PSY 121 Exam 4 (Ch 11,12,13)

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People of the Middle Ages believed in spirit possession as one cause of ___________


Fear of heights


The trancelike state known as _______ in which a person suddenly becomes highly agitated and violent (found in Southeast Asia and Pacific Island culture) is usually associated with no memory for the period during which the "trance" lasts


Psychology students studying abnormal behavior can also become convinced that they have some mental disorder, a problem that can be called "_______________________"

"psychology student's syndrome"

40 to 45 percent of women and ____________ of men have at least one sexual dysfunction, and the rate increases as we age

20 to 30

Research continues to investigate genetic components for eating disorders, as they account for ________ of the risk for anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder


_________________, normally used to treat seizure disorders, have also been used to treat mania

Anticonvulsant drugs

A third personality type was identified by researchers Temoshok and Dreher (1992) as being associated with a higher incidence of ______


People with schizophrenia will make up words, repeat words, or sentences persistently, string words together on the basis of sound called _________________ (ex: cheese, sneeze)


___________________________ refers to terms or phrases used to describe suffering or distress within a given cultural context

Cultural idioms of distress

The idea of "culture-bound" has been replaced by three concepts: _________________, cultural idioms of distress, and cultural explanations or perceived cause

Cultural syndromes

___________________ concluded that psychological labels are long-lasting and powerful, affecting only only how other people see mental patients but how patients see themselves

David Rosenhan

__________________, in which people believe that others are trying to hurt them in some way

Delusions of persecution

The _____ view is a way of choosing the parts of different theories that seem to best fit a particular situation, rather than using one theory to explain a phenomenon


In a _______________, the assessor literally counts the frequency of certain behaviors within a specified time limit

Frequency count

One of the earliest attempts to list and describe the traits that make up personality can be found in the work of _________________

Gordon Allport

a set of learned responses or ______


__________ theory is not easy to test scientifically, but its principles have been beneficial in therapy situations


_______________ therapy emphasizes the importance of the choices made by individuals and the potential to change one's behavior


In the United States, ____________ is not a psychological term; it is a legal term


______________, a tendency to withdraw from excessive stimulation


______________________ (I/E) is the same classical dimension that began with Jung and is represented in nearly every personality theory including the Big Five


_____________ are more solitary and dislike being the center of attention


Behavioral theorists link depression to ________________

Learned helplessness

The concept of ________________, is the tendency for people to assume that they either have control or do not have control over events and consequences in their lives.

Locus of control

_________________, meaning that the person finds it hard to adapt to the demands of day-to-day living


The ___________ of the dream was the actual dream and its events

Manifest content

____________ seem to expect the worst to happen


______________________, in which the connections of the prefrontal cortex to other areas of the brain are severed

Prefrontal lobotomy

The ___________________ is the social or environmental setting of a person's behavior

Situational context

_______________________, which assumes that persons with the genetic "markers" for schizophrenia have a physical vulnerability to the disorder but will not develop schizophrenia unless they are exposed to environmental or emotional stress at critical times in development

Stress-vulnerability model

Projective tests are by their nature very _______ (valid only within the person's own perception)


In ancient times holes were cut in an ill person's head to let out evil spirits in a process called ______________


Horney's concept of "_____________" states that men felt the need to compensate for their lack of child-bearing ability by striving for success in other areas

Womb envy

There is a definite gender difference in ASPD with many more _____ diagnosed with this disorder than females


Sexual dysfunction may be _______, stemming from physical sources or disorders


______________________ (P/J) describes those who are willing to adapt and modify decisions, be spontaneous, and who are naturally curious and tend to put off making a final decision so that all possibilities are covered as well as those who are the oppositeL the action-oriented, decisive, get-the-task-done-and-don't-look-back type


______________ personally unchained the inmates at La Bicetre Asylum in Paris, France, beginning the movement of humane treatment of the mentally ill

Phillipe Pinel

________ is an irrational, persistent fear of something


________________ can be defined as the desire for immediate gratification of needs with no regard for the consequences

Pleasure principle

When the symptoms associated with ASD last more than one month, the disorder is then called _______________________

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

___________________________ highlights the need for a functional analysis of the behavior to be modified, which is then followed by the use of conditioning techniques to modify the behavior

Applied behavior analysis

Sexual dysfunction can be _________, related to psychological factors such as worry or anxiety


In dissociative amnesia, the cause is _______________ rather than physical. The reported memory loss is usually associated with a stressful or emotionally traumatic experience


The ________________________ are ways of dealing with anxiety through unconsciously distorting one's perception of reality

Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Italian researchers __________ and ______ who first used electricity to induce a seizure in a man with schizophrenia, who fully recovered after only 11 such treatments

Cerletti and Bini

____________________________ which is love, affection, respect and warmth that depend, or seem to depend, on doing what those people want.

