Psych 160 final

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which term refers to an infant's ability to interpret others' facial and vocal emotional expressions?

nonverbal decoding

One-month-old Jerry is upset, and his facial expression shows that he is in distress. This is an example of

nonverbal expression of emotion

What did Jean Piaget think appears during Substage 4 of the sensorimotor period, and enables an infant to realize that people and objects exist even when they cannot be seen?

object permanence

Which chromosome pairing is found on the 23rd pair of chromosomes in males?


When 18-month-old Jarrod realizes that he can ask his mother to give him a cookie, and that his mother will behave under her own power to respond to his request, then Jarrod sees his mother as a

compliant agent

Traditional intelligence tests, such as those used in evaluations in schools, usually focus on which of Sternberg's aspects of intelligence?

componential intelligence

By age 8, what percentage of Caucasian American girls has developed breasts or pubic hair?

1 out of 7

__________ emphasizes the processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world

The cognitive perspective

Abner and Deidre's baby was considered preterm. What must be true to warrant this classification?

The baby was born prior to 38 weeks after conception

A baby is considered small-for-gestational-age based on which characteristics?

The baby weighs 90 percent or less of the average weight of other infants the same gestational age

Which U.S. societal model views individual cultural identities as needing to be integrated into a unified culture?

cultural assimilation model

Genetically determined traits not only directly influence a child's __________, but also indirectly shape the child's

behavior; environment

Which term refers to studying the effects of heredity on psychological characteristics and behavior?

behavioral genetics

The acknowledgement of the objective fact that one has experienced a death is known by which term?


Ingo is proud of his Lithuanian heritage, and equally proud to be an American. In forming his identity he draws inspiration from both his native Lithuanian culture and his adopted homeland. Which perspective on identity development is Ingo following?

bicultural identity model

Because they have a wider range of linguistic possibilities to select from, children who are __________ tend to show more cognitive flexibility than their peers


When non-English speaking children are initially taught in their native language, while at the same time learning English, the technique is called

bilingual education

Which term refers to an eating disorder characterized by binges on large quantities of food, followed by purges of the food through vomiting or the use of laxatives?


Across the lifespan, which period is the only time when girls are, on average, taller than boys?

by age 11

Which term describes an approach to education through which students are kept at grade level but are enrolled in special programs and given individual activities to allow greater depth of study on a given topic?


The combination of race and gender simultaneously affecting an adolescent's self-esteem is called


Which developmental research strategy is borrowed from the field of anthropology and used to investigate cultural questions?


According to K. Warner Schaie, what is the stage in which people in middle adulthood may become involved in organizations where they have a larger purpose in society?

executive stage

According to Erik Erikson, when adolescents struggle to find and adopt a suitable identity, they may

exhibit socially unacceptable roles as a way of expressing who they do not want to be

Which personality characteristic is associated with a lower rate of stress-related illness?


Which factor is an important influence on whether an adolescent suffers from major depressive disorder?

having an alcoholic or depressed parent

Which definition applies to the "young old?"

healthy and active

When a child receives different forms of a certain gene from her or his parents, how would a geneticist describe that child?


An alternative to hospitalization, in which dying people stay in their homes and receive treatment from their families and visiting medical staff, is known by which term?

home care

In Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, what does the experiential aspect of intelligence deal with?

how prior experiences are used in problem solving, which involves the ability to cope with new situations

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include which of the following?

human papilloma virus (HPV)

In the later years of the preoperational stage, children show an understanding that certain things stay the same, regardless of changes in shape, size, and appearance. What is this realization called?


According to James Marcia, which category of identity development leads to "rigid strength," authoritarian behavior, and a high need for social approval?

identity foreclosure

What is the term for the procedure in which a woman's ova are removed from her ovaries, and a man's sperm are used to fertilize the ova in a laboratory?

in vitro fertilization

According to Erik Erikson, between roughly ages 6 to 12 years, children go through a period characterized by a focus on efforts to meet the challenges presented by parents, peers, school. This challenge is called


The preschool years largely encompass what Erikson called the __________ stage of psychosocial development


What is the fatty substance that helps insulate neurons and speeds the transmission of nerve impulses?


Which theory proposes that a genetically determined, innate mechanism directs language development?

nativist approach

Which research strategy involves observing naturally occurring behavior without intervening in the situation?

naturalistic observation

What is the basic nerve cell of the nervous system called?


Which "Big Five" personality trait refers to the degree of emotional stability an individual characteristically displays?


Which of the "Big Five" personality traits pertains to the degree to which a person is moody, anxious, and self-critical?


