Anatomy Lab Exam 1 (WSU Biology 315)

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"Funny Bone"

Occipital Condyles

Articulate with First Cervical Vertebra

Ethmoid Air Cells

As Many as 20 Separate Air Spaces

Jugular Foramen

At the Back of Your Throat


Attaches the Humerus to the Pectoral Girdle


Attaches the Humerus to the Radius. Assists the Biceps and Brachialis in Forearm Flexion.

Levator Scapulae

Attaches the Scapula to the Cervical Vertebrae. Elevates the Shoulder (Shrugs)

Pectoralis Minor

Attaches the Scapula to the Ribs Second Layer

Rhomboids Major

Attaches the Scapula to the Vertebral Column. Major is Inferior to Minor

Tubercle of the Rib

Attaches to Facets of Transverse Process

Sternal End of the Clavicle

Blunt End

Clavicle Bone

Collar Bone

Knee Injuries

Common Because the Knee Joint is the Largest and Most Superficial Joint in the Body

Surgical Neck of the Humerus

Common Site of Fractures

Sagittal Suture

Down the Middle

Latissimus Dorsi

Even Though it is Located Far Away in the Back, it Acts on the Humerus

Coccygeus Muscle

Fan Like Muscle

Rectus Abdominis

Fascicles Run Vertically. Flexes the Vertebral Column (So You Can Do Sit-UP)

Iliac Fossa

Filled With the Iliacus Muscle

Nasal Bones

Fractures Produce a Broken Nose

Manubrium of the Sternum



Head. It's Lateral to the Trochlea and Looks Like a Rounded Ball

Humeroradial Joint

Hinge Joint Capitulum of Humerus and Head of Ulna

Humeroulnar Joint

Hinge Joint Trochlea of Humerus and Trochlear Notch of Ulna

Illium Bone

Hip Bone

Hyoid Bone

In the Anterior Neck All By Itself. For Tongue and Neck Muscle Attachments

The Lesser Horn of the Hyoid Bone


Maxillary Sinuses


Lateral Condyles of the Tibia Bone

Lateral is Away from the Middle

Squamous Suture

Looks Scaly

Shaft (Body) of the Fibula Bone

Main Part of the Bone

Greater Tochanter

The Large Bump Next to the Head

Anterior Fontanelle

The Largest "Soft Spot" in an Infant's Head

Intercostal Spaces

The Space Between Two Ribs


The Surgical Removal of a Lamina in Order to Expose the Contents of the Vertebral Canal or to Repair a Herniated Intervertebral Disc

Inguinal Ligament

The Thick Inferior Edge of the EO Aponeurosis. An Important Land-mark in the "Groin"

Suprasternal Notch

The Top Notch on the Sternum

Occiptial Belly of the Occipitofrontalis

Muscle on the Skin in the Back of the Head


Name this Feature

Neck of the Rib

Name this Feature


Names these Bones

Ethmoid Bone


Superior Articular Processes

Note the Facets for Articulation With the Vertebrae Above

Inferior Articular Processes

Note the Facets for Articulation With the Vertebrae Below

Mastoid Fontanelle

On the Mastoid Process

The Greater Horn of the Hyoid Bone


Frontal Sinuses

Paired-But Rarely of Equal Size

Piriformis Muscle

Passe Through the Greater Sciatic Notch to Attach on the Greater Trochanter

Superior Tibiofibular

Plane Joint Head of Fibula and Lateral Condyle of Tibia

Costovertebral Joint

Plane Joint Head of Rib and Body of Vertebra


Plane Joint Superior and Inferior Articulating Process of Adjacent Vertebrae

Subtalar Joint

Plane Joint Talus and Calcaneus

Supinator Muscle

Wraps Around the Upper Radius - Find it Next to Its Antagonist = The Pronator Teres

Costal Groove

Protects Vessels and Nerves

Orbicularis Oris

Pucker Up!

