mm advancement study guide

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which parameter is the boiler high water alarm usually set at?


the temp is raised at what rate, when performing a flashpoint test?

-11 F

what is the range of the thermometer used in API gravity testing?

-5-215 F

when the l/o neutralization number exceeds which number it is required to change the L/O in the main pump?


Which pressure must safeties be lifted to if a steaming boiler suffers a ruptured tube?

0 psig

The bottom of the buret with the stopper in place shall be how many inches from the bottom of the reagent bottle?


How many minutes at a maximum can a boiler smoke white before it must be secured?


How many hours are necessary to bring a boiler under a steam blanket online?


What is the maximum moisture content of an oil sample drawn from a centrifugal compressor?

100 PPM

what is the volume of the graduated cylinder that is used for BS&W testing?

100 ml

What is the maximum steady state superheater outlet temperature on a D-type 1200 psig boiler?


What is the maximum allowable superheater outlet temperature during transition periods of 15 minutes to 1 hour on a 1200 psig D-type boiler?


Fuel tanks are emptied at least once every how many months to reduce heavy sludge deposits?


Which temperature range is lube oil maintained at on an operating main engine?


what is the minimum JP-5 (F-44) flashpoint?

140 F

Which temperature indicates a hot main condenser?


Which temperature is an SSTG auxiliary condenser considered a hot condenser?


An operating SSTG must be secured when vacuum decreases to how many inches?


What is the auxiliary exhaust pressure in the engineering plant during normal operations?

15 psig

what is the approximate required centrifuge revolutions per min (RPM) when conducting a BS&W for fuel?

1500 RPM

How many minutes at a maximum can a boiler smoke heavy black before it must be secured?


readings must be added together and divided by what to determine the BS&W if the readings from the two centrifuge tubes while taking the readings?


How many hours are necessary to bring a cold boiler online?


what is the temp range of the thermometer used for flashpoint testing?

20-230 F

how many milliliters of fuel is needed to conduct a bottom sediment & water (BS&W) test?


Boiler safety valves must be lifted by a hand easing gear how many psi below operating pressure?


What is the maximum journal bearing temperature on an operating main engine or SSTG as indicated by RTE?


What is the maximum thrust bearing temperature of on operating main engine or SSTG as indicated by RTE?


how many degrees per min is the temperature raised when performing a flashpoint test?


how many RPMS does the flashpoint tester stirring mechanism rotate?


What is the most effective form of engineering casualty control?

Casualty prevention

what provides a positive suction head to the main feed booster pump?


Who is responsible for developing Engineering Training Team (ETT) drills?

Engineer Officer

Which NATO code is naval distillate lower pour point fuel given?


which type of fuel is used by navies operating in colder climates?


what is the primary fuel used on all shipboard power plants?


What must never be adjusted during a white smoke casualty to the boiler?

Fuel oil header pressure

what causes boiler panting?

Insufficient air

Who is responsible for maintaining a master ETI drill package?

Main Propulsion Assistant (MPA)

Reports are sent to the Type Commander (TYCOM) with an information copy sent to ISIC, NAVSEA, along with what else when sending reports to higher authorities


which nstms contains info about fuel?

NSTM 541

Which type of inert gas is used to test expansion valves?


Which type of boiler casualty is indicated by an unusual drop in boiler steam pressure and a firebox filling with steam?

Ruptured boiler tube

Which type of operation is the safest engineering plant alignment?


What is admitted to the boiler air casing during a fire in the air casing until the fire is out?

Steam smothering

who must be notified, besides NAVSEASYSCOM for technical advice as soon as possible by using emergency substitute fuel?


Which test method is defined as adding a reagent solution of known concentration, from a buret, into a sample of known volume to analyze the concentration?


What is the probable cause of a racing fuel oil service pump?

Water in the fuel

When fuel is mixed with water, the two liquids usually separate upon standing. What is this ability defined as?


which effect will a low boiler economizer outlet temp have on the boiler superheater outlet temp?


what protects the main feed pump from internal damage due to a loss of suction pressure?

low suction trip

which term is defined as the lowest temp at which fuel will flow when it is chilled under prescribes conditions?

pour point

what must the boiler feedwater control be shifted to when experiencing difficulty in maintaining boiler water on an automated ship?

remote manual

Which type of boiler casualty requires the boiler to be purged after securing the boiler?

ruptured boiler tube

Which type of casualty is indicated by the formation of condensation (fogging) on the boiler periscope?

ruptured boiler tube

low water in the boiler, major uncontrolled flooding ( prior to the water reaching the brickpan), along with what else are the three casualties which require the lifting of boiler safety valves IAW EOCC procedures?

ruptured boiler tube

Which affected valve is used to maintain turbine speed during a jammed throttle casualty

turbine guardian

A cracked gauge glass on the main condenser could lead to what on the main condenser?

vacuum loss

which fluid is required for hydrostatic testing of the fueling-at-sea hose?


BS&W readings shall be recorded from the centrifuge tubes and be a direct percentage of what read from the tube?

water and sediment

what is the purpose of filtering fuel through filter paper while conducting a flashpoint test?

water removal

When replacing a propulsion turbine journal bearing, the rotor must be lifted vertically to what maximum height, in order to ease the removing of the lower half of the bearing?

.005 inch

When measuring a handhole seat with a feeler gauge what is the maximum taper allowed?


Typical end play with the engine cold is?

.008 - .014 inch

what is the required sediment and water content when fuel is received from the fuel contractor?


To obtain maximum effective sealing of the labyrinth packing the tip width of packing teeth should be maintained within what parameter?

.010 inch

In general, what is the allowable thrust clearance end play on an auxiliary turbine?

.010 to .015 inch

When measuring a manhole seat with a feeler gauge what is the maximum taper allowed?


When the outside micrometer spindle is rotated one revolution, the spindle advances or recedes what distance?

.025 inch

What is the maximum final distillate salinity indicator reading is?

.065 equivalent per million (EPM)

what is the maximum BS&W content of fuel received from navy sources?


a satisfactory L/O BS&W test consist of less than or equal to 0.1% and the combined BS&W is less than or equal to what percent?


A lube oil BS&W warning condition means the BS&W exceeds .2% but is less than or equal to what percent?


How many boiler inspection devices (BID) are required per fireroom?


How many years are PMS Quarterly schedules kept on file?


Which block of the NAVSUP Form 1250 is the requisition date recorded?


Which boiler flex level is considered optimum for plant operation?


What is the formula for converting heat to work?

1 BTU = 778 foot-pounds

What is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water through 1 degree on the Fahrenheit (F) scale?

1 British thermal unit (BTU)

in reference to automatic boiler controls, the primary function of the automatic feedwater control system is to maintain boiler water lvl within a max deviation of +- how many inches at all boiler loads?


What is the required percentage of the EDTA solution when treating a boiler with EDTA waterside cleaning chemicals


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the frequency of blowing tubes on a steaming boiler?

1. At least every 168 steaming hours 2. Prior to entering port 3. After leaving port 4. As soon as possible after a heavy black smoke condition

What are the three types of heat transfer?

1. Conduction 2. Radiation 3. Convection

What are the three end points a steaming boiler has?

1. End point of circulation 2. End point of moisture carryover 3. End point of combustion

What are 2 dry lay-up methods?

1. Heated air lay-up 2. Desiccant

What are the five advantages of the steam atomization?

1. High turn down ratio 2. Cleaner burning or residual fuel 3. Less fire side deposits 4. Better combustion in a cold furnace 5. Wider range and lower pressures

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What are the five advantages of steam atomization?

1. High turndown ratio 2. Cleaner burning of residual fuel 3. Less fireside deposits 4. Better combustion in a cold furnace 5. Wider range at lower pressures

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What are the two types of safety valves used onboard naval vessels?

1. Huddling chamber, 2. Nozzle reaction

Who administers the hydrazine/morpholine lay-up?

1. Industrial activity 2. Ships force when Chelant is installed

What are the 5 wet lay-up methods?

1. Steam blanket 2. Nitrogen 3. Hot deaerated fill 4. Sodium nitrite 5.Hydrazine/ Morpholine

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What are the three reasons that soot must be removed from a boiler?

1. To prevent fires, 2. To maintain excellent heat transfer rates, 3. To prevent the formation of sulfuric acid which occurs when soot and moisture combine

What is the allowable tolerance for a simmering boiler safety valve provided that it does not occur at boiler operating pressure and provided that it is less than the blowdown?

1.5% of the lifting pressure

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the size of the internal drain hole on the soot blower bilge drain valve on 1200 psig systems?

1/16 inch

Mortared joints between firebricks must never exceed what clearance?


What is the required size of mortared joints when installing firebrick


SSTG gland sealing steam pressure has a range of what?

1/2 - 2 PSI

When setting handhole plates for hydrostatic testing, prior to filling the boiler, the handhole nut is tightened to which degree?

1/2 ant beyond finger tight

how far must a butterfly valve be rotated to open or close the valve?

1/4 turn or 90 degrees

Refractory expansion joints are normally what size?


What is the maximum gap between two sidewall tubes in a D. Type boiler


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the bilge drain hole size on soot blower systems that operate at 600 psig or below?

1/8 inch

The required bell when belling boiler tubes up to but not including 2 inches od is not less than 1/16" but must not exceed how many inches?


An exploratory block is defined as a section of not more than how many tubes wide and deep enough to include the tubes in the center row?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, how many mins iaw pms is the air lock designed to hold for?


What is the horsepower generated, if an engine is producing 5,500 foot pounds of work per second?

10 horsepower

how many pounds of sodium nitrite are added to the boiler, prior to placing the boiler on a dry lay-up?

10 pounds per 1,000 gallons

what is the required amount of sodium nitrite, that is used for a sodium nitrite wet lay-up?

10 pounds per 1,000 gallons

What is the required amount of sodium nitrite, that is used for a sodium nitrite lay-up?

10 pounds per 1,000 gallons of feedwater

What is the maximum thread protrusion allowed after installation and tightening of threaded fasteners?

10 threads maximum

Steam soot blower elements are rotated at a rate of?

10 to 15 secs per 90 degrees rotation

Refractory anchors should be spaced every how many inches when working in large areas


When the ship is within 1 hour of port or anchorage and maintaining standard speed the reduction gear lube oil temperature is lowered to what?

10-15 degrees F. or 100 degree minimum

Ships equipped with Chelant continuous injection systems shall maintain the feedwater hydrazine level at what range?

10-40 PPB

what hydrostatic test methods use boiler steady state operating pressure?

100 % and 125 %

What boiler hydrostatic test is required for checking valve and fitting tightness?

100 % hydro

When approaching port or an anchorage, Main engine lube oil temperature is reduced to what temperature?

100 Deg F

The lube oil cooler should be bypassed on an operating auxiliary turbine until the discharge oil temperature reaches what?

100 degrees F

What must the lube oil temperature be on an SSTG prior to bringing it up to operating speed?

100 degrees F

What is the potential energy of an object that weighs 5 pounds and is held 20 feet off earth?

100 foot-pounds

What is the volume of pear-shaped centrifuge tubes used for centrifuge testing of lube oil?

100 ml

What is the minimum temperature that boiler tube expanders must be operated at for optimum operation?

100 psi

. At what boiler pressure is the sodium nitrite solution injected into the boiler, prior to placing the boiler on a dry lay-up?

100 psig or less

Water gage glasses are checked for satisfactory operation after light-off by blowing down, when the D-type boiler reaches what pressure?

100 to 200 psig

Water gauge glasses are checked for sat operation after light off by blowing down when D type boiler reaches what psi?

100 to 200 psig

If 1" or I .25" tubes in the main generating bank are married the tube joints must be tested at which percent of boiler steady state pressure and satisfactorily pass hydro in order for no corrective action to be taken?


What percent of operating pressure must hydrostatic test pressure be set to for checking rerolled tube seats for leakage?


Which pressure below the lowest safety valve setting are boiler safety valve gags placed on safety valves?

100-200 PSI

A high pressure air compressor operates above what pressure?

1000 psig

Speed-limiting governors installed on auxiliary turbines are designed to limit maximum speed to what percentage of designed speed?

110 percent

how many lines from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured is the contiguous zone?


How many pounds of anhydrous Trisodium phosphate (TSP) is used per 1000 gallons of feed water when conducting the boiler boiling out procedure?


How many pounds of sodium metasilicate is required per 1000 gallons of feed water when conducting the boiler boiling out procedure?


what is the maximum water temp used for hydrostatic testing?

120 F

what is the temp to which the L/O sample heated to when heating in water bath?

120 F

Boiler overload capacity is normally what percentage of boiler full power capacity?


What is the lube oil cooler outlet temperature maintained at?


What is the required outlet temperature range to the bearings during normal operation?


Fuel oil temperature at the burner front shall not exceed what temperature?

125 F

What percent of normal boiler operating pressure must rerolled superheated tubes be hydro statically tested to?


What hydrostatic test methods use design pressure?

135 % and 150 %

What boiler hydrostatic test pressure is required after replacement of drains, vents, blowdown piping, boiler piping, and welded valves?

135% of boiler design pressure

What is the maximum time limit for a hot dearated fill lay-up?

14 consecutive days from securing

what is the maximum time limit for a hot deqerated fill lay-up?

14 consecutive days from securing

Atmospheric pressure is expressed as?

14 psia at sea level and lesser at higher altitudes

What is the saturation pressure for water at a saturation temperature of 212 degrees F.?

14.7 psia

The temperature of the wash water must be maintained within what parameters?

140 - 160 deg. F

To change a pound of ice at 32 degrees F. to a pound of water at 32 degrees F, we must add how many BTU?


Visual samples must be taken at least once every how many minutes during refueling operations?


