Nursing Research: Test 1, 2, & Practice Questions

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Descriptive statistics should be reported in every study to

show the sample characteristics

Systematic review

structured, comprehensive synthesis of quantitative and outcomes studies and meta-analyses in a particular healthcare area to determine the best research evidence available for expert clinicians to use to promote evidence-based practice


synthesis or pooling of the results from several previous studies using statistical analyses to determine the effect of an intervention or the strength of relationships that provides one of the strongest levels of evidence for practice


systematic compiling and integration of qualitative studies to expand understanding and develop a unique interpretation of the studies' findings in a selected area

One characteristic not generally used for participant selection in qualitative research

Random selection of participants

One criterion not usually found in participant selection in qualitative studies is:

Random selection of participants

The faces scale used to measure pain in children is an example of which type of data collection tool:

Rating scale

Deductive reasoning

Reasoning from the general to the specific or from a general premise to a particular situation.

Inductive reasoning

Reasoning from the specific to the general.

A primary step in critiquing a literature review is to evaluate the what?

Relevance of the sources cited

Consistency is associated with?


A study of hospital acquired pressure ulcers that repeats a previous study is called?

Replication study

A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population from which it is drawn is called?

Representative sample

Science knowledge is generated through what?


Historical research

Research about from where nursing has come

Why is research essential for the delivery of quality nursing care?

Research provides the nurse with knowledge needed to make sound clinical decisions

Which of following sources would be most useful for a researcher conducting a literature review?

Research reports found in a refereed professional journal

An epidemiological study in which the researcher identifies a group of people who have experienced a particular event for investigation, such as an infection following a surgical procedure

Retrospective cohort study

Review of theoretical and empirical sources to determine what is known and not known about a problem

Review of literature

Subjects who participate in a study of patients with inflammatory bowel disease are described as the?


A study that involves any reanalysis of data or information collected by another researcher or organization, including analysis of data sets collected from a variety of sources to create time-series or area-based data sets

Secondary analysis

Source whose author summarizes or quotes content from a primary source

Secondary source

Mixed-methods systematic review

systematic synthesis of the findings from independent studies conducted with a variety of methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods) to determine the current knowledge in an area

Evidence-based practice

the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and needs in the delivery of high quality, cost-effective health care


the power to direct or manipulate factors to achieve a desired outcome

Best research evidence

the strongest empirical knowledge available generated from the synthesis of quality study findings to address a practice problem

Mary Jane Smith is mentally challenged and has been asked to participate in a study. Her diminished autonomy must be managed if she is to participate in a study. This characteristic is directly linked which of the following human rights?


An instrument that is very good at identifying the diseased patient is highly what?



Setting aside one's values and perspectives during the data collecting and analysis process

A norm on which quality of care is judged such as clinical guideline, critical paths, and care maps.

Standard of care

The observed number of deaths are divided by the expected number of deaths and multiplied by 100

Standardized mortality ratio

The elements of organization and administration. as well as provider and patient characteristics, that guide the process of care

Structures of care

Ethnographic research

Study that explores the culture of a specific group of people or an organization

descriptive statistics

Summary statistics researchers use to organize data in ways that give meaning and facilitate insight.

A study utilizes residents of a middle-class community to evaluate the income of a city. What type of measurement error would result?

Systematic error

The synthesis of research studies to establish best practices for clinical practice is called what?

Systematic review

What title indicates use of qualitative methodology?

The Experience of Mother-Child Bonding in Inner City Popula


The appropriation and use of knowledge from other fields or disciplines to guide nursing practice.

Independent variable

The intervention or treatment that is manipulated or varied by the researcher to create an effect on a dependent variable

What is an example of random assignment?