Trochlea of the Humerous

Pulley. Looks Like an Hour Glass

Linea Aspera

Raised. Latin = Rough Line

Transverse Part of the Trapezius

Retracts the Scapula

Sphenoid Fontanelle

Right Behind the Orbital on the Temporal Bone

Hard Palate

Roof of the Mouth (Both Parts)

Calcaneus Bone

The "Heel Bone"


The "Point" of the Elbow

Sartorius Muscle

The "Tailor's Muscle" - Longest Muscle in the Body

Cruciate and Collateral Ligament Tears

The ACL is the Most Commonly Damages by Sudden Twisting or Change in Body Direction While the Knee is Planted on the Floor

Angle of the Mandible

The Corner of Your Jaw Where Your Mandible Curves Up

Supraorbital Notch

The Grove Above the Orbital

Trochlear Notch

The Icecream Scoop Itself

Deltoid Tuberosity

Deltoid Muscle Attaches Here

Ascending Part of the Trapezius

Depresses the Scapula

Supraspinous Fossa

Depression Above the Spin

Prolapsed Disc

Deviation of the Nucleus Pulposus Due to Degeneration of the Annulus Fibrosus, Often in the Lumbar Region. A Rupture of the Annulus Leads to a Bulging of the Nucleus Pulposus Usually int eh Posterior and Lateral Direction Where it can Compress Nerves Leaving the Spinal Cord


Elevates and Retracts the Mandible


Elevates the Mandible - Clenches the Teeth

Descending Part of the Trapezius

Elevates the Scapula


End Projection of the Spine of Scapula

Facets for Ribs on Bodies and Transverse Processes

Facets are Smooth Surfaces Where Bones Meet

Nuchal Lines

Faint Lines from That from the Foreman Magnum

Gluteus Minimus Muscle

Fan Like Muscle Underneath the Gluteus Medius

Iliacus Muscle

Fills the Iliac Fossa


Fills the Infraspinous Fossa. Rotates the Humerus Outward


Fills the Subscapula Fossa. Rotates the Humerus Inward


Fills the Supraspinous Fossa. Abducts the Humerus

Acromial End of the Clavicle

Flat End

Radial Notch

Flat Indentation Right Next to the Coronoid Process of the Ulna

Flexor Pollicis Longus

Flexion Bends the Thumb Down in Front of the Palm

Gluteal Tuberosity

For Attachment of Gluteus Maximus

Quadriceps Femoris Muscle

Four Proximal Attachments. The Four Heads Unite into One Muscle Just Above the Patella


From Shoulder to the Hyoid Bone

Sacral Hiatus

From the Bottom Up

Zygomatic Process of the Temporal Bone

From the Temporal Bone to the Zygomatic Arch

Anterior Cranial Fossa


Frontal Bone


Greater Tubercle of the Humerus

Greater is Above and Bigger

Intercondylar Fossa

Groves Between the Condyles

Head of the Metacarpals

Head is Distal

Talocrural Joint

Hinge Joint Distal Tibia, Medial, and Lateral malleoli, and Trochlea of Talus


Hinge Joints Between Proximal, Intermediate, and Distal Phanges

Temporomandibular Joint

Hinge and Plane Joint

Ischium Bone

Hip Bone

Pelvic Girdle

Hip Bone

Pubis Bone

Hip Bone

Hypoglossal Canal

Hole Passing Through the Hypoglossal Bore

Body of the Ilium

In the Acetabulum

Body of the Ischium

In the Acetabulum

Shoulder Separation

Injury in Which the Clavicle Separates from the Scapula at the Acromionclavicular Joint (Also Called an AC Separation). Usually Caused by a Fall on the Acromion.

