Start with Why

Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!

How much was Samsung ordered to pay in rebate claims to apartment dwellers?


How did apple advertise their first MP3 player?

1000 songs in your pocket

According to the law of diffusion, mass-market success can only be achieved after what percentage of the market has been penetrated?

15 to 18%

In the 1970s, what percentage of the traveling population traveled by air?


General Motors marketshare dropped from 35% in 1990 to what in 2007?


What did Oprah Winfrey give away in 2004 That is widely remembered?

276 donated Pontiac G6 cars, Worth $7 million

Colin Powell said he can make a decision with how much of the information?


How many different types of toothpaste does Colgate offer today?


How many continental executives were let go because they did not believe?


How did creative technology advertise their first MP three player?

5 gigabyte MP3 player

By 2007, Toyotas market share climbed to 16.3% from what?


Colin Powell said anything more than what percentage is too much information?


What percentage of Americans do not have their dream job?


Regardless of what they do or how they do it, any company faced with the challenge of how to differentiate themselves in the market is basically a what?

A Commodity

How did Shackleton find his crew?

A London times ad

What is done when faced with the result that doesn't go according to plan?

A Series of short term tactics are used until the desired outcome is achieved

How is the golden circle three-dimensional?

A cone, from the top down

Every instruction we give, every course of action we take, every result we desire, starts with the same thing:

A decision

The ability to create a tipping point without lasting change is called?

A fad

Henry ford said, "if I had ask people what they wanted, they would have said...?"

A faster horse

Trust is:

A feeling, not a rational experience

It's easier to weather hard Times when people come to work with what?

A higher sense of purpose

How are continental's employees on-time bonuses issued?

A separate check as a symbol of winning

All a company is, is what?

A structure

All leaders must have two things:

A vision of the world that does not yet exist; and the ability to communicate it.

Which service provider agreed to Apple's new strategy with the iPhone?


What percentage of people can you win over according to the law of averages?

About 10%

How are most job postings today written?

About what and not about why

What is the difference between success and achievement?

Achievement is something tangible you reach, like a goal. Success is a feeling or state of being.

Great companies don't hire skilled people and motivate them, instead they hire who?

Already motivated people and inspire them

In great organizations, from the top down, no one sees themselves as?

Any more or less than anyone else

For the golden circle to work, each of the pieces must?

Be in balance and in the right order

Why did Volkswagen's Luxury car fail to be successful?

Because it was inconsistent with what they stood for.

Why are some people more drawn to a Ferrari than a Honda van?

Because it's more about the person than the engineering of the product

Why does peer pressure work?

Because people fear that the majority or experts are right

Why do people go to extra lengths to support products or brands?

Because they are symbols of the values and believes they hold. Those products and brands make them feel like they belong in a kinship with the things they buy

True leaders create a following of people not because they were swayed, but why?

Because they were inspired

How can an organization pass the school bus test?

By integrating the why into the culture of the organization

Apple is not a technology company, instead it is a company that:

Challenges the status quo and offers individual simple alternatives

All great leaders have?

Charisma because they have clarity of why

What three things are how Southwest airlines did business?

Cheap, fun and simple

To inspire starts with what?


For a a why to have the power to move people, it must have?

Clarity and be amplified to reach enough people to tip the scale

Authenticity cannot be achieved without?

Clarity of why

What are the three components of a balanced golden circle?

Clarity, discipline and consistency

People are drawn to leaders and organizations that are good at what?

Communicating what they believe

When we feel like we belong, we feel how?

Connected and safe

Malcolm Gladwell's book, the tipping point, identifies what two groups?

Connectors and influencers

People will see and hear what you believe with?


What company filed for bankruptcy twice in eight years and went through 10 CEOs in a decade?

Continental airlines

Companies and organizations with a clear sense of why never worry about being different. They don't think of themselves as being like anyone else and they don't have to what?

Convince anyone of their value

Who invented the MP3 player?

Creative technology

What is the difference between creative technologies MP3 advertisement and apples iPod advertisement?

Creative told us what their product was and Apple told us why we needed it

A company is a:


Logic dictates that more information and ____ are necessary?


Who said, "A lot of what goes on these days with highflying companies and these overpaid CEOs, who are really just leading from the top and aren't watching out for anybody but themselves, really upsets me. It's one of the main things wrong with American business today."

David Glass, first CEO after Sam Walton

What are the details of the Wright brothers first flight?

December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk North Carolina. The flight lasted 59 seconds with an altitude of 120 feet at the speed of a jog

When we communicate from the inside out, we're talking directly to the part of the brain that controls what?

