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10. Amazon Web Services supports ________ Type II Audits. a) SAS70 b) SAS20 c) SAS702 d) None of the mentioned


3. Simple Cloud API is useful for applications written in : a) PHP b) Python c) Scala d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is based on the notion of information management and organization ? a) CMS b) DMS c) MIS d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is often a bottleneck in Web servers ? a) Network I/O b) RAM c) Disk d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following provide system resource access to virtual machines ? a) VMM b) VMC c) VNM d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following standard is the key to creating Single Sign-On (SSO) systems ? a) OpenID 2.0 b) CHAP c) SMAL d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is considered an essential element in cloud computing by CSA ? a) Multi-tenancy b) Identity and access management c) Virtualization d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is most important area of concern in cloud computing ? a) Security b) Storage c) Scalability d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is open and both hypervisor and processor-architecture-agnostic ? a) Dell Scalent b) CloudKick c) Elastra d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following offers virtual appliances, including ones based on Windows, all of which run on VMware Player ? a) Bagvapp b) Jcinacio c) HelpdeskLive d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following provides a token service that can be used to present validated access to resources ? a) OAuth b) OCheck c) SAML d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following synchronizes information obtained from RSS and ATOM sources ? a) FeedSync b) Live Framework c) Alerts d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following was one of the weaker aspects of early cloud computing service offerings ? a) Logging b) Integrity checking c) Consistency checking d) None of the mentioned


8. _______ is a pay-as-you-go model matches resources to need on an ongoing basis. a) Utility b) Elasticity c) Low barrier to entry d) All of the mentioned


8. _______ provides virtual machines, virtual storage, virtual infrastructure, and other hardware assets. a) IaaS b) SaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


8. _________ is a virtual server platform that allows users to create and run virtual machines on Amazon's server farm. a) EC2 b) Azure c) EC5 d) None of the mentioned


9. Azure Storage plays the same role in Azure that ______ plays in Amazon Web Services. a) S3 b) EC2 c) EC3 d) All of the mentioned


9. Microsoft offers a _______ calculator for the Windows Azure Platform. a) TCO b) TOC c) OCT d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Page views or hits on the Web site, as measured in transactions per second b) Transactions completed on the database server, as measured by hits per second c) Performance logs are a primary source of data that everyone should have available for planning purposes d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement: a) Identities are not tied to the concept of accounts and can be used for contacts or "ID cards" b) Identities are important from a reliability standpoint c) Presence is important in cloud computing because it adds context that can modify services and service delivery d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement: a) PaaS supplies the infrastructure b) IaaS adds application development frameworks, transactions, and control structures c) SaaS is an operating environment with applications, management, and the user interface d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) Abstraction enables the key benefit of cloud computing: shared, ubiquitous access b) Virtualization assigns a logical name for a physical resource and then provides a pointer to that physical resource when a request is made c) All cloud computing applications combine their resources into pools that can be assigned on demand to users d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following aims to deploy methods for measuring various aspects of cloud performance in a standard way ? a) RIM b) SIM c) SMI d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is an edge-storage or content-delivery system that caches data in different physical locations ? a) Amazon Relational Database Service b) Amazon SimpleDB c) Amazon Cloudfront d) Amazon Associates Web Services


4. Cloud computing doesn't require that ________ and software be composable. a) cloud b) database c) hardware d) all of the mentioned


4. In _______ the virtual machine simulates hardware, so it can be independent of the underlying system hardware. a) paravirtualization b) full virtualization c) emulation d) none of the mentioned


4. The technology used to distribute service requests to resources is referred to as : a) load performing b) load scheduling c) load balancing d) all of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) The Windows Azure service itself is a hosted environment of virtual machines enabled by a fabric called Windows Azure ApplicationFab b) Windows Azure service is a Compliance as a Service offering c) Windows Live Services is a collection of applications and services that run on the Web d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Windows Live Suite is the central access page or portal for the Windows Live suite b) Windows Live House is the central access page or portal for the Windows Live suite c) Microsoft has a number of Windows Live services that are specifically meant to be run on mobile devices d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Atom is a syndication format that allows for HTTP protocols to create and update information b) Cloud services span the gamut of computer applications c) The impact of cloud computing on network communication is to discourage the use of open-network protocols in place of proprietary protocols d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Cloud computing arises from services available over the Internet communicating b) XML-RPC uses platform-independent XML data to encode program calls that are transported over HTTP c) SOAP uses JSON for its messages and uses RPC and HTTP for message passing d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Distributed transaction systems such as internetworks or cloud computing systems magnify the difficulties faced by identity management systems b) The Distributed Audit Service provides accountability for users accessing a system c) The OpenID and CardSpace specifications support authentication type of data object d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) LongJump comes with a security policy engine that has user and group privileges b) Squarespace lets you create beautiful hosted Web sites with a variety of capabilities with visual tools alone c) LongJump is WYSIWYG editor d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) Securing data sent to, received from, and stored in the cloud is the single largest security concern b) The problem with the data you store in the cloud is that it can be located anywhere in the cloud service provider's system c) One and only approach to isolating storage in the cloud from direct client access is to create layered access to the data d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) With Google Custom Search Engine and Subscribed Links, you can create a search engine tailored to your needs b) Google Currents is a social magazine app by Google c) Google Correlate is a social magazine app by Google d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) You can use proxy and brokerage services to separate clients from direct access to shared cloud storage b) Any distributed application has a much greater attack surface than an application that is closely held on a Local Area Network c) Cloud computing don't have vulnerabilities associated with Internet applications d) All of the mentioned


6. Azure data is replicated ________ times for data protection and writes are checked for consistency. a) one b) two c) three d) all of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is a targeted ad service based on matching advertisers and their keywords to users and their search profiles ? a) Ads b) AdSense c) AdWords d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is one of the major categories of Amazon Machine Instances that you can create on the Amazon Web Service ? a) WAMP b) XAMPP c) LAMP d) None of the mentioned


6. _________ allows different operating systems to run in their own memory space. a) VMM b) VMc c) VMM d) All of the mentioned


6. __________ authentication requires the outside use of a network security or trust service a) SSO b) Singlefactor c) Multifactor d) All of the mentioned


7. Amazon ______ cloud-based storage system allows you to store data objects ranging in size from 1 byte up to 5GB. a) S1 b) S2 c) S3 d) S4


7. Which of the following is based on Microsoft Dynamics ? a) Static CRM b) Social CRM c) Dynamics CRM d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is most refined and restrictive service model ? a) IaaS b) CaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is used as Open source distributed monitoring system ? a) Dstat b) GraphClick c) Ganglia d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following layer serves as the mediator for file I/O, memory I/O, and application calls and response to DLLs ? a) application b) client c) virtualization d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following programming language solves problems by acting on constraints and inputs ? a) 3GL b) 4GL c) 5GL d) None of the mentioned


7. _______ is a Microsoft software client that is part of the company's Identity Metasystem and built into the Web Services Protocol Stack. a) IHA b) EHA c) CardSpace d) None of the mentioned


7. ________ is assignment of a network identity to a specific MAC address that allows systems to be found on networks. a) Internet Hardware Addresses b) Ethernet Software Addresses c) Ethernet Hardware Addresses d) None of the mentioned


7. _________ is designed specifically to run connected to the cloud as a dedicated cloud client. a) Harvera Tablet OS b) Fedora Netbook OS c) Jolicloud Netbook OS d) None of the mentioned


7. __________ is the most refined and restrictive service model. a) IaaS b) CaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is a service that aggregates servers into an assignable pool ? a) VMware vStorage b) VMware vNetwork c) VMware vCompute d) Application services


8. Which of the following is fundamental unit of virtualized client in an IaaS deployment ? a) workunit b) workspace c) workload d) all of the mentioned


8. Which of the following service model is owned in terms of infrastructure by both vendor and customer ? a) Public b) Private c) Hybrid d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Amazon Machine Instances are sized at various levels and rented on a computing/hour basis b) The metrics obtained by CloudWatch may be used to enable a feature called Auto Scaling c) A Number of tools are used to support EC2 services d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is not phase of cloud lifecycle management ? a) The definition of the service as a template for creating instances b) Client interactions with the service c) Management of the operation of instances and routine maintenance d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is not the feature of Network management systems ? a) Accounting b) Security c) Performance d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is the smaller version of the GSA that stores 300,000 indexed documents ? a) Google Site Search b) Google Big Search c) Google Search Appliance d) Google Mini


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) SaaS applications come in all shapes and sizes b) Every computer user is familiar with SaaS systems c) SaaS software is not customizable d) None of the mentioned


6. A service provider reselling an ____ may have the option to offer one module to customize the information. a) CaaS b) AaaS c) PaaS d) SaaS


6. How many EC2 service zones or regions exist ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


7. Which of the following is not privided by "Deep Web" ? a) Database generated Web pages b) Private or limited access Web pages c) Pages without links d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is relational database service provided by Amazon ? a) SimpleDB b) SQL Server c) Oracle d) RDS


