Nutrition EXAM 1

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Be wary of websites that are authored or sponsored by one person or sites that promote or sell products for profit

.com bc such sources of info may be biased

major functions of nutrients in the body table

1.1 chapter one concept one

less than ____ percent of total calories from saturated fat (solid) and less that _____ of total calories from added sugars

10 percent

Kilogram (1000) equals

1000 g or about 2.2 pounds

USDAs LAST pyramid shaped food guide (my pyramid) was released in


estimating portion sizes

4 dice- 1 oz of cheese computer mouse- 1/2 to 2/3 cup of food (bakes potato or chopped food) tennis ball- medium or small fruit baseball or human fist- 1 cup apple orange or 1 cup serving of ready to eat cereal small yoyo- 1 standard bagel or English muffin bar of soap or deck of cads- 3 0z of meat

women who can become pregnant, are pregnant or are breastfeeding should

Consume 8 to 12 ounces of seafood per week from a variety of seafood types. Not eat certain large fish, including shark and swordfish, because they may contain high amounts of methylmercury. Consume iron-rich foods or take an iron supplement, if recommended by a qualified health care provider. Not consume alcohol, and limit caffeine intake.

Dietary Guidelines include several food and nutrition related messaged for consumers such as

Consume more nutrient dense fruits and veggies

a group of nutrition scientist, Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the institute of Medicine develops


if you are thinking about using one or more dietary supplements

Determine whether the supplement is necessary. Some people have medical reasons for taking dietary supplements that contain one or more micronutrients. Discuss your need for the supplement with your physician or a registered dietitian nutritionist before you purchase or use the product. This action is particularly important if you are pregnant, are breastfeeding a baby, or have a chronic medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease. Consult a physician before giving such products to children. Treat dietary supplements as drugs: Store them away from children. Consult a physician as soon as you develop signs and symptoms of a serious illness. Using supplements to treat serious diseases instead of seeking conventional medical care that has proven effectiveness is a risky practice. In these instances, delaying or forgoing useful medical treatment may result in the worsening of the condition or even be life threatening. Be wary of claims made about a supplement's benefits and investigate the claims used to promote the product. The following government websites provide reliable information about dietary supplements:

as required by law the US department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the USDA publish the

Dietary Guidelines for Americans- set of general nutrition related lifestyle recommendations that are intended for healthy children and adults

In a retrospective cohort study, researchers collect information about a group's past exposures and identify current health outcomes.

In a retrospective cohort study, researchers collect information about a group's past exposures and identify current health outcomes.

examples of peer reviewed journals

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, The New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, and Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Metric prefixes

Mirco, Milli, centi, deci, and kilo- indicate weather a measurement is a fraction or a multipole of a meter, gram, or liter table 1.5 found in chap one concept 3


One serving of food from this group generally equals 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables, 1 cup vegetable juice, or 2 cups of uncooked leafy greens, such as salad greens.

in 1943 the USDA published the first food guide based on

RDAs for the general public to use

nutrition scents also establish a Tolerable Upper Intake Level

The UL is the highest average amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to harm most people when they consume that amount daily

If the nutrient is missing from the diet

a deficiency disease occurs as a result

by making certain dietary changes

a person may be able to prevent or forestall the development of certain diseases or possibly lessen their severity if they occur

registered dietitian nutritionist(RDN) has completed a

baccalaureate degree program approved by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the largest organization of dietitians in the United States. As undergraduate students, dietetics majors are required to take a wide variety of college-level courses, including food and nutrition sciences, organic chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, statistics, management, and communications classes.

in the 1950s the USDA simplified the original good guide to create the

basic four food groups; milk, meats, fruits and veggies and breads and cereals

you cannot always rely on someone who call themselves nutritionist or nutritionals for reliable nutrition information

because there are no standard legal definitions for these descriptors

empty calories

beverages, bacon, candy, pastries, snack ships, and sugar sweetened drinks provide much of their energy form unhealthy solid fats and added sugars "SOFAS"

plants make hundreds of nonutrients called phytochemicals

caffeine for example is a phytochemical naturally made by coffee and tea plants that has a stimulating effect on the body


can be defined as the smallest amount of a nutrient that maintains a defined level of nutritional health

