Sociology Exam 3

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What was the reported turnout of the voting-eligible population over age sixty for the 2016 presidential election in the United States?


Identify the statements that accurately explain why gender inequality has existed in various societies.

correct answer -In hunter/gatherer societies, men believed that women did not have the physical strength to participate fully in hunting and warfare. -In hunter/gatherer societies, men believed that women did not have the time to participate fully in hunting and warfare due to duties related to children. -In modern society, women experience both institutional and individual discrimination in a wide variety of forms. incorrect answer -In modern society, women are restricted in their activities because their presence is required at home due to duties related to children.

gender identity

an individual's self-definition or sense of gender

Place each education event in order from first to last.

-A nation at risk report is released -School vouchers were first proposed -The common core state standards -President Obama announced a federal initiative to make community college tuition-free

gender expression

an individual's behavioral manifestations of gender

Identify the true and false statements about religion

-Between 1990 and 2001, the number of Americans who described themselves as "Fundamentalist Christians" tripled. -Approximately 23 percent of Americans claim no religious affiliation. -Many European groups are less than half as likely as Americans to say that religion is very important in their lives.

what is an example of a cult?

-The Branch Davidians -Heaven's gate

what is an example of a sect

-The amish -Mennonites

symbolic interactionism

Gender is learned through the process of socialization; gender inequalities are reproduced through interactions with family, peers, schools, and the media.


Sex determines which roles men and women are best suited to perform.

what is an example of private school?

Jamal's parents obtain a school voucher from the government because his neighborhood school has been consistently labeled "failing" by the state government. Jamal will now be able to attend this type of school


a term used when gender identity and/or expression is different from the sex assigned at birth

what is an example of denomination?

-Protestantism -Shia

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about education, gender, and LGBTQ individuals. Women increasingly outnumber men in college and made up the majority of college graduates by the ____. By 2015, women earned _____ percent of bachelor's degrees. For LGBTQ individuals, education may be a tougher road than for non-LGBTQ individuals. The 2015 National School Climate Survey found that almost ____ of LGBTQ students reported being verbally harassed, while ____ reported being physically harassed.

mid-1990s 57 percent 85 percent 35 percent

Which of the following does the textbook suggest is associated with helping incumbents win reelection at staggeringly high rates?


Consider this scenario:Laura is a married mother of three who works a full-time job. She drops her kids off at school every day at 7:30 A.M., arrives at the office at 8 A.M., works until 4 P.M., and then drives to pick up her kids from after-school care at 4:30 P.M. She gets home around the same time as her husband, who works a full-time job from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M. He expects that she will have dinner ready for the family by 6 P.M. From 7 to 9 P.M., Laura usually does housework and reads to the children.What sociological concept does Laura's situation exemplify?

second shift


the holy, divine, or supernatural


the ordinary, mundane, or everyday

Which of the following resulted from the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee case?

-super PAC's -unlimited spending on campaigns by corporations, unions, and other non -campaign entities-$600 million in federal election spending from 195 wealthy donors and their spouses

Place the following in order from highest to lowest college graduation rates

1-The graduation rate for students at private nonprofit schools 2-The graduation rate for students at public nonprofit schools 3-The graduation rate for students at for-profit schools

conflict theory

Because of the traditional division of labor in families, males have had more access to resources and privileges and have sought to maintain their dominance.

Which of the following statements about charter schools are true?

Charter schools are public schools run by private entities that operate with relative freedom from many of the bureaucratic regulations that apply to traditional public schools.

Place each groundbreaking television series about homosexual or transgender characters in order in which the shows aired from first to last.

Ellen, will and grace, queer eye for the straight guy, orange is the new black, transparent

what is an example of unschooling?

Jennifer's parents allow her to choose her own curriculum freely at home that allows her to direct her exploration of subject matter.


a practice based on religious beliefs


a proposition or idea held on the basis of faith


a term used when gender identity and/or expression aligns with the sex assigned at birth

gender nonconforming

a term used when gender identity and/or expression differs from societal expectations about gender roles

Match each statement about feminism to the wave it is associated.

first wave -Its key event was a convention held in Seneca Falls, New York. -It was associated with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony -Its main cause was the campaign to win the vote for women, or the suffrage movement. second wave -Its main causes were equal access to education and employment -Its key event was the establishment of the National Organization for Women -It was associated with Betty Friedan. third wave -Its main cause was globalization. -It introduced a focus on intersectionality

Which term is used to describe a person whose chromosomes or sex characteristics are neither exclusively male nor exclusively female?


Identify the true and false statements about the connections between spirituality and college.

-Researchers from UCLA developed five qualities of spirituality. -The qualities of spirituality have a positive effect on academic performance. -Civic engagement has a positive effect on spirituality.

What is the margin by which Democrats over Republicans support the media as a political watchdog?


By what grade in school are gender norms firmly established?


what is an example of a charter school?

A group of teachers and parents petition the state government to give them the autonomy to open a new elementary school that focuses on bilingual education and the arts. The new school will be this type of school

Match each theoretical perspective to its representative classic study of education.

Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities -conflict theory Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson's Pygmalion in the Classroom -symbolic interactionism Randall Collins's The Credential Society -structural fundamentalism

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