7. Which of the following is used to negotiate the exchange of information between a client and the service ? a) Compute Bus b) Application Bus c) Storage Bus d) Service Bus


7. Which of the following network resources can be load balanced ? a) Connections through intelligent switches b) DNS c) Storage resources d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following technologies are used in LongJump's PaaS ? a) REST b) SOAP c) Java d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following uses an authentication device ? a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce b) Amazon Mechanical Turk c) Amazon DevPay d) Multi-Factor Authentication


7. _________ applications have a much lower barrier to entry than their locally installed competitors. a) IaaS b) CaaS c) PaaS d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following "cloudly" characteristics that cloud management service must have ? a) Billing is on a pay-as-you-go basis b) The management service is extremely scalable c) The management service is ubiquitous d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following can be done with S3 buckets through the SOAP and REST APIs ? a) Upload new objects to a bucket and download them b) Create, edit, or delete existing buckets c) Specify where a bucket should be stored d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is Web-based free e-mail service with contacts and calendar ? a) Windows Live Home b) Windows Live ID c) Windows Live Groups d) Windows Live Hotmail


8. Which of the following is photo-editing and management software ? a) iGoogle b) Earth c) GOOG-411 d) Picasa


1. Any software application that complies with the standard accepts an _______ that is authenticated by a trusted provider. a) OpenID b) OpenUser c) OpenSSD d) None of the mentioned


1. The cost of a cloud computing deployment is roughly estimated to be : a) CostCLOUD = Σ(UnitCostCLOUD / (Revenue - CostCLOUD)) b) CostCLOUD = Σ(UnitCostCLOUD x (Revenue + CostCLOUD)) c) CostCLOUD = Σ(UnitCostCLOUD x (Revenue - CostCLOUD)) d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is a version of Hyper-V that runs on Windows Server 2008 ? a) Fabric b) Application c) Virtual Machines d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is a worldwide content caching and delivery system for Windows Azure blob content ? a) CDN b) CND c) DNC d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is owned by an organization selling cloud services ? a) Public b) Private c) Community d) Hybrid


1. Which of the following provides a bridge between a company's existing network and the AWS cloud ? a) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud b) AWS Premium Support c) Amazon Fulfillment


1. Which of the following service provider provides the highest level of service ? a) SaaS b) PaaS c) IaaS d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following subject area deals with pay-as-you-go usage model ? a) Accounting Management b) Compliance c) Data Privacy d) All of the mentioned


1. _________ model consists of the particular types of services that you can access on a cloud computing platform. a) Service b) Deployment c) Application d) None of the mentioned


10. Rackspace Cloud Service is an example of : a) IaaS b) SaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


10. Scaling _____ indefinitely leads you to an architecture with a large number of servers. a) out b) in c) vertically d) all of the mentioned


10. Which of the following allows a virtual machine to run on two or more physical processors at the same time ? a) Virtual SMP b) Distributed Resource Scheduler c) vNetwork Distributed Switch d) Storage VMotion


10. Which of the following correctly represents cloud computing ecosystem ? a) Business Process, Application Services, Platform Services, Infrastructure Services b) Application Process, Business Services, Platform Services, Infrastructure Services c) Application Process, Infrastructure Services, Platform Services, Infrastructure Services d) Business Process, Application Services, Infrastructure Services, Platform Services


10. Which of the following database should be used for a solution that has a very high availability ? a) SimpleDB b) RDS c) Amazon EC2 d) None of the mentioned


10. Which of the following dimension is related to organization's boundaries ? a) Physical location of data b) Ownership c) Security boundary d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following element in Azure stands for management service ? a) config b) application c) virtual machines d) none of the mentioned


10. Which of the following gives statistical information on different search terms ? a) Trends b) Stats c) Tool d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is a potent cloud-building technology ? a) vSphere b) HyperCube c) vCube d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is an open-source platform that has been used to create Google Wave and Google AdWords ? a) GWT b) GET c) GTW d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is built on top of a Hadoop framework using the Elastic Compute Cloud ? a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce b) Amazon Mechanical Turk c) Amazon DevPay d) Multi-Factor Authentication


10. Which of the following is used for performance management for virtualized Java Apps with VMware integration ? a) Hyperic b) Internetseer c) RightScale d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following testing seeks to answer maximum load that my current system can support ? a) Load b) Security c) Navigation d) All of the mentioned


10. __________ allows users to authenticate their access to applications both locally and in the cloud with a claims-based identity. a) AD FS b) AC c) SAS d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Cloud computing is a natural extension of many of the design principles, protocols, plumbing, and systems b) Platforms are used to create more easy software c) All SLAs are enforceable as contracts d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Drupal is used in major Web sites and organizes vast amounts of information b) Fourspace is often associated with blogging tools c) FourSquare works with photos, imports information from other social tools, and allows very attractive Web sites to be created by average users d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) For a cloud-based virtual computer, the network interface may be a highly variable resource b) Increasing the variability between servers makes it easier to troubleshoot problems and simpler to deploy and configure new systems c) A server with the different set of software, system configuration, and hardware should perform similarly if given the same role in an infrastructure d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Virtual appliances are a relatively new paradigm for application deployment b) External network virtualization cannot be done using network switches and VLAN software c) All imaging programs can take snapshots of systems d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Virtual machines are containers that are assigned specific resources b) Applications need not be mindful of how they use cloud resources c) When a developer creates an application that uses a cloud service, the developer cannot attach to the appropriate service d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) The cost of creating an EBS volume is lesser than creating a similarly sized S3 bucket b) An EBS volume can be used as an instance boot partition c) EBS boot partitions can be stopped and started, and they offer fast AMI boot times d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) The standard instances are not suitable for standard server applications b) High memory instances are useful for large data throughput applications such as SQL Server databases and data caching and retrieval c) FPS is exposed as an API that sorts transactions into packages called Quick Starts that makes it easy to implement d) None of the mentioned


3. A _____ is a facility that is a self-contained semiconductor assembly line. a) fab b) touch c) rep d) all of the mentioned


3. A particular set of endpoints and its associated Access Control rules for an application is referred to as the : a) service namespace b) service rules c) service agents d) all of the mentioned


3. What does IPsec in Azure platform refers to ? a) Internet Protocol Security protocol suite b) Internet Standard c) Commodity servers d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following allows a distributed ID system to write and enforce custom policy expressions ? a) XACML b) XML c) SOAP d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following application can replay requests to Web servers ? a) HTTPerf b) Perfmon c) Autobench d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following instance has 68.4GB of memory and 26 EC2 Compute Units ? a) High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance b) Small Instance c) Micro Instance d) High-CPU Extra Large Instance


3. Which of the following instance has hourly rate with no long-term commitment ? a) On-Demand Instance b) Reserved Instances c) Spot Instance d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is also known as Compute ? a) set of virtual machine instances b) set of replicas c) set of commodity servers d) all of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is an industry organization that develops industry system management standards for platform interoperability ? a) DMTF b) DMS c) EBS d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is another name for system virtual machine ? a) hardware virtual machine b) software virtual machine c) real machine d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is associated with considerable vendor lock-in ? a) PaaS b) IaaS c) CaaS d) SaaS


3. Which of the following is the central application in the AWS portfolio ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Simple Queue Service c) Amazon Simple Notification Service d) Amazon Simple Storage System


3. Which of the following lets a Web service advertise itself in terms of a collection of endpoints ? a) WSDL b) VMc c) SOAP d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following provides tools for managing Windows servers and desktops ? a) Microsoft System Center b) System Service c) System Cloud d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following type of virtualization is found in hypervisor such as Microsoft's Hyper-V ? a) paravirtualization b) full virtualization c) emulation d) none of the mentioned


4. Which of the following SaaS platform is with an exposed API ? a) b) c) d) all of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is a man-in-the-middle type of service ? a) CaaS b) IaaS c) AaaS d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following utility is used to monitor traffic in Windows ? a) Microsoft Network Monitor b) Microsoft Performance Monitor c) Microsoft Perfmon d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following visualization is most commonly achieved through a mapping mechanism where a logical storage address is translated into a physical storage address ? a) Storage b) Network c) Software d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following was formerly called Microsoft .NET Services ? a) AppFabric b) PHP c) WCF d) All of the mentioned


4. _________ serves as a PaaS vendor within Google App Engine system. a) Google b) Amazon c) Microsoft d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) A cloud cannot be created within an organization's own infrastructure or outsourced to another datacenter b) A composable component must be modular c) A composable component must be stateless d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Full virtualization requires that the host operating system provide a virtual machine interface for the guest operating system and that the guest access hardware through that host VM b) Guest operating systems in full virtualization systems are generally faster than other virtualization schemes c) A process virtual machine instantiates when a command begins a process d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) In practice, there is less performance variability in cloud machine instances b) Capacity planning seeks to compare the capability of one system against another system c) Capacity planning provides the service with the best operational parameters at the lowest cost d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Network capacity is one of the easiest factors to determine b) A system uses resources to satisfy cloud computing demands that include processor, memory, storage, and network capacity c) Scaling a system can be done by scaling up vertically to more powerful systems d) All of the mentioned