Infants who receive adequate nutrition but act as though they have been deprived of food, because they are listless and apathetic, are exhibiting signs of which condition?

nonorganic failure to thrive

What is a child most likely to refer to when she uses her first words?


Which term is used to describe changes in physical and cognitive functioning that are due to illness, health habits, and other individual differences, but which are not due to increased age itself and are not inevitable?

secondary aging

A baby who examines her stuffed elephant first from the top, then from the side, then from the bottom, then from the top again, is demonstrating

secondary circular reactions

When a child demonstrates the kind of attachment in which the mother is used as a "home base" and the child is at ease when she is present, but the child gets upset when she leaves, it is called the

secure attachment pattern

Five-year-old Wendell is new to his kindergarten classroom. His teacher asks him what he is good at and what he likes. Wendell responds, "I can run fast" and "I like to eat pizza." Wendell's responses illustrate his


Twelve-year-old Irving believes he is a pretty good soccer player but not as good of a singer. This assessment is an indication of Irving's


Which term relates to an individual's overall and specific positive and negative self-evaluation?


According to Vygotsky, what is the level at which a child cannot fully perform a task independently, but can do so with the assistance of someone more competent?

zone of proximal developmen

At approximately what age can a child first follow the principles of grammar most of the time?

3 years of age

How many pairs of chromosomes are found in each of the non-sex cells?


At about what age can a child first stand alone well?

11 months

The tertiary circular reactions stage, substage 5 of Piaget's sensorimotor period, occurs during which age range?

12 to 18 months

Which person is statistically least likely to participate in exercise?

17-year-old African American girl

By what age has an infant first begun to understand the emotions that lie behind the facial and vocal expressions of others?

4 months

The vocabulary of a typical 6-year-old child is from 8,000 to 14,000 words, although that vocabulary grows by another __________ words between the ages of 9 and 11


At approximately what age does a baby begin to demonstrate social referencing?

8 to 9 months

By what age are babies typically first able to walk by supporting themselves on furniture or walls?

9 months

What is the likely reason adolescents rely on their peers rather than their parents for social comparison?

Adolescents' desire for autonomy makes parents seem to be inadequate and invalid sources for information

Which psychologist adopted a pragmatic, trial-and-error approach to psychological measurement that continues to serve as the predominant approach to test construction today?

Alfred Binet

Muriel is an 86-year-old woman who tries to function independently but has suffered for several years with forgetfulness, especially with recent memories. She has trouble recalling the names of her best friends when they call on the phone, and she worries that she may have a form of dementia. What disorder is Muriel likely to have?

Alzheimer's disease

Why has the role of fathers been given comparatively little attention in the research literature of attachment theory?

Attachment theory was developed at a time when traditional views assigned a much more important role to mothers in the caregiving process

Which broad pattern did psychologist Ravenna Helson identify in her research of women's social roles?

Both women who chose to focus on family and women who chose to focus on career generally demonstrated positive changes in personality development

Why do adolescent boys succeed in committing suicide more often than adolescent girls?

Boys tend to use more violent means to attempt suicide

Why is it wrong to ask "which theoretical perspective on lifespan development is correct?"

Each perspective looks at development from a different vantage point; as such, each emphasizes a slightly different aspect while retaining a piece of the truth

Which issue has dominated many of the research questions in lifespan development?

How much of people's behavior is due to their genetically determined nature and how much is due to nurture?

Based on the majority of empirical evidence, what conclusion should be reached regarding the contributions of genetics and environmental influences to the development of intelligence?

Intelligence is the product of some complex combination of genetics and environment

Given that babbling is a universal phenomenon, what does that suggest about the origins of language production?

Language production may have an innate basis in humans

Which developmental psychologist argued that cognitive development is a result of social interactions in which children learn through guided participation and working with mentors to solve problems?

Lev Vygotsky

How does effort play a role in the cycle of failure?

Low self-esteem leads to a low performance expectation, which in turn leads to reduced effort

Why has Freud's psychodynamic perspective been called into question by modern theorists?

Many of Freud's ideas have not been validated by research

How do mothers in the United States compare to mothers in Japan in the styles of speech they use with their children?

Mothers in the United States tend to use a referential style, whereas mothers in Japan tend to use an expressive style of speech

Which theorist proposed the nativist approach and universal grammar to explain how children learn their language skills?

Noam Chomsky

Which criticism has been applied to Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development?

Piaget underestimated the ages at which children could master various cognitive tasks

Based on research linking socioeconomic status and language use, what recommendation should be made to parents when speaking to their children?

Parents should speak to their children often, using varied language

What occurs during the final stage of Alzheimer's disease?

