Nutrition CH4 Carbohydrates

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7 benefits of a high fiber diet

-digested slowly -reduced mortality rate -helps reduce risk of type 2 diabetes -helps control weight -may protect against metabolic syndrome -reduced risk of cardiovascular disease- lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and stroke -reduced risk of cancer

_____ fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and functional (added) fiber.


(T/F) Enriched products should always be used in preference to products that are not enriched


(T/F) Fructose can be manufactured from glucose


(T/F) The amount of starch present in a vegetable increases with its maturity

True Corn tastes much sweeter immediately after it is picked because the simple sugars have not developed into starch.

(T/F) insoluble dietary fibers, or the structural part of the plant, do not dissolve in fluids

True Insoluble and soluble fibers have different physiologic functions in the body

(T/F) The body cannot distinguish between natural honey, refined table sugar, or HFCS

True absorption and metabolism are similar to their component sugars

6 reduced calorie sweeteners

Xylitol Tagatose Erythritol Sorbitol Mannitol Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates

____ is found in fruits and vegetables (lettuce, carrots, and strawberries). As a food additive it is (more/less) expensive than other sugar alcohols but has no aftertaste

Xylitol more

Dietary fiber and functional fibers (accelerate/slow) waste through the intestine (treat constipation)


The liver can use part of the carbon framework from the sugar molecule and part of a protein molecule contributed by the breakdown of an ___ ____ to produce nonessential amino acids.

amino acid

An ____ substance reduces caries risk by preventing bacteria from recognizing a cariogenic food


To assess carbohydrate intake

asses total sugar intake and frequency form and time of day

Why can carbohydrates also be called a "hydrated carbon"

because glucose and other carbohydrates are essentially hydrogen (and oxygen) atoms bound to a carbon backbone

Name some of the naturally occuring dietary fiber and added isolated or synthetic fibers the FDA has determined beneficial

beta-glucans soluble fiber psyllium husk cellulose guar gum pectin locust bean gum hydroxypropymethylcellulose

Glucose is the only sugar transported through the _______ that can nourish all the cells in the body


Glucose is the preferred source of energy for the _____, ____, ____, and ____

brain CNS RBCs lens of the eye

Maltose is created in making ____ and brewing _____ and is present in some processed cereals and baby foods

bread beer

If carbohydrate intake is adequate, protein can be used to ___ and ___ tissue.

build repair

Resistant starches trap water and add ____ to the stool, helping with regularity


An increased transit time lengthens the duration of tissue exposure to _____ _____ waste products

cancer-causing nitrogenous

The number of ______ atoms in the molecule is used to classify carbohydrates


Carbohydrates contain

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Proteins and fats are ____, or cannot be metabolized by microorganisms in plaque biofilm, and are caries inhibiting


Two food additives that serve as thickening or emulsifying agents in the manufacturing process

carrageenan guar gum

A cell wall, or ______, surrounding the starch granule causes starch to be insoluble in cold water


Most food sources of complex carbohydrates are in the form of starch from

cereal grains roots vegetables legumes

What is high-fructose corn syrup made of?

corn starch Corn products however, contain only glucose molecules

Glucose is prepared commercially as ____ ____ or by special processing of starch

corn syrup

Soluble fiber (increases/decreases) the transit rate of waste through the intestine (treat diarrhea)


Present in tissues rich in collagen (especially skin)

dermatan sulfate

In digestion, complex carbohydrates are broken down into _____ molecules until the end product, glucose, is absorbed

dextrin (long glucose chains)

An osmotic transfer of water into the GI tract can result in

diarrhea soft stools

Many fibers can be classified as ____ or ____ depending on whether they are a natural component of the food ro added to the food during processing

dietary added

Plant-based foods area good source of _____ fiber but commercially developed functional fibers for use in processed foods also have a _____ role in health

dietary beneficial

Cooking facilitates _____ by causing starch granules to swell, rupturing the cell wall so that ____ _____ have access to the stach inside the cell

digestion digestive enzymes

Glucose is the principal product formed by the digestion of ______ and _______

disaccharides polysaccharides

____, _____, _____ _____ must be broken down into their constituent monosaccharides before they can absorbed

disaccharides polysaccharides complex carbohydrates

the gut bulging out into pouches


After calculating how many calories in grams of sugar what do you divide this number by? (to determine the percent of sugar)

divide how many calories from sugar by the total number of calories per serving and multiply by 100 to get the percent

The principal role of absorbed sugars is to provide a source of ____ for body functions and activity and for _____ to maintain body temperature

energy heat

Worldwide, carbohydrates are the most important source of energy and furnish ____-___ percent of calories for some african and asian nations


7 nonnutritive sweeteners

Acesulfame K Aspartame Lu han guo (monk fruit) Neotame Rebaudioside A (Truvia, Stevia) Saccharin Sucralose

Undigestible fiber functions as a prebiotic by encouraging growth of bacteria that synthesize some of the ____ vitamins and vitamin __.