6. A _______ image makes a copy or a clone of the entire computer system inside a single container such as a file. a) system b) software c) hardware d) none of the mentione


6. A _________ role is a virtual machine instance running Microsoft IIS Web server that can accept and respond to HTTP or HTTPS requests. a) Web b) Server c) Worker d) Client


6. An operating system running on a Type __ VM is a full virtualization. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) All of the mentioned


6. Data stored in __________ domains doesn't require maintenance of a schema. a) SimpleDB b) SQL Server c) Oracle d) RDS


6. The most commonly used set of protocols uses ______ as the messaging format. a) XML b) JSON c) BSON d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following adds an RSS feed to digital photo frame devices ? a) Windows Live FrameIt b) Windows Live Gallery c) Windows Live Groups d) Windows Live Hotmail


6. Which of the following can be considered PaaS offering ? a) Google Maps b) Gmail c) Google Earth d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following indexes content on your local drive for fast searches ? a) Desktop b) Code c) Hash d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is a common means for losing encrypted data ? a) lose the keys b) lose the encryption standard c) lose the account d) all of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is classic example of an IaaS service model ? a) AWS b) Azure c) Cloudera d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following model allows vendor to provide security as part of the Service Level Agreement ? a) SaaS b) PaaS c) IaaS


6. Which of the following protocol lets a Web site list in an XML file information ? a) Sitemaps b) Mashups c) Hashups d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following tool is used for Web site monitoring service in LAMP ? a) Alertra b) Cacti c) Collectd d) None of the mentioned


6. _______ creates a container that encapsulates the application and all the application's dependencies within a set of files. a) VAA b) VAS c) VSA d) None of the mentioned


7. SQL Azure Database looks like and behaves like a local database with a few exceptions like: a) CLR b) CDN c) WCF


7. Which of the following cloud does not require mapping ? a) Public b) Private c) Hybrid d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following element allows you to create and manage virtual machines that serve either in a Web role and a Worker role ? a) Compute b) Application c) Storage d) None of the mentione


7. Which of the following is open standard for storing a system image ? a) OVF b) PPF c) VOF d) Compliance


7. Which of the following is the standard for interoperable cloud-based key management ? a) KMIP b) PMIK c) AIMK d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following language is used to manage transactions ? a) WSDL b) XML c) SOAP d) All of the mentioned


7. _______ is Microsoft's cloud-based management service for Windows systems. a) Intune b) Utunes c) Outtunes d) Windows Live Hotmail


7. ________ as a Service is a hosted application that is the cloud equivalent of a traditional desktop application. a) Software b) Platform c) Analytics d) Compliance


7. _________ is a cloud computing service model in which hardware is virtualized in the cloud. a) IaaS b) CaaS c) PaaS d) None of the mentioned


7. ___________ is Management service for Windows Live ID and relationships. a) Windows Live Account b) Windows Live Admin Center c) Windows Live Management d) All of the mentioned


7. ___________ is a framework tool for managing cloud infrastructure. a) IBM Tivoli Service Automation Manager b) Microsoft Tivoli Service Automation Manager c) Google Service Automation Manager d) Windows Live Hotmail


7. ___________ is a personalization Web page and tool for Windows Live with status information and navigation features. a) Windows Live Home b) Windows Live Gallery c) Windows Live Groups d) Windows Live Hotmail


8. Dynamic content presented in Google _______ crawling isn't normally indexed. a) AJAX b) Java c) Javascript d) All of the mentioned


8. EC2 Compute Unit is the equivalent of a _____ GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon processor. a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) All of the mentioned


8. The _______ Open Source Identity Framework is used to create a vendor-neutral cloud-based authentication service. a) Higgins b) Hughes c) Hinges d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the architectural layer is used as front end in cloud computing ? a) client b) cloud c) soft d) all of the mentioned


8. Which of the following application delivery platform's main focus is on desktop installations ? a) Microsoft App-V b) Microsoft Hyper c) Amazon EC2 d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is a WYSIWYG web builder ? a) WaveMaker b) Eccentex AppBase c) Ez Publish d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is a more sophisticated load balancer ? a) workload managers b) workspace managers c) rackserve managers d) all of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is a virtualization provisioning system that will be rolled into Dell's AIM ? a) Dell Scalent b) CloudKick c) Elastra d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is based on Microsoft Sharepoint ? a) Sharepoint Services b) .NET Services c) Windows Services d) All of the mentioned


8. _________ is used by Amazon Web Services to store copies of a virtual machine. a) AMI b) EMI c) IMI d) Application services


9. Which of the following AppBase tool allows you to assign access rights to different objects in the system ? a) Security Roles Management b) Dashboard Designer c) Report Builder d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following google product sends you periodic email alerts based on your search term ? a) Alerts b) Blogger c) Calendar d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is authorization markup language ? a) eXtensible Access Control Markup Language b) intrinsic Access Control Markup Language c) hypertext Access Control Markup Language d) all of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is most widely used technique for abstraction ? a) Load balancing b) Load scheduling c) Load scaling d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is used for Web site monitoring and analytics ? a) Gomez b) Ganglia c) Elastra d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following metrics are used to support Elastic Load Balancing ? a) CloudWatch b) Amazon Elastic Block Store c) AWS Import/Export d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following model type is not trusted in terms of security ? a) Public b) Private c) Hybrid d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following service that provides offline access to online data ? a) Gears b) Blogger c) Offline d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following service use XML-RPC calls to get and send Weblog data ? a) Spaces b) Windows Live ID c) Photo Gallery d) All of the mentioned


9. _________ is used for merchant transactions under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. a) ClearPoint PCI b) ClearSoln c) Rackserve PCI d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) The use of the word "cloud" makes reference to the two essential concepts b) Cloud computing abstracts systems by pooling and sharing resources c) cloud computing is nothing more than the Internet d) All of the mentioned


3. A _________ is a cloud computing service that is both hardware and software. a) service b) platform c) model d) all of the mentioned


3. Which of the following group is dedicated to support technologies that implement enterprise mashups ? a) Open Alliance Apache b) Open Mashup Alliance c) Open Tech Alliance d) None of the mentioned


3. ________ virtualization abstracts networking hardware and software into a virtual network that can be managed. a) Storage b) Network c) Software d) None of the mentioned


4. Applications such as a Web server or database server that can run on a virtual machine image are referred to as : a) virtual server b) virtual appliances c) machine imaging d) all of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Data stored in an SQL Azure database is accessed using the Columnar Data Stream (CDS) protocol b) There is a current limit of 1TB for each SQL Azure Database c) Queries against a multiple databases are unified d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) SQL Server is having enormous impact in cloud computing b)'s services represent the largest pure Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) c) EC2 is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) market d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is available as both open source and commercial version ? a) Zabbix b) ZenOSS c) SiteUpTime d) All of the mentioned


0. Which of the following runs on Xen Hypervisor ? a) Azure b) AWS EC2 c) AWS EC3 d) All of the mentioned


1. Application frameworks provide a means for creating ________ hosted applications using IDE. a) PaaS b) SaaS c) CaaS d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following algorithm is used by Google to determine the importance of a particular page ? a) SVD b) PageRank c) FastMap d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following generates alerts sent to e-mail, mobile device, or Windows Messenger ? a) Windows Live Calendar b) Windows Live Alerts c) Windows Live Admin Center d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following has core services shown in the following figure ? a) Google Live b) Windows Live c) Amazon Live d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is a search service for online retailers that markets their products in their site searches with a number of navigation ? a) Google Site Search b) Google Commerce Search c) Google Search Appliance d) Google Mini


1. Which of the following is a virtual machine technology now owned by Oracle that can run various operating systems ? a) Vmachines b) VirtualBox c) ThoughtPolice d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following product migrate files from one datastore to another datastore ? a) vNetwork Distributed Switch b) Storage VMotion c) VMotion d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following resource(s) represents the bottleneck in the current system that limits the system's performance ? a) ROM b) Resource ceiling c) Resource Parameters d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following service creates an application hosting environment ? a) EBS b) Azure AppFabric c) ESW d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following tool is used for measuring I/O of your systems to estimate these transaction costs ? a) EBS b) IOSTAT c) ESW d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following vendor is offering optimization appliances for VMware's infrastructure ? a) Expand Networks b) Certeon c) Replify d) None of the mentioned


1. ______ offering provides the tools and development environment to deploy applications on another vendor's application. a) PaaS b) IaaS c) CaaS d) All of the mentioned


1. _______ blurs the differences between a small deployment and a large one because scale becomes tied only to demand. a) Leading b) Pooling c) Virtualization d) All of the mentioned


10. Communication between services is done widely using _______ protocol. a) REST b) SOAP c) RESTful d) None of the mentioned


10. Which of the following cloud computing infrastructures automatically manage your capacity ? a) High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance b) Small Instance c) High-CPU Extra Large Instance d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following has infrastructure security managed and owned by vendor ? a) Hybrid b) Private/Community c) Public d) None of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is Cloud Platform by Amazon ? a) Azure b) AWS c) Cloudera d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is a payment processing system by Google ? a) Paytm b) Checkout c) Code d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is hardest factor to determine ? a) Network performance b) Network capacity c) Network delay d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following monitors the performance of the major cloud-based services in real time in Cloud Commons ? a) CloudWatch b) CloudSensor c) CloudMetrics d) All of the mentioned


