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What is the best nutritional supplement for an infant who is 4 months old? a. Iron-fortified formula is the best supplement for this child. b. Rice cereal is the best supplement for this child. c. Soy milk is the best supplement for this child. d. Human milk is the best supplement for this child.


During a well-child visit, an 11-year-old girl states to the nurse that she looks different from her friends who are wearing bras. What is an appropriate response? a. "It is normal for there to be differences in the time and rate girls your age develop." b. "Remember the methods you have been taught to manage peer pressure." c. "It is common for girls your age to worry about being different." d. "You are doing well in school. Be happy with this success."


During an annual visit of a 6-year-old boy, the nurse observes dental caries on two of the child's primary teeth. Which response by the parents suggests more education is needed regarding the importance of primary teeth? a. "I guess we better look for a pediatric dentist for our son." b. "I see now we need to use a fluoride toothpaste for our child." c. "These are only his baby teeth so we are not worried." d. "I guess we will need to supervise our son while he brushes."


The maximum time-out duration is how many minutes for each year of age? a. 30 seconds b. 2 minutes c. 1 minute d. 90 seconds


The nurse is assessing a 3 year old's language development. Approximately how many words would the nurse expect to find in the child's vocabulary? Fill in the blank with a number.


While evaluating the development of a 10-month-old boy, a nurse hides the boy's stuffed animal behind her back. The boy crawls around the examination table to look behind the nurse's back for the stuffed animal. Which developmental phenomena has this infant demonstrated? a. Object permanence b. Binocular vision c. Depth perception d. Hand regard


The elementary school teachers are in a class on bullying taught by the school nurse. The nurse encourages the teachers to look for common traits of bullies. What are these traits? Select all that apply. a. economically deprived b. large physical size c. poor school grades d. permissive parents e. becomes angry at small issues


The nurse is teaching safety to a group of adolescents. Which common cause of death among adolescents will the nurse include in the teaching? a. falls b. poisoning c. diseases d. unintentional injuries


What action shows an example of Erik Erikson's developmental task for the infant? a. The infant plays the game peek-a-boo. b. The infant cries when he or she has a wet diaper. c. The infant smiles as people walk past the crib. d. The infant cries and the caregiver picks the child up.


What should the nurse instruct a parent to help a child complete Erikson's developmental task during the infant period? a. Respond to the child's needs consistently. b. Expose the child to many caregivers to help learn variability. c. Keep the child stimulated with many toys. d. Talk to the child at a special time each day.


When assessing a toddler's language development, what is the standard against which you measure language in a 2-year-old toddler? a. The toddler should speak in two-word sentences ("Me go"). b. The toddler should say two words plus "ma-ma" and "da-da." c. The toddler should be able to count out loud to 20. d. The toddler should say 20 nouns and 4 pronouns.


A 13-year-old girl has recently begun menstruating. She is active in sports at school. Increased intake of which of the following nutrients should the nurse recommend to the girl to prevent anemia associated with menstruation? a. Zinc b. Iron c. Calcium d. Vitamin D


The developmental task of the school-aged period, according to Erikson, is gaining a sense of: a. identity versus failure. b. industry versus inferiority. c. autonomy versus shame. d. independence versus dependence.


What advice should the nurse provide the parent of a toddler, regarding how to handle temper tantrums? a. Mimic the toddler's behavior by also holding the breath b. Appear to ignore the toddler c. Promise the toddler a special activity if the toddler will stop d. Distract the toddler with a toy when the toddler begins holding the breath


Which behavior best demonstrates an example of Erikson's developmental task for the school age child? a. The child spends all day on a weekend going to the local mall with a group of friends. b. The child spends a rainy day putting together a puzzle of a large jungle animal. c. The child plays by himself even though there is a room full of children the same age. d. The child begins to mimic imaginary characters


The parents of a toddler ask the nurse about disciplining their 2-year-old toddler. What suggestions will the nurse provide? Select all that apply. a. "You need to wait until the toddler is old enough to understand the rules." b. "If you allow an unwanted behavior one time at this age, it is difficult to reverse later." c. "Try using time-out, assigning 1 minute per year of your toddler's age." d. "It is better to praise correct behavior than to punish wrong behavior." e. "Avoid using physical punishment unless your toddler's behavior is really out of line."


