US History Final

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nation accused of sponsoring terrorism


conservative Republican nominee for president in 1964

Barry Goldwater

The Reagan administration's amnesty program of 1986 was intended to solve the problem of

unauthorized immigration

___________, a disease that weakens the immune system and lowers resistance to illnesses, became an epidemic during that 1980s.


Less than a month after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States invaded _______________, the country that had sheltered Osama Bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda members


In January 1991, The United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf for what reason?

Because Iraq invaded Kuwait

Why did Al Gore challenge the Florida state law that set a deadline to certify election results?

Because it was clear that all votes did not get counted for the recount

Protestant minister who built a national following by the late 1970s

Billy Graham

The Dayton Accords was an agreement intended to bring peace to


Despite strong opposition from many Republicans and the National Rifle Association, the Democrats in Congress passed a gun-control law known as the

Brady Bill

In May 1989, students and workers held demonstrations calling for democracy in


TRUE OR FALSE: Hillary Clinton was Barack Obama's running mate in the 2008 presidential election

FALSE; JOE BIDEN was Barack Obama's running mate in the 2008 presidential election

TRUE OR FALSE: President Clinton opposed new gun control laws

FALSE; President Clinton SUPPORTED new gun-control laws

TRUE OR FALSE: President Reagan believed that the United States should oppose guerrilla groups fighting to overthrown Communist or pro-Soviet governments, an approach that came to be known as the Reagan Doctrine

FALSE; President Reagan believed that the United States should SUPPORT guerrilla groups fighting to overthrown Communist or pro-Soviet governments, an approach that came to be known as the Reagan Doctrine

The 2000 presidential election was determined by the contested results of


the state that determined the winner of the 2000 presidential election


"openness" allowing more freedom of religion and speech in the Soviet Union


The process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected is called


Which nation allowed the United States to attack Iraq from its territory in 2003?

Great Britain

a country from which many legal immigrants came


The "axis of evil" was comprised of

Iran, Iraq, and North Korea

first African American to make a serious run for a presidential nomination

Jesse Jackson

John Kerry's running mate in 2004

John Edward

In 2005 ____________________ became the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

John Jay Roberts

Chief Justice appointed by George W Bush

John Roberts

the first Jewish American vice-presidential candidate for a major political party

Joseph Lieberman

In 2003 ______________ took command of peacekeeping efforts in Afghanistan


chief figure in the Iran-Contra scandal who admitted to covering up illegal actions

Oliver North

While President George H W Bush struggled to deal with events in Eastern Europe and Asia and


policy of supporting guerrilla groups fighting Communist or pro-Soviet governments

Reagan Doctorine

President Reagan encouraged the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates and asked Congress to pass a massive tax cut, in what critics called


a plan nicknamed "Star Wars" to develop weapons that could destroy incoming missiles

SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

The leader of Iraq who was tried and executed for ordering mass executions was

Saddam Hussein

Who sent his army to invade oil-rich Kuwait in August 1990?

Saddam Hussein

dictator overthrown by the United States-led forces in 2003

Saddam Hussein

first woman on the Supreme Court, appointed by President Reagan

Sandra Day O'Connor

John McCain selected ________________ to be running mate in the 2008 presidential campaign

Sarah Palin

TRUE OR FALSE: The 2000 election was one of the closest in American history; Bush won the popular vote


TRUE OR FALSE: The Al-Qaeda organization was initially founded to fight the Soviet Union in Iraq


TRUE OR FALSE: The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 marked the beginning of the end of the colonial war


TRUE OR FALSE: The US Supreme Court ruled that the vote recount in Florida for the 2000 presidential election violated that Constitution's equal protection clause


TRUE OR FALSE: The attack on September 11, 2001 killed nearly 3,000 people


TRUE OR FALSE: The economic expansion that nation experienced during Reagan's first term as president made him very popular, contributing to his reelection in 1984


The Islamic fundamentalist group called the __________controlled Afghanistan at the time of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon


regime that held power in Afghanistan and sheltered Osama Bin Laden


What had its roots in a computer networking system established by an agency of the S. Defense Department

The Internet

What would be an advantage of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from factories and power plants?