10. ________ as a Service is a development environment that builds upon an existing cloud computing application infrastructure. a) Software b) Platform c) Analytics d) Compliance


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Google Bookmarks is a detailed 3D model of the human body b) Google Base is an online service that lets you save your favorite sites and attach labels and comments c) The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Platforms cannot be based on specific types of development languages, application frameworks, or other constructs b) PaaS systems offer a way to create user interfaces c) In a CaaS model, customers may interact with the software to enter and retrieve data d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) SquareSpace is used in major Web sites and organizes vast amounts of information b) LongJump creates browser-based Web applications that are database-enabled c) LongJump extends Python and uses a Model-View-Controller architecture (MVC) for its framework d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) WS-+ services carried over XML messages using the SOAP protocol access remote server applications b) REST stands for Representational State Transfer c) A transaction following the rules of SOAP is considered to be RESTful d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Yahoo search is the most popular search engine on the Web b) Google Ad Planner is a free media planning tool that can help you identify websites your audience is likely to visit so you can make better-informed advertising decisions c) Google AdSense is a free media planning tool that can help you identify websites your audience is likely to visit so you can make better-informed advertising decisions d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement: a) The cloud service model you choose does not determine the variety of security features, compliance auditing, and other requirements b) To determine the particular security mechanisms you need, you must perform a mapping of the particular cloud service model to the particular application you are deploying c) A security control model includes the security that you normally use for your applications only d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) A part of the DRS called the distributed power management (DPM) module can manage the power consumption of systems b) DMS monitors network connections, provides firewall services, and enables the use of third-party switches c) Physical computers can be standalone hosts or a set of clustered systems d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) Some hypervisors are installed over an operating system and are referred to as Type 2 or hosted VM b) All CPUs support virtual machines c) On a Type 2 VM, a software interface is created that emulates the devices with which a system would normally interact d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) XML checks the ID request against its policies and either allows or denies the request b) SPML in most instances operates as a reply/request mechanism c) User centric authentication takes place usually in the form of knowledge cards d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Between FBA and FWS, you can create a nearly virtual store on b) Amazon plans to extend the capabilities of VPC to integrate with other systems in the Amazon cloud computing portfolio c) FPS is exposed as an API that sorts transactions into packages called Quick Starts that makes it easy to implement d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) In the cloud, the particular service model you are using directly affects the type of monitoring you are responsible for b) In AaaS, you can alter aspects of your deployment c) You can monitor your usage of resources through Amazon CloudWatch d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Stored data can be read using GETs b) Stored data can be written with RETRIEVE c) Stored data can be modified with POSTs d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Windows Live is a collection of cloud-based applications and services b) Every Windows Live applications run as standalone applications and are available to users directly through a browser c) Microsoft has rolled out Windows Live in sets of releases they describe as four waves d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Windows Live is a collection of cloud-based applications and services b) Windows Live Essentials applications are a collection of server-side applications c) Windows Live Essentials is available from the Start menu as a set of commands d) None of the mentioned


3. Applications that work with cloud computing that have low margins and usually low risk are : a) high touch b) low touch c) moderate touch d) all of the mentioned


3. SQL Azure is a cloud-based relational database service that is based on: a) Oracle b) SQL Server c) MySQL d) All of the mentioned


3. What is the relation of capacity attribute to performance ? a) same b) different c) similar d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following aspect of the service is abstracted away ? a) Data escrow b) User Interaction c) Adoption drivers d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following functional cloud computing hardware/software stack is the Cloud Reference Model ? a) CAS b) CSA c) SAC d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following instrumentation tool displays the real-time parameters of your application in a visual form in AppBase ? a) Security Roles Management b) Dashboard Designer c) Report Builder d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is Amazon's technical support and consulting business ? a) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud b) AWS Premium Support c) Amazon Fulfillment Web Services d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is also referred to edge computing ? a) CloudWave b) CloudFront c) CloudSpot d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is based on the IETF Session Initiation Protocol ? a) WSDL b) SIMPLE c) SOAP d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is the property of composable component ? a) stateful b) stateless c) symmetric d) all of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is used for synchronization and remote access service for files stored on PCs and mobile devices ? a) Windows Live Family Safety b) Windows Live Devices c) Windows Live Essentials d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following product searches Web by topics ? a) Desktop b) Directory c) Custom Search d) None of the mentioned


3. ________ captive requires that the cloud accommodate multiple compliance regimes. a) Licensed b) Policy-based c) Variable d) All of the mentioned


3. ________ refers to the location and management of the cloud's infrastructure. a) Service b) Deployment c) Application d) None of the mentioned


4. CloudFront supports ______ data by performing static data transfers and streaming content from one CloudFront location to another. a) table caching b) geo caching c) index caching d) windows Media Server


4. Database marketplace based on SQL Azure Database is code-named ________ . a) Akamai b) Dallas c) Denali d) None of the mentioned


4. For the _________ model, the security boundary may be defined for the vendor to include the software framework and middleware layer. a) SaaS b) PaaS c) IaaS d) All of the mentioned


4. The __________ solution creates a virtual application appliance as an architectural layer between the Windows or the UNIX operating system and applications. a) AppOne b) AppZero c) AppSoft d) None of the mentioned


4. What does L in LAMP stands for ? a) Lamp b) Linux c) Lone d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following allows merchants to fill orders through fulfillment service ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Fulfillment Web Services c) Amazon Relational Database Service d) Amazon Simple Storage System


4. Which of the following attribute should be unique ? a) identity b) digital identity c) mashup d) all of the mentioned


4. Which of the following instance is used by default in AMI ? a) High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance b) Small Instance c) Micro Instance d) High-CPU Extra Large Instance


4. Which of the following is a a third-party VPN based on Google's GoogleTalk ? a) Hotspot VPN b) Gbridge c) AnchorFree Hotspot Shield d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is a message queue or transaction system for distributed Internet-based applications ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Simple Queue Service c) Amazon Simple Notification Service d) Amazon Simple Storage System


4. Which of the following is a specification for multicast discovery on a LAN ? a) WS-Agent b) WS-Discovery c) WS-SOAP d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is an online atlas and mapping service with mashups ? a) iGoogle b) Earth c) GOOG-411 d) Knol


4. Which of the following is used to extend CIM to virtual computer system management ? a) OVF b) VMAN c) OCSI d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following tool captures time-dependent performance data from resources such as a CPU load ? a) RBTool b) RRDTool c) Perfmon d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following was formerly called SQL Server Data Service ? a) AppFabric b) SQL Azure c) WCF d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following was formerly called Windows Live Dev ? a) Live Services b) Windows Live Messenger Connect c) Windows Control Foundation d) All of the mentioned


4. _________ is a standard of OASIS's PSTC that conforms to the SOA architecture. a) XACML b) SPML c) SML d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement : a) Most load balancers allow you to weight the requests going to a specific server with the goal of serving more requests to less powerful systems and fewer requests to more powerful systems b) Most load balancers allow you to weight the requests going to a specific server with the goal of serving more requests to more powerful systems and fewer requests to less powerful systems c) Most load balancers allow you to weight the requests going to a specific server with the goal of serving fewer requests to more powerful systems and more requests to less powerful systems d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) A volume is mounted on a particular instance and is available to all instances b) The advantages of an EBS boot partition are that you can have a volume up to 1TB c) You cannot mount multiple volumes on a single instance d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Amazon Elastic Cloud is a system for creating virtual disks(volume) b) SimpleDB interoperates with both Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 c) EC3 is an Analytics as a Service provider d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) A virtual network can create virtual network interfaces b) Instantiating a virtual machine is a very slow process c) You can make machine images of systems in the configuration that you want to deploy or take snapshots of working virtual machines d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Cloud Computing has two distinct sets of models b) Amazon has built a worldwide network of datacenters to service its search engine c) Azure enables .NET Framework applications to run over the Internet d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Cloud computing applications have the ability to run on virtual systems b) Systems (VMs running applications), storage, and network assets cannot be virtualized c) Applications that run in datacenters are captive to the operating systems and hardware platforms that they run on d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Datacenter operates under average loads b) Private cloud doesn't pooling of resources that a cloud computing provider can achieve c) Private cloud doesn't employ the same level of virtualization d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) The total workload might be served by a single server instance in the cloud b) Performance logs are the only source of performance measurements c) The amount of resources to be deployed depends upon the characterization of the Web servers involved, their potential utilization rates, and other factors d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) Cloudkick's Insight module is powerful and particularly easy to use b) Both Cloudkick and RightScale are known to be easy to use with Window virtual servers and less so with Linux instances c) All of the service models support monitoring solutions d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) Google App Engine lets you deploy the application and monitor it b) From the standpoint of the client, a cloud service provider is different than any other networked service c) The full range of network management capabilities may be brought to bear to solve mobile, desktop, and local server issues d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) Wolf Frameworks uses a C# engine and supports both Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL database b) Applications built in Wolf are 50-percent browser-based and support mashable and multisource overlaid content c) Google applications are cloud-based applications d) None of the mentioned


