Psyc educ ch 7

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conduct learning probes

-any way to ask for brief student responses to lesson content -checks for questioning -pose question to class --4th in direct instruction lesson -wait time: length of time you wait for student to answer q before giving answer or moving on--> approx 3 sec is good, 6 sec can be bad -calling order ---how can you select students equally? -----ex. teachers container of popsicle sticks w everyone's name on them -all-pupil response --when there is only one correct answer --aka choral response -4th in direct instruction lesson

assess performance and provide feedback

-each lesson should address degree to which students retained info/mastered objective set for the lesson -can be informal (questioning students, using indep work) or formal (quiz/exam) -6th in direct instruction lesson

review prerequisites

-ensure students have mastered prereq skills and link info in their minds (know what they are building off of) --if students show poor understanding of prereq, teacher may have to review those before continuing on with new lesson -ex. pretests -provide advanced organizers (introductory stmts by teacher that remind students of what they already know and give them framework for understanding new material) -2nd in direct instruction lesson

provide distributed practice and review

-ex. HW -incr retention, enhances learning moving forward so they can build on it -make it critical to the value and interesting (not busy work) -7th in direct instruction lesson

present new material

-lessons should be logically organized and clear -direct, simple, well-organized structure and language -emph important elements of lesson --repeat important points --bring back important pts whenever appropriate -explanations should be effective; give students oppts to discuss their understanding in groups -"rule example rule" -use worked example for problem solving (teacher works through it aloud and then allow students to try on their own) -use demonstrations, models and illustrations (visual representations and videos are maintained in ltm more readily than heard info) -maintain attn w humor, variety, activity, enthusiasm, expressiveness -pace content ---fast pace and large amt of info can be covered -3rd in direct instruction lesson

orient students to lesson

-state learning objectives -establish positive *mental set*: attitude of readiness -start class when meant to begin -arouse students' curiosity or interest -use humor or drama (emotion) -give students road map of where the lesson is going and what they will know at end -1st in direct instruction lesson

using discussions in instruction

-subjective and controversial topics ---when there is not one right answer -difficult and novel concepts ---discussions can clarify topics that do contain single right answers but involve difficult concepts that force students to see something in a diff way -affective objectives ---objectives that are concerned with student attitudes and values -whole class discussions ---usually teacher is moderator, teacher plays less dominant role -small group discussions ---teacher moves from group to group aiding the discussions

provide indep practice

-work students do in class on their own to practice or express newly learned skills/knowledge --essential for transferring new info in working memory -ex. letting students solve problems after lesson on using new math equation -ex. seatwork (in class indep practice) should NOT be busy work --don't assign it unless you're sure students can do it --keep them short and efficient --give clear instructions --monitor indep work (walk around class) --will try harder if it's collected/graded -5th in direct instruction lesson

parts of a direct instruction lesson (7)

1. state learning objectives and orient students to the lesson 2. review prereqs to ensure students have mastered knowledge and skills necessary for mastering new material 3. info is presented in an organized manner, using explanations and demonstrations 4. learning probes used to give teachers and students feedback (ex. teachers as class questions) 5. indep practice provided where students apply new skill (seat work) 6. performance assessed to determine mastery of lesson objectives 7. distribute practice thru HW and review


abstract idea that is generalized from specific examples; large proportion of all lessons -can teach a definition or use examples to illustrate concept

transfer of learning

real life learning -transfer info from one situation to another -depends on degree to which info or skills were learned in orig situation and on degree of similarity bw situation in which the skill or concept was learned and situation to which it is to be applied -depends on how well it was learned in the first place -also ability to apply knowledge in new circumstances depends in part on variety of circumstances in which we have learned or practiced the info or skill -should first present examples of concept used in similar contexts and then offer ex in widely diff contexts to promote abilities to transfer concept to new situations -can be explicitly taught to transfer skills to new circumstances

direct instruction

teaching approach that emphasizes teacher control of most classroom events and presentation of structured lessons -transmit info directly to students, structuring class time to reach clearly defined set of objectives as efficiently as possible

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