The increase in average world temperature would be stopped

Which statement about Hurricane Katrina is true?

The mayor of NOLA was slow to order a evacuation of the city

Why did the United States attack Afghanistan and defeat its Taliban government?

They supported and sheltered Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda

The Bush administration claimed that procedures regarding the treatment of prisoners specified in the Geneva Convention did not apply to terrorists because

They were not part of any nations armed forces

location of pro-democracy demonstrations violently crushed by the Chinese government in 1989

Tiananmen Square

In 1975 entrepreneur Ted Turner launched the television station ___________


software that enabled Internet users to click links to jump from Web site to Web site

Web Browser

worked to spread conservative ideas to a wider audience by founding the magazine National Review

William F Buckley

Which of the following was a result of the Immigration Act of 1965?

abolished national origins quota system

In the 1970's, the federal government began deregulating the ____________industry, leading to the rise of competing phone companies


The Telecommunications Act passed in 1996 changed the telecommunications industry by

allowing cable companies to offer telephone service

programs that pardoned undocumented immigrants, allowing them to stay in the United States


in an approach to economic policy that came to be called "Reaganomics," President Ronald Reagan sought to keep interest rates high while

asking Congress to pass a huge tax cut

The rapid economic growth of the 1980's and the cultural emphasis on accumulating wealth was partly caused by

baby boom

American public opinion split over whether unauthorized immigrants should be allowed to

be in school

The recession that began in 1990 was caused in part by the end of he cold war, because the United States

began reducing its armed forces and cancelling orders for military equipment

paid by businesses and investors when they sell stocks or real estate for a profit

capital gains tax

wireless digital technology made it possible to miniaturize these devices

cell phones

chemical used in air conditioners and refrigerators that could potentially deplete the earth's atmosphere


While liberals generally believe that the government should help disadvantaged Americans through social programs, many conservatives believe that social problems can be solved through

commitment to a religious faith and through the efforts of churches, individuals, and communications to help those in need

In 1977 Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs introduced that Apple II, the first practical and affordable ___________ for personal use


The USA Patriot act is an antiterrorist bill that allows the government to

conduct secret searches of suspects, wiretap suspects, and track internet communications

program of 10 proposed changes that helped Republicans win the majority in both houses of Congress in 1994?

contract of America

In a scandal that tainted President Reagan's second term in office, money from the secret sale of weapons to Iran was given to the

contras in Nicaragua

the tax cut President Reagan won from Congress would increase the budget deficit, so Reagan proposed________ to keep the deficit under control

cutting social programs

In 2005, the Iraqi people were able to participate in the country's first free ____________


The central message of H. Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign was to

end deficit spending

A prolem Clinton faced in trying to reduce the federal deficit was that it was not easy to cut funding for____________________ because so many people relied on them

entitlement programs

a problem Clinton faced in trying to reduce the federal deficit was

entitlement programss

policy of the Serbs to brutally expel Bosnian Muslims from the region

ethnic cleansing

the largest religious group within the social conservative movement that formed by the late 1970's was

evangelical, protestant Christians

As cable television spread across the country in the late 1970's and 1980's, many of the new networks that appeared specialized in one type of broadcasting or

focusing on specific audiences

President Clinton spent much of his time during the second term on

foreign policy matters

Iraqi insurgents have used several tactics to fight coalition forces, including

freezing financial assets inside Iraq

environmental threat that could lead to droughts

global warming

President Reagan encouraged and promoted deregulation because he believed that

government regulations were excessive and hurt the economy

President Clinton did not submit the Kyoto Protocol to the Senate for ratification because