Which block of the NAVSUP Form 1250 is the Job Sequence Number (JSN) inputted?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, How long must the atomizer barrel be cooled after removal from the burner assembly before disassembly?

15 Minutes

the dearated feedwater used in the hot dearated backfill lay-up shall meet what dissolved oxygen limit?

15 PPB (Parts per billion)

After starting an SSTG, at what vacuum is the generator brought up to speed?

15 inches

how long must hydrostatic pressure be maintained prior to conducting the inspection of pressure parts?

15 mins

Deaerated feed water used in hot deaerated backfill lay up shall meet what dissolved oxygen limit?

15 ppb

An operating main condenser must be secured if vacuum levels reach how many inches?


The main engine must be stopped and casualty procedures must be followed IAW EOCC during a loss of vacuum casualty on the main condenser when vacuum decreases to how many inches?


Cranes are designed to withstand what percent of rated load at no speed?

150 Percent

superheater protection is taken from what system?

150 paig auxiliary steam system

What hydrostatic test pressure requires the renewing of all boiler handhole and manhole gaskets after testing?

150 percent of boiler design

constant flow drain orifices are used in what systems?

150 psi or above, where condensate load and pressure remain near constant

Which pressure must the boiler be hydro statically tested to after completion of boiler boiling out?

150 psig

Superheater protection steam is taken from what system?

150 psig auxiliary steam system

All major weld repairs to boiler headers, chums and renewal or welding to down comers requires a hydrostatic test at what percent of boiler design pressure?


Which percent of boiler design pressure must the boiler be hydrostatically tested to if it has an unsatisfactory strength inspection at the five-year period?


how many gallons of fuel is the system aligned to draw off when stripping fuel tanks?


Insulating block is capable of withstanding what maximum temperature?

1500 Degrees F

Insulating b lock is capable of withstanding surface temps of?

1500 F

insulating block is capable of withstanding surface temps of?

1500 F

insulating block is capable of withstanding what max temp?

1500 F

what is the required speed of the centrifuge during L/O BS&W testing?

1500 rpm

A medium pressure air compressor operates between what pressure range?

151 psig to 1000 psig

How long must the atomizer barrel be cooled after removal from the burner assembly before disassembly?


How much desiccant is used for a proper dry lay-up?

16 Pounds for every1,000 gallons of cold water capacity

How much desiccant is used for a proper dry lay up?

16 pounds for every 1,000 gallons of cold water capacity

A 3 horsepower engine generates how many foot pounds per second?


One fuel oil service tank per compartment must be inspected at least once every how many months?


Conveyors are usually what size?

18 inches wide, but they can be 12 inches wide for use in restricted passageways

Once every how many hours of boiler operation at a minimum must burner barrels be hydro statically testing?


The hot water rinse is controlled by an automatic steam-mixing valve which regulates temperature to?

180 - 195 deg F

The maximum allowable bearing temperature during engine operation is?

180 deg F

Boiler safety valve hand easing gear must be checked for at least once every how many hours of boiler operation?


Which part of 2190 TEP lube oil stands for the viscosity at testing temperature?


what year was the federal water pollution control act amended?


What would a Danger tag with the serial number 9-19 indicate?

19th tag of log serial number 9

The electric motor driven turning gear is connected to what on the MRG?

1st reduction pinion

How many Engineer's Bell Books are required if a ship has two shafts?


How many or more days must castable refractory be air-cure


How many quarts of non ionic wetting agent is required per 1000 gallons of feed water when conducting the boiler boiling out procedure?


How many years must Engine room/Fireroom operating logs be retained onboard?


How many years must operating logs be maintained?


Which part of 2190 TEP lube oil stands for the class or series of oil?


how many timer per day are bilges inspected for fuel accumulation?


What size fire hose is used for the backflushing procedure?

2 1/2 inch

What is the standard size of the firebrick?

2 1/2x4 1/2 x 9

what is the standard size of firebrick?

2 1/2x4 1/2 x 9

how many degrees increments is the temp increased after the test flame is applied when conducting a flashpoint test until flashpoint is achieved?

2 F

at what pressure the combination exhaust relief valve lift?

2 psi above the auxiliary exhaust line pressure

Plastic is vented at how many inch intervals along the center line when using plastic fire clay for burner cone installation


The combination exhaust relief valve is set to lift at what range?

2-3 Psi above exhaust line pressure

When preparing boiler tube ends for tube installation they must be cleaned and polished to a distance equal to the thickness of the tube seat plus how many inches?


How many hours must the boiler boiling out procedure last once the solution reaches the proper temperature?


What is the allowable percentage of economizer tubes, that can be plugged without affecting boiler full power capability?

20 percent

The bearing composition of a soot blower bearing is either going to be 25% Chrome and 20% Nickel or what else?

20% Chrome and 12% Nickel

All cranes must withstand a static load of what?

200 Percent of rated load without damage or distortion

Which hydrostatic pressure is used to test the fueling-at-sea hose?

200 psi

Which temperature range is the solution heated to when performing superheated boil?

200-210 degrees F

Which type of lubricating oil are turbine line shaft and thrust bearings designed to use?

2190 TEP

How many hours are lube oil samples good for prior to start?


Once every how many hours at a minimum must a 10% boiler surface blowdown be conducted after lite-off following EDTA cleaning?


The seawater side of lube oil coolers must be drained if they are idle for more than how many hours?


how many hours after receiving the fuel is water indicating paste used to test the fuel oil?


Prior to conducting thrust bearing measurements on the main engine, the turbine must beat ambient temperature with the throttles shut for what duration?

24 hours

When taking bearing depth micrometer readings, bridge gage readings and the taking of leads the lube oil system should be secured when?

24 hours prior to taking the readings

Access covers or plates installed on MRG casings attached with less than 12 nuts and bolts must have what percentage secured with a lockable cover?

25 percent

Which maximum temperature is boiler refractory insulating block designed to withstand?

2500 degrees f

which NSTM chapter contains general info on various automatic boiler control systems?


A flume not larger than how many feet emitting from the safety exhaust port is the maximum permissible boiler safety valve leakage during boiler operation?


Boiler soot blower nozzles are installed not greater than every third tube if the axis of the element is at right angles to the axis of the tubes or not greater than how many inches if the axis of the element is parallel to the tubes?


ETT drills shall only be conducted on boilers that have achieved a boiler flex level test of which level or above?


Soot blower screw connections must be tack welded in at least how many locations around the outside to prevent coming loose from vibration or wear?


The Engineering Log is a legal record that must be retained onboard for how many years?


What is the maximum number of successive lifts, IAW PMS procedures, that personnel can lift a safety valve unsatisfactorily during the setting of safeties before valve cool down is required?


What is the normal length of a tapered plug?

3 inches

When warming up steam assisted atomizers, how long do you allow for warm up with steam prior to light-off?

3 to 5 Minutes

When warming up steam assisted atomizers, how long do you allow for warmup with steam prior to light off?

3 to 5 mins

The entire furnace deck must be renewed when the firebrick reaches how many inches for anchored decks


What is the maximum allowable pressure drop across a fuel oil duplex strainer when online?


what is the effective loading pressure range on a general regulator combustion control system?

3-15 psi

At least once every how many minutes must the engine be rotated while waiting to answer all bells after the main engines have been tested and warmed up?


Who receives the PMS feedback report 4790/7B blue copy?

3-M Coordinator (3MC)

The required bell when belling boiler tubes larger than 2 inches od is not less than 1/8" and not more than how many inches?


Which size tapered rod is tapered to a blunt point in the last half-inch to vent plastic fire clay burner fronts


Boiler tubes up to but not including 2 inch od tubes must project into drums or headers at least how many inches?


What is the maximum shoulder clearance on a manhole plate?


What is the recommended taper of a standard taper plug?

3/4" per foot

Which size holes are drilled in the front and rear economizer vestibules to pressurize the vestibules and prevent soot and combustion gases from leaking into the fireroom?


A deferred action must be prepared using OPNAV Form 4790/2K if a problem arises with a piece of equipment that cant be repaired within how many days?


A hot water bath is required when the sample is cloudy after sitting for how many minutes?


Castable should not be mixed until all preparations have been made for installing the burner front since the material begins to set at once and must be discarded if it is not used within how many minutes


how many min intervals is the centrifuge operated in during centrifuge testing?


how many mins is steam admitted to the boiler firebox when raw fuel is discovered on the firebox floor?


how many mins must a L/O sample be allowed to settle for being taken to be observed for the clear and bright?


What is the maximum time limit for a steam blanket lay-up?

30 Consecutive days from securing

the test flame is applied to the sample when conducting a flashpoint test when the temp of the sample is not higher than how many degrees below the expected flashpoint temp?

30 F

What is the maximum time limit for a nitrogen blanket lay-up?

30 consecutive days from securing

what is the max time limit for a nitrogen blanket lay-up?

30 consecutive days from securing

what is the max time limit for a steam blanket lay-up

30 consecutive days from securing

What is the maximum allowable RPM differential on operating steam force draft blowers?


Rotary soot blowers are tested in accordance with PMS to have an operating pressure of what?

300 psi plus or minus 25 psi

During hydrostatic testing leaking joints may be tapped to assist in seating the handhole plate up to which pressure?

300 psig

what is the maximum allowable rpm differential on 2 force draft blowers operating in parallel?

300 rpms

For an effective boil-out, the chemicals shall be completely dissolved and the solution temperature will be maintained within what temperature range?

300-325 degrees F

Which maximum furnace temperature is boiler refractory firebrick designed to withstand?

3000 degrees F

Personnel stay times are reduced by up to what percent from boiler stack gases?


One horsepower is equivalent to what?

33,000 foot pounds of work per minute or 550 foot pounds of work per second

If saturated steam at a pressure of 1200 psia and the corresponding saturation temperature of 567 degrees F. is superheated to 900 degrees F., what is the degree of superheat?

333 degrees F

Desuperheaters shall be hydrostatic tested at what pressure?

350 psig

The minimum steam atomization temperature at the burner front is?

370 Degrees F

Minimum steam atomization temp at the burner front is what?

370 F

A simple gauge can be made for measuring waterside pit depths by pushing a straight pin or paper clip through a card of which size?


The boiler parameters must stabilize within how many minutes after conducting a boiler flex up ramp or down ramp?


Fuel tank air escape outlets are fitted with removable flash screens consisting of an inner screen of what mesh size?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which control air pressure are individual final control element air lock valves set to trip at?

40 psi

the desired range of steam atomization temp is?

400 +/- 10

The desired range of steam atomization temperature is?

400 Degrees F, plus or minus 10 degrees F

Cadmium plated fasteners are not used in systems with temperatures exceeding what?

400 degrees F

the throttleman is tasked with ensuring the boiler flex up ramp or down ramp only last how many secs?


Steam-jacketed kettles operate at a maximum pressure of what?

45 psi

What is the Ship's Configuration Change form number?


what is the required length of the test flame on the flashpoint tester when conducting a flashpoint testing?


. How many times must personnel invert the tube to ensure complete mixing prior to inserting the centrifuge tube in the centrifuge?


A boiler purge will have how many volumetric air changes?


Boilers must be inspected for strength and integrity at least once every how many years?


The main engine must be secured if for any reason the main engine turbine rotors cannot be rotated within how many minutes?


how many levels IAW PMS is boiler flex testing measured in?


how many minutes at a minimum must hydrostatic pressure be maintained on the fueling-at-sea hose?


Once the boiler purge is complete, fires must be lighted within what time frame?

5 Minutes

Once a boiler purge is complete, fires must be lighted within what time frame?

5 mins

When steam is being admitted to the propulsion turbine the rotor should not remain idle for more than how many minutes?

5 minutes

What is the minimum pressure required for nitrogen blanket lay-up?

5 psig

what is the minimum pressure required for a nitrogen blanket lay-up?

5 psig

Except during emergencies, what boiler firing rate shall never be exceeded?


Which boiler firing rate must never be exceeded after boiler light-off?


except during emergencies, what boiler firing rate shall never be exceeded?


A steamer operates at what pressure?

5-7 psi

Boiler tubes 2 inches od and greater must project into drums or headers at least how many inches?


Overboard discharge of fuel contamination shall not be undertaken within how many nautical miles from shore?


the oil pollution act of 1961 prohibits the discharge of oil or water having oil in it into the sea within how many miles of any land and establishes prohibited zones?


What is the quantity of Bioteklli-Solvent used per centrifuge tube when conducting the lube oil Bottom Sediment and Water (BS&W) test?

50 ml

Soot blower heads must be replaced when the head thickness has reached what percent less than the original thickness specified on the applicable drawing when measured by ultrasonic testing?


Which percentage range of boiler full power rating is boiler air casing tested at?


What is the maximum allowable conductivity of shore steam?

500 microhms per centimeter (umhos/cm)

what is the required relative force of the centrifuge when conducting BS&W test?

500-800 RCF

What is the maximum temperature rise across a bearing on an operating main feed pump?


Disposal of sodium nitrite shall be an accordance with NSTM chapter?

593, Pollution control

disposal of sodium nitrite shall be IAW what NSTM?

593, pollution control

How many sections is the PHEL curve divided into?


what is the minimum temp at which the fuel oil bottom sediment and water (BS&W) test is to be preformed?

60 F

what is the standard temp for determining volume on all petroleum products?

60 F

When starting Ship's Service Turbo Generators (SSTG's), what is the minimum allowable lube oil temperature?

60 degrees F

what set point when measured from the superheater outlet us a general regulator automatic combustion control system on a 600 psi steam plant designed to maintain?

600-615 psi

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is the master air lock trip valve set at?

65 psi

how many days at a maximum from the date of the contamination can equipment be operated in the BS&W L/O warning range?


what is the desired set point on a general regulator steam pressure transmitter?

7 psi

what is the minimum water temp used for hydrostatic testing?

