oceanography soe 230 test 3 WSU

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small organisms

For organisms with the same shape, what has the larger surface/volume ratio

thermal contraction, glacial advance, mid-ocean ridge activity

Name 3 ways that a eustatic drop in Sea Level can occur

mid-ocean ridge activity, melting of ice sheets, thermal expansion

Name the three main ways by which a eustatic rise in sea-level can occur?

geological uplifting of ocean basins

Recent worldwide sea level rise cannot be attributed to which of the following?

sea anemone

Which of the following digests the edible tissue inside a mussel shell by turning its stomach inside out and slipping it through the crack in the shell?

drowned beach

Which of the following features is characteristic of a submerging shoreline?

exposed marine terrace

Which of the following features is characteristic of an emerging shoreline?

carbon dioxide CO2

Which of the following human-generated gases makes the greatest relative contribution to increasing the greenhouse effect?

decreasing ocean acidity

Which of the following is not an effect of climate change in the oceans?


Which of the following is not part of Earth's climate system?

animalia kingdom

Which of the following kingdoms contains the multicelled animals?


................... is a symbiotic relationship between two participants in which one benefits at the expense of the other.


................... is a symbiotic relationship in which both participants benefit.


................... is a symbiotic relationship in which one party benefits and the other is unaffected.

contain carbon in their chemical makeup

A good working definition of life does not need to incorporate that living things ____.

d. all of the above

A small size is advantageous for marine organisms because it ____. a. increases the ability to absorb nutrients b. increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism c. increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking d. all of the above


All organisms that drift with ocean currents are classified as ____.


All organisms that live on (or in) the ocean bottom are classified as ____.


An organism such as a fish whose body temperature is nearly the same as the environment is referred to as:


An organism that lives lives in benthic sediments is classified as..........


An organism that lives on top of benthic sediments is classified as..........

elevated temperatures

Coral bleaching often occurs in response to ..........


Does diffusion work more efficiently in small or large organisms.

there is a net gain in organic carbon by organisms

In primary production ....... A carbon dioxide is released into the water B oxygen is utilized by plants C oxygen utilized by animals is less than the oxygen consumed by autotrophs D proteins are made by animals E there is a net gain in organic carbon by organisms


Most marine animals have specially designed fibrous respiratory organs called ............ that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide directly with seawater.


Organisms such as a mackerel sharks and tunas that can maintain a relatively constant body temperature are referred to as:


Organisms that live in the spaces between sediment particles are called .....


Productivity in polar oceans is generally ...


Squids, fish, sea turtles, and marine mammals are examples of ........... organisms

water vapor

The atmospheric component that naturally contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is ..........


The color we see represents wavelengths of the visible electromagnetic spectrum that are

eating the coral polyps

The crown-of-thorns sea star destroys coral reefs by ..........

compensation depth

The depth at which the cellular respiration rate equals the photosynthetic rate is referred to as the ........... for photosynthesis

length of its siphon

The depth to which a bivalve can bury itself depends primarily on the .......


The distribution of benthic biomass closely matches the distribution of .......... in surface waters.

100 meters

The euphotic zone in the OPEN ocean extends from the surface down to approximately.......

swim bladder

The internal organ that allows the fish to adapt to changes in pressure

loss of zooxanthellae

The loss of color (coral bleaching) in coral reef organisms can be a result of ..........


The most important limiting factor in rocky intertidal communities is ........

burrowing into the sediment

The most successful adaptation for living on a sediment-covered shore is......

nitrogen and phosphorus

The nutrients that tend to limit photosynthesis in marine environments include ..........


The process by which energy is derived from solar radiation that is used by certain organisms to form organic matter is called .........

mutualistic symbiosis

The relationship between the protistan zooxanthellae and the polyps of reef-building corals is best described as a/an ..........


The zone that extends from the surface to a depth where enough light still exists to support photosynthesis is called the ...............zone.


The zone that has no light is called the.................zone

eccentricity, obliquity and precession (all of the above)

Variations in Earth's orbit that influence long-term climate changes include...........


Water warm enough to support coral growth is found primarily in the .......... regions of the oceans.


What accounts for the greatest biomass in the oceans, pelagic or benthic species?


What accounts for the greatest diversity of life in the oceans? Pelagic or benthic?

Availability of nutrients and availability of solar radiation

What are the two main factors affecting primary productivity


Which of the following types of plankton are heterotrophic, non-photosynthetic and must get their energy from consuming other organisms


Which of the following types of plankton can photosynthesize and produce its own food?

because of the nutrient-rich water at depth it brings to the surface

Why do areas of upwelling typically have high primary productivity?

spray (supratidal) zone

above the spring high tide line; receives water only by sea spray

natural causes of climate change

changes in solar radiation variations in earth's orbit volcanic eruptions

salt marshes

coastal wetlands that are flooded and drained by salt water brought in by the tides

seaweed: holdfasts hold them in place but they do not provide nutrients, must obtain nutrients from water land plants: roots hold them in place and nourish them

how does seaweed differ from land plants


in which domain do all marine mammals belong?


in which kingdom do all marine fishes belong

maximum sustainable yield

maximum level at which a natural resource can be routinely exploited without long-term depletion


movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from low to high concentrated solutions

sea lions can sit sea lions have ear flaps seals can't move forward on land

name three differences between seals and sea lions


small benthic marine animals that feed with stinging tentacles and are related to jelly fish


the conditions of Earth's atmosphere -- temperature, precipitation, and wind -- that prevail in a particular region over an extended time.


the manufacture of sugars (carbohydrates) by primary producers using chemical compounds (hydrogen sulfide) as energy source


wave-resistant structures produced by corals and other organisms

carnivora sirenia cetacea

what are the three orders of marine mammals?

order carnivora

what taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal -- walrus

order sirenia

what taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal dugong


which of the following swims for its entire life?

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