Psychology Practice Quizzes Ch. 1--4

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Your classmate, Jarod, states that he does not need to be concerned about ethical standards for his observational study because he will not be manipulating any variables. You disagree. Considering what you have learned in this chapter, your reply is,

"You're wrong. All psychological research is subject to ethical guidelines."

Which correlation coefficient indicates the weakest relationship between two variables?


Which level of blood alcohol concentration is associated with increased relaxation?


The lobe of the brain that serves as the "executive control center" for the brain is which of the following?


Which theory proposed the technique of introspection?


Rachelle attempts to work on her calculus homework while listening to her favorite podcast. Rachelle is engaging in

divided consciousness.

A sample is considered to be random if

each member of the population has an equal opportunity to be included in the sample.

Because they have similar chemical structures, morphine and other narcotics are able to lock into receptor sites for


Foster resists the urge to engage in extra activities in bed, which he only uses for sleeping. Foster most clearly engages in which of the following strategies?

establishing proper cues for sleeping

Grant is trying to determine if he is getting enough sleep. He could ask himself if he

feels rested after waking up.

the parts of the cerebral cortex that are considered the "executive center" of the brain because of their role in higher mental functions are the

frontal lobes.

Bridgette hates it when her little sister sings. The sound waves that her sister produces have a high frequency, contributing to her sister's high


Correlational research is most useful for purposes of


The principle that objects that are similar will be perceived as belonging to the same group is


A friend of yours claims to be at a severe risk of developing an anxiety disorder due to the fact that her father has just begun showing signs of struggling with anxiety. What aspect of your friend's claim requires more information?


After he finished shopping for a new coat, Adam returned to his car in the parking lot to find that someone had broken his back windows and stolen his laptop. Furious, Adam began to yell and kicked at his side door. What area of the brain was guiding his behavior?


Seng Yoo wants to determine how likely it is that an individual will go on to develop schizophrenia based on the presentation of the disorder in their identical twin. However, he also wants to be able to clearly separate out the effects of genes and environment in the results of his study. Which of the following studies should he use?


Which is the implication of the Milgram study?

????not Complying to an authority figure changes behavior.

A researcher is looking to examine the process of plasticity among individuals who have had an entire hemisphere of their brains removed. Based on current research and practices, which age group should the researcher seek to recruit from?

???not Adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18

Which of the following is an advantage of case studies?

???not Case studies offer researchers the opportunity to draw conclusions about cause and effect relationships.

Hansel informs their friends that drinking regularly can provide health benefits. What may Hansel want to know about the research on the connections between regular drinking and overall health?

???not Health benefits have only been observed in people who limit their intake to only a few drinks per month rather than moderate drinking levels.

Which statement accurately describes the way neurons communicate?

???not It involves neurons transitioning from one of four different electrochemical states to another.

You want to answer the question, "Do opposites really attract?" In order to determine a single factor that causes attraction, which of these research designs would be most appropriate?

???not Naturalistic observation

Which of the following is a major benefit of naturalistic observation as a research method?

???not When one variable seems to cause another, it does not mean that they are necessarily related, only that they occur in tandem.

Dr. Alee is interested in the prevalence of ADHD among five-year-old boys. The population in Dr. Alee's research is

???not all five-year old boys diagnosed with ADHD.

A form of consciousness during a waking state in which one's mind wanders to fantasies is known as

???not drifting consciousness.

Ben is running for political office in his hometown. Ben can use neuromarketing to

???not only show advertisements to those who are likely to vote for him in the first place.

A friend of yours wants to learn more about why certain parts of the brain are more effective at responding to certain environmental influences than others. Your friend is broadly interested in

???not plasticity.

Paulo is currently observing a visual stimulus. Which type of neuron will be involved first in communicating the color of the reed bird Paulo is viewing?


Sima believes that she can go multiple days without sleeping and function without any problems. If a neurologist were to examine the chemical makeup of her brain after she attempted this, what would they likely find?

A buildup of cellular by-products that have yet to be removed

Jasper wants to help his younger sister understand the importance of action potentials to the functioning of the human nervous system. What should he tell her to emphasize the significance of action potentials?

Action potentials are necessary for transmitting information from one neuron to another.

