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A. unitary

1. Ultimate authority is assigned to the national government and subnational governments exercise only the powers the central government chooses to delegate in a(n) __________ system. A. unitary B. confederal C. federal D. authoritarian E. bicameral

b. incorporation theory

10. The view that most of the liberties and rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are protected from state government actions through the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause is known as the __________. a. assimilation doctrine b. incorporation theory c. state restrictions exclusion d. supremacy theory e. systemic exclusion scheme

c. civil right

4. The guarantee of equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment is a(n) __________. a. affirmative right b. civil liberty c. civil right d. common law e. protective right

a. judicial interpretation

4. What shapes the true nature of the civil liberties and rights we possess? a. judicial interpretation b. presidential signing statements c. congressional veto overrides d. law review articles e. ethical court rulings under natural law

C. increasing gap in the income and wealth of individuals

A current issue the government faces today is a(n): A. decrease in the national debt B. decrease in global competition and foreign trade C. increasing gap in the income and wealth of individuals D. increasing rate of homeownership E. increasing high school graduation rate

Representative Democracy

A form of government in which representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies but the monarchy may be retained in the ceremonial role

d. someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it

A free rider is __________. a. a member of an interest group b. a participant in a social movement c. someone granted free passage to Washington to lobby or demonstrate d. someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it e. a civil rights activist

a. neither recognized nor represented by an interest group

A latent interest is an interest __________. a. neither recognized nor represented by an interest group b. recognized and represented by an interest group c. based on input from free riders d. mandated by voting records of interest group members e. defeated by previous leaders of an interest group

C. divine right of kings

A leader rules under the belief that he or she has ultimate authority and that authority was conferred by God according to the: A. theory of enlightenment B. papal compact C. divine right of kings E. social contract

a. consensus

A poll that indicates 92 percent of adults believe an education beyond high school is crucial for success in today's job market represents a __________ of opinion. a. consensus b. divisive c. judgmental d. majority e. patriarchal

e. nonopinion

A poll that indicates that 20 percent of respondents approve of the U.S. military assisting in issues of regional violence in Africa, that 17 percent disapprove, and that a majority do not know enough to answer exemplifies a __________. a. bystander opinion b. disengaged opinion c. fringe opinion d. mute opinion e. nonopinion


A set of beliefs that include a limited role for the national government in helping individuals, support for traditional values and lifestyles, and a cautious repose to change


A set of beliefs that include the advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of individuals, support for civil rights, and tolerance for political and social change

E. ​adopted a unicameral legislature

A similarity that exists between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia during the time of the American Revolution and the state of Nebraska today is that all __________.​ A. ​instituted a nonvoluntary state militia B. ​imposed a state income tax C. ​select to honorarily recognize the British Parliament D. ​recognize both Thomas Jefferson and John Locke as author of the Declaration of Independence E. ​adopted a unicameral legislature


A state of peace and security maintaining order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activity is the oldest purpose of government

d. importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers

A striking feature of today's political campaigns is the __________. a. large number of people who are willing to volunteer their time b. positive theme that most candidates use exclusively through the election c. lack of money contributed to candidates for major political office d. importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers e. refusal of so many candidates to take advantage of the media


A system of government in which political authority is vested in the people. derived from the greek word=s demos (the people) and kratos (authority)


A theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups. Political decision making is characterized by bargaining and compromise


A twentieth-century ideology - often totalitarian that exalts the national collective united behind an absolute ruler. Fascism rejects liberal individualism, values action over rational deliberation, and glorifies war

c. plurality

A winner-take-all system is also known as a __________ voting system. a. democratic b. majority c. plurality d. proportional e. representational

b. not conferred rights in the Constitution because the founders believed equality required independent thinking and the capacity for rational action, which they believed these groups did not possess

African Americans, women, Native Americans, and white men who did not own property were __________. a. not conferred rights in the Constitution because the founders chose to follow precedents set in the Articles of Confederation b. not conferred rights in the Constitution because the founders believed equality required independent thinking and the capacity for rational action, which they believed these groups did not possess c. not conferred rights in the Constitution because the founders were focused on advancing their own positions as men of power and wealth d. conferred rights, including civil liberties, as outlined in Article IV of the Constitution e. conferred rights in the Constitution on ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment


