Quiz 3 Islam - World Religions

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what are the five pillars of Islamic practice? Be able to match the Arabic transliteration of the five pillars of Islam with the English translation

- confession of faith : Shahada - A formula on how the Muslim believers must pronounce in ancient Arabic. "there is. No god expect god.(alla) axcept god, the source of all creation. Muhammad is the messenger of god" - prayer : Salat - mandatory prayer that happens 5 times a day - almsgiving : zakah/t - everything belongs to allah, gives 2.5 percent. - Fasting : sawn/m - once a year, lunar month of Ramadan, they fast. - Pilgrimage : Hajj - visit mecca at least 1 in his or her lifetime.

what are the main points of Muhammad's doctrine about God?

1. There is only one god 2. Humans are obligated to submit to gods will 3. There will be a day of judgement where they will be ascended on whether or not they obeyed god.

what country and what century/year was Muhammad born in and what his career was prior to becoming a prophet?

570 AD in Mecca. He was a camel driver

what are the names of the prophet(s) in the Islamic, Zoroastrian and Baha'i religions (professor's notes).

Abraham, Krishna, Moses, zoraster, buddah, jesus, Muhammad, the bab, baha'ullah

The contrast of Islamic Tawhid/Tawid vs. Christianity's Trinity vs. Zoroastrianism's Ahura Mazda with his seven-fold character.

Ahura mazda- One creator, several characteristics, wise, all powerful,

what is Tawhid and why it's so important to Islam?

God is an absolute one. No trinity. No son of god, no wife of god.

Admission into eternal life in biblical Christianity and Islam.

Good deeds outweigh the bad, to get to heaven.

what is the the Hijra and why is it important in Islamic history? Know where Mecca and Medina are and these two cities are important in Islamic history.

Hijra is the fleeing from mecca. it is used as the beginning of the Islamic calendar, for at this point the independent Muslim community, the umma, was born.

in what countries did the Zoroastrian and Baha'i religions begin?

Iran (Persia)

Jesus in biblical Christianity vs. Jesus in the Qur'an.

Jesus according to the Quran is not the son of god because god has no children.

Meaning of Trinity in Islam vs. in biblical Christianity.

Jesus mary father is the Islamic view, but they see only god/Allah.

what are the three religions that Mohammad studied before he saw the vision of the angel Gabriel?

Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism.

explain how Allah's "mercy" is shown to people in the last judgment

Muslim can have any present "assurance" of going to Paradise. They believe he will forgive most sins, and they can do good deeds to guarantee it

how do you explain the Trinity to a Muslim from the three dimension of space (lecture).

Space is infinity. Three complete distinct dimensions to have the one space. This is like god. you can have unity and diversity at the same time, and theyre both good. Muslim says only unity is good.

what branch of Islam that is mystical and syncretistic has the Eastern religious worldview and what some of its practices are.

Sufi- They can spin for hours, mystical music and look into a trans to seek god.

what are the two largest denominations of Islam and what countries do they dominate in the Middle East.

Sunnis - Saudi arabia Shiites - Iran

Know what biblical Christianity has on the line of history that the other two do not have.

The death and resurrection of Christ.

what denomination of Islam controls the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia and two main aspects of its doctrine?

Wahabi-Sunni - they hold to all of the 5 pillars, 6 doctines, but they say you have to follow the first 4 calif. Language - spoke Arabic

how many followers worldwide the Baha'i faith and Muslim faith claim?

Worldwide: 1.5 billion United States: 1.5 million, frequently claimed to be 7 million

what are the main facts about what kind of religion (monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistic; cyclical or linear time) the Zoroastrian and Baha'i are (professor's notes). Be able to summarize what the single main idea binding together all of the 13 main points of Baha'i religion.

both linear, but bahai has some elements of cyclical. Claim to be monotheistic. Bahai is string bias towards unity. One world language, religion, world gov, equality. UNITY.

what are the circumstances of Muhammads vision of the angel Jibra'il (Gabriel), the name of the book which the angel gave to him Surah by Surah (chapter), and what the meaning of that book is when translated into English?

in a.d. 610 while he was meditating in a cave, Muhammad fell into a trance and an angel Gabriel spoke to him. The angel showed him a book and ordered him to "Recite!" he was illiterate. "Don't you think that the same God, who is able to form a man from a mere clot of blood, can do this miracle for you?" Muhammad acknowledged the unsurpassable greatness of God and memorized the scripture which he then also recited to other people. This first "recitation" is now the first five verses of sura 96 of the Qur'an

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