The names of the subjects were placed in a bowl and names were drawn for placement in the control versus experimental groups

Which of the following correctly identifies a variable in the following study?: "Brief research report: impact of a 5-minute scrub on the microbial flora found on artificial, polished, or natural fingernails of operating room personnel, Nursing Research, 47(1), 54-9"

The presence and type of microbes are dependent variables


The recognition that several interrelating variables can be involved in causing a particular effect

Dependent vairable

The response, behavior, or outcome that is predicted or explained in research. Changes in the dependent variable are presumed to be caused by the independent variable.

An implicit framework is a set of

theoretical ideas that are nebulas and vaguely expressed

A research article entitled the effect of massage to decrease muscularskeletal pain an intervention study is what type of research


Calculate the range of values + 1 SD from the mean

2.5 to 4 (2.5 4)

Which of the following is a probability statement?

60% of clients will improve their knowledge of diabetes after taking this course.

Quantitative research

A formal, objective, systematic research process to describe, test relationships, or examine cause-and-effect interactions among variables.

Nursing Research

A scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice.

Qualitative research

A systematic, interactive, subjective research approach used to describe the experience and give them meaning

Which of the following research designs is used to answer questions that seek to investigate causality?

Experimental design


Findings acquired from a specific study; applied to a target population

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the purpose of qualitative nursing research?

Findings are used to gain understanding of patients' experiences

Phenomenological research

Focused on the lived experience


Formal statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables in a specified population.

What is the primary purpose for reviewing the literature in quantitative research?

Gain a broad understanding of the information available related to a problem

Which ethical principle is violated when a benefit to which a person is entitled is denied without good reason or when a burden is imposed unduly?



Knowledge generated from research that clarifies relationships among variables


Knowledge generated from research that enables one to estimate the probability of a specific outcome in a given situation.

Role modeling

Learning by imitating the behaviors of an expert and the process of teaching less-experienced professionals by demonstrating model behaviors.


Level of significance set at the start of a study.

The scale that presents a set of attitude statements and a continuum of possible answers on a five to seven point scale of numbers is referred to as a "

Likert scale

In experimental research, the researcher's control of the "treatment" is referred as what?


A researcher has designed a study looking at the effects of peer support of outcomes of coronary artery bypass graft CABG pts. In designing this study, the researcher randomly assigns some pts to a group who will receive support from a recovered CABG pt and some pts to a group who receive no formal support from another CABG pt. This process would be an example of which of the following?


The difference between the observed score and what exists in reality (true score) is called?

Measurement error

Which of the following is not a relational statement

Measuring blood sugar is an important way to assess a diabetics condition

Theories that are located between abstract and concrete theories are more limited in scope and address specific phenomena or concepts are called:

Middle-range theories

A research study explored the meaning of health for migrant farm worker woman in a southern state. A convenient sample of 20 migrant farm worker women in GA was surveyed. What is the population of the study?

Migrant farm worker woman in GA

A convenience sample of 20 migrant farm-worker women in Georgia was surveyed. What is the population of this study?

Migrant farm-worker women in Georgia

Gender is an example of which level of measurement


When renewing a nursing license, nurses are asked to indicated their area of specialization. This data is measured on what scale?


What is wrong with using the measurement described below for nominal-scale measurement? Category: race/ethnicity Choices: black, white, other

Not all inclusive, Hispanics can be black or white

"Abstract" is defined in research as what?

Not well defined and general

Field notes

Notes from a research observation

Sample attrition would be reflected by the what?

Number of patients who drop out of a study

This includes a group of indicators that could facilitate the bench marking, or setting of a desired standard, that would allow comparisons of hospitals in terms of their nursing care quality

Nursing care report card

These outcomes are influenced by nursing care decisions and actions

Nursing sensitive patient outcomes

The statement This study explored the experience of a caregiver by adult daughters of parents with Alzheimers disease is an example of which of the following components of a research study?

Objective or aim

Which of the following is an example of random error in measurement?

Occasional discussion of questions with some subjects during completion of the measurement tool

A researcher records the educational status of subjects in a study as: 1 = finished high school 2 = finished college 3 = finished graduate school What level of measurement is used?