Food Lists for Diabetes and Weight Management (formerly called the Exchange System)

can be used to estimate the energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat content of foods. This information is helpful for menu planning.

sugary foods "sweets" include

candy regular soft deinks jelly and other foods that contain high amounts of sugar added during processing or preparation

most forms of fiber are classified as


kcals per gram

carbs (sugars and starches)- 4 kcals per gram protein- 4 kcals per gram alcohol- 7 kcals per gram fat- 9 kcals per gram

there are six classes of nutrients

carbs fats and other lipids proteins vits and minerals and water

the food lists method for menu planning categorizes food into three broad groups

carbs proteins and fats. The foods within each group have similar macronutrient composition regardless of weather the food is form plant or an animal

Poor eating habits contribute to several of the leading

causes of death in the US

nutrition researchers also perform controlled laboratory experiments on

cells or other components derived from living organisms this is called vitro or test tube

researchers are cautious when drawing conclusions from results of in vitro bc

cells removed from a living things may not function the same way they do when they are in the entire life form


characteristic or other factor that can change and influence an outcome

to help ensure the nutritional adequacy of your diet

choose a diet that contains a variety of foods from each food group that is shown in MyPlate figure 1.7 ch 3 concept 4

registered dietitian (RD) or registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)

college trained health care professional who has extensive knowledge of foods nutrient and dietetics

in the US refined grain products are

commonly consumed and can be good sources of several vitamins and mineral when they have undergone enrichment or fortification

nutrition info

constantly changes

foods and beverages made form soybeans can substitute for

cows milk is they are fortified with calcium and other micronutrients

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

daily amount of the nutrient that meets the needs of 50 percent of healthy people who are in particular life stage/ sex group

in 2016 the typical diet of Americans who were 2 years of age and older

did not provide recommended amounts of fruit veggies and dairy foods. The diet generally contained too much added sugars fats and sodium

as you grew older your

diet, your usual pattern of food choices came increasingly under your control

popular forms of alternative health care include

dietary supplements yoga chiropractic manipulations and meditations

Data collected from NHANES help epidemiologist determine the prevalence of major

diseases, risk factors for such diseases and national standards for measurements that are associated with health status including height weight and blood pressure

to determine your weight in kilograms

divide your weight in pounds by 2.2

control group

does not receive treatment during the period

World Health organization (WHO) at least 2 billion people use

drinking water that may be contaminated with feces. Such water is unsafe to drink bc it can contain bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea and serious infectious diseases that include cholera, typhoid, dysentery and polio

in some instances undernutrition is not

due to poverty in these countries for example people suffering from anorexia and chronic alcoholism are undernourished despite often having enough money to purchase food

white flour

during refinement a wheat kernel is stripped of its nutrient rich germ and bran. The endosperm (white flour) that remains is mostly starch

most epidemiological research is observational and involves

either case control study or cohort study designs ( treatment and control group)

Not all energy dense foods are high in

empty calories

dietary reference intakes (DRI)

encompass a variety of daily energy and nutrient intake standards that nutrition experts in the US use as references when making dietary recommendations


energy dense due to high in healthy kinds of fat nutrient dense due to protein vits minerals and fiber

macronutrients supply

energy for cells whereas micronutrients do not

although alcohol is not a nutrient it does provide

energy; a gram of pure alcohol furnishes 7 kcals

cohort study

epidemiologists collect and analyze various kinds of information (variables) about a large group of people over time

by using methods discussed, scientist have been able to

estimate the amount of many nutrients required by the body

laboratory experiments

experiment is a systematic way of testing a hypothesis

two types of research that involve human subjects are

experimental (intervention) studies and observational studies

treatment group

fed certain amount of chemical X daily

scientific method

figure 2.1 chap 2 concept one

in 2012 the most popular nonvitamin nonmineral dietary supplement among American adults were

fish oil or omega 3 glucosamine and or chondroitin probiotics prebiotics and melatonin