Conditional postive regard

The Superego contains the __________, the part of the personality that makes people feel guilt, or moral anxiety, when they do the wrong thing


Severe PTSD has been linked to a _______ in the size of the hippocampus in children with the disorder


In ________________, the psychologist observes the client engaging in ordinary everyday behavior, preferably in the natural setting of home, school, or work place

Direct observation

The modern psychoanalyst is far more ___________, asking questions, suggesting helpful behavior, and giving opinions and interpretations earlier in the relationship, which helps speed up the therapeutic process


In _________________, the individual cannot remember personal information such as one's own name or specific personal events

Dissociative amnesia

_____________ refers to a technique therapists use to allow clients to continue to talk and have insights without the interference of the therapist's interpretations and possible biases


_____________________ refers to an individual's preference for a particular reinforcer over all other possible reinforcing consequences

Reinforcement value

Projective tests, with no standard grading scales, have both low _____________ and low ______________

Reliability, Validity

_________________________ uses a pulsating magnetic field to activate specific parts of the brain's surface

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

By the time the phallic stage ends, the boy will _____ his sexual feelings for his mother and identify with his father


_____________ the point at which the patient becomes unwilling to talk about certain topics


___________, the enduring characteristics with which each person is born, such as irritability or adaptability


_________ is the perception of what one should be or would like to be

Ideal self

Some therapists ask questions and note down the answers in a survey process called an ___________


The lobotomy is gone, but there is a different and more modern technique called __________________, in which MRI is used to guide an electrode to a specific area of the brain called the cingulate gyrus

bilateral anterior cingulotomy

_____________ when the therapist becomes a symbol of a parental authority figure from the pass


Cognitive and behavioral explanations for dissociative disorders are connected: Trauma-related ________________________ is negatively reinforced by reduction in anxiety and emotional pain

"thought avoidance"

Heritability of personality, or how much some trait within a population can be attributed to genetic influences, ranges from about _______

25 to 50%

The DSM-5 describes about _____ different psychological disorders


Approximately ____ of adults over age 18 in the United States suffer from a mental disorder


The frequency of Borderline Personality Disorder being diagnosed in women is nearly _____ time greater than in men


The symptoms of PTSD may not occur until ____ or later after the event

6 months

A therapy that is directed more at changing behavior than providing insights into the reasons for that behavior is called _____________

Action therapy

The symptoms of ______________ often occur immediately after the traumatic event and include anxiety, dissociative symptoms, recurring nightmares, sleep disturbances, problems in concentration, and moments in which people seem to "relive" the event in dreams or flashbacks for as long as one month following the event

Acute stress disorder (ASD)

In psychological terms, the word ____ is used to mean "emotion" or "mood"


___________________ is the fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or impossible if something should go wrong


__________________ refers to the basic emotional style of a person, who may be easy-going, friendly, and pleasant (at the high end of the scale) or grumpy, crabby and hard to get along with (at the low end)


____________ (1954) developed the theory that as young, helpless children, people all develop feelings of inferiority when comparing themselves to the more powerful, superior adults in their world

Albert Adler

_________________ (1989) believes that three factors (Environment, behavior, personal/cognitive factors) influence one another in determining the patterns of behavior that make up personality

Albert Bandura

___________________, in which a person believes that his or her performance must be perfect or the result will be a total failure

All-or-nothing thinking

According to Freud, the erogenous zone moves from the mouth to the anus because he also believed that children got a great deal of pleasure from both withholding and releasing their feces at will. This stage is called ___________

Anal Stage

____________________ personality, someone who sees messiness as a statement of personal control and who is somewhat destructive and hostile

Anal expulsive personality

Some children, who are terrified of making a mess and rebel passively will translate as an _________________ personality as an adult where they are stingy, stubborn, and excessively neat

Anal retentive personality

______________ is a condition in which a person reduces eating to the point that their body weight is significantly low or less than minimally expected

Anorexia nervosa

___________________ are the minor tranquilizers or benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Ativan, and Valium. All of these drugs have a sedative effect and in the right dose can start to relieve symptoms of anxiety within 20-30 minutes of taking the drug by mouth

Anti-anxiety drugs

Iproniazid was used to treat tuberculosis symptoms in the early 1950s and was found to have a positive effect on mood, becoming the first modern _______________


Drugs used to treat psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, and bizarre behavior are called __________________

Antipsychotic drugs

People with _____________ are literally "against society." The person may habitually break the law, disobey rules, tell lies, and use other people without worrying about their rights or feelings

Antisocial personality disorder

The DSM-5 category of ______________ includes disorders in which the most dominant symptom is excessive or unrealistic anxiety

Anxiety Disorders

__________________________, refers to "jumping conclusions" without any evidence

Arbitrary inference

These collective, universal human memories were called __________ by Jung


Sexual dysfunctions involves problems in three possible areas of sexual activity: sexual interest, ____________, and response


In some Latin American cultures anxiety can take the form of ___________________, or "attack of nerves," in which the person may have fits of crying, shout uncontrollably, experience sensations of heat, and become very aggressive, either verbally or physically