Nucleus Pulposus

Inner Ring

Palmaris Longis

Inserts into the Tissues of the Palm - Not into Bones. About 20% of Folks Don't Have One (Blue in the Picture)

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

Inserts on the Distal Phalanges of the Medial Four Digits (Underneath Flexor Digitorum Superficialis)

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

Inserts on the Middle Phalanges of the Medial Four Digits. Controls Slight Motions of Fingers (Under the Superficial Layer)

Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus

Medial Bump Towards the Humerous

Medial Condyles of the Femur

Medial Condyle Same side as Head

Medial Plate of the Pterygoid Process

Medial Towards the Center

Orbital Plate

Medial Wall of Orbit

Medial Condyles of the Tibia Bone

Medial is Towards the Middle

LeFort Fracture

Mid-face Fractures that Involve the Maxilla, Ethmoid, Sphenoid, and Nasal Bones

Middle Cranial Fossa



Modified Ball and Socket Joint Sternal End of Clavicle and Manubrium of Sternum

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Most Common Cause of Knee Pain in the Adolescent

Torn Menisucs

Most Common Knee Injurty

Posterior Sacral Foramina

Mostly Load Bearing

Psoas major Muscle

Muscle of the Joints

Body of the Vertebrea

Name Structure 1

Distal Phalanges

Name These Bones

Middle Phalanges

Name These Bones

Proximal Phalanges

Name These Bones

Inferior Notch of the Vertebrae

Name This Feature

Tarsal Bones (7)

Name these Bones and How Many

False Ribs (8-12)

Name these Bones and Which Ones

Floating Ribs (11,12)

Name these Bones and Which Ones

True Ribs (1-7)

Name these Bones and Which Ones

Atlas (C1)

Name this Bone

Axis (C2)

Name this Bone

Capitate (7)

Name this Bone

Fibula Bone

Name this Bone

Hamate (8)

Name this Bone

Ischiopubic Rami

Name this Bone

Lunate (2)

Name this Bone

Pisiform (4)

Name this Bone

Radius (Thumb) Bone

Name this Bone

Sacrum Bone

Name this Bone

Scaphoid (1)

Name this Bone

Tibia Bone

Name this Bone

Trapezium (5)

Name this Bone

Triquetrum (3)

Name this Bone

Ulna Bone

Name this Bone

Trapezoid (6)

Name this Bone (6)

Coccyx Bone

Name this Bone Tail Bone (3-5 Partially fused Vertebrae)

Metacarpals Bone

Name this Bones

Body of the Sternum

Name this Feature

Head of the Fibula Bone

Name this Feature


Name this Feature

Pelvic Brim

Name this Feature

Spine of Scapula

Name this Feature

Spinous Process

Name this Feature

Superior Notch of the Vertebrae

Name this Feature

Transverse Process

Name this Feature

Bifid Spinous Process

Name this General Feature


Name this General Feature

Transverse Foramina

Name this General Feature

Foramen Ovale

Name this Hole

Foramen Rotundrum

Name this Hole

Foramen Spinosum

Name this Hole


Name this Muscles

Cervical Vertebrae (7)

Name this Vertebrae and How Many

Esophageal Hiatus

Names this Aperture

Femur Bone

Names this Bone

Greater Palatine Foramen

Near the Upper Molar Teeth

Medial Head of the Triceps Brachii

Not Really Medial - A Better Names is "Deeper Head"

Posterior Superior Iliac Spine

On the Back Higher Points of the Ala of the Ilium

Lesser Sciatic Notch

On the Back that Makes the Bottom of the Butterfly Notch

Greater Sciatic Notch

On the Back that Makes the Top of the Butterfly Notch

Flexor Carpi Radialis

One of the Two Prime Flexors of the Wrist (Green in the Picture)

Superior Thoracic Apeture

Open: Connects Thoracic Cavity to Neck

Coracoid Process of the Scapula

Opposite Process of the Spine of Scapula

Medial Border of the Scapula

Opposite Side Where Your Arm Connects

Annulus Fibrosis

Outer Ring

Lateral Malleolus

Palpable on the Lateral Ankle

Horizontal Plate of the Palatine Bone

Part of the Hard Palate. Back (1/3)

Tibial Tuberosity

Patellar Ligament Attaches Here

Patellofemoral Joint

Patellar Surface of Femur with Articular Surfaces of Patella Lateral Collateral Ligament

Petrous Portion

Pinched Up Ridge Between the Posterior and Middle Cranial Fossa (Contains The Ear Organs the Control Hearing and Balance)