USDAs original Food Guide Pyramid inspired the development of other food pyramids for people who

follow cultural and ethnic food traditions that differ from the mainstream American (western) diet

wealthy countries can provide

food aid to keep impriverished people form starving to death. Families and small farmers in underdeveloped nations need to learn new and more efficient methods of growing processing preserving and distributing nutritious regionally produced foods

nutrient dense

food supplies more key beneficial nutrients such as potassium and calcium in relation to its total calories per serving table 1.7 ch 3 concept 4

information such as personal and family medical histories eating habits and other lifestyles behaviors are collected

from each participant in the study

MyPlate's five food groups

fruits veggies protein grains and dairy and does not have a portion of the plate for oils according to the USDA oils is not a food group

major food groups

grains diary fruits veggies and protein

first amendment to the US constitution

guarantees freedom of the press and freedom of speech so people can provide nutrition information that is not true. Thus, the First Amendment does not protect consumers with freedom from nutrition misinformation or false nutrition claims.

Although an average healthy young man and women have similar amounts of vits, minerals and carbs in their bodies the young women

has less water and proteins and considerably more far than man Figure 1.3 ( the amount of vitamins is so small it is now shown)

nutrition scientist often conduct experimental studies to obtain information about

health conditions (outcome) that may result from specific dietary practices

some foods contain nonnutrients- substances that are not nutrients yet they may have

healthful benefits

results of one major study indicate that

healthy people do not befit from takin dietary supplements and in some cases using these products may be harmful to health

In the US poor eating habits contribute to several leading causes of death including

heat disease some types of cancer stroke and type 2 diabetes (figure 1.2) chapter one

DRI are intended to

help people reduce their risk of nutrient deficiencies and excess, prevent disease, and achieve optimal health

excess dietary sodium intake increase the risk of

high blood pressure and heart disease. According to the CDRR for sodium, adults should limit their sodium intake to less than 2300 mg a day to reduce the risk of chronic disease

if a persons energy intake is more than needed especially for physical activity

his or her body fat increases

observations and generated questions lead to


In Africa, the AIDS epidemic has left millions of people

impoverished and living in uncertainty

The USDA released several updated food guides after the basic four

in the late 1980s the USDA determined that a new food guide design was needed to promote diet related messages of variety of proportion and moderation and chose a pyramid design

a patient who expects a medical treatment will be harmful may not report unwanted effects of the therapy even though the treatment was harmless

in this case the reported side effect indicate a nocebo effect

an experiment that uses whole living organisms such as mice is called

in vivo

2.5 centimeters per

inch; to obtain your approximate height in centimeters multiply your Hight in inches by 2.54

protein rich foods

include beef, pork, lamb, fish, shellfish, and poultry. Beans, eggs, nuts, and seeds are included with this group because these protein-rich foods can substitute for meats. A serving of food from this group generally equals 1 ounce of meat, poultry, or fish; ¼ cup cooked dry beans or dry peas; 1 egg; 1 tablespoon of peanut butter; or ½ ounce of nuts or seeds.


include fresh, dried, frozen, sauced, and canned fruit, as well as 100% fruit juice. One serving of food from this group generally equals 1 cup of fruit or fruit juice, or ½ cup of dried fruit, such as raisins or dried apricots.


include products made from wheat, rice, and oats. Pasta, noodles, and flour tortillas are members of this group because wheat flour is their main ingredient. A serving of a grain food is equivalent to 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal, or ½ cup of cooked rice, pasta, or cereal such as oatmeal.

conventional medical care

include surgical procedures that remove diseased tissues FDA approved medications that reduce high blood pressure levels and dietary patterns that provide enough nutrients to promote good health


included a variety of food, nutrition, and physical activity resources for consumers that are based on the recommendations of Dietary Guidelines

case control study

individual's with a health condition (cases) such as heart disease or breast cancer are matched to persons with similar characteristics who do not have the condition (controls)

since 1999 National Nutrition and health examinations survey (NHANES) researchers have used

interviews, physical examinations and blood tests to assess the health and nutritional status of a nationally representative sample of Americans

nutrition facts and dietary practices were often based on

intuition "common sense" "conventional wisdom" (traditional) or anecdotes

sustainable agriculture

involves farming methods that meet the demand for more food without depleting natural resources and harming the environment. The challenge is finding ways for farmers and ranchers to make the conversion from primarily conventional farming techniques to sustainable agriculture


involves promoting useless medical treatments such as copper bracelets to treat arthritis


is a state of helth that occurs when the body is improperly nourished.