Ataque de nervios

The ______________________ may also suppress dopamine but to a much greater degree in the one dopamine pathway that seems to cause psychotic problems. These drugs also block or partially block certain serotonin receptors, resulting in fewer negative side effects and occasionally some improvement in the negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Atypical antipsychotics

Rogers (1961) saw three key elements as being necessary in any successful person-therapist relationship: ______________, __________________, _______________

Authenticity, Unconditional positive regard, empathy

Another way to use classical conditioning is to reduce the frequency of undesirable behaviors, such as smoking or overeating, by teaching the client to pair an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus with the stimulus that results in the undesirable response, in a process called ______________

Aversion therapy

Horney focused on the __________ created in a child born into a world that is so much bigger and more powerful than the child

Basic anxiety

The first truly organized effort to do something with the mentally ill began in England in the middle of the sixteenth century. Bethlehem Hospital in London (later known as "__________") was converted into an asylum


__________________ aim to change behavior through the use of the same kinds of learning techniques that people (and animals) use to learn any new responses

Behavior therapies

The field of __________________ is devoted to the study of just how much of an individual's personality is due to inherited traits

Behavioral genetics

The _________ perspective focuses on the effect of the environment on behavior, it includes aspects of social cognitive theory in that interactions with others and personal thought processes also influence learning and personality.


________________ believe that anxious behavioral reactions are learned. They see phobias, for example, as nothing more than classically conditioned fear responses


_________________ also involves uncontrolled binge eating but differs from bulimia primarily in that individuals with binge-eating disorder do not purge or use other inappropriate methods for avoiding weight gain

Binge-eating disorder

Researchers have recently found that there seems to be a __________ link between feeling miserable and an increased rate of death


Growing evidence exists that _____________ factors contribute to anxiety disorder


The ___________________ proposes that psychological disorders have a biological or medical cause

Biological model

This type of therapy uses some biological treatment in the form of a medical procedure to bring about changes in the person's disordered behavior. ____________________ includes the use of drugs, surgical methods, electric shock treatments, and noninvasive stimulation techniques

Biomedical therapies

_________________ directly affecting the biological functioning of the body and the brain

Biomedical therapies

The ____________________________ views abnormal thinking and behavior as the sum result of biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences

Biopsychosocial model

The individual may only experience mood that spans from normal to manic, and may or may not experience episodes of depression, called ______________

Bipolar I disorder

In ____________, spans of normal mood are interspersed with episodes of major depression and episodes of hypomania (a level of mood that is elevated but at a level below or less severe that full mania)

Bipolar II disorder

When a person experiences periods of mood that can range from severe depression to manic episodes, that person is said to suffer from a type of ______________

Bipolar disorder

People with _______________ have relationships with other people that are intense and relatively unstable

Borderline Personality Disorder

People with depersonalization/derealization disorder have lower __________ in the areas responsible for their sense of body awareness

Brain activity

________________, is a condition in which a person develops a cycle of "binging," or overeating enormous amounts of food at one sitting, and then using inappropriate methods for avoiding weight gain

Bulimia nervosa

According to _______________, the collective unconscious contains a kind of "species" memory, memories of ancient fears and themes that seem to occur in many folktales and cultures

Carl Jung

In ____________'s view, only a person who is fully functioning is capable of reaching the goal of self-actualization

Carl Rogers

When boys realized that the little girl down the street had no penis they developed a fear of losing the penis called ____________

Castration anxiety

Both extremes, either wildly excessive movement or total lack thereof are referred to as ______________


If the stressor is seen as a ___________, however, it is possible to plan to meet that goal, which is a more positive and less stressful approach


____________, refers to value judgements made about a person's morals or ethical behavior


The _________ has been implicated in other studies of schizophrenia using DTI, which suggests that the less myelin and lower neural efficiency is partly responsible for attention problems

Cingulum bundle

A fear of being in small, enclosed spaces -_____________________


Monoamine oxidase is the brain's "______________" because its primary function is to break down the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine

Clean up worker

___________________________ see anxiety disorders as the result of illogical, irrational thought processes

Cognitive psychologists

____________________________ study the way people think, remember and mentally organize information

Cognitive psychologists

___________________ was developed by Aaron T. Beck and is focused on helping people change their way of thinking

Cognitive therapy

________________ focuses on the present rather than the past (like behaviorism) but also assumes that people interact with the world with more than simple, automatic reactions to external stimuli

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Lazarus developed a cognitive view of stress called the _______________________ theory of emotions, in which the way people think about and appraise a stressor is a major factor in how stressful that particular stressor becomes


The _________________ in psychotherapy is a modern approach to eclecticism and focuses on those factors common to successful outcomes from different forms of therapy

Common factors approach

The defense mechanisms of _____________, in which people try to overcome feelings of inferiority in one area of life by striving to be superior in another area


______________ refers to a person's organization and motivation, with people who score high in this dimension being those who are careful about being places time and careful with belongings as well.