People lose voluntary control of their muscles and are bedridden

Which developmental psychologist endorsed the idea that genetic endowment provided to children by their parents not only determines their genetic characteristics, but also actively influences their environment?

Sandra Scarr

Which intelligence test consists of a series of items that vary according to the age of the person being tested?

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)

Reggie watched as his son Maurice dropped a toy elf repeatedly. Maurice varied the position from which he dropped the elf, and carefully looked each time to see where it fell. What is Maurice's behavior an example of?

Substage 5: Tertiary circular reactions

Chronic illnesses begin to appear during middle adulthood; how does this affect the death rate during this period?

The death rate increases

Which warning sign indicates that a cesarean delivery is appropriate?

The fetus has a sudden change in heart rate

How do premature babies compare to full-term babies by the time both reach adulthood?

There are usually few differences between the two groups

When it comes to predicting a person's career success as an adult, how informative are traditional IQ tests?

They are only marginally reliable in predicting the success of business executives

Behavior that is characterized by competitiveness, impatience, and a tendency toward frustration and hostility is also known by what term?

Type A behavior

Why is binge drinking more problematic for women than men?

Women tend to weigh less than men, so their bodies cannot absorb alcohol as efficiently and they become drunk more quickly

Sara contracted rubella (German measles) in the eleventh week of her pregnancy. Emily contracted rubella during the thirtieth week of her pregnancy. The difference in the way rubella would affect an unborn child at these two times is an example of

a critical period

In Freud's theory of psychosexual development, the latency stage spans the majority of time children spend in elementary school. This stage is characterized by

a lack of concerns related to sexuality

What is a doula?

a person well versed in birthing alternatives who provides support to the mother

Severe and early loss of hearing is often associated with difficulties in which other area?

abstract thinking

Burt has been identified as a gifted student. In his school system he was able to progress from the third grade directly to the sixth grade, in keeping with the challenges and pace that were appropriate to his talents. What kind of program did Burt's school have in place?


Eight-month-old Wilhelm makes minor changes in his schema each time his environment provides him with a new experience. What does this process represent?


What did Jean Piaget call the process by which changes occur in the existing way a child thinks in response to encounters with new stimuli or events?


Romeo seems indifferent to the presence or absence of his mother as he plays. When she leaves the room to answer the telephone, Romeo barely notices and doesn't seem particularly distressed. What attachment style has Romeo developed with his mother?


What kind of test measures a person's level of knowledge in a given subject area?

achievement test

According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the point reached by young adults in which intelligence is applied to specific situations involving the attainment of long-term goals regarding careers, family, and societal contributions is identified as which stage?

achieving stage

What did developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie call the first stage of cognitive development, encompassing all of childhood and adolescence?

acquisitive stage

What classification is applied to drugs that produce a biological or psychological dependence in users, leading to increasingly powerful cravings for them?

addictive drugs

Which term do theorists use to describe the options that a given situation or stimulus provides to a perceiver?


Occupations that are associated with getting things accomplished are often conceptualized as __________ professions


Alex is playing in a room with his mother nearby. Alex becomes distressed when a stranger enters the room and rushes to his mother's side. When his mother and the stranger leave the room for a moment, Alex wails and cries. However, when his mother returns, he runs to her, and instead of giving her a hug, he punches her in the arm. What type of attachment pattern is Alex demonstrating?

ambivalent attachment pattern

What did Jean Piaget call the process by which people understand an experience in terms of their current stage of cognitive development?


Which term refers to a learning disorder marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and a great deal of inappropriate activity?

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What is the most frequent cause of death during childhood?

automobile accidents, fires, and drowning

Which research strategy involves extensive, in-depth interviews with a particular individual or small group?

case study

A group of people who are born around the same time in the same place is called a(n)


Which term describes a philosophy that promotes interdependence?

collectivistic orientation

Occupations that are associated with interpersonal relationships are often conceptualized as __________ professions


According to James Marcia's view of adolescent development, crisis is a period in which an adolescent

consciously chooses between various alternatives and makes decisions

Benito conducts an experiment in which group A is exposed to a particular treatment and group B is given no treatment. If group A is designated as the treatment group, then group B is the

control group

Which attribute involves combining responses or ideas in novel ways?


Which term describes the accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem-solving situations?

crystallized intelligence

Which term refers to a child's capacity to take multiple aspects of a situation into account?


Ingrid was told by her physician that her health was beyond medical treatment, and that her chances of dying within the next 12 months were 90 percent. "I'm sorry," Ingrid replied, "That's not right. Please run the tests again while I get a third opinion. I'm not sure why you're telling me this falsehood." What stage of dealing with dying is Ingrid in?