The Framingham Heart Study that began in 1949 in Framingham, Massachusetts

is one of the most well known prospective studies

Chronic Disease Risk Reduction Intakes (CDRRs)

is the newest DRI category. CDRRS are the nutrient intake levels that educe chronic disease risk within a healthy population


is the study of the composition and characteristics of matter and changes that can occur to it

MyPlate differs form the MyPyramid plan int aht

it no longer has six food groups shown in boxes or stripes within a pyramid. MyPlate focuses on five different foo groups

calorie is such a small unit of measurement the amount of energy in food is reported in 1000 calorie units called

kilocalories or Calories

Heart disease is the

leasing cause of death for all Americans and cancer is the second leading cause of death

scientist generally use metric values to report

length (meter), weight(gram), and volume (liter)

the body can synthesize (make) many nutrients such as

lipids cholesterol and fat but about 50 nutrients are dietary essentials


long term excess of energy or nutrient intake is also a form of malnutrition


look back

when grains undergo processing they can

lose nutrients such as vit and minerals and fiber

people at risk for malnutrition

low income people in long term care facilities addicted to drugs chronic medical conditions that reduce the body's ability to absorb or use nutrients

experiments generally involve the basic steps

make observations that generate questions formulate hypotheses to explain events review current scientific literature that relate to the questions design studies perform tests and collect data analyze date and draw conclusions based on the results share results with peers conduct more research the results of which may confirm or refute previous findings

the air you breathe and even your body consists of

matter ( food is matter therefore it contains chemicals some of which are nutrients

many phytochemicals are antioxidants that

may reduce risk of heart disease and certain cancers

physicians often prescribe special diets sometimes referred to as

medical nutrition therapies for people with chronic health conditions such as diabetes

overall MyPlate can be helpful for planning

menus bc it promotes food variety nutritional adequacy and moderation

most naturally occurring foods are

mixtures of nutrients

physicians are not the best courses of nutrition information because

most doctors do not have extensive college coursework in the subject

essential nutrient

must be supplied by food bc the body does not synthesize the nutrient or make enough to meet its needs WATER is the most essential nutrient

human experimental studies are usually double blind studies

neither the investigators nor the subjects are aware of the subjects group assignment. Codes are used to identify a subjects group membership and this info is not revealed until the end of the study

many dietary supplements are often referred to as

nutraceuticals nut there is no legal definition for this term

dietary supplements include

nutrient pills protein powders and herbal extracts

although specific nutrient deficiency diseases such as scurvy can be cured by eating foods that contain the nutrient that is missing

nutrients DO NOT cure other ailments. diet is only one aspect of a person that influences his or her health

no natural food is perfect in that it contains all

nutrients in amounts that are needed by the body

Healthy People 2030 has several

nutrition related objectives some of which are listed in table 1.4 (chapter one concept 2)

Overnutrition is characterized by

obesity obese people may also be undernourished if they consume diets that lack adequate amounts of essential nutrients especially micronutrients

Dietary moderation involves

obtaining nutrients from food to meet ones needs and balancing calorie intake with calorie expenditure, primarily by physical activity. This can be accomplished by choosing nutrient dense foods limiting serving sizes of energy dense foods and incorporation moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity into your daily routine

taking megadose of micronutrients can also cause

over nutrition especially in people who have no physiological need for the extra nutrients

analysis of government food consumption date indicates

overall diet quality of Americas is improving but many Americans do not follow the Dietary Guidelines


personal endorsement of a product. usually biased

The EER takes into account the

persons physical activity level, height, and weight as well as sex and life stage

variables include

physical activity, air temp, blood pressure, and sodium intake

subjects in the control group are usually given a


28 g in one ounce and 454 g in a


factors of chronic undernutrition

poverty civil unrest wars and lack of access to nutritious foods this usually happens in Africa, and certain regions in South America and Asia

look for red flags for unreliable sources

promised of quick and easy remedies for complex health related problems claims that sound too good to be true scare tactics that include sensational frightening false or misleading statements about good dietary practice or health condition

alternative health care

promotes and uses practices that may or may not have been tested scientifically for both safety and effectiveness


protects cells and their components from being damaged or destroyed by exposure to certain harmful environmental and internal factors