Distal Radioulnar

Pivot Joint Distal Radius and Head of Ulna

Proximal Radioulnar Joint

Pivot Joint Head of Radius and Radial Notch of Ulna


Plane Joint Acromial End of Clavicle and Acromion. Shoulder Separation Occurs Here


Plane Joint Articular Surfaces of Carpal Bones


Plane Joint Articular Surfaces of Lateral sacrum and Medial Ilium


Plane Joint Distal Row of Tarsal Bones and Bases of Metatarsals

Pubic Tubercle

Bony Bumps on the Top of the Body of Pubis

Sphenoid Bone

Butterfly Bone

Mandibular Foramen

Internal Surface of Mandible

Maxillofacial Fractures

Involve the Bones of the Viscerocranium. They Most Often Result from Blunt Injuries Such as Motor Vehicle Accidents, Bar Fights, Sports Trauma, Occupational Injuries, and Falls

Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle

It Tendon is Separated From the EP Brevis by the "Anatomical Snuffbox"


It is the Socket

Extensor Pollicis Brevis Muscle

Its Tendon is Right Next to the Abductor

Foramen Lacerum

Jagged Edge

Patella Bone

Knee Cap

Condyle of the Humerus

Knuckle. Entire Bottom Portion of the Bone

Palatine Bone

L-Shaped Bones

Sternal Angle

Landmark Indicating Attachment of 2nd Ribs

Gluteus Maximus Muscle

Largest Single Muscle in the Body

Transversus Abdominis

Last Layer Fascicles Run Horizontally

Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus

Lateral Bump Away from the Humerous

Lateral Condyle of the Femur

Lateral Opposite Side of the Head

Lateral Plate of the Pterygoid Process

Lateral Towards the Outside

Perpendicular Plate of the Palatine Bone

Lateral Wall of Your Nasal Cavity that Goes Up into Your Skull

Navicular Bone

Latin: Ship Directly Ahead of the Talus

Lesser Tubercles of the Humerus

Lesser is Below and Smaller

Costal Cartilage

Made of Hyaline Cartilage

Shaft (Body) of the Radius

Main Part

Shaft (Body) of the Femur

Main Part of Bone

Shaft (Body) of the Metacarpals

Main Part of Bone

Shaft (Body) of the Humerous

Main Part of the Bone

Shaft (Body) of the Tibia Bone

Main Part of the Bone

Shaft of the Ulna

Main Part of the Bone

Medial Malleolus

Malleolus = Hammer. Easily Palpable on the Medial Ankle

Cranial Cavity

Contains the Brain

Caval Opening

Contains the Inferior Vena Cava

Rectus Sheaths

Covers the Six Pack

Cuboid Bones

Cuneiform = Wedge-Shaped

Ulnar Styloid Process

Projection off the Ulna

Lateral Head of the Triceps Brachii

Prominent in Bodybuilders

Carotid Canal

Put a Pipe Cleaner into the Canal

Neck of the Radius

Right Under the Head

Head of Humerus

Round Feature on the Top of the Humerus

Mastoid Process of the Temporal Bone

Round Projection on the Temporal Bone Behind the Ear

Zygomaticus Major


Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb

Saddle Joint

Serratus Anterior

Saw. Think of the Teeth is a Saw. Attaches the Medial Border of the Scapula to the Ribs

Bony Nasal Septum

Splits the Nasal Cavity into Two Parts

Rotator Cuff

Stabilize the Large Head of the Humerus

Carpal Bones

Start Under Thumb

Ligamentum Flavum

Sticking Out of the Back. Number 3

Xiphoid Process of the Sternum


Intervertrebral Joint

Symphysis Bodies of Adjacent Vertebrae Joined by Intervertebral Disc

Pubic Symphysis

Symphysuis Bodies of Pubic Bones

Vertebral Column Ligaments

Syndesmoses Provide Stability for the Vertebral Column as a Whole

Inferior Tibiofibular Joint

Syndesmosis Distal Tibia and Fibula


Tenses the Skin of the Neck

Teres Major

Teres = Round and Long

Broken Hip

Term Used for a Fracture of the Femur at the Hip Joint.