An economic system characterized by the private ownership of wealth-creating assets, and also by free markets and freedom of contract

e. latent interest

An interest that is neither recognized nor represented by a group at the present time is known as a __________. a. free rider b. common interest c. public benefit d. rational incentive e. latent interest

D. federal system

Authority is divided, usually by a written constitution, between a central government and constituent (state) governments in a(n) __________. A. monarchy B. unitary system C. confederal system D. federal system E. duopoly

b. describing attitudes typically shared by some portion of the adult population

Because there is no single "public," but rather many different publics, surveying public opinion actually means __________. a. focusing on one identifiable opinion among competing opinions b. describing attitudes typically shared by some portion of the adult population c. identifying the issue where opinions aggregate d. polling only influential individuals e. persuading people to support the policies of the administration in power

C. ​all of the states adopted written constitutions

Between the signing of the Declaration of Independence and actual independence from Britain being achieved __________. A. the army was disbanded by George Washington B. ​King George III formally recognized the United States as an independent country C. ​all of the states adopted written constitutions D. the Republican party formed in support of strong central government​ E. the Constitution was drafted

c. protections of citizens from improper government action

Civil liberties, in simplest terms, are __________. a. defined in detail in the Constitution b. freedoms that civilians have that military personnel do not c. protections of citizens from improper government action d. guarantees that all people get treated equally by the government e. necessary for government to function

D. Americans suffer as a result of the inequalities across the states

Critics of federalism maintain that __________. A. the system allows too much power at the state level B. the system allows too much power at the local level C. there is no check on the powers of the national government D. Americans suffer as a result of the inequalities across the states E. Americans often are unaware of the differences that exist from one state to the next

D. citizens

Democracy in the United States derives its powers from __________. A. the Constitution B. the Declaration of Independence C. the U.S. Supreme Court D. citizens E. natural law

B. maintained state traditions while creating a strong national government to handle common problems

During the time of the Constitutional Convention, Federalism was an appealing compromise because it __________. A. prevented cities and states from being dominated by a single group or faction B. maintained state traditions while creating a strong national government to handle common problems C. allowed Americans to gain uniform benefits as they moved from state to state D. permitted states to nullify actions of the national government E. made the national government the focal point of dissatisfaction

A. driving reform at the national level

Federalism allows the existence of political subcultures that have proved instrumental in __________. A. driving reform at the national level B. preventing most reforms at the national level C. preventing most reforms at the state level D. driving reforms that are efficient and speedy E. preventing modification of major reform programs

a. a consensus

General agreement among the citizenry on an issue constitutes __________. a. a consensus b. a divisive opinion c. majority rule d. a reconciliation e. public aggregation

a. ​equal employment opportunity

Given the distinction between civil rights and civil liberties, which of the following is most often an example of a civil right rather than a civil liberty?​ a. ​equal employment opportunity b. ​right to bear arms c. ​freedom of expression d. ​right to privacy e. ​separation of church and state

b. Each state's judicial system interpreted the rights differently.

If the constitutions of most states included bills of rights, why was it important for the Bill of Rights found in the Constitution to be applied to state law? a. Naturalists believed it was important to have a single, unified system of rights. b. Each state's judicial system interpreted the rights differently. c. It was necessary to prevent states from claiming preeminence in this area. d. The supremacy clause in state constitutions made it necessary. e. Each state's legislature continued to change these rights and liberties.

D. shared between the national and state governments

In American government's federal framework, supreme and independent political authority is​ __________. A. ​reserved to the states, or to the people B. ​the concern of only the national government C. vested in the three branches of government D. shared between the national and state governments E. not an issue because of the separation of powers

c. ​sets broad limits on government action

In general, public opinion __________.​ a. ​determines government action b. ​does not impact government action c. ​sets broad limits on government action d. ​affects government action on issues that are part of election campaigns e. ​impacts only the highest office holders at the national level

a. all of the votes of their party's supporters, a majority of the independent voters, and a few votes from supporters of the other party

