Possible Questions for Exam 4 HIS 101

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Which of these was a consequence of the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

A continuation of religious warfare

Which definition describes the Portuguese caravel?

A three-masted sailing ship

During the Great Schism, how did the powers of Europe align themselves?

Along the lines of traditional political alliances, with France and her allies supporting the French pope and the others favoring the Italian pope

How did justifications for slavery change from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century?

Arguments supporting slavery began to focus more on science and nature and less on religion.

How did attitudes toward same-sex relations change from the early to High Middle Ages?

Authorities in the early Middle Ages were little concerned with same-sex relationships, but in the High Middle Ages such relationships became capital crimes.

Between 1309 and 1376, a period known as the Babylonian Captivity, popes lived in


Pedro Álvares Cabral led the expedition that landed on which landmass in 1500?


In 1501 who did the Prince of Wales, Arthur Tudor marry?

Catherine of Aragon

The major resource brought back by European explorers in the northern Atlantic in the sixteenth century was


How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521?

Luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teachings and practices.

How did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women?

Marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women.

Which group resisted the Portuguese efforts to gain control over Indian Ocean trade?

Muslim-controlled port cities

Who wrote The Prince?

Niccolo Machiavelli

"Fur-collar crime" refers to

Nobles who stole from rich and poor alike, kidnapped the wealthy for ransom, and demanded protection money from peasants

Which cities led the way in the great commercial revival of the eleventh century?

Northern Italian cities

Which play by Shakespeare highlighted the issue of race?


Which group joined the Jacquerie rebellion in France, killing nobles and destroying noble property?

Parish priests

Early-sixteenth-century critics of the clergy focused on the problems of clerical immorality, clerical ignoranceand clerical


As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany

became either Lutheran or Catholic, depending on the preference of their prince

The Concordat of Bologna, between Francis I of France and Pope Leo X, gave the French monarch the authority to

choose bishops and abbots in France.

Which factor at least partially accounted for political and commercial stability in the Middle East during the Abbasid caliphate (750-1258)?

common language and culture

John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

detract from the sovereignty of God

The Ursuline order of nuns focused on

educating women

Bartolomé de Las Casas asserted that the Indians

had human rights

Which distinct artistic genre emerged during the Renaissance?

individual portrait

The religious life of Bridget of Sweden demonstrates that

mystical experiences were an important part of medieval Christianity.

The Pilgrimage of Grace attested to

popular opposition, in northern England, to Henry VIII's reformation

The Tudor king Henry VII of England won broad, popular support by

promoting peace and social order at the local level

According to Machiavelli, government should be judged on whether it

provided order, security, and safety of the populace

In addition to reforming the church, the other, unrealized goal of the Council of Trent was

reconciling with the Protestants

The dissolution of the English monasteries

resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

The Spanish Inquisition was established to

root out insincere Jewish converts to Christianity.

The New Laws put forward by King Charles I of Spain in 1542

set limits on the authority of encomienda holders.

The Star Chamber was a court

that dealt with noble threats to royal power in England

Which statement best describes Hernán Cortés's crucial advantage in his conquest of the Aztec Empire?

Cortés was able to exploit internal dissension within the Aztec Empire

Which person was a wealthy Florentine and the political leader of his city?

Cosimo de Medici

Which was one of Erasmus' fundamental themes for reform?

Education in the Bible and the classics is key for moral and intellectual improvement

What Dutch humanist and author of The Praise of Folly was one of the most famous men in Renaissance Era Europe?


Which statement best characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus?

Europe was not the dominant player before Columbus, and the voyages derived from a desire to gain direct access to the goods of overseas trade.

Which statement accurately relates how Europeans engaged with the slave trade in the fifteenth century?

Europeans bought and sold only Africans who had previously been enslaved.

Which role did the idea of "fate" play in Machiavelli's analysis in The Prince?

Even the most skilled and prepared ruler could not fully escape the operations of fate that might cause a prince to lose his realm.

Whose daughter married two heirs to the English throne in 1501 and in 1509?

Ferdinand and Isabella

Which explorer led the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire?

Francisco Pizarro

The fall of which city to Christian forces in 1492 signaled the completion of the Reconquista?


The Edict of Nantes

Granted French Huguenots the right to worship in 150 towns.

The most important factor in the emergence of the Italian Renaissance was the

Great commercial revival in Italy

Which of these best defines the term race as it was used during the Renaissance?

Groupings of people based on ethnic, national, or religious factors

The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ended the

Hapsburg-Valois Wars

How did the Calvinists understand the idea of work or labor?

Hard work was a possible sign that one was among God's elect

Which statement best characterizes Girolamo Savonarola?

He came to power in Florence denouncing vice and corruption but lost authority as people grew tired of his moral condemnations.

Which action taken by Petrarch helped bring about a new golden age in Italy?

He recommended a new method of education

Which name was given to French Calvinists?


Which group believed the merging of Christian and classical traditions could provide reform for the church and deepen the spiritual lives of people?


How did Pico della Mirandola understand the uniqueness of humankind?

Humans, lacking a fixed place, were the one part of the created world that could freely choose to rise to the heavens or sink into the realm of animals.