6. In a ____________ scheme, the VM is installed as a Type 1 Hypervisor directly onto the hardware. a) paravirtualization b) full virtualization c) emulation d) none of the mentioned


6. Which of the following can be used for banking industry ? a) athenahealth b) bankserve c) bankingsol d) all of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is a structured data store that supports indexing and data queries to both EC2 and S3 ? a) CloudWatch b) Amazon SimpleDB c) Amazon Cloudfront d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is a system for creating block level storage devices that can be used for Amazon Machine Instances in EC2 ? a) CloudWatch b) Amazon Elastic Block Store c) AWS Import/Export d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following object database has the ability to create rich data objects and create relationships between them ? a) Presentation Builder b) Business Objects Build c) Business Process Designer d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following packet sniffer was formerly called Ethereal ? a) TCPdump b) Wireshark c) Ntop d) None of the mentioned


6. Which of the following software can be used to implement load balancing ? a) Apache mod_balancer b) Apache mod_proxy_balancer c) F6's BigIP d) All of the mentioned


6. _______ is a complete operating environment with applications, management, and the user interface. a) IaaS b) SaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


6. ________ Live Services can be used in applications that run in the Azure cloud. a) Microsoft b) Windows c) Yahoo d) Ruby


7. Amazon Machine Images are virtual appliances that have been packaged to run on the gird of ____ nodes. a) Ben b) Xen c) Ken d) Zen


7. Google _______ is collection of applications and utilities under development and testing. a) Code b) Labs c) Hash d) All of the mentioned


7. Google __________ is the most widely used Web traffic analysis tool on the Internet. a) BigAnalytics b) Analytics c) Biglytics d) All of the mentioned


7. The __________ model originally did not require a cloud to use virtualization to pool resources. a) NEFT b) NIST c) NIT d) All of the mentioned


7. The overhead associated with ____ staff is a major cost. a) Data Center b) IT c) Non IT d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following feature is used for scaling of EC2 sites ? a) Auto Replica b) Auto Scaling c) Auto Ruling d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is operational domain of CSA ? a) Scalability b) Portability and interoperability c) Flexibility d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is the machinery for interacting with Amazon's vast product data and eCommerce catalog function ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Associates Web Services c) Alexa Web Information Service d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is used as substitute for PHP as scripting language in LAMP ? a) Scala b) Perl c) Ruby d) None of the mentioned


7. Which of the following operating system support operating system virtualization ? a) Windows NT b) Sun Solaris c) Windows XP d) Compliance


8. Moving expenses onto the _____ side of a budget allows an organization to transfer risk to their cloud computing provider. a) Dex b) OpEx c) Pex d) All of the mentioned


8. SaaS supports multiple users and provides a shared data model through _________ model. a) single-tenancy b) multi-tenancy c) multiple-instance d) all of the mentioned


8. What does WnsP represents in the following formula ? WT = Σ(WSnP WSnV) a) workload of the virtual servers b) workload of your physical server c) sum over all the Web servers d) all of the mentioned


8. Which of the architectural layer is used as backend in cloud computing ? a) client b) cloud c) soft d) all of the mentioned


8. Which of the following Azure edition has storage up to 10GB database ? a) Web b) Business c) Standard d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following can be considered as distributed caching system ? a) CND b) CDN c) CWD d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is management console in AWS ? a) CSC b) CCS c) CSS d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is not a commercial third-party Web site performance monitor ? a) Keynote b) Munin c) Gomez d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following system was replaced with Google Translate ? a) SYSTRANSMIT b) SYSTRAN c) SYSTRANFER d) None of the mentioned


8. __________ scaling allows you to use a virtual system to run more virtual machines a) Horizontal b) Vertical c) Out d) All of the mentioned


8. ___________ PaaS application delivery platform creates SOA applications that work on several different IaaS vendors. a) AppOne b) Eccentex AppBase c) Ez Publish d) All of the mentioned


9. A ________ cloud requires virtualized storage to support the staging and storage of data. a) soft b) compute c) local d) none of the mentioned


9. A group of users within a particular instance is called : a) suser b) pod c) superuser d) all of the mentioned


9. AMIs are operating systems running on the _____ virtualization hypervisor. a) Yen b) Xen c) Ben d) Multi-Factor Authentication


9. Amazon Relational Database Service is a variant of the _______ 5.1 database system. a) Oracle b) MySQL c) SQL Server d) All of the mentioned


9. Cloud ________ are standardized in order to appeal to the majority of its audience. a) SVAs b) SLAs c) SALs d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following foundation offers .NET developers Visual Studio integration of WS-Federation and WS-Trust open standards ? a) Windows Wor kflow b) Windows Identity c) Windows compliance d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following instance has lowest performance in AMI ? a) Auto Bench b) Auto Scaling c) Auto Performance d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is a means for accessing human researchers or consultants to help solve problems on a contractual or temporary basis ? a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce b) Amazon Mechanical Turk c) Amazon DevPay d) Multi-Factor Authentication


9. Which of the following is a workflow control and policy based automation service by CA ? a) CA Cloud Optimize b) CA Cloud Orchestrate c) CA Cloud Insight d) CA Cloud Compose


9. Which of the following is critical step in capacity planning ? a) Predict the future based on historical trends and other factors b) Load the system until it is overloaded c) Deploy or tear down resources to meet your predictions d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is used for Web performance management and load testing ? a) VMware Hyperic b) Webmetrics c) Univa UD d) Tapinsystems


9. Which of the following is used to evaluate your own cloud application's network performance ? a) Path Cloud b) PathView Cloud c) View Cloud d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following operation retrieves the newest version of the object ? a) PUT b) GET c) POST d) COPY


9. Which of the following will be host operating system for Windows Server ? a) VirtualLogix VLX b) Microsoft Hyper-V c) Xen d) All of the mentioned


9. Windows Server AppFabric enables Web data caching for application data and provides managed services using ___________Foundation and the Windows Communication. a) Windowsflow b) WindowsWorkflow c) WindowsWorkflowApp d) All of the mentioned


9. ________ offers various Linux distributions upon which you can build a virtual machine. a) Bagvapp b) Jcinacio c) HelpdeskLive d) All of the mentioned


9. _________ is a service that creates and manages virtual network interfaces. a) VMware vStorage b) VMware vNetwork c) VMware vCompute d) Application services


1. A _______ service provider gets the same benefits from a composable system that a user does. a) CaaS b) AaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


1. How many aspects needs to be considered while assessing network capacity ? a) one b) two c) three d) all of the mentioned


1. Which does C in FCAPS stands for ? a) Consistency b) Contact c) Configuration d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following creates a custom search utility for a particular Web site ? a) Desktop b) Directory c) Custom Search d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is a method for bidding on unused EC2 capacity based on the current spot price ? a) On-Demand Instance b) Reserved Instances c) Spot Instance d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is one of the property that differentiates cloud computing ? a) scalability b) virtualization c) composability d) all of the mentioned


1. Which of the following service provider provides the least amount of built in security ? a) SaaS b) PaaS c) IaaS d) All of the mentioned


10. A _______ system uses components to assemble services that can be tailored for a specific purpose using standard parts. a) reliable b) scalable c) composable d) none of the mentioned


10. Pods are aggregated into pools within an IaaS region or site called an _________ zone. a) restricted b) unavail c) availability d) none of the mentioned


10. The componentized nature of SaaS solutions enables many solutions to support a feature called : a) workspace b) workloads c) mashups d) all of the mentioned


10. The connection between storage and Microsoft's Content Delivery Network is stated to be at least _______ percent uptime. a) 90 b) 95 c) 99.9 d) None of the mentioned


10. Which of the following instance class is best used for applications that are processor- or compute-intensive ? a) Standard Instances b) High Memory Instances c) High CPU Instances d) None of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is a pure infrastructure play ? a) Azure b) Google App Engine c) AWS d) None of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is application and infrastructure management software for hybrid multi-clouds ? a) VMware Hyperic b) Webmetrics c) Univa UD d) Tapinsystems


10. Which of the following performance analysis tool lets you save its state for Windows ? a) MMS b) CloudWatch c) Microsoft Management Console d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following service allows applications to incorporate the features of the Windows Live Writer ? a) Spaces b) Windows Live ID c) Writer d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following statement is wrong about Amazon S3 ? a) Amazon S3 is highly reliable b) Amazon S3 provides large quantities of reliable storage that is highly protected c) Amazon S3 is highly available d) None of the mentioned


