Types of diffusion

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Migration diffusion

A brief relocation of an idea/innovation to a specific place. Example: storm fears in a town, shrimp fest, obsession with pop band, Black Friday, October fest, Macy parade, what does the fox say song, it's Friday song.

Spatial diffusion

Spread of any phenomenon across space. Example: diseases, Columbian exchange, musical preferences.

Cultural diffusion

Spread of people's culture across space involving more than one group. Example: religion, technology, literature, philosophy, government.

Hierarchical diffusion (type of expansion diffusion)

Spreads from a place of power/fame to another level. example: fashion trends to big cities before rulral, famous hair style, Oprah effect.

Relocation diffusion (Second major type of diffusion)

The person spreading the idea/innovation must actually move from the point of origin to a new place. Example: the spread of Christianity to other places by the people, missionaries travel to other countries to teach ideas in religion to those less unfortunate.

Expansion diffusion (One of the major types of diffusion)

Idea/innovation spread outward to new places while staying strong in its original hearth. Doesn't require the originators to move Example: spread of Islam from Saudi Arabia to other areas around the middle east.

Contagious diffusion (Type of expansion diffusion)

Opposite of hierarchical which doesn't discriminate and happens rapidly. Example: popular YouTube video, a disease that can attack all individuals.

Stimulus diffusion (type of expansion diffusion)

Part of idea diffuses from original hearth out with some traits accepted, but others rejected and changed by new adopters. Example: sweet tea was change from ice tea, McDonald's menu options around the world.


Process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another

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