Decision making and our language part of the brain allows us to rationalize those decisions

With what, any leader or organization can inspire others, both inside and outside of the organization, to help advance their ideas and vision?


Those whom we consider great leaders have an ability to:

Draw us close and Command our loyalty

What two groups rely on their intuition?

Early adopters and innovators

What two groups are more practical minded?

Early and late majority

Definition of WHAT is?

Easily identified; products or services a company sells; the job functions they have within that system

Fully balanced decisions are?

Easily rationalized and articulated decisions that you know are right

Bruder set up what program to teach skills for a better life opportunities in the middle east?

Education for employment foundation

How did Bethune motivate employees To keep planes on time?

Employees received a $65 check for every month they were ranked in the top five for being on time

When people make decisions with only the rational part of their brain, they what?

End up over thinking things

Energy ___, but charisma ____.

Energy motivates, but charisma inspires

Who wrote the 1962 book, diffusion of innovations?

Everett Rogers

Limbic brain decisions tend to be:

Faster and higher quality

What is the most powerful manipulation?

Fear, real or perceived

What was the most important factor in selling laundry detergent?

Feeling clean was more important to people then being clean. The smell was important

The limbic brain is responsible for what?

Feelings such as trust and loyalty; and for our behavior and decision-making, but has no capacity for language

Being a leader requires one thing:


Herb Kelleher, head of Southwest airlines, was considered a heretic for what notion?

For putting its employees first

To reflect that they were more than just a computer company, in 2007 apple changed its name to what?

From Apple computer to Apple Inc.

Gordon Bethune wrote what book, about what company?

From worst to first, about continental airlines

Jack Daly is quoted as saying, "what gets measured:

Gets done

What finds order and predictability in human behavior?

Golden circle

What did Shackleton hire?

Good fits

What makes an employee more productive and loyal?

Having a sense of why

Who said this? "If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right."

Henry Ford

Ben, with cerebral palsy, runs to compete against and beat who?


Applying why to a business situation is similar to what?

How we act on a date

Definition of HOW is?

How's are often given to explain how something is different or better. Differentiating value proposition; proprietary process; or unique selling proposition.

What types of people live in the here and now, and are realists with a clear sense of practicality


Who was the first president after Herb Kelleher at Southwest?

Howard Putnam

Apple advertising shows who enjoying their products?


What are the five segments of the population bell curve for diffusion of innovation?

Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards.

Aspirational Messages sell gym memberships, but it takes what to go regularly?


Golden circle shows how leaders were able to what?

Inspire action instead of manipulating people to act

What does the law of diffusion of innovations explain?

It explains the spread of ideas

What is the value of the golden circle?

It provides a way to communicate consistent with how individuals receive information

Why was the title of Dr. Kings speech remarkable?

It was I have a dream, not I have a plan

Why is an apple right for some and a PC right for others?

It's about the needs of the individual

What did mark twain say about quitting smoking?

It's the easiest thing I've ever done. I've done it hundreds of times.

Who wrote the book, crossing the chasm?

Jeffrey Moore

Who is the CEO that Steve Jobs struggled with, ultimately leading to Jobs' departure?

John Scully

What is the only way to maintain a lasting success and have a greater blend of innovation and flexibility?

Knowing your why

You can run a company, you can manage an organization, but you can only ___ people.


How did General Robinson Explain her why?

Leaving the military and country in better shape than it was found.

What part of the brain controls our gut decisions?

Limbic brain

When people are willing to turn down a better product or a better price to continue doing business with you, that is what?


What did Honoré construction implement to balance work and home life?

Mandatory windows of arriving and departing from work. Failure to meet them was removal from a bonus pool.

What renders an influencer completely inauthentic?

Manipulating the influencer through the act of incentivizing

What two ways can you influence human behavior?

Manipulation or inspiration

What is a valid strategy for driving a transaction or for any behavior that is only required once or on rare occasions?


Railroad companies might not have gone out of business if they defined themselves as what?

Mass transportation business

What product proved novelty can drive sales but not with lasting impact?

Motorola Razor

What is the thinking part of our brain?


How many people showed up for Dr. King, the day of his great speech?

None; they showed up for themselves. It is what they believed.

It's nearly impossible to hold people accountable to:


Great organizations require a very special partnership between what two types of people?

One who knows why and those who know how

When will individuals take personal risks to advance a culture or organization?

Only when they can trust

Why do we doubt ourselves when making and decision?