During your psychology class, a fellow student argues that agonists are not dangerous since they increase the amount of neurotransmitters available for neurons to use. What is wrong with her argument?

Agonists can potentially led one to become addicted to dangerous substances if they are abused

Bottoms-Up Microbrewery hosts a Beer Fest every October, where patrons consume large amounts of alcohol. At the neurotransmitter level, what is happening to the drinkers?

Alcohol increases sensitivity of receptor sites for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Which Greek philosopher emphasized the importance of acquiring knowledge through observation of the natural world?


Shira has recently completed detoxification and is looking for ways to help her avoid relapsing into patterns of drug use in the future. Which of the following strategies would be best for her to pursue?

Attending counseling sessions focused on strategies for maintaining abstinence

Alexander has trouble falling asleep after staying up all night doing work. Sometimes, he brings his laptop with him to bed and tries to get more work done before falling asleep. Which of the following pieces of information would be best for Alexander to know?

Bringing electronics to bed actually makes it less likely that you will be able to fall asleep.

Jerome wants to induce an experience of focused awareness in himself. Which of the following activities would most likely contribute to this goal?

Browsing social media for half an hour

Burrhus submitted a research proposal to an institutional review board (IRB) on how infants learn to identify their parents and it was rejected. Which of the following is MOST likely the reason the research proposal was rejected?

Burrhus proposed to keep infants in the experimental group away from their parents for 6 months.

Henry can make out the fine details in a piece of wood as long as he is relatively close to it. Which cells in his eye are most responsible for his ability to see details?


Which of the following is included in the American Psychological Association's (APA's) code of ethics regarding psychological experiments?

Deception about the goals of the research can be used only when absolutely necessary to the integrity of the research.

Why did Milgram's obedience study raise such significant controversy?

Deception was used in Milgram's research

Jules is worried that she may have a drug dependence problem. Which of the following questions could she answer to best help her determine if this is an issue for her?

Do you find yourself frequently thinking of ways to acquire more of the drug?

Christi struggles with insomnia and is looking for ways to overcome her inability to get to sleep. Which of the following strategies would likely help her the most?

Establishing a regular sleep-wake cycle

Qiao Bai's grandfather lost one of his eyes during a work-related accident. He offers to drive Qiao Bai to class one morning. Which describes MOST accurately what is likely to happen while on the way to school?

Even though his grandfather can only use one eye, his ability to identify objects in his peripheral vision while driving should be unaffected.

A psychologist who studies mate selection, altruism, and jealousy in a variety of cultures over a span of time to learn how humans have developed is most likely which type of psychologist?


Neil would like to reduce the chances that he will develop alcoholism during his time in college. Which of the following pieces of advice would be most helpful for him to follow?

Find adaptive ways to handle new situations, such as being away from home.

leroy would like to increase the level of detail in the manifest content of his dreams. what advice might Sigmund Freud give him?

Focus intensely on those things that you wish to be true in your waking life.

Gertrude plans to go to a party where alcohol will be present. After consuming how many drinks will she be considered to have engaged in binge drinking?

Four drinks

Which school of thought proposed that psychology should explain how people adapt or fail to adapt to the real world outside of the laboratory, thus becoming the first applied psychologists?


which of the following structures provides support for neurons, helps hold them together, and helps remove waste products and other substances?

Glial cells

Ghery has developed a physiological dependence for opiates. Which of the following strategies will be most effective at reducing his dependence with the least number of severe side effects?

Gradually reducing his use of opiates using medically supervised alternatives

What is the term for the auditory receptors that transform vibrations caused by sound waves into neural impulses that are then transmitted to the brain via the auditory nerve?

Hair cells

A psychology professor wishes to demonstrate how shadowing serves as a cue for depth. Which would be MOST effective?

Have students identify craters in a picture.

Quan has recently purchased a new smartphone that promises to improve his productivity with customizable work alerts. What is one likely consequence of Quan's purchase?

He will develop poorer sleeping habits due to interference from his phone and job.

Tyrese needs to stay up later in order to complete a major class project. If he woke up in the middle of the day, what would likely happen to his productivity according to research on circadian rhythms and body temperature?

He would be most productive in the early evening, because this is when his body temperature peaks.

After exercising, Brenda's heart rate is extremely high. A few hours later, her heart rate remains very high, and she is beginning to become concerned. Which system seems to be malfunctioning?