he knew most senators opposed it

One of President Obama's priorities while in office was to expand and reform the


The George H W Bush administration maintained that the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay were not covered by the Geneva Conventions because they were _________________, not suspects charged with a crime

illegal enemy combatants

Reagan's first act as president was to sign an executive order eliminating price controls on oil and gasoline, and

imports and exports

the department of homeland security was created to coordinate efforts to

improve security at home

The collapse of the Soviet Union's economy that began in the late 1980s was caused by

inefficient central planning and huge expenditures in the arms race

China became an important factor in the world trade because

its huge population offered a potential market for African goods

To raise money for starving people in Ethiopia, singer Bob Geldof organized a series of concerts around the world called

live aid

An economic recession was sparked in 2007 when many people with low incomes or poor credit began __________and housing prices began to fall

losing their jobs

Several nations agreed to phase out the production of CFC's after seeing evidence of a hole in the _____layer above Antarctica


"restructuring" allowing some private enterprises and profit making in the Soviet Union


restructuring plan instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980s to save the Soviet economy


charge of lying under oath included in Clinton impeachment articles


IBM's first compact computer

personal computer

term used by presidential candidate Jesse Jackson for a broad group of minorities and the poor

rainbow coalition

A UN Resolution set a deadline for Iraq to take several actions including

readmitting weapon inspectors and declaring its weapons of mass and destruction

the 2010 Midterm election resulted in

republicans regaining control of the house but not the senate

Hurricane Katrina caused large amounts of damage to New Orleans because

rising waters breached the levees that protected the city

Although liberals tend to favor government intervention in the economy, they are generally suspicious of attempts to use the government to regulate

social behavior

Members of the new conservative coalition that had come together by the late 1970's were united by a common belief that

society had lost its way

As Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were creating Apple, 19-year-old Harvard dropout Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft to design PC


Which of the following developments was necessary for conservatives to build a coalition that could elect a president?

southerners began shifting their votes to the Republican Party

In the 2000 presidential campaign, both Al Gore and George W Bush promised to

spend the huge federal budget surplusses

The goal of the Kyoto Protocol was to

stabilize greenhouse concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous changes to the world's climate

_______________, television stations that sold low-cost sports and entertainment programs via satellite to cable companies throughout the nation, changed broadcasting in the late 1970's and 1980's

super stations

ideas that high taxes weaken the economy by taking money away from investors

supply side economics

For many Americans, the conservative idea that the government had become to big meant simply that

taxes were too high

In late December 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the end of

the Soviet Union

In February 2009, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which aimed to

to fund medicaid and medical healthcare

Due to the economic recession, by 2009 the ________rate was up to 7.2%


In the case of Hamdan v Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court ruled that the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay violated the

uniform code for military justice and the Geneva conventions

The strong economic growth of the 1980 mostly benefited

upper and middle class

Which of the following entertainment technologies changed television viewing hab as well as the movie industry in the 1980s

video set recorders

the United States sent military aid to the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan because

war planes bombed Taliban forces

The portion of the nation's wealth earned by the __________5 percent of Americans began to rise in the late 1980s


A UN resolution set a deadline for Iraq to take several actions including declaring its weapons of mass destruction and readmitting ______________

weapon inspectors

A __________ serves as a place for people to share stories and photos on the Internet


The United States Supreme Court ruled that the hand recounts of ballots

were not valid

In the 2006 midterm elections, it became clear that voters were unhappy with the president and the Republican Congress when

Democrats won a majority in both the House and the Senate

To protect Americans from further attacks by terrorists, a new cabinet agency, the ______________________, was established

Department of Homeland Security

secretary of defense who resigned in 2006

Donald Rumsfield

TRUE OR FALSE: Believers in supply-side economics supported higher taxes, allowing businesses and investors to use extra capital on new investments

FALSE; Believers in supported LOWER taxes, allowing businesses and investors to use extra capital on new investments

TRUE OR FALSE: In 2008 Barack Obama became the first African American to run for president

FALSE; In 1972 SHIRLEY CHISHOLM became the first African American to run for president

TRUE OR FALSE: In 1995 the federal government was shut down after President Clinton was impeached

FALSE; In 1995 the federal government was shut down after President Clinton and Republican Congress had disputes on healthcare and Medicaid

Which nation allowed the United states to attack Iraq from its territory in 2003?