The "Breast Bone"


The "Eye Sockets"

Tuberosity of Calcaneus Bone

The Achilles Tendon Attaches Here

Linea Terminalis of Hip Bones

The Anterior 80% Linea Terminals

The Greater Wing

The Anterior Curvature of the Middle Cranial Fossa

Coronoid Process of the Mandible

The Anterior Projection on the Mandible

Ramus of the Mandible

The Area Above the Angle of the Mandible

Opening of the Carotid Canal

The Area Around the Carotid Canal

The Body of the Mandible

The Area Where Your Chin is

Head of the Femur

The Ball that Fits into the Acetabulum

Sacral Kyphosis

The Bending at the Sacrum

Thoracic Kyphosis

The Bending at the Thoracic Vertebrae


The Biceps is the Glamour Muscle - But the Brachialis is the "Work Horse" of Forearm Flexion

Foramen Magnum

The Big Hole

Lumbar Vertebrae (5)

The Biggest and How Many

Posterior Abdominal Wall Muscle

The Bones and Muscles of the PAW Make it More Rigid Than the Anterior Abdominal Wall. Compare the Two Abdominal Walls for Yourself

Ischial Spine

The Bony Feature

Supraorbital Margin

The Border Above Your Eyes

Ramus of the Ischium

The Bottom 45% of Obturator Foramen

Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine

The Bottom Part on the Ala of the Ilium and the Sacrum

Infraorbital Margin

The Bottom Portion of the Orbital

External Occipital Protuberance

The Bump

Radial Tuberosity

The Bump Just Below the Neck

Lateral Epicondyles

The Bumps Above the Condyles

Medial Epicodyles

The Bumps Above the Condyles

Zygomatic Bone

The Cheek Bone

Intercondylar Eminence

The Cruciate Ligaments Attach Anterior and Posterior to the Eminence

Cervical Lordosis

The Curvature at the Cervical Vertebrae

Lumbar Lordosis

The Curvature at the Lumbar Vertebrae

Mandibular Notch

The Curve In between the Anterior and Posterior Processes

External Acoustic Meatus

The Ear Hole

Iliotibial Tract

The Fascia Latae Along the Lateral thigh Reinforces with Many Vertical Bands of Collagen

Spinal Fusion

The Grafting of New Bone-forming Cells Between the Bodies of Adjacent Vertebrae After Damaged Intervertebral Discs have been Removed

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

The High Points on the End on the Ala of the Ilium

Supraorbital Foramen

The Hole Above the Orbital

Infraorbital Foramen

The Hole Below the Eye

Stylomastoid Foramen

The Hole Between the Styloid and Mastoid Process

Optic Canal

The Hole in the Back of the Orbital Cavity

Mental Foramen

The Hole in the Body of the Mandible

Cribriform Foramina

The Holes Inside the Cribriform Plate

Pterygoid Process

The Legs of the Butterfly

Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

The Ligament in the Vertebral Canal

Anterior Longitudinal Ligament

The Ligament on the Outside

Inferior Orbital Fissure

The Lower Crack in the Back of the Orbital Cavity that is Underneath the Superior Orbital Fissure

Central Tendon

The Muscle Fibers of the Diaphragm All Converge on the Central Tendon

Broken Back

The Name Given for Compressed or Fractured Vertebral Bodies. This is Potentially Dangerous to the Spinal Cord Withing the Vertebral Canal.

Long Head of the Triceps Brachii

The Only Head that Attaches to the Scapula

Rectus Femoris Muscle

The Only Part of the "Quads" That Crosses the Hip Joint

Pelvic Inlet

The Plane Between the Greater Pelvis and Less Pelvis-the Bony Edge of the Plane is Defined by the Pelvic Brim. In Females, a Fetus Must Pass Through the Pelvic Inlet During the First Stage of Labor

Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine

The Points Below the Anterior Superior Iliac Spin

Sacral Promontory

The Posterior 20%

Condylar Process of the Mandible

The Posterior Process that has a Knuckle Like Head

Middle Conchae

The Project into the Nasal Cavity

Temporal Process of the Zygomatic Bone

The Projection that Points Towards the Temporal Bone

Rib Resection

The Removal of Part of a Rib in Order to Gain Surgical Access to the Thoracic Cavity. If the Bone Periosteum is Left Behind, the Rib can Regenerate

The Lesser Wing

The Ridge on Top of the Greater Wing

Iliac Crest

The Ridge on the Ala of the Ilium

Sacral Promontory

The Ridge on the Anterior

Sella Turcica

The Saddle (Pituitary Gland Sits Here)

Inferior Pubic Ramus

The Side of the Obturator Foramen Split by a Line

Temporal Bones

The Side of the Skull

Mandible Bone

The Single that Makes Up the Lower Jaw

Lesser Trochanter

The Small Bump Under the Head

Intervertebral Foramina

The Space Through Two Vertebrae

Vertebral Canal

The Space Through the Vertebrae

Cribriform Plate

The Sponge Bone Structure

Maxilla Bone

The Upper Jaw

Superior Orbital Fissure

The Whole Crack in the Back of the Orbital Cavity that is Next to the Optic Canal

Ala of the Ilium

The Wing Like Structure

Sesamoid Bone

These Develop in Muscle Tendons. (What the Patella is Made of)


These Muscles Depress the Hyoid Bone After it has been Raised


These Muscles Depress the Hyoid Bone After it has been Raised


These Muscles Depress the Hyoid Bone After it has been Raised

Anterior Belly of the Digastric Muscle

These Muscles Elevate the Hyoid Bone When You Swallow

The Head of the Mandible

This Articulates with the Temporal Bone

Opening for the Nasolacrimal Duct

This Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes

Posterior Fontanelle

This is in the Back of the Skull

Triceps Brachii

Three Origins

Unhappy Triad

Three Structures are Damaged Simultaneously: ACL, Medial Collateral, and Medial Meniscus

Orientation of the Pelvic Skeleton

Tilted Forward is Approximately 30 Degrees


To Move Your Palm Up to Carry Soup


To Turn Your Palm Down to Type or Dribble a Basketball

Talus Bone

Top Bone

Pectoralis Major

Top Lay (BIG)

Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle

Tough Dense Connective Tissue that Surrounds the Muscles of the Thigh

Superior Belly of the Omohyoid

Towards the Neck

Inferior Belly of the Omohyoid

Towards the Shoulder

Parietal Bones

Two Halves of the Skull

Biceps Brachii

Two Origins

Vertebra Prominens (C7)

Typically, the First Spinous Process You can Feel in the Back of Your Neck

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle

Under Brachioradialis

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Muscle

Under Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Neck of the Femur

Under the Head

Lateral Border of the Scapula

Under the Point Where Your Arm Connects

Superior Pubic Ramus

Upper Part of the Obturator Foramen

Costal Margins

Upside Down V

Lambdoidal Suture

Upside Down V

Tendinous Intersections

Usually Three - They Break the Muscle into Segments and Form the "Six Pack"

Angle of the Rib

Weakest Part of a Rib = Fracture

The Mandibular Fossa

When the Mandible Attaches to the Skull and Creates a Joint

Zygomatic Arch

Where One Highlights

Lacrimal Bones

Where Your Tear Ducts Are

Dental Alveoli of the Mandible

Where Your Teeth Fit into Your Mandible

Coronal Suture

Where a Crown Sits

Glenoid Cavity

Where the Ball and Socket Meet

Body of Pubis

Where the Rami Meet

Thoracic Vertebrae (12)

Where the Ribs Attach and How Many

Sacral Canal

Where the Spinal Canal goes Through the Sacrum

Dental Alveoli of the Maxilla Bone

Where the Teeth Go on the Upper Jaw

Linea Alba

White Line

Pronator Teres

White Shiny Band

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

With the Radialis - A Wrist Flexor (Red in the Picture)