Her parasympathetic nervous system

A neurology report reveals that a patient's neurons are experiencing problems maintaining a healthy metabolic state. Which of the following should his neurologist examine further based on this report?

His neurons' somas and whether they are lacking in certain vital chemicals

A neurology report reveals that a patient's neurons are experiencing problems maintaining a healthy metabolic state. which of the following should his neurologist examine further based on this report?

His neurons' somas and whether they are lacking in certain vital chemicals

What communicates the strength of a message in the form of neural impulses?

How rapidly the neuron fires

Positive psychologists are most similar in their beliefs to which other theorists?


A psychology professor wants to describe exactly how potent the human sense of smell is. Which of the following points could he make?

Humans are able to detect no less than 5,000 different odors according to most scientific estimates.

Sanvi would like to receive extra help in quitting smoking. She is thinking of asking her therapist to perform hypnosis on her to achieve this. Which of the following details might she want to know?

Hypnosis is best used as an addition to therapy, not as a replacement for therapy.

Which term refers to difficulty falling asleep, remaining asleep, or returning to sleep after nighttime awakenings?


Depression is linked to which of the following?

Irregularities in serotonin and norepinephrine functioning

Elodie's daughter has recently begun experiencing night terrors. What might Elodie want to know as she attempts to help her daughter through this?

It is likely that her daughter will eventually grow out of night terrors on her own.

Behaviorism is associated with which two leading figures?

John Watson and B. F. Skinner

While Jordan is demonstrating convergence, which would be the MOST likely to result?

Jordan appears to be cross-eyed.

Memories are often closely tied to certain scents because the process of olfaction triggers which brain region?

Limbic system

A person who experiences trouble detecting sounds, such as the horn of a freight train or bass music, would have trouble with which types of sounds?

Low frequency

Irina has just finished studying for a difficult exam and would like to ensure that she retains the knowledge she has acquired. Which of the following would be best for her to do?

Make sure that she undergoes at least one period of REM sleep.

Which of the following hormones is responsible for regulating the body's sleep/wake cycles?


A researcher wants to include a large sample of left-handed subjects in her study investigating brain lateralization. Which of the following demographics should she attempt to recruit more subjects from?


Due to the demands of her job, Henrietta has been unable to sleep for the past two nights. Which of the following experiences is she most likely to struggle with?

Mental fogginess and trouble maintaining attention

During his next lecture, a psychology professor would like to warn his students against using certain drugs that share similar characteristics in terms of their effects, withdrawal symptoms, and manufacture. Which of the following drug pairs most closely meet the professor's goals for this lecture?

Methamphetamines and MDMA

Which theorist is well-known for his studies on obedience?


Research has shown that inherent interest in a topic has which effect on mind wandering?

Mind wandering is less likely due to focused attention.

A person who smokes tobacco cigarettes receives substantial doses of the agonist stimulant nicotine. What is likely to happen to the availability of related neurotransmitters in the period after the individual smokes?

More of the related neurotransmitters will be available in the synapse.

Gustav believes that it is impossible for him to be hypnotized, but he worries that if someone could hypnotize him, he may do something terrible. Which aspect(s) of his belief is likely to be incorrect?

Most people can be somewhat hypnotized, though there is currently no evidence that hypnosis causes individuals to commit crimes.

When a neuron's message becomes chemical, which occupies the synapse?


when a neuron's message becomes chemical, which occupies the synapse?


Following the rise of behaviorism, what led to a renewed interest in things we cannot observe directly, such as thoughts, by the science of psychology?

New research methods made the scientific study of mental processes possible.

Valentina believes that by exercising a couple of hours before bed, she will create conditions for her to sleep better due to the fatigue she experiences after a workout. Is Valentina correct?

No, exercising before bed creates a higher state of arousal that makes it harder to fall asleep.

Lantrell is examining the brain of a dreaming subject. He believes that he is most likely to notice increased electrical signals in the cerebral cortex, and particularly the frontal lobes. Is he correct?

No, the parts of the frontal lobes responsible for higher-order cognitions are actually less active during dreaming.

What is the term for the tendency to understand that the size, shape, color, and brightness of an object remain the same even when the image it casts on the retina changes?