A researcher notes that 3 of 30 subjects had extreme anxiety scores when compared to the other subjects. These 3 subjects would be treated as


dependent (paired) groups

Paired Groups; subjects in control group are matched to subjects in the experimental group based on selected variables.


Persons who have provided data for a study tell other eligible persons about the study

Studies conducted within the context of the patients' community rather than the context of the medical system, such as the elderly individuals' physical and psychological functional levels in their homes

Population-based studies

One example of a research population with diminished autonomy would be:



Probability that a statistical test will detect a significant difference or relationship that exists.

An epidemiological study where researchers identify a group of people who are at risk for experiencing a particular event and then follow them over time to observe whether the event occurs such as the incidence of health problems in morbidly obese individuals

Prospective cohort study

Grounded theory research

Qualitative method that describes social processes and proposes a framework of related concepts

the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge

Quality of care

What type of research involves the systematic investigation of cause and effect interactions among variables

Quasi experimental research

Nurses in a hypertension clinic have found that many patients do not comply with their treatment regimen. They designed an intervention based on Bandura's social cognitive theory and wanted to study the effect of this intervention in a convenience sample. Which of the following designs would be best suited?


A study is entitled, "The Use of Biofeedback as an intervention for Decreasing Phantom Limb Pain." What type was conducted?

Quasi-experimental research

What type of research involves the systematic investigation of cause-and-effect interactions among variables?

Quasi-experimental research

Open-ended interview

Questioning research participants orally without a fixed list of questions

A non-reproducible error that arises from a variety of factors in measurement and does not affect the average scores but do affect the variation that exists around the average is called the :

Random error

A critical appraisal should be a

balanced appraisal of a study's strengths and weaknesses

A research article entitled the effect of heat application to decrease tissue inflammation in laboratory mice is what type of research



blueprint for conducting a study

Critical appraisal of research

careful examination of all aspects of study to judge its strengths, limitations, meaning and significance

examination of clinical progression of liver failure in a patient with Hep C

case study design

independent variable

cause or experimental variable


controlling a treatment or intervention in an experimental study

nurses' perceptions of empowerment in medical surgical inpatient setings

descriptive design

how are quantitative and qualitative research approaches different

design is highly controlled in quantitative research and adaptable in qualitative research

the _____ section of a research report includes the implications of the findings for nursing in the recommendations for future research



distortion of study findings or to deviate from the true or expected

The following research steps could be found in which type of qualitative research? Identification of the culture to be studied, gaining entrance, cultural immersion, acquiring informants, theory development


Physiological measures are:

measurement methods used to quantify the level of functioning of living beings

which value is the 50th percentile?

median = 3.10



hospital, nursing home, rehab center


education level


pain level ranking


salary ranges



particular cause leads to specific effect our outcome

Which of the following methods would be most reasonable to use if a researcher is interested in finding out what it is like to live with a person who has a terminal illness

phenomenological approach

study examining the lived-experiences of homeless people


Subjects who participate in a study of patients with inflammatory bowel disease are described as the:


Quantitative research methods

-Experimental research -Correlational research -Quasi-experimental research -Descriptive research

Qualitative research methods

-Exploratory-descriptive qualitative research -Phenomenological research -Historical research -Ethnographic research -Grounded theory research

What is wrong with using the measurement described below for nominal-scale measurement? Category: househome income Choices: <$5000, $5000-$10,000, >$10,000

-The categories are not mutually exclusive -The choices are not nominal measures

Which of the following levels of significance would decrease the chance of a type 2 error


A nurse is using theories from psychology to expand her understanding of the grief process period. This is an example of which way of acquiring knowledge for nursing practice?


Secondary source

Account of an event by a person who learned about the event from another person

Inferential statistics

Address objectives, questions, or hypotheses in studies to allow inference from the study sample to the target population.

Which of the following decreases the amount of control in the design?