Ischial Tuberosity

You Sit on This Everyday

Coronoid Process of the Ulna

Point Part on the Bottom of the Icecream Scoop

Inferior Angle of the Scapula

Point at the Bottom

Lumbar Part of the Diaphragm

Posterior Portion

Inferior Nasal Conchae

Project into Nasal Cavity

Gluteus Medius Muscle

Smaller and Underneath the Gluteus Maxiums Muscle

Thoracic Wall

These are Muscles of the Rib Cage

Abductor Pollicis Longus Muscle

Abduction Takes the Thumb Away From the Palm at a Right Angle

Greater Pelvis (False Pelvis)

Above the Pelvic Brim; Between the Alae of the Hip Bones

Carpometacarpal Joint

All are Plane Joints Except 1st CMP Distal Row of Carpal Bones and Base of Metacarpals

Adductor Tubercle

Atop the Medial Condyle

Long Head of the Biceps Brachii

Attaches Above the Glenoid Fossa - Actually Passes Through the Shoulder Joint Cavity

Anterior Scalene Muscle

Attaches Ribs 1 and 2 to the Vertebral Column. Landmarks for Nerves to the Upper Limb

Middle Scalene Muscle

Attaches Ribs 1 and 2 to the Vertebral Column. Landmarks for Nerves to the Upper Limb

Posterior Scalene Muscle

Attaches Ribs 1 and 2 to the Vertebral Column. Landmarks for Nerves to the Upper Limb

Rhomboids Minor

Attaches the Scapula to the Vertebral Column. Minor is Superior to Major

Head of the Rib

Attaches to Facets on Vertebral Bodies

Frontal Belly of the Occipitofrontalis

Attaches to and Moves the Scalp. In the Forehead. Surprise!!!

Quadratus Femoris Muscle

Attaches to the Ischial Tuberosity and Greater Trochanter - Lateral Rotator of the Hip Joint

Extensor Digitorum Muscle

Attaches to the Posterior Side of the the Phalanges of the Lateral Four Fingers

Short Head of the Biceps Brachii

Attaches wit the Coracobrachialis


Attachments are in the Name


Attachments are in the Name. If this Muscle Doesn't Turn Your Head Nothing Will ;)

Illiopsoas Muscle

Composite Muscle Just Below the Inguinal Ligament - Prime Flexor of the Hip


Compresses Your Cheeks so Your Food Stays in Your Mouth


Condition in Which the Articulating Surfaces of Bones Within Joints are Forced Out of Their Normal Positions. A Subluxation is a Partial Dislocation

Tibiofemoral Joints

Condyles of Femur and Condyles of Tibia Medial Collateral Ligament


Condyloid Joint Distal Radius and Scaphoid, Lunate, and Triquetrum


Condyloid Joint Heads of Metacarpals and Proximal Phalanges


Condyloid Joints Heads of Metatarsals and Proximal Phalanges

The Body of the Maxilla Bone

Contains a Large Air Sinus

External Intercostals

Slant Downward and Forward Between Ribs

Internal Intercostals

Slant Downward and Outward. Depress Ribs when You Forcefully Breathe Out

External Oblique

Slants Same Direction as External Intercostals

Internal Oblique

Slants Same Direction as Internal Intercostal. Under the External Oblique

Patellar Surface

Smooth Region Your Knee Cap Sits on

Quadratus Lamborum Muscle

Spans the Gap Between the 12th Rib and the Iliac Crest

Olecranon Fossa

Big Depression on the Posterior Side

Piriform Aperture

2D Space

Nasal Cavity

3D Space


Makes Up Part of the Bony Nasal Septum

Palatine Process

Smooth Part of the Hard Palate (Front 2/3)

Female Bony Pelvis

1. Bones are Thin 2. Greater Pelvis: Shallow 3. Lesser Pelvis: Wide and Cylindrical

Cranial Base

3 Parts

Anterior Sacral Foramina

5 Fused Vertebrae

Head of the Ulna

At the Distal End

Radial Styloid Process

At the Distal End. Feel It in Your Wrist

Head of the Radius

At the Proximal End

Tripod Fracture

A Three-sided Fracture that Occurs Where the Zygomatic Bone Attaches to the Frontal Bone, Maxilla, and Zygomatic Arch


