Advanced Anatomy Final

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Which of the following actions which are performed by muscles found in the superficial posterior compartment of the leg? a. Plantarflexion b. Dorsiflexion c. Inversion d. Eversion e. Great toe flexion


Which of the following nerve roots are correctly associated with the tibial branch of the sciatic nerve? a. L4-L3 b. L4-S2 c. L2-L4 d. L4-S1 e. S2-S4


Which of the following nerves innervates the short head of the biceps femoris muscle? a. Common fibular b. Tibial c. Posterior tibial d. Femoral e. Anterior tibial


Which of the following structures forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle? a. Sartorius b. Inguinal ligament c. Pectineus d. Adductor longus e. Adductor magnus


Entrapment of the axillary nerve in the armpit may manifest itself in a patient with which of the following symptoms? a. Weakness in the shoulder internal rotation b. Loss of abduction strength c. Weakness in shoulder external rotation

A, B, C

Which of the following are true of the structure labeled the "Fool's Nerve?" Check all that apply. a. This structure inserts into the Achilles tendon b. This structure is actually a tendon c. Injury to this structure may result in weakened plantarflexion and knee flexion. d. This structure is associated with the popliteus muscle.

A, B, C

Which of the following muscles produces dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle? Select all that are correct. a. Extensor digitorium longus b. Extensor hallicus longus c. Tibialis anterior d. Peroneus brevis

A, B, C

Which of the following muscles would be considered a "hip flexor" muscle? a. Rectus femoris b. Illiacus c. Psoas major d. Pectineus

A, B, C

The talocrural joint is part of the "true" ankle joint and is formed at the distal end of the tibia and fibular. Which of the following structures provides support/stability at the talocrural joint? (Check all that apply) a. Anterior tibiofibular ligament b. Posterior tibiofibular ligament c. Interosseous membrane d. Anterior talofibular ligament

A, B, C, D

Winging of the scapula is caused by weakness of the serratus anterior muscle. Which of the following may be true regarding winging of the scapula? a. Forced inhalation may be difficult due to scapular winging b. Winging may be caused by entrapment of the long thoracic nerve c. Winging may be caused by a pinched C6 nerve root d. Winging may be caused by a laceration to the lateral chest wall

A, B, C, D

Which of the following muscles performs inferior gliding at the shoulder joint? Check all that apply. a. Teres minor b. Subscapularis c. Supraspinatus d. Infraspinatus e. Teres major

A, B, C, D, E

Typically, through which of the following arteries must a red blood cell travel to get to the vastus lateralis. Assume the RBC starts at the external iliac artery. Check all that apply. a. Femoral artery b. Lateral circumflex c. Perforating artery d. Medial circumflex artery e. Profunda femoral artery

A, B, E

Anterior compartment syndrome occurs when the pressure inside the anterior compartment rises due to injury. Which of the following actions would be normal in a patient that you suspect has anterior compartment syndrome? Check all that apply. a. Plantarflexion b. Dorsiflexion c. Eversion d. Great toe extension e. Third toe extension

A, C

Which of the following actions is associated with the right gluteus medius muscle? a. Right hip abduction b. Right hip adduction c. Left pelvis elevation d. Left pelvis depression e. Has no effect on the left pelvis.

A, C

If the popliteal space were divided into four quadrants, which of the following structures would be located in the superior lateral quadrant? Check all that apply. a. Biceps femoris muscle b. Semitendinosus muscle c. Lateral head of gastrocnemius d. Common fibular nerve e. Plantaris muscle

A, C, D, E

Which of the following actions is associated with the rectus femoris/ Select all that apply. a. Knee extension b. Hip external rotation c. Knee flexion d. Hip flexion

A, D

Which of the following actions is performed by the Sartorius muscle? a. Hip external rotation b. Hip extension c. Knee extension d. Hip flexion e. Knee flexion f. Hip external rotation

A, D, E

Which of the following structures is found in the femoral sheath? a. Femoral artery b. Saphenous nerve c. Femoral nerve d. Femoral vein e. Great saphenous vein

A, D, E

Which of the following actions are prime actions of the gluteus maximus? Check all that apply. a. Extension of the femur at hip b. Internal rotation of femur at hip c. Flexion of femur at hip d. Adduction of femur at hip e. External rotation of femur at hip

A, E

The trunks of the brachial plexus emerge from the cervical spine and passes between which of the following structures? Check all that apply. a. Middle scalene b. Anterior scalene c. Posterior scalene d. Platysma


What is the prime actions of the supraspinatus muscle?