What is the substance that genes are composed of, that determines the nature of each cell in the body and how it will function?

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Which term refers to an overall developmental score that relates to performance in the domains of motor skills, language use, adaptive behavior, and personal-social behavior?

developmental quotient (DQ)

Laurel has had difficult pregnancies and has also developed a rare form of cervical cancer. Which drug might have been prescribed to Laurel's mother when she herself was pregnant?

diethylstilbestrol (DES)

Children who show the __________ attachment pattern show inconsistent, contradictory, and confused behavior, such as approaching the mother when she returns but not looking at her


In which legal document is a health care proxy authorized?

durable power of attorney

Which activity is considered a form of "death education?"

educational programs for members of the helping profession

As Juanito looks back over his long life, he feels a sense of unity in his life's accomplishments. He can be said to be in Erikson's __________ stage of psychosocial development

ego-integrity vs. despair

Stress can produce direct physiological effects, such as which of the following?

elevated blood pressure

Which term refers to a person's attempts to control stress by using conscious regulation of emotions?

emotion-focused coping

What kind of intelligence encompasses skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of feelings?

emotional intelligence

Jose and Maria are preparing for the arrival of their first child, and are considering moving from their small rural town to a larger city to gain greater access to social services, better schools, and a variety of entertainment options. This is an example of which of Bronfenbrenner's five bioecological levels?


Which term describes instances in which new words are associated with their meaning after only a brief encounter?

fast mapping

During which stage of prenatal development does the child become easily recognizable?


Charles has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability. His mother consumed alcohol on a regular basis during her pregnancy. What is the most likely cause of Charles's impairment?

fetal alcohol syndrome

Huela talks to her physician about assessing the health of her unborn child. The physician recommends a test that combines a blood test and ultrasound sonography. Which procedure did the physician recommend?

first-trimester screen

Which term describes intelligence that reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory?

fluid intelligence

How did Jean Piaget describe the developmental stage during which people acquire the ability to think abstractly?

formal operational stage

According to theorist Charles Corr, people who are dying face a set of psychological tasks including which of the following?

fostering hope through spiritual searching

Which approach to education would do away with the need for separate special education programs?

full inclusion

Which theory proposes that processing in all parts of the nervous system, including the brain, is less efficient as aging takes place?

generalized slowing hypothesis

Which profession focuses on helping people deal with issues related to inherited disorders?

genetic counseling

Sima is a child of recent immigrants to the United States. Sima is likely to demonstrate which of the following behaviors?

good grades in school

When a caregiver responds appropriately to an infant, and the caregiver and the child's emotional states match, it is called

interactional synchrony

Which theory of language acquisition combines several schools of thought to propose that language development is produced through a combination of genetically predetermined predispositions and environmental circumstances?

interactionist perspective

What is the possible function of the Babinski reflex in infants?

its function is currently unknown

Which disease affects older children due to malnutrition, and causes their stomachs, limbs, and face to swell with water?


Which term refers to a neural system of the brain hypothesized to permit understanding of language?

language-acquisition device (LAD)

Which term is used for an educational setting that is most similar to that of children without special needs?

least restrictive environment

If a person has an IQ score that falls in the range of around 35 or 40 to 50 or 55, it would be classified as

moderate intellectual disability

Using K. Warner Schaie's stages of adult development, which issue would a senior citizen most likely be focused on and interested in?

legislation to enact universal health care benefits

Piaget believed that the exact timing of a stage reflected an interaction between which two aspects of an infant's experience?

level of physical maturation and the social environment in which the child is raised

What is the name of the legal document designating what medical treatments people want or do not want if they cannot express their wishes themselves?

living will

The goal of social services workers is to help senior citizens attain what outcome?

longer active lifespans

Which reason is frequently present when elderly men commit suicide?

loss of a spouse

Which disease is produced by severe malnutrition during the first year of life, and causes an infant to stop growing?


Gametes are formed in the human body through a process called


The cessation of menstruation is also known as what?


During the embryonic stage of prenatal development, which term refers to the layer of cells that forms the muscles, bones, blood, and circulatory system?


Which of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological levels provides the connections between the various aspects of a person's life?


Which term refers to an understanding of one's own use of language?

metalinguistic awareness

Around what developmental stage do children first learn that there are customs and rituals associated with death, such as funerals, cremation, and cemeteries?

middle childhood

If a person has an IQ score that falls in the range of 50 or 55 to 70, it would be classified as

mild intellectual disability

The dysfunction of __________ may be related to the development of disorders involving theory of mind, such as autism

mirror neurons

Which structures in the brain are activated when a person observes someone performing a behavior?

mirror neurons

Which term refers to the sorting out, interpretation, analysis, and integration of stimuli involving the sense organs and brain?