A "Double-Domed" Musculotendinous Sheet That Separates the Thoracic and Abdominal Cavities. Things that Pass Between the Two Cavities Penetrate the Diaphragm

Spina Bifida

A Defect in the Vertebral Column Marked by an Absence of the Vertebral Arches, Through Which the Spinal Cord and/or Its Protective Covering may Protrude


A Disease of Bones in Which Bone Mineral Density is Reduced in Bone Tissue; this Produces Changes in the Microanatomy of Bones, Weakens the Bones, and Increases the Risk of Fractures; it occurs in Postmenopausal women and Elderly Men

Aortic Hiatus

A Gap or Aperture


A Line of Soldiers

Coracoclavicular Ligaments

A Major Stabilizer of Acromioclavicular Joint and Supports the Scapula and Entire Upper Limp

Styloid Process of the Temporal Bone

A Sharp Projection on the Temporal Bone

Trochlea of Talus Bone

Also called the "Dome" - Articulates With the Tibia at the Talocrural Joint


An Abnormal Lateral (Side-to-Side) Curvature of the Vertebral Column

Median Sternotomy

An Incision Through the Midline of the Sternum Allowing Surgical Access to the Organs in the Thoracic Cavity


An Increase in the Curve of the Lumbar Spine. An Exaggerated Lordosis in the Lumbar Region Juts the Buttocks Posteriorly and Produces a "Sway Back" or "Saddle Back". Can be Due to Obesity or Muscular Problems in the Hip Region


An Increase in the Curve of the Thoracic Spine. An Exaggerated Kyphosis in the Thoracic Region Produces Rounded Shoulders and a "Hump Back". Can be Caused by Poor Posture, Disc Problems, or Osteoporosis

Sternocostal Part of the Diaphragm

Anterior Portion

Nasal Bone Fracture

Are Most Common Maxillofacial Fractures

Occipital Bone


Posterior Cranial Fossa


Hip Joint

Ball and Socket Acetabulum and Head of Femur


Ball and Socket Glenoid Cavity of Scapula and Head of Humerus

Base of the Metacarpals

Base is Proximal

Incisive Fossa

Behind the Upper Incisor Teeth

Infratemporal Fossa

Behind the Zygomatic Arch

Infraspinous Fossa

Below Depression of the Spin of Scapula

Patellar Ligament

Below the Patella

Lesser Pelvis (True Pelvis)

Below the Pelvic Brim. Contains the Pelvic Cavity

Pubic Arch

Between the Left and Right Ischiopubic Rami (Ramus of Ischium and Inferior Pubic Ramus)

Crista Galli

Cock's Comb

Lateral Menisucs

Caraligistic Disc

Medial Meniscus

Caraligistic Disc

Ankle Sprains

Caused by Excessive Stretching or Tearing of ligaments Associated with the Talocrural Joint. They Most Always Result from an Inversion Injury. The Ligaments on the Lateral Side are Weaker. Most Ankle Sprains Occur there and the most Commonly Injured Ligament is the Anterior Talofibular Ligament

Pectoral Regions


Obturator Foramen

Closed by a Membrane in the Living Person

Inferior Thoracic Apeture

Closed by the Diaphragm

Orbicularis Oculi

Closes the Eyelids

Pronator Quadratus

Shape and Action are in the Name. Extensors and Supinators - Many of these Muscles have a Common Origin

Scapula Bone

Shoulder Blade

Lateral Pterygoid

Side-to-side Grinding. Attach to the Pterygoid Plates of the Sphenoid Bone

Medial Pterygoid

Side-to-side Grinding. Attach to the Pterygoid Plates of the Sphenoid Bone

Calvaria Bone

Skull Cap


Strong Flat Tendons

Intervertebral Disc

Structure Between Vertebrae

Interpubic Disc

Structure in the Pubic Made of Fibrocartilage


Supports the Floor of the Mouth. It is also Right Under the Anterior Belly of the Digastric Muscle

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