Abnormal Psychology Test 3 pt2

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An 8 week program regarding eating disorder prevention that is administered via the Internet is known as

"Student Bodies"

Lifetime prevalence rates of eating disorders among women range from _______ to ________%

0.9; 3.5

Only about ______% of those in an eating disorder seek mental health care


A physical examination can focus on height and weight to determine

BMI, heart rate and rhythm, muscle tone, and stregnth

Which of the following statements about cultural syndromes and eating disorders is correct

Bulimia nervosa probably is a cultural syndrome, but anorexia nervosa probably is not

Which patient with anorexia will be most likely to have a good outcome from treatment

Micha, who is 13, developed the disorder last year, and has the restricting subtype

When eating disorders are comorbid with depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, or purging, then _______ are often prescribed


Mishka is in cognitive-behavioral treatment for bulimia nervosa. She and her therapist have been talking a lot about the reasons behind her low self-esteem. Which stage of treatment is she in?

Stage 2

Which interview focused on major disorders contains questions about anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa symptoms?

Structured Clinical Interview

Focus on reducing conflict among family members and ensuring everyone can maintain appropriate patterns of food preparation and consumption occurs _______ a person has left the hospital


Carol is age 20 and underweight. She has not had a menstrual cycle for the past six months. The fact that she has not menstruated indicates she is experiencing


Jon has a binge-eating disorder. A study of his brain indicates that the connections between his lateral hypothalamus and ___________ are abnormal, possibly leading him to respond more to learned cues rather than feelings of fullness with regard to his eating behavior.


Features of ________ include eating more rapidly than normal, eating despite feeling uncomfortably full, eating large amounts even when not hungry, eating alone because of embarrassment over quantity of food consumed, and feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after over eating.


People with _______ refuse to maintain a minimum, normal weight and have an intense fear of gaining weight

anorexia nervosa

A common comorbidity link has been discovered between

anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

Genetic influence is probably strongest for

anorexia nervosa, restricting subtype

Chantal is 10% below what her physician says would be an ideal body weight for her. She eats very little food, and what she does eat she tends to try to get rid of by taking laxatives. Chantal has

anorexia nervosa; purging subtype

Serious restriction of food intake that increases over time, combined with being deliberately underweight, having an intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of one's body, describes

anorexia nervosa; restricting subtype

Norman has been having repeated episodes of severe delusional thoughts regarding his body image, even though his body is quite normal looking. Norman would probably be a good candidate for

antipsychotic medication

Racial or ethnic differences in the occurrence of eating disorders in America

appear to be minimal

The stigma associated with eating disorders seem to be mainly from the widespread belief that persons with an eating disorder

are largely responsible for their own problems

Julia has been undergoing interviews, questionnaires, self-monitoring, and physical judgement regarding her eating behavior. These methods are used in

assessment of eating disorders

Bulimia nervosa is most notably marked by

binge eating and vomiting

The main causal model of eating disorders given by your text emphasizes __________, __________, and ___________ factors.

biological; psychological; sociocultural

Major cognitive risk factors for eating disorder include

body dissatisfaction and body image disturbance

Rachel Webb writes a letter to Mia, which is a name she has for

bulimia nervosa

The disorder marked by binge eating, inappropriate methods to prevent weight gain, and self evaluation greatly influenced by body shape and weight is

bulimia nervosa

Up to 50% of those with anorexia nervosa develop _________ symptoms

bulimia nervosa

Joelle has moments of binge eating that are beyond most people's imagination--entire bags of cookies, whole loaves of bread, and two or three frozen pizzas all in one sitting. After these sessions, she feels horrible, and has a compulsion to make up for the overconsumption somehow. She can't quite bring herself to induce vomiting, so she fasts for two or more days to make up for her binge. Joelle has

bulimia nervosa with nonpurging compensatory behaviors

Your text describes eating disorders in general

by degree, like many other mental disorders

If you find yourself monitoring everything you eat and when you eat it, are constantly thinking about weight and food, dieting strictly, 10% below your healthy weight, and have a low energy level, you should

consult a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional

Weight concerns, body dissatisfaction and eating problems are issues that may vary in intensity over time, because they occur along a


Biological treatment for eating disorder includes which of the following?

controlled weight gain

Leigh Anne has been hospitalized for anorexia nervosa. At nighttime, the staff inserts a nasogastric tube to supply some basic nutrition. When she eats any part of her meals, she is heartily praised. Meals are kept small, but snacks are provided in between. What treatment is Leigh Anne undergoing?

