Abnormal psych final exam study guide questions

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Parents of a child recently diagnosed with ADHD ask what caused it. Based on current research, the BEST response is:

"Our best guess is that ADHD results from an interaction of several factors."

Approximately ______ of every 100 people in the world suffer(s) from schizophrenia during their lifetime.


DSM-5 identifies _____ personality disorders.


On average, individuals with schizophrenia live _______ than other people.

10 to 20 fewer years

When a life is at risk and emergency commitment cannot wait for a hearing to take place, most states allow for such commitment, provided that ______ physician(s) (not necessarily a psychiatrist) certify that the patient/client's state of mind makes such individuals an immediate danger to themselves or to others


A binge drinking episode is when an individual consumes _______ or more drinks on a single occasion.


In studies investigating the presence of a genetic predisposition to substance dependence, it was found that, in ________ percent of cases, if one identical twin abuses alcohol the other twin will also abuse alcohol.


DSM-5 calls for a diagnosis of schizophrenia only after the symptoms continue for _________ or more.

6 months

What percentage of therapists report having been in therapy at least once?


As many as ______ percentage of all men with severe depression experience some degree of erectile dysfunction.


Devonte does not follow what the teacher is doing and has difficulty focusing on the task at hand. His behavior in class is disruptive because he cannot sit still, which leads to poor grades in school. These symptoms MOST likely indicate:

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

These are the MOST common type of hallucinations experienced in schizophrenia.


This new therapy involves therapists encouraging their patients to fight against avatars designed based on the patients' descriptions of what they are hearing and seeing-saying things like "I will not put up with this, I don't believe these things."

avatar therapy

Which type of therapy has clients interact with computer-generated on-screen virtual human figures in an attempt to help them overcome their psychological problems?

avatar therapy

This rule stated that having a mental disorder at the time of a crime does not by itself mean that the person was insane; the defendant also had to be unable to know right from wrong.

M''Naghten rule

_____ is a widely applied cognitive-behavioral treatment for individuals with pedophilic disorder.

Relapse-prevention training

Which chromosome is shown to be MOST responsible for the development of schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a polygenic disorder, and there is a combination of gene defects at work, not just one chromosomal abnormality.

The MOST effective treatment for antisocial personality disorder has consistently been found to be the use of ______.

There are no truly effective treatments for people with antisocial personality disorder.

What is the BEST way to "sober up" from alcohol quickly?

There is no way to "sober up" quickly

_______ refers to a condition where a person is sexually aroused by secretly watching other people as they undress or engage in sexual intercourse.

Voyeuristic disorder

Psychodynamic theory has attempted to explain obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as arising from fixation at one of the psychosexual stages of development during childhood. What type of fixation has been specifically suggested as the culprit behind this personality disorder?

anal retentive

Drugs that block or change effects of addictive substances are called _____ drugs.


Which type of medication has been used to help reduce binges and vomiting in persons with bulimia nervosa?


Which form of therapy revolutionized the treatment for schizophrenia in the 1950s?

antipsychotic drugs

Which is a characteristic of a person with restricting-type anorexia nervosa?

being afraid of losing control over the size of his or her body

The "high" produced by using opioids is due to the drug:

binding to receptor sites that normally receive endorphins

A disorder marked by frequent binges without extreme compensatory acts.

binge-eating disorder

Research suggests that an effective treatment plan for schizophrenia should include:

biological treatments and psychological treatments

Cocaine appears to produce its effects largely by increasing the supply of the neurotransmitter at ________ key neurons throughout the brain.


This theory states that schizophrenia results from an excess of this neurotransmitter.

dopamine hypothesis

Which statement regarding the use of drug therapy to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease is accurate?

drug therapy slows down the disease in patients treated early in the course of a milder form of the disease

Individuals who experience gender _______ often feel that nature has made a mistake and that they were born with the body of the wrong sex. They may be uncomfortable wearing clothing and engaging in activities traditionally associated with their own gender, and they desire not to conform to expectations of such behaviors.


Many patients who suffer from sexual dysfunctions know very little about the physiology and techniques ofsexual activity. This is why one of the primary components of sexual therapyis .

education about sexuality

Which therapy is used to treat depression in the elderly after other therapy attempts fail?

electroconvulsive therapy

Family members are overinvolved in each other's lives but are affectionate and loyal. This description fits Salvador Minuchin's definition of an:

enmeshed family pattern.