70 F

At least once every how many hours must the boiler be bottom blown after lit-off following EDTA cleaning


Whenever a propulsion turbine casing joint is opened for any reason, a final contact check is required by taking red and blue check of the made-up joint, what is the required contact for non-pumping groove joints?

75 percent contact over the entire joint plus 1/2 inch minimum continuous contact band inside the bolts and across each pressure section

What is the final propulsion turbine casing contact check requirement on joints with pumping grooves?

75 percent contact over the entire joint plus 1/4 inch minimum continuous contact band inside the groove and across each pressure section

The term high pressure boiler refers to a boiler operating at what pressure?

75 psi or above

What is the lifting capacity of an aircraft elevator?

79,000 to 105,000 pounds

what is the size of a L/O sample bottle?

8 oz

A standard SSTG reduction gear has a gear ratio of what?

8 to 1

What is the required PH limit for shore steam?

8.0-9.5 PH units

Reduction gears having a 125 k-factor or less must have a tooth contact of what, to be considered satisfactory?

80 percent

What is the required reduction gear tooth contact for an SSTG with helical gears?

80 percent of the face width

in reference to automatic boiler controls, a pressure reducing valve is installed upstream of the air lock system and maintains the control air pressure at what?

80 psi

When using compressed air for light-off, what is the required pressure of the compressed air?

85 to 150 psig

when using compressed air for light off, what is the required pressure of the compressed air?

85 to 150 psig

What is the minimum steam drum pressure on an operating boiler?

85% of boiler operating pressure

what is the minimum steam drum pressure on an operating boiler?

85% of boiler operating pressure

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is the set point adjuster set at to maintain a normal water level on the 3 element feedwater control system?

9 psi

what is the composition of copper-nickel alloy tubing used on surface ships?

90 % copper and 10 % nickel

What is the minimum allowable lube oil temperature prior to jacking the main engine over?

90 Deg. F

After installing new bearings on an SSTG reduction gear, what is the required gear tooth contact?

90 percent contact

What is the minimum allowable temperature of the oil supplied to the reduction gears before jacking over the gears?


What is the minimum lube oil temperature to the main engine before it is allowed to be jacked over?


a boiler test shall be conducted in an up and down pump ramp with a boiler load change of 70 % in 45 secs with a range from 15 to what % of full boiler power?

95 %

what is the capacity of the AFFF vari-nozzle located on a machinery space hose reel?

95 GPM

What is the rated capacity of a fuel tank as computed after allowance has been made for all obstructions in the compartment?


What percent are fuel oil storage tanks filled to and maintained at all times?


Adjusting the fuel oil header pressure during a white smoke condition can lead to what?

A boiler explosion

Temporary distortion of the SSTG rotor after numerous start/stop episodes is known as what?

A bowed rotor

Engineering Log

A complete daily record of events involving engineering. Record of all pertinent information pertaining to the operation of the ship's propulsion system. A legal document that is held on board for a period of 4 years. Maintained by EOOW.

What is located after the air inlet within the bottom of the vent fog precipitator?

A flame arrestor assembly

In case of a failure to both hydraulic pumps what is provided as backup pumping system?

A hand pump

What prevents slippage of the winch when in operation?

A locking device

What protects the steering pump unit from over pressurization?

A relief valve

What prevents steam-jacketed kettle over pressurization?

A relief valve set at 45 psi

What action must be taken if you suspect internal turbine damage that warrants lifting the turbine?

A request to lift is made to NAVSEA

A constant security watch must be maintained when conducting turbine nozzle clearances, the watch must be who?

A responsible E-5 or above

Define the term boom when associated with a shipboard crane?

A structural unit used to lift, transfer or support heavy weights

What is the definition of specific heat?

A thermal property of matter that must be determined experimentally for each substance

What does the term impulse turbine refer to?

A turbine in which the steam impinges upon the rotor blades and moves the rotor by a direct push

What is the definition of a curtis stage turbine?

A velocity-compounded impulse turbine

After the hydrometer is released in the sample adequate time must be allotted for the hydrometer to reach equilibrium, once equilibrium is reached the reading is recorded when conducting which type of fuel oil test?

API gravity

Most modern naval boilers are designed for what type of circulation?

Accelerated natural circulation

On an SSTG turbine, what action must be taken if clearance between the nozzle diaphragm and the adjacent row of blades is outside the limits prescribed by the manufacturer?

Adjust the position of the rotor by changing the filler piece in the thrust bearing

What is the purpose of an air register?

Admits combustion air to the furnace and helps mix air and fuel oil spray

When is the work considered complete on a propulsion turbine that was opened for inspection and repair?

After satisfactory dock and post repair trials

What will increase in boiler water due to an excessive amount of hydroxyl ions?


Which property of boiler water that is either too low or too high for a long period of time can cause general waterside thinning of boiler tubes?


What is required to be done to all blowdown valves after completion of a 15 minute cooldown period?

All valves shall be retorqued to prevent leakage.

What does the acronym AEL stand for?

Allowance Equipage Lists

What does the acronym APL stand for?

Allowance Parts Lists

What material are oil deflectors manufactured from?

Aluminum or bronze

What prevents over travel of the aircraft elevator?

An electrical stopping device which limits the stroke of the ram

Modem aircraft carrier elevators are powered by what?

An electrohydraulic power unit

Define the term K-factor when associated with reduction gears?

An index that indicates the intensity of tooth load from the standpoint of tooth surface durability

Where is Firebrick likely to break at when raising the boiler furnace temperature too rapidly

Anchor bolts

How often are overflow line valves inspected and cleaned that are accessible without entering the tank?


Main engine turbine bearings are measured for wear at what normal interval?


What parts of an outside micrometer are adjusted to touch the piece being measured?

Anvil and spindle

. How many calories equal 1 BTU?

Approximately 252

What function does nichrome wire serve in the refractory?

As a anchoring device

Routine boiler water samples are taken at what frequency?

At least every 24 hours

If a metal edge filter is installed in the oil line on an auxiliary turbine, the filter handle shall be turned how many times per watch?

At least once per watch

Male threads on threaded fasteners, when installed and tightened, shall protrude the distance of at least how many threads?

At least one thread length beyond the top of the nut

When does torsional critical speed normally occur in an operating MRG?

At low speed

. The kingpost bearing is located were?

At the top of the kingpost

Two main components of an oil boiler?

Atomizer assembly and air register assembly

Who authorizes Out of Calibration and Out of Commission labels?

Authorizing Officer

Who conducts boiler flex testing?

Automatic boiler control tech

What device is installed to stop the high pressure air compressor automatically when the cooling water rises above a safe limit?

Automatic temperature shut down device

which unit of measurement is used to measure the heating value of fuel?


On an SSTG, what protects the turbine casing from excessive pressure?

Back pressure trip

What type of tile is made of silicon carbide ?

Baffle tile

What type of tile is made of silicon carbide?

Baffle tile

What is the friction loss in a journal bearing directly proportional to?

Bearing oil viscosity

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which term refers to the act of adding or subtracting from a control system signal?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is accomplished by adjusting the handwheel on the compensating relay, which can be accomplished on a 4-way compensating relay?


What type of plug would be used to plug a drum or header tube hole after tube removal if replacement tubes are unavailable?

Blind nipple

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, All safety valves installed onboard naval vessels have a blowdown range of what?

Blowdown range shall be between 3 and 6 percent

What is used to keep a record of defective boiler tubes and renewed tubes?

Boiler tube renewal sheet

Which document must be used to record all boiler tube work and replacement?

Boiler tube renewal sheet

What is defined as the feedwater as it enters the boiler steam drum?

Boiler water

What will increase along with the valve failing open due to a ruptured feedwater control valve diaphragm?

Boiler water level

What type of cleaning is required for a newly erected boiler?

Boiling out

How are flanges installed in a non ferrous system?


A firebrick with the following dimensions 21/2"x 4 1/2x 13 9/16 is often referred to as?

Brick and a half

Which type of failure is indicated by a hot spot on the burner air register on an operating boiler?

Brick work

Who maintains the Engineer's Bell Book when throttle control is on the bridge?

Bridge personnel

What unit is heat measured in?

British thermal units (BTU)

What device is installed on main engine thrust bearings to indicate flow?

Bullseye bubblers or as properly termed-sight flow indicators

Who is authorized to extend the ten year reduction gear inspection?

By TYCOM when operating conditions indicate that a longer interval between inspections is desirable

How are individual economizer tubes connected?

By U-Bends at the tube ends

how are individual economizer tubes connected?

By U-Bends at the tube ends

How is a dental-type coupling lubricated?

By a continuous flow of oil to the coupling teeth through the adjacent bearing feedline or spray nozzle

How is axial-entry type turbine blading secured to the rotor wheel (disk)?

By a platform interlock, pin or key

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, How is continuous drainage of the soot blower piping system accomplished?

By means of internal hole drilled in the body or seat of the bilge drain valve

How is propulsion turbine bearing wear determined?

By measuring the outside diameter of the rotor journal and the inside diameter of the bearing to determine actual oil clearances. The difference between the old and the new clearance readings will be the amount of bearing wear

Where are bearing measurements recorded and by whom?

By the Work center supervisor and logged in a permanent bearing book

What two main factors determine whether the rotor is moved by a direct impulse or reaction?

By the angle at which the steam hits the moving blades

If damaged labyrinth packing cannot be replaced due to operational commitments, how can the packing be repaired?

By use of a chisel bar and a hand chisel to straighten the teeth

Which CASREP category would prevent a ship from getting underway or accomplishing its mission?


who can authorize the continued operation of the equipment past the 7 day warning limit for L/O should an operational necessity exist?


What medium is used to inflate the main shaft seal under normal conditions?


What are the two major hardness constituents and the primary sources of scale in the boilers and feed system heat exchange equipment?

Calcium and magnesium

Before using a torque wrench you must ensure that the wrench has been what?

Calibrated and label affixed

What is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 degree on the Celsius (C) scale?

Calorie (cal)

In order to calculate the required amount of descaling solution what must be known about the dishwashing machine?

Capacity in gallons

Which material is used to construct boiler generating tubes?

Carbon steel

What type of deposits are formed in the boiler, when the boiler water is contaminated with oil?

Carbonaceous deposits

What two processes are used to harden gear elements?

Carburizing and nitriding

What type of refractory is preferred for small repairs or where standard size brick or tile cannot be used?

Castable fireclay

What type of corrosion is caused by shore water contamination?

Caustic corrosion

What is the recommended covering for the stopper when placing the stopper in the centrifuge tube?


The steam separators separate the steam and water mixture by what action?

Centrifugal action

Gaps exceeding 1/4 inch on two sidewall tubes should be filled with ceramic fiber or which other material

Ceramic fiber rope

Which term describes a metallic hammering sound or a definite vibratory noise within a safety valve when setting boiler safeties?


Which type of valve are overboard overflows fitted with to prevent back flow of water from the sea?


Fuel oil used in the boiler is considered what type of energy?


Combustion is an example of what type of energy?

Chemical energy

What is done to a PMS check on the PMS weekly schedule to indicate that it has not been completed during the week?


Outside dovetail type turbine blading is used with what type of entry?

Circumferential entry

Which type of boiler tube damage is indicated by metal loss that occurs in bands or stripes around the circumference of the tube?

Circumferential grooving

When dumping EDTA to the bilge, what is added to the bilge water to neutralize the EDTA corrosive properties?

Citric acid

What is the only acceptable criteria for an operating MRG lube oil sample?

Clear and bright

What is installed on non-condensing turbines to protect the turbine casing from excessive pressure?

Combination exhaust relieve valves

What is the heating source of the economizer?

Combustion gases

what is the heating source of the economizer?

Combustion gases

Who must approve drill packages prior to conducting ETI drills?

Commanding Officer (CO)

When operating the anchor windlass care must be taken to inspect what frequently?

Compression of brake linings and the clearance between the brake drum and band

After steam has done its work, it is returned to the liquid state by cooling in the condenser, what is this liquid termed?


What is the liquid called that is returned to the liquid state by cooling in a condenser after steam has done its work?


What is the mode of heat transfer by which heat flows from a hotter to a colder substance when there is physical contact between the two substances?


Engineering Bell Book

Contains all changes of speed to the ship's main engines in RPM and other orders received by the throttle-man regarding propeller RPM. A legal document

Liquid load plan (draft report)

Contains draft of ship forward, aft, and mean draft. Submitted daily to the CO.

A boiler the provides some means of controlling the degree of superheat independently of the rate of steam generation is said to have?

Controlled superheat

What is the mode of heat transfer that occurs by transmission of heat by the circulation of a liquid or a gas such as air?


What is one of the primary publications for shipboard use in identifying material and also provides information as to how much of what material to stock aboard ship?

Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL)

What is the most common sealant that is used on turbine casing joints?


Tool marks on boiler tubes be easily identified because they don't resemble the effects of what in any way?


Steam-jacketed kettles are made of what material?

Corrosion-resisting steel

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Over tightening of the gage glass studs can have what detrimental effect?

Cracking of the cone washers

Water tracking along with what else usually occur at the header ends of water wall tubes and division wall tubes of the boiler?


What is the major difference between critical RPMs on an SSTG compared to a auxiliary turbine?

Critical SSTG RPMs are achieved at 20 - 25 percent below normal operating speed, auxiliary turbine critical Rpm's is achieved above normal operating pressure

What term is used when the water and steam reach a point that they are no longer indistinguishable from each other, and no further changes in state can occur with the addition of heat or pressure?

Critical point

What connects the high pressure turbine to the low pressure turbine?

Crossover or Crossunder pipe

What method of measurement is used to determine radial seal wear?

Crown thickness method

What type of brush is used to clean handhole seating surfaces?