Our inability to verbalize the reasons

The goal is to hire people who are?

Passionate for your why and with an attitude that fits your culture

Loyal customers and employees not only reduce costs, it provides what feeling?

Peace of mind

Leadership is always about:


What is the root of office politics?

People acting within the system for self gain at the expense of others

Everything you say and do has to:

Prove what you believe

The neo cortex is responsible for what?

Rational and analytical thought and language

The heart represents the limbic, feeling part of the brain; in the mind is the what?

Rational, language center

What changes the course of industries or even society?

Real innovation

Bethune's Focus was to get the planes:

Running on time

Who said, "celebrate your successes, find some humor in your failures. Don't take yourself so seriously. Loosen up and everybody around you will loosen up."

Sam Walton

What company offered rebates limited to one per address?


Who set out in the early 1900s to be the first man to pilot an airplane?

Samual Pierpoint Langley

What other technology companies followed a similar path as TiVo?

Satellite radio providers

Knowing what decisions to make based on the filter is called?


General Robinson understood that earning trust doesn't come from impressing people, it comes from what?

Serving those that serve you

Gains from manipulations typically last long-term or short-term?

Short term

Why was Starbucks floundering after CEO Howard Schultz resigned?

Shoultz had not properly infused his why into the organization

Do we trust someone with similar values or someone that is more qualified?

Similar values

Great companies don't function like corporate entities. They exist as:

Social movements

What is a follower?

Someone who volunteers to go where the leader is going

What do aspirational tactics offer?

Something someone desires to achieve and the ability to get there more easily with a particular product or service

What business was sent checks to show support after September 11?

Southwest airlines

Organizations are looking for people to:

Stand shoulder to shoulder with them in pursuit of the same goal

What is the hardest part regarding how you do things?

Staying disciplined to your cause and holding yourself accountable

Failure to communicate what creates what?

Stress or doubt

Absent a balanced golden circle means no authenticity, which means no?

Strong relationships, which means no trust

Symbols are:

Tangible representation of a clear set of values and beliefs

Upon introduction of the iPhone, Apple did what with service providers?

Tell the service provider what the phone would do, not the other way around

What message was on the on-time bonus check for continental employees?

Thank you for helping make continental one of the best

What do the early majority need to see before trying something?

That someone else has tried it first

Those who are able to lead do so because those who follow trust what?

That the decisions made at the top have the best interest of the group at heart

What does authenticity mean?

That you're golden circle is in balance. It means everything you say and do, you actually believe

Southwest airlines was famous for pioneering what?

The 10 minute turnaround time

What does Volkswagen mean?

The People's car

What is invaluable for navigating struggle in an organization?

The ability to innovate

What offers greater confidence then I think it is right?

The ability to put why into words

Purchasing decisions and loyalty are deeply personal. They're not about the company or product, instead it's about?

The buyer themself

Southwest airline said their competition was?

The car and bus

Southwest airlines is the champion for?

The common man

What makes a company strong?

The culture; strong sense of beliefs and values that everyone shares

What feeling defines great leaders?

The feeling of "we're in this together"

The civil rights movement was grounded in what to principles?

The golden circle and law of diffusion

In the Barings bank failure, what created the conditions of the every man for himself environment?

The lack of a clear set of values and beliefs, and the weak culture that resulted

What did approach did Costco use instead of a PR department for advertising?

The law of diffusion

Who imagines the destination and who finds the route to get there?

The leader imagines and the how - types find the route

What part of the brain drives decision making?

The limbic brain

Steve Wozniak said a personal computer is a way for:

The little man to take on a corporation

What was Walmarts philosophy on giving back?

The more you give to employees, customers, and the community, the more they all would give back to Walmart.

The story of Sneetches captured what basic human need?

The need to belong

Why exists in what part of the brain?

The part that controls feelings in decision-making but not language

What's exist in what part of the brain?

The part that controls rational thought and language

The why for an individual or organization comes from?

The past. It is born out of the upbringing and life experiences of an individual or small group.

What gives the Trapeze artist confidence?

The safety net, which provides trust

When communicating from the inside out, the why is the reason to buy and the what serves as?

The tangible proof of that believe

Authenticity happens at?

The what level

Anyone within an organization can make a decision as clearly and Accurately as the founder if what?

The why is clearly stated in the organization

What are the dangers of manipulations?

They actually work

Southwest, Apple, and the Wright brothers were able to succeed for what same reasons?

They believed they could and trusted their people

What was different about Japanese auto making processes from the Americans?

