8: Group Cohesion

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The more cohesive a group is, the greater its pressure to _____ to the attitudes and behaviors of the group. Highly cohesive groups demonstrate a greater conformity to the group's norm for productivity (vs. less cohesive groups).

long, short, team members, monitor, reward, efficacy

-Establish ___-term goals first that are specific and challenging -Establish clear paths to long term goals through the use of __-term goals -Involve all ___ ___ in establishing goals -Carefully ____ progress toward team goals -____ team progress towards team goals -Foster collective ___ concerning team goal attainment

Multidimensional sport cohesion instrument

A 22-item tool that measures group cohesiveness. Includes: 1) attraction to the group 2) unity of purpose 3) quality of teamwork 4) valued roles.


A dynamic process reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs. 1) multidimensional 2) dynamic 3) instrumental 4) affective


A factor associated with cohesion. Refers both to: -turnover rate for group membership -length of time group members have been together. Teams higher in cohesion can better resist disruption; teams staying together longer tend to be more cohesive.


A tool that measures social cohesion. Discloses affiliation and attraction among group members, including: -presence/absence of cliques -member's perceptions of group closeness -friendship choices -degree to which athletes perceive interpersonal feelings similarly -social isolation of individual group members -extent of group attraction

Task cohesion

A type of cohesion. The degree to which group members work together to achieve common goals

Social cohesion

A type of cohesion. The interpersonal attractions among group members.


A type of factor that affects cohesion. Includes behaviour and style. Coach-athlete personalities.


A type of factor that affects cohesion. Refers to the individual characteristics of group members. 3 categories: 1)demographic 2)cognitions and motives 3)behaviour Individual orientation. Satisfaction (most important) Individual differences.


A type of factor that affects cohesion. Refers to the normative forces holding a group together. Contractual responsibility. Organizational orientation. Ex. scholarships and family expectations.

Team factors

A type of factor that affects cohesion. Refers to: Group task. Desire for group success. Group orientation. Group productivity norm. Team ability. Team stability.

Group goals

Affects the relationship between cohesion and performance. These are set for the entire group and are shared perceptions that refer to a desirable state for the group as a unit.

satisfaction, group goals

Although individual group members' perceptions of cohesion changed across a season, cohesion was still related to team ___ and ___ ___ throughout the season.

Individual outcome

An outcome of group cohesion. Behavioural consequences. Absolute performance effectiveness. Relative performance effectiveness. Satisfaction.

Group outcome

An outcome of group cohesion. Team stability. Absolute performance effectiveness. Relative performance effectiveness.

leadership, distinctiveness, sacrifice

Coaches use several principles to develop team-building programs -___ -___ -___

Group, individual

Cohesion affects: -___ outcomes -____ outcomes


Cohesion is ____ related to performance.

environmental, personal, leadership, team

Cohesion is affected by the following factors: -____ -____ -____ -___

sport cohesiveness, multidimensional sport cohesion, group environment, sociogram

Cohesion is measured using questionnaires. Ex: -___ ____ questionnaire -___ ____ ____ instrument -___ ____ questionnaire -___


Exercise settings: Classes with feelings of high group cohesion have ____ dropouts and late arrivals than do classes low in cohesion.

Group environment questionnaire (GEQ)

Focuses on how attractive the group is to the individual members and how the members perceive the group. 2 categories: -member's perception of the group as a totality -member's personal attraction to the group. 4 constructs: - Group interaction—task - Group integration—social - Individual attraction to group—task - Individual attraction to group—social

Team satisfaction

Increased cohesion is related to increased ____ ___. Is an individual construct. 2 models: 1)circular relation: cohesion -> success -> ___ ____ 2)circular relationship: performance -> cohesion -> ___ ___. (same word in all blanks)


Members who perceived that their team engaged in group goal setting for competition had ___ levels of cohesion.


More cohesive exercise classes have: -better attendance -more likely to arrive on time -less likely to drop out -more resistant to disruption -more likely to experience positive affect related to exercise -have stronger efficacy for exercise. This positive relationship between cohesion and ____ appears to remain constant regardless of the leader-to-participant ratio

measures, task demands, satisfaction, conformity, adherence, support, stability

Research has shown the cohesion-performance relationship depends on several factors: -Types of ____ -____ ____ -team ____ -____ -____ -social ____ -____

goals, values, discusses, consensus, prioritize

Shoenfelt (2010) five-step process for clarifying goals: 1. Identify team ___. 2. Individual team members identify potential team ___. 3. Team ____ how values support team goals. 4. Gain ___ on top five to seven team values. 5. ____ team values

team building, roles, goals, communication, sacrifice

Sport settings: __-___ exercises, clear and meaningful ___, team ___, ___, and personal ___ are related to increased cohesion.


Strategies for Building Group Cohesiveness. Increase ____: Ex. Have a group name. Make a group T-shirt. Hand out neon shoelaces. Make posters for class

help, positive, responsible, communicate, 100

Strategies for group members: Get to know other members of the group. ____ group members whenever possible. Give group members ___ reinforcement. Be ____. ____ honestly and openly with leader. Give ___% effort at all times.

turnover, meetings, efficacy, climate

Strategies for leaders: -Avoid excessive ___. -Conduct periodic team ___. -Enhance team ___. -Know the team ____. -Get to know others

communicate, individual, pride, challenging, identity, cliques

Strategies for leaders: -___ effectively. -Explain ___ roles in team success. -Develop ___ within subunits. -Set ___ team goals. -Encourage team ___. -Avoid formation of social ___.


Studies of soccer and baseball teams showed teams with few lineup changes were ___ successful than those that changed constantly.

do not

Task demands: Task demands __ ___ influence the cohesion-performance relationship.


Team ___ need to be developed and understood because they clarify the path to achieving goals as well as being critical to building trust among players and coaches.

goals, roles, distinctiveness, sacrifice, communication

Team building exercises emphasizing these aspects: -Group __ -Individual ___ -___ -Individual ___ -___ or interaction

Mission, assessment, plan, systematic evaluation

The MAPS approach to team building stands for: -M: Derive and clarify team mission. -A: Assess team strengths and areas needing improvement. -P: Develop action plans to improve effort and commitment. -S: Reflect, review, and revise group goals and plans.

attractiveness of the group

The first class of forces that affect cohesion. Refers to the individual's desire for interpersonal interactions with other group members and a desire to be involved in the group's activities.


The higher the level of satisfaction with team goals, the ___ the level of team cohesion.

means control

The second class of forces that affect cohesion. Refers to the benefits that a member can derive by being associated with the group.


The total field of forces which act on members to remain in the group. Forces: 1) attractiveness of the group 2) means control

Social support

There is a positive relationship between the __ ___ an individual receives and that person's evaluation of group cohesion. Types: -listening -emotional -emotional-challenge -reality-confirmation -task-appreciation -task-challenge -personal-assistance

Direction of causality

This has a circular relationship. Increased cohesion leads to greater performance and brings teams together, which in turn leads to still more cohesion.


Types of measures: Increases in both task and social cohesion are associated with ____ performance.

Shoenfelt five-step process

____ ___-___ ____ for clarifying goals: 1. Identify team goals. 2. Individual team members identify potential team values. 3. Team discusses how values support team goals. 4. Gain consensus on top five to seven team values. 5. Prioritize team values

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