Abduction of the humerus at the shoulder.

Which two tendons create the palm border of the snuffbox?

Abductor pollicis longus, and extensor pollicis brevis

Which structure deepens the fovea of the femur?

Acetabular labrum

What are the 3 major actions of the teres major?

Adduction, extension, internal rotation

A kid is hanging from a tree limb by one hand and feels a pop in her elbow. Examination shows a pronated forearm. X-rays are negative for fracture but reveals a dislocation of the radius. Which ligament is compromised by this situation?


In this image, blood exiting the vessel indicated by the arrow would enter which of the following vessels?

Anterior cerebral artery

In the Circle of Willis, which artery is most prone to aneurysms?

Anterior communicating

You are entering a central line into a person through the subclavian vein. You pass the needle superior to clavicle into the skin into what you believe is the subclavian vein. Suddenly you hear a "whoosh" sound. You utter a profanity and realize that you have violated the

Apex of the lung

Exchange of O2 occurs at what level of the lungs?

Areolar sacs

A red blood cell enters the left ventricle. For that blood cell to get to the apex of the heart, it would normally pass through which of the following vessels in the proper order?

Ascending aorta, left coronary artery, left anterior descending artery

Which structures pass through the quadrangular space?

Axillary nerve and the posterior humeral circumflex artery.

Which of the following nerves innervates the lateral compartment? a. Posterior tibial nerve b. Superficial peroneal nerve c. Deep peroneal nerve d. Musculocutaneous nerve e. Anterior tibial nerve


2) Which of the following would be true if the femoral nerve is severed as it enters the femoral triangle? a. Knee flexion would be absent b. Anterior thigh sensation would be absent c. Knee extension would be absent d. Hip flexion would be absent e. Hip adduction would be absent

B, C

The superior gluteal artery provides blood to which of the following muscles? Check all that apply. a. Gluteus maximus b. Gluteus medius c. Gluteus minimus d. Quadratus femoris e. Obturator internus

B, C

Which of the following nerve roots is associated with the femoral nerve? Check all that apply. a. L1 b. L2 c. L3 d. L4 e. L5 f. S1

B, C, D

If a sharp knife were to enter into the popliteal space in the geometric center, which of the following structures would be damaged by the knife blade? a. The great saphenous b. Tibial nerve c. Saphenous nerve d. Popliteal artery

B, D

Which of the following bony prominences would be palpated to locate the sciatic nerve? Check all that apply. a. PSIS b. Ischial tuberosity c. Pubic tubercle d. Greater trochanter e. Iliac crest

B, D

Which of the following structures is found in the deep posterior compartment? Check all that apply. a. Deep peroneal nerve b. Tibialis posterior c. Fibular artery d. Plantaris e. Posterior tibial artery

B, E

Which of the following actions is performed by the peroneus longus muscle? Check all that apply. a. Dorsiflexion of the ankle b. Plantarflexion of the ankle c. Eversion of the ankle d. Great toe flexion e. Pinky toe flexion


Which lung in an average person has an oblique fissure?

Both lungs

Which three structures can prevent posterior displacement of the tibia?

Both menisci and PCL

Fracture to the mid-shaft of the humerus with posterior displacement may cause damage to which structures?

Brachial profunda and radial nerve

Which of the following muscles is immediately inferior to the Gemellus superior? a. Piriformis b. Obturator externus c. Obturator internus d. Quadratus femoris


Which nerve roots for the middle trunk of the brachial plexus?

C7 only

Which of the following tissues would be most associated with the increase in waist circumference of a person which excessively drinks high caloric soda?

Camper's fascia

The posterior interosseous artery arises from which artery?

Common interosseous

Which 3 muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve?

Coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis

In the performance of a cholescystectomy, which structure would be the best choice to sever to allow for continued flow of bile to the small intestines and normal digestion?

Cystic duct

Which of the following arteries encircles the area indicated by the number 3 in this image? a. Deep femoral artery b. Superficial circumflex artery c. Lateral circumflex artery d. Medial circumflex artery e. Popliteal artery


What are 3 signs present in a patient with long thoracic nerve palsy?

Difficulty taking deep breaths, difficulty protracting scapula, and winging of the scapula.

In the brachial plexus, which portion is directly proximal to the cords?


Which section of the small intestines is most associated with digestion?


The soleus muscle produces which of the following actions in a human? Check all that apply. a. Ankle supination b. Knee flexion c. Ankle dorsiflexion d. Knee extension e. Ankle plantarflexion


What action at the elbow is associated with the brachialis muscle?

Elbow flexion

What action at the shoulder joint cannot be produced by the pectorals major muscle?

Extension of the humerus at the shoulder joint.

Between what two muscles do the outcropping muscles emerge before they extend toward the thumb?

Extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor digitorum longus

In forces of expiration of air from the lungs, which muscles would not be able to accomplish this feat?

External intercostals

TRUE OR FALSE: Peristalsis originates in the jejunum and aids in movement of the food bolus along the digestive system.


TRUE OR FALSE: The adductor Magnus is dually innervated by the tibial and common peroneal nerve.


TRUE OR FALSE: The intermusclar septum of the thigh is formed by the attachment of the superficial fascia on the femur.


TRUE OR FALSE: The lateral plantar artery arises from the fibular artery in the leg.


TRUE OR FALSE: The latissimus dorsi does not contain a twist in the fibers.


TRUE OR FALSE: The lesser omentum is a fatty tissue attached to the stomach and the duodenum that aids in fighting infections in the peritoneum.


TRUE OR FALSE: The mitral valve is listed between the right atrium and the right ventricle.


TRUE OR FALSE: The sural nerve is deep to the gastrocnemius muscle.


TRUE OR FALSE: The tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle pivots posterior to the medial malleolus to enter into the plantar surface of the foot.


Which word can be substituted for peroneal?


There is a tissue that attaches the spinal cord to sacrum which prevents migration of the spinal cord upward. What is the anatomical name for this tissue?

Filum terminale

What action will the flexor digitorum profoundus muscle perform?

Flexion at PIP, DIP, and MCP.

What aids in dorsiflexion muscle action by preventing bowstringing of those muscles that produce this action?

Flexor retinaculum

Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the pyloric area of the stomach. Which symptoms could be associated with a patient with this syndrome?

GERD, loss of weight, and food accumulation in the stomach.

Sunglasses filter suns rays from hiting the retina. Which cranial nerve(s) response is reduced by the use of sunglasses?


Which 3 nerves serve motor functions to the eye?

III, IV, and VI

Which of the following ligaments is under the least amount of tension when a child sits in the "W" position?


What is the primary action of the sub scapulars muscle?

Internal rotation of the shoulder

What is true of the cecum?

It is part of the colon, and it is the location of insertion of the small intestine to the large intestine

Which three structure are found retro-peritoneally?

Kidneys and the pancreas

Which two muscles are most associated with shoulder impingement?

LH biceps, and supraspinatus

Which two muscles have nearly identical actions at the shoulder joint?

Latissimus dorsi and teres major

Which muscles would perform a downward rotation of the scapula as you lower your arm to your side?

Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids

Which muscle does not restrict motions of the femur at the hip joint?

Ligamentum teres

What two branches come off of the medial cord?

Median and ulnar

A blood cell enters the brain through the internal carotid artery. Which of the following arteries can the red blood cell next enter? (3)

Middle cerebral, posterior communicating, and anterior cerebral

The lateral cord becomes the median nerve and what other nerve of the brachial plexus?

Musculocutaneous nerve

The medial compartment of the thigh contains several muscles which are all innervated by what nerve?


Which nerve innervates musculature in the medial compartment of the thigh?

Obturator nerve

In this image of the anterior thigh, the muscle identified with the number 12 is named what muscle? black and white image


Which artery directly supplies blood to the hamstring muscle?