The nurse determines that a 20-month old is in Piaget's sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. Which actions support this assessment? Select all that apply. a. The child understands instructions literally b. The child demonstrates egocentricity. c. The child has a limited concept of time. d. The child imitates others' behaviors at a later time e. The child has an imaginary playmate


What is the correct amount of wet diapers a mature infant should produce each day? a. An infant should have 3 to 5 wet diapers/day. b. An infant should have 9 to 10 wet diapers/day. c. An infant should have 1 to 2 wet diapers/day. d. An infant should have 6 to 8 wet diapers/day.


A mother calls the pediatrician's office upset because her toddler has begun acting out now that the new baby is home. He wants to have a bottle like the newborn and has begun to have accidents in his pants. Which statement by the nurse would best address this problem? a. "Often, the first child is jealous of the new baby. Just ignore his acting out and he will stop." b. "You need to scold him for wetting his pants and have him change his underwear himself." c. "Set aside time to spend one-on-one with your older child and make him understand that he is still loved and very special." d. "Offer to let him drink some formula in a cup. He will see that being a baby is not so much fun. "


A mother reports to the nurse that her 4-year-old does everything that she does. She says she is becoming somewhat frustrated with these actions. What would be the best response by the nurse to this mother? a. "I can imagine that it would be very irritating." b. "I am sure there are ways to get your daughter to stop imitating you." c. "Preschoolers' imitating is a healthy behavior. It is part of their imagination and normal growth and development." d. "This is not normal behavior. I am going to get the doctor's advice."


A school-age child has demonstrated the ability to recognize several aspects of a problem at the same time and to understand cause and effect. The nurse should document the presence of which concept? a. Conservation b. Reversibility c. Decentration d. Classification


During the toddler years, the child attempts to become autonomous. Which statement by a 3-year-old toddler's caregiver indicates that the toddler is developing autonomy? a. "My toddler has temper tantrums when we go to the store." b. "Every night my toddler follows the same routine at bedtime." c. "My toddler uses the potty chair and is dry all day long." d. "When my toddler falls down, he or she always wants me to pick him or her up."


During a well-child check-up, the parents of a 9-year-old boy tell the nurse that their son's friends told him that soccer is a stupid game, and now he wants to play baseball. Which comment by the nurse best explains the effects of peer groups? a. "The children will cheer for each other regardless of the sport being played." b. "Your child will rarely talk to you about his friends." c. "The child's best friends will continue playing soccer." d. "Acceptance by friends, especially of the same sex, is very important at this age."


In conducting a health assessment of a 6-year-old girl, the nurse wants to determine if the parents have any concerns about her development. How can the nurse best elicit their concerns? a. "Is your daughter brushing her teeth and dressing herself?" b. "Do you have any questions regarding your daughter today?" c. "Is your daughter having any problems you want to discuss?" d. "How do you feel about your daughter's overall development?"


On physical examination, the nurse discovers that a 6-year-old child's palatine tonsils are somewhat enlarged in the back of the throat. What would be the nurse's best action? a. Take the child's temperature; this must be tonsillitis. b. Give the child something for pain. c. Suggest the health care provider examine the child for breathing difficulty. d. Record this as a normal finding in an early school-age child.


A 3½-year-old child hits another child in prekindergarten and pushes her down. The mother calls the clinic to ask why her child is so aggressive and asks what to do. The nurse's advice would include which suggestion? a. Explain that aggression is a common behavior for a child this age but the child must understand that hurting someone is not acceptable. b. Recommend that the mother change schools with her child to provide a more pleasant environment. c. Punish the preschooler for hurting the other child. d. Encourage the teachers to have the other children hit the child if the child hits them.


A 7-year-old child has taken money from a sibling's dresser on two occasions. When counseling the parent about this behavior, what would the nurse advise? a. "You may need to remind your child about property rights." b. "Stealing is unusual for a 7-year-old child." c. You should talk to the child's teacher about putting less pressure on your child." d. "You should buy your other child a bank that cannot be opened."


A group of students is reviewing material about ways parents can help to foster a child's self-esteem. The students demonstrate a need for additional studying when they identify which method as promoting self-esteem? a. Limiting the choices and decisions that the child makes b. Showing respect and support to the child c. Acting as a coach rather than a cheerleader d. Using positive reinforcement while limiting criticism


According to Piaget, when the child transitions from sensorimotor schemes to mental operation, this form of play is known as which of the following? a. Symbolic play b. Solitary play c. Onlooker play d. Parallel play


An adolescent admits to using marijuana on a daily basis. What should the nurse explain to the patient to help improve performance in school? a. Marijuana causes memory gaps that interfere with learning. b. Marijuana leads to muscle laxness, so it should not be used close to gym class. c. The effect of marijuana fades fastest if eating occurs after use. d. Marijuana increases blood pressure; running should not be done after smoking it.