Which body of water was the center of the Afro-Eurasian trade world?

Indian Ocean

John Tetzel was selling what, which infuriated Martin Luther to the point that he drafted his "Ninety-five Theses?"


Which statement best describes the accomplishment of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

It divided the Atlantic Ocean, giving Spain control of everything west of an imaginary line and Portugal everything east of the line.

How does Dante's Divine Comedy demonstrate the tensions of the fourteenth century?

It is a deeply Christian poem but also harshly criticizes some church officials

Why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work during the Renaissance?

It was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and, therefore, not responsible for supporting a family.

What two things happened at the Council of Constance?

Jan Hus were executed and the Great Schism ended

Which group was active in Japan and China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, until authorities banned its teachings?

Jesuit Missionaries

Which Catholic religious order was founded in 1540 by Ignatius Loyola?


Which statement correctly identifies the Spanish conversos?

Jewish Christians, some of whom held prominent positions in the state, church, and business

Philip of Burgundy married whom in 1496, laying the groundwork for a possible dynasty linking The Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire, and Spain.

Joanna of Castile

The most important second-generation Protestant reformer was

John Calvin

Why did a unified Italian state fail to develop in the fifteenth century?

Political loyalty and feeling centered on a passionate attachment to the individual city-state.

Which name was given to the Catholic and Huguenot moderates in France?


Which European nation, with the help of Genoese financiers, merchants, and navigators, initiated an exploration along the Atlantic coast of Africa in search of new sources of gold, silver, and copper?


During the Great Schism......

Rival popes were elected, creating a political and religious crisis.

Under Henry VII of England, the center of royal authority was

Royal Council

The examples of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Ferdinand Magellan all exemplify which trait of European overseas exploration in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries?

Royal patronage was important in funding such voyages.

Which statement best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation?

Salvation came through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace

Which statement describes theologian John Wyclif's main argument?

Scripture alone should determine church belief and practice

Which development caused inflation in Spain in the sixteenth century?

Spain's growing population and stagnant production

Italian humanists stressed the

Study of classics for what they could reveal about human nature

How effective was the Holy Office (or Universal Inquisition), established by the papacy in 1542?

The Holy Office effectively destroyed heresy within the Papal States but had little influence elsewhere.

How did the Spanish respond to the trap set by the lnca King Atahualpa?

The Spanish ambushed and captured Atahualpa, holding him for ransom and then executing him

Who was Marco Polo?

The Venetian trader whose tales of his travels to China fascinated Europeans

The immediate cause of the English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 was

The collection of a tax on all adult males

How did Magellan circumnavigation of the glove affect Spanish colonization?

The great distances of the Pacific convinced the Spanish to abandon efforts to trade in Asia and develop their American colonies instead

Which group benefited most from large price increases in the sixteenth century?

The middle class

Which statement best characterizes the hierarchies of wealth and orders in the Renaissance?

The nobility retained its status by absorbing and integrating the wealthy merchant elite into its ranks

How was the choice to embrace or reject the Protestant reform movement made in each territory or region of the Holy Roman Empire?

The political leader(s) of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms.

Why was the pope unable to grant Henry VII of England the annulment he desired?

The pope was effectively the prisoner of Emperor Charles V.

Thomas More's Utopia was remarkable for its time because it asserted that

The problem afflicting society could be solved by a benevolent government

Which statement identifies a barrier to women's success as painters in the Renaissance?

They could not work in public, a requirement of the fresco technique

Which statement describes the achievements of the Avignon popes before the Great Schism?

They established political dominance throughout Italy and established a bureaucracy to govern the region.

Why did most ordinary Poles oppose the Lutheran reform movement?

They held strong anti-German sentiments.

Which statement best describes the social position of African slaves on the Iberian Peninsula during the period between 1350 and 1500?

They intermingled with and sometimes married the people they lived alongside.

Which statement was true of the rebellions that swept across Europe in the the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries?

They involved both rural and urban laboring people.

How did the English and French seek a route to East Asia?

They sought a Northwest Passage across North America.

How did Portuguese merchants obtain most of their slaves in Africa?

They traded for slaves with local leaders.

Which fate did most people who were brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft face?

They were given a warning and ordered to do penance.

Richard II of England concluded the English Peasants' Revolt of 1831

Through the use of deceit and ruthless force

The overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the sixteenth century was

To morally uplift both clergy and laity

Martin Luther's first response to the PeasantsWar, before the fighting broke out, was

To side with the peasants

Which new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century?

Ursuline Order

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

adopted a middle course between Catholic and Protestant extremes

What philosopher and Franciscan friar begin to undermine Thomas Aquinas thesis of scholasticism (the connection of faith and reason)?

William of Occam

In early Renaissance Italy, art was

a manifestation of corporate power

Martin Luther believed that the church consisted of

a spiritual priesthood of all Christians.

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of

the dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII

In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company

took over much of the East Indies from Portugal

Spanish settlement in the Americas was centered on

towns and cities

Most male Renaissance humanists argued that

women's sphere of activity was private and domestic

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