In order to win in American politics today, candidates seek to capture __________. a. all of the votes of their party's supporters, a majority of the independent voters, and a few votes from supporters of the other party b. only the votes of their party's supporters, because the votes of independents are largely irrelevant c. all of the votes of their party's supporters, as well as those of all of the independent voters, and all of the voters from the other party d. a majority of their party's supporters, some of the independent voters, and a few votes from supporters of the other party e. some of their party's supporters, most of the independent voters, and a few votes from supporters of the other party

d. to reject the major-party candidates

In the case of an independent candidate, or a candidate representing a minor party, the most serious problem is to convince voters __________. a. that voting is a largely irrational action b. of the importance of foreign policy issues c. of the importance of domestic policy issues d. to reject the major-party candidates e. that the Madisonian model is fundamentally flawed

b. the party-in-the-electorate

Individuals who may or may not participate in election campaigns yet who feel loyalty to a political party would best be described as __________. a. a faction b. the party-in-the-electorate c. the party organization d. a public interest group e. straight-ticket voters

b. ​the courts

Interest groups will attempt to influence the government through the executive and legislative branches and if those avenues fail they will turn to __________ to achieve their objectives.​ a. ​the business community b. ​the courts c. ​other interest groups d. ​the press e. ​social media

b. ​divisive opinion

Issues on which the public holds widely differing attitudes result in __________.​ a. ​consensus opinion b. ​divisive opinion c. ​extremist opinion d. ​nonopinion e. ​polarity opinion

d. ​winning a majority of the elections will allow the party's policies to be enacted

Leaders in the political parties pay close attention to the affiliation of their members electorate because __________.​ a. ​they must secure the votes of all of their party-in-the-electorate to be elected b. ​they seek to attract under-represented groups c. campaign contribution are most likely to come from ​these individuals d. ​winning a majority of the elections will allow the party's policies to be enacted e. ​voters may only choose between two formal choices when declaring their party

a. ​media that are intended to be publicly available, or at least targeted at large numbers of people

Mass media can be defined as _________.​ a. ​media that are intended to be publicly available, or at least targeted at large numbers of people b. ​the methods or technologies people use for communication, such as phones, radio, newspapers, television, and the Internet c. ​the people and organizations that provide content about public affairs—news and commentary—that is disseminated across media d. ​programming that is intended primarily to entertain, but also provides political news e. ​information that the government provides to the media for distribution to the population at large

A. unitary

Most countries today operate under a(n) __________ form of government. A. unitary B. confederal C. federal D. authoritarian E. bicameral

e. loans to college students

Of the following, which is an example of a collective benefit? a. copyright law b. satellite television and radio c. smart phones d. compensation to wrongly convicted individuals e. loans to college students

e. national government

Originally, the Bill of Rights limited only the power of the __________. a. state governments b. regional governments c. president d. Supreme Court e. national government

b. to receive direct economic benefits

People who become members of interest groups in response to material incentives join __________ . a. for reasons of belonging b. to receive direct economic benefits c. to express their ethical beliefs or personal convictions d. to have an impact, politically, economically, or socially on society e. because they have been pressured to join

a. American parties are not focused on signing up large numbers of members

Political parties in the United States differ from those in European countries in that __________. a. ​American parties are not focused on signing up large numbers of members b. ​parties in European countries are active only at the national level c. ​party organizations in America are highly structured d. ​major functions in European political parties are carried out by a small group of party activists e. ​American parties require active members to contribute dues

a. ​Tea Party protests

Public officials may have a difficult time distinguishing the public's opinion on a specific issue​ from the public's expression of dissatisfaction, which has been demonstrated by __________. a. ​Tea Party protests b. ​opinions related to abortion c. Vietnam War protests in the 1970s d. ​polls related to same-sex marriage e. ​the increase in Independent voters

b. civil liberties

Restraining the government's actions against individuals is defined as __________. a. civil liabilities b. civil liberties c. civil rights d. individual liberties e. societal liberties

b. people feared the potential tyranny of the national government

The Bill of Rights addressed the powers of the national government because __________. a. states did not possess the right to act directly on the people b. people feared the potential tyranny of the national government c. state laws were supreme over those of the national government d. state governments possessed absolute power e. political parties had not yet been created