In working with the toddler, which statement would be most appropriate to say to the toddler to decrease the behavior known as negativism? a. "It is time for lunch. I am going to put your bib on." b. "Do you want help getting into your chair so we can have lunch?" c. "You love having the same food every day. Do you want apples again with lunch?" d. "Are you getting hungry and ready for lunch?"


The Boy Scouts is an organization that continues to be a favorite with school-aged boys because: a. merit badges require completing small tasks for rewards. b. fathers participate in Boy Scouts. c. hiking is a favorite school-aged activity. d. no girls are included in the organization.


A group of nursing students are completing a clinical day at a preschool. Which behaviors would they identify as common in this preschool group? Select all that apply. a. Regression b. Sibling rivalry c. Imaginary friends d. Completing multi-step tasks e. Difficulty with sharing f. Telling of tall tales


A mother is concerned that a school-age child will pick up the habit of smoking because so many children in the school smoke. What should the nurse instruct the mother about this behavior? a. Remind the child that smoking costs money. b. Be a role model and do not smoke. c. Explain that the child can experiment with smoking when older. d. Discuss other tobacco choices that can be used instead.


A nurse notices that a 4-month-old infant has an asymmetric head, with the back of the skull flattened. Which of the following should she recommend to the parents to correct this condition? a. Increase the infant's sleep time each day b. Place the infant on her stomach during play time each day c. Consult a pediatric surgeon about surgically reshaping the skull d. Place the infant on her stomach to sleep each night SUBMIT ANSWER


A parent is concerned because the toddler refuses to share. What is the nurse's best response to the parent regarding this concern? a. The toddler is probably reacting to some family crisis. b. This is normal toddler behavior; sharing is learned later. c. Behavior modification techniques can change the toddler's behavior. d. Play time with other toddlers should be cut back until your toddler learns to share.


During an examination, an adolescent client tells the nurse about being anxious and frustrated because of the facial acne. Which nursing response is appropriate? a. "I will tell your primary health care provider about your acne." b. "This is one of the most common physical changes during adolescence." c. "Consuming fried foods and chocolate can cause acne to develop." d. "Most people get acne during adolescence. It will go away as you get older."


The mother of a toddler observes the child play next to another child but not with the child. What should the nurse explain to the mother about this type of play behavior? a. This is peer play and is abnormal. b. This is parallel play and is expected. c. This is adjacent play and is only seen in school-age children. d. This is premature play and should be stopped.


The nurse enters her client's room and finds the infant on a pillow with a bottle propped up while the mother is dressing. What statement should the nurse make? a. "Look how cute she is." b. "Are you almost ready to be discharged?" c. "You should always hold your baby for feedings instead of propping the bottles." d. "Is she almost done feeding?" SUBMIT ANSWER


The nurse is assessing an 6-month-old infant at a well-baby visit and is answering questions from the new mother. Which response should the nurse prioritize when addressing the mother's question concerning what the infant should be learning at this point in life? a. Fear b. Feel anger c. Trust d. Love


The nurse is conducting an educational session at a local community health fair illustrating the various reflexes which are normal in a newborn and how it changes as the infant grows and matures. The nurse determines more education is necessary after a member of the audience points out which finding as an expected occurrence? a. A plantar grasp reflex at 7 months of age b. A positive Babinski reflex at 2 months of age c. An extrusion reflux at 9 months of age d. A Moro reflex at 3 months of age


The nurse observes a toddler riding a tricycle and decides that the parents need additional safety education. What did the nurse observe? a. Toddler wearing long pants b. Toddler wearing a helmet c. Toddler not wearing a helmet d. Toddler wearing tennis shoes


The school-age child develops the ability to recognize that if a block of clay is in a round ball and then is flattened, the shape changes but not the amount of clay. What understanding has this child developed? a. decentration b. reversibility c. conservation d. classification


Which assessment findings if noted in a 4-month-old infant would the nurse recognize as normal growth and development? a. rolls over, grasp reflex fading, cooing sound b. follows object past midline with eyes, keeps hands fisted, rolls over c. holds head up when prone, bears partial weight on legs, reflexes are fading d. uses palmer grasp, starts to make vowel sounds, reaches out


Which is the best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving the developmental task? a. Help the toddler learn to count b. Give the toddler small household chores to do c. Urge the toddler to dress oneself completely alone d. Allow the toddler to make simple decisions


The mother of a toddler half-jokingly states: "I am so tired of hearing 'NO!' What suggestions will the nurse offer to reduce toddler negativism? Select all that apply. a. Offer simple choices: "Blue shirt or red one?" b. Make statements: "It is time for lunch." c. Use humor to make "no" funny: "Do cows bark?" d. Emphasize what is not to be done: "Don't sit there." e. Avoid "yes" and "no" questions. f. Avoid ending a request with "Okay?"