Which muscle is the "keystone" of the gluteal region?


The anterior tibial artery arises from what artery?


The sensory homunculus is most associated with which of the following areas of the cerebrum?

Postcentral gyrus

Which vessels would contain deoxygenated blood?

Pulmonary artery, brachiocephalic vein, and superior vena cava

Blood exiting from the right ventricle would pass through which of following valves of the heart?

Pulmonary valve

The artery found in the anatomical snuffbox is a branch off of which artery?


The extensor digitorum muscle is innervated by which nerve?


Which nerve innervates the triceps brachii muscle?


The renal calices empty their contents directly into which structures of the kidney?

Renal pelvis

Contraction of the heart muscle begins at the base of the superior vena cava in the ___.

SA node

The trapezius muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves?

Spinal accessory nerve

Your child is learning how to swing a baseball bat when he strikes you in the anterior upper left quadrant of your abdomen. Grasping your breath, you tell your daughter to run and get mom. You appear pale and complain of pain in you abdomen and left shoulder. Your wife, an astute physician indicates that you have injured your ?


The subclavian vein drains blood directly into which veins?

Superior vena cava

Which muscle of the rotator cuff is primarily an abductor of the humerus?


What structures pass through the carpal tunnel

The median nerve, four flexor digitorum profundus tendons, four flexor digitorum superficialis tendons, and the flexor pollicis longus tendon

The greater omentum is attached to the greater curvature of the stomach and what?

Transverse colon

Retraction of the scapula is primarily performed by which muscles?

Trapezius and the rhomboids

TRUE OR FALSE: A positive Trendelenburg sign occurs when the right hip drops lover than the left hip while completing single leg stance on the left lower extremity.


TRUE OR FALSE: If a blood clot formed and then lodged in the brachial vein and prevented blood form flowing through this vessel, your body would reroute blood flow to the subclavian vein through the cephalic vein.


TRUE OR FALSE: Joint line pain from patients with a torn meniscus arises from the coronary ligament of the knee.


TRUE OR FALSE: The apex of the heart is found on the left side of the thoracic cavity.


TRUE OR FALSE: The brachiocephalic trunk bifurcates into the right common carotid and the right subclavian artery.


TRUE OR FALSE: The deltoid is innervated by a nerve off the posterior cord.


TRUE OR FALSE: The saphenous nerve passes through the adductor hiatus.


TRUE OR FALSE: The subscapularis is the only muscle of the rotator cuff that performs internal rotation at the shoulder.


TRUE OR FALSE: The popliteus muscle performs internal rotation of the tibia at the knee.


The deep palmar arch derives directly from which artery?

Ulnar artery

Using this image, a red blood cell entered the vessel marked with an arrow from which of the vessels below?

Vertebral artery

Which tissues would be most intimate with/touching the lung surface?

Visceral pleura

In average people, the tongue is placed on the roof of the mouth prior to saying the word "laugh." If a family member is unable to place their tongue at the roof of the their mouth prior to saying "laugh" you might suspect that they have a non-functioning ___ cranial nerve.


The layer of tissue indicated by the arrow in this image is the?


"horse's tail"

cauda equina

Which artery is typically used to provide circulation to a transplanted kidney?

common iliac

Which ligament of the shoulder complex is most associated with the subacromial hood and can produce shoulder impingement syndromes?

coracoacromial ligament

To properly drink a cup of tea at a formal party, one should properly position their hand such that the __ will place your pinkie in the correct position.

extensor digiti minimi

Which structure drains into the left atrium?

pulmonary vein

The sartorius, gracilis, and __ form the pes anserine insertion.


Which muscle would not be considered part of the superficial layer of the back musculature?

serratus posterior superior

The ligamentum teres (round ligament) is a byproduct of which fetal structures?

umbilical vein

The adductor hiatus is formed by which of the following muscles? a. Adductor magnus b. Vastus intermedius c. Adductor brevis d. Adductor longus e. Pectineus


Using the black and white leg image, which of the following muscles is immediately posterior the muscle marked 13? Choose only one answer. a. Adductor brevis b. Adductor magnus c. Adductor longus d. Gracilis


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