Music and the Music Industry Week 1

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Where was music most commonly performed in the 19th century

parlors and concert halls

The public (for broadcasters) in the songwriting stream

people listen and watch, usually with no charge other than serving as an audience, for the broadcaster's advertising messages

The public (for the other media) in the songwriting stream

people watch and buy these other uses of the songs

Public in the recording stream

people who buy downloads or physical copies

Recording artists in the recording stream

people who perform for recordings by playing instruments or singing a particular performance that is recorded

Musicians and singers in the live performance stream

perform live for appearances primarily in concerts, in nightclubs, on television, and on radio

Origins of the record industry

piano roll industry

Venues in the live performance stream

places for live appearances by artists including clubs, concert halls, arenas, and stadiums

Studios in the recording stream

provide equipment and places for the artists to make their recordings

How does each stream end

public consuming the output of the stream: the song, the liver appearance, or the recording the public pays for its participation in the stream and that revenue moves back through a host of players to those who initially create the song, performance or recording

Music publisher in the songwriting stream

publishers acquire rights to songs from songwriters and then license the uses of those songs

The public in the live performance stream

purchase tickets to or attend live artist perfromances

Promoters in the live performance stream

put on live appearances by performers by arranging for the performer, venue, the date, the production, and the marketing for the performance

How did the advent of the radio effect the record industry

put the industry in a recession in the late 1920's but it eventually recovered

Recording stream chain

recording artists, side musicians/vocalists, record labels(AR), record producers, recording engineers, studios, record manufacturers, distributors, merchandisers, recording performance rights organizations, the public

Merchandisers in the recording stream

retailers that sell copies of the recordings to the consuming public, includes brick and mortar stores as well as internet retailers

What was the start of the music publishing business in the US

sheet music for popular songs appeared in the US in the mid 1800's

How did World War II affect the music industry

the whole world seemed to discover the appeal of America's popular music due to the Armed Forces Radio Network, made America records heard around the world not just for the GI's like intended but everyone, American style had become a world style

How are musicians trying to adapt to the new music industry

there are more ways than ever to do it yourself and launch and control your own career ex) an artist increasingly may be his own label--and his own retailer with direct online sales to consumers

What do music merchants think music should do

want music to fit the mainstream sales taste of the moment and to make as much money as possible, good does no necessarily equal popular

What do musicians think music should do

want their music to break creative boundaries and to be heard and appreciated by as many people as possible, they want to connect to their audience

Harmonica Musices Odhecaton A

was printed in 1501 and contained 96 pieces of music

How has the music industry changed over time (basic)?

was radically reshaped by a still-evolving digital landscape, the industry has been rocked by waves of always new technologies for more than a century, and after rocky adjustments, the business has always emerged healthier and more prosperous

Where and when was the first public opera theater opened

Venice, 1637

Why is it important to understand the recording industry in terms of an economic model

ability attract revenues and profits enables different producers to continue to operate in media markets, aka making money is what allows artists to continue doing what they do, to be a professional artist

Talent agents in the live performance stream

agents book live appearances for performers

Internet impact

allied a direct, intimate, and interactive connection with fans in ways never before possible outside of a small concert

Who/what is considered the champion for elevating the states of the music profession

american federation of musicians (AFM), a labor union with members in the United States and Canada

Rise of publishing houses

around 1892, a number of large publishing houses had developed, took pride in being able to spot potential hits and who they couldn't find them they put composers on weekly salaries to work in-house

Personal managers in the live performance stream

assist artsits in the development and coordination of their careers as performing and recording artists, most of their day to day functions revolve around live appearances not recordings

Recording engineers in the recording stream

assists the producer and artists by running the equipment necessary first to capture the performance in a recording and to shape the final sound that the artist and producer ultimately want on the recording

Increasing availability of low cos tape recorders

consumers could hear recorded or broadcast music with a quality of sound that was better than that offered at their local concert halls

Effect of the compact disc

consumers replaced their record collections with the digital discs and then scooped up on new CD only releases

Other media in the songwriting stream

create movies, print sheet music and song books, make recordings, and utilize the songs in other ways that create royalties for the publisher and songwriter

How did musicians acquire recognition as professionals

development of the paying audience, audience members had to pay their way into a room to hear music


discovered act people would buy records wherever they shopped, set up record racks in supermarkets, variety stores, department stores, etc.