The nurse is planning an educational seminar for community members that focuses on the 2020 National Health Goals to promote health during the infant year. What should the nurse include in this seminar? Select all that apply. a. Using infant car seats b. Placing infants on back to sleep c. Receiving immunizations after the age of 1 d. Continuing breast-feeding for 6 months e. Introducing solid food by age 6 months


The mother of a 6-year-old girl tells the nurse that she is very concerned that her daughter develops good self-esteem. Which nursing instruction is best? a. "You need to provide guidance and celebrate successes." b. "Let her make more of her own decisions." c. "Praise your daughter's accomplishments." d. "Listen when she talks about her concerns."


The nurse is identifying outcomes for care provided to a new mother whose infant continues to spit up after feedings. Which outcome would be the most appropriate? a. The baby will have less episodes of spitting up after sitting upright after a feeding. b. The baby will have fewer episodes of spitting up when the type of formula is changed. c. The baby will have forceful episodes of vomitus only once a day. d. The baby will spit up a large amount of vomitus only after the last feeding of the day.


The nurse observes an infant interacting with his parents. What are normal social behavioral developments for this age group? Select all that apply. a. Around 3 months the infant will mimic the parent's facial movements, such as sticking out the tongue. b. Separation anxiety may also start in the last few months of infancy. c. Around 2 months the infant exhibits a first real smile. d. Around 3 to 6 months of age the infant may enjoy socially interactive games such as patty-cake and peek-a-boo. e. Around 3 months the infant smiles widely and gurgles when interacting with the caregiver. f. Around 5 months the infant may develop "stranger anxiety."


During a routine health visit with the parents of a 2-year-old child, the parents share some changes they have noticed in their child the past few months that are of concern. This family is struggling to remodel their grandparents' older home. The nurse suspects lead poisoning when they hear the parents mention which symptoms? Select all that apply. a. The child seems to be irritable more frequently. b. The child vomits at least 2 to 3 times/day. c. The child seems to sleep and nap more throughout the day than usual. d. The child cries and starts rubbing the abdomen like it "hurts" sometimes. e. The child is constantly pulling on the ears.


A group of nursing students are preparing a presentation illustrating basic safety measures which can be utilized for infants. Which measures should the students prioritize in their presentation? Select all that apply. a. Car seats should be placed in back seats. b. Only small pillows should be used in cribs. c. Crib and playpen bars should be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. d. Bottle should only be propped for infants 8 months or older. e. A safe temperature for hot water heaters in households with infants is 120°F (48.9°C).


A nurse is providing anticipatory guidance for the parents of a toddler. Which topics are most appropriate at this time? Select all that apply. a. Development of problem-solving skills for use throughout the child's growth b. The toddler's waning need for developing independence c. The need to remain steadfast in their approach to the child d. Need for developing good communication skills e. Importance of establishing realistic goals


The school nurse is providing school health screenings to 7- to 11-year-olds exhibiting behaviors in Piaget's stage of concrete operational thoughts. What behaviors are anticipated in normal development? Select all that apply. a. Ability to use stored memories of past experiences to evaluate and interpret present situations b. Ability to think about a problem from all points of view, ranking the possible solutions while solving the problem c. Ability to think outside of the present and incorporate into thinking concepts that do exist as well as concepts that might exist d. Ability to see things from another person's point of view and think through an action e. Ability to assimilate and coordinate information about the world from different dimensions f. Ability to understand the principle of conservation—that matter does not change when its form changes


The mother of a 2-year-old boy asks the nurse about when she should begin toilet training. The nurse questions the mother about the boy's readiness. Which of the following statements by the mother would indicate that the child is ready? a. "His diaper usually stays dry for about an hour or less." b. "He has trouble pulling his pants up and down." c. "He moves his bowels at all different times." d. "He often pulls at his diaper right before a bowel movement."


The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to a parent to help promote healthy sleep for the 3-week-old newborn. Which recommended guideline will the nurse include in the teaching plan? a. Once sleeping through the night, continue to wake the infant up for night feedings. b. Wrap the newborn in a blanket before placing in the crib for the night. c. A stuffed animal may be placed in the crib for comfort once the newborn is 1 month old. d. Place the newborn on the back when sleeping during the day or night.


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