Which document contains a numerical listing of outstanding deficiencies for all work centers aboard ship?

Current Ships Maintenance Project (CSMP)

What two types of impulse turbines are used exclusively for auxiliary use?

Curtis-Rateau or straight Rateau

PMS schedules are categorized as Quarterly, Weekly, and which other way?


Which PMS schedule displays the planned maintenance requirements to be performed between major overhauls of the ship?


Which NAVSUP form is used on mechanized (automated) ships?

DD form 1348

How often must operating machinery lube oil be sampled?


How often must the cleaning handle be rotated as well as a cleaning performed on knife edge type strainers while they are online?


The main reduction gear dehumidifier system must be checked at what frequency for correct operation?


The oil king shall check lay-up status at what interval?


What must the authorizing officer notify about in progress tag-outs to ensure that they are fully cognizant of the extent of the tag-out and the status of the material condition of the unit?

Damage Control Central (DCC)

What effect does seawater have on boiler water?

Decreases Alkalinity which could lead to acid corrosion

Which type of firebrick damage can be caused by lowering boiler furnace temperatures too rapidly

Deep fractures

The amount by which the temperature of the superheated steam exceeds the temperature of the saturated steam at the same pressure is known as what?

Degree of superheat

When laying up reduction gears for an extended period what is used to keep themmoisture free?


Steam turbine rotors and bearings are classified as what level of repairable part?

Depot level

What is the quickest means to determine any change in the relief position of the propulsion turbine rotor caused by bearing wear?

Depth gauge micrometer

What type of micrometer would measure holes or recesses?

Depth micrometer

When the humidity indicator cards indicate that the humidity is over 50 percent what action must be taken?

Desiccant must be replaced with fresh material.

Main Space Fire-Fighting Doctrine

Detailed instruction for fighting a fire in the main space, including personnel, plant reconfiguration and methods. Copies are held in DC Central, Repair lockers, Main Control, and the QD.

What are caused on boiler tubes because of faulty manufacturing?

Die marks

What tool is used to dress bruised or rusted threads?


What is the proper procedure for dipping the bricks in mortar when laying firebrick with mortar in place

Dip one end of the brick into the mortar, and then with a wiping motion dip the bottom of the brick

What must be done to correct a chattering safety valve?

Disassembled and rebuilt

Boiler watersides which are open to the atmosphere are subject to what type of corrosion?

Dissolved oxygen

Which type of damage causes localized pitting in boiler tubes?

Dissolved oxygen

What will a malfunctioning or improperly operating DFT cause?

Dissolved oxygen corrosion

Which term refers to evaporated water that is discharged from the ship distilling plant?


What is the purpose of an atomizer?

Divides the fuel into fine particles for combustion

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the atomizer?

Divides the fuel oil into fine particles for combustion

Who signs the PMS Weekly schedule?

Division Officer

Who updates the PMS Quarterly schedule on a weekly basis?

Division Officer

Ships Information Book (SIB)

Document covering general info about the ship, such as length, beam, ship's mission, equipment held onboard, general description, etc.

What is installed between the inner and outer casings of the boiler to carry the downward flow of relatively cool water and thus maintain the boiler circulation?


Which tubes at high firing rates do not generate steam?


Navy electrohydraulic winches are all classified as what type?

Drum type

What type of boiler consists of one or more water drums?

Drum type

What portion of the steam drum contains a manhole for access to the drum for cleaning, inspection and repair?


Which guidelines are established for main propulsion boilers to reduce feedwater consumption on steaming boilers?


Which type of strainer is constructed to house two single element filters?


what are the three parts of the Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS)


Hot air lay-up installation shall be inspected at what interval to ensure proper operation?

Each watch

How often is the pressure drop across a duplex strainer monitored?

Each watch

What boiler component preheats the feedwater prior to its entering the steam drum?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Where is the desuperheater normally located?

Either the steam drum or water drum

What three types of anchor windless will you find onboard ship?

Electric, electrohydraulic and hand driven

Most modem steering gear units are driven by what type of unit?

Electrohydraulic type

What is the definition of mechanical energy?

Energy associated with large bodies or objects

What is the definition of thermal energy?

Energy associated with very small particles called molecules

What is potential energy?

Energy at rest; stored energy

How is the principle of the conservation of energy most simply stated?

Energy in = Energy out

Kinetic energy is defined as?

Energy in motion, producing work

What is the definition of chemical energy?

Energy that arises from the forces that bind the atoms together in a molecule

Custody of keys for all security locks are the responsibility of whom?

Engineer Officer

Inspection plates, connections, fittings or covers, which permit access to the reduction gear casing, must not be removed without whose authority?

Engineer Officer

Who approves operating logs on a daily basis?

Engineer Officer

Who are tag-out audit results reported to?

Engineer Officer

Who authorizes any dismantling or removal of any MRG casing or its access openings, piping, attached fixtures, or fittings?

Engineer Officer

Who conducts the pre-close out inspection of the main reduction gear?

Engineer Officer

Which document is used to record all orders received by the station in control of the throttles regarding a change in the movement of the propellers?

Engineer's Bell Book

Which document explains matters pertaining to organizational management, operation, and readiness within the engineering department?

Engineering Department Organization and Regulations Manual (EDORM)

Permission to open any access to the main engine reduction gears must be obtained from whom?

Engineering Officer

Who determines the need for cutting an exploring block?

Engineering Officer

Who maintains the main engine reduction gear keys at all times?

Engineering Officer

Who signs and dates the PMS Cycle schedule?

Engineering Officer

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Who shall make frequent inspections to ensure that sprayer plates and nozzles are in good condition?

Engineering Officer

Who must be informed if the lube oil sample fails transparency testing?

Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW)

Who shall make frequent inspections to make sure sprayer plates and nozzles are in Good condition?

Engineering officer.

Information on correcting a bowed rotor casualty can be found were?

Engineering operational casualty control (EOCC) guide or NSTM 2316

When a vapor is in contact with the liquid from which it was generated, it remains the same temperature as the boiling liquid. In this condition the liquid and the vapor are said to be in?

Equilibrium contact

What does the term distillate refer to?

Evaporated water that is discharged from the ships distilling plant

. How often is the power driven tube cleaner lubricated while in operation?

Every 10 minutes

During a serious contamination incident boiler samples are drawn at what interval?

Every 15-30 minutes

Main propulsion boilers are inspected at what periodicity?

Every 18 months

What is the required frequency of cleaning boiler watersides with the chelant system installed?

Every 18 months during boiler inspection

What's is the normal dismantling period to rebuild a safety shutoff device?

Every 1800 hours

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the normal dismantling period to rebuild a safety shutoff device?

Every 1800 hours

How often are boiler firesides cleaned?

Every 1800 to 2000 steaming hours

What is the periodicity for testing boiler safety hand easing gear?

Every 1800 to 2000 steaming hours

When warming a propulsion turbine, the turbine should be rotated with steam at what interval?

Every 2 - 3 minutes

Waterborne propeller visual inspections are conducted at what frequency?

Every six months

Main reduction gears are inspected by NAVSEA at what interval?

Every ten years or when conditions warrant

An incandescent dazzling white burner flame is an indication of what?

Excessive air

What is installed to provide space for the refractories to expand without putting pressure on the linings

Expansion joints

What function do the metal projections on the economizer tubes serve?

Extend the heat transfer surface of tubes

Dies are used to cut what type of threads?

External threads

what system do not use corrugated ribbon packing?

F/O and L/O systems

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which effect will a failure of an airflow transmitter have on an operating steam plant?

F/O header pressure will decrease to minimum

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what effect on the fuel oil header pressure will a blown diaphragm within the F/O characterizing relay on a general regulator combustion control system have?

F/O pressure will go to max and cause black smoke boiler casualty

Which type of tamping mix is used for repairing cracks in deteriorated or failed refractory

FC-25 fiberfax

Blistering paint on the boiler air casing is an indication of what inside the boiler air casing?


What type of hazard does soot create?

Fire hazard

What refractory is used for the innermost layer of the firebox furnace?


Which type of refractory brick is the innermost layer of the furnace made from?


Leakage from tube seats higher up in the bank is the most common cause of which type of boiler tube grooving?


Which type of grooving which causes metal loss and bands around the tube normally occurs at horizontal tubes in the boiler such as superheated tubes?


What is caused by steaming the boiler with a dry tube?

Fireside burning

What is defined as a uniform loss of tube metal over a large area on the outside of the tubes?

Fireside thinning

Prevention of scale in dishwashing machines is essential for what two reasons?

First, excessive scale will clog pipes and drains. Second, scale deposits provide a haven for harmful bacteria

How many types of propulsion turbines are used in the Navy?


Which type of ahead speed does the symbol "III" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?


What on the BD is an indication of unburned fuel vapors within the firebox?

Fogged mirror

What is mechanical potential energy measured in?


When the main feed pump discharges Feedwater toward the boiler, the Feedwater is transported by what kind of heat transfer?

Forced convection

Main reduction gear pinion's are made from what material?

Forged steel

Which type of QA package would a motor rewind require?

Formal Work Package

What is defined as written instructions prepared IAW JFMM 4790.3 for use in production and repair, delineating all essential elements and guidance necessary to produce acceptable and reliable results?

Formal Work Package (FWP)

What is the initial reaction that takes place between pure oxygen-free water and the iron in the boiler water after light-off?

Formation of a magnetite layer

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, The accumulation of heavy fireside deposits can be significantly reduced by what?

Frequent use of soot blowers

Which type of tanks provide stability at sea, torpedo protection, and flooding controlduring underwater damage?

Fuel oil ballast

During a furnace inspection prior to light off the boiler inspection device (BIDS) fogs up, what is the probable cause?

Fuel oil in furnace

Which type of ahead speed does the symbol "II" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?


Which Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) section is termed the 100 series?


How are atomizer spray plates orifices checked for proper size?

GO/N-GO Gage

Prior to entering the boiler drums or firebox the boiler must be certified to be?

Gas Free

What increases engine backlash?

Gear wear

Classify the two types of Conveyors commonly used aboard ship?

Gravity and powered

Boiler full power capability will be affected if what percentage of generating tubes are plugged?

Greater than 5 percent

How tight are installed boiler safety valve gags required to be?


What tool is used to resurface handhole seats?

Handhole seat refacing tool

Which type of deposits is the boiling out procedure for naval boilers used to remove?


What advantage does a locked-train reduction gear have over other designs?

Has the capability of transmitting higher powers, lower sensitivity to misalignments,and ease of maintenance

Chief Engineer (CHENG)

Head of the Engineering Dept responsible, under the CO, for the operation, care, and maintenance of all propulsion and auxiliary machinery, the control of damage, and upon request of the head of the dept concerned, the accomplishment of repairs beyond their capabilities.

Newly fitted boiler generating tubes are properly installed by first fitting the tubes in the steam drum and then in the water drum or what else?


Thermal energy in transition is termed?


What are normally found on the fire row of the generating bank of boiler tubes?

Heat blisters

what are two dry lay-up methods?

Heated air Desiccant

What two types of reduction gear teeth are in use today on propulsion reduction gears?

Herring bone and Helical gears

Thermal energy of main steam is transformed to mechanical energy at what point in the basic steam cycle?

High and low pressure turbines

How is hard fouling removed from heat exchangers?

High pressure water-jet or acid cleaning

Which effect on the superheater outlet temperature will a low boiler economizer outlet temperature have?

High superheater outlet temperature

Boiler water carryover to the steam turbines is the greatest concern for the engineering plant when which type of boiler casualty occurs?

High water

What type of propeller cleaning uses nonsiliceous material?


Power is measured in what common unit?


A steam blanket lay-up shall be monitored at what frequency by the responsible watch stander?


How is a desiccant lay-up monitored, after the lay-up is established?

Hourly by the responsible watch stander and daily by the oil king

What are the two types of safety valves used onboard naval vessels?

Huddling chamber and nozzle reaction

What is used to indicate that is a desiccant lay-up is within requirements?

Humidity indicator cards

The drum shaft on an electrohydraulic winch is normally driven by what?

Hydraulic motor

When is the industrial hydrazine/morpholine lay-up considered lost?

If the hydrazine concentration falls below 10 ppm the lay-up is lost.

Boiler operation along with what else are the major causes of burner front parallel cracking

Improper installation

A bowed rotor is caused by what?

Improper warmup or overheating of the rotor

The high pressure turbine element is normally defined as what type of turbine?

Impulse type

Where is the pre-close out inspection of the main reduction gear logged?

In the engineering log

Where is distillate stored?

In the reserve feed tanks.

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, How must atomizer sprayer plates be stored?

In their storage tray with a light coat of lubricating oil applied to prevent corrosion

How must atomizer sprayer plates be stowed?

In there storage tray with a light coat of lubricating oil applied to prevent corrosion.

What component reduces the steam temperature of saturated steam in the 150 psig steam system?

In-line desuperheater

As the Alkalinity of the boiler water decreases, the severity of dissolved oxygen attack does what?


What effect does disodium phosphate (DSP) have on boiler water?

Increases phosphate and conductivity.

The thimble on an outside micrometer is divided into what increments?

Increments of 5 (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 etc.)

How long is the hydrazine/morpholine lay-up good for?

Indefinitely as long as the required hydrazine concentration is maintained.

Operational logs

Individual equipment log. Allows to establish a history.

Which type of strainers are prohibited for use in the fuel oil system?

Inline or cone

Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Maintenance Data System (MDS), along with which other system are the three separate 3-M system subsystems?

Intermediate Maintenance Management System (IMMS)

What are the two forms of stored thermal energy?

Internal potential energy and internal kinetic energy

Taps are used to cut what type of threads?

Internal threads

which type of fuel is defined as aviation turbine fuel?


What is used to identify a specific or non-specific maintenance action?

