate and benevolant Dressed simply and accumulated no wealth He spent most of wealth he made in Mecca as a merchant on charitable causes-- like buying freedom from slaves. As Kaliphfa== small salary for guiding Umma and sold some fruit established that Islam was not just an abstract ideal of community but one with a world-chanding destine


The Charity tax.... many after M's death did not want to pay this while they would adhear to other pillars


The Hira (Migration) Move from Mecca to Medina when Muhammad fell out of favor with leaders from Mecca Year one of Muslim Calendar


The people of Medina who embraced Muhammad and his message. -- 622


Turkish tribesmen (turkomans- free turkish pastoral nomads) converted Islam in the late 10th century (900s) and served as irregular cavalry forces in many regimes during the early 11th century (1000). Under Seljuk's grandsons the Begs they entered the service of the Ghaznavid regime. In 1040 they rebelled and defeated the Ghaznavids in the battle of the Dandaqan and established themselves in Afghanistan and Eastern Iraq.

al-Ghazali, Ghazan

Wrote "The Revivification of the Religious Sciences" reconciled scholastic and mystic. Thus, it is a mistake to think that sufis are anti-intellectual but he argued that intellect should be used for servanthood not to pursue lordship.

Nizam al-Mulk

Wrote the book of government or rules for kings on behalf of Sultan Malikshah. The book is on the theory of kingship--- reflective of the Perso-Islamic kingship employed by the Abbasid caliphs in bahgdad and the Abbasid Buyid overlords. Opening paragraphs outline a vision of kingship in which god chooses the Sultan. Sultan's duty is to maintain order and justice. Theory: god uses Sultan army to bring him to power but the sultan must provide justice on the Sultan's behalf. the rest of book is about how to rule justly/ and he devotes a lot of attention to creating an environment where trade can flourish. ex: construction of transportation infrastructure, market inspectors, tax collectors, spies, stuff to ensure there is no corruption so trade can flourish. Trade= prosperity with peasants and traders and in cities--- full treasury so you can pay soldiers. Advised Malkishah that women should never interfere in politics. Weakness of theory was that it was based on legitimacy.. so it when power waned it re-enforced opponents views. was the advisor of Al Arslan and his son organizing their conquest... Battle of Manzikert. got tax system worked out. and made sure there was no cheating. used sultan war rev to build roads and organize a police force to protect travelers and set up state funded hostels. Built a network of schools and colleges Madrassas to teach uniform doctrine. (used sunni ulama) hoped to wave a stable islamic community out of three ethnic strands (turks-- keep order with milirary, Arabs-- rovide united by contributing relgious doctrine. Persians woudl contribute to the administration, phil, poetry, painting and architecture, science.) Turkish Sultan, Arab Kalipha and ulama, persian bueracy staffed by poetry and thinkers


after death of 6th imam dispute over next imam gave rise to the Isma'ilis. Fatimids were part of this and set up rival caliphate in Egypt.


age of ignorance the period before God's revelation to Muhammad Reps height of rebellion against god This term can be used in reference to the Arabic culture before the arrival of Islam. Before the Islamic conversion the Arabe tribes were nomadic, with a strong community spirit and some specific society rules. Their culture was patriarchal, with rudimentary religious beliefs. Although there were some traces of monotheism in the "hanifs" figures, their religious beliefs were based mostly on idol adorations[4] and social congregations once a year around the Kaaba for trading and exchanges. Since the term is, in its deep sense, used as a condition, and not as an historical period,[5] the Jahiliyya is used to describe the period of ignorance and darkness that preluded the arrival of Islam. It refers to the general condition of those that haven't accepted the Muslim faith. poetry written during this time is called Jahilli poetry-- proving a window for historians about early life.


all encompassing code of behavior. worked out by the religious scholars (ulama) who worked out how muslims could live in accordance god's will.

1038-1194 (Great Seljuks)

defeated the Ghasnavids in 1040 when Masud lost at Lashkargah and the Seljuk era has begun they moved west nibbling away at the empire in Baghdad. Sacked cities but preferred to live in tents When they crossed the border they convered to islam -- but rought and ready islam that had less to do with doctrine but more rah-rah locker room ideology


philanthropic religious foundations. the new rich in the Ummayads created these out of social pressure and religious incentives. In theory it could be shut down by its founder. could not be taxed. Collected $ from donors and distributed to the poor, operated schools and hospitals. Staffed by people known for piety and religious learning. the more famous the more famous the Waqf Became a device by which rich families could protect their own wealth from taxation. Allowed for social mobility if you wanted to work there. You just needed piety and to study hard, know Arabic


special poll tax that Christians paid This was less than they paid under the byzantine overloads who also interfered with their relgiious practices -- the muslims faced little or no resistance

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