B complex K

Empirical formula for a carbohydrate

C6H12O6 or C12H22O11

______ ______ is the chemical removal of minerals from the tooth structure that occurs when acidic environment causes enamel to gradually dissolve

Dental erosion

_______ are intermediate products of digestive enzymes on starch molecules or long glucose chains split into shorter ones.


_____ _____ consists of several different types of nondigestible carbohydrates and lignin that occur naturally in plants (fruits/veggies)

Dietary fiber

__________ are composed of two simple sugars joined together and contain 12 carbon atoms


_______ is another sugar alcohol that may improve oral health by decreasing adherence of bacteria to tooth surfaces, inhibiting growth and activity of S. mutans and reducing the overall number of dental caries


(T/F)The amount of starch in fruit increases as it ripens

False Complex carbohydrates are broken down during the ripening process into simple sugars ex: a banana gets sweeter as it ages

(T/F) All polysaccharides are digestible and have a role in energy storage

False Dietary fiber is largely indigestible by intestinal enzymes in humans

(T/F) When carbohydrate intake is restricted, it is not possible to use protein stores as energy

False Fat and protein stores may be used

(T/F) Sugar alcohols are considered sugars

False They are not sugars, and their use is expected to increase for reduced sugar intake.

(T/F) Foods "made with whole grains" are always a good source of fiber

False whole grain foods can vary greatly and fiber content is often low

Also known as levulose, is found naturally in honey and fruits


Monosaccharides are absorbed from the ___ ___ with no further action.

GI tract

A product of lactose digestion (milk sugar), another six carbon sugar


_____ is the carbohydrate storage form of energy in humans


______ _____ are a readily available source of glucose for tissues

Glycogen stores

Is the high-fructose concentration of HFCS-42 or HFCS-55 more frequently used in foods (principally beverages)


What is available in several different concentrations for different products and has become a popular component of processed foods, especially soft drinks because of its lower cost?

High-fructose corn syrup

Also called malt sugar, contains 2 molecules of glucose and does not occur naturally


Which sugar alcohol is a 6 carbon sugar found in some legumes? (forms mannitol)


________ are simple sugars containing 2-6 carbon atoms


_______ and _______ contribute to the palatability of a food because of their sweetness

Monosaccharides Disaccharides

_______ means that enzymes in the human gastrointestinal tract cannot digest and absorb the substance


______ of fats requires the presence of some carbohydrates


__________________ are complex carbohydrates containing a minimum of 10 units of various simple sugars


_____ starch is a form of dietary fiber that cannot be digested. It delivers some of the health benefits of soluble and insoluble fibers


_____ is the most commonly used sugar alcohol, and least expensive. It is absorbed and metabolized more slowly than sucrose.


______ are composed of many long-chain or branched glucose units


Fructose is the sweetest of the monosaccharides and is a product of digestion of _______


_______ is used as the standard of comparison for relative sweetness


What 3 things influence the sweetness of a food?

Temperature pH presence of other substances

Carbohydrates are frequently consumed in ___ of immediate energy needs.


A _____ _____ (i.e. carbohydrates that can be metabolized by bacteria in plaque biofilm, including all sugars and cooked of processed starches) that can reduce salivary pH to less than 5.5 is referred to as being ______

fermentable carbohydrate cariogenic

Xylitol and tagatose (a naturally occuring monosaccharide) add about the same amount of sweetness as glucose but furnish (fewer/more) calories


Fiber added during the manufacturing process is called

functional fiber

Are constituents of nervous tissue


Lactose, which contains _____ and ____ is unique to mammalian milk

galactose glucose

Fermentation produces ___ and ___ fatty acids; cells lining the colon use these fatty acids for energy.

gas volatile

Also called dextrose or corn sugar


Sucrose is a combination of one molecule of ______ and one molecule of ______

glucose fructose

Name 3 monosaccharides

glucose fructose galactose

Industrially produced carbohydrate supplements are composed of

glucose maltose dextrins

Most common form of sucrose

granulated table sugar

Prevents blood clotting


A blood glucose level that is greater than 130mg/dL before meals or 180mg/dL two hours after meals indicate


a blood glucose level of less than 70mg/dL indicates


Where is glycogen stored

in the muscle and liver

When carbohydrates are eaten in excess of needs, lipogenesis results in (increased/decreased) fat stores