Allowing all events to occur in a natural setting

What definition best describes rigor in quantitative research?

Amount of control and precision exerted by the methodology

What is a population that meets the population criteria for a study and is available?

An accessible population

Trial and error

An approach with unknown outcomes that is used in a situation of uncertainty when other sources or knowledge are unavailable

Research problem

An area of concern in which there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for nursing practice. Research is conducted to generate essential knowledge to address the practice concern, with the ultimate goal of providing evidence-based practice.

Which of following is an example of data-based literature?

An article describing the results of a descriptive study

Outcome research

An important scientific methodology that was developed to examine the results of patient care

The safeguard mechanism by which even the researcher cannot link the participant with the information provided is called:


What category or type of research is suggested by the following research question, " Does telephone follow-up nurses improve patients' compliance with their medication regimens?"


A research problem is the

Area of concern or gap in the knowledge base

Statements that are taken for granted or are considered true, even though they have not been scientifically tested, are called what?


Which of the following is a role of the BSN-educated nurse in regard to research?

Critique research articles fro clinical usefulness

Which of the following statements BEST describes a critique of research?

Careful examination of a study to evaluate its strengths, limitations, meaning, and significance


Characteristics of a study that give its findings credibility and greater value

Demographic variable

Characteristics or attributes of subjects that are collected to describe the sample.

The author, year, title of a source, and publication information that allows a reader to find the reference to which the author is referring


What is most likely a single-study research report?

Comparison of two types of wound care

Research topic

Concept of broad problem area that provides the basis for generating numerous research questions and problems

Abstract connections making a logical scheme and having a common theme defines:

Conceptual model

Research purpose

Concise, clear statement of the specific goal or aim of the study. The purpose is generated from the problem

Research question

Concise, interrogative statement developed to direct the study; focuses on describing variables, examining relationships among variables and determining the differences between two or more groups.

The selection of a sample based on subjects who are accessible to the researcher is called:

Convenience sampling

What is true about convenience sampling?

Convenience sampling is the most commonly used method of sampling

The question "Is there a relationship between caffeine intake and intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma" is an example of which type of research?


Which of the following is not a descriptive statistic

Correlational analysis

Which of the following is a role of the BSN educated nurse in regard to research

Critique research articles for clinical usefullness

post hoc analysis

Data analysis after analysis of variance to determine differences among 3 groups.


Data points with extreme values that seem unlike the rest of the sample

An electronic index of information categorized by relevant classifications that can be searched via computer technology is called a:


Conceptual definition of variable

Definition that provides a variable or concept with connotative (abstract, comprehensive, theoretical) meaning established through concept analysis, concept derivation, or concept synthesis

effect size

Degree to which a phenomenon is present in a population, strength of a relationship between two variables, or the degree to which the null hypothesis is false.

The purpose of phenomenological research is to do what?

Describe experiences as they are lived

Operational definition of variable

Description of how variables or concepts will be measured or manipulated in a study.

A researcher is studying the relations between age and involvement in social activities. This is what type of research?


What study would NOT be considered nursing research?

Developing innovative pin insertion techniques for fracture treatment

Which of the following studies would NOT be considered nursing research?

Developing innovative pin insertion techniques for fracture treatment

What section of a research report includes the implications of the findings for nursing and the recommendations for future research?


A journal published and available on the internet

Electronic journal

type II error

Error acceptance of the null hypothesis when it is false. " You say there ISN'T evidence when there actually IS.

type I error

Error occurs when you reject the null hypothesis when it is true. "You say there IS evidence when there actually ISN'T.

The following research steps could be found in which type of qualitative research? - Identification of the culture to be studied - Gaining entrance - Cultural immersion - Acquiring informants - Theory deelopment


Personal experience

Gaining knowledge by being personally involved in a situation, such as providing care to patients in ICU.

What is an of a theory from a physiological background that is used by nurses as a framework for nursing students?