They engineered the outcome they wanted from the very beginning

People naturally excel at their work when?

They feel that their work makes a difference

What made apple special?

They were able to repeat the pattern over and over

What do employees do without managed trust?

They will worry only about themselves

What things did Bethune Want to measure?

Things employees could truly control

Who said "I didn't find a way to make a lightbulb, I found 1000 ways how not to make one."

Thomas Edison

Though positive in nature, aspirational messages are most effective with who?

Those who lack discipline or have a nagging fear or insecurity that they do not have the ability to achieve their dreams on their own

What failed company targeted mass market appeal and ignored the law of the fusion?


Apples why is:

To challenge the status quo and to empower the individual

What is the role of a leader?

To create in environment in which great ideas can happen

The goal of business should not be to sell something, but rather what?

To find people who believe what you believe, the left side of the bell curve

After clarity, Discipline, and consistency, what is the final step?

To keep it all in the right order

What was general motors bold goal?

To lead the American automotive industry in market share

What is the goal of this book?

To offer you the cause of action

Value by definition is?

Transference of trust

Only when the why is clear and when people believe what you believe, can a true loyal relationship develops. True or false


Ted and song airlines were also cheap fun and simple. But both failed. True or false?


True or false: A why is just a belief. Hows are the actions you take to realize that belief. And whats are the results of those actions.


True or false: great leaders are able to inspire people to act


We can all learn to lead - True or false


We read books attend conferences listen to podcasts and ask friends and colleagues for advice - all with the purpose of finding out more so we can figure out what to do or how to act. True or false?


Bethune made significant changes that improved one area specifically:


What is more important to the company: skill set or trust?


Understanding what, gives greater ability to hire people will naturally thrive when working with you?

Understanding how

For values are guiding principles to be truly effective they have to be:


What is the difference between a vision statement and a mission statement?

Vision is why, mission is how

With Disney, who is the why-type visionary and who was the how-type?

Walt was the why, and Roy was the how

What other side affect did Honoré construction's schedule constraints have?

Wasted time dropped to a minimum and productivity increased

If a company miss treats their people then?

Watch how the employees treat their customers

Was it the details of Dr. King's plans that people followed him? Or was it what he believed and his ability to communicate it clearly?

What he believed and his ability to communicate it clearly

What is definition of WHY?

What is your purpose, cause or belief? Why does your company exist? Why do you get out of bed every morning? Why should anyone care?

Products or not just symbols of what the company believes, they also are symbols of what?

What loyal buyers believe

Great leaders and great organizations are good at seeing what?

What most of us cannot see

Describe the golden circle.

What on the outside; how in the middle; and why at the center.

No matter how clear your why is, The whole thing fails if:

What you do doesn't work

How is success guaranteed?

When employees belong to the cause

Bethune Said he "made the steaks something the employees would:

When or lose on together, not separately

When does trust begin to break down?

When the golden circle is not a balance

How do you great organizations become great?

When the people inside the organization feel protected

Describe the split.

When why levels off over time as what become most important.

Products with a clear sense of why give people a way to tell the world what?

Who they are and what they believe

Imbalance is produced in manipulations thrive when what is absent?


Instead of asking what should we do to compete, what should be asked?

Why did we start doing what we're doing in the first place, and what can we do to bring the cause to life?

Why is a ___, hows are ___, and Whats are the ___.

Why is just a belief, how's are the actions we take to realize that believe, and what's are the results of those actions.

Why is a ___; Hows are the ___; and whats are the ___.

Why is just a belief; Hows are the actions we take to realize that believe; and whats are the results of those actions

People will do more than their job if they are constantly reminded of what?

Why the organization exists

If companies don't know why customers are their customers, odds are that they don't know what?

Why their employees are their employees either

It's not that people don't know what they do, it's that they have trouble explaining:

Why they do what they do

People don't buy what you do, they buy what?

Why you do it

What you do can change with the times but ___ never does.

Why you do it

Authenticity is achieved when?

Why, how, and what are in balance

What types of people are visionaries, with over active imaginations?


What is the school bus test?

Will the organization continue to thrive if the founder/leader was hit by a school bus?

Learning the why of a company or an organization Always starts with one thing:


What did Herb Kelleher say about hiring?

You don't hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills.

When an organization defines it's self by what it does then that is:

all it will ever be able to do

Trust is earned by:

communicating and demonstrating that you share the same values and believes.

No one wins when ____ are the norm.


Rational decisions tend to:

take longer and can often be lower quality.

Great leaders understand the value in:

things we cannot see

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