A&P final exam

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tensile strength

Resistance to be stretched or torn apart is called


So call natural killer cells are a form of

Pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone

Some muscles that move the mandible attach to the


Spaces within the body that help protect, separate, and support internal organs are called

The volume of a fluid reabsorb of the venous end of a capillary is nearly equal to the volume of fluid filtered out at the arterial end

Starlings law of the capillaries states that


The ECF within blood vessels


The ability of muscle tissue to contract forcefully when stimulated by an action potential


The ability to acquire new knowledge or skills

The membrane has a greater surface area for an increase rate of diffusion

The advantage of the presence of microvilli on cell membranes is

Medial and lateral condyle of the femur

The articular for sets of the patella articulate with the

Middle ear

The auditory ossicles are located in the

Superior end

The base of the patella is the

medulla oblongata

The basic rhythm of respiration is controlled in the


The basic unit of structure and function in living things


The biceps, triceps, and quadriceps are named as such based upon the number of ___ they have

quadriceps femoris

The biggest muscle in the body is the


The bones making up the palm of the hand or the


The cause of movement is


The cavities within the brain are called


The cell does not need to expend energy (ATP) in order to perform

The brain and spinal cord

The central nervous system consists of


The central portion of the thoracic cavity is the

gluteus maximus

The chief extensor of the femur

interstitial fluid

The composition of lymph is most similar to


The coronoid and olecranon fossa are depressions found on the

dense irregular connective tissue

The dermis of the skin, heart valves, perichondrium and periosteum are examples of

Fibular Notch of the tibia

The distal end of the fibula articulates with the


The fluid portion of cytoplasm, where many chemical reactions required for a sales existence takes place

red bone marrow

The following is considered to be a primary lymphatic organ


The following is not considered part of the appendicular skeleton Wrist Shoulder Ribs Ankle

A greater force of contraction can occur if the heart muscle stretched first

The frank starling law of the heart states that

Blood pressure

The function of baroreceptors is to monitor changes in


The gray matter of the spinal cord is divided into


The greater and lesser trochanter is a projection Seen on the

bicep femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

The hamstrings are the


The heart muscle rests ____% of the time

The cytoplasm, plasma membrane, and nucleus

3 main parts of a cell

gluteus medius

A common site for intramuscular injection is


A condition in which oxygen carrying capacity of blood is reduced is


A connective tissue called red bone marrow produces red blood cells, white one cells, and platelets by a process called


A fibrocartilage desk that extends into a joint cavity describes a

endocrine system

A group of glands that secrete molecules called hormones into the blood is called


A lateral deviation of the proximal phalanx of the great toe and medial displacement of metatarsal I describe

fascia lata

A layer of deep fascia composed of dense connective tissue in circles and is referred to as the

Effort and resistance

A lever is acted upon at two different points by what two different forces


A major integrating link between the endocrine and nervous system is the

Surface tension

A measure of the difficulty of stretching or breaking the surface of a liquid is


A movement that increases between articulating bones


A pathological type of cell death as a result of injury, disease, or lack a blood flow is

O positive

A person who has circulating anti-A and anti-B agglutinins (antibodies) with the presence of Rhesus factor is blood type

Sickle cell disease

A person whose red blood cells contain an abnormal kind of hemoglobin has

O negative

A person with an Rh negative blood can receive a transfusion with blood of which of the following types


A person's ABO blood type is determined by antigens present on the

Must be shut off by some event outside the system, strengthens or reinforces a change in one of the bodies controlled conditions and reinforces a condition that doesn't happen very often

A positive feedback system

Stretch reflex

A reflex resulting in the contraction of a muscle when it is stretched

central fovea

A small depression in the center of the macula lutea which contains only cones is called the


A substance that can be broken down into two or more different elements by ordinary chemical means


A traveling pressure wave created by the alternate expansion and recoil of elastic arteries after each systole of left ventricle

Blood plasma

A watery, straw colored liquid that contains dissolved substances (91.5% water)


A.k.a. nerve cell


Ability of muscle tissue to return to its original length and shape after a contraction or extension