Individuals with this disorder experience intense sexual arousal when exposing their genitals to an unsuspecting individual.

exhibitionistic disorder

A cognitive-behavioral therapist is treating a young woman with bulimia nervosa. Which treatment approach would the therapist use to break the binge-purge cycle seen with this condition?

exposure and response prevention

Ophelia is a college-aged woman with a history of dieting. Over the past few months, she has drastically reduced how much food she consumes. She views her constant hunger pain as a positive sign that she is maintaining control over her eating. Even though her weight is now below average, Ophelia still views herself as overweight. As her health care provider, you suspect possible anorexia nervosa. Which other sign or symptoms would be present with anorexia nervosa?

fear of becoming overweight

Directed masturbation training has been shown to be a highly effective treatment for which sexual dysfunction?

female orgasmic disorder

A woman reports having vivid sexual fantasies, yet she is unable to experience either clitoral or labial swelling or vaginal lubrication. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

Which disorder is considered to be a disorder of desire and a disorder of excitement?

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

Which sexual dysfunction is among the MOST difficult to treat?

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

Which of the following painkillers is MOST commonly linked to opioid overdose deaths?


The campus bra bandit steals women's underwear from the campus laundry and then masturbates into the underwear. The MOST accurate diagnosis would be


The key features of this disorder include recurrent sexually arousing fantasies, intense sexual urges, or behaviors that involve the use of a nonliving object or a nongenital body part often to the exclusion of all other stimuli.

fetishistic disorder

People can develop opioid use disorder after taking an opioid such as heroin for just a:

few weeks

Loose associations, neologisms, perseveration, and clang are examples of ______ thought disorders.


Research has revealed ______ bias in past diagnoses of histrionic personality disorder.


A person feels most comfortable wearing clothes preferred by the opposite gender, strongly wishes to be the opposite gender, is considering a surgical procedure, but experiences distress with these feelings and thoughts. The MOST likely diagnosis for this person is

gender dysphoria

When defendants are found to be _______, they may be found guilty of a lesser crime than that with which they were originally accused.

guilty with diminished capacity

Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?


These substances cause powerful changes in sensory perception, often called "trips."


A man killed a stranger in a fit of rage when he heard voices telling him that the stranger was about to destroy the Earth and must be stopped. The killer is likely to be sent to a mental institution because:

he was mentally unstable at the time of the crime

A person with schizophrenia who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people view as warm and tender is demonstrating:

inappropriate affect

Which legal test finds people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if they were motivated to do so byan uncontrollable "fit of passion"?

irresistible impulse test

One of the characters on a popular TV show is discussing another character who is severely obese. She says, "I don't know how someone could let themselves become that fat." Why is this type of commentary so harmful?

it fosters a sense of shame in those who are overweight or obese.

Deficiencies in ______ result in individuals with autism spectrum disorder being unable to engage in mutual eye-gazing or pointing.

joint attention

A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out the person has never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. This patient is MOST likely suffering from:

korsakoff's syndrome

Which is NOT a compensatory behavior for someone with bulimia nervosa?

liquid-only diet

Cirrhosis is an irreversible condition in which the ________ becomes scarred and dysfunctional.


Which type of eating disorder is found almost exclusively in men?

muscle dysmorphia

Parents who feed their children when they are anxious and comfort them when they are tired, rather than giving them a nap, run the risk of producing children who:

cannot assess their own needs

This pattern of extreme psychomotor symptoms-found in some forms of schizophrenia-may include catatonic stupor, rigidity, or posturing.


Many theorists believe that ______ is(are) a prerequisite to the development of borderline personality disorder, particularly for females.

childhood traumas

Many cases of sexual masochism disorder seem to develop through _______.

classical conditioning

Which statement about genetic factors in schizophrenia is accurate?

close relatives of those with schizophrenia are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than distant relatives

What is the most powerful stimulant now known?