Memory is definitely affect, as ECT disrupts the _________________________ and prevent the formation of long-term memories

Consolidation process

_____________________ is a formal agreement between therapist and client in which both parties' responsibilities and goals are clearly stated. Such contracts are useful in treating specific problems such as drug addiction, educational problems, and eating disorders.

Contingency contract

Therapists can also experience ____________________, in which the therapist has a transference reaction to the patient


__________________ is a term that refers to the need to consider the unique characteristics of the culture in which the person with a disorder was nurtured to be able to correctly diagnose and treat the disorder

Cultural relativity

__________________ may or may not be recognized as an illness within the culture but are nonetheless recognizable as a distinct set of symptoms or characteristics of distress

Cultural syndromes

Four barriers to effective psychotherapy exist when the culture or ethnic backgrounds of client and therapist are different: ________________, __________________, ____________, _____________________

Cultural-bound values, Class-bound values, Language, Nonverbal communication

A new type of therapy known as __________ is offered via internet. This method of delivery may have the advantages of lower or no cost, availability of therapy opportunities for those unable to get to a therapist easily, access to support groups online, and relative anonymity

Cyber therapy

Typical antipsychotic drugs work by blocking certain dopamine receptors in the brain, namely the _______________, thereby reducing the effect of dopamine in synaptic transmission

D2 receptor

Exciting research is also investigating the use of ____________________ for individuals with chronic anorexia nervosa who have not responded well to other treatments, with initial results suggesting some individuals have improved body mass index

Deep brain stimulation

___________ are false beliefs about the world that the person holds and that tend to remain fixed and unshakable


________________, in which people are convinced that they are powerful people who can save the world or have a special mission

Delusion of grandeur

__________________, in which people believe that they are being controlled by external forces, such as the devil, aliens, or cosmic forces

Delusion of influence

_____________________ in which people believed that other people, television characters, and even books are specifically talking to them

Delusion of reference

Gestalt theory focuses on the ______________

Denied past

______________________ is a dissociative disorder in which people feel detached and disconnected from themselves, their bodies and their surroundings

Depersonalization/derealization disorder

The ______________________________________, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) is a manual of psychological disorders and their symptoms

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

A phobia is seen as a kind of _______________, in which the phobic object is actually only a symbol of whatever the person has buried deep in his or her unconscious mind


_____________ involve a break, or dissociation, in consciousness, memory, or a person's sense of identity

Dissociative disorders

A _____________ occurs when a person suddenly travels away from home (flight) and afterwards cannot remember the trip or even personal information such as identity.

Dissociative fugue

________________, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, a person seems to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body

Dissociative identity disorder

The lobotomy was developed in 1935 by Portuguese neurologist ___________________

Dr.Antonio Egas Moniz

__________________________ or the analysis of the elements within a patient's reported dream

Dream interpretation

Freud based much of his diagnoses of patients' problems on the interpretations of ___________ and the results of the patient's free association


Many psychology professionals do not limit themselves to a single technique and are ___________, using more than one treatment approach of technique to best meet the needs of the people they are working with


The ____ is mostly conscious and is far more rational, logical, and cunning than the id


Girls go through a process called the ___________________ with their fathers as the target of their affections and their mother as the rival

Electra Complex

________________ involves the delivery of an electric shock to either one side or both sides of a person's head, resulting in a seizure or convulsion of the body and release of a flood of neurotransmitter in the brain

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

In the psychodynamic view, loss of memory of disconnecting one's awareness from a stressful or traumatic event is adaptive in that it reduces the ___________

Emotional pain

In depression, these neurotransmitters need more time to do their job, and the MAOIs allow them that time by inhibiting the _______________

Enzyme's action

_________________ broke away from Freud's emphasis on sex, preferring instead to emphasize the social relationship that are important at every stage of life

Erik Erikson

________________, or area of the body that produces pleasurable feelings, becomes important and can become the source of conflicts

Erogenous zone

_________________ refers to techniques or interventions that have produced desired outcomes, or therapeutic change in controlled studies

Evidence based treatment

_________, or the formal casting out of the demon through a religious ritual


_________________ refers to the person's subjective feeling that a particular behavior will lead to a reinforcing consequence


Behavioral techniques that introduce the client to situations, under carefully controlled conditions, which are related to their anxieties or fears called ___________________

Exposure therapies

People who assume that their lives are more controlled by powerful others, luck, or fate are ___________ in locus of control


________________ involves the removal of a reinforcer to reduce the frequency of a particular response


____________ is a term first used by Carl Jung (1933), who believed that all people could be divided into two personality types: extraverts and introverts


___________ are outgoing and sociable


________________________________ or EMDR, involves very brief and repeated imaginal flooding, cognitive reprocessing and desensitization of the fearful event, and rapid eye movements or other bilateral stimulation

Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing

Using a statistical technique that looks for groupings and commonalities in numerical data called _______________

Factor analysis

______________________, in which all of the members of a family who are experiencing some type of problem--marital problems, problems in child discipline, or sibling rivalry-- are seen by the therapist as a group

Family counseling or family therapy

The greatest risk factor for anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder appears to be someone being an adolescent or young adult __________


The _______________ represents the core description of human personality--- that is, the only dimensions necessary to understand what makes us tick

Five-factor model

Conflicts that are fully resolved can result in __________, or getting "stuck" to some degree in a stage of development


____________ is a condition in which the person shows little to no emotion

Flat affect

If the exposure is rapid and intense, it begins with the most feared event and is called ____________, It is used under very controlled conditions and, like graded exposure, produces extinction of the conditioned fear response by preventing an escape or avoidance response


Freud adopted this method of ______________, believing that repressed impulses and other material were trying to "break free" into consciousness and would eventually surface using this technique

Free association

__________________ is the term given to anxiety that seems to be unrelated to any realistic and specific, known factor, and it is often a symptom of an anxiety disorder

Free-floating anxiety

Dissociative amnesia can occur with or without ______


A person who is in the process of self-actualizing, actively exploring potentials and abilities and experiencing a match between the real self and ideal self is a _________________________

Fully functioning person

________________ research has suggest there may be four dimensions of cultural personality, including individualism/collectivism, power distance, masculinity/femininity and uncertainty avoidance

Geert Hofstede's

_______________________, in which excessive anxiety and worries occur more days than not for at least 6 months

Generalized anxiety disorder

______ risks are higher in bipolar disorder as compared to unipolar depression


The ___________ develops as a preschool-aged child learns the rules, customs, and expectations of society


The moral center of personality is the ________


The driving force behind all human endeavors, emotions, and thoughts for Adler was not the seeking of pleasure but the seeking of ___________________


__________________ are like those found by Allport, representing the personality characteristics easily seen by other people

Surface traits

___________________________, in which a therapist guides the client through a series of steps meant to reduce fear and anxiety

Systematic desensitization

_________________ found primarily in Japan, involves excessive fear and anxiety, but in this case it is the fear that one will do something in public that is socially inappropriate or embarrassing, such as blushing, staring, or having an offensive body odor

Taijin Kyofusho (TKS)

____________________ is a syndrome caused by long-term treatment and can even persist when typical antipsychotic medication are no longer used. The syndrome is characterized by the person making facial and tongue movements such as repeatedly sticking their tongue out, grimacing, or constant chewing, or causing repetitive involuntary jerks or dance-like movements of the arms and legs

Tardive dyskinesia

Cattell identified 16 source traits and he developed his assessment questionnaire ___________________________ based on just 16 source traits

The Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) Questionnaire

By running a current through the electrode, a very small and specific area of brain cells can be destroyed. This process is called ____________


The treatment of choice for bipolar disorder and episodes of mania has been __________, metallic chemical element that in its salt form (Li2Co3) evens out both the highs and the lows of bipolar disorder


_______________, or the tendency to "make mountains out of molehills" by interpreting situations as being far more harmful, dangerous, or embarrassing than they actually are


When a deeply depressed mood comes on fairly suddenly and either seems to be severe for the circumstances or exists without any external cause for sadness, it is called __________________

Major Depressive Disorder

Rather than focusing on the behavior itself, the cognitive therapist focuses on the distorted thinking and unrealistic beliefs that lead to ___________________

Maladaptive behavior

______________________, has been described by Hal Arkowitz and William R. Miller as "client-centered therapy with a twist"; it also has specific goals to reduce ambivalence about change and increase intrinsic motivation

Motivational interviewing

Freud essentially believed that boys develop both sexual attraction to their mothers and jealousy of their fathers during the phallic stage, a phenomenon called the __________________

Oedipus complex

____________ can be best described as a person's willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences


___________________, relieving pent-up emotions

Opportunity for catharsis

_____________ are people who always tend to look for positive outcomes


The first psychosexual stage is called the __________ stage (first 18 months) because the erogenous zone is the mouth.

Oral Stage

A single negative event interpreted as a never-ending pattern of defeat is called _____________________


__________ is a sudden onset of extreme panic with various physical symptoms: racing heart, rapid breathing, a sensation of being "out of one's body," dulled hearing and vision, sweating, and a dry mouth

Panic attack

Only when panic attacks occur more than once or repeatedly, and cause persistent worry or changes in behavior, that they become a ______________

Panic disorder

________________________ affect the release of dopamine rather than blocking its receptors in the brain

Partial dopamine agonists

In ____________________, a model demonstrates the desired behavior in a step-by-step, gradual process. The client is encouraged by the therapist to imitate the model in the same gradual, step-by-step manner

Participant modeling

Girls develop ___________ because they were missing a penis

Penis envy

Cultural explanations or ___________________ are culturally defined ways of explaining the source or cause of symptoms or illness