Ability of muscle to stretch without being damaged


Abnormally yellowish discoloration of sclera, skin mucus membranes due to access Bilirubin in the blood


An abrupt, but temporary, loss of consciousness following a blow to the head

filum terminale

An extension of the pia mater that extends inferiorly and anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx


An illness characterized by a recognizable set of complaints and indications

Plasma cells

Antibodies are produced by


Any dearrangement or abnormality of function

Only one modality

Any single neuron carries sensations of


Are capable of engulfing bacteria in cellular debris by phagocytosis

Vessels that carry blood away from the heart

Arteries are defined as


At or near the body's surface, respond to external environment

white blood cells

At sites of infection, or in response to allergic conditions and parasitic invasions these cells migrate from the blood into connective tissue


Attachment point for tendons and ligaments

Blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and defecation/ urination

Autonomic reflexes control

Of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands

Autonomic reflexes involved responses

An osteon, haversian system and chondrocyte

Basic unit of compact bone is


Binocular vision requires


Called The work horse of the elbow flexors

Enlarged, firm, non tender, and fixed to underlying structures

Cancerous lymph nodes feel


Capability for change associated with learning

facilitated diffusion

Carrier molecules within the plasma membrane are required in order to transfer a substance across the membrane via

Form fluid tight seals between cells. Anchors cells together or to extra cellular material and acts as channels that allow ions and molecules to pass from cell to cell within a tissue

Cell junctions may serve which function


Cells shape is related to its

Certain white blood cells

Cells that can perform phagocytosis include

Serving as a shock absorber, providing chemical protection and allows the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the blood and the nervous tissue

Cerebrospinal fluid contributes to homeostasis by

choroid plexuses

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced in the

palatine process of maxilla

Cleft palate occurs when what process doesn't fuse?


Common sesamoid bone if the leg


Connective tissue cells that store triglycerides are called


Connective tissue composed of a liquid and cellular portion


Conscious awareness with an interpretation of meaning

preganglionic neuron

Conveys impulse from CNS to autonomic ganglia

articular cartilage

Covers the epiphysis, reduces friction and absorbs shock at freely movable joints


Dense connective tissue connecting one bone to another bone describes a

Right atrium

Deoxygenated blood returning from the systemic circulation flows into the

A bone whose length and width are nearly equal

Describe a short bone


Detect the light at the retina


Detects pressure or stretching


Discharge of urine from the urinary bladder

Elastic cartilage

Discouraged provide strength and elasticity and maintains the shape of certain structures, such as an external ear


Disease characterized by uncontrolled production and or accumulation of leukocytes in the bloodstream

Chronic bronchitis

Disorder characterized by excessive secretion of bronchial mucus with a productive cough lasting three consecutive months/year for two years

Are sent before birth, and most last a lifetime

Do Skeletal muscle fibers vary


Do the right and left ventricles eject the same amount of blood


Does the left ventricle expels a greater volume of blood per beat than the right ventricle


Does the medial border of the scapula articulates with the vertebral column


During walking, the talus transmits about half of the weight of the body to the

The force exerted by muscular contraction

Effort is


Epithelial tissue that lines the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels

The exchange of gases between the lungs in the blood

External respiration is


Fibrous covering over bone into which tendons and ligaments attach: inner portion is site of osteogenic cells

Extracellular fluids

Fluid outside the cell bodies

Intracellular fluids

Fluid within the cell


For movement to occur joints function as this.


Formed elements that are biconcave discs about 7-8 mm in diameter

Produce body movement, stabilize positions, regulate organ volume and move substances

Function of muscle tissue

Create turbulence in inspired air for cleansing purposes

Function of the nasal conchae is to

regulation of body temperature, excretion and absorption, and reservoir for blood

Function of the skin include

Provide alternate route for blood flow

Functions of the Circle of Willis include

The medical term for bowleggedness

Genu varum

Greater power

Greater number of muscle fibers provides


Herniated disc occur most often in which vertebral region

azygos vein

If the inferior vena cava or hepatic portal vein becomes obstructed, blood can be returned from the lower body to the superior Vena cava via the