Job Sequence Number (JSN)

What maintains the radial position of the propulsion turbine rotor?

Journal bearings

The main engine thrust bearing is normally what type?

Kingsbury pivoted-segmental-shoe type

which program was established because of the importance of good quality lubricating oil?

L/O quality management

Will the inside of a properly closing expansion joints be light or dark in color


On an SSTG, what is used to seal the nozzle diaphragm and the rotor to prevent steam leakage?

Labyrinth packing

What device is installed on the main engine to prevent the leakage of steam from the engine?

Labyrinth seals

The changing of steam to condensate in the main condenser is an example of what heat effect?

Latent heat of condensation

What is the term associated with a substance that changes from a gas or vapor to a liquid?

Latent heat of condensation

Who is responsible for directly supervising the preparation of a Formal Work Package for the equipment they are in charge of?

Leading Petty Officer (LPO)

What is the insulating value of firebrick when compared to insulating block

Less than 1110th that of insulation block

When a dehumidifer is installed during an extended MRG lay-up, the dehumidifer must maintain what relative humidity within the MRG casing?

Less than 35 percent relative humidity

A nut designated B-16 is considered what level of threaded fastener?

Level one

Propellers that have been in operation for more than five years must be inspected by what technique?

Liquid penetrant

What provide the most current listing of the Maintenance Index Pages (MIPs) assigned to each department divided by work centers?

List of Effective Pages (LOEP)

When dissolved oxygen enters the boiler water, it causes what type of corrosion?

Localized (pitting) corrosion

What is the requirement for the installation of locks onmain reduction gear panels and plates?

Locks are required on all panels and plates with 12 or fewer bolts and nuts

The main engine flexible coupling serves to protect the engine from?

Longitudal and angular forces

What determines the backlash on a pair of double helical gears?

Longitudinal movement

Which detrimental effect on the propulsion plant will a low condensate inlet pressure to the OFT have?

Low DPT level

What is used to clean the prairie holes on a propeller?

Low pressure air

Turbine casing drains normally drain to what piece of equipment or system?

Low pressure drain system or main condenser

Air compressors are divided into what three classes?

Low, medium, and high pressure

Which type of sample must be drawn prior to starting any steam driven turbine equipment?

Lube oil

What action shall be taken if you discover lumps in a newly opened bag of castable?

Lumps indicate moisture contamination therefore the castable must be discarded.

Which ship's publication is used to combat Class B fires in propulsion spaces?

Main Space Fire Doctrine (MSFD)

Which condensers are the principle sources of condensate?

Main and auxiliary

After securing the engine, equalized cooling of the shaft is made possible by what device?

Main engine jacking gear

What device prevents rotation of the propeller during a casualty?

Main engine locking device

Engineering Department Organization Manual (EDORM)

Maintained at the department level, contains the duties of the personnel, organizational chain of command, and basically what is expected of each individual in each department.

Cold Iron Watch/ In-port equipment monitor

Maintains watch on operating auxiliary systems and equipment. Acts as a security watch in the engine room: also a fire and flooding watch. Makes frequent inspections of his assigned areas and reports any unusual conditions to the OOD. Watch is located in the FWD and AFT Main.

What provides detailed procedures for performing maintenance requirements and tells who, what, how, and with which resources a specific requirement is to be accomplished?

Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC)

In ships equipped with demineralizers, the water entering the demineralizer from any tank is called reserve Feedwater, while the water flowing out of the demineralizer to the condensate system is called?

Makeup Feedwater

In ships equipped with demineralizers, the water entering the demineralizer from any tank is called reserve feedwater, while the water flowing out of the demineralizer to the condensate system is called?

Makeup feedwater

Naval Ship's Technical Manual (NSTM)

Manuals containing instruction and guidance concerning shipboard procedures, equipment repairs, testing, and overall management of materials, equipment, and systems

What are adjacent boiler tubes defined as when they are warped in such a way that they touch each other?


Which name is given to a record sheet that has technical bulletins that contain information about material such as composition, chemical characteristics, health and safety hazards and precautions for safe handling and use?

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

EDTA cleaning is considered what type of cleaning?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What are the two types of atomizers used with main propulsion boilers?

Mechanical and steam atomizers

What are the two types of atomizers used with main propulsion boilers?

Mechanical and steam atomizers.

How can you retrieve small articles that have fallen into places where you cannot reach them by hand?

Mechanical fingers

What are the two forms of mechanical energy?

Mechanical potential and mechanical kinetic energy

How often is the Current Ships Maintenance Project (CSMP) verified and updated?


What is used to perform the heat stress survey in the absence of the WGBT meter?

Motorized psychrometer

Movement of the balanced piston-type valve to the off-center position will cause the aircraft elevator to?

Move upward

Which series lists the sources from which rating exam questions are taken?


Which series lists all current training manuals and courses?


Which series provides information about minimum requirements for advancement to each pay grade within each rating?


Turbine failure must be reported to whom?


Water washing of boiler firesides shall only be accomplished after approval from whom?


What must approve lighting fires in a boiler with newly installed castable refractory after an air-cure of only one-day


What must grant permission to change safety valve settings?


Who approves all procedures for repairing non-bronze propellers?


Who is the approving authority for turbine casing and rotor weld repairs?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the only authority that can approve the blanking of soot blowers?


Which series should be referred to because of rapid 3-M system changes?


The boiler tubes removed are examined by the activity that removed them and a report of findings and recommended actions are sent to the Type Commander (TYCOM), NAVSEA along with what else?


What must all boiler tube failures be reported to?


Which NAVSUP form is used on non-automated ships?

NAVSUP Form 1250

Which form is designed to serve a dual purpose as a custody record and an inventory control document?

NAVSUP Form 306

Which form is mandatory when dealing with controlled equipage?

NAVSUP Form 306

2. Which form must be used to order a repair part and no NSN can be determined?

NAVSUP form 1348-6

What publication lists general information on threaded fasteners?

NSTM 075

Volume 3 of which publication contains general guidelines concerning engineering casualty control?

NSTM 079

Which publication gives instructions on preparing and use of the Engineering Log?

NSTM 090

Which publication provides general information on Records, Tests, Inspections, and Reports?

NSTM 090

Which publication gives burner tile fitting guidance?

NSTM 221

where can guidance and general info on all naval boilers be found?

NSTM 221

Where can guidance and general information on all naval boilers be found?

NSTM 221, Boilers

What NSTM contains information on the repair and care of labyrinth packing?

NSTM 231

What NSTM deals with propulsion and SSTG turbines?

NSTM 231

Detailed information on reduction gear security can be found in what NSTM?

NSTM 241

What NSTM has general reduction gear information?

NSTM 241

What NSTM covers general information on all types of propellers?

NSTM 245

Which publication covers specific lube oil testing requirements?

NSTM 262

where can installation and other info be found pertaining to flange shields?

NSTM 505

In what publication will you find guidance on acid cleaning of heat exchangers?

NSTM 531

Water contamination tests for fuel oil storage and service tanks and procedures for cleaning such contaminated tanks can be found where?

NSTM 541, Petroleum and fuel oil testing

water contamination tests for fuel oil storage and service tanks and procedures for cleaning such contaminated tanks can be found where?

NSTM 541, petroleum and oil testing

In what publication can you find general information on compressed air systems?

NSTM 551

. All bilge water contaminated with hydrazine must be disposed of in accordance with what publication?

NSTM 593

Which publication must EDTA used for waterside cleaning must be disposed of in accordance with

NSTM 593

which publication covers pollution control procedures?

NSTM 593

Turbine lagging pads must be verified as non-asbestos by using what guidance?

NSTM 635

where can detailed info on the selection of insulation, lagging, and fastening be found?

NSTM 635

What reference can be used to find general information on Main engine reduction gears?

NSTM 9420

Where can specific information be found concerning pressure gages and thermometers?

NSTM Chap 504

What is the common language of supply material identification?

National Stock Number (NSN)

The circulation in a natural circulation boiler is an example of what kind of heat transfer?

Natural convection

Who performs the ten year reduction gear inspection?

Naval shipyard or contracted shipyard

A PH of seven is defined as?


A stud or nut marked "NC" indicates what?

Nickel-Copper (monel) composition

What medium is used along with oil pressure to power the aircraft elevator?


What is the time limit on a sodium nitrite wet lay-up?

No time limit

Is it allowable to use shore steam for steam atomization?

No, due to its poor quality.

What type of fasteners must be used in salt water coolers?


What is the minimum pressure, at which a bottom blow down, shall be preformed?

Not less than 100 PSI

Which order are drawings in the Ship Drawing Index (SDI) listed in?


Who accomplishes retiming of locked train gears?

OEM personnel

Which form must be filled out if a problem arises with a piece of machinery that is beyond the repair capability of the ships force?

OPNAV Form 4790/2K

Which references delineates proper tag-out procedures?


which instruction outlines the provisions of the federal law that deals with pollution control?


What causes the ram to move on an electrohydraulic steering unit?

Oil pressure applied to one end of the operating cylinder

Lube oil sample bottles must have the equipment, date, time, and which other information on the label?

Oil type

After securing the MRG, the main lube oil pump is secured JAW what criteria?

Once the lube oil temperature is within 10 degrees F of engine room ambient temperature

How many pumps normally drive one wildcat?


During the weekly lubrication of the reduction gear, the propeller shaft should be jacked how many turns?

One and quarter (1 1/4) turns

What is considered a stage on an impulse turbine?

One set of nozzles and the succeeding row or rows of moving and fixed blades

Dishwashing machines are classified into what three groups?

One, two or three-tank machines

How long is it permissible to interrupt a steam or nitrogen blanket lay-up to perform emergency repairs?

Only one during the lay-up period for a maximum of 8 hours.

Main Propulsion Assistant (MPA)

Operation, care, and maintenance of the ship's propulsion machinery and such other auxiliaries as may be assigned.

Lay Up (LU), Periodic Maintenance (PM), Start Up (SU), along with what else comprise the four Inactive Equipment Maintenance (IEM) PMS periodicity codes?

Operational Test (OT)

Engineering night orders

Orders written by the CHENG covering any special instructions and comments, normally covering the time between 2000 and 0800

Which work center receives and files the PMS feedback report 4790/7B green copy?


What is used to descale a dishwasher?

Orthophosphoric acid, 85 percent

What type of micrometer would be used to measure a piece of round stock?

Outside micrometer

What term is usually attributable to deficiency of air and excessive vibration of the boiler?


Which type of burner front cracks eventually results in extensive damage and run approximately parallel to the surface of the burner front


Which type of anchors are used for castable or plastic refractory


Which term is used to describe openings in a tube not associated with tube enlargement?


What is the most common type of tube perforation?

Pinhole leak

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Soot blower piping systems must be warmed up sufficiently to prevent what?

Piping failure

Lube oil samples are taken at intervals specified by Engineering Operating Sequencing System (EOSS along with which other system?

Planned maintenance system (PMS)

What is the maximum allowable safety valve lifting pressure tolerance on boilers with a steam drum pressure of 711-1410 psi?

Plus or minus 10 psi

What is the maximum allowable safety valve lifting pressure tolerance on boilers with a steam drum pressure of 325 psi or below?

Plus or minus 3 psi

What is the maximum allowable safety valve lifting pressure tolerance on boilers with a steam drum pressure of 326-710 psi?

Plus or minus 5 psi

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the lifting tolerance for safety valves installed on 600 psig boilers?

Plus or minus 5 psig

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What function does the safety shutoff device serve?

Prevents oil spillage when an atomizer assembly is removed from a burner while the burner root valve is still open

What function does the safety shutoff valve serve?

Prevents oil spillage when an atomizer is removed from a burner while the burner root valve is still open

What is the purpose of gland sealing steam?

Prevents steam from leaking out of the main engine and air from being introduced into the engine

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Why is a ball check valve installed in the bottom cutout valve of the gage glass?

Prevents the escape of hot water in case the gage glass breaks

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, The majority of ships have two remote water level indicators that are designated in what manner?

Primary and secondary

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, The first stage in the separation of steam and water in a CE boiler is accomplished by what?

Primary separators

Unevaporated boiler water carried out of the steam drum with the steam, caused by the malfunctioning steam drum internals is termed?


How often are low pressure air compressor relief valves lifted by hand?

Prior to first daily use

What purpose do the generating tubes serve?

Provide area which most saturated steam is generated

What is the purpose of the diffuser?

Provides primary mixing of the fuel droplets with air and prevents blowing the flame away from the atomizer.

What must be done to the tube to prevent an increase in pressure and the possibility of blowing the plug out of the tube after plugging if a boiler tube cannot be removed immediately because of its location in the boiler and a decision is made to plug the tube


Which Quality Assurance (QA) form is used for testing and inspection?

QA Form 17

Fundamentals, Systems, Watch-standing, along with which other section comprise the four major Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) sections?

Qualification cards

Which Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) section is termed the 400 series?

Qualification cards

The handhole refacing tool must only be used by what personnel?

Qualified personnel

Which PMS schedule has a "Next Four Weeks" column?


Which type of burner front cracks are caused by stresses resulting from normal expansion and contraction


What type of burner front cracking, is cause by stresses resulting from the normal expansion and contraction?

Radial cracking

What is a mode of heat transfer that does not require any physical contact between the warmer substance and the cooler substance?


What type of heat transfer is generated by the sun as it heats the earth without heating space?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, A broken mica on the gage glass must be replaced at first opportunity to prevent what?

Rapid fogging of the glass

What is a single stage impulse turbine usually called?


What type of turbine does not have a nozzle to direct steam, but has a set of fixed blades?


Sludge in boiler water is an agglomeration of what?

Reaction products of boiler water treatment chemicals with calcium and magnesium contaminants.

What type of steam turbine moves the rotor by the force of reaction?