controlled weight gain

The biological treatment of eating disorders with underweight issues will include

controlled weight gain and medication

A personality feature cited as a risk factor for bulimia nervosa is


Some people have an inability to keep themselves from eating large amounts of food. These people often consume excessive quantities of food and are considered to have a(n)

lack of control over eating

Factors that respondents to a survey believe are more to anorexia nervosa than to other diagnostic groups include

lack of social support, lack of self-discipline, and poor parenting

Edie has an eating disorder. She is keeping an electronic diary as part of her assessment program. What might she document in that diary?

meals, thoughts about her body, and fears of becoming fat

Achieving and maintaining normal weight is important for

reducing risk of diabetes

A leading factor in eating disorder is substantial _______ given by family members to a person who has lost significant weight who is thus thought to have demonstrated great self-control


The neurotransmitter most strongly connected to eating disorders with its effect on mood, obsessive thinking, impulsivity, eating behavior, and satiety is


One explanation for the comorbidity of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder with substance abuse disorders is that they all

share impulse control problems

Rates of core eating disorder symptoms in females aged 11-26 years are

similar for Europen American, African American, Asian American, and Latina females

People with anorexia nervosa have extreme misperceptions of

their own body image

In the case study on Lisa in Chapter 8, Lisa continued to binge and purge until she noticed

there was blood in her vomit

Although eating disorders occur less frequently than anxiety or mood disorders, they should be a major concern because

they have the highest death rate of any major mental disorder

Cognitive-behavioral treatment for bulimia nervosa consists of

three stages

Self-documenting or recording one's eating behavior can be conveniently accomplished by

using an electronic diary

People who feel they are overweight much of the time, even when they are not, and view their weight negatively, have

weight concerns

Eating disorders appear to be on the rise among male


Drive for thinness may link to genes located on chromosomes

1, 2, and 13

Anorexia nervosa has a mortality rate of about _______ due to starvation and suicide


Cognitive-behavioral treatment for bulimia nervosa lasts about

18 weeks

When dealing with controlled weight gain, a mental health professional should expect only small gains in weight per week usually about _______ lbs per week


About _______% of undergraduate women have concerns about anorexia or bulimia and ________% report moderate problems regarding weight control, worries about body image, and lack of control over eating.

6; 25-40

An American subculture of women who seem to have some immunity to the problems associated with the "thin idea" are

African American

European-American women report higher levels of body dissatisfaction than

African-American women

Betts has anorexia nervosa. Chelsea has bulimia nervosa. Whom will most likely have the better prognosis?


A common structured interview for eating disorders is the

Eating Disorders Examination

Which of the following is an example of a psychological diathesis for an eating disorder?

Low self-esteem

Eating an amount of food in a limited time period that is much larger than most people would eat in that circumstance refers to

binge eating

Personality and substance use disorders are common in people with bulimia nervosa and

binge eating disorder

Some people have recurrent episodes of binge eating without compensatory behaviors such as purging, exercise, or fasting. These people have

binge eating disorder

Aimee is constantly worried about her appearance. She is sure that her thighs are too fat, although her friends insist sincerely that she looks fantastic. Yet Aimee still avoids wearing shorts and going swimming because she is embarrassed by and worried about her appearance. Aimee is experiencing which main component of an eating disorder?

body dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction or distress with one's appearance, an overinvestment in the way one appears, and avoidance of certain situations or things because they elicit body concerns refers to

body dissatisfaction

Genetics, brain, or neurochemical features that lead some people to have trouble regulating mood or behavior, and to react strongly when upset or stressed, would be biological


Mark has been participating in psychological treatment for his eating disorder. Sessions with family members are alternated with intense therapy focusing on his thoughts and behaviors. This intense treatment is referred to as

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Eating disorders are especially relevant to

college age young adults

One study of 135 males with eating disorders showed a prevalence of

comorbidity with other disorders

Purging and nonpurging are subtypes of

compensatory behaviors

A cognitive-behavioral approach to bulimia nervosa includes

critque of social standards, challenging beliefs, and developing normal eating patterns

Eating disorders have been described as ______, or problems that appear only in certain cultures and Western, industrialized nations

cultural syndromes

Eating disorders, like mental disorders in general, can be effectively understood with the ________ model.