What does the presence of cash flow in all three streams drive music industry participants to do

drives the major players in the industry to try and gain control over and participate in all three income streams with measures such as the 360 deal

How did minstrelsy affect the entertainment industry

enlarged public awareness and appreciation of popular music and the entertainment business

How are music merchants trying to adapt to the new music industry

exploring new business models and alliances, different types of artist contracts and previously untapped licensing opportunities for current this and their catalog of old titles

What is the state of the music industry currently

face a major crisis with the explosion of internet music

Why are musicians and merchants natural enemies

generally conflicting views on what music should be and do

How do recording artists make money in the recording stream

getting a royalty payment based on the sales of copies of the recordings that they make but many lesser known acts in all genres simply make and sell their own recordings at their performances or through the internet by various methods with physical copies, downloads, or streaming

Broadcasters in the songwriting stream

media perform songs by playing recordings or broadcasting live performances of the song through in person, television and radio, cable, satellite, and internet transmitters

AFM locals (membership in the labor union)

members of the labor union, receive requests from sponsors of civic events, political rallies, and community benefits

Affect of the great depression on the music industry

million-selling records disappeared, and sales of sheet music collapsed, attendance at theaters dropped (especially with the movie musical taking off) but radio broadcasting grew rapidly

First important professional musicians

mimes of the greek and roman theater, singing dancing actors

Recording performing rights organizations

monitor the performances of recordings and collect royalty payments for those performance for the artists and labels

Evolution of the song Turn Turn Turn

most famous version was by The Byrds, a rock band which was released by Columbia records and became a huge #1 hit covered numerous times from Nina Simone, Dolly Parton, Bruce Springsteen, etc. Featured in numerous films and TV shows

Common relationship between music publisher and songwriter

most music publishers sign songwriters to contracts agreeing to pay the writer a share of the royalties that the publisher makes from licensing the uses of the song

Until the 1920's, what was the music audeince

most professional music making was addressed to a small elite audience that was accustomed to buying tickets to attend opera, the symphony, or a musical

When and why did a music book publishing industry emerge

music education and criticism in the 20th century

What was music performance like before the notion of payed performers and musicians

music making was undertaken by individuals and group simply for their own pleasure, the performer was also the composer, if there was an audience, it was a social or religious gathering it did not occur to early musicians that they might develop an audience that would pay to hear them sing their songs

The first paying audiences

musical theater and opera in Italy and England, by the 1800's the public had accepted the idea that you had to buy a ticket to hear a professional

Song pluggers

musican merchandising method in the late 19th century, would attempt to persuade performers to use material coming off the presses, tried to contact headliners in vaudeville and burlesque shows to get them to use the songs were pushing at the time tin pan alley

Live performance stream chain

musicians and singers, personal managers, talent agents, promoters, venues, the public

MP3 impact

new form of mass media became controlled by the masses, ability of consumers to make duplicate recordings shattered the girl that labels held on music when play only media such as the LP were standard

Performing artists vs. Recording artists

not all live performers are recording artists, thought most aspire to be, and not all recording artists are live performers, though most need to be

Musicians for the nobility

number of artists were employed by the nobility as house musician, put on royal payroll to make music in salons, ballrooms, and chapels for their wealthy patrons

AFM's response to exploitation

offer to supply union musicians without fee, provided that the other trades and professions such as waiters and bartenders also work without pay

Record manufacturers in the recording stream

often the same as the label, these organizations make copies of the recordings (hard copies or electronic) suitable for sale in some manner to ultimate consumers

Three revenue streams (general)

1) Music publishing/songwriting stream generated through the utilization of a song creative act- song is written 2) live appearance stream (concerts) one generated from live performances of that song Creative act- live performance is given 3) recordings one from the utilization of a particular recorded performance of that song creative act- recording is produced

When did public performances of music begin

17th century

Bank involvement in the music industry and its effect

1970's, large corporations began to notice that people in the music publishing and record business were making lots of money and decided to buy in, music enterprise was no an acceptable risk, began making loans to music publishers, record producers, and artists' managers The buying and selling of music companies resulted in the majority of industry revenue becoming controlled by a handful of giant corporations

When did music publishers be able to garnish royalties

Law of 1903

Music professionals in the middle ages

Minstrels of Germany and the jongleurs of France, who were not just singers but also danced, juggled, did card tricks, threw knives and trained animals

Earliest notable artist's manager

Mozart's father, started presenting his son to all of europe

Where and when was the first public concert hall opened

Oxford England in 1725 vocal and band concerts were common in London and Paris at this time

Were music professionals in the middle ages paid

a handful of musicians involved in secular music managed to earn at least part of their livelihood during the middle ages and renaissance, but in the religious sector, almost no musicians enjoyed real professional status

Minstrel show

became very popular from 1850-1900, musicians from Africa were in Europe entertaining whites

Why did publishers fight radio

believing that giving music away through this medium would hurt sheet music sales, overexposing songs was killing songs in 6 weeks, potential customers could not get down to the store to make a purchase before the song's popularity had waned