10. __________ is a CPU emulator and virtual machine monitor. a) Imaging b) Parallels c) QEMU d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Google's cloud includes perhaps some 10 datacenters worldwide b)'s infrastructure was built to support elastic demand so the system could accommodate peak traffic c) Datacenters have been sited to optimize the overall system latency d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) JumpIt is an open-source virtual appliance installation and management service b) Converting a virtual appliance from one platform to another is easy proposition c) Nearly all major virtualization platform vendors support OVF, notably VMware, Microsoft, Oracle, and Citrix d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) Load balancing virtualizes systems and resources by mapping a logical address to a physical address b) Multiple instances of various Google applications are running on different hosts c) Google uses hardware virtualization d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) Load testing software is a large product category with software and hardware products b) Cloud computing offers virtual solutions c) Load testing is useful in testing the performance of only Web servers d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) SPML is used to prepare Web services and applications for use b) With SPML, a system can provide automated user and system access c) Without a provisioning system, a cloud computing system can be very efficient and potentially reliable d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Virtual private servers can provision virtual private clouds connected through virtual private networks b) Amazon Web Services is based on SOA standards c) Starting in 2012, made its Web service platform available to developers on a usage-basis model d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following can be deployed within an organization to speed up both local (Intranet) and Internet searching ? a) Google Site Search b) Google Commerce Search c) Google Search Appliance d) Google Mini


3. Which of the following command is used to display the level of CPU activity in Linux ? a) sep b) sav c) sar d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following component is called hypervisor ? a) VMM b) VMc c) VMM d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is a management utility for a domain using SOAP and RPC ? a) Alerts b) Contact c) Admin centre d) All of the mentioned


4. Based on PageRank algorithm, Google returns __________ for a query that is parsed for its keywords. a) SEP b) SAP c) SERP d) Business Objects Build


4. How many security accounts per client is provided by Microsoft ? a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7


4. Which of the following allows you to create instances of the MySQL database to support your Web sites ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Simple Queue Service c) Amazon Relational Database Service d) Amazon Simple Storage System


4. Which of the following environment best describes WorkXpress ? a) 3GL b) 4GL c) 5GL d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following has address book service with synchronization feature ? a) Windows Live Calendar b) Windows Live Alerts c) Windows Live Contacts d) None of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is a batch processing application ? a) IBM sMash b) IBM WebSphere Application Server c) Condor d) Windows Media Server


4. Which of the following lets you sort, aggregate, display, and format report information based on the data in your application ? a) Presentation Builder b) Dashboard Designer c) Report Builder d) Business Objects Build


5. Point out the correct statement : a) Cloud computing by its very nature spans same jurisdictions b) SaaS is much more than simply providing an anonymous service token to an identity c) A Compliance as a Service application would need to serve as a trusted third party d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Messenger Connect was released as part of the Windows Live Wave 2 b) There is a current limit of 1 GB for each SQL Azure Database c) Queries against single database are unified d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Distributed transaction systems such as internetworks or cloud computing systems magnify the difficulties faced by identity management systems b) Services that provide digital identity management as a service have been part of internetworked systems from Day One c) IDaaS Server establishes the identity of a domain as belonging to a set of assigned addresses d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) The customer takes no responsibility for maintaining the hardware, the software, or the development of the applications b) The vendor is responsible for all the operational aspects of the service c) Google's App Engine platform is IaaS offering d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Tools are available that can monitor a cloud network's performance at geographical different points and over different third-party ISP connections b) Apparent Networks company makes WAN network monitoring software c) Network Capacity is easy to measure in a reliable way d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic b) Google Analytics makes it easy to improve your results online c) Google Base is Google search technology focused on blogs d) None of the mentioned


6. The _________ portion of Azure AppFabric is a claims access control system that provides a token-based trust mechanism for identity management. a) Web Control b) Server Control c) Access Control d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following initiative tries to provide a way of measuring cloud computing services along dimension like cost ? a) CCE b) OCCI c) SMI d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is Virtual machine conversion cloud ? a) BMC Cloud Computing Initiative b) Amazon CloudWatch c) AbiCloud d) None of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is a complimentary mechanism to OpenID and is used to create SSO systems ? a) OpenSSL b) CHAP c) SMAL d) None of the mentioned


6. Which of the following provides access for developers to charge Amazon's customers for their purchases ? a) FWS b) FAS c) FPS d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following standard is concerned with the exchange and control of identity information ? a) IGK b) IDF c) IGF d) All of the mentioned


6. _________ as a Service is a cloud computing infrastructure that creates a development environment upon which applications may be build. a) Infrastructure b) Service c) Platform d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following entity queries the OpenID identity provider to authenticate the veracity of the OpenID credentials ? a) serving party b) relieving party c) relaying party d) none of the mentioned


8. Which of the following RDBMS is used by LAMP ? a) SQL Server b) DB2 c) MySQL d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following can be identified as cloud ? a) Web Applications b) Intranet c) Hadoop d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following can be used to create distributed systems based on SOA ? a) Passive Directory Federation Services b) Application Directory Federation Services c) Active Directory Federation Services d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following element is a non-relational storage system for large-scale storage ? a) Compute b) Application c) Storage d) None of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is Type 2 VM ? a) VirtualLogix VLX b) VMware ESX c) Xen d) LynxSecure


8. Which of the following is a PCI CaaS service ? a) FedCloud b) ClearSoln c) Rackserve PCI d) All of the mentioned


8. Which of the following is a Web service that can publish messages from an application and deliver them to other applications or to subscribers ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Simple Queue Service c) Amazon Simple Notification Service d) Amazon Simple Storage System


8. Which of the following is a billing and account management service ? a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce b) Amazon Mechanical Turk c) Amazon DevPay d) Multi-Factor Authentication


8. _________ is one of the more expensive and complex areas of network computing. a) Multifactor Authentication b) Fault tolerancy c) Identity protection d) All of the mentioned


9. A master/slave MySQL replication architectural scheme is used for ________ database applications. a) medium size b) large c) smaller d) all of the mentioned


9. Amazon Web Services offers a classic Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to : a) IaaS b) SaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


9. An ______ is a combination load balancer and application server that is a server placed between a firewall or router. a) ABC b) ACD c) ADC d) All of the mentioned


9. Azure is Microsoft's ___________ as a Service Web hosting service. a) Platform b) Software c) Infrastructure d) All of the mentioned


9. How many types of virtual private server instances are partitioned in an IaaS stack ? a) one b) two c) three d) all of the mentioned


9. Open source software used in a SaaS is called _______ SaaS. a) closed b) free c) open d) all of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is one of the most actively developing and important areas of cloud computing technology? a) Logging b) Auditing c) Regulatory compliance d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following product allows users to create 3D models and share them with others ? a) Toolbar b) Blogger c) SketchUp d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following service allows you to create beautiful, memorable movies ? a) Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner b) Windows Live ID c) Windows Live Movie Maker d) Windows Live Photos


9. ___________ tool is used to create business logic for your application. a) Presentation Builder b) Business Objects Build c) Business Process Designer d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Cloud computing deployments must be monitored and managed in order to be optimized for best performance b) To the problems associated with analyzing distributed network applications, the cloud adds the complexity of virtual infrastructure c) Cloud management software provides capabilities for managing faults d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Microsoft's approach is to view cloud applications as software plus service b) Microsoft calls their cloud operating system the Windows Platform c) Azure is a combination of virtualized infrastructure to which the .NET Framework has been added as a set of .NET Services d) None of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is key mechanism for protecting data ? a) Access control b) Auditing c) Authentication d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is not the aspect considered for network capacity ? a) Network traffic from the cloud to the network interface b) Network traffic to and from the network interface at the server c) Network traffic from the cloud through your ISP to your local network interface d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is required by Cloud Computing ? a) That you establish an identity b) That the identity be authenticated c) That the authentication be portable d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following services that need to be negotiated in Service Level Agreements ? a) Logging b) Auditing c) Regulatory compliance d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following type of virtualization is also characteristic of cloud computing ? a) Storage b) Application c) CPU d) All of the mentioned


4. From the standpoint of an ________, it makes no sense to offer non-standard machine instances to customers. a) CaaS b) AaaS c) PaaS d) IaaS