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)

ranges of carbs fat and protein intakes that provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals and may reduce the risk of diet related chronic diseases Table 3.1


relationship between variables


reports of personal experiences

by analyzing the results of case control studies

researchers identify factors that may have been responsible for the illness. Scientists for example may be able to identify dietary practices that differ between the two groups such as long term fruit and vegetable intakes

when an experiment or study is completed and the results analyzed

researchers summarize the findings and seek to publish articles with information about their investigation in scientific journals

when conducting an experimental study involving human subjects

researchers usually randomly divide a large group of people into treatment and control groups this is called randomized controlled trial (RCT)

dietary practices and recommendation undergo

revision as new scientific evidence becomes available and is reviewed and accepted by nutrition experts

Nutrition is the

scientific study of nutrients chemicals necessary for proper body functioning and how the body uses them

the use of botanical products can also evoke allaric or inflammatory responses that often result in

signs and symptoms of skin sinus or respiratory illness

random assignment helps ensure that the members of the treatment and control groups have

similar variables such as age weight and other characteristics


smallest living functional unit in an organism such as a human being. There are hundreds of different types of cells in your body

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)

standards for recommending daily intakes of several nutrients


study of the occurrence, distribution and cause of health problems in populations

popular sources of nutrition information such as magazines and the internet generally do not

subject articles or blogs to peer review or other scientific scrutiny and as a result they may feature faulty biased information

a drug is a

substance natural or human made that alters body functions as a result drugs can produce beneficial and harmful effects on the body

when undernutrition occurs during periods of rapid growth

such as pregnancy's, infancy, and childhood the long term effects can be devastating

matter is anything that

takes up space and has mass or weight on earth

much of the information form such popular sources is not evidence based

that is it is not supported by scientific evidence

chronic undernutrition is a condition

that occurs when a persons long term energy and nutrient intakes are insufficient to meet his or her needs

to establish an EAR for a nutrient

the FNB identifies a physiological marker a substance in the body that reflects proper functioning and can be measured this marker indicates weather the level of nutrient in the body is adequate

sugary foods and beverages typically supply energy but few or no micronutrients

the alcohol containing beverages is another source of empty calories

the scientist add a "margin of safety"

the amount to the EAR that allows for individual variations in nutrient needs and helps maintain tissue stores

energy dense

the energy value of food in relation to the foods weight

the recommendations of the basic four provided

the foundation for an adequate diet although the food guide supplied only about 1200 to 1400 kcals a day people could add extra serving of food to the basic diet plan if they had higher energy needs

Kilocalorie or Calorie is

the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1000 g ( a liter) of water 1 degrees Celsius

The government agency notes

the need for fat in the diet because some kinds of fat are dietary essentials

the placebo pill has inert ingredients

the pill contains substances that do not produce any measurable physical changes


the presentation of information masquerading as factual and obtained by scientific methods

if researchers design an experiment in which they fail to control variables that are not being tested

their findings are likely to be unclear or inaccurate

According to a report published by National Academy of Sciences in 2016

there is no scientific evidence that indicated genetically modified crops are unsafe for humans to consume or harmful to the environment

in some instances nutrition scientist are unable to develop RDAs for nutrients because

there is not enough information to determine bow much is required by people

placebos are not simply sugar pills

they are fake treatment such as a sham pill, injections or medical device the placebo mimics the treatment

although cream cheese cream and butter are made from cows milk

they are not included in the dairy group because they have little to no calcium and are high in fat

before articles are accepted for publication they undergo PEER review

this is a critical analysis conducted by a group of "peers"

Adequate Intakes (AIs)

to establish an AI, scientist record eating patters of a group of healthy people and estimate the groups average daily intake of the nutrient (AIs are taken when RDAs cant be found)