C. regulates the relationship between government and each individual citizen

The Constitution defines the structure of the national and state governments and __________. A. restricts the power of county or parish governments B. outlines the nomination process for selecting the executive officer C. regulates the relationship between government and each individual citizen D. restricts the power of the individual citizen E. promotes the formation of a confederation of states

D. all people possess certain natural rights and that it is the duty of the government to protect those rights

The Declaration of Independence reflects the philosophy of John Locke, who argued that __________. A. government must pledge its allegiance to God before it can claim legitimacy B. government cannot interfere with the reality that life is nasty, brutish, and short C. government must be divided into executive, legislative, and judicial branches in order to be effective D. all people possess certain natural rights and that it is the duty of the government to protect those rights E. people possess only those rights that government grants to them

B. establish the legitimacy of the new nation in the eyes of the governments in Europe and those of the colonists

The Declaration of Independence was necessary to __________. A. establish a framework for a new system of government that would allow representation without taxation B. establish the legitimacy of the new nation in the eyes of the governments in Europe and those of the colonists C. create for a delicate balance of federal and state power D. identify the reasons the British saw separation from the colonies as necessary E. demand a separation of church and state

c. Dred Scott v. Sanford

The Supreme Court's decision in __________, which held that slaves were not citizens of the United States and thus not entitled to the rights and privileges of citizenship, contributed to the inevitability of the Civil War. a. Bakke v. California b. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka c. Dred Scott v. Sanford d. Lincoln v. Douglas e. Plessy v. Ferguson

b. ​equal protection

The __________ clause of the Fourteenth Amendment has been used to launch progress in civil rights. a. ​affirmative action b. ​equal protection c. ​exclusionary rule d. ​home rule e. ​integration

D. State governments are frequently testing grounds for new governmental initiatives.

The advantages of a federal system of government include which of the following? A. All Americans gain the benefit of uniform policies in every state, ensuring the same level of educational spending and achievement as well as crime prevention efforts for every person no matter where they live. B. The federal government is the focal point of political dissatisfaction for the people of the nation, thus sparing lower levels of government from criticism. C. Given the changes and developments in transportation and communications systems, it is more practical to locate power in one place. D. State governments are frequently testing grounds for new governmental initiatives. E. Smaller political units, such as cities and states, are less likely to be dominated by a single political group.

E. confederal

The central government can make laws that are directly applicable to member states and those states can choose not to support the laws under a __________ system of government. A. unitary B federal C. authoritarian D. totalitarian E. confederal

a. they produced legislation that secured important rights for all Americans

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s and the women's movement were significant because __________. a. they produced legislation that secured important rights for all Americans b. they limited government power over individuals' liberties c. they produced legislation that secured important liberties only for African Americans and women d. both groups finally got the right to vote e. both groups were finally recognized in the Constitution as citizens

B . ​in the Plymouth colony

The concept of a social contract existing between people and the government first occurred in the United States ___________.​ A. ​in the Jamestown colony B. ​in the Plymouth colony C. ​with the Declaration of Independence D. ​with the Articles of Confederation E. ​with the Constitution

A. cuts to state and local government budgets

The elimination of tax increases may result in: A. cuts to state and local government budgets B. an increase to the budget of the federal government C. decreases in the national debt D. increases in foreign trade E. improvement to services that people have come to expect

d. ​after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment

The federal government began to apply the Bill of Rights to the states __________.​ a. ​after it was discovered that jailers were imprisoning prisoners without reading them their rights b. ​after the Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 c. ​during the Reconstruction Era d. ​after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment e. ​after former slaves were being denied the right to vote in the South

b. divisive

The following is an example of a(n) __________ opinion: To reduce the threat of terrorism, would you be willing or not willing to allow government agencies to monitor the telephone calls and email of ordinary Americans on a regular basis? (Willing: 41%; Not willing: 52%; Don't know/No answer: 7%) a. consensus b. divisive c. dubious d. favorable e. unified

b. win the election, since the candidate who comes in second gets no reward

The goal of a political campaign is to __________. a. provide competition that will allow the most qualified candidate to be elected b. win the election, since the candidate who comes in second gets no reward c. improve the voters' knowledge of the major issues d. make the parties stronger and unite the country e. provide voters with strong ideology with a candidate who satisfies their preferences


The greatest freedom of individuals that is consistent with the freedom with other individuals in the society

Consent of the people

The idea that the governments, and laws, derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed.