Reaction turbine

The low pressure turbine element is normally defined as what type of turbine?

Reaction type

Reduction gear tooth contact can be inspected by applying what?

Red or blue dykem to the gears

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What purpose does the vortex eliminator serve in the steam drum?

Reduces the swirling motion of the water as it enters the downcomers

Bacteria in the water is maintained by what?

Regulation of water temperature

In the moving blades of an impulse turbine, steam loses velocity, and pressure does what?

Remains constant

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is installed on the boiler to allow the operators to observe the water level from their watch stations?

Remote water level indicators

Daily fuel and water report

Report of ship's liquid load, including amount of fuel, lube oil, and water on hand. Also includes the previous day's feed and potable water, results of tests on water, and steaming hour. Signed by CHENG, MPA, and Oil King.

Boat Report

Report submitted by the BM's stating the equipment status on the boats.

Lowering the adjusting ring on a huddling chamber safety valve when setting boiler safety valves will decrease blowdown and raise what?

Reseating pressure

in boiler feedwater, Which tanks is distillate stored?

Reserve feed

What is the most common cause of turbine blade failure?

Resonant blade vibration

Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW)

Responsible for the proper performance of engineering plant and safety while underway. In charge of main propulsion plant and associated auxillaries. Reports to the OOD.

Gas Free Engineer

Responsible for the testing of all spaces that may have been overrun by gases. only the gas fire engineer can certify space safe to enter. DCA is the gas free engineer.

Oil King/Water King

Responsible for the water and fuels onboard.

Fire Marshall

Responsible to the CDO for the inport Fire Party.

Engineering Duty Officer (EDO).

Responsible to the CDO for the watchers and care of equipment while in port. Also in charge of the fire party

What are two types of boiler tube expanders?

Roller and ball-drift

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Soot blowers now in service may be classified into what two general types?

Rotary and stationary

What is formed by ash and other unburnable materials such as seawater solids that react with brick work


Thick lipped ruptures are the most common type of rupture in which type of tubes?


What tool is used to split boiler tubes in preparation for removal?

Safety ripping chisel

Lowering the nozzle ring on a nozzle reaction safety valve when setting boiler safety valves will reduce the nozzle effect and decrease what else?

Safety valve blowdown

Wire-twister pliers are designed to reduce the time used to install what type of wiring?

Safety wiring

Which type of damage causes deformation from semi-plastic flow of the tube metal caused by mild overheat?


The temperature at which a liquid boils under pressure is called the Saturation temperature, and the corresponding pressure is called what?

Saturation pressure

Which type of deposits act as insulators and reduce the heat transfer across any surface?


Which tube should be removed when the NAVSSES boiler inspector directs personnel to remove a boiler tube for analysis during a regular overhaul to determine if the boiler is in need of acid cleaning?

Screen tube, 2/3-furnace depth

What tool isused to remove broken screws without damaging the surrounding material or the threaded hole?

Screw extractor

Boiler safety valve gags when applied with excessive force can cause safety spindle deformation and may damage what else?

Seating surface

What medium is used to cool the stem tube during operation?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What component separates the steam and water mixture by a series of corrugated plates that create rapid changes in direction?

Secondary separators

If you are unable to correct the white smoke condition within one minute, what action must be taken?

Secure the boiler

All reduction gears are fitted with oil spray nozzles that spray oil onto the gears, if these nozzles become clogged what corrective action must be taken?

Secure the gears and clean the affected oil spray nozzles. Spray nozzles are required to be kept open during any gear operation

Propellers are visually inspected at what periodicity?


At what frequency is the main shaft inflatable seal tested?

Semi-Annually or IAW PMS

What is the periodicity of testing air compressor relief valves that cannot be tested by hand?

Semi-annually in accordance with PMS

What are the two effects that the flow of heat has on a substance?

Sensible and latent

Which index lists onboard ships drawings and blueprints?

Ship Drawing Index (SDI)

A short term decrease in drum water level which results from a change in firing rate or steam flow without any corresponding change in the feeding rate is termed what?


Which type of air powered chisel is used to cut the old tube flush with the drum or header?

Side cutting

Desiccant is mostly comprised of what material?

Silica gel or silicate

Which term describes the first escape of steam before a safety valve lifts?


Which type of strainer consists of one or more cylindrically shaped fine mesh screens or perforated metal?


A propeller that vibrates at a natural frequency is characterized by what term?


What does the term Singled-up refer to when dealing with propulsion turbines?

Singled-up is used as an emergency means of getting underway when a casualty occurs to either the HP or LP turbine in which one is placed out of commission. Singled-up of a turbine requires the operator to disconnect one of the turbine's power driven unit

Which type of check is indicated by a PMS periodicity code of "R"?

Situation Requirement

Heavy and prolonged seawater contamination of the fuel oil will form what type of corrosive products on the brick work?

Slag formation

Spalling along with what else are the two main causes of refractory deterioration


What two parts of an outside micrometer do you take the reading from?

Sleeve and thimble

What is the most common bearing found in MRG's?


Hand-driven windlasses are used on what type of vessels?

Small ships where the anchor gear can be handled without excessive effort by operating personnel

Which type of solution -can be used in conjunction with the back of your hand to find leaks within the boiler air casing?


High pressure water-jet cleaning is used to remove what type of waterside deposits?

Soft deposits

What are the three basic physical states of all matter?

Solid, liquid and gas

Which type of corrosion is the most common cause of fireside thinning?


Which type of bearings have the primary function of guiding the soot blower?

Soot blower

What is the loss of firebrick through cracking and subsequent breaking or crumbling called


Which type of packing is usually used on soot blowers?

Split ring

What is installed to keep moisture out of the uptakes and boiler firesides?

Stack covers

Boiler superheated tubes are constructed of chromium, carbon molybdenum, and which other material in some applications?

Stainless steel

Which type of ahead speed does the symbol "I" indicate when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?


What type of plug is normally used in plugging boiler tubes?

Standard taper plug

Control or regulating systems for naval air compressors are mainly what type?

Start-stop type

What causes the initial lifting of safety valve?

Static pressure

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What causes the initial lifting of a safety valve?

Static pressure

what are the five wet lay-up methods?

Steam blanket Nitrogen Hot deaerated fill Sodium nitrate Hydrazine/morpholine

What does the term radial flow mean?

Steam flows radially either toward or away from the axis of the rotor

What is installed upstream in the steam line of the governor to protect an SSTG turbine from debris?

Steam strainer

What is probably clogged if lube oil pressure at the pump increases suddenly?


The propeller and shaft is supported outside the hull of the ship by?

Strut and strut bearing

What is the preferred material for expansion join construction?


What acid cleaning method is used onboard ship for coolers?

Sulfamic acid cleaning

The amount of heat applied to steam to raise its temperature above the saturation temperature, while maintaining constant pressure is defined as?


Which type of tubes are normally found to contain thermal cracks?


Steam which has been heated above its saturation temperature for any given pressure is called what?

Superheated steam

On a D-type boiler with an integral superheater, what protects the superheater from overheating during the initial steam formation?

Superheater protection steam (SHPS)

Oxygen pitting mostly occurs in boiler tube down comers, steam ends of generating tubes, along with where else?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the scavenging air connection located on the soot blower head?

Supplies air to the soot blower element to prevent the combustion gases from backing up into the soot blower head or the steam piping

What determines the amount of oxygen that will dissolve in water?

Surface pressure and temperature

Which Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) section is termed the 200 series?


Which part of 2190 TEP lube oil indicates that the oil contains additives for special purposes?


What must be signed by the repair activity representative if they request a tag-out to indicate that they are satisfied with the completeness of the tag-out?

Tag-out record sheet

What causes a reduction in stability and makes a ship more sensitive to heeling moments?

Tank free surface

What is used to cut threads in metal, plastics, and rubber?

Tap and dies

How is mortared firebrick tapped in place once the mortared fire brick is laid into position

Tap it firmly, both side wise and backwards, so that it will be forced into position

What type of gauge is used to measure the clearance between the high pressure and low pressure turbines?

Taper gauge

What type of plugs are used to plug blocked tubes temporarily in heat exchangers?

Tapered phenolic plugs

What type of turbine blading is used for installation in circumferential grooves?

Tee-root blading

When the ship is docked and the gears are rotated by the turning gear, throttles are closed and secured with a chain and lock. Who is responsible for the key to that lock?

The Engineer Officer

When a defective turbine part is received from the navy stock system, what report must be filed?

The Quality Deficiency Report (QDR), SF364

What is the basic cause of all boiler explosions?

The accumulation of unburned fuel or combustion vapors at some point in the system

what is the basic cause of all boiler explosions?

The accumulation of unburned fuel or combustion vapors at some point in the system

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the boiler air cock valves?

The air cock allows air to escape when the boiler is being filled and when steam is first forming; it also allows air to enter the steam drum when the boiler is being emptied

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the air register?

The air register admits combustion air to the furnace and helps mix the air and the fuel oil spray

Define the term backlash?

The amount by which the width of a tooth space exceeds the tooth thickness of the engaging tooth at the operating pitch circle

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings,What are the two main components of an oil burner?

The atomizer assembly and the air register assembly

The term total float clearance refers to what?

The axial clearance taken with the thrust bearing shoes removed

Turbine blading erosion is usually limited to what area?

The blade or nose tips of the last few rows of low-pressure turbine

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Where does the scavenging air system receive its air source?

The boiler air casing

What must be done to boilers under Deaerated backfill, Steam blanket, or Nitrogen blanket lay-ups prior to shifting to a hydrazine lay-up?

The boiler must be dumped

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, If the safety valves of any boiler cannot be adjusted to lift within the prescribed range, what action must be taken?

The boiler shall not be used for steaming until the fault has been corrected

The term energy is defined as?

The capacity for producing effect

How is a damaged auxiliary turbine blade removed when it is not feasible or the situation does not permit reblading?

The damaged blade and the blade diametrically opposite must be cut off at the junction of the vane portion and the root and the rotor checked for balance if practical

What are the two principal parts of an air register?

The diffuser and air foils

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What are the two principal parts of an air register?

The diffuser and the air foils

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the diffuser?

The diffuser provides primary mixing of the fuel droplets with air and prevents blowing the flame away from the atomizer

End play cold thrust bearing clearance is defined as?

The distance the thrust collar can be moved between the forward and aft thrust bearing faces without applying appreciable load to either face

What is used to remove airborne oil fog emanating from the MRG vent airstream before it can be discharged into the machinery space?

The electrostatic (vent fog) precipitator

Boiler water is defined as?

The feedwater as it enters the boiler feed drum.

Where band brakes are used on the winch drums what should be inspected frequently?

The friction linings

Backlash of main engine reduction gears refers to what?

The gear play between the surfaces of the teeth in mesh measured at the pitch circle

The astern turbine elements are located in what turbine?

The low pressure turbine

What prevents foreign material from entering the High pressure turbine steam chest?

The main steam strainer

Onan impulse turbine were does the steam lose pressure and gain velocity?

The nozzle

What is the total heating surface of a naval boiler defined as?

The portion of the heat transfer tubes which is exposed on one side to the gases of combustion and on the other side to the water or steam being heated.

the term residual fires mean what?

The presence of fire at the burner tips or on the firebox deck after the boiler has been secured

The electrohydraulic steering unit consists of what two major parts?

The ram unit and a power unit

The types of micrometers commonly used are made so that the longest movement possible between the spindle and the anvil is one inch. What is this movement called?

The range

What is the definition of power?

The rate at which work is done

Define transverse diametrical pitch of a reduction gear?

The ratio of the number of teeth to the number of inches of the pitch diameter

The trick wheel allows local control of what?

The rudder

What will move along with the ram unit?

The rudder

Why is a prior to light-off sample not necessary on a boiler that has been freshly filled and treated?

The sample would not be representative of the boiler water, due to inadequate circulation.

The main engine locking device should only be engaged when?

The ship is dead in the water and the propeller is not turning

The Kingsbury thrust bearing shoes serve what purpose?

The shoes are free to tilt and form the hydrodynamic wedge of oil between its babbitt-face and the thrust collar

The area most likely to cavitate on a propeller is?

The suction side of the outer radii and areas near the leading edge

What does the term locked train reduction gear refer to?

The two first-reduction pinions are locked between the two first-reduction gears and transmit power from the turbines equally to the two gears

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is meant by the term stop-check valve?

The valve has two functions a feed stop valve or as check valve, depending on the position of the valve stem

What is the purpose of the apron plates?

They form an annular passageway for the steam and water mixture from the generating tubes to the separators.

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, If mercury filled thermometers are being used in the fireroom, what action must be taken?

They must be removed and replaced when possible

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What must be done when safety valves are accidentally lifted by water during boiler hydrostatic testing?

They shall be tested to ensure proper operation

Which type of tube rupture is caused by milder and prolonged overheat?


Which type of boiler tube rupture resembles a burst bubble; the open lips are uniformly tapered to sharp knife like edges and there is no evidence of cracking or irregular tearing of the metal?


Which types of ruptures are caused by the flow of steam or water that was not adequate enough to absorb the heat to which the tube was exposed?

Thin-lipped tube

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the function of the dry pipe in the steam drum?

This is where the final separation of steam and moisture occurs, which is accomplished by one quick rapid change in direction

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, All safety valves of each boiler shall be tested annually in accordance with what guidelines?

Those guidelines as established by the planned maintenance system

Which dishwashing machine is fully automatic?

Three-tank machine

What maintains the axial position of the propulsion turbine rotor?

Thrust bearings

What is the function of refractory materials?

To confine the heat to the firebox and protect the casing and structural members from overheating.

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, On a nozzle reaction safety valve the guide ring has what function?

To control blowdown

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the cams on the soot blower head?

To control the blowing arc of the soot blower element

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the function of the nozzle ring on a nozzle reaction safety valve?