Healthy People 2030

to improve health by promoting healthy eating and making nutritious foods available

prospective means

to look forward

dietary guidelines are deigned

to promote good health and reduce the risk of major nutrition related chronic health conditions such as obesity and CVD. These guidelines are updated every 5 years


total of all chemical processes that occur in living cells including chemical reactions (changes) involved in generating energy making proteins and eliminating waste products

herbal supplements are made from plants that may have

toxic parts

800 million people are


chronically undernourished people are

underweight and often hungry

regional food shortages

unfavorable weather conditions and crop failures

consumers need to be aware that medical herbs may contain substances that affect the

usefulness or safety of prescription or over the counter medications as well as other herbs. Such interactions can produce unwanted and even dangerous side effects (see Table 2.2). Ginkgo biloba, for example, can interact with aspirin, increasing the risk of bleeding. Garlic, ginseng, and chondroitin sulfate supplements can also increase bleeding. Kava acts as a sedative (calming agent) and can amplify the effects of anesthetics and other medications used during surgery.

nutritional needs of health people

vary during different stages of their life

governments can support programs that encourage breastfeeding's and fortify locally grown or commonly consumed foods with

vits minerals that are often deficient in local diets

2018 an estimated 149 million children who were under 5 years of age

were stented, The height of a child with stunting is much lower than normal when compared to children who are the same age but adequately nourished

according to the FDA

whole grains are the intact group cracked or flaked seeds of cereal grains such as wheat buckwheat oats corn rice rye and barley

dietary guides generally recommend choosing foods made

whole grains instead of refined grains as they naturally contain more finer than other various nutrients

milk based desserts such as ice creams pudding and frozen yogurt are often grouped

with diary products even though they often have high added sugars and far content

when your source of nutrition information is testimonial, anecdote or advertisement

you cannot be sure that the information is based on scientific facts and therefore reliable

diet is likely to be nutritionally adequate if

your average daily intake for each nutrient meets the nutrients RDA or AI value

your lifestyle reflects your health related behaviors including

your dietary practices and physical activity habits

enrichment fortification

addition of any nutrient to food to boost its nutrient content such as adding calcium to orange juice vit A and D to milk and numerous vits and minerals to ready to eat cereals and snack and energy bars

according to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) a dietary supplement is a product that

adds to a person's dietary intake and contains one or more dietary ingredients, including nutrients or botanicals (herbs or other plant material); is taken by mouth; and, is a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, or extract.

American of all ages may reduce their risk of chronic diseases by

adopting nutritious diets and engaging in regular physical activity

The FDAs role in reviewing the safety of dietary supplements begins

after products enter the market place

comfrey pennyroyal sassafras kava lobelia and ma hyang are

among the plants known to be highly toxic or cancer causing

physiological dose

amount that is within the range of safe intake and enables the body to function optimally

the science of nutrition is constantly evolving; old beliefs and practices are discarded when they are not supported by more recent scientific evidence

and new principles and practices emerge form the new findings

websites sponsored by nationally recognized health associations such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (

and nonprofit organizations such as the American Cancer Society ( are reliable sources of nutrition information (*.org). Government agencies (*.gov) such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( and nationally accredited colleges and universities (*.edu) that have nutrition and dietetics programs are also excellent sources of credible nutrition information.

when used properly many dietary supplements particularly micronutrient products

are generally safe


are investigators who were not part of the study but are experts involved in related research

registered dietitian (RD) and registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)

are legally protected

the DSHEA defines a Dietary supplement

as a product (excluding Tabaco) that contains a vit, mineral, an herb, or other plant product, an amino acid, or a dietary substance that supplements the diet by increasing total intake

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) the use of natural products such as herbs vits and minerals and other dietary supplement's is an

aspect of alternative health care

peer reviewed nutrition journals usually require

authors of articles to disclose their affiliations and sources of financial support Such disclosures may appear on the first page or at the end of the article. By having this information, readers can decide on the reliability of the findings.

Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)

average daily energy intake that meets the needs of a healthy person who is maintaining his or her weight

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