B. government

The institution in which decisions are made that resolve conflicts or allocates benefits and privileges is known as: A. social contract B. government C. democratic resolution D. politics E. separation of powers

e. ​an extension of the freedom of the press found in the First Amendment

The media's role in reporting the news is __________.​ a. ​secondary to setting the public agenda through investigative stories b. ​often misrepresented as being vital to the democratic process c. ​diminished because of the biased information provided by most of the mass media d. ​a form of political socialization e. ​an extension of the freedom of the press found in the First Amendment

d. ​public opinion shifts dramatically

The national government is very responsive to the public's demand for action when __________.​ a. ​the majority of Americans express opinions at the extremes of an issue b. ​public opinion shows that a majority of Americans have a nonopinion c. ​an election has just occurred d. ​public opinion shifts dramatically e. ​the issue concerns civil rights

b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party

The party organization is __________. a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party c. all elected and appointed officials who identify with a party d. the urban machinery that distributes social benefits e. responsible only for mundane matters, such as printing signs and scheduling

Political Socialization

The process through which an individuals learn a set of political attitudes and form opinions about social issues. The family and the educational system are two of the most important forces in the political socialization process

e. the Bill of Rights did not apply to state law

The ruling in the 1833 Supreme Court case of Barron v. Baltimore held that __________. a. the city of Baltimore was part of the state of Maryland, not Virginia b. Barron was a citizen of the United States, but not of either Maryland or of the city of Baltimore c. the Court did not have jurisdiction in cases involving cities d. each state's constitution was supreme to the Bill of Rights e. the Bill of Rights did not apply to state law

c. the party organization

The structural framework for the political party that recruits volunteers to become party leaders and identifies potential candidates is __________. a. a faction b. the party-in-the-electorate c. the party organization d. a public interest group e. straight-ticket voters

E. politics

The struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant or withhold benefits or privileges is known as: A. aristocracy B. authority C. government D. legitimacy E. politics


The struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups, that can grant or withhold benefits or privileges

B. confederal

The system consisting of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers, and a central government with limited powers is known as a(n) __________ system. A. unitary B. confederal C federal D. authoritarian E. bicameral

A. would be nasty, violent, and short

The theory of Thomas Hobbes states that life without government __________. A. would be nasty, violent, and short B. would be free of unnecessary intrusions C. would resemble the Age of Enlightenment D. is unnecessary, given man's inherent qualities E. is a utopian ideal

B. social contract

The theory that individuals form communities by mutual consent, giving up some of their individual liberty in order to gain the protection of government is known as __________. A. divine right of kings B. social contract C. the Leviathan agreement D. political order E. elitism

b. ​network dramas that introduce politically controversial topics to stimulate public discussion

The ​media's entertainment function, as related to politics, is best demonstrated through _________. a. ​airing friction-filled presidential debates in the weeks leading up to the general election b. ​network dramas that introduce politically controversial topics to stimulate public discussion c. ​creating reality shows like Survivor or American Idol that covertly address political issues d. ​politically related talk shows that dominate the prime-time slots on the major television networks e. ​cable news programs that promote the ideology of the host or channel

B. distance between mother country and the colonies allowed more freedom

Theoretically, the colonies were governed by England, but the colonists were able to exercise a large measure of self-government because the __________. A. British Crown had little interest in the activities in the colonies B. distance between mother country and the colonies allowed more freedom C. British were more concerned with colonies in India D. colonial representatives in Parliament had lobbied for more freedom E. British had not issued a charter to each of the colonies thus allowing greater individual rights