Perceived cause

Carl Rogers's therapy is now called ______________________ because the person is truly the center of the process

Person-centered theory

The side of one's personality that is shown to the world is termed the _______


_____________ is the unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout life


Adler disagreed with Freud over the importance of sexuality in ___________________

Personality development

In ______________________, a person has an excessively rigid, maladaptive pattern of behavior and ways of relating to others

Personality disorder

_________________, a questionnaire that has a standard list of questions and only requires certain specific answers, such as "yes," "no," and "can't decide,"

Personality inventory

_________________ is a growing area of research, and brain structures differences associated with some aspects of the Big Five dimensions of personality have been identified using structural MRI

Personality neuroscience

In ____________________, an individual takes responsibility or blame for events that are not really connected to the individual


This awakening of sexual curiosity and interest in the genitals is the beginning of what Freud termed the _______________

Phallic Stage

__________________ appear to reflect an excess or distortion of norma functions, such as hallucinations and delusions

Postitive symptoms

Carl Rogers defined ______________ as warmth, affection, love, and respect that come from the significant others in people's experience

Postive regard

The ______________ of people with schizophrenia has been shown to produce lower levels of dopamine than normal, resulting in attention deficits and poor organization of thought

Prefrontal cortex

The first step in appraising a stressor is called ________________, which involves estimating the severity of the stressor and classifying it as a threat, a challenge, or a harm or loss that has already occured

Primary appraisal

Psychoanalysts show their clients ambiguous visual stimuli and ask the clients to tell them what they see. The hope is that the client will project unconscious concerns onto the visual stimulus, revealing them to the examiner. Tests using this method are called ________________________

Projective tests

Fixation in the phallic stage usually involves immature sexual attitudes as an adult, People who are fixated in this stage will often exhibit ____________ sexual behavior and be very vain


_______________ is an insight therapy that emphasizes revealing the unconscious conflicts, urges, and desires that are assumed to cause disordered emotions and behavior


The _________________ perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality and also heavily focused on biological causes of personality differences


____________________ theory sees the repression of threatening or unacceptable thoughts and behavior as a defense mechanism


The _____________________ explains disordered thinking and behavior as the result of repressing one's threatening thoughts, memories and concerns in the unconscious mind

Psychodynamic model

Some psychoanalysts also focus on the process of transference more than on other typical aspects of traditional psychoanalysis, leading to the more general method called ________________________

Psychodynamic therapy

_____________________________, which is defined as any pattern of behavior or psychological functioning that causes people significant distress, causes them to harm themselves or others, or harms their ability to function in daily life

Psychological disorder

The study of abnormal behavior and psychological dysfunction is called _____________


The use of drugs to control or relieve the symptoms of a psychological disorder is called __________________


Freud believed that personality development occurs in a series of ______________ that are determined by the developing sexuality of the child

Psychosexual stages

_____________ involves cutting into the brain to remove or destroy brain tissue for the purpose of relieving symptoms of mental disorders


_________________ typically involves an individual, couple, or small group of individuals working directly with a therapist and discussing their concerns or problems


Most individuals with bulimia engage in "__________" behaviors, such as deliberately vomiting after the binge or misuse of laxatives


_________________ technique, in which the client is allowed to smoke but must take a puff on the cigarette every 5 or 6 seconds


In a _____________, a numerical rating is assigned, either by the assessor or the client, for specific behaviors

Rating scale

Albert Ellis proposed a version of CBT called _______________________, in which clients are taught a way to challenge their own irrational beliefs with more rational, helpful statements

Rational emotive behavior therapy

_________________ (1990) defined two types of traits as surface traits and source traits

Raymond Cattell

_____________ is one's actual perception of characteristics, traits, and abilities that form the basis of the striving for self-actualization

Real self

________________ is the need to satisfy the demands of the id only in ways that will not lead to negative consequences

Reality Principle

These three factors (environment, behavior, personal/cognitive factors) each affect the other two in a reciprocal, or give-and-take, relationship. Bandura calls this relationship _____________________________

Reciprocal determinism

One of the more well-known projective tests is the _________________, developed in 1921 by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. There are 10 inkblots, 5 in black ink on a white board and 5 in colored inks on a white background

Rorschach inkblot test

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), which uses _________________ to pass very low amplitude direct currents to the brain

Scalp electrode

______________ is described as a long-lasting psychotic disorder (involving a severe break with reality), in which there is an inability to distinguish what is real from fantasy as well as disturbances in thinking, emotions, behavior, and perception


In ______________, people who identified a threat or harmful effect must estimate the resources that they have available for coping with the stressor

Secondary appraisal

________________, drugs that inhibit the re-uptake process of only serotonin

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

In _______________________, the person focuses only one one aspect of a situation, leaving out relevant facts that might make things seem less negative

Selective thinking

Maslow and Rogers believed that human beings are always striving to fulfill their innate capacities and capabilities and to become everything that their genetic potential will allow them to become. This striving for fulfillment is called the _____________________________