Perceptual constancy

Li Xu is giving a presentation on the case of Phineas Gage. If she wanted to truly demonstrate the brain's remarkable capacity for recovery, which of the following points should she emphasize?

Phineas Gage was able to live after experiencing a severe brain injury, despite the limited medical resources available at the time.

The hormone melatonin is produced by which gland?


Which of the following outcomes is most closely related to sleep deprivation?

Poor immune functioning

"Historically, psychology has been focused on understanding mental illness. It is time to turn some of our attention to understanding human strengths and virtues, happiness, well-being, and wisdom." This quotation most accurately represents which of the following new directions in psychology?

Positive psychology

Which of the following terms refers to the ability to foretell the future?


Sigmund Freud was a leading figure in which perspective of psychology?


Which approach emphasizes the understanding of mental disorders in terms of unconscious needs, desires, memories, and conflicts?


If someone claims they can move an object from one location to another without physically touching it, which are they claiming?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Psychologists have looked closely at the influence of human diversity on human behavior since the very beginnings of the field.

Which of the following would be the BEST procedure for obtaining a representative sample of the students at your school?

Random sampling from a list of all of the students enrolled at your school

What function does a dendrite serve?

Receives chemical messages from nearby neurons

A scientist wishes to support the findings of her previous study. By conducting a second study, the scientist is aiming to demonstrate what in her study's design?


In order for researchers to build on the results of other psychologists, they must generally have confidence in the data collected by other researchers. Which of the following is critical for this to occur?

Researchers must adhere to the principles of academic integrity.

Klara is very skeptical of her brother's claims of telepathy. How could Klara assess these claims?

She could ask her brother to identify their mother's thoughts.

A researcher wants to assess the neurotransmitter involved with cocaine usage. How might she accomplish this?

She could explore the brain activity of someone who has been randomly assigned to snort cocaine compared to someone randomly assigned to a different task.

Amy has viewed an ambiguous image when she was young and is now much older. Which accurately describes Amy's most likely perception?

She likely saw a young woman before and will now see an older woman.

Rishika has been prescribed the stimulant Adderall to help her focus and manage her symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. What would be the best strategy for her to do in order to avoid physiological dependence on the drug?

She should only take Adderall as prescribed by her physician.

Stacie is shown a photo of a group of people standing in a line waiting for coffee. Which is MOST likely to be her conclusion when perceiving these people?

She will assume that the people who are wearing casual clothes belong to the same group.

A researcher wants to test subjects' perception of the principle of connectedness. How could he best test this?

Show subjects a video of people waiting in a line

Because she has been studying hard for an exam, Jane missed three hours of sleep last night. What should she do to get her sleep pattern back on track?

Sleep her usual 8 hours tonight

Tucker wants to improve the responsiveness of his neurons to electrical impulses. Which should he increase in his diet?


during which sleep stage is someone most easily awoken?

Stage 1 sleep

Which of the following sleep stages is defined by large delta brain waves?

Stage 3 sleep

Which psychologist's controversial 1963 experiment involved participants being told to administer increasingly intense electrical shocks to other participants?

Stanley Milgram

Although the American Psychological Association had drawn up a code for ethical behavior in 1953, the issue of ethics was raised again in 1963 when which study was published?

Stanley Milgram's obedience study

While presenting her research to her psychology class, Stacey occasionally flashes the word "GROUNDBREAKING" in her slides. Which of the following features of perception is Stacey attempting to induce?

Subliminal perception

Which of the following is an example of a social desirability bias?

Teenagers surveyed at the mall where their peers can overhear and give similar answers

As Nina first smells a flower, which part of her brain will be responsible for processing this stimulus?

Temporal lobe

Jack is experiencing problems with regulating his anger. He would like to pursue a medical solution to help him feel less reactive to negative circumstances. Which of the following hormones should he look to manage?


Which of the following led to the rise of behaviorism?

The belief that if you cannot measure something, it cannot be an object of scientific study

Suppose a study is conducted examining the development of sexual orientation in young men. Why should the researchers be cautious about generalizing their results to both sexes?

The development of sexual orientation for young women may not be the same as for young men.

Imogene walks into a building where lights have just been replaced in the ceiling, and they appear quite bright when she first arrives. She is planning on creating a mural that will require her to spend all day in that same hallway. Which is MOST likely to occur when she is leaving for the day?