B. ability to make the arguments in plain language for the readers

Thomas Paine's work, Common Sense, was important for both his ideas and his __________. A. continuing loyalty to aristocratic ideals B. ability to make the arguments in plain language for the readers C. ties to Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and George III D. orations in local speeches E. command of the armies of Rhode Island

b. a child born in the United States to noncitizens has birthright citizenship

Under the Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court ruling in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, __________. a. a child born in the United States to noncitizens does not have birthright citizenship b. a child born in the United States to noncitizens has birthright citizenship c. a child born in the United States to noncitizens does not have birthright citizenship because of a subsequent ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka d. a child born in the United States to noncitizens of Asian descent does not have birthright citizenship e. two different types citizenship were recognized: one for children born to American citizens and one for those born to noncitizens

e. participating in a demonstration

Which of the following is a form of political expression? a. purchasing an American-made automobile b. viewing a campaign ad for a candidate for Congress c. reading a political blog d. watching television e. participating in a demonstration

d. Political parties have a confederal structure.

Which of the following is true of political parties in America? a. Political parties are extremely hierarchical. b. Political parties are similar to the hierarchies of corporations. c. Political parties are extremely powerful. d. Political parties have a confederal structure. e. Political parties receive most of the political contributions made in each state.

e. The rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights change over time, depending on interpretation by the Supreme Court.

Which of the following statements best describes the Bill of Rights? a. The rights guaranteed to all citizens in the Bill of Rights are self-executing and have required little interpretation. b. The Bill of Rights has always been equally applied to both the national and state governments. c. The Bill of Rights consists of additions to the civil liberties initially discussed in the Constitution. d. The Bill of Rights narrowly defines basic freedoms, requiring great consideration by the Supreme Court in interpreting them. e. The rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights change over time, depending on interpretation by the Supreme Court.

c. Civil liberties specify what government cannot do, whereas civil rights specify what government must do to ensure equal protection and freedom from discrimination.

Which of the following statements is true? a. Civil liberties and civil rights are essentially identical. b. Civil liberties can be linked to specific provisions in the Constitution, whereas civil rights cannot. c. Civil liberties specify what government cannot do, whereas civil rights specify what government must do to ensure equal protection and freedom from discrimination. d. Civil rights specify what government cannot do, whereas civil liberties specify what government must do to ensure equal protection and freedom from discrimination. e. Governments must honor civil liberties, whereas they have the option to honor civil rights.

c. The focus during a campaign is on the candidate because fewer people identify with political parties.

Which statement about candidates, political parties, and campaigns is most accurate? a. The political party is the main source of campaign funding for a candidate. b. The candidate's position on the issues has been overshadowed in the campaign by the political party's position on key issues. c. The focus during a campaign is on the candidate because fewer people identify with political parties. d. The political party provides most of the expertise needed for a candidate to campaign effectively. e. The intensity found in campaigns is due to the focus being on the political party and not on the candidate.

b. ​Political talk shows are often criticized because they focus on negative politics rather than policy issues.

Which statement about talk radio is most accurate?​ a. The number of talk radio stations that program only talk shows has decreased since the 1980s.​ b. ​Political talk shows are often criticized because they focus on negative politics rather than policy issues. c. ​Political talk shows with a liberal perspective outnumber those with a conservative agenda. d. ​Research reflects that the audience for talk radio is frequently unaware of the ideology of the political programming. e. ​More than 2,000 radio stations offer programming related to politics today.

b. ​The party organization is responsible for maintaining the affiliation of the party-in-the-electorate.

Which statement about the party organization is correct? a. ​The party organization at the national level is most important for recruiting young adults into political work. b. ​The party organization is responsible for maintaining the affiliation of the party-in-the-electorate. c. ​The party organization begins working two years before an election to recruit workers. d. ​The party organization is hierarchical with power being centered at the national level. e. ​The party organization at the national level funds the operations of the state and local party organizations.

c. A finance chairperson directs fundraising and spending for a campaign.

Which statement about the professional campaign staff utilized by today's candidates is most accurate? a. A political consultant is responsible for organizing the Get Out the Vote drive prior to election day. b. A press secretary designs the campaign theme and oversees the advertising. c. A finance chairperson directs fundraising and spending for a campaign. d. A pollster devises the campaign strategy and continually monitors the campaign's progress. e. A communications director is responsible for dealing directly with the press covering the campaign.

a. ​Most television news shows convey "straight news" with limited opinion provided by the anchor and guest commentators.