Self-actualizing tendency

An important tool in human self-actualization is the development of an image of oneself or the _____________


________________, a person's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance


People choose to meet with others who have problems similar to their own, with no therapist in charge. Called ___________________, these groups are usually formed around a particular problem

Self-help groups or support groups

Masters and Johnson (1970) recommended a technique called _____________ for treatment of premature ejaculation, in which each member of a couple engages in a series of exercises meant to focus attention on his or her own sensual experiences during various stages of sexual arousal and activity

Sensate focus

The ____________ (S/N) dimension includes people who prefer to rely on what they can see, hear, and so on through their own physical senses and, on its opposite end, those who look for patterns and trust their hunches


________________ is a problem with sexual functioning, or with the actual physical workings of the sex act

Sexual dysfunction

______________ involves a fear of interacting with others or being in a social situation and is one of the most common phobias people experience

Social anxiety disorder

In the ____________ view depressed people continually have negative, self-defeating thoughts about themselves, which depress them further in a downward spiral of despair

Social cognitive

In the ________________ view behavior is governed not just by the influence of external stimuli and responses patterns but also by cognitive processes such as anticipating, judging, and memory, as well as learning through the imitation of models

Social cognitive

In the ________________________ of abnormality, abnormal thinking or behavior is seen as the product of behavioral shaping within the context of family influences, the social group to which one belongs, and the culture within which the family and social group exists

Sociocultural perspective

________________ are those more basic traits that underlie the surface traits

Source traits

A _______________ is an irrational fear of some object or specific situation

Specific phobia

_________________, or emotional distress while engaging in a particular behavior or thought process

Subjective discomfort

The _________________ consists of 20 pictures, all black and white, that are shown to a client. The client is asked to tell a story about the person or people in the picture, who are all deliberately drawn in ambiguous situations

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

The most important common factor of a successful psychotherapy may be the relationship between the client and the therapist, known as the __________________

Therapeutic alliance

_________________ are treatment methods aimed at making people feel better and function more effectively


The__________________ (T/F) dimension runs from those who prefer to use logic, analysis, and experiences that can be verified as facts to those who tend to make decisions based on their personal values and emotional reactions


If the stressor is appraised as a _____, negative emotions may arise that inhibit the person's ability to cope


______________, objects known as tokens can be traded for food, candy, treats, or special privileges. Clients earn tokens for behaving correctly or accomplishing behavioral goals or may also lose tokens for inappropriate behavior

Token economy

A _____ is a consistent, enduring way of thinking, feeling, or behaving


The _________ perspective focuses on characteristics themselves, not roots of personality


____________ are less concerned with the explanation for personality development and changing personality than they are with describing personality and predicting behavior based on that description

Trait theories

Walter Mischel, a social cognitive theorist, has emphasized that there is a __________________ in which the particular circumstances of any given situations are assumed to influence the way in which a trait is expressed

Trait-situation interaction

Family, twin, and adoption studies have provided strong evidence that genes are a major means of ____________________ schizophrenia


Walter Freeman and James W. Watts modified Moniz's technique and developed a procedure called the __________________, during which an instrument resembling an ice pick, called a leucotome, was inserted through the back of the eye socket and into the brain to sever the brain fibers

Transorbital lobotomy

______________________ so called because of their molecular structure consisting of three rings (cycle), increase the activity of serotonin and norepinephrine in the nervous system by inhibiting their re-uptake into the synaptic vesicles of the neurons

Tricyclic antidepressants

__________ people are workaholics---- They are very competitive, ambitious, hate to waste time, and are easily annoyed

Type A

_______ people are not that competitive or driven, tend to be easygoing and slow to anger, and seem relaxed and at peace

Type B

________ people tend to be very pleasant and try to keep the peace but find it difficult to express emotions, especially negative ones

Type C

_____________________, or love, affection, and respect with no strings attached, is necessary for people to be able to explore fully all that they can achieve and become

Unconditional positive regard

Freud believed that the _______________ mind was the most important determining factor in human behavior and personality


Major depressive disorder is sometimes referred to as a ___________ because the emotional problem exists at only one end, or "pole," of the emotional range

Unipolar disorder

____________, which are built into any well-designed psychological inventory, are intended to indicate whether or not a person taking the inventory is responding honestly

Validity scales

Rogers believed that when the real self and the ideal self are _____________ to each other, people feel competent and capable

Very close or similar

In advanced schizophrenia, possibly expressing themselves in a meaningless and jumbled mixture of words and phrases sometimes referred to as a __________

Word salad

Biological explanations of disordered mood focus on the effects of brain chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and ___________


According to Freud, the part of the personality that is totally buried within each individual is the ____


The _____ is a completely unconscious, pleasure-seeking, amoral part of the personality that exists at birth, containing all of the basic biological drives: hunger, thirst, self-preservation, and sex