Great Britain

island nation invaded by the United States in 1983


During the Clinton presidency, US troops served as peacekeepers in


elected president of Afghanistan's first democratic election

Hamid Karzai

one of the states with the highest populations of foreign-born residents


punished employers who hired illegal imigrants

Immigration Reform and Control Act

Which act granted a pardon to undocumented immigrants already living in the United States

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

early computer operating system developed for the PC


allowed people fleeing communism entry into the United States as refugees

McCarran-Walter Act

George W Bush convinced Congress to enact a program that allows people over the age of 65 to sign up for insurance to help cover the cost of ___________


The top five nations of origin for legal immigrants to the United States include

Mexico, India, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam

conservative movement founded by evangelical minister Jerry Faldwell

Moral Majorit

movement founded by Jerry Faldwell that backed conservative candidates and issues

Moral Majority

During the 1980's _______________citizens became vocal in the political arena, especially about issues such as Social Security and Medicare


President Reagan began a massive buildup of the US military, in part because he believed that

Soviet defense spending caused communist system to collapse

Southern and Western regions of the United States


TRUE OR FALSE: Clinton's AmeriCorps program put students to work improving low-income housing teaching children to read, and cleaning up the environment


TRUE OR FALSE: Clinton's healthcare reform plan died without ever coming to a vote in Congress


TRUE OR FALSE: In 2008 the Republicans nominated Vietnam veteran Mitt Romney as their candidate for president


TRUE OR FALSE: In Bush v Gore, the Supreme Court ruled that Florida's hand recount of votes was unconstitutional because different vote counters used different standards and, thus, did not treat every voter equally


TRUE OR FALSE: John McCain selected Condeleezza Rice to be his running mate in the 2008 presidential campaign


TRUE OR FALSE: President Bush pushed Congress to approve a $700 billion bailout of financial institutions


TRUE OR FALSE: President Clinton convinced Congress to grant China permanent normal trade relation status


TRUE OR FALSE: President Reagan believed that cutting taxes and building up the military were more important than balancing the budget


laying off workers and managers to increase a company's efficiency


Americans responded quickly to the attacks on September 11, 2001 by

helped affected families, donating money, and volunteering

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996

made several changes to US Immigration law

The United States invaded Iraq because it was believed that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of ____________

mass destruction

result of immigration policy that favored the children, spouses, and parents of the US citizens

migration chains

During the administration of George W Bush, the ___________agency began wiretapping some domestic telephone calls to overseas locations

national security

The American economy rapidly in the 1980s for several reasons, including lower taxes that spurred investment and spending, new technology that create new business opportunities, and

new methods of retailing that lowered prices

led to the spread of Western ideas in the Middle East

oil industry

Those who opposed the United States joining the World Trade Organization worried that

the US would have to accept rulings in trade disputes that might hurt the ecconomy

In the period after NAFTA passed

the american workers shifted to more skilled jobs

Criticism of the government's response to Hurricane Katrina led to

the dismissal of the head of FEMA

Unlike most liberals, conservatives tend to be fundamentally distrustful of the power of

the government

In one of the first tests of the Obama administration, a massive oil spill in 2010 caused major environmental damage in

the gulf of mexico

During his presidency, Reagan launched the largest peacetime buildup of

the military

The USA Patriot Act of 2001 put immigration under the control of

the newly created Department of Homeland Security

Opposition to Clinton's health care plan came from many groups, including small business owners who believed that the plan

would be too expensive for them

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