To control the sharpness of the valve opening and closing

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the nozzles on the soot blower element?

To direct the jets of steam so that they sweep around the tubes, thus preventing direct impingement

What is the function of the fixed blades of a reaction turbine?

To direct the steam flow to the moving blades

What is the purpose of the boiler internal feed-water pipe?

To distribute feed-water evenly throughout the steam drum

What function does the steam smothering system serve?

To extinguish boiler air casing fires.

what is the purpose of the apron plates?

To form annular passageway for steam and water mixture from generating tubes to separators

Why are extraction valves fitted on some LP and HP turbines?

To increase steam cycle efficiency

What is the function of the check valve installed at each end of the feed line of the air compressor?

To keep the compressor air from forcing lube oil back to the lubricator.

The ratchet stop on an outside micrometer serves what purpose?

To lock the micrometer reading in place, preventing slippage

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the bilge drain valve in the soot blower piping system?

To maintain continuous drainage of the system

Why is the main engine lube oil temperature lowered to 100 deg F. upon reaching port or an anchorage?

To minimize moisture buildup and rust formation on the reduction gears

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Smoke periscopes are fitted on naval boilers for what reason?

To observe the quality of the combustion gases passing through the uptakes

What is the function of the staff packing on an SSTG?

To prevent leakage of steam from an ingress of air into the turbines

Why are all naval boilers layed-up when idle for more than 24 hours?

To prevent oxygen corrosion of the boiler watersides.

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Why must a predetermined tightening sequence be used when tightening the gage glass studs?

To provide a uniform compression on the sealing surfaces to prevent leakage

Why is Hydrazine added to the condensate/feedwater system?

To reduce corrosion in the pre-boiler system.

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the purpose of the desuperheater?

To reduce the temperature of a portion of the superheated steam to be used in auxiliary steam systems

What function does the air compressor unloading system serve?

To remove all but the friction load on the air compressor

What is purpose of backflushing heat exchangers?

To remove soft fouling

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is the reason for operating the soot blowers in a proper sequence?

To sweep the soot toward the uptakes

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, Safety valves installed on 1200 psig boilers have a lifting pressure tolerance of what?

Tolerance plus or minus 10 psig

What tool is used to tighten nuts, bolts, and fasteners to a specific tolerance?

Torque wrench

Which test is failed if the printed words on a PMS card can't be read?


Which chemical can be used using 200 lbs. per 1,000 gallons of feed water if sodium metasilicate is unavailable to accomplish the boil-out?

Trisodium Phosphate (TSP)

What is the most common material defect found in boiler tubes?

Tube deformity

Fireside cavities and scars, waterside cavities and scars, tube deformities and fractures, along with what else make up the four classifications of boiler tube damage?

Tube deposits

What occur in the boiler due to overheating of tubes or from stresses developed during installation?

Tube marriages

All boiler tubes are identified in what manner?

Tube rows by lettering Individual tubes in each row by number

Because of very high furnace temperatures, modern naval boilers can tolerate no more than a few thousandths of an inch of scale on tube surfaces without suffering what?

Tube ruptures

The power unit consists of how many independent units?

Two, one is online and the other in standby

Who designates the fund codes that may be used by each ship and under what circumstances they may be used?

Type Commander (TYCOM)

Who specifies which engineering operating records will be maintained and prescribes the form to be used when no standard record forms are provided?

Type Commander (TYCOM)

What is the most commonly used propulsion turbine?

Type II-A (Straight-through unit)

Upon completion of a propeller visual inspection report, the report is submitted to whom?

Type commander or ship's commanding officer

When must a constant be re-established on a main engine bearing?

Upon bearing replacement

Which corner is annotated by the authorizing officer that Damage Control Central was notified about in progress tag-outs?

Upper right

What is a PMS feedback report considered to be when the safety of personnel and equipment are involved?


Anaerobic compounds, when used with threaded fasteners, serve what purpose?

Used as a thread locking compound

What establishes and helps to maintain a vacuum on the main condenser when the ship is not equipped with air ejectors?

Vacuum pump

What type of caliper has the ability to provide very accurate measurements over a large range?

Vernier caliper

Kingpost bearings allow for what types of load?

Vertical or horizontal

Powered conveyors are configured in what two ways?

Vertically or horizontally

What inspection is accomplished bi-weekly on a secured reduction gear?

Visual inspection

What is the only thing that can be measured at its thinnest point to really determine the condition of a furnace wall

Wall thickness

What is caused by the sudden cooling of boiler tubes after they have been overheated?


Which Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) section is termed the 300 series?


An excess of which substance was probably used in mixing the material during installation of a castable burner if the front breaks up after very little use


What causes lube oil to break down prematurely?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, The primary water level indicator activates the high and low water alarms and generates an electrical signal that is proportional to what?

Water level

Which term describes wandering, straight-walled, canyon like cavities in the tube metal?

Water tracking

What are almost always the cause of boiler tube heat blisters?

Waterside deposits

How often must idle line shaft bearing lube oil be sampled?


While in port, how often must the secured reduction gear be rotated with lubrication?


Which manner must the boiler be examined in when oil contamination is suspected?


in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, When shall safety valve gages be placed on the boiler prior to setting safeties?

When steam drum pressure is 100 to 200 psi below the lowest safety valve setting, or 75 percent of working pressure, whichever is higher

Latent heat is defined as?

When the flow of heat is not reflected in a temperature change but is reflected in the changing physical state of a substance

Sensible heat is defined as?

When the flow of heat is reflected in a temperature change and not in a change in physical state

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, The surface blow pipe in the steam drum has what function?

When the surface blow valve is open, this pipe carries off scum and foam from the surface of the water in the drum

Prior to entering the boiler to perform fireside cleaning, what must done to the steam smothering system?

Wire and tag the valves in the closed position

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, How are atomizer sprayer plate orifices checked for proper size?

With a GO/NO-GO gage

What is used to clean atomizer sprayer plates?

Wood cleaning sticks

in reference to main propulsion boilers and fittings, What is used to clean atomizer sprayer plates?

Wood cleaning sticks

How are failed turbine parts documented?

Word description and photographs

Force times distance (F x D) equals?


Mechanical energy in transition is termed?


. Potential energy equals what?

Work times distance (W x D =PE)

What are two types of reduction gears used in auxiliary turbines?

Worm and helical

The departmental representative receipts for supply material when it is received on the NAVSUP 1250. Which color copy of the form are they given?


Which symbol means "stop" when logged in the Engineer's Bell Book?


What happens to the boiler mechanical cleaning hours if the EDTA cleaning is successful?

Zeroed out

What is installed in heat exchangers to combat against galvanic corrosion?


adjusting the fuel oil header pressure during a white smoke condition can lead to what?

a boiler explosion

what type of circulation would installing the generating tubes at an increased inclination be?

accelerated natural

most modem naval boilers are designed for what type of circulation?

accelerated natural circulation

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which system is designed to hold on final control elements in their last known position upon a loss of control air pressure?

air lock

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what measures the pressure differential across the burner opening and develops a loading signal proportional to the rate of airflow per burner?

airflow transmitter

what holds firebrick and burner tile in place?

anchor bolts

what function does nichrome wire serve in the refractory?

as an anchoring device

what is the needle valve installed on an auxiliary turbine used for?

as an overload nozzle

who are the only individuals that can accomplish adjustment or repair of automatic boiler controls?

authorized and qualified

what prevents windmilling of an idle force draft blower, while the other force draft blower is online?

automatic shutters

what type of steam traps are considered to be mechanical traps?

ball-float and bucket-type

what are the three times that sliding feet are checked to verify movement?

before light off during boiler warm up after the boiler is placed online

when are F/O BS&W tests conducting during refueling?

beginning, midpoint, and the end

on a d-type boiler, where is the superheater located?

between the screen and main bank generating tubes

what type of steam trap uses dissimilar metals to operate?


the number of pounds of steam generated per hr at the pressure and temp required for all purposes to develop contract shaft horsepower of the ship divided by the number of boilers installed is defined as?

boiler full power capacity

which type of equipment is used to lift the boiler safety valves during a casualty?

boiler safety valve hand easing gear

what is used to keep a record of defective boiler tubes and renewed tubes?

boiler tube renewal sheet

what is meant by the term rising stem gate valve?

both the gate and the stem move upward when the valve is opened

what type of valve is light in weight, takes up less space than a gate or globe valve, and is relatively quick?

butterfly valve

in reference to automatic boiler controls, how is the minimum F/O pressure set on general regulator F/o control valve?

by adjusting the spring force in the valve with the external spring adjusting screw and locking it in place with a jam nut

how is tubing identified in the navy?

by outside diameter and by actual measured wall thickness

how can practically all shipboard packing and gasket problems be solved?

by proper section from packing and gasket chart

how are relief valves set?

by the adjusting screw or nuts

how is the operation of bellows type steam traps controlled?

by the expansion of vapor of a volatile liquid which is enclosed In the bellows

how is the outlet temp of the inline desuperheater controlled?

by thermostatic and diaphragm control valves

what type of refractory is preferred for small repairs or where standard size brick or tile cannot be used?

castable fireclay

the steam separators separate the steam and water mixture by what action?

centrifugal action

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which component converts the fuel oil demand signal to a nonlinear signal?

characterizing relay

what are the three endpoints a steaming boiler has?

circulation, moisture carryover, and combustion

which limit is the L/O said to be in if the combined BS&W exceeds 0.4% or if the sediment exceeds 0.1% at any BS&W level?


SSTGs are fitted with what type of governor?

constant speed

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is the compressed air that goes from a pneumatic unit to a motor operator of a final control element defined as?

control pressure

A boiler that provides some means of controlling the degree of superheat independently of the rate of steam generation is said to have?

controlled superheat

which term is defined as any quantity or condition that is varied by a control measured and controlled by a control system?

controlled variable

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what must be reduced if a controlled variable oscillates about the set point at the high frequency?

controller sensitivity

measuring, comparing, computing, along with what else comprise the 4 basic things any control system must preform?


What type of packing is constructed from 100% graphite?

corrugated ribbon packing (crp)

the torch man shall wear what PPE, during boiler light off?

coveralls, eye shield, and bumerman gloves

Water Column & gauge glass should be blown down.


the oil king shall check lay-up status at what interval?


During a heavy black smoke condition the burner flame will be what color?

dark orange

which term is defined as the time required to transport a change from one place to another?

dead time

when the humidity indicator cards indicate that the humidity is over 50 percent what action must be taken?

desiccant must be replaced with fresh material

a pressure specified by the boiler manufacturer is a criterion for the boiler design is termed as?

design pressure

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what does the automatic control system compare the measured value with?

desired value

Water screen tubes protect the superheater from what?

direct radiant heat

Which detrimental effect to the furnace wall will a mechanical strain caused by improper operation of the boiler (panting and vibration) cause after the wall is weakened


what is installed between the inner and outer casings of the boiler to carry the downward flow of relatively cool water and thus maintain the boiler circulation?


which tubes at high


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which component within the 3 element feedwater control system develops a pneumatic signal proportional to actual boiler water level?

drum level transmitter

what type of boiler consists of one or more water drum?

drum type

what portion of the steam drum contains a manhole for access to the drum for cleaning, inspecting, and repair?


why is the use of flexible-hose burner leads for propulsion boilers a fire hazard?

due to susceptibility to failure of the hose at the coupling joint.

hot air lay-up installation shall be inspected at what interval to ensure proper watch?

each watch

what boiler component preheats the feed water prior to its entering the steam drum?


on a d-type boiler what are the type of tubes it should have?

either horizontal or vertical tubes

who must witness or designate someone to ensure full boiler flex testing is conducted within pms requirements?

engineer officer

Who determines the combination of boilers and burners to be used, that gives the greatest plant efficiency with due regard to providing for safety and military requisites?

engineering officer

who determines the combination of boilers and burners to be used, that gives the greatest plant efficiency with due regard to providing for safety and military requisites?

engineering officer

on ships with steam atomization, what is used to lag the atomization piping at the burner front?

epoxy coating

the nozzle and vane assembly, bellows, along with which other way are the 3 ways that computing and comparison can be accomplished in a pneumatic transmitter?

escapement valves

White smoke is caused by what?

excessive air

an incandescent dazzling white burner flame is an indication of what?

excessive air

which act prohibits any person to discharge oil from any water borne vessel or offshore or onshore facility into upon any certain waters, and establishes restrictions within the contiguous zone?

federal water pollution control act of 1970

in reference to automatic boiler controls, boiler drum level, steam flow, along with which other element comprise the 3 elements that are measured within the fedwater control system?

feed flow

in reference to automatic boiler controls, drum level = supervisory signal, steam flow = demand signal, along with which other term is used to describe the 3 pneumatic signals associated with the feedwater control system?

feed flow = response signal

a closed loop system gives a comparison with the desired condition by using?


what is the cooling source for the in line desuperheater?


which type of valve would be an example of a final control element in the 3 element feed system?

feedwater control

what type of hazard does soot create?

fire hazard

what can be directed into both ends of the slick to keep it from moving if oil is spilled between two ships which will effectively contain it until help arrives?

fire hose streams

what is the lowest temp at which vapor remains burning after flashing called?

fire point

what refractory is used for the innermost layer of the firebox furnace?


what type of joints use gasket material?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which device is used to restrict the flow through the nozzle and flapper assembly?