Broca's and Wernicke's area

Important language centers


In excessive accumulation of pus in a confined space (pimple, boil)

central canal

In the center of the spinal cord is the _____ which runs the whole length of the spinal cord

conus medullaris

Inferior to the lumbar enlargement, the spinal cord tapers to a conical portion known as the


Inflammation of one or more


Inherited deficiency of clotting

The exchange of gases between the blood and tissue cells

Internal respiration

Radius and ulna

Interosseous membrane joins the


Is not any type of mature connective tissue

Trochlear notch of the ulna

Is part of the elbow joint

Tendon reflex

Is protects attendant and muscle from damage due to excessive tension

Flexor reflects

Is withdrawl reflex

Heard while taking blood pressure

Korotkoff sounds are


Layer of bone cells lining the marrow cavity


Located in blood vessels, visceral organs, muscles and nervous system. Monitors internal environment


Located in muscles, tendons, joints, inner ear

smooth muscle tissue

Location: Walls of blood vessels, lining intestines

Elastic connective tissue

Lung tissue and arteries who recoil between heart beats helps maintain blood flow are examples of

Pituitary gland

Lying in the sella Turcica of the sphenoid bone

produce histamine as part of the bodies reaction to injury

Mast cells


Master of pituitary gland

Mediated transport

Materials move through the cell membrane with assistance of a transporter protein in

A hundred or more nuclei

Mature skeletal muscle cells have


Membrane containing bone forming cells


Migrate through the connective tissue, secreting the fibers in ground substance of the matrix

Muscle spindles

Monitors the changes in skeleton muscle length

Tendon organs

Monitors the force of muscle contraction

Returned to the blood via the lymphatic system

Most fluid in proteins that escape from blood vessels to the interstitial fluid are normally

Medial and lateral epicondyle of the humerus

Most muscles of the form attached to the

Pregnancy and childbirth

Most of the structural differences between the male and female skeletons are related to adaption for

The alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles

Motion results from


Move freely through the body searching for invaders


Muscle tissue which is striated and involuntary is


Muscles represent about ____ percent of the body's total weight

iliacus and psoas major

Muscles that allow us to set up from supine position are

Supraspinatus, subscapularis, there's minor, infraspinatus

Muscles that make up the rotator cuff

Brachial plexus

Muscles that move the arm are innervated by the

The muscles of mastication

Muscles that move the mandible at the TMJ are known as the

The brachial plexus

Muscles that move the radius and all in our intervated by nerves derived from

Cardiac muscle

Myocardium is made of


Named based on its shape (muscle)


No mitochondria, no nucleus, strong flexible plasma membrane allows it to deform

Contains microvilli and goblet cells

Non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium


Nonmotile finger like projections of the plasma membrane that are supported by microfilaments are called


Objective changes that can be observed and measured


Only moveable bone in the skull


Organelles that contain enzymes that destroy material engulfed by phagocytes are


Organic compounds which are the cellular building material are


Originates on the sacrum, ileum, transverse processes of thoracic, lumbar, and inferior 4 cervical vertebrae. Inserts on spinas process of a more superior vertebrae


Originates on the transfer processes of all vertebrae. Inserts on the spiness process of vertebra superior to the one of origin


Originating on the fossa of the anterior surface of the scapula


Originating on the fossa of the superior posterior surface of the scapula

The iron ion in the heme portion of hemoglobin

Oxygen is transported by red blood cells by binding to

angina pectoris

Pain accompanying myocardial ischemia

Frontal, spenoid, ethmoid, and maxilla

Paranasal sinuses are found in the

Constitute the tissue's or organ's functioning part

Parenchyma are cells that

Sesamoid bones

Patellae are examples of what bone type

plantar aponeurosis

Plantar fasciitis is inflammatory reaction due to chronic irritation of the

B cell

Plasma cells are a form of


Plasma minus the clotting proteins is called


Process by which knowledge is retained

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

Proteins always contain

Speed up most essential biochemical reactions

Proteins in the form of enzymes

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform (Steve left the party)