Which theory argues that overall processing speed declines in the peripheral nervous system with increasing age?

peripheral slowing hypothesis

Alesander is 6 years old, and although he pronounces most words clearly, he has difficulty pronouncing "j," "v," "th," and "zh" sounds, which are examples of


Alex and Nadine watch their 10-month-old baby as he tries to pick up an item. What type of grasp is the baby likely to use?


Which model suggests that U.S. society is made up of diverse, coequal cultural groups that should preserve their cultural features?

pluralistic society model

When a person is communicating effectively and appropriately with others, the person is following the general rules of


Which area of the brain undergoes considerable development during the adolescent years?

prefrontal cortex

Todd's mother notices that he makes a variety of sounds including cooing, crying, gurgling, and murmuring, along with facial expressions, gestures, imitation, and other nonlinguistic means. What is Todd demonstrating?

prelinguistic communication

Jean Piaget believed that a child's preschool years fit entirely in a single stage of cognitive development. What is this stage called?


Which term is used to describe aging that involves genetically programmed universal and irreversible changes?

primary aging

Rollie assesses how much time it will take to adequately study for his upcoming phlebotomy exam, which he is concerned about. Which process is Rollie engaged in?

primary appraisal

What kind of reactions would be categorized as schema reflecting an infant's repetition of interesting or enjoyable actions that focus on the infant's own body?

primary circular reactions

According to Sigmund Freud, the series of stages that children progress through in which pleasure and gratification are focused on a particular biological function is called

psychosexual development

Which technique ensures that personal characteristics that might affect the outcome of an experiment are scattered among research participants in the different groups, thereby making the groups roughly equivalent?

random assignment

Melissa is teaching her baby to speak by learning the names of lots of familiar and different objects that the baby sees. What style of speech is Melissa advocating?


Which term describes a style of communicating in which language is used primarily to label objects?

referential style

Mei Lin learned at a young age that developing good study habits, such as doing her homework, brought about good grades and made her want to work harder in school. This kind of encouraging outcome of an action is called


According to K. Warner Schaie, what is the main cognitive developmental task of people in late adulthood?

reintegration of personal interests

Madelaine is preparing to breastfeed her infant daughter, and, in doing so, the baby's cheek brushes across her mother's shirt. The baby immediately turns its head toward Madelaine's breasts in preparation for feeding. Which reflex is the infant demonstrating?

rooting reflex

Which reflex allows an infant to turn its head toward things that touch its cheek?

rooting reflex

What is the term for Piaget's initial major stage of cognitive development, which can be divided further into six substages?


Nunzio is experiencing back pain. His physician tells him the bones attached to his spinal column have become less dense. What is Nunzio's doctor referring to?

settling process

If a person has an IQ score that falls in the range of around 20 or 25 to 35 or 40, it would be classified as

severe intellectual disability

Beginning at around age 11 and continuing through adolescence, African Americans

show slightly higher self-esteem compared to whites

Kevin has a blood disorder that gets its name from the shape of his malformed red blood cells. What disorder does Kevin have?

sickle-cell anemia

According to John Holland's personality type theory, people who are possess good verbal and interpersonal skills are described as


Before the age of 3, most children are unable to effectively demonstrate __________ speech


Which term describes a child's intentional search for information about others' feelings to help explain the meaning of uncertain circumstances and events?

social referencing

Which learning approach emphasizes the importance of modeling?

social-cognitive learning

When cultural factors affect a particular individual at a particular time, and include forces such as ethnicity, social class, and subcultural membership, these factors are called

sociocultural-graded influences

According to Eli Ginzberg, the period lasting until about age 11, when career choices are made and discarded without regard to skills, abilities, or available job opportunities, is called

the fantasy period

According to gerontologist Robert Butler, what triggers a life review?

the obvious prospect of one's death

Which characteristic is an example of temperament in babies?

the quality of the baby's mood

Which term refers to knowledge and beliefs about how the mind works and how the mind affects behavior?

theory of mind

Mothers of 1-month-old infants have reported that

they felt their child had shown expressions of interest and joy

If a 4½-year-old child is asked to draw a person who is first standing upright and then has fallen down, the child is likely to draw the figure in the vertical position, and then the figure lying in the horizontal position with no other intermediate pictures to demonstrate the person falling. This child would be showing a lack of understanding of what Piagetian concept?


Which activity represents a fine motor skill?

typing on a keyboard

Which term refers to a specific deficiency in a child's diet?


The notion that all of the world's languages share a similar underlying structure is summarized in which concept?

universal grammar

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