Maladaptive thinking or behavior are _______________ in the definition of abnormality

key elements

Researchers have found that women have almost ______ the risk of developing PTSD than do men and that likelihood increases if the traumatic experience took place before the woman was 15 years old


Understanding of ones' motives and actions is call insight, therapies aimed mainly at this goal are called ________________

Insight therapies

People who assume that their own actions and decisions directly affect the consequences they experience are said to be __________ in locus of control


________________________ is a psychotherapy developed to address depression. It is an insight therapy focusing on relationships of the individual with others and the interplay between mood and the events of everyday life

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)

______________ devised a theory based on a basic principle of motivation derived from Thorndike's law of effect: People are motivated to seek reinforcement and avoid punishment

Julian Rotter

_____________ disagreed with Freudian views about the differences between male and females and most notably with the concept of penis envy

Karen Horney

____________ as an antidepressant due to its apparent ability to have immediate antidepressant effects and reduction of suicidial thoughts


______ found in primarily in China and a few other South Asian, and East Asian countries, involves a fear that one's genitals are shrinking


________ like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia can be very helpful: They make up a common language in the mental health community, allowing psychological professionals to communicate with each other clearly and efficiently


From age 6 to the onset of puberty, children will remain in this stage of hidden sexual feelings, so this stage is called the _________

Latency stage

________________ was the hidden, symbolic meaning of those events that would, if correctly interpreted, reveal the unconscious conflicts that were created the nervous disorder

Latent content

____________ twins are more similar than fraternal twins or unrelated people in many facets of personality


____________ is one of the defense mechanisms used to combat anxiety


Adoption studies of twins have confirmed that _______________ accounts for a great deal of personality development, regardless of shared or non-shared environments

Genetic influences

In the _______ stage, puberty begins so the sexual feelings that were repressed can no longer be ignored

Genital stage

As the child grows older, the erogenous zone shifts to the ________


_______________ was developed by Fritz Perls; focuses on match between actual and ideal selfs and on the gestalt, or "whole picture"

Gestalt Theory

_________________, in which a group of clients with similar problems gather together to discuss their problems under the guidance of a single therapist

Group therapy

_______________, in which they hear voices or see things or people that are not really there


___________, which is a tendency to form a favorable or unfavorable impression of someone at the first meeting

Halo effect

In the 1950s, ______________ did one of the earliest studies of the effectiveness of therapy

Hans Eysenck

Some people actually seem to thrive on stress instead of letting stress wear them down. These people have what is called the _____________

Hardly personality

One important aspects of genetic studies is the concept of __________, or how much some trait within a population can be attributed to genetic influence


The _______________ is important in the formation of new long-term declarative memories


The ________ perspective focuses on the role of each person's conscious life experiences and choices in personality development


________________, led by psychologists such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, wanted psychology to focus on things that make people uniquely human, such as subjective emotions and the freedom to choose one's own destiny

Humanistic Perspective

Hippocrates (460-377 BC) believed that illnesses of both the body and the mind were the result of imbalances in the body's vital fluid, or ________


Psychological disorders are often viewed from a ________________ in that they can be diagnosed according to various symptoms and have an etiology, course and prognosis

Medical model

Giving little or no emphasis to one's successes of positive events and traits is called _______________


The most common personality inventory is the _______________________________, which specifically tests for abnormal behavior and thinking patterns in personality

Minnesota Multi phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

When there is a ______ between the real self and ideal self, anxiety and neurotic behavior can be the result


_______________________, a class of antidepressants that blocks the activity of an enzyme called monoamine oxidase

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

___________ are disturbances in emotion and are also referred to as affective disorders

Mood disorders

It was not until 1793 that efforts were made to treat the mentally ill with kindness and guidance-- known as "____________"

Moral treatment

The _____________ is often used to assess personality to help people know the kinds of careers for which they may be best suited


The _____________________________ is a inventory based on the ideas of Carl Jung and looks at four personality dimensions

Myers-Briggs Type Indictator

_________________ appear to reflect a decrease of normal functions, such as poor attention or lack of affect

Negative symptoms

A group of Freud's students and followers of the psychoanalytic perspective, called the ______________, modified his theory and altered the focus of psychoanalytic


Allport believed that these traits were literally wired into the _____________ to guide one's behavior across many different situations and that each person's "constellation" of traits were unique

Nervous system

The first generation antipsychotics caused "neurolepsis," or psychomotor slowing and reduced emotionality, and thus were referred to as ___________, due to the neurological side effects they produced


Others with less secure upbringings would develop ______________________ and maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships

Neurotic Personality

________________ refers to emotional instability or stability.


Carl Rogers's therapy is very ____________ because the person actually does all the real work, with the therapist merely acting as a sounding board


_______________________ or OCD is a disorder in which intruding thought that occur repeatedly (obsessions) are followed by some repetitive, ritualistic behavior or mental acts (compulsion)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

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