Proximal row of carpal bones from lateral to medial


Reactions of cellular respiration

Oxygen transport

Red blood cells are highly specialized for the function of

120 days in circulation

Red blood cells survive for about


Region of mature bone where diaphysis joins epiphysis


Remembering associated with the lung is the

Passage of materials across a membrane with the assistance of a transporter protein

The term mediated transport refers to

Patellar ligament

The tibial to veracity is the attachment point for the

smooth muscle tissue

The tissue's contractions help physically break down and move food, move fluids through the body and eliminate waste


The tongue is supported by the


The voice box is also called the


The white manner in the spinal cord is divided into


The xiphoid process is part of the

Temporal bone

The zygomatic process is part of the

Tight junctions

These junctions prevent the contents of certain organs from leaking into the blood or surrounding tissues

Tubercle, trochanter, condyle and spine

These terms refer to processes or projections from bones

Stretch reflex

This acts as a feedback mechanism to control muscle length by causing muscle contraction


This bridge connects parts of the brain with one another

Hyaline cartilage

This cartilage affords flexibility and support, at joints, Reduces friction and absorb shock. This is the weakest of the types of cartilage


This cartilage combined strength and rigidity and is the strongest other types of Cartledge. One location is a discs between backbones

Hyaline , elastic and fibrocartilage

This cartilage consist of a dentse network of collagen and elastic fibers firmly embedded in chondroitin sulfate


This depends on its collagen fibers


This depends on its crystallized inorganic mineral salts

Crossed extensor reflex

This is a balance maintaining reflex

Biceps femoris, semi tendinosis, and semimembranosus

This is commonly injured and athletes requiring quick starts and stops

Interstitial fluid

This is often called the body's internal environment

Tendon reflex

This operates as a feedback mechanism to control muscle tension by causing muscle relaxation when muscle force becomes too extreme


This protects bone, assists in fracture repair, nourishes bone tissue

Stretch reflex

This reflex maintains Proper muscle tone

Endocrine system

This system provides schedule changed to correct homeostasis disturbances

Cardiac muscle tissue

This tissue is involuntary, it's contraction is not consciously controlled. It's fibers are attached by intercalated diss

Smooth muscle tissue

This tissue is located in the walls of blood vessels, airways to the lungs, the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and urinary bladder

skeletal muscle tissue

This tissue is voluntary, it can be made to contract and relax by conscious control

Serous membrane

This type of membrane lines a body cavity that does not open directly to the exterior and it covers the organs that lie within the cavity

Mucus membrane

This type of membrane lines a body cavity that opens directly to the exterior, such as the digestive, respiratory, reproductive and much of the urinary system

synovial membrane

This type of membrane lines joints, contains connective tissue but no epithelium, and secretes a fluid that lubricates and nourishes the cartilage covering the bones

He could theoretically donate to a type AB person

This would be true for a person with Type B blood

endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium

Three connective tissue covering associated with spinal nerves

Masseter, medial pterygoid, temporalis

Three powerful closers of the mouth


Together with the medulla, this helps to control breathing

Latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

Two axial muscles are

Donor because they are not A or B isoantigens on red blood cells

Type O is considered the theoretical universal _____

Closing of the valves

Typical heart sounds are made by the

Protection, filtration, secretion, absorption, and excretion

What are the functions of epithelial tissue?

A bone consisting of two parallel plates of compact bone

What best describes a flat bone

Turning soles of feet to face each other

What best describes inversion

It flattens, increasing vertical dimensions of thoracic cavity, decreasing pressure inside the lungs

What happens when the diaphragm contracts


What muscle forms the rounded contour of the shoulder

Golgi complex

What receives synthesize products from the rough ER and modifies, sorts, packages, and transports them within to various locations

Supraspinatus and infraspinatus

What two muscles are named for the fossa they fill

Loss of epidermal tissue

What would most likely increase a persons risk of invasion by pathogenic microbes

isotonic contraction

When a muscle developed tension and the muscle shortens

Isometric contraction

When a muscle develops tension but does not shorten


When blood is drawn from the body it thickens and forms a gel, eventually the gel separates from the liquid. The gel is called


