psyc ch1 test

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behavior/mental processes

like other scientists, psychology seeks to explain and control _______________ and ______________ and test their ideas through research methods.

B.F. skinner

____________ is the psychologist responsible for the concept of "reinforcement" on behavior


____________ psychologists often work with many different health care professionals - physicians, nurses, dentists, and dietitians


____________ psychologists work within the criminal justice system

William James

____________ taught the first psychology class at Harvard University.

Sigmund Freud

_____________ founded the school of thought called psychoanalysis. He is considered to be the "Father of psychoanalysis" not the father of psychology.


_____________ psychologists are concerned with issues that relate to measurements of abilities, learning, & child and adolescence development


_____________ psychologists are intresting in helping students, however they focus on course planning, and instrumental methods for an entire school system rather than designing a program of an individual student


_____________ psychologists engage in basic research


_____________ seek to observe, describe, explain, predict, and modify behavior and mental processes

john b. watson

______________ defined psychology as a scientific study of observable behavior.


______________ psychologists identify and help students who have problems that interfere with learning


______________ psychologists study behavior and mental processes under different cultural conditions


______________ psychologists work with patients who are dealing with the effects of a stroke, brain disease, amputation, vision impairment, etc.


_______________ psychologists look for many different traits people have and study the traits development


_______________ psychologists study and help create social systems that promote and foster individual well-being


_______________ psychologists would work with someone who is having a difficult time making decisions, careers, and friends.


all psychologists believe in the value of scientific _____________

standardized tests

educational psychologists help prepare ___________________


forensic psychologists are often called upon by _____________ when they need an expert witness to testify whether a person accused of a crime is or is not competent to stand trial


more than 2,000 years ago, ____________, a student of Socrates in ancient Greece, recorded his teacher's advice "know thyself". This phrase has remained a motto of psychological study ever since


the main difference between a clinical and counseling psychologist is that a counseling psychologists treat people who have ______________ problems rather than serious psychological disorders


According to _____________, we are influenced by things we are not aware of. We are also influenced by our experiences in early childhood.


Freud also believed that ___________ are expressions of the unconscious' urges and desires

case studies

Freud took extensive notes that he called ___________ - which is an analysis of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, behaviors, or problems of an individual.

free association

Freud used a technique called ______________ - a patient said everything that came to mind - no matter how absurd or irrelevant it seemed - without filtering their thoughts


_______________ was a greek physician who was an exception in his time. He did not believe that the gods were punishing humans but rather suggested that such problems were caused by abnormalities in the brain.


________________ are concerned with the basic elements of consciousness.


________________ psychologists are often employed at businesses, college universities & counseling centers

industrial organization

________________ psychologists focus on people and work


a ________________ psychologist works closely with parents, teachers, and students to ensure the student's ability to reach their full potential.


a basic truth or law such as the assumption that you will get better grades if you study more

psychodynamic thinking

according to Freud and the theory of ________________, human behavior is aimed at satisfying desires, even though some of them may be socially unacceptable or inappropriate. the unconscious part of the mind contains hidden impulses and urges that our conscious self has to filter.


clinical and counseling psychologists are trained to evaluate people through _________________ & _______________


clinical psychologists help clients to understand & resolve their problems by changing _____________.


developmental psychologists also attempt to sort out the relative influences of ____________ and the environment on development

cognitive activities

mental process that include dreams, perceptions, thoughts and memories


people believed during the middle ages that you would become _______________ as a punishment for sins or because they made deals with the devil.

gender roles

personality psychologists are interested in studying _______________ and how the behavior patterns expected of men and women in a culture affect personality development


psychiatrists college degree

ancient greeks

the ________________ generally believed that the gods punished people for wrongdoing by causing them confusion and madness


the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes


the word __________ means "shape" or "form" in german

dream analysis

to learn more about dreams, Freud used _______________ in which he applied the same technique as free association to a patient's dreams.


using the method of ______________, Wundt and his students carefully examined and reported their experiences.

clinical psychology

what is the largest group of psychologists?


a method used to examine human and natural behavior


a psychologists job is to listen, ___________ the person, and help their client come up with healthy ways to help themselves.


Aristotle outlines the law of ______________ - a learned connection between two ideas or events.

human behavior

Aristotle's approach was scientific. He argued that _______________ is subject to certain rules and laws. He believed that people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain.


In Freud's view problems appear in _______________ or _________________ can be traced to things that happened in the first five or six years of life.

hidden impulses

Freud concluded that people are driven by _________________, things that you dream about or accidentally say (Freudian slips), represents unconscious wishes

Peri Psyches

One of Aristotle's works is called _____________, which means "about the mind"


One of Plato's students, greek philosopher ___________, raised many questions about human behavior that are still discussed.


Sigmund Freud was unlike the other psychologists because he did not conduct research in a laboratory; he conducted consultations with patients in an ____________.