4. Which of the following web applications can be deployed with Azure ? a) ASP.NET b) PHP c) WCF d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement : a) A client can request access to a cloud service from any location b) A cloud has multiple application instances and directs requests to an instance based on conditions c) Computers can be partitioned into a set of virtual machines with each machine being assigned a workload d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement : a) A virtual machine is a computer that is walled off from the physical computer that the virtual machine is running on b) Virtual machines provide the capability of running multiple machine instances, each with their own operating system c) The downside of virtual machine technologies is that having resources indirectly addressed means there is some level of overhead d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Azure AppFabric is a Service Bus and Access Control facility b) Azure AppFabric supports the standard Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) protocols such as REST and SOAP and the WS-protocols c) The function of a service bus in an SOA is to expose distributed services as an endpoint with a specific URI d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Cloud management includes not only managing resources in the cloud, but managing resources on-premises b) The management of resources in the cloud requires new technology c) Management of resources on-premises allows vendors to use well-established network management technologies d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) Security can be set through passwords, Kerberos tickets, or certificates b) Secure access to your EC2 AMIs is controlled by passwords, Kerberos, and 509 Certificates c) Most of the system image templates that Amazon AWS offers are based on Red Hat Linux d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) The Windows Azure service itThe Windows Azure Platform allows a developer to modify his application so it can run in the cloud on virtual machines hosted in Microsoft datacenters b) Windows Azure serves as a cloud operating system c) With Azure's architecture, an application can run locally, run in the cloud, or some combination of both d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the correct statement: a) With EC2, you can launch and run server instances called Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) running different operating systems such as Red Hat Linux b) A machine image is the software and operating system running on top of the instance c) A machine image may be thought of as the contents of a boot drive d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Platforms represent nearly the full cloud software stack b) A platform in the cloud is a software layer that is used to create higher levels of service c) Platforms often come replete with tools and utilities to aid in application design and deployment d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) TCO must account for the real costs of items, but frequently they do not b) A system consumes resources such as space in a datacenter or portion of your site, power, cooling, and management c) Microsoft maintains an economics page for its Windows Azure Platform d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Virtual appliances are becoming a very important standard cloud computing deployment object b) Cloud computing requires some standard protocols c) Cloud computing relies on a set of protocols needed to manage interprocess communications d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement related to common characteristics of SOA : a) They separate data-handling from presentation (user interface) b) They support the incorporation of business rules, logic, and actions c) They support packaging and deployment of applications d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement: a) Each different type of cloud service delivery model creates a security boundary b) Any security mechanism below the security boundary must be built into the system c) Any security mechanism above the security boundary must be maintained by the customer d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following area of cloud computing is uniquely troublesome ? a) Auditing b) Data integrity c) e-Discovery for legal compliance d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is a SaaS characteristic ? a) The typical license is subscription-based or usage-based and is billed on a recurring basis b) The software is available over the Internet globally through a browser on demand c) The software and the service are monitored and maintained by the vendor d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following module feature is provided by Drupal CMS ? a) Traffic management b) OpenID authentication c) User interface creation tools d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following package package provides all five elements of FCAPS ? a) FrameIt b) RackStar c) Unicenter d) None of the mentioned


6. Which of the following way can be used to access Windows Live ? a) By navigating to the service from the command on the navigation bar at the top of Windows Live b) By directly entering the URL of the service c) By selecting the application from the Windows Live Essentials folder on the Start menu d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following factor can be considered to determine WAN Capacity ? a) Routing and switching protocols b) Overall system traffic c) Network interconnect technologies d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following instance has API name: m2.4xlarge ? a) High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance b) Small Instance c) Micro Instance d) High-CPU Extra Large Instance


7. Which of the following is Type 1 Hypervisor ? a) Wind River Simics b) Virtual Server 2005 R2 c) KVM d) LynxSecure


7. Which of the following is highest degree of integration in cloud computing ? a) CaaS b) AaaS c) PaaS d) SaaS


9. AMI imaging service is provided by Amazon for : a) private use b) public use c) pay-per-use d) all of the mentioned


9. How many categories need to be monitored for entire cloud computing ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) None of the mentioned


9. Which of the following benefit is provided by PaaS service provider ? a) A larger pool of qualified developers b) More reliable operation c) A logical design methodology d) All of the mentioned


9. Which of the following is provided by Identity as a Service ? a) Identity governance b) Provisioning c) Risk and event monitoring d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following standard does Azure use ? a) REST b) XML c) HTML d) All of the mentioned


1. is the largest ______ provider of CRM software. a) PaaS b) IaaS c) CaaS d) SaaS


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Cloud architecture can couple software running on virtualized hardware in multiple locations to provide an on-demand service b) Cloud computing relies on a set of protocols needed to manage interprocess communications c) Platforms are used to create more complex software d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Mashups are an incredibly useful hybrid Web application b) SaaS will eventually replace all locally installed software c) The establishment and proof of an identity is a central network function d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) An Amazon Machine Image can be provisioned with an operating system, an enterprise application, or application stack b) AWS is a deployment enabler c) Google Apps lets you create a scalable cloud-based application d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Platforms can be based on specific types of development languages, application frameworks, or other constructs b) SaaS is the cloud-based equivalent of shrink-wrapped software c) Software as a Service (SaaS) may be succinctly described as software that is deployed on a hosted service d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Use of different machine instance sizes is an attempt to create standard servers b) Reducing the variability between servers makes it easier to troubleshoot problems and simpler to deploy and configure new systems c) A server with the same set of software, system configuration, and hardware should perform similarly if given the same role in an infrastructure d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement: a) Any storage account can be enabled for CDN b) The CDN service searches that location and serves the content c) Stored data can be removed with DELETE request d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) With PaaS, the goal is to create hosted scalable applications that are used in a Software as a Service model b) Applications built using PaaS tools need to be standards-based c) In Wolf, the data and transaction management conforms to the business rules you create d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement: a) Different types of cloud computing service models provide different levels of security services b) Adapting your on-premises systems to a cloud model requires that you determine what security mechanisms are required and mapping those to controls that exist in your chosen cloud service provider c) Data should be transferred and stored in an encrypted format for security purpose d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement: a) Eucalyptus and Rackspace both use Amazon EC2 and S3 services b) The RightScale user interface provides real-time measurements of individual server instances c) RightScale server templates and the Rightscript technology are highly configurable and can be run under batch control d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is example of vertical cloud that advertise CaaS capabilities ? a) FedCloud b) ClearPoint PCI c) Rackserve PCI d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is most complete cloud computing service model ? a) PaaS b) IaaS c) CaaS d) SaaS


1. Which of the following provider rely on virtual machine technology to deliver servers ? a) CaaS b) AaaS c) PaaS d) IaaS


10. Which of the following is a photo storage and sharing service ? a) Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner b) Windows Live ID c) Windows Live Movie Maker d) Windows Live Photos


10. Which of the following is a standard protocol for network monitoring and discovery ? a) SNMP b) CMDB c) WMI d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is an online backup and storage system ? a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud b) Amazon Simple Queue Service c) Amazon Simple Notification Service d) Amazon Simple Storage System


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Capacity planning seeks to match demand to available resources b) Capacity planning examines what systems are in place, measures their performance, and determines patterns in usage that enables the planner to predict demand c) Resources are provisioned and allocated to meet demand d) All of the mentioned


1. When you deploy an application on Google's PaaS App Engine cloud service, the Administration Console provides you with the which of the following monitoring capabilities ? a) View data and error logs b) Analyze your network traffic c) View the application's scheduled tasks d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is a compliance standard ? a) PCI-DSS b) HIPPA c) GLBA d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is a core management feature offered by most cloud management service products ? a) Support of different cloud types b) Creation and provisioning of different types of cloud resources, such as machine instances, storage, or staged applications c) Performance reporting including availability and uptime, response time, resource quota usage, and other characteristics d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is done by Identity management ? a) controlling access to data in the cloud b) maintaining user roles c) preventing unauthorized uses d) all of the mentioned


8. The reliability of a system with n redundant components and a reliability of r is : a) 1-(1-r)n b) 1-(1+r)n c) 1+(1-r)n d) All of the mentioned


8. The three different service models is together known as the _____ model of cloud computing. a) SPI b) SIP c) CPI d) All of the mentioned


8. When you purchase shrink-wrapped software, you are using that software based on a licensing agreement called ________ a) EULA b) EUL c) ELA d) All of the mentioned


9. A __________ site is one that is environmentally friendly: locations that are on a network backbone. a) greenfield b) redfield c) greenful d) none of the mentioned


9. Cloud computing shifts capital expenditures into ________ expenditures. a) operating b) service c) local d) none of the mentioned


1. How many types of security boundary values exist in Cloud Cube model ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) None of the mentioned


1. ______-sizing is possible when the system load is cyclical or in some cases when there are predictable bursts or spikes in the load. a) Left b) Right c) Top d) All of the mentioned


10. The peak of the sum is never ________ than the sum of the peaks. a) smaller b) greater c) equal to d) none of the mentioned


10. ___________ is a function of the particular enterprise and application in an on-premises deployment. a) Vendor lock b) Vendor lock-in c) Vendor lock-ins d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) A branded cloud computing platform cannot extend customer relationships by offering additional service options b) A cloud computing platform extends the company's products and defends their franchise c) The economies of scale cannot make a profitable business d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Except for tightly managed SaaS cloud providers, the burden of resource management is still in the hands of the user b) Cloud computing vendors run very reliable networks c) The low barrier to entry cannot be accompanied by a low barrier to provisioning d) All of the mentioned


3. The costs associated with resources in the cloud computing model _______ can be unbundled to a greater extent than the costs associated with CostDATACENTER. a) CLOUD b) CostCLOUD c) CCLOUD d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following is provided by ownership dimension of Cloud Cube Model ? a) Proprietary b) Owner c) P d) All of the mentioned


4. The _____ is something that you can obtain under contract from your vendor. a) PoS b) QoS c) SoS d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following service is used for backing up a licensed computer ? a) CarbonT b) Karbonite c) Carbonite d) None of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is small aspect of cloud computing b) Cloud computing does not have impact on software licensing c) Cloud computing presents new opportunities to users and developers d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the wrong statement : a) Everything from the application down to the infrastructure is the vendor's responsibility b) In the deployment model, different cloud types are an expression of the manner in which infrastructure is deployed c) AaaS provides virtual machines, operating systems, applications, services, development frameworks, transactions, and control structures d) All of the mentioned