The lights will appear dimmest just before she heads out.

Gloria's friends have recently noticed a startling change in her behavior. She eats everything in sight but gains little, if any, weight. She speeds around the room as if she were taking amphetamines. She seems constantly tense and agitated, and has trouble sleeping. She has become impulsive and lately she seems to be upset by even the slightest stress. The source of Gloria's problems is probably due to which gland?

The overactive thyroid

What occurs when an action potential arrives at the end of an axon?

The release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap

At the end of your research study, you determine that the results were "statistically significant." What does this mean in general?

The results met a threshold considered to be scientifically meaningful.

A researcher is interested in studying whether early fame causes child celebrities to become egotistical and self-centered. To this end, the researcher completes a case study of a young male actor. He finds that the actor's personality remains stable, despite his increasing fame. Which of the following is the greatest issue with interpreting the findings of this study?

The results of case studies do not always generalize to the larger population.

Which reflex is important in avoiding getting burned after immediately touching a hot surface?

The withdrawal reflex

A doctor is worried about a patient who has recently begun showing signs of memory loss.. Which area of the patient's brain should this doctor look into?

Their hippocampus

A researcher is performing a naturalistic observation study with chimpanzees in Africa. One day, she notices that the chimpanzees are making more noise than normal. Later that same day, she notices a leopard in the area. Which of the following could the researcher conclude?

There may be some connection between the noise and the leopard.

An advertising firm chooses to hire a brain researcher to advise their staff on how best to reach their target audience. If they apply the researcher's advice, how will they likely perform compared to competitors?

They will perform better than competitors who do not hire a brain researcher to advise them.

Macai has experienced severe seizure activity, and the medical team recommends he become a split-brain patient. Which action will the medical team be taking in order to reduce seizures?

They will sever the corpus callosum.

Regarding the psychodynamic perspective, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Today, people formally trained in Freudian psychology reject the belief that psychological problems may be rooted in childhood.

a researcher wants to conduct a study investigating the influence of a specific gene in aggressive behavior. However, she does not want to spend a lot of resources recruiting subjects with specific traits and histories. Which of the following studies should she use?

Twin studies

Adrian wants to avoid ear damage that would cause his ears to ring during a concert. Which of the following could he do?

Wear earplugs when the band starts playing

Byron is a bodybuilder lifting weights at his local gym. He can currently lift 200 pounds, but probably would not notice a difference in the amount of weight he is lifting unless it was greater than four pounds. This example illustrates

Weber's law.

A physician is concerned that one of her patients may be developing an addiction to the opiate Vicodin. Which of the following questions would be best for her to ask to determine if her patient should discontinue use of Vicodin?

What do you do to manage your pain when you run out of Vicodin?

Which relationship between variables is described by a negative correlation?

When a bank's interest rates go down, the amount of money borrowed goes up.

Jolene believes that she may have developed a physiological addiction to caffeine. Which of the following signs of addiction may she want to pay the most attention to?

Whether she needs to consume caffeine in order to avoid headaches

Psychology is said to have begun when

Wilhelm Wundt started the first psychological laboratory.

Introspection is MOST closely associated with which of the following?

Wundt and structuralism

Modern psychology is said to have begun when

Wundt opened the first laboratory devoted to the scientific study of psychology.

When you enter a room, it is 60 degrees, but you set the thermostat to 68. You are concerned that you do not seem to be able to feel the heat in the room. Which system in your body is failing to detect this temperature change?

Your somatic nervous system

the story of Phineas Gage demonstrates that

a person's personality can change if the prefrontal cortex is damaged.

Michael is unable to feel the touch of a feather on his leg. The touch of a feather in this case is a physical representation of Michael's

absolute threshold.

Actions such as plagiarism, falsifying data, or misrepresenting research are all serious violations of

academic integrity.

A chemical addiction characterized by impaired control over the use of alcohol, and physiological dependence on it, is known as


The primary advantage of naturalistic observation is that this method

allows behavior that is more natural, varied, and spontaneous than one would find in a laboratory.

Farren notices that whenever he drinks a lot of alcohol, his head becomes fuzzy and his perception of social situations changes. When he drinks, Farren experiences

altered states of consciousness.

