Test 4

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What process or enzyme was used for Step 1 in the accompanying figure?

a restriction enzyme

Why is it unlikely that genetically engineered strains of bacteria would pose a threat to the environment?

Genetically engineered strains of bacteria are poor competitors of wild strains.

The discovery of fossils of whale intermediates suggest that whales evolved from:

four-legged, land dwelling mammals.

Arrange the following going from the earliest to the most recent according to the time they evolved from a common ancestor.

1, 4, 2, 5, 3

What is the land mass labeled as 2 in the accompanying figure?


Which of the following diseases is a DNA virus?


Bacteria methylate their DNA in order to:

protect it from restriction enzymes.

Retroviruses make ____ by the process of ____.

DNA copies of RNA; reverse transcription

The chain termination method of DNA sequencing was developed by:


Before an animal cell's membrane fuses with a virus, the virus must first:

attach to a specific receptor on the plasma membrane of the host cell.

The results in the accompanying figure support the conclusion that:

natural selection can occur in guppies within a few generations.

Refer to the accompanying figure. The use of antibiotic medium at the end of this process:

selects for bacteria containing plasmids.

Southern blotting is a process where ____ is transferred from a gel to a ____where a probe can be applied.

DNA; nitrocellulose filter

DNA ligase links two ____ DNA fragments by ____ bonds.

linear; covalent

Which are evolutionary modifications that improve the survival and reproductive success of an organism?


Refer to the accompanying figure. An important adaptation for all primates resulting from the structure labeled as A is:

clinging to branches of trees.

The genome of most plant viruses consists of what kind of RNA?


The modern human skull lacks which primate feature?

supraorbital ridges

Individual species will continually evolve as a result of which evolutionary mechanism?

Natural Selection

Where would you most likely find fossilized remains of humans and their immediate ancestors?

only in relatively young rock

The use of organisms to develop useful products is called:


Which example best illustrates homoplasy?

bird wings and insect wings

Refer to the accompanying figure. The structure labeled as 2 is homologous with the structure labeled as:


Which statement about radioisotopes is FALSE?

Carbon-14 is typically used to date sedimentary rock.

Mad cow disease is an example of an infection caused by a:


Viral proteins can damage host cells by which process?

overwhelming the host cell with a large number of viruses.

The total DNA in a cell is referred to as the:


Which hypothesis asserts that viruses are remnants of cellular organisms and evolved from small cells that were parasites in larger cells?

regressive hypothesis

What is the land mass labeled as 1 in the accompanying figure?


The hominoid genus Pongo includes which animals?


The specificity of viruses to different types of cells is due to ____ sites on the host cell.


The five stages of a lytic infection are attachment, penetration, __________, assembly, and release.


Viroids cause a variety of plant diseases and are composed only of:

Strands of RNA

Which statement about viruses is FALSE?

Viruses can manufacture proteins.

A detectable variation in the genomes of different individuals of a population is known as:

a polymorphism.

What is the shared primate characteristic depicted in the accompanying figure?

an opposable thumb

Which of the following would be least likely to form a fossil?

an organism in the tropical rain forest

What type of conversion occurs when a bacterium carrying viral genes takes on new, atypical characteristics?


Which has an unusual characteristic in that their circular DNA does not have genes for making the proteins needed to replicate and produce new viruses?


What is an example of a limit on population growth, and proposed by Darwin to be a mechanism of evolution by natural selection?


Based on data in the accompanying table, which of the primates listed below is the most distantly related to humans?

rhesus monkey

The earliest fossils of anatomically modern H. sapiens in Europe and most parts of Asia date to:

~40,000 years ago.

Refer to the accompanying figure. The average weight of a female guppy in the experimental group is:

190 mg.

Which pair correctly matches two homoplastic features in the accompanying figure?

2 and 7

Which of the following identifies a group of RNA viruses?


Which is an example of convergent evolution?