When superficial inflamed tissue slough off the surface of an organ or tissue resulting in an open sore

The coronoid process moves into the coronoid fossa and the radial head moves into the radial fossa

When the forearm is flex this occurs (with bones)

ischial tuberosity

When you sit on the stool, which part of the coxal bones touches the stool first

epiphyseal plate

Where bone grows in length


Where does bone grow in thickness

Protein storage

Which is not a basic function of the skeletal system -Support -Protection -Protein storage

Shoulder joint

Which joint has more freedom of movement than any other joint in the body


Which muscle flexes the forearm at the elbow joint, especially when a quick movement is required or when a weight is lifted slowly?

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate (To take Carol home)

Which of the following list the distal role of carpal bones in the correct order from lateral to medial


Which sutures generally do not persist into adulthood

medullary cavity

Within the diaphysis, contains fatty yellow bone marrow


You use the powerful action of this muscle when you twist a corkscrew or turn a screw with a screwdriver


a fibrous sac between certain tendons and bones that is lined with a synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid


aka windpipe

70-80 bpm

at rest what is the typical heart beat for adults

75 bpm

average heart rate


bones act as

Amino acids

building blocks of proteins

formed elements

cells and cell fragments

right atrium

chamber of the heart that receives blood from the venae cavae and coronary sinus


deglutition is


detect changes in temperature

Conducting arteries

elastic arteries are

hinge joint

elbow joint is

Interstitial fluid

fluid between cells


formation of scar tissue

carry oxygen

function of hemoglobin

articular cartilage

hyaline cartilage that covers ends of bones in synovial joints


lateral malleolus is part of what bone

pituitary gland

master gland

reverses a change in a controlled condition

negative feedback system

Poorest capacity for renewal

nervous tissue has (____ for renewal)


neutrophils, eosinphil, basophil, lymphocyte, and monocycte


organelles that contain enzymes for production of ATP are

The space between upper and lower eyelids

palpebral fissure

The exchange of gases between the atmosphere and lungs

pulmonary ventilation


site of protein synthesis

Tendons of gluteus muscle tensor fascia Lara

The iliotibial tract is a name for


The individual cells that make up muscle tissues are called

Arousing the cerebral cortex

The reticular activating system is responsible for

Deltoid tuberosity

The roughened area on the middle portion of the shaft of the humorous is the

Closing of a semi lunar valves

The second heart sound (dupp) is created by the


The secretion of bile occurs in which organ


The site where many phagocytic white blood cells emigrate from the bloodstream into inflamed or infected tissue is the

Descending tracts

The spinal cord conveys motor information by the way of

Ascending tracts

The spinal cord conveys sensory information by way of

medulla oblongata

The spinal cord is a continuation of the

Vertebral foramina down to the superior border of the second lumbar vertebrae

The spinal cord is located within the

Vertebral foramen

The spinal cord passes through the

Four deep muscles of the shoulder

The strength and stability of the shoulder joint is provided by

Achilles' tendon

The strongest tendon of the body... inserts into the calcaneal bone

Occipital condyles

The superior articular facets of the Atlas articulate with the

Nervous system

The system provides rapid change to correct homeostatic disturbances

Superior and inferior extensor retinaculum, transverse and cruciate ligaments of the ankle

The tendons of the muscles of anterior compartment are held firmly to the ankle by thickenings of deep fascia called


tailor's muscle


the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft.


the main (mid) section of a long bone

epiphyseal plate

the point at which bones elongate during growth; it is found at joint ends of long bones, is composed of cartilage, and becomes an epiphyseal line in mature bone

Articular Cartliage

thin layer of cartilage occuring at the ends of long bones and covering any part of any bone that comes together with another bone to form a joint


throat is also called



circadian rhythm

typical daily pattern of sleep and wakefulness


water channels in plasma membrane


All the cellular contents between the plasma membrane and the nucleus

CNS (central nervous system)