Forms of awareness during wakefulness that are different than a person's usual waking state are known as

altered states of consciousness.

Your best friend asks you to describe why reflexes are so important for a person to have. If you really wanted them to appreciate the importance of reflexes, you would tell them that reflexes allow you to

avoid harm by improving your responsiveness to threats.

Benoit and Jillian are siblings who are both more likely to develop alcoholism as a result of their father's own alcoholism. This demonstrates the influence of which set of factors?

biological factors.

The layer of cells in the eye that connect photoreceptors to ganglion cells contains

bipolar cells.

Agatha notices that when she closes one eye, certain objects in her peripheral vision seem to disappear. This is due to the absence of photoreceptors in her

blind spot.

A mode of perceptual processing by which the brain recognizes meaningful patterns by piecing together bits and pieces of sensory information is known as

bottom-up processing.

The part of a neuron which contains the nucleus and has a complete set of the neuron's chromosomes and genes is called the

cell body.

Shakira is able to think abstractly and express her emotions far more clearly than her pet dog. This is because she has a larger

cerebral cortex.

Justin finds that he has the most energy 4-5 hours after waking up. This is the result of daily metabolic changes known as

circadian rhythms.

The pattern of fluctuations in bodily processes that occur regularly each day is known as

circadian rhythms.

Alain is able to recognize that a series of separated lines and curves make up the letter "B." Alain's ability to do this illustrates the principle of


The snail-shaped organ in the inner ear that contains sensory receptors for hearing is known as the


To discover the extent to which economic status can be used to predict political preferences, researchers are most likely to use

correlational measures.

A mental state characterized by confusion, disorientation, difficulty in focusing attention, and excitable behavior is called


Drugs, such as alcohol and barbiturates, that dampen central nervous system activity are known as


After experiencing a near-overdose, Tristan has been placed in a program designed to eliminate all traces of addictive substances from his system. Tristan is undergoing


when individuals experience divided attention to two or more tasks or activities performed at the same time, they engage in

divided consciousness

kris finds it difficult to stay focused on a task for a prolonged period of time. Occasionally, their his thoughts begin to wander in a state known as

drifting consciousness

Latifa is able to make out fine details in objects that she is looking directly at. This is thanks to the fact that light from such objects lands directly on her


A professor wants to demonstrate Hering's work on afterimages to his psychology students. He should have his class look at a collection of

green objects that are supposed to be red and then look at a white surface.

Upon being hypnotized, Lucas begins to reexperience certain aspects of his life from years gone by. Lucas is currently experiencing

hypnotic age regression.

the failure to notice something right in front of one's eyes because one's focus is directed elsewhere is known as

inattentional blindness

Eamon fails to notice a ball bouncing into his path while riding his bike because he is busy listening to his favorite podcast. Eamon's behavior exhibits

inattentional blindness.

The failure to notice something right in front of one's eyes because one's focus is directed elsewhere is known as

inattentional blindness.

The ethical guideline requiring that information be disclosed to research participants about what they can expect if they participate is referred to as

informed consent.

After drinking four beers, Abe feels woozy and light-headed. This is because alcohol is a class of drug known as a(n)


Jaliyah suffers from chronic pain in her lower back due to the stress she experiences at work. If she wanted to find a way to relieve both her pain and stress, she could

learn how to meditate.

Julie is a researcher who removes parts of the brains of lab rats in order to observe the function of different brain regions. As an aspect of her research, Julie engages in


A technique that uses a field to create a computerized image of internal bodily structures is known as

magnetic resonance imaging

After one particularly vivid dream, Hua cannot get the image of a beautiful blue sports car out of his mind. In his dream, the sports car likely was a form of

manifest content.

fedor reports feeling mildly euphoric and relaxed after using a particular drug periodically. sometimes he finds that it takes away his anxiety and makes time appear to pass slowly. which drug has fedor likely been using?


A process of focused attention that induces a relaxed, contemplative state is known as


The part of the hindbrain that controls functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure is the


A researcher uses brain scanning to identify how certain events are represented in differnet parts of the brain. Specifically, this researcher looks at the contributions of

memory curcuits.

In one study, introductory psychology students were fitted with electronically activated recording devices so that researchers could sample their daily activities. The researchers used a scientific method known as

naturalistic observation.