The elongated snouts of aardvarks, anteaters, and pangolins

Splicing together DNA from two different organisms is known as:

recombinant DNA technology.

An organism in which foreign genes have been incorporated is called a:

transgenic organism.

What is the purpose of phage therapy?

To target specific bacteria in the body and destroy them

Evolution is genetic change in ____ that occurs over time.

a population

Scientific evidence in the field of developmental biology overwhelmingly demonstrates that development in different animals is controlled by the same kinds of:


In the field of plant transgenics, the use of the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens has proven useful because the bacterium:

is able to transfer a plasmid into host plant cells.

Australopithecus was the first hominin to feature which distinguishing characteristic?

sexual dimorphism

The ____ classification system classifies viruses based on the type of nucleic acid the virus contains.


Which is the study of past and present distributions of organisms on Earth?


Whose findings of evolution by natural selection were presented with those of Darwin?

Alfred Wallace

Refer to the accompanying figure. What is the function of the structure labeled as 3?

Attachment to a host cell

The immediate ancestors of the genus Homo belonged to which genus?


What is the protein coat of a virus called?


What are the viruses that attack bacteria?


Who is credited with the discovery of prions as a new biological principle of infection?

Stanley Prusiner

Which suborder do Tarsiers belong?


ossil evidence shows that giraffes living 1000 years ago had much shorter necks than the giraffes seen today. Which statement best explains this observation?

The giraffes acquired longer necks through the continuing process of natural selection.

You have identified a new mammal species. You are surprised to find that it has a pelvis, but there is no evidence the species has legs. What can you conclude about this animal's structure?

The pelvis is a vestigial structure.

What is the evolutionary relationship between a human arm and a cat's leg?

They are homologous structures.

Four of the following ideas are consistent with Darwinian evolution. Which one is the exception?

Traits acquired during an individual's life are passed on to its offspring.

The genetic code is sometimes called "universal," meaning that all organisms share the same:

coding mechanism

A chromosome library is a collection of all of the DNA:

contained in one chromosome.

The bacterium that causes botulism disease is harmless until it:

contains a certain prophage DNA.

What mechanism would explain how fossils of the same organism can be found in parts of Africa and South America?

continental drift

Which is a symptom of a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)?

degeneration of the brain and central nervous system

Paleoanthropological evidence indicates that Australopithecus afarensis probably:

did not construct tools nor used fire.

What is the correct unit of measurement for the size of most viruses?


According to the progressive hypothesis, viruses may have originated as mobile genetic elements such as:


Viral infections in humans spread via the circulatory system. Viral infections in plants spread from cell to cell via:


During the 1920s to 1940s, biologists combined Mendelian genetics with Darwin's theory to form a unified explanation of evolution that is referred to as:

the modern synthesis.

Bacteriophages are:

viruses that infect bacteria.

Evidence shows that humans began to cultivate crops from approximately ____ years ago.


Refer to the accompanying figure. The common hominoid ancestor would be found at which position in the diagram?


The FBI currently determines an individual's DNA profile using:

13 STR markers.

Which structure of the virus in the accompanying figure is the capsid?


In the accompanying figure, which groups are representatives of hominoids?

5 through 9

____ is a technique that can be used to separate DNA molecules on the basis of their size.


The oldest known anthropoid fossil is ____, found in China and Myanmar.


Who is responsible for the first concept regarding the passing on traits or characteristics that were acquired during the lifetime of an organism to its offspring?

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

The polymerase chain reaction was developed by:

Kary Mullis

Which of the following statements characterizes PCR?

PCR replicates specific DNA sequences.

Mammals evolved from mammal-like ____ known as therapsids more than 200 mya.


What purpose do restriction enzymes play in bacterial cells?

Restriction enzymes attack bacteriophage DNA when it enters the cell.

The amplification of recombinant plasmids occurs by:

the process of growth and division of the host cell.

Neanderthals appeared how many years ago?


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