This is a treatment facility that provides medication, psychotherapy, and emergency care for psychological problems and coordinates treatment in the community.

community mental health center

Children with this disorder repeatedly violate the basic rights of others and show significant aggression.

conduct disorder

Cassandra is entering a treatment facility for bulimia nervosa. What will be the first priority in treating her?

correcting her disordered eating pattern

A psychologist wanted to accept a client with whom he had previously had a sexual relationship. According to ethical guidelines, the psychologist:

couldn't see the patient

The most common, and perhaps the most serious, objection to the insanity plea is that:

dangerous people go free

A clouding of consciousness that develops over a short period and can often be reversed if its underlying cause can be found is called:


Courts ask for mental health professionals to help determine if defendants are:

responsible for the crimes they commit and capable of defending themselves in court

Getting extremely upset when a parent gets a new pair of glasses represents:

rigid and repetitive behavior

Individuals with this personality disorder avoid social contact simply because they want to be alone and demonstrate little in the way of emotion.

schizoid personality disorder

Approximately 80 percent of defendants who are acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity qualify for what diagnosis?


People with______personality disorder display a range of interpersonal problems marked by extreme discomfort in close relationships, very odd patterns of thinking and perceiving, and behavioral eccentricities


Children suffering from this disorder have major difficulty being away from their parents or other significant attachment figures and are typically reluctant to go anywhere where such separation could occur.

separation anxiety disorder

Many experts believe that disorders of ______ are best assessed and treated by a team of professionals, including a gynecologist, a physical therapist, and a sex therapist or other mental health professional.

sexual pain

In this disorder, a person has repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies that involve inflicting suffering on others, and the person either acts on these urges with nonconsenting individuals or experiences clinically significant distress.

sexual sadism disorder

Which person would be MOST likely to cut out sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not engage in forced vomiting?

someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia nervosa

The long-term pattern of maladaptive behavior caused by the regular use of some chemical or drug is called:

substance use disorder

This kind of hallucination includes perceptions of tingling, burning, or electric-shock sensations.


What is the MOST common set of fears therapists report with regard to their clients?

that their client will commit suicide

Most clinicians would agree that paraphilic activities should NOT be considered a disorder when:

the behavior is part of an otherwise typical sex life

What behavior suggests that a child has autism spectrum disorder?

the child is not responsive to other people.

Schizoid personality disorder differs from paranoid personality disorder in that:

those with schizoid personality disorder desire to be alone; those with paranoid personality are alone because of suspiciousness

A frequent drug user finds that larger doses of a drug are necessary to produce the same "high" that much lower doses once produced. That drug user is developing:


A common biological cause of erectile disorder is related to ______.

vascular problems

If people have unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms when they suddenly stop taking a substance, they are experiencing:


A person with schizophrenia who says, "I have triscatitis because the angular shape of my foreffit is diskiltered," is experiencing:


Which type of personality disorder is categorized within the "anxious" cluster?

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Repeated use of heroin can result in a(n):

opioid use disorder

In this disorder, children are repeatedly argumentative, defiant, angry, and irritable.

oppositional defiant disorder

Which pattern of conduct disorder is associated with nonconfrontational behaviors like lying?


The cluster of "odd" personality disorders consists of the ________ personality disorders.


A _______ is a pattern in which an individual repeatedly has intense sexual urges or fantasies or displays sexual behaviors that involve nonhuman objects or involve situations outside the usual sexual norms.


An individual suffering from a neurological disorder shows no evidence of infection or poisoning but experiences tremors, rigidity, and unsteadiness. The MOST probable diagnosis is:

parkinson's disease

Depression and eating disorders are correlated. What does this statement mean?

people with eating disorders also tend to experience depression

The fear of performing inadequately and a related tension that are experienced during sex is known as _______.

performance anxiety

When people take more than one drug at a time, it is called ________.

polysubstance use

The following are symptoms of schizophrenia that seem to be excesses or bizarre additions to normal thoughts, emotions, or behaviors.

positive symptoms

The frequent vomiting and chronic diarrhea occasioned by bulimia nervosa may lead to the loss of which important bodily nutrient?


Alogia is known as

poverty of speech

Surveys indicate that the primary cause of intense gender dysphoric reactions is related to _______.


During this phase, symptoms of schizophrenia are not yet obvious, but the individual is beginning to deteriorate.

prodromal phase

The use of methadone in drug maintenance programs is controversial because methadone:

produces withdrawal that is sometimes more difficult than heroin withdrawal

A loss of contact with reality is know as:


Which statement about schizophrenia is true?

psychosis is a key feature of schizophrenia, but it can also occur in other disorders

______ personality disorder shares many features with social anxiety disorder.


According to studies exploring the relationship between alcohol abuse and race/ethnicity, __________ consistently display the highest rates of alcohol abuse and dependence.