A fuel analysis is required prior to receiving fuel and must show water and Sediment, API gravity, along with what else?


what is the greatest concern from the safety standpoint if fuel is obtained from outside the military supply system?


which term is defined as as the lowest temp temp at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapor to form a flammable mixture with air above the surface?


which type of fuel oil test uses the pensky martin closed cup tester?


what prevents the gate valves used in high pressure steam systems from binding?

flexible gates

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what provides the operator with the means of adjusting the airflow signal as necessary to provide optimum combustion throughout the firing range of the boiler?

fuel air ratio relay

which automatic boiler component must be adjusted prior to conducting a boiler soot blow?

fuel air ratio relay

in reference to automatic boiler controls, steam pressure, airflow, along with what else are the 3 loops asscosiated with the automatic boiler control system?

fuel flow

steam pressure control loop, airflow control loop, along with which other loop are the 3 loops associated with the automatic boiler control system?

fuel flow loop

what must never be adjusted during a white smoke condition on an operating boiler?

fuel oil header pressure

prior to entering the boiler drums or firebox, the boiler must be certified to be?

gas free

what type of valve is always open or always closed, and does not regulate fluid flow?

gate valve

what are the 4 main kinds of generating and circulating tubes?

generating tubes in the main bank waterwall tubes water screen tubes downcomers

what is the most common stop valve?

globe valve

What lubricated corrugated ribbon packing?


which type of relays on a general regulator combustion control system prevent the master demand signal from bleeding out the range on the high end or low end of the signal range operating pressure?

high and low-limit

low pressure packing must never be used to pack type of steam valves?

high pressure

what are the 3 authorized cleaning methods for removing soft deposits?

high pressure water jet EDTA power-driven wire-brush

A steam blanket lay up shall be monitored at what frequency by a responsible watch stander?


how is desiccant lay-up monitored, after the lay-up is established?

hourly by the responsible watch stander and daily by the oil king

what is used to indicate that a desiccant lay-up is within requirements?

humidity indicator cards

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is an uncontrolled oscillation of a controlled variable termed?


which device used for the API gravity fuel oil test?


When is industrial hydrazine/morpholine lay up considered a loss?

if the hydrazine concentration falls bellow 10 ppm the lay-up is lost

what type of steam trap operates under the principle that hot water under pressure flashes into steam when pressure is reduced?


two or more boilers operating simultaneously and connected so their output forms a common supply, are said to be operating?

in parallel

what component reduces the steam temp of saturated stream in the 150 psig steam system?

in-line desuperheater

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what will happen to the output on a nozzle and flapper assembly when the flow through the nozzle is decreased?


how long is the hydrazine/morpholine lay-up good for?

indefinitely as long as the required hydrazine concentration is maintained

who administers the hydrazine/morpholine lay-up?

industrial activity, and ships force when chelant is installed

a tubular product is called pipe if its size is identified as what?"

iron pipe sixe (IPS) and by reference to wall thickness schedule of piping

which term is defined as the toe interval of time between the start of a response and its completion?

lag time

what type of check valve, does the disk move up and down in response to changes in the pressure of incoming fluid?

lift check

Which type of rags must be used to wipe the inside of a lube oil tank, a bearing, or any lubrication system part?


what is compressed air that goes from one pneumatic unit to another pneumatic unit known as?

loading pressure

who must all oil spills that produce a visible sheen in the U.S navigable waters and the contiguous zone be immediately reported to?

local coast guard district commander

Automatic, remote manual, along with which other mode comprise the three modes of control in the automatic boiler control system?

local manual

what is the smallest percentage of gas (vapor) that will make an ignitable mixture called?

low explosive limit (LEL)

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which component is the output of the high limit relay applied to?

low limit relay

Which boiler casualty will be caused by a loss of the operating main feed pump?

low water

what action shall be taken if u discover lumps in a newly opened bag of castable?

lumps indicate moisture contamination therefore the castable must be discarded

Automatic unloading valves are installed to exhaust to what major component?

main and auxiliary condensers

The majority of the steam that leaves the superheater goes where?

main engines

Auxiliary boilers supply steam for all services except what?

main propulsion

what term is defined as any quantity or condition what is varied by a control system to affect the value of the controlled variable

manipulated variable

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what are the 2 inputs to the minimum signal selector?

master demand and airflow

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which pressure will the main feed pump control valve fail to if control air pressure is lost?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is the most common cause of a control valve or actuator not responding to a position input signal?

mechanical interference

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which position will the force draft blower final control element fail to if control air is lost?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which position will the fuel oil control valve always fail to if control air pressure is lost?


verifying that the airflow transmitter along with what else are functioning properly is the reason for conducting the engineering operating procedure CRTM on the automatic boiler system when performing master light off checks (mlocs)?

minimum signal selector

how often must steam propelled ships take water indicating paste cuts on idle fuel tanks?


what is the periodicity of lubricating sliding feet?

monthly in accordance with pms

what type of joints use packing material?


what are two classes of packing and gasket joints?

moving and fixed

what type of valve is used to make relatively fine adjustments?

needle valve

Do header type boilers have a water drum?


what is the time limit on a sodium nitrite wet lay-up?

no time limit

Is it allowable to use shore steam for steam atomization ?

no, due to its poor quality

Can raw fuel be removed from the furnace by purging the boiler?

no, the fuel must be wiped up

what are the 3 positions of the combination exhaust relief valve?

normal relief safety

what is the steady state difference between the control point and the value of the controlled variable corresponding to the set point called?


Which type of holding tank must oil that is to be discarded be deposited into?

oily waste

a moving joint is identified by the first digit in the symbol number, which would be?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which procedures are used to verify that each boiler control component is functioning properly prior to conducting boiler flex testing?

online verification procedures

how long is it permissible to interrupt a steam or nitrogen blanket lay-up to preform emergency repairs?

only once during the lay-up period for a max of 8 hrs

what type of steam trap relies on variable density of condensate?


what does the second digit of the symbol number indicate?

packing or gasket composition

what term is usually attributable to deficiency of air and excessive vibration of the boiler?


what are plug valves commonly used for?

petcocks on auxiliary machinery

The chock facing of the sliding feet is constructed of what material?

phosphorus bronze

what type of valve is a combination gate valve and plug valve?

piston valve

what type of valve is shaped to hold a cylindrical or tapered plug?

plug valve

On spring loaded reducing valve what determines position of aux valve?

position of the controlling diaphragm

During a furnace inspection prior to light off the boiler inspection device (bid) fogs up, what is the probable cause?

presence of fuel oil in the furnace

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what is the desired restriction in the path of flow?

primary element

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what are an orifice plate, flow nozzle, thermometer bulb, and air registers all examples of?

primary elements

unevaporated boiler water carried out of the steam drum with the steam, caused by the malfunctioning steam drum internals is termed?


which type of fueling system has been adopted by NATO as the standard method for refueling at sea?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which type of controller is the airflow controller?


A boiler must always be purged in accordance with what?

purge table

what type of burner front cracking, is caused by stresses resulting from normal expansion and contraction?

radial cracking

in reference to automatic boiler controls, the time interval by which rate action advances the effect of proportional position action is?

rate time

what type of valve opens automatically when the pressure in the line or in the unit becomes too high?

relief valve

what allows an operator to operate certain valves from distant locations?

remote operating gear

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which integral controller action will bring it back into balance after a load change at set point?


What type of seat does a butterfly valve have?


in reference to automatic boiler controls, which type of positioner is always used in conjuction with the feedwater control valve?

reverse acting

what position of the combination relief valve is used, when performing turbine overhaul?

safety position

what is the sample said to be if the L/O becomes clear and bright upon heating?

satisfactory for use

Which type of viscometer is commonly used to determine fuel oil and lube oil viscosity?


What type of deposits act as insulators and reduce the heat transfer across any surface?


what is flexible hose to be replaced with?

seamless steal tubing

if u are unable to correct the white smoke condition within one min, what action must be taken?

secure the boiler

how often is boiler flex testing conducted IAW pms?


what type of valve, gives an audible warning to the operator, when it lifts?

sentinel valve

Deviation is the instantaneous difference between the actual value of the controlled variable and the value of the controlled variable corresponding to what?

set point

a short term decrease in drum water level which results from a change in firing rate or steam flow without any corresponding change In the feeding rate is termed what?


If ignition fails to occur within 2 to 3 seconds what action must be taken?

shut the burner fuel oil manifold valve, safety shut off device and investigate the cause

heavy and prolonged seawater contamination of the fuel oil will form what type of corrosive products on the brick work?

slag formation

what are two types of piping expansion joints used onboard ship?

sliding and flexible type

Which type of packing is usually installed in boiler soot blowers?

split ring

what prevents a relief valve from lifting at normal operating pressure?

spring tension

what is installed to keep moisture out of the uptakes and boiler firesides?

stack covers

Engineering Standing Orders

standardized sequence of procedures for the normal operation of the ship's propulsion plant, including normal evolution's.

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which component cuts down lag time caused by forced draft blower inertia?

steam flow rate relay

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which component within the general regulator combustion control system is designed to speed up force draft blower response time?

steam flow rate relay

in reference to automatic boiler controls, which component within the 3 element feedwater control system compares the steam flow signal, feed flow signal, and set point signal and develops a pneumatic output signal proportional to the difference between its outputs?

steam flow/feed flow differential relay

in reference to automatic boiler controls, the max signal selector selects the higher of the steam pressure signal and sends it to which component?

steam pressure controller

which component within the general regulator combustion control system develops a demand signal to maintain the boiler at a desired standard for any boiler load?

steam pressure controller

what device is installed in steam lines to drain condensate from the lines without allowing steam to escape?

steam trap

what are the disks and seats of valves used in high temp steam systems surfaced with?


a gate valve is an example of what class of valves?

stop valves

what is preferred material for expansion joint construction?


the amount of heat applied to steam to raise its temp above the saturation temp, while maintaining constant pressure is defined as?


on a D-type boiler with an integtral superheater, what protects the superheater from overheating during the initial steam formation?

superheater protection steam (shps)

which term is defined as the compressed air that is supplied to each pneumatic unit?

supply air pressure

what type of check valve, does the disk move in an arc to open or close the valve?

swing check

what is used to identify each type or style of packing or gaskets?

symbol number

what is the only authoritative source of info on the boiler system on any ship?

tech manual

what is the total heating surface of a naval boiler defined as?

that portion of the heat transfer tubes which is exposed on one side of the gases of combustion and on the other side of the water or steam being heated

what determines the tightness of a valve piston?

the closeness of fit between the piston and the inside of the cylinder

what is the only moving part in an impulse steam trap?

the disk

what are the two opposing forces on a spring-loaded reducing valve?

the downward force on the spring the upward force of steam pressure

what does a red sealant on lagging cloth indicate?

the material is asbestos free

on a stop check valve, the max lift of the disk is controlled by?

the position of the valve stem

the term residual fires means what?

the presence of fire at the burner tips or on the firebox deck after the boiler has been secured

The term steaming hours indicates what?

the time during which the boiler has fires lighted for raising steam and the time during which is generating steam

what is the purpose of using graphite filament yarn (GFY) for the first and last packing rings on valves packed with corrugated ribbon?

they are used as anti-extrusion rings to prevent the corrugated ribbon packing from being forced out of the stuffing box

what purpose do the steam drum swash plates have?

they are used to reduce the surging or swashing of water from one end of the drum to the other as the ship moves

what purpose do the generating tubes serve?

they provide the are in which most of the saturated steam is generated

what is the function of the boiler sliding feet?

to allow for expansion and contraction of the boiler during light off and cool down

Stack rain gutters serve what purpose?

to allow proper draining of the stack

what is the function of refractory material?

to confine the heat to the firebox and protect the casing and structural members from overheating

On nozzle reaction safety valve what the guide ring has what function?

to control bowdown

what is the function of an unloading valve?

to discharge steam from a auxiliary exhaust line to the condenser whenever the auxiliary exhaust exceeds 15 psi

what function do the metal projections on the economizer tubes serve?

to extend the heat transfer surface of the tubes

what function does the steam smothering system serve?

to extinguish boiler air casing fires

what is the purpose of a bridgewall marking on a globe valve?

to indicate the direction of flow

what is the function of a check valve?

to permit the flow liquid in 1 direction

why are all navy boilers layed-up when idle for more than 24 hrs?

to prevent oxygen corrosion of the boiler watersides

what is the function of the waterwall tubes?

to protect furnace refractories, and allow a higher heat release

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what develops a loading signal for the force draft blower speed control?

toe air flow controller

what are cracked to check the HP turbine for boiler water carryover after a boiler high water casualty?

turbine casing drains

a fixed joint is identified by the first digit in the symbol number, which would be?


Castable refractory must be air cured for how long prior to baking out?

two days

During boiler light off what rule must always be followed ?

two man rule

which term means the fuel and air controls are being manipulated by remote manual means when dealing with automatic boiler controls?

two-knob control

what is the highest percentage of gas (vapor) that will make an ignitable mixture called?

upper explosive limit (UEL)

What joins the boiler to the smoke pipe?


that does a valve that has a marking on the body 2000 WOG indicate?

valve is suitable for water, oil, or gas service at 2000 psi

what component is used when it necessary to take action from one of several sources and discharge to another unit or several units of the same or a separate group?

valve manifold

in reference to automatic boiler controls, what determines escapement valve output?

valve seat position

which device is used to determine viscosity?


what kind of warning stickers must be affixed to all corrugated ribbon containers?

warning: CRP conducts electricity

Sputtering burner flames are an indication of what?

water in the fuel oil

when removing lagging, if you are unsure of what material you are working with, who should you contact immediately?


How are steel flanges installed in systems?


When is a steam blanket lay up considered lost?

when the Boiler steam pressure falls to atmospheric pressure and can not be re established

which term is defined as fuel drawn onto an absorbent solid material that can be ignited?


which type of casualty is indicated by a reduction gear journal bearing showing a dramatic increase in temp and then decreases to ambient temp?

wiped bearing

How are handhole seats properly cleaned?

with a power-driven cup brush

What two sheets of steel make up the construction of the steam drum?

wrapper and tube

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