Wilhelm Wundt and his students founded a field of experimental psychology that came to be known as ________________


William james was one of the founders of the school of _________________


__________ psychologists study an array of issues: - the ways in which men and women behave in a given setting - physical and psychological factors attract people to one another - the reasons people conform to group standards and expectations - how people's behaviors change in a group - the reason people are prudence and discriminate against others


___________ psychologists create social systems including: mental health centers, hospital programs, and school based systems


___________ psychologists divide their time between practice, teaching, and research.


___________ psychologists examine ways in which behavior and mental processes are related to physical health


____________ is the school of thought that focuses on the unconscious mind and its influence in determining human behavior.

industrial organization

____________ psychologists are employed by corporations to improve working conditions and increase worker output

human factors

____________ psychologists attempt to find the best ways to design products for people to use. these products are used in schools, the workplace, and in homes.


____________ psychologists work in hospitals, prisons, university clinics, & private practices


____________ suggested that we can learn much about ourselves by carefully examining our thoughts and feelings. psychologists call this method of learning ____________, which means "looking within"


_____________ psychologists are similar to human factor psychologists in that they study and predict the behavior of shoppers. They also assist others in applying the findings of their studies.


______________ are concerned with how mental processes help organisms adapt to their environment

social science

______________ deals with the structure of human society and the nature and interactions of the individuals who make up society.


______________ psychologists generally focus on external influences and are concerned with people's behavior in social situations


______________ psychologists help people with psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, and disorders.


________________ psychologists help clients clarify their goals, overcome their adjustment problems and meet challenges

objective feelings

_________________ are objective sensations, such as sight and taste, were assumed to accurately reflect the outside world.


__________________ psychologists study the changes that occur throughout a person's life span

subjective feelings

___________________ were thought to include emotional responses and mental images.


a clinical psychologist is not the same as a _______________.


a method of collecting data that involves asking questions


any action that people can observe or measure. this includes activities such as walking, talking, pressing a switch, turning right or left, sleeping, and eating


cross cultural psychologists examine issues such as ______________ and ______________ to gauge whether these concepts are perceived differently in different cultures.


during the middle ages, most europeans believed that problems such as agitation and confusion were signs of possession by ______________

balanced diet/exercising

health psychologists help people adopt healthful behaviors such as a _____________ & ______________


health psychologists study the effects of ____________ on health problems such as headaches and heart disease. they may also focus on prevention and reducing the risk of disease


if a theory does not prove to be useful then psychologists will ___________ it and try again.

wilhelm wundt

in 1879 _________________ started the first laboratory in Germany for studying humans.


in public education, student ________________ is a major responsibility of the school psychologist

new mexico, louisiana, idaho, iowa, and illinois

in which five states can clinical psychologists prescribe meds?

water-float test

individuals who were suspected of being possessed were thrown into deep water - if they managed to keep their head above water they were assumed to be impure and in league with the devil - those who sank to the bottom were considered pure - unfortunately most of these people drowned to death.


industrial organization psychologists may assist in hiring, training, and promoting employees and may also devise psychological _____________ for job applicants

- assist in the selection of the police officers - help police officers cope with job stress - train police officers in handling of dangerous situations such as suicide threats, hostage crises, and family violence

police departments employ forensic psychologists to do the following:


psychological ___________ discuss principles that govern behavior and mental processes


psychologists also share their beliefs that theories about behavior and mental processes should be supported by _____________


psychologists can __________ that a person will be able to handle their anxiety when they learn coping _____________


psychologists college degree


psychologists organize their research about behavior and mental processes into ____________


psychology is science but it is also considered a "_____________ science"


rehabilitation psychologists help their patients develop ___________ to compensate for the ___________ and live meaningful lives


the goal of a industrial organization psychologists is to help people achieve job ____________ and help employees who have ____________ on the job

psychological constructs

theoretical entries, or concepts that enable one to discuss something that cannot be seen


throughout human history, many people have attributed disorders and psychological problems such as ____________, and bizarre behavior to supernatural forces.


typical problems that a ___________ psychologists would help with include: peer group and family problems, & learning disorders

- promoting change in the social environment rather than just the individual - helping powerless social groups, such as children and the elderly - helping the mentally impaired people (NAMI)

what 3 things to community psychologists focus on?

surveys and experiments

what are the two ways psychologists test their ideas though various research methods?

water-float test

what famous test would be used to determine whether a person was possessed in the middle ages?


when a person opens up and explains how they're _____________ and what possibly ____________ their anxiety, it will help others help them


who is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of psychological problems who can prescribe meds.


who showed how experiences often remind us of similar experiences in the past: for example - the face of a loved one makes us feel secure, and how thought leads to ideas as we dream and day dream.

william james

who wrote the very first psychology textbook called "The Principle of Psychology". It took him 12 years to write this - it was published in 1890.


without proper evidence or the whole story, a psychologist may have a difficult time trying to explain why a person who looks "okay" on the outside says they feel ___________

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