Which statement about the revolution in media is most accurate?​ a. ​Most television news shows convey "straight news" with limited opinion provided by the anchor and guest commentators. b. ​The traditional 6:30 p.m.-news hour has been erased by cable networks that allow access to news on a continuous cycle. c. ​While many television news shows appear to reach out to target viewers, the opportunity for those viewers to interact with the hosts is limited. d. ​Traditional news programs on television and cable networks have had difficulty attracting viewers with their Internet formats. e. ​Many news programs blur the line between news and opinion, making it difficult for viewers to distinguish the factual information.

a. ​Politicians at all levels of government office have placed importance on having a presence on the Web.

Which statement about the role of social networking, blogging, and the Internet is most accurate? a. ​Politicians at all levels of government office have placed importance on having a presence on the Web. b. The two-major party candidates for president in 2004 were the first to develop political websites for their campaign.​ c. ​Because social networks were intended for use among friends, business colleagues, and families, politicians have limited their presence in these applications. d. Political candidates have had limited success using the Internet to raise money to fund campaigns. e. ​Blogs often encourage readers to obtain further information through other news sources in the mainstream media.

d. ​Alternative sources of news and information are essential to inform citizens and maintain democracy.

Which statement about the role of the media in society is true?​ a. ​Media is often limited with the scope of news and information that they cover because of government control. b. ​Regulations over media have increased during the past two decades as alternative sources of news and information have emerged. c. ​The influence a citizen can have over their elected official is limited due to the fact that these individuals control the release of information. d. ​Alternative sources of news and information are essential to inform citizens and maintain democracy. e. ​The role that media plays in society has been declining because of narrowcasting in the mainstream media.

d. ​Civil rights are claims that citizens make on the government for equal citizenship and protections from discrimination by other citizens or government agencies.

Which statement regarding civil right is correct?​ a. ​Civil rights are the freedoms of speech, press, and religion. b. Civil rights are a requirement that was upheld in many of the 13 colonies that one must belong to the official state religion. c. ​Civil rights guarantee that discrimination against individuals because of race, gender, national origin, religion, and sexual orientation will not occur. d. ​Civil rights are claims that citizens make on the government for equal citizenship and protections from discrimination by other citizens or government agencies. e. ​Civil rights are classifications based on race, religion, or ethnicity used by government agencies for the distribution of goods or services.

A. established an army and named George Washington as commander in chief

While a peaceful settlement with the British Parliament was still being discussed, the Second Continental Congress __________. A. established an army and named George Washington as commander in chief B. established a navy and named John Paul Jones supreme commander C. entered into an agreement with France to go to war with Great Britain D. declared war on Great Britain, France, and Spain E. drafted a treaty that was rejected by Great Britain

E. called for individuals to watch their neighbors and report violations of the ban on trade with Britain

While gathered in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress, delegates from 12 colonies __________. A. approved a declaration of war against England B. called for King George to step down from the throne C. approved a resolution calling for a declaration of independence from England D. called on the colonies to raise armies but encouraged colonies to continue trade with England so as to improve economic conditions E. called for individuals to watch their neighbors and report violations of the ban on trade with Britain

c. Material

__________ incentives incite people to join groups because of the companionship and sense of belonging that they offer. a. Expressive b. Latent c. Material d. Purposive e. Solidary

b. Civil rights

__________ refer to the rights of all Americans to equal treatment under the law. a. Civil liberties b. Civil rights c. Common rights d. Inalienable rights e. Natural rights

C. John Locke

__________ theorized that government is formed to protect life, liberty, and property, but if government violates the social contract with the people, the people have the duty to end the abusive government and establish a new government. A. Thomas Hobbes B. Thomas Jefferson C. John Locke D. Harold Lasswell E. Alexander Hamilton

A. Politics

__________ was defined by political scientist Harold Lasswell as "who gets what, when, and how." A. Politics B. Government C. Institution D. Social Contract E. Initiative

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Database Design Chapter 2 Data Models

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Ch. 14 Head, Face, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics

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Small Ruminants: Ovine, Caprine and Camelids

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Healthcare foundations prepU ch. 40 Oxygenation and Perfusion

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APHuG Unit 1: Thinking Geographically

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