What were the conditions like for the working musician in 15th and 16th centuries

better, guilds included the music trade, which influenced the working conditions but also the creation and artistic standards

How did the lives of musicians change with the popularity of radio

big bands became name bands because of network radio, name bands became record stars realized that the singers in the band were the most popular/attractive, started them working alone

Minstrel show's influence on blacks' involvement in professional music

blacks began to find a place in the white musical world as full professionals, increasing number of blacks began to take part

How has technology altered the music industry? (general)

growth of peer to peer file sharing in the 1990's, a shift toward nontraditional and nine retail, the introduction of single track downloads rather than full (more expensive) albums, and the acceleration of streaming have all altered the old equation forced new ways of thinking about who to connect making music and making money

Distributors in the recording stream

handle the copies of the recordings so that they can be conveyed to the ultimate consumer for purchase, wholesale the copies of the recordings made by the manufacturers to the retailers

How has the record industry faired since WWII

has grown steadily

What did the ancient greeks and romans think of professional musicians

held them to be disreputable types, calling them infami (outlaws)

Record labels in the recording stream

hire artists to make recordings that they plan on marketing in some way to the public, usually sign the artist to a recording contract promising to pay the artist a royalty for recordings sold in return for the artist's rome to record exclusively for that particular label

After the Ball

in 1892, the song was the first to sell more than a million copies in a 12 month period

Record producers in the recording stream

in charge of the process of creating the recording, select material, studios, and assistants, take care of the business aspects of the recording process and by delivering a marketable product

When did the piano grow in popularity

in the 1890's during the reconstruction era when the size and affluence of the middle class grew, the piano was a standard adornment in the parlors of upper middle class families

What started the age of recording

invention of the phonograph in 1877

Why were religious musicians not paid

it was considered just another part of their christian service

When was printed music first available

late 14th century

Music performing rights organizations (PRO's) in the songwriting stream

license broadcasters, clubs, and others to perform songs, either live or from recordings


license performance rights and pay performance royalties to songwriters, music publishers, and record labels ex) ASCAP, BMI, SESAC

How is the music side of the music business booming?

listening to music is still cited as the most popular activity among teens, our passion for music is not limited to any genre, recorded music is one of the primary forms of entertainment worldwide, and ever-cheaper digital production tools, among with the wide open world of the web have combined to spark an explosion of choices for every possible music taste, new types of electronic ways to make music are invented every day

What is the oldest part of the music industry

live music and concerts

How were musicians for the nobility treated

looked on these artists as servants, would frequently pay them later than promised or not at all

How did music publishers react to the popularity of the radio (how did they adapt)

shifted their attention from plugging vaudeville performers to the new stars of the radio, point their promotional efforts toward the big bands and their singers who had weekly, sometimes nightly radio broadcasts in the three major cities for broadcasting, had grown from a local to national enterprise with the development of network radio

How long has hand written music been around

since the middle ages

How do AFM locals get exploited

some people running benefits do not pay them and would have them share their art just for the inherent pleasure of it


song fits, audience would buy a lot of theater tickets to hear songs sung on the silver screen

Music publishing/songwriting chain

songwriter music publishers music performing rights organization broadcasters the public (for broadcasters) other media the public (for the other media)

Affect of the invention of the long playing vinyl

songwriters and publishers could pace 12 songs on each release, increased sales in classical records and many others

360 deal

the artist signs and agreement for all or most music business function with the same entity, be it a table or other entertainment entity

performance of Western music existed in the Middle Ages in what two venues

the church and the aristocratic court

How did radio affect musical audiences

the elites audience not only continued but also grew, mass communication technology discovered so many new audiences, found new audiences for different types of music such as fold, country, blues, and jazz

How has the music industry stayed the same?

the fundamentals of the business, the creation, publishing, packaging, marketing, distribution and sale of music, have remained constant you still have the creators at one end and merchants continue to monetize a music product at the other with many others such as agents, managers, producers, label executives, promoters, lawyers, and accountants perform their vital roles throughout the process

Revenue stream

the path through which money flows, in the music business these paths are from consumers back to the creators of musical compositions, live performances, and recordings

End of World War II affect on the music industry

when the GI's returned home they bought large quantities of records, music instrument factors which had been shut down earlier to produce weapons, were now producing instruments again

How does each stream begin

with a creative input form an initial source: a songwriter, a performing artists, or a recording artist

Side musicians/vocalists in the recording stream

work on a per job basis for the artist or producer to help create the desired recording, do not receive royalties form the sale of the recordings

Songwriter's role in the songwriting stream

write songs, may be completely independent but may also be the recording artist or producer

Original song of Turn Turn Turn

written by folk musician Pete Seeger, lyrics are from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible

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