4. How many laws exist for Cloudonomics by Wienman ? a) 4 b) 5 c) 10 d) 15


4. Security methods such as private encryption, VLANs and firewalls comes under __________ subject area a) Accounting Management b) Compliance c) Data Privacy d) All of the mentioned


4. The Microsoft ____ Platform ROI wizard provides a quick and dirty analysis of your TCO for a cloud deployment on Windows Azure in an attractive report format. a) AWS b) EC2 c) Azure d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) A cloud is defined as the combination of the infrastructure of a datacenter with the ability to provision hardware and software b) High touch applications are best done on-premises c) The Google App Engine follows IaaS d) None of the mentioned


1. Which of the following was one of the top 5 cloud applications in 2010 ? a) Cloud backup b) Web applications c) Business applications d) All of the mentioned


10. A hybrid cloud combines multiple clouds where those clouds retain their unique identities, but are bound together as a unit. a) Public b) Private c) Community d) Hybrid


2. Point out the correct statement : a) A standard machine instance (virtual computer) might cost $0.10 or less an hour b) A typical storage charge might be $0.10 per GB/month c) Outsourcing shifts the burden of capital expenditures onto the service provider d) All of the mentioned


4. Which of the following is deployment model ? a) public b) private c) hybrid d) all of the mentioned


4. __________is a measure of whether the operation is inside or outside the security boundary or network firewall. a) Per b) P c) Pre d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) A PaaS service adds integration features, middleware, and other orchestration and choreography services to the IaaS model b) XaaS or 'anything as a service' is the delivery of IT as a Service through hybrid Cloud computing c) Monitoring as a Service (MaaS) is at present still an emerging piece of the Cloud jigsaw d) None of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is best known service model ? a) SaaS b) IaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


7. Which of the following is specified parameter of SLA ? a) Response times b) Responsibilities of each party c) Warranties d) All of the mentioned


7. ________ dimension corresponds to two different states in the eight possible cloud forms. a) Physical location of data b) Ownership c) Security boundary d) None of the mentioned


9. CaaS stands for _____________ as service. a) Compliance b) Computer c) Community d) Communication


9. How many types of dimensions exists in Cloud Cube Model ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


10. Which of the following architectural standards is working with cloud computing industry ? a) Service-oriented architecture b) Standardized Web services c) Web-application frameworks d) All of the mentioned


10. Which of the following is IaaS service provider ? a) EC2 b) EC1 c) EC10 d) Hybrid


10. _______ enables batch processing, which greatly speeds up high-processing applications. a) Scalability b) Reliability c) Elasticity d) Utility


2. Point out the correct statement : a) A deployment model defines the purpose of the cloud and the nature of how the cloud is located b) Service model defines the purpose of the cloud and the nature of how the cloud is located c) Cloud Square Model is meant to show is that the traditional notion of a network boundary being the network's firewall no longer applies in cloud computing d) All of the mentioned


2. Point out the correct statement : a) Cloud resource pricing doesn't always scale linearly based on performance b) Depending upon the service model type, other resources add additional unit costs c) Typical efficiency in datacenters are between 10 and 55 percent d) All of the mentioned


3. Which of the following benefit is related to creates resources that are pooled together in a system that supports multi-tenant usage ? a) On-demand self-service b) Broad network access c) Resource pooling: d) All of the mentioned


3. _____ is a financial estimate for the costs of the use of a product or service over its lifetime. a) TCO b) TOC c) COT d) All of the mentioned


3. _______ provides virtual machines, virtual storage, virtual infrastructure, and other hardware assets a) IaaS b) SaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


4. A service that concentrates on hardware follows the _________ as a Service model. a) IaaS b) CaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


4. Security methods such as private encryption, VLANs and firewalls comes under __________ subject area. a) CostDATACENTER = 1nΣ(UnitCostDATACENTER / (Revenue -(CostDATACENTER/Utilization))SYSTEMn b) CostDATACENTER = 1nΣ(UnitCostDATACENTER x (Revenue -(CostDATACENTER/Utilization))SYSTEMn c) CostDATACENTER = 1nΣ(UnitCostDATACENTER x (Revenue +(CostDATACENTER/Utilization))SYSTEMn d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) All applications benefit from deployment in the cloud b) With cloud computing, you can start very small and become big very fast c) Cloud computing is revolutionary, even if the technology it is built on is evolutionary d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Internet consumes roughly 1 percent of the world's total power b) The cost advantages of cloud computing have enabled new software vendors to create productivity applications c) A client can provision computer resources without the need for interaction with cloud service provider personnel d) None of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Public cloud may be managed by the constituent organization(s) or by a third party b) A community cloud may be managed by the constituent organization(s) or by a third party c) Private clouds may be either on- or off-premises d) None of the mentioned


6. A ________ Level Agreement (SLA) is the contract for performance negotiated between you and a service provider. a) Service b) Application c) Deployment d) All of the mentioned


6. When you add a software stack, such as an operating system and applications to the service, the model shifts to _____ model. a) SaaS b) PaaS c) IaaS d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following is related to service provided by Cloud ? a) Sourcing b) Ownership c) Reliability d) AaaS


7. Cloud computing is a _______ system and it is necessarily unidirectional in nature. a) stateless b) stateful c) reliable d) 4


7. Network bottlenecks occur when ______ data sets must be transferred. a) large b) small c) big d) all of the mentioned


7. ________ has many of the characteristics of what is now being called cloud computing. a) Internet b) Softwares c) Web Service d) All of the mentioned


. Which of the following provides development frameworks and control structures ? a) IaaS b) SaaS c) PaaS d) All of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Google App Engine allows a developer to scale an application immediately b) The customer relationship management provider has a development platform called that is a IaaS offering c) A cloud computing provider can become a hub master at the center of many ISV's offerings d) None of the mentioned


6. All cloud computing applications suffer from the inherent _______ that is intrinsic in their WAN connectivity. a) propagation b) latency c) noise d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following captive area deals with monitoring ? a) Licensed b) Variable but under control c) Low d) All of the mentioned


7. Weinman argues that a large cloud's size has the ability to repel ______ and DDoS attacks better than smaller systems do. a) sniffers b) botnets c) trojan horse d) all of the mentioned


8. The ________ cloud infrastructure is operated for the exclusive use of an organization. a) Public b) Private c) Community d) All of the mentioned


9. Cloud computing is an abstraction based on the notion of pooling physical resources and presenting them as a ________ resource. a) real b) virtual c) cloud d) None of the mentioned


9. ________ is surely an impediment to established businesses starting new enterprises. a) Proposition b) Capitalization c) Globalization d) None of the mentioned


Point out the wrong statement : a) The massive scale of cloud computing systems was enabled by the popularization of the Internet b) Soft computing represents a real paradigm shift in the way in which systems are deployed c) Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-go, infinitely scalable, universally available system d) All of the mentioned


___ as a utility is a dream that dates from the beginning of the computing industry itself. a) Model b) Computing c) Software d) All of the mentioned


___ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed network using virtualized resources. a) Distributed b) Cloud c) Soft d) Parallel


`10. Cloud computing is also a good option when the cost of infrastructure and management is ______ a) low b) high c) moderate d) none of the mentioned


5. Point out the wrong statement : a) Large cloud providers with geographically dispersed sites worldwide therefore achieve reliability rates that are hard for private systems to achieve b) Private datacenters tend to be located in places where the company or unit was founded or acquired c) A network backbone is a very low-capacity network connection d) None of the mentioned


6. Cutting latency in half requires ______ times the number of nodes in a system. a) two b) three c) four d) all of the mentioned


6. For a server with a four-year lifetime, you would therefore need to include an overhead roughly equal to ___ percent of the system's acquisition cost. a) 10 b) 20 c) 25 d) All of the mentioned


6. Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources ? a) Polymorphism b) Abstraction c) Virtualization d) None of the mentioned


7. How many types of service model are mainly present in Cloud ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


8. The reputation for cloud computing services for the quality of those services is shared by _________ a) replicas b) shards c) tenants d) all of the mentioned


8. _______ model attempts to categorize a cloud network based on four dimensional factors. a) Cloud Square b) Cloud Service c) Cloud Cube d) All of the mentioned


9. You can't count on a cloud provider maintaining your _____ in the face of government actions. a) scalability b) reliability c) privacy d) None of the mentioned


9. _______ feature allows you to optimize your system and capture all possible transactions. a) scalability b) reliability c) elasticity d) none of the mentioned


9. __________ cloud is one where the cloud has been organized to serve a common function or purpose. a) Public b) Private c) Community d) All of the mentioned


Which of the following is essential concept related to Cloud ? a) Reliability b) Productivity c) Abstraction d) All of the mentioned


1. Which of the following is one of the unique attribute of Cloud Computing ? a) utility type of delivery b) elasticity c) low barrier to entry d) all of the mentioned


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