Ximena is 7 years old and often experiences disturbing dreams whenever she falls asleep. She has difficulty these experiences and they occur more frequently than among other children her age. Ximena likely has

nightmare disorder

kimberly predicts that by using marijuana, she will experience a state of delirium, which is one of her main reasons for avoiding the use of the drug. is she correct?

no, while long-term use of marijuana can impact cognitive abilities, it rarely causes delirium

Carolina is able to maintain the correct impression of an object's size, shape, and color due to the process of

perceptual constancy.

The part of the nervous system that connects the spinal cord and brain with the sensory organs, muscles, and glands is the

peripheral nervous system.

Psychology was once difficult to distinguish from which of the following disciplines?


Hermann von Helmholtz believed that the experience of pitch derived from differences in the location of the greatest vibrations along the basilar membrane. This is known as

place theory.

A geneticist informs you that your love of music is likely influenced by a number of different genetic variations. This observation refers to the influence of

polygenic traits.

A vendor at a soccer stadium notices that the warmer the weather, the more beverages he normally sells. In technical terms, the vendor has noticed that temperature and beverage sales are

positively correlated.

Differences in personality may cause certain individuals to be more likely to seek out or persist in using drugs. Such factors are known as

psychological factors.

A construction worker has experienced a severe level of trauma directed at the back of his head. It is likely that he will experience impairments in his ability to

see objects clearly.

Carmella finds herself tuning out distractions as her psychology professor explains a key concept. Carmella is engaging in

selective attention.

The process by which we focus on meaningful stimuli and filter out irrelevant or extraneous stimuli is called

selective attention.

Sarai has been smoking marijuana in an effort to alleviate the pain she is experiencing from arthritis. While she might be minimizing one problem, which health risk is she also creating according to research?

she is increasing her risk of developing a cancer diagnosis

Elodie often assumes that objects that look alike belong to the same group. Elodie's tendency illustrates the principle of


A diagnostic category of psychological or mental disorders involving disturbed sleep patterns is known as

sleep-wake disorders.

As compared to a "speeding bullet," neural impulses are best described as


Aaron believes that he does not have an alcohol problem since he only drinks during events that his college friends organize. Why is Aaron's belief likely misguided?

social drinking is more likely to contribute to poor academic performance than drinking alone

certain factors lead to different groups of people being more or less likely to use drug or develop negative reactions to drug use. These factors are called

sociocultural factors

A new student in your class cannot move without the assistance of a wheelchair. The most likely cause of this is dysfunction in their

spinal cord.

Over the course of a day, Jonas drifts from sleeping, to being awake, to daydreaming, to being focused. These different conditions constitute different

states of consciousness.

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for quick action in an emergency is which division?


Communication of thoughts from one mind to another that occurs without using the known senses is called


Esteban can easily tell the difference between his girlfriend's voice and that of his mother thanks to the functioning of his

temporal lobes.

A researcher who takes the biological perspective is likely to study

the brain, nervous system, and other physiological mechanisms.

A psychology researcher who wishes to explore a cause-effect relationship will be BEST able to do so using

the experimental method

Germain has sustained a blow to his head that has caused him to completely change from a nich fun-loving individual to a mean, angry person. which part of his head has been affected?

the front of his head

One area of future research that may have important implications for the ways that clinicians diagnose and treat mental disorders involves the use of brain scans to identify

the presence of psychological disorders.

The steps that describe the methods used in conducting a research study are known as

the procedure.

a psychology professor wants to reduce the amount of time that students spend in a state of drifting consciousness during class. which of the following topics would be most important to cover?

the psychology of sex

If a survey instrument is carefully constructed to avoid bias in its questions, then

the researcher has evaluated the wording, order, and structure of the questions.

A way of accounting for relationships among observed events or experimental findings is called a(n)


which description accurately portrays a neuron at resting potential?

there are more positive ions outside the neuron than inside

Abela often finds herself dreaming about completing college and starting a satisfying career. This experience is in line with Sigmund Freud's belief that dreams serve as a form of

wish fulfillment.

During his attempts to quit smoking, Dherav experiences irritability and jitteriness whenever he would normally reach for a cigarette. Dherav is likely experiencing

withdrawal syndrome.

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