US History Unit 4 "The Americans"

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Who supported the federalist party?

favored by business bankers, large merchants

What was the federalist party's philosophy?

favored protective tariffs (tax) to protect U.S. Manufactures

What did Washington mention about permanent alliances in his farewell speech?

He warned against U.S. developing permanent alliances with other countries.

Missouri Compromise

brokered by Hanry Clay in 1820, it kept balance in congress between free and slave states; changes missouri to a slave state and Maine to slave state

What were the attacks on Adams?

He was trying to get his daughter marry into the British Royal family in order to be in the royal bloodline, too pro British, aristocrat, who's intent to enslaving common man

What were the Sedition Acts?

Made it a crime to "print, utter. Or publish any false, scandalous or malicious writing" about the government.

John Calhoun

"mouth of the south", Jacksons vp before he resigned over the nullifiocation crisis

Lewis and Clark Expedition

1804-1806 - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were commissioned by Jefferson to map and explore the Louisiana Purchase region. Beginning at St. Louis, Missouri, the expedition traveled up the Missouri River to the Great Divide, and then down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. It produced extensive maps of the area and recorded many scientific discoveries, greatly facilitating later settlement of the region and travel to the Pacific coast.

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of the United States, the president of the United States during the time of the Louisiana Purchase(1801-1809); he was a diplomat and knew how much America needed New Orleans; he wanted to avoid war but knew that if France didn't agree, he would have to rely on Britain; so he then sent Robert Livingston with James Monroe to negotiate with France for New Orleans

Who were the winners in the election of 1796?

Adams wins election by 3 electoral, Jefferson becomes Vice- President

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Allowed the government to forcibly expel foreigners and to jail newspapers editors for "scandalous and malicious writing." The acts were purely political, aimed at destroying the Democratic-Republicans, whom the Federalists held in deep contempt.

What was the sale of the Louisiana Purchase and Jefferson's reservations about purchase?

April 1803 Napoleon decides to sell Louisiana to the U.S- may 1803 U.S. for 15 million dollars - this purchase doubled the size of the U.S.

War of 1812

Called the second revolutionary war. Causes: Natives siding with the British, The British STILL in the west, shipping woes. The War Hawks: Southerners and Westerners who were eager for war with Britain. They had a strong sense of nationalism, and they wanted to takeover British land in North America and expand.

Which party gained power in Congress?

Democratic-Republicans took power in Congress

Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney was American inventor who developed the cotton gin. Also contributed to the concept of interchangeable parts that were exactly alike and easily assembled or exchanged.

Who ran in the election of 1800?

Federalist- John Adams, Charles Pickney Dem-Rep- Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr

What were the attacks on Jefferson?

Federalists called him an atheist, too pro french, did not pay his debts, avoided military services, would emancipate all slaves during Revolutionary War.

Who were the candidates of the election of 1796?

Federalists- John Adams and Thomas Pickney Dem.-Reps- Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr

National Road

First national road building project funded by Congress. It made travel and transportation of goods much easier because it was one continuous road that was in good condition. Route 40. Things on the National Road: Conestoga Wagons, Wagon Stands, Stagecoaches,livery stables.

What is meant by judicial review?

Has the right of the Supreme Court to declare cts of Congress unconstitutional

Why was Jefferson worried about France taking control of Louisiana?

He felt that France posed a threat to U.S. Interests

What did Washington mention about debt in his farewell speech?

He said States that Government should " avoid the accumulation of debt" did not believe future generation should not have to pay off debt that they did not create.

What did Washington mention about political parties in his farewell speech?

He said Warned against political parties. Said, " disputes between them would weaken the government" Result in " jealousies is and false alarms."

Why did Jefferson wanted access to Mississippi River and New Orleans?

He wanted access for commercial (business) purposes

Results of War of 1812

Huge surge of nationalism. Andrew Jackson becomes a war hero which pushes him into the presidency. He changes the complexion of democracy. Federalists die out. U.S. gains foreign respect. Industrialization Revolution starts.

Whiskey Rebellion

In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion.

What were the known problems with France?

In France officials demand a bribe and a loan to France before they will agree negotiate

Northwest Territory

Includes states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota

Where did the election was decided in the election of 1800?

It was decided by the House Of Representatives

What was Jefferson's reaction to the French Revolution?

Jefferson reaction was that " the most sacred cause ever man was engaged in."


Led by Alexander Hamilton, the Federalists believed in a strong central government, loose interpretation, and encouraged commerce and manufacturing. They were staunch supporters of the Constitution during ratification and were a political force during the early years of the United States. The Federalist influence declined after the election of Republican Thomas Jefferson to the presidency.

Democratic Republicans

Led by Thomas Jefferson,the Democratic Republicans believed people should have political power, favored strong state governments, emphasized agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, pro-French, opposed National Bank.

When were the Alien and Sedition Acts passed?

Passed because Federalist feared Dem- Rep. criticism of their policies and feared aliens in U.S. would help the French if war broke out between France + U.S.

Indian Removal Act

Passed in 1830, authorized Andrew Jackson to negotiate land-exchange treaties with tribes living east of the Mississippi. The treaties enacted under this act's provisions paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West.

What was Washington's neutrality proclamation in response to Revolutionary war?

President Washington refused to take sides in war issues" neutrality Proclamation" which said U.S. remains toward all nations at war in Europe.

What were the Alien Acts?

Raised residence requirements for citizenship from 5 years to 14 years. Also authorized President to deport aliens and permitted arrest of aliens during wartime.

What did he do to military during Jefferson's presidency?

Reduced Army from 4,000 to 320 and stopped all new constitution of ships

Indian Removal Act

Removal of indians from southern states and then forced them onto reservations in the midwest

Nullification Crisis

Southerners declared federal protective tariffs null and void, Jackson responded with Force bill and suggested compromising over tariff; John C Calhoun was a big advocate

Where it was it strongest for the federalist party?

Strong in New England, middle states

Louisiana Purchase

The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of Mississippi trade route and doubled its size.

Spoils System

The spoils system was a method of appointing officials to the government of the United States of America based on political connections rather than on impersonal measures of merit. The name was derived from the phrase "to the victor go the spoils". It was a tactic used by Andrew Jackson in his presidency


They believed that the common man could make good decisions if provided with the proper information and that power in the hands of a few would corrupt America. They feared a large bureaucracy. They believed that an agricultural society of small, independent farmers would lead the nation to prosperity and in laissez-faire. Also, they had a narrow interpretation of the Constitution. This party included artisans, shopkeepers, and frontier settlers.

Who won in the election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson won the Presidency Aaron Burr won the Vice Presidency

What was the Democratic-Republican philosophy?

To preserve the power of state Gov. over federal government, Believed that power should be held by the common people,

What land was obtained by the U.S. by the Louisiana Purchase?

Western Florida and New Orleans were purchased from France and doubled the size of the U.S.

Monroe Doctrine

a doctrine which stated that further efforts made by European powers made to colonize in the Americas or interfere with the independence of emerging Latin America the United States would meet them with military forces. In return, U.S will not colonize in Europe

Erie Canal

an artificial waterway connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo, aka. "Dewitt Clintons 'big ditch"

Industrial Revolution

the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation

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