Bones, CSF, and meninges all surround and protect what

Tibialis anterior

Shins splints may be caused by tendonitis most often of this muscle

hypovolemic shock

Shock due to decrease blood volume is called


Shock due to inappropriate vasodilation is


Shock due to poor heart function is


Shock typically due to a blood clot lodged in the vessels of the lungs

Is a single layer of cube shaped cells, functions and secretion in absorption and can be found in ovaries, eyes and kidneys

Simple cuboidal epithelium

We are filtration or diffusion are priority processes

Simple squamous epithelium is found in which parts of the body


Skeletal muscle fibers are arranged within the muscle in bundles called

Exerting force on tendons, which in turn pull on bones or other structures

Skeletal muscles produce movement by

Physical, biological, and chemical barriers

Skin provides protection in the form of


T cells and B cells are

Tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and larynx

Taste buds are found on the

Lacrimal fossa

Tears pass into the nasal cavity via the

dense regular connective tissue

Tendons and most ligaments are examples of

Mucus, serous, cutaneous membranes and skin

The principal epithelial membrane of the body are


The process by which bone is formed is called


The prominence of the calf

Olecranon process of the ulna

The prominence of the elbow is formed by


The prominence that can be felt on the medial surface of the ankle is part of the


The proximal end of the femur articulates with the


The radius articulates with the

Lateral end of the clavicle

Acromion process of the scapula articulates with the


Acute infection of inflammation of the Alveoli

Red bone marrow

After birth, Hemopoiesis takes place in


Aka blood poisoning


Aka common cold


Aka shinbone


All chemical reactions occurring in the body are referred to as

Left atrium

Blood flows from the pulmonary vein into the

ascending aorta

Blood flows into the coronary arteries from the

Capillaries because the total cross-sectional area is the largest

Blood flows most slowly through

Capillaries because their total cross-sectional area is the largest

Blood flows most slowly through

Femoral vein

Blood in the great saphenous vein flows into the

Red or white blood cells or platelets

Blood plasma does not contain

contraction of ventricles

Blood pressure is generated by

Are absent in the palms and soles

Sebaceous glands (are not where)

Plasma cells

Secrete antibodies and are an important part of the bodies immune system

pituitary gland

Secretes hormones that control almost all the other endocrine glands

Rough ER

Secretory proteins and membrane molecules are synthesized mainly by the

Protons, neutrons, and electrons

Subatomic particles include


Subjected changes and body functions that are not apparent to an observer

Plasma membrane

Surrounding and containing the cytoplasm of a cell is the

SA node

The initiation of the heartbeat is the responsibility of the


The largest Artery in the body is the

Knee joint

The largest and most complex joint in the body, actually consisting of three joints within a single synovial cavity is the


The largest organ in the body and surface area and weight is


The largest part of the brain


The layer of the heart wall responsible for its pumping action is the

external occipital protuberance

The ligamentum nuchae is a fibroelastic ligament extending between the seventh cervical vertebrae and the

Greater range of motion

The longer the fibers in a muscle....

Facilitate movement

The main function of the appendicular skeleton is to


The main inspiratory muscle is the

condylar process

The mandibular fossa of the temporal bone articulates with what part of the mandible


The membrane associated with the heart is called the

crista galli of ethmoid bone

The meninges that cover the brain attach anteriorly to the

Covalent bonds

The most common chemical bonds in the body are


The most powerful flexor of the forearm at the elbow joint is the

Support and locomotion

The muscles of the foot are specialized for

Medial and lateral pterygoid

The muscles that help grind food include


The muscles that tighten the chordae tendinea by contracting during ventricular systole are the

Voluntary skeletal muscle tissue only

The muscular system refers to

cauda equina

The nerve roots that arise from the inferior part of the spinal cord are collectively called


The nerves from which plexus innervates the diaphragm


The neurotransmitter release at the NMJ is

Lateral condyle

The part of the tibia that articulates with the head of the fibula is the


The phase of cellular respiration that lacks oxygen is called


The phase of cellular respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen is called

sella turcica of sphenoid bone

The pituitary gland is located in the

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