Eating disorders are comorbid with problems such as

depression and body dysmorphic disorder

Many therapists prefer to use unstructured interviews. Structured interviews usually rely upon

diagnostic criteria

SSRI medications are not overly helpful with people diagnosed with anorexia nervosa because the drugs

do not increase weight

Sandy has anorexia nervosa and reports having very little motivation to seek food. Disruption in her ________ system may make food less rewarding for Sandy resulting in her low motivation for eating


Some people have intense weight concerns and body dissatisfaction that escalate toward a(n)

eating disorder

People with anorexia nervosa lose weight mainly by _______ and _________

eating less; exercising excessively

Weight concerns and body dissatisfaction are two of the three key components of an eating disorder. The third major component is

eating problems

In addition to reviewing monitoring sheets and other homework assignments, the therapist also provides

education about the nature of bulimia nervosa

Eating disorder prevention programs focus on

education, pressure resistance, behaviors, and body image

Regarding the effectiveness or cognitive-behavioral treatment for binge eating and weight control, it is

effective for binge eating but not for weight control

A high-tech version of self-monitoring involves using

electronic diaries

Bodily chemicals that reduce pain, enhance positive mood, and suppress appetite are

endogenous opioids

Child maltreatment, family conflict, and media-based pressures to be thin are all

environmental stressors

Hostility, conflict, and over-involvement occur in families of those with eating disorders. This concept is called

expressed emotions

Psychological treatments for eating disorders involve _________ therapy and ___________ therapy

family; cognitive-behavioral

Eating disorders are much more common among _______ than _________

females; males

The act of self-monitoring itself can lead to ________ symptoms and __________ behaviors

fewer; fewer

The EDE provides an eating disorder diagnosis as well as scores on __________ subscales relevant to the eating disorder problems


What is the most frequent outcome of treatment for bulimia nervosa?

full recovery

Through self- monitoring we become more aware of our behaviors and

gain better control over them

According to a Stice and colleagues (2007) study, about ___________ of eating disorder prevention programs were found to reduce risk factors and ____________ reduce current or future eating disorders.

half; 29%

Important aspects of interviews for eating disorder involve

height and weight, thoughts about eating and body image, and behavior goals

L'Chelle has bulimia nervosa. Her physician believes that she may have _______, which contributes to her cravings for food

high levels of serotonin

Eating disorder researchers who look for brain changes as biological risk factors tend to focus primarily on the


Studies to find genetic markers for eating disorders in general have produced

inconsistent results

The ideal body type shown in the media clashes with the fact that size and weight of the average female has _________ over the years


Eating disorders are

less common as anxiety and depressive disorders

The main source of body dissatisfaction relative to the "thin ideal" comes from

media exposure

Research regarding the use of antipsychotics for eating disorders has produced

mixed results

The heritability estimates of eating disorders are thought to be


A BMI of 18.5- 24.9 is considered


Like mood disorders, eating behavior can be classified as

normal, mild, moderate, less severe, and more severe

Controlled weight gain is often conducted in conjunction with a _________ who educates a person about healthy food choices


Excessive eating may develop into _______, which is not considered an eating disorder


When theorists focus on media models of thinness for women, stress from abuse and sexual harassment, poor recognition of achievements, and excessive attention to beauty and body shape, they are thinking about


The family systems approach initially focuses on

obtaining cooperation from all family members

To be diagnosed with binge eating disorder, a person must undergo binge eating, on average, ________ or more days a week for at least ________

one; three months

Which of the following is NOT one of the four subscales on the EDE assessment?


Family therapists stress expressed emotion to ease

overinvolvement, criticism, and hostility among family members

Often cited as a risk factor for eating disorders, especially among people with an obessive drive for thinness, is


The main two personality risks associated with eating disorders are

perfectionism and impulsivity

Ascertaining one's height, weight, heart rate, muscle tone, and strength are part of

physical assessment

Low self-esteem, perfectionism, impulsivity, image dissatisfaction, and a distorted body image are all

psychological vulneravilities

Ridding oneself of food or bodily fluids, as a person with an anorexia nervosa subtype routinely does, is known as


The two subtypes of bulimia nervosa are

purging subtype and nonpurging subtype

"Student Bodies" is an 8 week program that involves

reading the content, completing assignments, and participating in a moderated online discussion group

When you feel full from eating, serotonin is responsible for this


A means of losing weight by purging includes

self induced vomiting, misusing laxatives or diuretics, performing enemas

Accurately documenting eating behavior along with feelings before and after constitutes


Some symptoms of eating disorders may be due to

semi-starvation and malnutrition

People with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder may have low levels of


Reduced _______ may be associated with overeating and carbohydrate craving


The neurotransmitter most closely linked to eating disorders is


One of the dynamics observed in the "Lisa" case study in Chapter 8 was dieting made Lisa feel good about herself in the _______, but pressures of daily life and continued worry about her weight led to _________

short term; high stress

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