Functional fiber consists of ____, ____ carbohydrates that have beneficial physiologic effects in humans

isolated nondigestible

When fats are metabolized faster than the body can oxidize them, intermediate products, called ___ ____ may accumulate.

ketone bodies

An accumulation of ketones in the blood, or incompletely oxidized fatty products results in ____


Galactose is a constituent of nerve tissue and is produced from glucose during


When fermented, lactose is converted to ____ ____, giving buttermilk and yogurt their characteristic flavors

lactic acid

Name the sugar found in milk


Incomplete absorption of sugar alcohols produces a ____ effect


Which 3 kinds of undigestible fibers may be fermented by microflora in the large intestine

lignin cellulose hemicellulose

Excess glucose is converted to glycogen until the (limited/large) glycogen storage capacity is filled; (later/simultaneously) glucose is converted into fats and stored as adipose tissue

limited simultaneously

Ketones are normal products of _____ metabolism in the liver; muscles can use _____ for energy only if adequate amounts of glucose are available

lipid ketones

Sugars in the blood ensure replenishing of glycogen stores; however, excessive intake of energy from any source results in converting glucose to fats in a process known as ______


Sources of dietary fiber usually contain other _________, such as digestible carbs and protein, normally found in foods


Cellulose is composed of long, straight chains of glucose units attached to a very strong bonding to provide great ____ strength with limited ______

mechanical flexibility

Monosaccharides are important constituents of many compounds that regulate ____


What foods have carbohydrates?

milk, grain, fruits, vegetables

First step to find out percentage of sugar in a product

multiply the number of grams of added sugar by 4 (cal/g)

Oral bacteria lack the enzymes to ferment xylitol; it does not lower plaque biofilm pH. Xylitol stimulates secretion of saliva, which contains a large number of bicarbonate ions to _____ acid. Additionally, xylitol promotes _______ of early lesions on tooth enamel.

neutralize remineralization

Xylitol exhibits both _____ and _____ anticaries effects and directly inhibits the growth of S. mutans

passive active

Aspartame is safe in moderate amounts for everyone except individuals who have _______, a genetic disorder characterized by an inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine


During food processing, many added compounds have the same _______ effect as naturally occurring fiber but may not have other health benefits like vitamins/minerals.


Another word for complex carbohydrates


Dietary fiber can be found in

polysaccharides lignin whole grains legumes veggies fruits seeds nuts

Resistant starches are not absorbed; thus they function as a _______ by providing fatty acids for bacteria in the colon


Sucrose and other disaccharides and monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, maltose, and lactose) have unusual biochemical properties that (promote/inhibit) bacterial growth. The presence of sucrose and other carbohydrates in the mouth (increases/decreases) the volume and the formation rate of plaque biofilm.

promote increases

normal physiologic conditions and disease states affect carbohydrate metabolism which is reflected in

serum glucose levels

The total amount of glycogen stores is relatively (large/small), with enough to meet energy needs for (more/less) than a day

small less

Name the 3 most common polyols (sugar alcohols)

sorbitol xylitol mannitol

Carbohydrates, by furnishing energy in the diet, are said to be protein _____


_____ foods are especially important for their contribution of protein, minerals, and B vitamins


Relative sweetness of sugars is measured by

subjective sensory tasting

___ ___ are not fermented alcohols and do not need to be restricted by individuals suffering from alcoholism

sugar alcohols

Commercially, sucrose is produced from _____ and ____

sugar cane sugar beets

Name two benefits of sugar alcohols

they do not cause sudden increases in blood glucose levels and do not contribute to tooth decay

Various types of fiber from carbohydrates sources are added in the manufacturing process because of their functional properties, such as _____ or ______

thickening emulsifying

(T/F) popcorn is a whole grain food


Soluble dietary fibers become ______ in solution

viscous (sticky, thick)

The AMDR for carbohydrates is limited to no less than 45% to no more than _____%


Polysaccharides contain more than ___ monosaccharides


How many cups of decaffinated fluids a day to avoid fecal impactions


Choose breads with at least __g. of fiber but no more than ___g. of fat per serving


______ servings daily of fruits, especially those with skins and edible seeds


Women over 51yrs should have about how much fiber


Dietary fiber amount recommended for women younger than 50yrs old


how many servings of vegetables daily


Men over 51yrs recommended fiber amount


Recommended level of dietary fiber for men younger than 50yrs old


Consistent with other carbohydrate products, glucose polymers provide energy equivalent to ____


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