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Orbicularis oculi- function

-Closes the eye -Winking.

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi- function

An elevator to the medial upper lip.

Depressor anguli oris-location

Attaches to the corners of the mouth and is oriented inferiorly and medially.

Orbicularis oculi- location

Circular muscle surrounding the eye

Orbicularis oris- location

Circular muscle surrounding the lips

Orbicularis oris- function

Closes mouth, compresses and protrudes the lips (the kissing muscle!)

Nasalis- function

Compresses & dilates nostrils

Depressor septor nasi- function

Constricts + opens nostrils

Occipitalis- function

Draws back scalp, wrinkles forehead

Corrugator supercilii- function

Draws eyebrows together

Depressor anguli oris- function

It draws the corners of the mouth down and medially (a 'sad' muscle).

Buccinator- function

It presses the cheeks against the back teeth chewing (mastication) Prevents food accum. in area

Zygomatic major- function

draws mouth angle upward and outward

Orbicularis oris- structure

either single muscle or pairs -superior -inferior

Levator anguli oris- function

elevates the corner of the mouth- pulls it medially

Levator anguli oris- location

hidden beneath Levator labii superiors.

Platysma- function

depress mandible draws lips down tenses skin of lower face + neck

Mentalis- function

depresses the lower lip (pulls it out)

Procerus- location

Above the nose

Procerus- function

pulls eyebrows downward

Risorius- function

Retracts corners of the mouth.

Zygomatic major- location

(larger) and lateral to zygomatic minor

Depressor septor nasi- location

Either side of nasal septum

Temporalis- function

Elevates and retracts mandible assists in side to side movement of mandible

Masseter- function

Elevates mandible when chewing and slightly protracts it

Buccinator- location

Found deep to risorius and zygomatic major. Runs from corner of mouth to PGM ligament.

Masseter- location

From lower mandible to cheekbone

Buccinator + Risorius- function

Help keep food on the molars during chewing.


Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Levator Labii Superioris Zygomatic minor

Nasalis- location

On the nose

Corrugator supercilii- location

Posterior to obicularis oculi

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi- location

Runs down the side of the nose to the medial upper lip.

Depressor anguli oris- location

Runs from mandible to corner of mouth.

Orbicularis oris- type of muscle?

Sphincter muscle round- maintains constriction

Risorius- location

Superficial to the buccinator runs from corner of the mouth and angling --slightly upwards to masseter

Mentalis- location

a small muscle in the most medial section of the lower jaw

Depressor labii inferioris- function

and draws the lower lip downwards

Depressor labii inferioris- location

attaches from the mandible to the lower lip pulls the lips downward and out

Zygomatic minor- location

lateral to levator labii superioris

Levator labii superioris- location

lateral to levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Levator labii superioris- function

lip elevator

Zygomatic minor- function

lip elevator

Platysma- location

superficial muscle sheet, extends from inferior border of lower jaw down + across most of neck region.

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