Gate control theory of pain

A research problem is defined as a:

General area of concern requiring study

The primary purpose of nursing research is to:

Generate scientific knowledge to guide nursing practice

independent groups

Groups selected so the participants are unrelated to the selection of other subjects.

Experimental studies are most often conducted in what setting?

Highly controlled setting

The initial and one of the most significant steps in conducting the research process is:

Identifying the research problem

Threats to validity can be handled by the researcher in all of these ways EXCEPT

Ignore the threat

What is most likely a single-study research report?

Impact of a cardiac education program for homeless populations

The researcher is using the FACES pain scale to measure pain in a pediatric population. This measure is an example of a what?

Indirect measure


Information acquired in a variety of ways that is expected to be an accurate reflection of reality and is used to guide practice.


Insight or understanding of a situation or event as a whole that usually cannot be logically explained

Which critiquing criterion would apply to physiologic measures

Is there a provision for evaluating the accuracy of the instrument

An implicit framework is a set of?

Theoretical ideas that are nebulous and vaguely expressed

The components of evidence based practice include all of the following EXCEPT

Time honored accepting nurses practices

Which of the following unethical studies involved the U.S. Public Health Service studying syphilis in African American men over a 40-year period of time?

Tuskegee study


Typing a verbatim narrative from a recorded interview or focus group

The purpose of a study must include which of the following?


Extraneous variable

Variables that exist in all studies and can effect the measurement of study variables and the relationships among these variables

Correlational research has which of the following characteristics?

examines the relationships between existing variables

An electronic collection of complete journal articles

full-text database

What is the primary purpose for reviewing the literature in quantitative research

gain a broad understanding of the information available related to a problem

study to develop a theory on physician practices of disclosure of errors to patients

grounded theory

Experimental studies are most often conducted in which of the following settings

highly controlled settings

The study included adults over the age of 18, able to read and speak english, and hospitalized for their first abdominal surgery. These are an example of the:

inclusion sample criteria



the amount of stress measured with a Likert scale


which of the following are the four major parts most often included in a research report?

introduction, methods, results, and discussion

Major concepts of a topic used to begin a computer search


Clinical expertise

knowledge and skills of the health care professional providing care and is determined for a nurse by years of clinical experience, current knowledge of research and clinical literature, and educational preparation.

Which value is the 50th percentile?

mean 3.42

which value is the average?

mean = 3.42

Use the following excerpt of a published study to answer the question: Edel E Houston S kennedy, V & Latocco M. . Brief research report impact of a 5-minute scrub on the microbial flora found on artificial, polished, or natural fingernails of operating room personnel Nursing Research Which of the following correctly identifies a variable in the above study? The

presence and type of microbes are dependent variables

What type of source is written by the person who originated it or who is responsible for generating the ideas


Source whose author originated or is responsible for generating the ideas published

primary source

A study is entitled the use of biofeedback as an intervention for decreasing phantom limb pain. What type of research was conducted

quasi experimental

A study is entitled the use of massage as an intervention for decreasing low back pain. What type of research was conducted?

quasi experimental research

Effectiveness of a new drug to treat htn in adults. the study had a large convenience sample and included all patients with htn in five primary care clinics.subjects were randomly assigned to either the treatment or comparison groups.

quasi-experimental design

A study examining student results on a calculation exam taken in the morning

random error

a fasting blood sugar


exam grade of 80%


hemoglobin level


Used to connect concepts in a theory:

relational statement

a primary step in critiquing a literature review is to evaluate the:

relevance of the sources cited

study on the use of gel pillows that is being repeated

replication study

What is the most important characteristic of a sample?


Evidence-based guidlines

rigorous explicit clinical guidelines developed based on the best research evidence available in that area

Sensitivity refers to a test's ability to

rule a condition in

Specificity refers to a test's ability to

rule a condition out

A highly specific test is very good at identifying the patient:

without a disease

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