American Indians

This legal test views people to be insane at the time they committed a crime if their act was the result of amental disease or mental defect.

Durham test

Tony sees a physician for erectile disorder and wants to understand why it is happening to him. His physician is likely to tell him that most cases of erectile disorder are caused by

a combination of psychosocial and physical causes

A strange or false belief that is firmly held despite evidence to the contrary is known as ________.

a delusion

This common thinking disturbance in schizophrenia is characterized by rapid shifts from one topic of conversation to another.

a loose association

Ben set up an elaborate scheme to mine gold in the Rockies. He had a large town meeting and sold stock in his company for only $5 per share. He showed pictures of the mine and said the company expected to gross $100 million each month. As it turns out, he was a terrific con artist who had made several successful proposals such as this in towns across America in the last couple of years. He is MOST likely suffering from:

antisocial personality disorder

People with this personality disorder demonstrate a general pattern of disregard for and violation of other people's rights.

antisocial personality disorder

Research has shown that, compared with other cognitive-behavioral techniques, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for substance use disorder is:

at least as effective and sometimes more effective

This personality disorder is marked by great instability in an individual's mood, behavior, self-image, and interpersonal relationships.

borderline personality disorder

Similarities between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa include which of these?

both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese.

Deborah frequently speaks in front of large groups. To calm her anxiety, she usually has a couple of glasses of wine before beginning to speak. This "medicinal" use of alcohol can be explained MOST easily:

by operant conditioning.

Which personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of clinging and obedience, a fear of separation, and an ongoing need to be taken care of?

dependent personality disorder

A newly developed drug causes users to lose some muscle control and slur their words. The drug also results in a slowing of central nervous system activity. MOST likely, this drug is a:


When smoked, cannabis produces ________ effects.

depressant, stimulant, and hallucinogenic

What type of substance slows down the activity of the central nervous system?


In the past 20 years, one integrative approach to treating borderline personality disorder has emerged as the treatment of choice. It is called _____ therapy.

dialectical behavior

Jonah is receiving weekly individual and group therapy for borderline personality disorder. He is learning to recognize when his emotions are inappropriate. He is receiving:

dialectical behavior therapy

This type of therapy includes both individual therapy sessions featuring cognitive-behavioral interventions and group sessions focusing on social-skill building and support.

dialectical behavior therapy

Low sex drive has been linked to ______ levels of ______ contained in some birth control pills.

high; estrogen

Luke constantly strives to be the center of attention, yet the ideas he so eloquently expresses are usually shallow and changeable. If he were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it MOST likely would be:


Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more powerful than _______.


The key features of schizoaffective disorder are _____.

marked symptoms of both schizophrenia and a major depressive episode or a manic episode

Which statement about medication and schizophrenia is the LEAST accurate?

medicine is the only effective way to treat schizophrenia

This is a state of mental instability that leaves defendants unable to understand the legal charges and proceedings they are facing and unable to prepare an adequate defense with their attorney.

mental incompetence

Some people who suffer from heroin addiction choose to enter a program called maintenance therapy, where they are given a synthetic form of heroin so that their addiction can be maintained under safe medical supervision.


Which problem related to substance abuse is more typical among the elderly than other age groups?

misuse of prescription drugs

Many people with bulimia nervosa also suffer from:

mood disorders

Some psychologists view taking selfies as a form of _______ behavior.


The cluster of "dramatic" personality disorder consists of the _____ personality disorders.


Individuals with this personality disorder exaggerate their achievements, believe they are superior and special,desire admiration from others, and are seldom interested in the feelings of others.

narcissistic personality disorder

Poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal are all ______symptoms of schizophrenia.


Poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal are characteristics of ______ of schizophrenia.

negative symptoms

Why are people who go to strip clubs generally NOT considered to be voyeurs?

the performers are consenting to be seen by the audience

If you could "get inside the head" of a person experiencing auditory hallucinations, you would MOST likely find that:

the person actually produces nerve signals of sound in the brain

Which phase of the human sexual response cycle has no associated sexual disorders?

the resolution phase

Research on the cause of Alzheimer's disease has led to the conclusion that:

there appears to be a significant hereditary component, but this does not fully explain its onset

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